All about red Maine Coons: genetics, varieties and character of big cats with red color

Red is considered a common color for domestic cats, although in practice it is far from the most common. The history of the red-colored Maine Coon is no different from the origin of other native cat breeds. They appeared on the American continent 10 centuries ago, perfectly adapted to natural conditions and saved the barns of local residents from rodent infestations.

It has been noticed that ginger cats are among the born hunters. It was this quality that saved the breed from complete oblivion during the expansion of Oriental cats in the United States at the beginning of the last century.

Maine Coon cat colors

Maine Coons come in a variety of colors.
Initially, cats had a black marbled color, which made them look like a raccoon. Over time, breeders began to need cats of all colors. Their work to suppress the genes responsible for color led to the appearance of cats of all colors: solid, brindle or tortoiseshell, and others.

Maine Coons come in different colors

Colors are classified by color, patterns, spots.


The selection work of scientists has made it possible to develop a Maine Coon breed with a uniform color. As a result of the suppression of genes responsible for color, white kittens appeared. The breed has a second name: solid.

Maine Coon

It means artificial, monochromatic. Most often it is possible to get black Maine Coons, with red cats in second place.


Black Maine Coons come in solid colors and with lines on their fur. They appear on the neck and face of the animal.

Black Maine Coon

Depending on the pattern, cats are further divided into three types:

  • brindle (vertical stripes run across the entire silhouette),
  • marble (reminiscent of stains on marble),
  • spotted (stripes are clearly visible).

Maine Coon

There are black Maine Coons with white spots.

The name indicates that the animal's fur combines equal amounts of white and black. Black Smoke cats have no stripes or spots. The coat color is white at the roots, darkening towards the tips.

Depending on the presence of hair of this color, varieties are distinguished:

  • chinchilla (black hair up to 1/8 of the fur),
  • smoky (even ratio of black and white wool),
  • shaded (only a quarter of the hairs are black, the rest are white).


White coloring is rare for Maine Coons. Characterized by the absence of wool of other shades. Often white individuals have amazing eyes: blue, bright green, golden.

White Maine Coon

Representatives of the white color do not have characteristic stripes on the tail, but there are tufts on the ears. Kittens have small stripes on their foreheads, but these disappear completely when they reach adulthood.

Red (red)

For a kitten to be bright red, you need two red parents. Red Maine Coons come in solid colors. The name of the color depends on the type of stripes: classic, brindle, spotted, ticked, agouti or smoky.

Red Maine Coon

Kittens appear light and turn red with age. It is impossible to determine which gene will predominate.


Kittens are also born white; pink pigment begins to color the animal's fur only in adulthood.

Cream Maine Coon


Blue Solid is common among this breed. If there is no picture, then the gene responsible for them is suppressed. Pure color is rare. In the table it is indicated by one letter.

Smoky individuals are black or blue. The dominant color appears closer to the tip of the hair. At the roots, the hair looks snow-white. This feature of coat color is present in ginger cats.

Origin story

The history of the origin of all native cat breeds, including the giant Maine Coons, is shrouded in legends and myths.

The first hypothesis about how this breed appeared dates back to the times of the Vikings, when they conquered new lands. In the year 1000, warriors traveled on their boats to the New World, and with them the ancestors of Norwegian forest cats got there. However, the Vikings were soon forced to return to the old continent. But the cats stayed for a long time, and as a result of crossing with local cats, the Maine Coon appeared.

The second version dates back to the time of the French Revolution, when Queen Marie Antoinette planned her escape from Paris (1793). She sent her cats to Captain Samuel Clough's sailing ship in advance. The couple of monarchs did not manage to leave France, but the animals safely reached the shores of the United States in Maine. There the cats received new blood from local animals, which became the basis for the formation of a new breed.

Another legend says that Maine Coons are the offspring of a domesticated cat and a wild Manx raccoon.

Objective data about Maine Coons appeared only at the beginning of the twentieth century, when “The Book of the Cat” by the American Frances Simpson was published in 1903. In it, the author described in detail both her own pets and the animals that belonged to her friends. The beginning of the story dates back to 1861, which became the main starting point in the biography of this extraordinary breed. Then there are almost no blank spots left in the Maine Coon chronicle:

  1. Beginning in 1860, Maine farmers exhibited local cats during the annual fair.
  2. Most of all, Maine Coons were valued not for their external qualities, but for their incomparable ability to hunt rodents - the large cat easily coped with the invasion of mice in grain barns.
  3. In 1895, 12 Maine Coons took part in the first national North American show - the cat Cozy from Maine was named the winner of this show.

Then history made an unpleasant zigzag - in the twentieth century, the large Maine Coon breed was almost destroyed by the expansion of the Persians and Turkish Angora cats. In 1911, the aborigines took a prize for the last time at an exhibition in Portland and disappeared from the field of view of felinologists for 40 years.

The big cats were rescued in the same place where their lineage began - in the agricultural regions of America. Farmers were indifferent to fashion trends, but they were concerned about the safety of the crop. So the Maine Coons did what they knew how to do best - catch rodents.

In 1976, the breed was completely restored, it returned to international exhibitions and from that time on never disappeared. Another 9 years later (1985), Maine Coons were recognized as the official state cat of Maine.

This is interesting! Red Maine Coons belong to the group of “talkative” cats. They masterfully control their voice and love to purr loudly, meow in every way, and sometimes even imitate the sounds of the surrounding nature.

Character and features

Of course, this incredibly beautiful animal, first of all, attracts with its appearance. However, his character is also interesting. The main features that the fiery red Maine Coon can boast of are usually listed by owners as:

  • goodwill;
  • friendliness;
  • patience;
  • loyalty.

Indeed, the character of these pets is very different from the general idea of ​​cats. Their curiosity and mobility are especially interestingly combined with the size of adult individuals.

Many people compare Maine Coons to dogs. This breed actually exhibits several traits that are more commonly seen in canines. They get along well with children and are not jealous of other cats. These red animals are very sociable and treat others with special friendliness.


Types of red colors

Maine Coons have red fur that comes in different shades and color combinations.


The darker and richer red coat comes in several varieties:

  • Solid – uniform dark red or “brick” color. The muzzle, limbs and tail may be decorated with vague patterns.
  • Brindle - stripes or spots of a darker shade are visible on the red body.
  • Smoky - each hair is transversely divided into two shades: the base is lighter, the tip is darker red.
  • The red and white color is bicolor - the number of white and red areas of the coat is approximately the same, van - almost the entire body is white, only the ears, head and tail are red, harlequin - several red spots are chaotically scattered throughout the body.


A lighter, pastel version of the red color. It is also called peach. Like red pets, peach ones have blurry patterns on the body, limbs, head, and tail. There are practically no Maine Coons with a pure, solid red coat.

If the patterns are clearly visible, the color is called tabby. If the hairs are white at the base, then the color is called cream-silver (or cream on silver). There are smoky individuals in which the patterns practically do not appear, but the hairs at the base are light. Peach bicolor cats are red with white spots.

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Maine Coon: detailed description of the breed

In order not to mistake a mixed breed, which is often found among fanciers, for a genuine Maine Coon, knowledge of the complete characteristics of the Maine will be very useful. So:

  • The shape of the head is slightly elongated in length, whereas in other breeds it extends in width. An uneven profile, high cheekbones and voluminous ears with high-set tassels. The presence of tassels is the most important distinguishing feature of the Maine breed.
  • The eyes are set wide and shaped like an oval. The color of the eyes usually harmonizes with the color.
  • The body is represented by well-developed muscles; animals are often large and very large in size. Long, wide shapes predominate.
  • The paws are proportional to the body - just as powerful, with good muscles. There should be small tufts of wool between the pads on the paws.
  • A voluminous and very fluffy tail, sometimes equal in size to the length of the entire animal.
  • The Maine Coon's coat is thick and quite long. In the area of ​​the muzzle and on the neck, the hair is of medium length.
  • A medium-sized Maine Coon will have a total length (including tail) of 95-100 cm.

An important distinguishing feature of the Maine Coon breed is the weight of the animals, which ranges from 6 to 10 kg. The average is between 7 and 9 kg. Cats, as a rule, are lighter than cats and gain about 6 kg of weight, but there are representatives of the “heavy” weight category - about 8 kg. The largest Maine Coon can easily reach a weight of just over 10 kg, which, due to its lush fur, looks much more voluminous, creating a false impression of a 15-kilogram cat. There are very widespread opinions about how much Maine Coons weigh, attributing incredible weights of up to 20 kg to cats. In fact, not a single case has been recorded in which the weight reached such figures. There is a standard system showing the dynamics of Maine Coon weight by month, which corresponds to the vast majority of animals.

Popular colors of Maine Coons

Maine cats abound in various colors, among which in the professional environment the main one is considered to be “wild” or “black tabby”, and all subsequent ones began to appear over time, gaining wide popularity among fanciers and breeders. Coon colors:

  • Red Maine Coon is one of the most popular colors with cream, brick or red colored fur, diluted with streaks of light shades;
  • white Maine Coon - characterized by exclusively snow-white fur, without any additional shades;
  • black Maine Coon - implies an absolutely even black color with the absence of other tint inclusions;
  • Maine Coon black marble - a classic color, which is characterized by a design in the form of curls and continuous lines, made in a double color scheme;
  • Maine Coon black smoke is an original color where the roots of the coat are painted white, and the subsequent length of the coat is exclusively black.

The black Maine Coons in the photo turn out excellent, embodying grace and showing off the rich coat of a timeless color. Red coons are no less photogenic, always able to lift your spirits with their sunny color.

How would this be scientific?

The types of colors of Maine Coon cats in the unified international EMS system are assigned codes consisting of letters and numbers, each of which indicates a particular color characteristic:

  • main color
fblack turtle
gblue cream turtle
ssilver or smoke (manifestation of one gene, but patterned individuals are called silver, and solid ones “smoky”)
wwhite (may be due to the manifestation of different genes)
  • presence and type of white spots
01van (white individual with a small spot, spots of the main color)
02harlequin (two thirds of the individual is white)
03two-color or bicolor
09with white (less than half white)
  • the presence of a pattern on the fur and its appearance
22marbled or classic tabby (“M” on the forehead and beautiful “butterflies” on the sides of the individual)
23brindle tabby or mackerel (“M” on the forehead and stripes all over the body)
24spotted (Maine Coons have torn tiger or merle)
21agouti factor (recorded when it is clear that the animal is a tabby, but it is not clear what kind of pattern it is)
11shaded (tabby on silver with a blurry pattern on the body)
12chinchilla - black series of colors, cameo - red series (very strong silver, in which the animal looks almost white with a slight touch of the main tone, sometimes completely white)
  • eye color (not always indicated)
61blue - blue
62yellow, golden - yellow, orange, golden, etc.
63oddeyed - disagreement
64green - green

In terms of primary color, the following Maine Coon colors are allowed: black, white, red, blue, cream, cream-blue and tortoiseshell. Shades of chocolate and cinnamon are strictly prohibited for Maine Coons.

Meet Pavel Volya's cat - Boomer and other star PURS (Part 2)

Pavel Volya from the Comedy Club has a large mega cat of the Maine Coon breed living at home. A huge black cat named Boomer, according to the comedian, weighs at least 20 kilograms and eats more food than Pavel himself did in his student years.

Of course, the artist is exaggerating - cats of this breed weigh on average 10-12 kilograms, and Boomer looks gigantic against the backdrop of the puny comedian. The cat's size also has its advantages, Pavel jokes - Boomer will never shit in his shoes, because he simply won't fit in them.

Katy Perry and her cats Krusty and Kitty Purry

The singer dreams of becoming a cat in her next life, wears cat outfits to concerts and enjoys communicating with her two pets - Kitty Purry (literal translation - something like “Purring Cat”) and Krusty.

Striped Kitty appears in the singer's videos and goes on tour with her. The cat even inspired Katie to create her own perfume, Purr, with a bottle cap in the shape of a cat's head. And the gray-and-white cat Krusty took part in the creation of the singer’s next fragrance, “Meow.”

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus is known for her love of animals - either a dog or a pig. But recently the scandalous singer got her own fluffy cloud - a snow-white kitten named Shanti Om.

The first word in the name of the Persian cat translates as “peace,” and Miley tried to make her pet famous throughout the world. He has every chance of becoming an Instagram star - his personal page @shantiombb already has almost 130 thousand subscribers. Charming Shanti lives like a king: her own room, three cribs to choose from, hundreds of toys and a private bathroom.

Victoria Bonya and the cat Sultan

Star and TV presenter Victoria Boni had a cat for 10 thousand euros. The exotic Savannah cat was not her first pet. She and her common-law husband Alex already had a cat, Luna, and only next to her could Victoria’s beloved one calmly fall asleep. But the cat died, and the couple immediately began looking for a replacement. The three-month-old exotic beauty immediately won the hearts of Victoria and her fans.

Even the nickname was chosen by the whole world. The options of naming the cat Cash (they gave so much money) or Schumacher (and it can be shortened to Shukher due to his playful nature) did not catch on. The exotic cat was named Sultan, but he soon had to be given away due to Victoria’s boyfriend’s allergies.

We invite you to check out the first part of our selection of celebrity cats, where you will see the furry pets of Karl Lagerfeld, Taylor Swift, Dita Von Teese and handsome Ian Somerhalder! PreviousPreviousRead another storyNext

Meet Pavel Volya's cat - Boomer and other star PURS (Part 2)

What color Maine Coon is better to choose?

Color, as one of the main details of the exterior, determines the price of a Maine Coon, which is why kittens of the same litter cost differently. Buyer interest is due to two circumstances: the fashion for Maine Coons themselves and a certain color trend.

Now, thanks to the blue Maine Coon Non-plus-Ultra, which appears in commercials, blue solid cats have no competition. This is not surprising - blue solids look amazing, but they are also very expensive in nurseries.

Fans of mysticism and Bulgakov adore cats that are completely black, shell out fantastic money for them and give them infernal names. Slightly lower in the popularity ranking are white solid, snow-white Maine Coons, which might have been ahead of black ones if not for the persistent thesis about a potential hearing disorder.

Cream and red giants are also damn attractive, whose monochrome color slightly disturbs the residual tabby, which is why they still lose to black and blue solids.

If you need a cat with an aura of mystery, take a smoky kitten, whose fur seems to glow from within. Once you learn how to care for such fur, your pet will look no worse than the hyped blue Maine Coons.

Bicolors and harlequins are chosen much less often, which is due to the very unsuccessful play of spots, which do not always form an attractive pattern. And if you accidentally overdo it with white, you can fall out of favor with experts at exhibitions.

People who believe in omens will definitely choose a tortoiseshell-colored cat, which can bring harmony and happiness to the house.

Maine Coon red color, color and character

In promotional photos, the ginger cat is often portrayed as a selfish and cunning creature. In fact, ginger cats have a golden character. Maine Coons of this color are no exception.

In the photo there is a Chester cat from the Belocoon cattery

Rules of care and hygiene

To keep your pet healthy, you need to properly care for it.

Cats should be brushed regularly with a fine-toothed metal brush. The procedure is carried out at least 2 times a week. If the animal sheds, it needs to be brushed every day. Be sure to comb your pet's tail thoroughly. You need to bathe once every 1.5-2 months. When washing, shampoos for long-haired cats are used.

You will need a large tray. It is better to take an open one or with a mesh. Due to the size of the cat, litter boxes will be uncomfortable. The animal may refuse to use them.

The eyes are cleared of mucus if necessary. The procedure is carried out using a cotton pad soaked in weakly brewed tea. It is prohibited to use chamomile decoction, since its use leads to hair loss around the organs of vision.

Ears with tassels will have to be cleaned of wax with cotton pads soaked in special solutions from veterinary stores or pharmacies. There is no need to use cotton swabs, since they can easily harm the animal and injure it.

Maine Coons are also famous for their cleanliness. Despite the long hair, which needs to be brushed once a week, it is difficult to find cat hairs in the house. Only during the molting period, which happens once a year, should you comb your pet every day.

A red Maine Coon will never eat from a dirty bowl. At the same time, he can play with a piece of meat for hours and then eat it. Wallpaper and furniture will not be touched if you immediately install a scratching post for your pet.

The animal feeds on meat and fish. For a shiny coat, you should give him boiled vegetables. Despite its size, there is no need to overfeed your pet. It is better to buy balanced cat food.

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Red maines, like their brothers, love water. You can safely bathe them every week using a special shampoo. But you need to get used to using a hairdryer from childhood.

Life expectancy is 12-15 years. In 2022, a cat who was half Maine was entered into the Guinness Book of Records, and at that time his age was 26 years old.

Red Maine Coon - color options for cats with white and other colors

With the appearance of a pet in the house, life becomes brighter and more fun. Most people prefer cats because there is no need to walk with them every day, and they are very friendly and sociable. Once you decide to have a cat in your home, you should carefully select the breed. A good choice would be the red Maine Coon, which is distinguished by its huge size, good disposition, and sociability.

The world's largest Maine Coon

Few people know that the largest Maine Coon cat in the world, named Omar, lives in the British city of Melbourne. The animal's body weight is 14 kilograms, and its length is as much as 120 centimeters, which breaks all previous records, as reported by The Telegraph. The publication writes that the cat’s favorite treat is raw kangaroo meat.

The fact that the Maine Coon is the largest cat in the world has been known for a long time. The previous recorded record for the length of a cat's body - 118 cm - also belongs to a cat of this breed. However, Omara's owner decided to compete for championship in this category, sending her pet's measurements to a special commission in the hope that he would defeat his rival and receive the coveted title of the largest cat in the world.

Price of kittens

Having learned about the record holder, many dream of getting a pet of impressive size and are interested in: how much does a Maine Coon cat cost, is such a “purchase” affordable?

There are rumors that cats of this breed are bred by entrepreneurs in order to make large profits from their sale. It should be noted that organizing such a business requires, firstly, large investments, and secondly, it is unlikely that people who know nothing about breeding purebred Maine Coons would simply risk their funds. Without spiritual aspiration and professional knowledge, such a business would not have lasted long, much less won the respect of breeders around the world.

Maine Coon cats have ancient roots, and in order to pass on the gene for their native “wild” color and aristocratic manners, breeders need to seriously try.

In addition, specialists in their field are constantly working to breed subtypes of the breed of the most unusual and original colors, showing extraordinary creative and professional abilities.

Let's find out how much a Maine Coon kitten costs and what its cost depends on. Several important factors influence price formation:

  • breed qualities of appearance and character;
  • purebred, confirmed by good pedigree;
  • gender of the kitten;
  • dimensions and color of the animal;
  • merits of the cat's parents;
  • funds spent on feeding and veterinary care for the mother cat and newborn kitten;
  • location (naturally, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, for example, cats will cost slightly more than in Siberia, the Urals and other regions remote from the capital);
  • kitten delivery service (if you order an animal in a remote city, you will pay more than if you brought it yourself).

As you can see, it is impossible to say exactly how much the Maine Coon breed costs.

In any case, Maine Coons are not cheap; you need to be prepared for this immediately when choosing a kitten. If we talk about purebred babies from nurseries with a good pedigree, then they cost an average of 35-40 thousand rubles. Individual representatives of the breed with the original color or descendants of the best lines can cost much more.

Babies “from amateurs” cost an average of 10-15 thousand rubles. Usually, these are kittens without documents that appeared as a result of mating according to the type: you have a cat, I have a cat, and let’s breed. When selling, they often say that they didn’t do the paperwork on purpose, they say, there’s a lot of hassle, but potential buyers (far from all the details of the breeding business) are happy: kittens are cheaper, and they don’t need paperwork, because they take a kitten for the soul. In fact, kittens without documents are not representatives of a particular breed and in the circles of professional felinologists are considered outbred.

Mixed-breed kittens are usually sold inexpensively - up to 5,000 rubles. The price depends on external data, similarity to Maine Coons, as well as the integrity of the breeders.

Keeping red beasts

Keeping a red Maine Coon, like any other cat of this breed, does not give owners much trouble. A pet needs to be raised from an early age in order to promptly define the boundaries of what is permitted for it.

  1. It is best to adopt a ginger Maine Coon kitten from a cattery at 3 months of age. By this time, he will have received initial socialization skills, learned to eat and use a litter box, and the breeder will have time to complete the first series of mandatory vaccinations and treatment for parasites.
  2. If the pet is not planned to be involved in breeding work, it can be sterilized at an early age.
  3. Long red hair will have to be combed weekly, and during shedding, the procedure is repeated once a day.
  4. Caring for mucous membranes (cleaning the eye area, nose and ears) is carried out as needed.

The red Maine Coon looks very dignified and presentable. He is large, moderately active and good-natured, loves his owners and enjoys spending time with them. Red color in any combination is common in these big cats, so you can choose a baby with suitable external parameters from the nursery without much difficulty.

Breeding issues

Mating, caring for a cat during pregnancy, and proper delivery require responsibility from the breeder and an understanding of the peculiarities of these processes.

  • Estrus. The age at which the first heat occurs varies from person to person. Puberty occurs late in Maine Coons. The norm is considered to be a time period of seven months to one and a half years.
  • Preparing for mating. Before the first mating, they are tested for infections, given a comprehensive vaccination, dewormed, and the cat is treated for fleas and parasites.
  • Knitting. It is carried out in the territory of the male. The cat is left for several days with a tray, a supply of food and other necessary things. The optimal time is the second or third day after the start of estrus.
  • Pregnancy. Gestation of kittens lasts 65-68 days. During pregnancy, the cat should receive a balanced diet, vitamin supplements, and be regularly examined by a veterinarian.
  • Childbirth. Maine Coons have a well-developed maternal instinct. Childbirth is usually easy, without complications. A small amount of red-brown discharge during the week after birth is considered normal.

If your cat continues to have strong contractions for one to two hours but is unable to give birth, you should call a veterinarian. Specialist intervention is required in case of intense bleeding, a sharp increase or decrease in temperature.

If the animal's health or non-compliance with breed standards does not allow serious breeding, it is better to think about sterilization or castration. Judging by the reviews and opinion of veterinarians, this reduces the risk of developing many diseases, increases the life expectancy of the pet, and has a beneficial effect on its character.

How to care for an adult pet's fur

A healthy pet's coat should be silky, shiny and flowing. Her condition is affected by:

  • proper nutrition, balanced in the amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • conditions of detention. For example, a sedentary lifestyle, poorly ventilated rooms and regular stress negatively affect the appearance of the coat;
  • proper care. Coons need to be combed 2-3 times a week with a special comb and bathed once every few months with shampoos carefully selected at the veterinary pharmacy. At the time of shedding (it can be seasonal, or associated with hormonal changes in the body of cats aged from 6 to 12 months), the pet must be combed daily.

Attention : since Maine Coons' hair tends to mat on the lower part of the neck, hind legs, belly, areas behind the ears and on the chest, these areas are given more attention when brushing.


In different standards, the description of the exterior and character of the Maine Coon breed is not too different. Let's take the European WCF system as a basis, as the most common.

Description of the breed according to the WCF standard

  • Body. Muscular, elongated and wide. Rectangular.
  • Rib cage. Wide.
  • Head. Medium size. Almost square in shape with high cheekbones.
  • Scull. Massive.
  • Muzzle. With curved profile.
  • Nose. Middle length.
  • Chin. Massive. Located in line with the upper jaw and nose.
  • Ears. Large triangular ones. Planted high and upright. With or without tassels on the tips. The presence of tassels is desirable.
  • Eyes. Slanting, oval, widely spaced. The eye color should be in harmony with the color of the cat.
  • Neck. Middle length.
  • Limbs. Out of proportion to the body, large and muscular.
  • Paws. Large, round. There are tufts of fur between the toes.
  • Tail. Fluffy and big. Wide at the base, tapering towards the tip. The length of the tail can reach at least the cat's shoulders.
  • Wool. Fluffy and very thick. Waterproof. The hair in the head and neck area is of medium length. It is desirable to have a “mane” in the neck area. The “pants” and belly are decorated with long, thick undercoat.
  • Color. Solid colors (black, white, red), merle, tortoiseshell, tabby (brindle), tricolor are allowed. Unacceptable: chocolate, lilac, fawn, cinnamon (cinnamon), color point.
  • Weight. adult cats can reach up to 9-12 kilograms.
  • Height at the withers. From 25 to 45 cm.
  • Average life expectancy. Cats – 14 – 16 years old. Males – 12 – 15 years old.
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