Description of the Jack Russell Terrier breed and detailed characteristics

Jack Russell Terrier

  • Fact:
    A common purpose in hunting is to penetrate fox holes (to drive the fox out of it)
  • Fact 2:
    They hunt badgers, hares, and water rats with it
  • Fact 3:
    I use it with hounds, it perfectly “keeps” the deer’s track
  • Fact 4:
    These terriers sometimes live up to 16 years, on average 12-14 years

Jack Russell Terrier dogs were developed in Great Britain about 200 years ago. The breed was created exclusively for hunting. In a general pack of dogs, these small, hardy dogs helped drive in prey, and most importantly, they pulled out or drove foxes and badgers out of their holes.

The Jack Russell is still used as an excellent burrow hunter, as well as a rat catcher on the farm. In hunting rats, he is almost as dexterous as a cat, and his strong teeth and fearlessness allow him to destroy such large rats that a cat simply cannot cope with.

However, recently more and more people are taking Russells as companions - the cheerful character, insight and intelligence of these four-legged animals make them excellent companions with whom it is fun and pleasant to spend time.

The appearance of the Jack Russell terrier breed is associated with the name of the English priest Jack (John) Russell, who was a great fan of hunting burrow animals. John kept several dogs, and one day acquired a female that belonged to one of the varieties of fox terriers. It was her offspring, obtained from matings with different terriers, that served as the basis for the formation of a new breed. During the selection process, John selected puppies with the best hunting and physical characteristics, the optimal size for fighting the animal in a narrow hole.

Later, breeders practiced crossing Jack Russells with medium-sized dogs of other breeds. The genotype of modern Russell Terriers contains admixtures of the blood of Welsh Corgis, Lakeland Terriers and even bulldogs (this is especially noticeable in black and white Russells) to improve fighting qualities.

Jack Russells are still most popular in their historical homeland. This breed appeared in Russia only in the late nineties, and until now the demand for it cannot be called high.

Brief description of the breed

Mix indefatigable energy, hunting talent, intelligence, and you get a typical Jack Russell Terrier.

They successfully cope with the role of a restless pet.

An active owner with a cheerful disposition can tame such a pet.

These dogs are agile and can jump up to five times their height. These animals cannot be kept on a leash or in an outdoor enclosure.

Without constant contact with a person, a dog may develop mental problems.

Breed standard

The current FCI standard gives the following characteristics to Jack Russell Terriers:

  1. The skull is flat, tapering slightly from the eyes to the jaw.
  2. The nose is neat, black, with open and well-developed nostrils.
  3. The eyes are small, dark brown, almond-shaped, deep-set.
  4. The ears are mobile, small, hanging on cartilage. Must have V-shaped tips. Jack Russell Terriers have two types of ears: floppy or button ears.
  5. The jaws are powerful with strong teeth and a scissor bite.
  6. The neck is strong and quite long.
  7. The body is oblong.
  8. The back is strong and straight.
  9. The chest is deep and not wide.
  10. Limbs are strong and muscular.
  11. The paws are round, small, straight set, with elastic pads and tightly clenched toes.
  12. The tail is set high, straight or slightly curved towards the head, thick at the base. Can be docked up to 13 cm in such a way that the remaining part is kept straight.

This is interesting! The length of the docked tail when excited should be equal to the height of the dog's ears.

  1. Based on the type of coat, the following varieties of the breed are distinguished: smooth-haired, wire-haired and intermediate (in English - broken, that is, broken).
  2. Color – white with multi-colored spots.

Origin story

This relatively young breed originated in Devonshire, Great Britain, in the early eighteenth century.

The four-legged fidgets were the result of Pastor Jack Russell's passion for fox hunting..

He sought to breed a dog that could flawlessly track and drive an animal out of its hole. The pastor carried out numerous crossings of Fox Terriers with small Bull Terriers, Lakeland Terriers and Border Terriers.

The emphasis was on breeding and improving hunting qualities.

Pastor's terriers quickly gained popularity, and their owner became respected in hunting circles. At the beginning of the twentieth century, representatives of the breed appeared in Australia.

It was in Australia that the first Jack Russell Terrier club was organized in 1972 . The breed received recognition from the Federation Cynologique Internationale thirty years later.

Hunting as the main hobby

What did respectable gentlemen do in Foggy Albion in the 17th-19th centuries? They played games of chance, discussed political issues with friends over a cup of coffee, went to clubs, and courted ladies. What did farmers from the outskirts of London, Birmingham, Leeds do besides cultivating the land and caring for livestock? Both the first and second had the habit of hunting. This process turned into a noisy event, to which sometimes even women were taken. A simple, accessible and exciting activity for many became the main hobby in life.

Most often, hunters went after foxes, badgers, hares, deer, raccoons and birds. Greyhounds, deerhounds, whippets, beagles, retrievers, basset hounds, and cocker spaniels were used especially for this fun. Initially, hunting was a necessity of life; with its help, farmers could control the population of foxes, which would clean out chicken coops. Gradually it turned into a tradition, which every year became more and more deeply rooted in English history.

Parfors hunting has become incredibly popular in Great Britain - one of the types of hunting with hounds that drive a predator (usually foxes) to exhaustion. Only small, nimble and very intelligent terriers could do what neither a cavalcade of horsemen nor a line of foxhounds were capable of. They could fish out a fox that had made a desperate leap into a hole, thereby dramatically increasing their chances of survival.

Terriers were most often companions to other hunting dogs that worked together for a common goal. Beginning in 1859, a craze for dog shows began in England. The owners of four-legged pets tried to prove that their pets were the most beautiful, well-groomed and obedient. Because of such intense interest, it was decided to open a special club dedicated to compiling breed standards. The founder and main activist of the organization was priest Jack Russell.

By that time, many of the breeds began to change rapidly: beautiful dogs were needed for exhibitions. The new anatomy often prevented the pets from performing the functions for which they were originally bred. For terriers, this was fox hunting and the destruction of hordes of rats on farms, in barns and even in ship holds.

Smooth-haired terriers were especially popular with the public. Fans of hunting were only annoyed by newfangled trends, because for them the main thing was the speed, endurance, intelligence of dogs and other “working” qualities. Jack Russell also bred similar wire-haired terriers, which had excellent skills for burrow hunting. Although he often took part in organizing exhibitions, the priest never showed his dogs to a wider audience.

Character traits

The Jack Russell Terrier has a rather complex character and irrepressible energy.

He is stubborn, cunning, determined, fearless.

At the same time, he is active, cheerful, playful and mobile. These dogs are constantly on the move and love to jump. The fence will not be an obstacle for them.

Their jumping ability earned them the nickname “flying dogs.”

Although today they have become companion dogs, they were bred as a hunting breed.

Animals have an excellent sense of smell and hearing, and high performance. Jack Russell Terriers require constant exercise and training.

According to the breeders, these babies are not suitable for phlegmatic people and elderly people . This dog will not sleep quietly on a pillow. Raising such four-legged animals will require daily hard work. The Jack Russell Terrier quickly learns to manipulate its owner and will not leave until they play with it. Dogs of this breed cannot stand being alone.

How to choose a puppy

If you decide to get Jack Russell Terrier puppies, beware of scammers who can sell you a sick or “culled” dog for a lot of money. Contact the breeders directly .

Due to their excessive activity and stubborn nature, dogs of this species are sometimes returned back to the breeder or given to a shelter. You can adopt such a dog from a shelter for free. There is a danger when adopting an adult dog: due to improper upbringing and proper care, it can develop neurosis, so you cannot avoid problems and additional work with it in the future.

What to look for when choosing a puppy

This is an expensive dog breed, so please purchase responsibly. Don't forget to check your medical record and availability of required vaccinations . You can contact the veterinarian together with the breeder for an examination. Experts advise not to adopt a terrier less than two months old. Ask for documents not only for the puppy, but also for its parents , so you will be convinced of the veracity of its pedigree.

Puppy cost

The cost of a puppy varies from 12,000 to 60,000 rubles . The price depends on the exterior and pedigree. Show-class (exhibition) puppies are much more expensive than pet-class.

By choosing a Jack Russell Terrier, you will find a true friend, a loyal comrade and a cheerful companion with whom you will have fun. With a dog of this breed you will never get bored, and your life will sparkle with new colors.

Advantages and disadvantages

A potential owner of a Jack Russell Terrier needs to prepare not only for an active pastime, but also for some not very pleasant features of keeping this breed.

Cons of content:

  • when left alone for a long time, the dog begins to spoil things,
  • due to the hunting instinct, he may chase a cat or pigeon while walking,
  • this four-legged animal regularly requires maximum physical activity,
  • quite aggressive with males of other breeds,
  • digs holes wherever possible,
  • sheds profusely.

The advantages of Jack Russell Terriers more than compensate for minor inconveniences.

These dogs are involved in therapy dogs. It is also called canistherapy. Bouncing babies help in the treatment of autism and help get rid of depression.

Positive aspects of the breed:

  • high level of intelligence,
  • gullibility, quickly make contact,
  • cheerfulness and artistry,
  • well developed hunting instinct,
  • funny appearance,
  • endurance, good health,
  • pick up commands on the fly,
  • playfulness.

Positive and negative characteristics

The Jack Russell Terrier is one of the dog breeds about which it is impossible to say for sure whether it is good or bad. It has multiple pros and cons.


According to reviews, the Jack Russell Terrier has a number of positive advantages, namely psychological and physiological. These dogs:

  1. They are sociable and get along easily with all family members.
  2. They get along with children and will never offend them without reason.
  3. They are not jealous and will not share the owner’s love.
  4. They love active games and are tireless in this matter.
  5. They are inquisitive, smart and resourceful, and happily complete assigned tasks.
  6. Jack Russell Terriers are highly trainable and well behaved.
  7. Remarkable guards and defenders, despite their small size, do not know the feeling of fear.
  8. Easy to care for and maintain, suitable for apartment living.
  9. Excellent hunters of burrowing animals.
  10. They have excellent health.

There is one controversial point - the hyperreactivity and reckless courage of Jack Russell Terriers is a positive quality for some, but a purely negative quality for others.


When choosing this breed for yourself, you should keep in mind that Jack Russells inherited with their mother’s milk those qualities that may seem negative to many people:

  1. Being natural hunters, Jack Russell Terriers are too reckless and risky, and therefore walking them without a leash can bring many problems. In comparison with Dachshunds, Beagles and Fox Terriers, the Jack Russell (due to its unpredictability) will always come first.
  2. They love to dig and their constant digging can drive gardeners and gardeners crazy.
  3. They are trusting of strangers and easily make close contact, especially in adolescence. They leave with strangers.
  4. Sometimes intrusive and demanding.
  5. They know how to manipulate a person in order to achieve the fulfillment of their desires, and, having not achieved them, they are capable of cunning, tricks and dirty tricks.
  6. They need long and active walking.
  7. Capable of displaying aggression, they will never let anyone offend them.
  8. Losing energy or boredom can turn an apartment into ruins.
  9. They bark loudly and loudly, sometimes even for the slightest reason.
  10. They shed almost all year round, regardless of coat length. This is especially pronounced in a city apartment, where there is dry air.

Main types

During the development of the breed, two intra-breed types emerged - the Parson Russell Terrier and the Jack Russell Terrier.

They differ in the height of their paws. Parsons look more proportional than Jacks with short legs.

The first type was popular in the Old World, and the second type began to be actively bred in Australia. In 2001, the breeds were separated.

There are several varieties of Jack Russell Terriers based on the texture and appearance of their coat.:

  • Smooth-haired. Representatives of the breed are also called shorthaired. In dogs of this species, the coat has a pleasant, soft structure and fits tightly to the body.
  • Wirehaired. Jack Russell Terriers of this type are also called longhaired. Their fur is denser and stiffer, and bristles a little. These are the furriest representatives of the breed. Distinctive features are small eyebrows and a beard.
  • Brockens. Representatives of the species have become an intermediate link between smooth-haired and wire-haired. They are similar to the Wirehaired Jack Russell Terrier, but without the beard or eyebrows.
  • Light Brokens . In Jack Russells of this species, the crease on the guard coat is less pronounced than in Brokens.
  • Rafas . The coat of dogs of this variety develops numerous creases, which makes them more curly.

Jack Russell Terriers come in two color varieties: a white body with brown spots and a white body with black spots. In this case, the spots cover no more than a third of the body.

However, sometimes you can find a pure white Jack Russell, as well as a dog with a solid black color - the latter is considered a breed defect.

brief information

ICF classification3. Terriers
2. Small terriers
Country of originGreat Britain
Weight5-8 kg
Height24-30 cm
WoolSmooth, hard, with a break (broken)
ColorRed, brown and black spots on a white background
Life cycle12-16 years old
Immediate familyParson Russell Terrier

There are three varieties of Jack Russell : smooth-haired, long-haired (wirehaired) and brocken.

Nutritional Features

Dogs have an excellent appetite, so try not to overfeed your pets.

The menu of representatives of this breed can be quite varied.


Lamb and pork should be excluded from it, and you should also not feed your dog sweets.

These dogs are suitable for both dry food and a natural diet.

If you prepare food for your dog yourself, do not forget about vitamin and mineral complexes.

After a year, the dog is fed once a day.


Need for physical activity

If we quantify the parson's need for physical exercise, it will be the maximum possible score - 5. Even a pregnant dog needs to be walked for a couple of hours a day, allowing it to actively run, but without giving additional stress. She must regulate them herself. As an owner, you should be attentive to the condition of the dog. When a pregnant bitch is tired, you need to return her home, carry out all the necessary hygiene procedures and send her to rest.

For breastfeeding mothers, exercise and sun exposure are more important than ever. She will return to her former athletic form, replenish the resources wasted on bearing and giving birth to puppies in order to raise healthy offspring and get back into action again. There is no need to give heavy loads during the period of feeding puppies.

If the mother runs back, trying to return to her children, then do not interfere with her, it is better to organize more trips for the dog outside per day.


There are several recommendations regarding caring for your dog's appearance. Don't let your dog wear a collar all the time. The wool wears off where the belt is. It is imperative to purchase vitamin and mineral supplements for your dog and monitor the health of your dog’s teeth.

The dog must be washed periodically. But not more than once every two months. In addition to special shampoos, you can use tar soap. The dog is very playful, so it is not surprising if it has minor injuries and scratches. Tar soap will heal all microtraumas.

A Parson puppy must have all its vaccinations. If your dog works with you on the hunt, then special vaccinations are also required for frequent contact with wild animals. It is also necessary to keep the issue of worms under control.

Smooth-haired Parsons do not have tangled fur. Brushing can only be done once a week.


Definitely, natural food is more suitable for such a group. A dog can get used to dry food, but it will not bring as much benefit as specially prepared food containing large amounts of protein and carbohydrates.

If your Parson has all the conditions for proper leisure, then do not be afraid of a high-calorie menu for the dog. He will expend enough energy to stay in shape. Fish oil, the fish itself, must have a place in his diet. Dairy products, an outfit with eggs and seasonal berries and fruits - all this will enrich the dog’s cereal breakfasts. Meat products - offal are necessary for the good development of the dog.

It is better to feed your dog twice a day. A teenage puppy eats twice as much as an adult dog because his body grows and gets stronger.

Water – clean and fresh – is a must for a dog. The water plate needs to be refreshed twice a day.

Dog breed Parson Russell Terrier: photo, video, description

Health and illness

Despite their good health, Jack Russell Terriers are susceptible to some hereditary diseases.

Among them:

  • Legg-Perthes disease,
  • hip dysplasia,
  • congenital deafness,
  • collie eye abnormality,
  • ataxia.

It is important to understand that any disease can affect the life expectancy of a pet and the issue of its health must be taken responsibly.

Dimensions and weight

These dogs have a proportional build. The length of the body exceeds the height.

Adult representatives of the breed weigh 6 kilograms.

The height of a male dog at the withers ranges from 25 to 30 centimeters, the height of a female dog is from 23 to 26 centimeters.

There are also mini Jack Russell terriers, which are smaller in size than the usual representatives of the breed.

Read more detailed information about the size and weight of the Jack Russell Terrier here.

Raising a dog

Jack Russell Terriers require education and training from the day they arrive in your home.

Babies are ready to accept commands from the age of 10 weeks.

These dogs are considered intellectuals. They have good memory and intelligence, so they quickly master basic commands.

Training will require strength of character and patience from the owner . The pet can be cunning and evade orders in every possible way. A dog's favorite trick is to catch objects in flight.


For all his love for new tricks, the Parson is difficult to train. He wants to play with you whether you are in a good mood or not. She will demand, and very persistently. And if you don’t want to play with her, then she will simply run away from you, looking for a new owner.

The dog must be kept on a leash throughout its life. But Parsons need movement, and you can’t walk a dog on a leash, it just won’t run. Many Parson Terriers are not happy with being held, the dog is not interested in this.

The Parson Terrier is inclined to follow the path of maximum resistance, that is, if she is prohibited from doing something, she will do it with particular persistence.

Each dog has its own personality and personality. The characteristics of the breed may not coincide in many ways. After all, these are general phrases suitable for any dog ​​of the same breed.

Features of care

The coat of the breed requires care depending on the type.

Those with smooth coats are brushed twice a week using a rubber brush or furminator . Dogs with coarse hair and representatives of the Brocken type are trimmed once every three months.

You can do this yourself or contact a groomer. It is not recommended to cut your pet's hair with a clipper.

Water procedures are carried out twice a year . Frequent bathing can cause dry skin, cause dandruff or allergic reactions.

The coat of this breed is self-cleaning, so after a walk it is enough to wash their paws.

The ears are regularly inspected and wiped with a cotton swab . The eyes are washed daily with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile infusion or boiled water. Teeth are brushed daily with a special brush. Claws are trimmed once a month.

In addition, in cold weather, dogs of this breed need special clothing.

Read more about caring for your Jack Russell here.

True British Jack Russell Terrier: description and characteristics of the breed

The Jack Russell Terrier is one of the breeds that are popular far beyond the borders of their homeland, although they became widely known quite late. After World War II, the number of hunters in Europe fell sharply. Breeds that were adapted solely for chasing or fishing out prey from burrows experienced a period of decline. They began to adapt to a quiet home life, but the needs of hunting dogs still remained very specific. Jack Russell Terriers quite successfully survived such socialization and showed that they get along well next to people even without regular forays for prey. Loyal, inquisitive dogs are easy to train and can become formidable protectors and man's best friends. At one time, heated debates raged among dog handlers over the length of dogs' legs. They led to the fact that the standard was divided into two breeds:

  • Jack Russell Terrier.
  • Parson Russell Terrier.

Parson means “priest” in English. This is another reference to John Russell, who developed the breed.

Appearance of the dog

The dogs have a short, thick white coat and distinctive brown or, rarely, black markings around the ears and tail. The hairs are straight and hard. The coat requires simple care: it is enough to comb your pet 1-2 times a week. A Jack Russell Terrier needs to take a bath once every couple of months. Although they are small, their external fragility is deceptive. Jack Russell Terriers have a fairly strong build. At the withers they can reach a height of 38 cm. The maximum weight is 7-8 kg. Dogs of this breed have a strong, flexible body: a slightly elongated body, a strong, straight back and a slightly convex loin. The chest, although deep, is not wide. This is important for a breed of hunting dogs, because the pet must be able to quickly “dive” into a fox hole.

They have short, compact, but very strong legs. Only by this feature can the Jack Russell Terrier be distinguished from the Parson Terrier. The proportionate head sits on a massive neck. The transition from forehead to muzzle is clearly pronounced. The jaws of Russell Terriers are strong and powerful. The ears are triangular in shape and slightly raised on the cartilages. The ends hang down, pressed to the head. The tail is set high and curves towards the back. Often stopped at the level of the ears. The average lifespan of dogs is 13-15 years. The breed became truly famous after the presentation of the American film “The Mask” starring Jim Carrey. His inquisitive, obedient, incredibly jumping and nimble pet became a real star among dogs and was liked by many viewers.

Not only a strong physique, but also health - this is what the Jack Russell Terrier became famous for. Photos of typical representatives of the breed are shown below. They have a very strong immune system, which must be maintained by using only high-quality food. Proper nutrition is the key to a healthy dog. The pet should be fed only fresh food or food from a line that was developed specifically for this breed. Mineral and vitamin supplements must be added to food periodically. The diet should be balanced and the menu varied.

Dog health

Russell dogs are only prone to three diseases:

  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease.
  • Deafness.

The main cause of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease is considered to be genetic predisposition. Although the disease most often affects dogs of toy breeds, it sometimes occurs in Jack Russell terriers. The pathology consists of necrotization of the femoral head. The pet begins to limp, and later cannot even step on the sore paw.

Hip dysplasia is more common in show dogs. From puppyhood, owners feed their pets high-calorie food, which causes accelerated growth of soft tissues, which the bones literally “can’t keep up with.” If the process of raising a pet in this way is accompanied by regular physical activity, then this imbalance in the growth of muscles and bones becomes the cause of deformation of the joints. Predisposition to the disease is inherited. Deafness in Jack Russell Terriers can occur with age, but often this defect is congenital. There are special methods for testing puppies (BAER test) for the presence of the disease. Sometimes older pets may develop vision problems (glaucoma).

Curious Jack Russell Terrier: breed character

The purely English Jack Russell Terrier is considered a very smart, strong-willed and inquisitive pet. She gets along well with older children, will constantly pull her owner outside and will scare her more than once with her determination when desperately trying to jump over a fence that is several times taller than her. It is better to protect your pet from direct contact with young children, as dogs can easily “play too much” and inadvertently click their teeth dangerously close to the child.

Dog handlers recommend training them in a timely manner so that man’s friend does not begin to show his character. If you “lose” the dog, the owner risks getting a stubborn, disobedient, willful pet, which will bring many problems in the future. Another need of the breed is regular mental exercise. During training with alternating different commands, dogs receive “food for thought”, and Jack Russell Terriers have a high level of intelligence, which must be constantly trained, just like the body.

The breed's hunting instincts are highly developed and even years spent at home without forays after foxes will not be able to strangle them. A pet will always see its prey in a domestic rat, rabbit or cat. The only exception can be Jack Russell Terrier puppies, who grow up with a kitten or hamster and get used to it as a friend. Without such socialization, the owner must be prepared for unpleasant situations: the pet can, without a twinge of conscience, bring a second pet into its mouth, as if it were fair game for the owner.

The Jack Russell Terrier is a sociable dog. They feel most comfortable next to a person. The owner must give the pet the opportunity to use its potential: walk it often and for a long time, play with it. Dogs of this breed are characterized by increased energy. Although many people keep them in apartments, it is desirable that the Jack Russell Terrier has the opportunity to walk for a long time in the yard. Otherwise, the dog will willingly bite your shoes or tear off a couple of sheets of wallpaper.

Don't be surprised if your dog digs up the area looking for rodents. This is another manifestation of the dog's hunting instinct. It won’t be possible to suppress it, so it’s better to show the animal a specific place where it can poke around in the ground to its heart’s content. They are very inquisitive, love to explore the surrounding area and look for adventures with their docked tail. Incidents often occur with this breed: many terriers get stuck in holes or pipes laid on the site.

They love to run after objects and bring them to their owner, so the dog's favorite game will be frisbee or football. One of the representatives of the breed even got into the Guinness Book of Records. The dog was able to pop 100 balloons in less than a minute. Jack Russell Terriers are also suitable for the role of watchdogs. A loud, booming bark is the calling card of the breed, which was specially bred for hunting. No criminal will be able to quietly get close to the house if such a dog is guarding the area.

During walks, even trained dogs can diligently and very believably pretend to be deaf in front of their owner and run away in search of new experiences despite commands. This demonstrates the independence of the breed, which cannot be completely overcome. If the dog is not being walked in its own private yard, then it must be taken out on a leash. Representatives of the breed are easily distracted, giving in to their chasing instincts.

If you want a calm, phlegmatic dog who will sleep on the sofa for days and blend in with the interior, then the Jack Russell Terrier is not for you. He will drive his owner crazy with his increased energy and boundless optimism, as if his internal batteries do not require recharging at all, although in comparison with other terriers, the Jack Russell is more docile and less aggressive. It is better to raise two dogs of this breed in one house from puppyhood. Jack Russell Terriers are very jealous of their owner, so they may not share him and start a stormy brawl with a showdown.

Popular nicknames

When choosing a name for your pet, it is better to choose options that are easy to pronounce.

Puppies are sensitive to all commands of the owner, and especially to their name.

The nickname can be chosen depending on the appearance, temperament or behavioral characteristics of the pet.:

  • The best nicknames for boys : George, Harry, Darcy, Gerard, Jiri, Archie, Rex, Dexter, Fluff, Marty, Russell, Toby, Jack, Luke, Teddy, Parker, Rich, Barney, Chucky, Chief, Buggy, Jacques, Stark , Clif, Nice, Nord, Onyx, Hans, Henry, Gore, Harold, Green, Hans, Yarmak.
  • Popular nicknames for girls : Alba, Bucky, Beta, Bessie, Beauty, Viol, Gizma, Venus, Vega, Viva, Gabi, Heidi, Rousey, Foxy, Gucci, Alma, Gerda, Gloria, Dana, Jaycee, Jeta, Diya, Nancy , Cher.

Choosing a puppy

It is better to buy your future pet in a nursery, from experienced breeders - this is the only way to protect yourself from the unwanted purchase of a mixed breed or a puppy with pathologies . At the nursery you will be provided with RKF documents, a certificate of vaccinations, will sign an agreement and will be given advice on caring for your pet.

Examine your Jack Russell Terrier puppy carefully.


The puppy's color must correspond to the breed standard: white body with brown spots, black nose and eye rims.

Read about the Jack Russell Terrier breed standard here.

The baby behaves smartly and playfully.

You should be wary if the puppy has a crooked back and paws, light eyes and a pink nose . Cowardly or passive behavior is also not in favor of the dog.

Education and training

If you want to get an obedient and non-aggressive Jack Russell Terrier dog, you need to start training it from the moment it first appears in the house. The puppy must know its place, not only physically, but also in the hierarchy of family members. To accustom a dog to the place where it will sleep in the future, you need to wait until it gets tired of playing and falls asleep, and then carefully move it to the sleeping place. After several such manipulations, the Jack Russell Terrier will get used to its place.

The Jack Russell Terrier is a dominant dog. Despite its miniature size, in its desire to dominate family members, it is not inferior to such large breeds as the English mastiff or sea anemone. They will want to subjugate older people or children to their will, but you cannot follow your pet’s lead, and you must show through your actions that he occupies the lowest place in the hierarchy.

For the owner of a Jack Russell Terrier puppy, education and training is a way to raise an adequate dog, for which the priority will be not hunting instincts, but the owner’s commands. To prevent the dog from being a troublemaker in the house, from the first days you need to prohibit the puppy from doing things that would not be allowed to an adult dog: walking on the table where the owner works (and this place will become a favorite place for the curious terrier), hiding closets, sleeping on the beds of members family, bite. All unwanted actions should be suppressed in a stern tone, but in no case with punishment or rudeness. The main thing in raising a Jack Russell Terrier of any age is attention and a sincere attitude. Dogs of this breed require increased attention; you need to walk with them a lot, play outdoor games, and set new interesting tasks for them.

The Jack Russell Terrier does not like to be alone. When bored, he will bark and ruin things. To make it easier for the dog to bear separation from its owner, it is necessary to take it for a walk before leaving, so that during a long walk it can splash out all its energy. A treat or toy left for her will help distract her from loneliness.

How to train a Jack Russell Terrier? Training your dog should depend on your goals. Training a future hunter will be different from training a dog for shows and competitions.

Considering that the terrier is a born hunter, the owners try to develop hunting qualities: self-confidence, assertiveness, endurance, as well as obedience towards the owner. Puppies are ready for training at 10 weeks of age, but at this time the learning process should be carried out in a playful way. As you get older, you move on to serious training.

One of the main rules of training is from simple to complex. If the previous command has not been completed, you cannot proceed to the next one. Any command must be carried out 100%. If the dog understands that some commands can be ignored, this can lead to unpleasant situations in the future.

What is the price?

The popularity of the breed was reflected in the price of the puppy.

The cost of a representative of the breed ranges from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

The more titles the puppy's parents have, the more they will have to pay for it. Puppies for breeding are more expensive than pet class.

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