Description of the Jack Russell Terrier breed: character traits of the dog and reviews from owners

The Jack Russell Terrier is a hunting dog.

A very active and cheerful animal that will never leave its owner in trouble.

Despite his small size and good-natured appearance, he is not lacking in courage.

Representatives of the breed are restless.

Most of the time they are on the move.

They also have expressive personalities and fiery temperaments.

Let's look at everything in detail.

Origin story

The breed was bred in Great Britain by the priest John (Jack) Russell. Russell was not interested in the appearance of dogs; he paid attention only to their working qualities and the factors influencing them: height, chest structure, endurance, jaw strength.

When breeding the breed, he used Fox Terriers, Lakelands, Borders, Bull Terriers, Beagles, carefully and severely culling all puppies that did not meet the basic requirements . As a result of such work, dogs appeared that were ideal for hunting foxes and badgers on foot.

After the death of John Russell, his work was continued by Arthur Heinemann, who began to use Pembroke Dachshunds and Welsh Corgis for breeding.

The first Jack Russell Terrier club was created in 1914, the breed standard approved by the FCI was adopted in 2001.

In Russia, the first representatives of the breed appeared in 1998, in 2000 . The RKF registered the first pair; in 2003, the National Breed Club was created at the RKF and the first National Exhibition was held.

In 1994, the film “The Mask” was released, where the main character’s dog, Milo, was played by a Jack Russell terrier. Representatives of this breed also starred in such films as “Problem Child”, “My Dog Skip”, “Paws”.

Jerry's first teacher was the old black cat Tisha

Jerry, who came to us, was not the first and not the only animal in the family. At that time, we still had an old black cat Tisha and a hamster Shura living with us. If, of course, the puppy and Shura had no common interests, then the presence of the cat did not leave the baby indifferent.

Somehow, the animals immediately established their own hierarchy in relationships. The cat was able to convey to the playful youth: he is in charge in this territory.

The 18-year-old, in principle, had little to do with anything, but he was always strict with the puppy. Jerrick wanted to play with him, but he just waved him off with his paw. But still the puppy was afraid of the cat. If Tisha sat at the door of the room, Jerry never left first. They walked funny after each other: the cat in front, the puppy behind. Silence walks and walks and stops, and the dog just sits down. Tisha also taught his friend how to beg. When I was cooking something in the kitchen, the cat stood on its hind legs and moved with its front legs. Jerrick is doing the same now.

The cat died about six months after we got the dog. I really miss him. I've had him since 8th grade. My mother and I got Tisha almost immediately after moving from Kazakhstan to Belarus in 1998. My daughter and I wrote a scientific paper for school about this purr, a cross between a Siamese cat and an ordinary yard cat. Silence is a whole period of our life. A sort of savage who only in his old age began to allow himself to be stroked. And if he didn’t want to be touched, he hit him with his paw, but, surprisingly, he never let go of his claws. I kept worrying: maybe the cat got sick because we got a dog?

One day after the New Year, I discovered a small pimple on his nipple. It became inflamed and quickly enlarged. In the vet. were examined at the clinic. The diagnosis was disappointing: oncology. Due to the animal's age, doctors refused to perform surgery. They were afraid that the cat would not tolerate it. And the intervention really had to be complicated: it was necessary to remove the entire lymphatic system. Tisha’s tumor was then removed locally. After the operation, the cat lived for another 3 months. He was a fighter! Until the last moment, even though he was in pain, he did not go under himself. He climbed off the bedding and crawled towards the diaper. We gave him IVs every day. Everyone hoped that he would recover and live longer. The last night I suffered greatly, and when we went to the clinic in the morning, I died on the way. This is a very big loss for all of us: Tisha was a real member of the family. One thing is reassuring that he was already 18 years old: he seemed to have aged...

Recently I dreamed of Tisha: there was a fire in the kitchen, and the cat walked back and forth, and everything became quiet. I thought: what would this be for? Maybe some kind of misfortune my favorite averted from us?

Last weekend I went to a cat show with my husband and daughter. So I liked one kitten, a British fold, red-haired. After Tisha’s death, I was sure that I would never have a cat again, but then I suddenly thought: maybe it’s still worth it?

Pet character

Jack Russell Terriers have a complex character. These dogs are distinguished by independence, determination, stubbornness, straightforwardness and the ability to make decisions independently, assessing the situation. In addition, they are hyperactive and, if not raised correctly, can cause a lot of problems.

These dogs are hunters, they are characterized by an excellent sense of smell, endurance and high performance, they need long walks and active games..

If a Jack Russell lacks physical exercise, violent energy finds a way out through literally destructive behavior: playing at night, damaging property, digging holes, chasing birds and cats, etc.

At the same time, all shortcomings are compensated by a cheerful disposition, love of life, fearlessness and playfulness. Representatives of this breed are incredibly loyal to their owner, affectionate and friendly.

They react calmly to strangers on the street, but they can be wary, suspicious and even aggressive towards guests, which makes them excellent watchdogs.

They do not try to single out the main person in the house and become attached to all family members, although they can choose a favorite.

They need constant communication and attention and do not tolerate loneliness well.


It is recommended to take the puppy outside after all vaccinations and pest control have been completed. The time of the first walks should be 10-15 minutes, then it gradually increases to at least 2 hours a day. In winter weather, to avoid hypothermia, you should get warm clothes for your dog. In hot weather, it is better to walk your pet in a shaded area.

It is advisable to find a fenced area to let your dog off the leash. He needs to be given time to hunt small animals. The Jack Russell loves to sniff around and dig holes in the hope of getting to his “prey.”

Important! Regular street walks have a positive effect on the overall health of your four-legged friend, so you need to go outside every day, regardless of weather conditions

Terriers need long and frequent walks with active games.

The Jack Russell is an active breed and is suitable for people with the same active lifestyle. The owner will never get bored with such a cheerful pet

It is important for owners to satisfy their pet’s needs for movement and timely care. Regular hygiene procedures and a balanced diet contribute to the dog’s healthy development and attractive appearance.

Attitude towards children and pets

Jack Russells are friendly towards children, get along well with them, and enjoy playing and entertaining them.

At the same time, if the child is under 3-4 years old, training the dog must be approached as responsibly as possible so that it does not snap or try to bite the child if he pulls the dog by the tail during play, for example.

You also need to accustom your pet to the child’s daily routine, otherwise he will strive to entertain him almost 24 hours a day.

Jack Russells are jealous, they cannot stand it if the owner pays attention to other dogs.

They treat their relatives negatively, with aggression, and only get along with representatives of their own breed.

Hunting instincts do not allow Jack Russells to coexist with cats or rodents - dogs see them only as prey.

Representatives of this breed live relatively calmly with other pets only if they grew up together, but even in this case it is necessary to monitor their relationships.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Jack Russells are the intellectuals of dogs. They are energetic, intelligent, and easy to train if the owner is patient and persistent. As the dog grows older, it will try to take the place of leader in the family and it is important to immediately stop these attempts, otherwise it will stop obeying. With the right approach to education and socialization, representatives of this breed become excellent, loyal, affectionate and cheerful pets.

Find the answer

Do you have any problem or question? Enter “Breed” or “Name of the problem” into the form, press Enter and you will find out everything about the issue that interests you. Dogs of this breed are loyal and affectionate and will never betray their owners. In those moments when I am at home, Diana follows me everywhere. If I go into another room when she is sleeping, she immediately gets up and follows.

Veronica (Archie, seven months)

When Archie first appeared in our house, he could not control his impulses and chewed everything that came his way, but after several months he stopped littering and chewing objects, and even learned various commands. Now when morning comes, he wakes me up and asks me to go for a walk.

Igor (Tim, six years old)

This is not an ostentatious dog, but a real terrier, since it has high intelligence, activity and knows how to get along well with people of different personalities. He is always ready for games and even attracts the child to them. He never shows aggression, and has never even attempted to bite or growl as a joke.

Marina (Aina, 3 years old)

When Aina was 2 years old, my husband and I had a daughter. Initially, I was worried about how the dog would treat the child, but when I saw how carefully she treated my daughter, I calmed down. They have been in constant contact for more than a year now and simply cannot imagine life without each other.

Advantages and disadvantages

Jack Russell Terriers have many advantages, for example:

  • sociability, allowing you to find contact with all family members;
  • good attitude towards children;
  • curiosity and resourcefulness;
  • cheerful disposition;
  • ability to learn;
  • guard qualities and fearlessness;
  • devotion;
  • small size, allowing you to keep them in small apartments;
  • quick adaptation to a new environment;
  • possibility of use in canistherapy - treatment with the help of dogs;
  • hunting instincts are a definite plus for owners who love hunting;
  • endurance and performance;
  • unpretentiousness and easy care.

Of course, like any other breed, Jack Russells have their disadvantages.:

  • uncontrollable and noisy behavior due to lack of attention;
  • the need for serious training;
  • need for long active walks;
  • gullibility, which can lead to the theft of a pet;
  • cunning and manipulative tendencies;
  • hyperactivity is a minus for people leading a measured and calm lifestyle;
  • aggressive attitude towards same-sex dogs, tendency to fight.

In addition, short-haired representatives of the breed are distinguished by profuse shedding.

Jack Russell Terrier - reviews

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stacy maliboo


The perfect dog, funny, friendly and understanding


There is not

I have a dog, Maila, a girl. She is already 4 years old. I always dreamed of a dog, my mother also has a Jack Russell, I saw how funny the dog was and bought it without hesitation. The first month everything was sad, I gnawed on baseboards, shoes, cosmetics, everything I forgot to put away. One day I came home, and Maila had chewed the cord from the TV, it was very disappointing, the apartment was rented. How did you raise? It’s easy, I had to swear at her, punish her, I closed her on the balcony (closed) several times in the summer for an hour, she howled and it hurt me, but there was no other way. I received it with a slipper. Several months passed and I taught her to give her paw, to sit, after six months she was already doing somersaults)) She refused to go to the toilet in diapers, went to the bed, the floor and for this she received a cradle, she completely weaned herself in 3 months. Now I walk her 2 times a day , in the morning at 10-11 and in the evening at 7-8, she sometimes drinks a lot and asks to go to the toilet herself late in the evening, asks with her paw and runs to the door, but this is rare. I play ball with her, but if I’m busy, she doesn’t come to me, as if she understands everything. Sometimes it’s even scary how smart and quick-witted she is, her toys lie on the bottom shelf, she takes them to play and sometimes brings them to their place. When I'm sad, I cry - he comes up and cuddles up to me, when I'm gone for a long time (on a trip) he misses me)) likes to lie on the sofa, come to bed in the morning. Very friendly dog ​​and neat. She's smart to me. The cables are said to be not so neat


Jack Russell Terrier. About 5 months ago I didn’t even know that such a breed existed. But one day I came across a video with this wonderful dog. This is Love. If before I liked all the dogs I saw and talked about, now I only liked one breed. I like everything about Jacks: from their appearance to their character.

In the end, through pain and suffering, I finally persuaded the family and we started this miracle! But everything didn't go as I planned. Just one day after we took Sophie (that’s my girl’s name), I just started to feel some kind of depression. Nothing made me happy. Sophie behaved terribly, she ran around the beds, and when I tried to pick her up she bit. And I was already starting to think about giving Sophie back. It was a fleeting thought, which was immediately replaced by the thought “What are you doing? It would be a betrayal! This period will pass! She will grow up and be more obedient!” What added to all this was that our guinea pig got sick and we went to the vet with him THREE TIMES A DAY! It was all so tiring that I couldn’t stand it and decided to give the dog away.

Thank God that I still didn’t make up my mind and didn’t give it to Sophia. And now I am very ashamed of those thoughts. Sophie lives with us, she behaves much better, I teach her commands. At the moment we know the commands “sit”, “lie down”, “voice”, “wait”, “wait before eating” (excerpt), “give”, “in which hand?”, “give a paw”, but we only 4 months! I’m proud of both myself and my favorite) But I won’t stop there and in the future I plan to study many more different commands together with Sophie. Speaking of training, I now want to tell you...

Many articles write that Jack Russells are easy to train. And so it is. True, some people do not perceive this as it really is. Many people think that they will say “sit” and the dog will do it right away! But this is not so! Learning any command, even the simplest and seemingly “banal” one, can take from a week to several months. It depends on the dog, the owner’s experience, etc. Many people think that training is easy. It's just that if you know HOW to train and you have experience. In general, please be patient, time and treats. Then you will succeed.

Now I want to write a few words about feeding. Many people feed their pets homemade food. But most don't feed correctly. After all, in order to feed natural food (as dog lovers call natural food), you need to be able to combine products correctly. Giving a dog porridge is not feeding. Dogs are carnivores and they need meat. Therefore, the main product should be meat. Not fatty, pork won't do. And only then add vegetables and cereals. Although there are also many nuances here. Therefore, in order not to bother and harm the pet, I feed Sophie dry food. Just not cheap economy class, but high-quality premium. Although we will soon switch to super premium. It's almost 50% meat! When the cheap ones are 4% maximum! But remember that you cannot mix dry food and natural food! They have different digestibility and in the future there will be problems with the dog’s health!

In general, this is the main thing I wanted to say. Approach the issue of “getting a puppy” responsibly. And think, can you give him everything he needs?

Review of Sophie's food:



Active, cheerful, lively dog. It seems that it runs on an Energizer battery, it is omnivorous (we have everything that is edible, including vegetables, fruits)


The coat falls off during shedding, an allergenic breed, without training and grooming can become an uncontrollable and angry dog.

An excellent breed for both family and recreation, as well as for hunting enthusiasts. Active, cheerful, affectionate and restless breed. Suitable for people with an active lifestyle, as the dog needs a lot of movement and activity. Moderately smart and quick-witted, catches everything on the fly)


Hi Hi! here you won’t read odes of praise and lisps about how much I love my dog. Turn off your emotions, just your mind, I really hope to save people from making mistakes!

I will list the damaged things during the 1 month stay of a Jack Russell Terrier dog in my house:

  • Sofa (gnawed a hole)
  • Wallpaper + wall in the hallway (made a recess in the concrete wall, removed the wallpaper in the hallway)
  • laminate (in the hallway there is swelling from urination))
  • wooden frame in the kitchen (from below where I got it, chewed it off)
  • Winter boots
  • I took the shoes straight from the closet
  • door mats (I've already lost count)

Have you seen the movie "Mask"? And the advertisements on TV where after 1 they show jumping funny dogs that ride on a vacuum cleaner, jump merrily or stand like a gopher? WELL, SO CUTE, isn’t it?? Your children squeal with delight, tugging at your clothes and screaming in tears: “MOM, DAD I WANT YOU!!!” and further persuasion follows.

And now your child’s long-awaited birthday has come, you buy a puppy, tie a huge bow on his neck, the child squeals with delight, the guests are kind to him, what a great job the parents are in teaching their child to love the animal world.

Morning comes, the child rushes to the dog in dreams that he will now climb onto the vacuum cleaner and begin to ride, jump above the ceiling and stand for several hours like a gopher. And he sees how the sweetest creature finishes his favorite toy and starts to eat his mother’s Italian boots (which mom, by the way, has been asking dad for more than one season)). The child screams, roars, and the creature rests its small paws on the floor, does not give up, and even growls threateningly. The dream has collapsed, the myths have been dispelled. Disappointment. The dog in the ad was good, but this is a monster.

You come home from work exhausted (you just want to lie down on the sofa and stretch your legs), open the door... Aaand OH THE HORROR!!!! Houses look like after a nuclear war . Your child is locked up and playing on the computer in the bedroom, the puppy, left to its own devices, is happily eating up the door (for which you are still paying a loan). No, no, don’t even think about taking off your shoes!!! There is nowhere to step, there are puddles all around and [oh], better walk in your shoes and open the window! It smells like feces, so hang up the ax! And in an hour, your beloved spouse will come, to whom you have been proving for so long that this is a small dog for your apartment, this is what you need, it’s good that Mastiff didn’t ask!

I won’t describe for a long time family quarrels, the tears of a child (he wanted that one from an advertisement, but here is a MONSTER ), and so the continuation clearly emerges.

The husband, from the stress of lost money (here are repairs, and the not-so-small price of a dog, and the list goes on) drinks or looks to the left (other women smile and their houses are clean).

What do you think we should do?? And the solution suggests itself, we need to get rid of this monster, and then the child sneezed (an allergy to the dog, definitely).

Ad on the website, the price is the same, we won’t lose anything. Well, when will the hour come, you dream!!

Half-crazed people are calling, talking about some kind of ears, the paws are not right and the teeth are not the same, they are probably knocking down the price . A week has passed, the price keeps falling, but no one wants to take the dog.

You need to be more generous, you think, and write “I’ll give it to good hands.” The happy owners immediately call... AND THE NIGHTMARE IS OVER!

Do you recognize yourself? Have you simulated the situation? This is the most popular scenario in my opinion, only the reasons are different: Allergies/due to moving (strange, those who are moving, please explain to me, are you settling children too?), etc.!!

Guys, what's the point of this whole story? Stop satisfying your EGO, A DOG IS A LIVING CREATURE ! She breathes, she has a small heart that loves YOU , she experiences a full range of emotions and believe me, UNDERSTANDS EVERYTHING GREATLY, she sees your mood, she is sad if there is no beloved owner at home, she cries when it hurts and is immensely happy when there is peace in the family.

Dogs of the Jack Russell Terrier breed (hereinafter referred to as JRT) have different characters, but the same habits because this is a HUNTING DOG (can you imagine?? no, not a pocket one), and the respected English priest John Russell did not breed this breed in order to admire it and pat it down. soft ear.

Jack Russell is a hurricane dog, very fast, active and sometimes destroys everything in its path (you just have to throw the ball, in our case).

Active walks outside for at least 1.5 hours in rain, hail and other disasters, otherwise “lack of exercise” will result in the destruction of your home.

Expensive toys, crap on a stick made of soft plastic will not work. Have you seen this baby's jaws? Open your wallet.

Food - food, oh this is my favorite topic! “It’s nonsense, there’s a lot of food starting from 100 rubles. per centner or let him eat the same as me,” you say. Friends, don’t put your wallet away, you will only buy premium food if you want your dog to be healthy. No? “It’s all nonsense; a dog should sleep in the snow and eat everything!” Ok, but don’t put your wallet away, set up a tent at the veterinary clinic, where you will have to spend the night more than once.

Intellectual stress - the dog needs to be exercised and trained. Not enough time? A dog trainer can help you.

Exhibitions - if you suddenly get wet in your head and you decide that your dog needs mating “FOR HEALTH”, I beg you not to bother without deeply studying this issue, there are already plenty of mongrels, and the shelters are poor.

Cage - the imp can get bored while no one is home. Many people from childhood are accustomed to the crate as a place, his place , then the dog will not be stressed and his things will be intact. (My way out of this situation: I dismantled the crate, fenced off rooms where he is not allowed, and the kitchen and hallway are at his disposal).

Don’t think that your dog will run cheerfully and cheerfully through a green meadow, wagging its tail in a friendly manner to another dog. YOU will ride.. together.. across the wasteland . (this is our case, my dog ​​is aggressive towards 90% of dogs on the street).

The most important thing is to correctly build a hierarchy in your family, to make it clear to the dog that you are the owner here, believe me, a child of the DRT breed will begin to lay claim to the highest level of the structure from infancy. Here again, a dog handler or specialist. trainings will help you understand how to do this.

I wrote a lot. It's time to talk about the culprit of such an impulsive review.

His name is Sylvester, he is 1.5 years old, he is my dearest and dearest imp, despite all the destruction, I love him. He turned my lazy world upside down. I can’t put myself in the category of people who know EVERYTHING about dogs and are ready to share their vast experience in training, keeping, etc. But I clearly understand that he is part of my family, it is I who am responsible for him and it is I who are the culprit of all the destruction. In my understanding, giving up a dog is betrayal; don’t expect any good from such people.

It’s hard and unpleasant to look at the “I’ll give it away, I’ll sell” advertisements in relation to a living creature; my hair stands on end when they give away a one-year-old, or even more, dog (HOW???????). It’s scary to look at sick dogs that were adopted “Without documents, for themselves” without knowing ANYTHING about the breeder, the psyche and health of the parents, in general, a pig in a poke, but cheaper.

Guys, I won’t describe how wonderful my dog ​​is and how cute I am, for me he is the best (as for any loving owner).

The purpose of my review is to call you to responsibility and awareness of such a step as acquiring a living creature, read the history of the breed, study the Internet and breed forums, determine for yourself why you are getting a dog.

In the comments, tell us about your pets, was it difficult for you as a puppy? Did you manage to build a hierarchy? Still want DRT?

I am attaching a photo of my pet.



Active. Very playful. Devoted. Loves children very much. Gets along with other pets.


Stubborn character. Can be very aggressive. Difficult to train.

Anyone who has pets is usually very verbose when talking about them. I will try to avoid enthusiastic cries about the fact that my dog ​​is the best, and I will try to tell in essence everything that I have learned about Jacks during 8 years of living with a prominent representative of the breed. Our Maximus appeared after my puppy of another breed died. We chose a dog based on criteria 1 - the possibility of keeping it in a city apartment. 2- good health without serious diseases inherent in the breed. 3- love for small children. Of course, we also read about the peculiarities of the Russells, in the form of their excessive activity, but did not take them seriously. But in vain! We adopted a puppy at 4 months of age. And until he was 7 months old, he made me cry every day. Max was everywhere. He managed everything. He even devoured what was nailed down. Furniture, doors, wires, shoes, things, children's toys, everything was used. At seven months it got better, but another problem appeared. No matter how many hours we were away from home, the dog howled. We decided not to wait until the neighbors’ angelic patience ran out and invited a “dog teacher.” Advice. Invite a zoopsychologist or someone you know, or don’t invite him at all. YouTube and Antoine Najarian can help you absolutely free. Our “teacher” quickly taught him to sit, lie down, give a paw, took 2 thousand and went into the sunset. Behavioral problems are still with us. It is often said that Jackie is a thinking breed. I confirm this is true. But I can also say that you will not always be delighted with what your dog comes up with. Jackie loves children and is devoted to them with all her heart. I know that Maximus will tear up anyone who (as it seems to him) can threaten my daughter. He forgives everything to the child himself. Until two years of age, dogs of this breed are hyperactive. If you are not a fan or you do not have the opportunity to organize long and mega active walks for your dog, then be prepared for the fact that all the activity will be directed towards you and damage to your property. Despite their small size (10 kg), Jacks are very serious hunters and fighters. If a dog has grabbed onto what it considers prey, it will be very difficult to snatch the object. Again, it is not the large size of these dogs that is misleading. It seems that with such a small dog there cannot be any big problems. Maybe. And how. Jack needs training and socialization. Jack should not doubt for a second that you are the leader of the pack and he is the follower. If the dog thinks that you cannot cope with the responsibilities of a leader, life will turn into a nightmare. There are very simple rules and exercises to ensure that your pet clearly understands and observes subordination. Jacks are very smart and curious. So that the dog doesn’t come up with all sorts of bullshit, you need to work with them several times a day. 5 minutes and one sausage will be enough for constructive communication. On a walk, Jack gets bored walking on a leash in the park. Try to find time for active games. A tired dog is a happy dog. And also cleanliness and silence in the house. The photo shows an indicative shot of how not to do it. By allowing your dog to sleep in your bed, you are making him equal in rank with you. Unfortunately, all three of me are spoiled. By the way, Jackie is an excellent nanny. Mine helped me a lot with raising the youngest. The dog accepted both the kitten and the puppy without any problems. There were no health problems at all until I was five years old. But now, unfortunately, Max suffers from epilepsy. We don’t know what it’s connected with and where it came from. This disease did not affect his character and habits in any way, and at 8 years old our Dzhekushka is still just as crazy. I can recommend this breed for active people who are willing to devote a lot of time to training and raising a puppy. This breed is not suitable for calm homebodies.

Bird cherry First

Good summer day everyone!

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to dispute the fact that the dog is man’s most devoted friend. This has been proven for centuries. And, even though I am a fan of cats, I agree with this truth. Of course, each dog has its own concept of loyalty and friendship, depending on the breed. There are so-called fighting breeds of dogs, for example, pit bull terriers and Rottweilers - they are very harsh, but they will never give their owner offense. There are hunting breeds, for example, the hound - its representatives may not be too gentle and friendly, but they are excellent hunting assistants. And there are those who are ready to constantly follow their owner everywhere and, if necessary, lend him a paw; an example of such a breed is a dog - a spaniel or a collie.

A year ago, our relatives got a Jack Russell Terrier.

Standard Jack Russell Terrier:

Height at the withers is 25-30 cm, weight is 5-6 kg.

Color: predominantly white, with black and/or red markings (from the lightest shades to deep chestnut).

Coat: There are three varieties: smooth, rough or broken.

They have this girl named Jessie. Most likely – white Bim black earJ)

She hasn't changed much in height over the year.

They feed her food. First for puppies, then depending on age.

As far as I know, Jessie doesn't require any special care. The coat is not long, smooth, which is an advantage. Periodic eye care is needed. That's practically all!

The most important thing is the leisure time and behavior of this breed. Here it is worth rummaging through online sources:

The Jack Russell Terrier is a born athlete, hunter and adventurer. The Jack Russell Terrier is a very active dog. From boredom and monotony, he becomes uncontrollable and inadequate. It's simple - this dog needs interesting activities and an active lifestyle in general. Despite their rather modest dimensions, these dogs can turn into a disaster if not properly trained. This problem can only be solved by early socialization of the pet. Jack Russell Terriers treat passers-by on the street calmly, and treat guests in the owner's house with suspicion and slight aggression. These dogs bark very loudly (a key feature of their hunting training), so they can be very frightening to a new person.

Just like that! Our relatives missed this key point. Now Jessie is not just energetic, but a real natural disaster and hurricane in the apartment. After all, such a breed must not only be walked for at least 2 hours a day, it must be actively run, jump, play sports, etc. The Jack Russell Terrier should run for at least two hours, which will release energy. Then this dog will behave adequately at home.

When we arrive to visit, Jessie runs out and starts jumping on us, which of course scares our daughter. We understand that she is not doing this out of malice and will not bite, however, if she is not locked in another room, she will jump all the time until we leave, up to several hours in a row.

When the owners leave, Jessie begins to whine wildly all the time until they return, and this creates its own troubles for the neighbors, you must agree.

From all that has been said, I can conclude that the Jack Russell Terrier breed is suitable only for athletes and very energetic people. Otherwise, you will have a lot of problems with her inappropriate and too violent behavior!

Candy Suxxx


Smart, funny, very sweet and will be a real replacement for a baby.



Hello readers. Today will be my first review about the dog breed. This is a Jack Russell Terrier breed. Yes, the same one, he was in the movie “The Mask” with Bruce Willis. But even now this breed is not lagging behind in popularity. My sister recently bought a puppy a year ago, it cost about 20,000 rubles. I don’t think this little companion should cost that kind of money. Even though it costs so much money, I absolutely fell in love with it when my sister came to visit for the New Year. Well, you yourself understand that she is now distant from us because of her personal life. Our everyone's favorite name is Cheggy (and his full last name, first name, patronymic is Carlos Cheggevara Brave). He is very positive, smart and gets along well with all members of our family. He has a lot of worries and responsibilities, you need to apply 2-hour energy and he will stop. Honestly, he became like his own nephew and granddaughter, but not to that extent

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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