Spitz barking - how to stop your pet from barking at home or on a walk

Small dogs are always very active, and endless barking is their striking feature. When buying a “toy” fluffy Spitz, not all owners know about its ability to notify the entire neighborhood about the events that happen to it. The Spitz's bark is ringing, loud, boisterous and frequent. To stop constant barking, you need to know how to stop a small Spitz from barking, and also understand the reason for this behavior.

Spitz puppy looks like a plush toy

Dog barking and its features

The Pomeranian's bark is no different from its German counterpart or any other breed. They all love to bark a lot. The reason could be fear, play, excitement - any emotion is accompanied by a loud desire to notify the owner about what is happening. This is how a dog communicates with a person.

To understand the reason, you will need to pay attention not only to the sounds the dog makes, but also to behavior, tail wagging, ear position and other characteristic signs of emotion. Among the main reasons for barking are:

  • any joy, be it the arrival of the owner or a tasty treat;
  • demand for food or water;
  • aggression towards something or someone;
  • desire to play;
  • warning bark when crossing a guarded border;
  • requirement to go outside;
  • the need to draw the owner’s attention to oneself;
  • fear, fright, something doesn’t work out;
  • from having nothing to do, from boredom;
  • anxiety for any reason, shock, stress;
  • something hurts, a feeling of discomfort;
  • excessive cold or heat;
  • communication with other dogs.

Attentive owners always know what their pet wants.
It depends on the barking style and external signs. For reference! A dog's bark may sound like a melody or make sounds that resemble noise.

Animal barking can have different reasons

Methods for correcting behavior

Before starting corrective work, it is advisable to identify the reasons for the ward’s excessive emotionality. If the dog barks for absolutely no reason, while eating, immediately after waking up, at night, you should contact a veterinarian and examine the tailed dog for inflammation, painful areas, and neurological disorders.

Don't encourage barking - common mistakes owners make

You can fight for years for silence in your home and be the cause of your pet's barking at the same time, without even realizing it. Absolutely all dogs have an innate instinct of human orientation, that is, if the owner encouraged an action in any way, it means that the four-legged dog behaved correctly.

How does a Pomeranian spitz bark?

The bark of a Spitz dog has different timbres; it can be rude or with a yelp. Any feature of the sounds made will tell the owner about what happened to the dog:

  • the barking turns into a squeal, it is erratic, the tail is tucked - the dog is scared;
  • rude barking indicates aggression;
  • communicating a desire to play or while being pampered, the dog may emit a joyful bark or yelp, reminiscent of a puppy;
  • danger and the desire to defend themselves are indicated by short, frequently emitted “woofs”, with increased volume, or sounds turning into a growl;
  • When it's boring or cold, the Spitz starts to howl.

It should be remembered that the puppy’s joyful barking must be stopped immediately; the longer you delay with training, the more difficult it will be to retrain the dog. A Spitz's habits remain for a long time.

Interesting! When changing timbre, the dog does not strain the vocal cords.

Exterior of the breed

The Miniature Spitz is a dwarf breed. The dog is characterized by a dense physique. She has developed muscles, but at the same time she is quite graceful and graceful. According to the FCI standard, the length of the animal must be equal to its height at the withers. Normally, it is 18-22 cm. The dog’s weight is 1.5-3.2 kg. Dogs weighing up to 2 kg are often shown at exhibitions.


The head of the Dwarf Spitz is small. The back of the skull is quite wide, but towards the nose it narrows, forming a characteristic wedge. The forehead has a rounded shape. This part contrasts strongly with the occipital protuberance. Due to the plump cheeks, the cheekbones are almost invisible. The muzzle is narrow. The nose is small. It can be either black or brown.

The Spitz's head is small and its back is wide.


The ears are small and triangular in shape. Their tips are slightly pointed. Cartilage is quite tough. They are set close on the top of the head. At birth, the ears of the Dwarf Spitz are floppy. As they grow older, they “rise.”


The animal's eyes look especially large against the background of its small head. The cornea is black. The eyes are slightly slanted. The shape can be either oval or almond-shaped. The eyelids are often black, but dark brown pigmentation is also possible. A healthy dog's eyes sparkle.

Teeth and jaws

The orange's jaw has a slightly elongated shape. The bite can be either straight or pincer-shaped. The animal has 42 teeth. In this case, the absence of premolars is not considered a defect. The upper jaw overlaps the lower jaw.

The Pomeranian Spitz has 42 teeth.

Body and neck

The neck is muscular and characterized by a slightly elongated shape. She is of medium length. There is no suspension. The high neckline is masked by lush fur. The back is short. The loin merges into a slightly sloping croup. The chest is well developed. According to the standard, the stomach should be toned.


The forelimbs should be set wide apart. The shoulders are moderately muscular. The paws are small and neat. Fingers fit tightly. Pads are black or brown. The claws are often dark. The hind legs are parallel. The drumstick and thigh are approximately the same size.


The Spitz's tail is of medium length. He is set relatively high. The tail is curled into rings and often lies on the back.

Coat and color

The spinous cover is quite soft. A thick undercoat is hidden underneath. Dense fur is present on the body, paws, tail, muzzle and even ears. This breed is not characterized by the presence of wavy curls and waves. There is a mane with longer hair on the shoulders and neck of the Pomeranian.

The coat of dogs is soft, there are many types of colors.

The following colors are available:

  • sable;
  • cream;
  • blue;
  • white;
  • black;
  • orange;
  • marble;
  • black and tan;
  • two-color;
  • chocolate.

Why do Spitz barks a lot?

Spitz love to be the center of attention, and they can only attract it through barking. This is their only way of communicating with humans. They don't understand that it can be done differently. It is this kind of communication that should be taught to a Spitz puppy at an early age, so that later he does not get a headache from the constant ringing sounds of the dog.

You should give your pet plenty of time for walks.

Very often, a little friend barks from pain and discomfort, and therefore, before scolding the animal, you should check its health condition. Another common reason is loneliness. It is solved by regular care of the owner with a gradual increase in the time of absence.

To prevent your dog from getting bored alone at home, you should take care of its leisure time. The presence of toys and entertainment will also help keep furniture and other interior items and clothing intact. You should regularly train with simple commands.

Important! Raising an adult dog will require a lot of time and effort. Moreover, the result is not always guaranteed.

It is a known fact that the smaller the dog, the more talkative it is. The Spitz is one of the smallest breeds; it is used to constantly reminding itself of itself. A lot depends on heredity. The Spitz will not remain silent about loneliness; he will declare it loudly, with his characteristic noise. Also, these little fluffies need affection more than others; in its absence, they will definitely remind you of this.

Education must begin from childhood

Do not Cry

Appropriate punishment for a biting Pomeranian is to ignore him or put him in a playpen.

You should not shout or yell at your dog. The only thing you will achieve is to make your Pomeranian puppy afraid of you. And when dogs are scared, they are more likely to bite.

Some owners use a spray bottle to train their Pomeranian puppy not to bite. You should only try it if you are unable to use other methods or if your puppy is being too aggressive.

Education at home

First of all, the owner needs to learn to understand the dog. If a Spitz asks to go outside, then you should take him out, he is bored and requires affection - to pet him, the dog is hungry - to feed him.

When to start training

Training a dog of any breed should begin as early as possible. The younger the puppy, the easier it is to learn correct behavior. A young dog accepts the owner’s demands more easily and is as open as possible to new things. The older the Spitz, the more difficult the training will be.

Despite this, it will be possible to retrain the animal, the main thing is to have patience and pay a lot of attention to the dog.

Interesting! It is believed that the female Spitz has a special quality - she is easier to train.

Where to start training

You should start training your Spitz by understanding the basic commands - sit, be quiet, lie down. Each correct execution must be rewarded with a treat. This way the Spitz will know that he did everything correctly and will repeat the action next time.

You need to walk your pet as much as possible

Various toys for dogs, puzzles, educational or calming ones will help relieve boredom. Be sure to follow the dog's walking routine, spend a lot of time on the street, play and try to keep the mouth occupied with a toy all the time.

Attention! The dog should be taught to restrain its emotions when the owner returns, and the command “sit” should be taught.

If a Spitz demands food by barking, then you need to turn away from the dog, and if that doesn’t help, leave the room. You should return when the animal has calmed down. After this, you should reward silence with a treat and feed.

Features of training

To make your Spitz bark less, you should not ask the dog questions when there is noise outside the front door and cause a reaction. You should never praise something for which you were previously scolded and vice versa. It is strictly forbidden to restrain barking by physical means - by clamping the mouth or wrapping the muzzle.

Any toy is a good way to distract your pet from barking.

A favorite toy will help control barking

Some dogs react poorly to men, although they may not bark at all at women. It is necessary to ensure that the owner can come and leave the house without sound. Seeing off a person should be accompanied by stroking the dog.

For reference! In some cases, dogs begin to bark at night; this can happen if the animal is sick.

Finding out the reason

Of course, it is easier to eliminate the cause than to get rid of the consequences. Therefore, I recommend that you first try to understand why a Spitz can bark:

  • If a pet begins to fill the space with a ringing bark when the owner appears, it means that he simply demands attention to his small but important person. At first, such joy will flatter the animal, however, if it is not stopped, it will certainly begin to irritate over time. It is important for the owner to immediately make it clear that excessive emotionality is not welcome.
  • A puppy may perceive many things around him with anxiety. Unfamiliar sounds, things, people and animals - how can you not start to worry?
  • But if the pet is left alone, he may begin to experience fear. Which immediately results in loud sounds.
  • However, barking can also be used as an element of play. The joyful, playful Spitz is not only active, but also unusually alert.
  • A furry animal can bark because of the most ordinary boredom. Like a person, sometimes he has absolutely nowhere to apply himself. In this case, there are two options: play the role of a bell or chew the furniture.
  • Tips from dog handlers for self-study

    The uncontrolled barking of a Spitz irritates not only the neighbors, but also the owner himself. A little fluffy ball can bark at everything if it is not trained in time. In some cases, when the animal does not respond at all to the owner’s training, you can turn to a professional dog handler for help.

    How to stop a Spitz from barking - effective methods

    There are methods that are used not only by professionals in raising dogs, but also by amateurs. The most effective ways to homeschool are:

    • teach to accurately follow all commands from a very early age;
    • upon request, take a toy into the mouth, it will not allow the dog to bark;
    • a metal can filled with small pebbles or coins makes a loud sound, this will help distract the animal and stop barking.

    Interesting! A dog carrier will help limit visibility and reduce the amount of noise the animal makes.

    To keep your dog from getting bored, you will need to devote a lot of time to it. Therefore, you should not get a puppy of this breed if the house is constantly empty. You should also know that the dog will not get tired of barking and do not expect that the animal will soon fall silent; you should constantly make a comment and demand that commands be followed. Naturally, with correct behavior, thank the animal with a treat.

    The Spitz is an active and cheerful dog, regardless of the breed variety.

    You need to walk your Spitz for at least an hour and a half every time you go outside. The dog just needs to put its energy somewhere, so the animal will bark less. Every impulse to bark at a stranger should be curbed with a command.

    Touching the ears works great for dogs; this method will help stop unexpected barking for no reason.

    The barking of a Spitz can be annoying, constant barking confuses the owners and angers the neighbors, but the problem can be dealt with. It is very important that the little fluffy ball understands its owner perfectly, and this will require devoting a lot of time to the animal and training it daily. This is the only way the puppy will grow into a well-mannered dog that will be able to restrain its emotions and not bark for any reason even without it.


    Sometimes during games you need to give the dog a good bark. To do this, use only the “Voice!” command. But unreasonable barking must be stopped with the command “Quiet!” . It often happens that a dog barks at running people, at cyclists, or at other dogs. If this happens, then every time you need to give the command “Lie down!” and “Quiet!”, pull the leash.

    Experts do not recommend hitting a dog, as many do. This method does not give the desired effect. A Spitz should respect its owner, and not be afraid of him. When using painful pressure, the dog will avoid you and will not bark, even when necessary. A scared dog will bark even more, so painful punishment will only make the situation worse.

    Many owners of silent Spitz dogs specifically teach them to bark. And if the dog starts barking constantly, the owners begin to regret their decision. If the dog barks non-stop when going outside, you can order him: “Lie down!” He must remain in a supine position until your order is cancelled. The fact is that a dog cannot lie down and bark at the same time.

    Read on to learn how to stop your dog from barking at home.

    Basic Commands

    Any trained dog is distinguished by unquestioning obedience, which arouses respect and admiration from the people around him. Additional skills are good, but initially you should give preference to learning the basic commands.

    Training should begin with teaching basic commands.

    Dog handlers include the following basic commands:

    1. "Name". First of all, the puppy must learn its name. To avoid problems, there is no need to use intricate names; the simpler the name, the easier it will be for the pet to learn it.
    2. "Ugh". This word means danger in the language of dog handlers. That is why use it when the puppy tries to eat a suspicious object. Accompany the word with strict intonation and tight tension on the leash.
    3. "It is forbidden". Pronounce this word clearly with a firm intonation that does not accept objections. It has a different meaning from "Fu". It is used to immediately stop actions that are undesirable for the owner: the dog begins to bark for no reason, beg, dominate and perform other actions for which it has not received permission.
    4. "Place". Before you start studying, organize your pet a personal corner. Only then explain the meaning of the command. After saying the word for the first time, take the Spitz to its place and praise it.
    5. "To me". Say this command in a confident voice and at the same time tighten the leash. When a response occurs, praise the dog.
    6. "Sit". The most important stage of learning during the transition between light and heavier signals. It is this command that helps create a disciplined dog. Place your pet at your side, holding it on a short leash, say its name and this command. Then lightly press on the puppy’s rump and pull the leash back and up. Don't forget to praise your pet when it's successful and give him a treat.
    7. "Near". A command that allows the owner to feel comfortable when there are crowds of people. After saying the word, pull the leash so that the dog comes close to your left leg. If your Pomeranian speeds up or tries to change direction, repeat the word and action. Reward obedience.

    “Voice!”, “Wait!”, “Aport!” and other words, learn when the puppy has reached six months of age and has mastered a full set of basic commands.

    Options for stopping barking while you're away

    • You must get all the energy out of your Pomeranian through active play and entertainment. Then be sure that the tailed one will fall asleep soundly and will not disturb the peace of the neighbors.
    • You can resort to drug treatment. You just need to consult a veterinarian, and he will prescribe you mild sedatives. However, do not forget that this is a temporary way to eliminate barking and it is not recommended to resort to it constantly.
    • Various dietary supplements are also a possible option to calm your Spitz.
    • Use aromatherapy treatment using a special herbal collar.
    • Ultrasound to stop barking. This modern development is built into the collar, and as soon as the dog begins to bark, he hears a sound that is unpleasant for his ears, as soon as he becomes silent, and the torture ends. A fairly effective method to wean off barking, if your puppy does not start barking from this sound.
    • Collar with built-in spray. What modern developers haven’t come up with! This new product also gives good results. Its action is as follows: as soon as the puppy begins to bark, the sensor is triggered and the collar releases a stream with an unpleasant citrus aroma for the pet. This way, your puppy, having grasped the relationship, will learn to behave quietly, and you can wean him from barking for no reason.
    • Shock collar - The dog receives a small shock as soon as it starts barking. The method is not entirely humane and is suitable if previous methods did not produce an effect.
    • Leave music for the puppy when you are not in the apartment, i.e. turn on the radio so that your pet does not get bored.
    • Close the curtains before leaving so that passers-by do not irritate the dog again, and it does not go into a fit of barking at strangers.
    • Leave your pet plenty of toys so he has something to do. In this way, you can wean him off barking if he barks out of boredom.

    Encourage your pet for correct behavior, so he will understand what he can do and what is unacceptable. After all, dogs are by nature very intelligent creatures. Show just a little patience and your dog will learn appropriate behavior and will only please you.

    So, you've learned about effective methods for stopping your dog's barking, received general recommendations, and now you'll be fully prepared when you hear loud noises from your pet.

    You can calm him down in a matter of minutes without disturbing the peace of your neighbors. The main thing is to remember that only regular training will make your pet an obedient, smart and calm dog!

    By following the recommendations, you can help your friends and acquaintances if they suffer from a similar problem and cannot stop their dog from barking loudly for no reason.

    Proper care

    The weak point of Spitz dogs is their teeth. You will avoid periodontal disease if you follow your diet, brush your teeth and use a special toothpaste.

    The peculiarity of these dogs is their odorless coat, but it must be carefully looked after. Brush your pet 1-2 times a week with a long-toothed brush (without massage balls). Before doing this, moisten the wool with spray or water with the addition of conditioner (1:2). Unravel the tangles first, then comb them out.

    The German Spitz cannot be clipped, otherwise the quality of the coat will deteriorate. The result of such care is that the fur looks like cotton wool. The coat loses its dirt-protective properties and looks sloppy even after washing. If you do not have independent grooming experience, use the services of a professional groomer.

    Bathe your pet no more than once a month. Frequent washing washes away the protective fat film, and the guard hair becomes brittle and dull. After bathing, the dog should be dried with a hairdryer while combing it (do not dry it with a towel!).

    Types of training

    By nature, Spitz dogs are obedient and smart dogs that are easy to train and accustom to different commands. Training a Spitz at home is an important point in raising an intelligent and obedient dog.

    There are different options for how to train a puppy, so even if you have problems with having free time for training, do not leave the situation to chance. Choose one of the training options:

    Dog training

    • individual lessons with a dog handler;
    • joint training with a trainer;
    • independent exercises with a Spitz.

    Lessons with a dog handler

    These lessons are conducted by experienced dog handlers directly in private with your pet. Such training will help you avoid mistakes when raising an adult, obedient dog, but it is better to start them from an early age. Upon completion of training, you will receive a well-mannered trained Pomeranian.

    The dog trainer will not only teach the puppy a course of basic commands - “Voice!”, “Lie down!”, “Place!”, “Sit!”, “Face!”, “Paw!”, but will also prepare the future winner of exhibitions.

    Naturally, there are disadvantages to such training:

    • high cost of canine services;
    • long separation from your pet;
    • subsequent adaptation.

    Joint training

    To raise a Spitz that will not only be obedient, but also easily make contact with you, joint training with a dog handler will help.

    This option is the most reliable. It will allow you to get the most useful information on raising a pet and an excellent result upon completion of training.

    The principle of this training is that you and your dog take courses at a canine center under the supervision and guidance of specialists. At the same time, the pet gains experience communicating with other dogs, learns how to dominate and bite, but does not separate from you.

    Independent studies

    If you don’t have extra money for a dog handler, don’t want to be separated from your pet, or don’t have the opportunity to work with a trainer, the option of self-training is perfect.

    However, keep in mind that despite the fact that Spitz teams are quite easy to remember, this option requires a long study of specialized literature and complete dedication from you.

    But this method is compensated by a strong mutual connection with the pet, obtained during classes and the educational process.

    At home

    If your Spitz reacts violently to every rustle behind the wall, tries to attract attention, or is simply fooling around, you need to pull him back. They touch the dog sharply, make a restrictive sign with their hand, splash water in the face, hiss - and at the first yelp, until the pet is very excited. An excellent solution is to teach the “Quiet” command. It is better not to use the commands “Fu”, “No”, as they are intended for other situations.

    When the pet has calmed down, its attention is switched to a toy or treat.

    But if the dog is drowning in another room, you cannot run to him - this is how the owner indulges his whims. It’s better to call him to you, wait until the pet starts barking again and pull him back.

    Learn to suppress bites

    If you've ever watched puppies play, you know that they play, fight, and bite each other. However, sometimes one puppy bites the other too hard. When this happens, the injured puppy will usually yelp and then ignore the other puppy for a while.

    This way, puppies learn to control their bite force. Otherwise, no one will play with them.

    So, whenever your Pomeranian puppy bites or bites you, you should act resentfully. Say loudly: “Oh!” even if it doesn't hurt at all. Then ignore the puppy for a couple of minutes.

    Over time, your Pomeranian puppy will learn that you won't play with him when he bites. This should make them stop biting when you handle them.

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