American and European types of Maine Coons: similarities and differences between continental species

Maine Coon domestic cats are spoken of only in superlatives. They are the largest, heaviest, longest, most affectionate, laziest, and also the oldest in the United States. The pedigree of Maine Coons causes some controversy, but only in terms of how the ancestors of these giant cats came to the American continent. And their subsequent migration to Europe and the division of the breed into two branches - the indigenous American and the new European (Maine Coon type) remain in the sphere of interests only of true connoisseurs and professional experts.

Description of Maine Coon

These incredibly beautiful cats received the title “Main Coon” due to their large size and similarity to predators.


When choosing a Maine Coon kitten, you should take into account that there are 2 types of Coon varieties:

  1. American
  2. European

American Maine Coon

A large, broad-boned and squat animal. The head of the American Maine Coon is normal, without any outstanding features.

American type Maine Coon

Maine Coon European type

European Maine Coon

The body of European Maine Coons is long and proportional. The muzzle of such a cat is slightly elongated and has a well-developed box. Even from birth, European kittens have tufts on the tips of their ears, making them look like a domestic lynx.


A distinctive feature of Maine Coons is their continuous growth. These animals grow from 3 to 5 years. With a weight of about 7−12 kg, the total size of an adult cat can reach 1 m! The height at the withers usually reaches 33 cm.

Maine Coon weight by month

You can measure a raccoon cat using any measuring device by placing one end to the nose and the other to the tip of the tail.

wcf breed standards

  • Body: long and muscular
  • Head: large and massive, with sharp outlines
  • Ears: large, wide at the base, with protruding brushes of hair and tassels at the tips
  • Tail: long, soft and voluminous
  • Coat: 10 to 15 cm, short on the shoulders and head, but longer on the back, along the sides and on the belly
  • Eyes: round, straight set, green and yellow shades
Sizeabout 1 meter
Weight7 - 12 kg.
Lifespan12–16 years old

Types of colors

Manx coon cats come in a wide variety of colors other than chocolate, brown and lilac. Very often you can find colors with patterns called tabby. Tabby colors are characterized by various fine lines on the face that line the eyes and form the letter "M" on the forehead.

Maine Coon - white solid

Maine Coon - Red Solid

Maine Coon - black solid Solid Maine Coons are a rare phenomenon, which is why they are also called solid or solid. In addition, tortoiseshell, smoky or smoke colors (blue or black with white roots), as well as white markings in various places, are acceptable. Mackerel tabby (striped tabby) Classic tabby (marbled tabby) Spotted tabby (spotted tabby)

Recognized colors

  1. Mackerel tabby (striped (brindle) tabby) - vertical stripes on the body and spots on the stomach
  2. Classic tabby (marble tabby) - spiral stripes on the sides, reminiscent of marble stains
  3. Spotted tabby (spotted tabby) - intermittent stripes throughout the body

Disadvantages and disqualification

In order to participate in exhibitions, the appearance of an American raccoon cat must meet all the requirements for cats of this breed.

The main disadvantages of the Maine Coon and the reasons for disqualification in competitions include:

  • Poorly developed torso. The cat's body should be of impressive size, muscular, with a broad chest and strong bones.
  • Cloudy eyes. The look of a Maine Coon animal should be clear and predatory.
  • Ears set far apart. The Maine Coon's ears should be positioned at the same distance as the base of one of them.
  • Short tail. It should be equal to the length of the entire body
  • The coat is the same length all over the body

In addition, you should also remember that there are rules for exhibitions, which must indicate possible general reasons for the disqualification of cats.

Historical facts. . . The first mention in literature of the Manx raccoon cat was in 1861. However, this breed was officially recognized only in 1979, that is, only 118 years after its actual participation in exhibitions.


The Maine raccoon cat is very active and does not feel constrained when moving around the house (apartment). Unlike sedentary cats, this animal spends most of its time moving. This is normal and contributes to the development of the skeletal and muscular systems. An active cat cannot be limited in movement, because it needs constant physical activity.

The maine has a developed hunter's instinct: he can sit in ambush for a long time, tracking down potential prey. At the same time, the pet is very smart and resourceful. He is able to understand his name and quickly learns some commands. For example, being in the same situation several times, he quickly understands what needs to be done.

Kun is very resourceful and can entertain himself. However, it is worth noting that without learning ability, he grows up completely different and cannot fully reveal his abilities. Under no circumstances should you offend him, as this may cause the handsome raccoon to distance itself from people. A hyperactive cat needs special toys, scratching posts, and large play complexes. Walking in the fresh air is a prerequisite for the active growth and health of the animal.

Breeding Maine Coon Cats

Breeding purebred cats is considered a profitable and highly paid occupation. The Maine Coon is one of the 10 most expensive cats in the world. To obtain permission to breed, the cat must take part in the exhibition at least 3 times.

Krasnodar WCF Club “PERSONA-cat” “PERSONA-show-IX”


To participate in the exhibition and obtain permission to breed Maine Coon cats, the following documents are required:

  1. Contract of sale
  2. Kitten birth metric
  3. Pedigree

You can sell kittens without a pedigree and a metric only at a significantly reduced price to cat lovers who are not interested in breeding Maine Coons.

How to buy

You can buy a Maine Coon in any nursery in the world, as it is a fairly popular breed. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to go to another city - they can bring it and deliver it personally.

How to choose a kitten

You must immediately decide for what purpose you are taking a kitten: for breeding or as a pet. The amount you will have to spend on the purchase depends on this.

All kittens are divided into three classes: pet, breed and show.

Pet class - do not participate in breeding. These are pets. As a rule, these animals have slight deviations from breed standards. But their price is much lower.

Breeding and show class kittens are purchased for participation in exhibitions and breeding. These coonlets are as close as possible to the breed standards.

All Maine Coon kittens are cute and cheerful. If you want a pet, you shouldn't spend all your savings on a show-class animal. Choose the one you like and who has enough money.

You need to decide whether you need a girl or a boy. Maine Coon cats are more affectionate and cunning. Males are straightforward in character and much larger in size than girls. Their weight can reach up to 10 kg. The weight of females is 2-3 kg less.

To purchase a kitten, contact a special breed nursery.

Before you make a purchase, check with. All Maine Coon kittens born from purebred parents must have documents, regardless of class. Pets are no exception. A negative answer is a reason to be wary. Perhaps they are trying to sell you a mestizo.

When visiting a cattery, familiarize yourself with the conditions in which the cats live. They should not be kept in cages. The room must be clean.

Pay attention to the condition of the animals. It's a bad sign if they are exhausted.

Before choosing a Maine Coon kitten, meet its parents. This will give you an idea of ​​how your pet will grow up.

Ask the breeder any questions you want answered. The specialist will tell you everything about Maine Coons.

If the nursery is trustworthy, mom and dad like it, we choose a pet.

  • The kitten should be moderately well-fed. Not fat. Not skinny.
  • Check the condition of your eyes and nose. The mucous membranes must be clean.
  • Play with your baby. Look how he runs and jumps. You will see how he moves. This will eliminate problems with joints and bones. A healthy baby is always active, mobile, and will not refuse to play.
  • A good Maine Coon kitten should have large bones, massive paws, and a long body. As for the tassels on the ears, they are not required, but desirable. If the tassels have not appeared by two months, they will not appear again. What is more important is not the presence of tassels, but the correct placement of the ears. They should be large, vertical, set high.
  • At three months, a Maine Coon kitten is the same size as an ordinary barn cat.
    Its weight is at least one and a half kilograms. The minimum weight of a Maine Coon kitten can be calculated using the formula: the number of months is multiplied by 0.5 kg. At five months the kitten will have a minimum weight of 2.5 kg, at 6 months - 3 kg.

At what age should you take a kitten home?

You can take your baby home at the age of 12 weeks. You shouldn't do this before. The kitten must learn to eat food received in the nursery and use the litter box. He must receive the necessary vaccinations.

In addition, the breed characteristics of a kitten at the age of one month cannot be assessed. Even a professional cannot cope with this task.

If you liked a very small kitten from the nursery, leave a deposit for it. When he grows up, take him.

Health of Maine Coon cats

Maine coon cats are considered to be fairly hardy and healthy cats, however, like many other breeds, they may develop diseases such as:

  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  • polycystic kidney disease
  • spinal muscular atrophy
  • hip dysplasia

Characteristic diseases

Maine Coons are often prone to genetic heart disease. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo periodic heart examinations throughout your life so that you can take timely measures for treatment.

Essential vitamins

Due to the fact that the Maine Coon is a large breed with heavy bones, a kitten needs a source of calcium from birth. For successful growth and development of tissues, vitamins such as “Zhelobin” are suitable. In order to prevent cardiovascular diseases, it is recommended to give vitamins with taurine and biotin.


The best time to castrate a Maine Coon cat is between 7 and 8 months of age.

After castration, be sure to stay close to the cat: cover it with a soft pillow wrapped in disposable film, and place a heating pad under it.


When in heat, the Manx cooncat often rolls on the floor and screams day and night. In addition, the Maine Coon cat, despite its docile nature, can become angry and aggressive at this time.

In most cases, sterilization of this breed at 6-7 months is beneficial - the risk of diseases decreases and attachment to the owners increases.


The gestation period of a raccoon cat is usually longer compared to other breeds. Pregnancy of Maine Coons reaches 68 days.


Childbirth in Maine Coons is usually easy, without complications. Kittens in a litter come in no more than 6 different colors.

Food for Maine Coons

Many breeders wonder what to feed Maines. There are different opinions on this matter. Some say that animals should be fed only with special foods, for example, such as INNOVA, ACANA, ROYAL CANIN. Others prefer natural products.

Each owner decides for himself what to feed the animal. The main thing is that the food is of high quality and varied, since its health will depend on what the animal eats. It is imperative to take into account the age of the Maine Coon and its weight, since the amount of food must be strictly dosed. Kittens should not be overfed as this can be harmful to their health.

If the owner decides to feed the pet with specially developed food, he should give preference to high-quality products that were developed for large breed cats. More and more breeders give their preference to the ROYAL CANIN food line. This is due to the fact that the products in this series contain various vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the health of pets, fill them with energy, strengthen the immune system, make the coat shiny and beautiful and give it a healthy shine.

Another important point in feeding animals is the need to adhere to the feeding regime. Typically, food packaging contains detailed instructions. If the owner decides to feed the kitten only natural food, he should not forget that cats are predatory animals, which is why fish and meat must be present in their daily diet. Among meat products, it is best to give preference to beef, turkey, and chicken.

Kittens can also be fed raw meat. To do this, it is chopped into small pieces and then scalded with boiling water. When choosing fish, it is better to choose low-fat fish. It is given to kittens only in boiled form. In this case, it is advisable to remove all the bones so that the animal does not choke.

If a pet eats homemade food, it does not receive all the vitamins that are necessary for its growth and development. That is why you should supplement his diet with various vitamin preparations. In addition, cats happily eat porridge, cottage cheese, cheese, and vegetables, which can be mixed with meat products.

Character of American raccoon cats

Representatives of the Maine Coon breed are quite calm and loyal to their owners.

Raccoon cats generally do not like to sit on hands, but they like to be nearby, accompanying all the owner’s household chores.

The Maine Coon only after some time begins to trust strangers, but it gets along well with new pets.

Very often, Maine Coons talk to their owners, emitting thin melodic voices that resemble prairie songs.

CharacterCheerful, calm
Suitable for homeFits good
Tolerates lonelinessDoesn't tolerate well
Postpones the moveDoesn't tolerate well
StreetPerfectly adapted to natural and forest conditions
Relationship with the ownerChooses one owner
Relationship with childrenGets along well
Relations with guestsDoesn't trust strangers at first
Relationship with other catsGets along very well
Relationship with dogsGets along very well


It is necessary to start raising a Maine Coon from a young age. To prevent the kitten from staging protests, it should be perceived as an equal. In no case should you use force and punish retroactively, otherwise the little Maine Coon may simply not understand why he is being scolded, and this may lead him to self-doubt and anger towards you.


A Maine Coon can only be trained at the scene of a crime, using a sharp clap or a high-pitched whistle. It should be remembered that the raccoon cat should not see that its owner is making a sharp noise. You can achieve success in education with the help of rewards - the character of Maine Coons is easy to train, unlike other breeds.

Characteristics of Maine Coons

In order to learn to distinguish a real purebred Maine from other cat breeds, you should know its features:

Head slightly elongated. Unlike other cat breeds, in which it extends slightly in width. Large skull, rather high cheekbones and large ears, which always end in tassels

It is the presence of this important detail that distinguishes Maines from other cats. Their eyes are oval shaped. Coat color and eye color usually harmonize well with each other. The body is muscular and very large

Adult cats can reach 40 cm in height, and their length including the tail is about 120 cm. The limbs are also distinguished by well-developed muscles. This breed is distinguished by the presence of long hairs between the fingertips. The tail is very long and fluffy. Its length can reach 36 cm. The Maine's coat is very long and fluffy. In addition, these cats have a fairly thick undercoat.

Maintenance and care of Maine Coons

Keeping a Maine Coon at home is quite an expensive pleasure. Whether it is an apartment or a private house does not matter, since this breed of cats came from wild ancestors who were accustomed to nature.

It is very important to toilet train a small raccoon cat; this usually does not cause any problems.

It would also be a good idea to purchase accessories and toys that the Maine Coon loves. Cats of this breed have quite a lot of energy, so they will only enjoy all kinds of games.


Tray. For the Maine raccoon cat, it is better to choose a closed tray, about 35x50 cm in size with high sides. It is advisable to place a large bed in front of the toilet.

A bowl. To feed Maine Coons, you should choose a bowl that is also large and has a wide bottom, like for dogs.

Drinking bowl. The ideal water bowl would be a special cat fountain, since Maine Coons love water very much and can play with drinking water for a long time.

Scratching post. If you don’t want your furniture to get damaged, be sure to pick up a scratching post for your raccoon cat. It is very convenient to use a special play complex for this purpose, in which the cat can both frolic and sharpen its claws.

You can make such a house with your own hands, using old furniture and available materials.

Toys. The best toy for a Maine Coon is a rubber ball or a wooden toy.

Tray closed

Food bowls

Drinking fountain

scratching post


It is very important to properly care for the fur of a Maine Coon cat: wash it as often as possible and comb it so that the hair on the inner parts of the body does not roll into tangles.

It is better to start combing with a wide-toothed comb, and as the cat gets older, switch to a brush.


The first molt occurs in kittens at the age of 5-7 months. If the fur comes out in large clumps, it is recommended to use special shampoos and conditioners. In addition, to maintain good coat condition, it is very important that the cat eats properly.

Education and training

Raising a four-legged baby begins from the first day it arrives in the house. Despite the fact that many Coon owners call them Cotops, this should not be taken literally. Raccoon cats will never unquestioningly, like dogs, follow commands. They are self-sufficient. However, they will be happy to perform tricks to cheer themselves up and please their owner. They can be taught to fetch balls and serve slippers. Sit and lie according to a person's gesture.

It is necessary to teach pets this wisdom in the form of a game. It is important to reward with a treat for a correctly completed exercise. Don’t be surprised if your pet, on his own initiative, starts tearing down the slippers of all family members for tasty bites.

To achieve a good result, be patient. Show your pet attention and care. Then he will trust you.

Maine Coons cannot be beaten, deprived of food or toys, or shouted at as punishment. They do not tolerate violence. Such actions will provoke hostility and ruin the relationship with the animal.

Tray training

People buy kittens that are 3 months old. As a rule, kids already know what a tray is. But they may get confused in a new home. To prevent this from happening, the owner should show the pet a place to relieve itself.

You can guess that a kitten wants to go to the toilet by its behavior. He is worried, looking for a secluded corner. At this point, it should be carefully transferred to the tray. To attract your baby's attention, lightly scratch the litter in the cat litter with your finger.

If the kitten relieves itself before you move it to the litter box, wipe off the urine with a paper towel. Then put it in the litter. Next time the pet will find the tray by smell.

Training to a scratching post

Sometimes cat owners have a problem. The four-legged pet does not use a scratching post and scratches upholstered furniture. You can correct the situation in a simple way - show your pet where to sharpen its claws.

Place the kitten next to the scratching post. Take the kitten's paw and press down on the pad. Your pet will release its claws. Lightly move your baby's paw over the scratching post. After this, praise him and give him a treat. The pet will understand that it is possible to scratch in this place.

If after a while the kitten starts damaging the furniture again, take him to the scratching post again and show him where he can sharpen his claws. This should be done calmly and kindly so as not to scare the pet.

To better consolidate the result, use catnip. Lubricate the scratching post with it. The smell will attract the animal.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each breed of animal has its own strengths and weaknesses. As for Maine Coons, the advantages of these animals include the following qualities of individuals.

  • Despite their harsh appearance, cats are distinguished by such traits as tenderness and devotion towards humans. A friendly attitude is also manifested towards other pets present in the house.
  • Big cats are distinguished by their developed intelligence.
  • Pets adapt very quickly to new conditions and willingly learn new things.
  • Maine Coons love walks and also behave well when walked on a harness.
  • Large domestic cats will not assert themselves and dominate the society of their owners. Maine Coons also rarely release their claws.
  • Pets of this breed live a long time.
  • Animals willingly make contact with children, which is important for most families.

Animals also have some disadvantages:

  • purebred animals stand out for their high cost;
  • Due to long hair, when keeping an animal at home you will need to spend more time cleaning;
  • Animals tolerate heat very poorly.

European look

The appearance of European Maine Coons in the 70s of the 20th century led to the formation of a separate type of representatives of this breed. European cats have significant differences from the aborigines - the work of breeders to consolidate certain traits in their pets provoked their distance from the original type and the manifestation of extreme traits. The goal of the breeders is to achieve maximum difference from the American type, this determines the main characteristics of the “Europeans”:

  • long body;
  • elongated, tapered muzzle;
  • low forehead;
  • long ears with tassels;
  • high paws;
  • long tail reaching to the shoulder.

An important difference between Maine Coons of the European type is their slanted eyes, the shape of which makes the look of these cats predatory and gives them a proud appearance. “Europeans” do not have such a thick and silky coat as the aborigines, but their beautiful solid smoky color makes them popular among cat lovers.

At the beginning of the selection breeds, “Europeans” were distinguished by fragility and excessive grace, but over time this problem was solved.

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