What you need to know about pregnancy and childbirth of a German Shepherd?

The pregnancy of a German Shepherd is almost always a welcome, planned event. To get a strong offspring and maintain the health of the bitch, she is provided with proper care. It is important to know how long a pregnant dog walks: the German Shepherd is a multiparous breed, and many owners even try to take time off to be present at the birth and then help take care of the newborns.

How long does a German Shepherd's pregnancy last?

Gestational age cannot be predicted with accuracy, since gestation time varies from one bitch to another, and even within the same dog varies depending on the number of fetuses.

On average, pregnancy in shepherd dogs lasts 60-65 days.

Reveal patterns:

  • the first pregnancy lasts longer than subsequent ones;
  • the more fetuses in the uterus, the faster labor occurs (58-60 days).

The last week is very important for the formation of fetuses; puppies born before the 53rd day of pregnancy are not viable. On the other hand, a prolonged pregnancy is also a cause for concern: if the dog is nursing (more than 70 days), a caesarean section may be required.

Owners need to carefully record how many days after mating the dog gives birth. This will help avoid medical intervention in situations where it is not required. If your pet is continuously whelping at 70 days and the litter is healthy, the veterinarian should not suggest a cesarean section at 65 days.

The duration of pregnancy is often incorrectly determined by counting days from the date of mating. It does not always coincide with the date of fertilization. The gap between these events is sometimes 1-6 days (in the female genital tract, sperm retain the ability to fertilize for a week). Experienced breeders try to breed during the period of ovulation.

Further actions

Giving birth to a dog at home involves caring for it for several days.

  1. When the cubs are born, the mother in labor washes her genitals with warm boiled water to prevent infection.
  2. The dirty bedding is removed and replaced with a clean cloth. Cotton fiber material is best.
  3. In the room where the whelping bitch and her babies are located, a stable thermal regime is maintained at +28C.
  4. Immediately after giving birth, the female must be taken for a walk, but her stay on the street should not be prolonged. The mother must return to the babies in time and start feeding them.
  5. If there is not enough milk in the nipples for everyone, then newborns are fed artificial infant formula.

Have you ever delivered a dog?

At what age does a shepherd dog give birth?

German Shepherds, like all large breed dogs, are distinguished by a late onset of maturity. They continue to grow and develop until they are 15 months old, and early pregnancy in a shepherd will harm both the mother and the fetuses.

The first mating is usually carried out in the third heat, at the age of 1.5-2 years. Up to 4-6 years, bitches retain high reproductive abilities.

But we should not forget that pregnancy and childbirth are a serious burden on the body of a German Shepherd. Good breeders do not breed dogs every time they are in heat, but only once a year, so that internal reserves can be restored. And even under such conditions, the body works “for wear and tear”, so bitches over 8 years old should not be forced to whelp.

In one litter, 6-7 puppies are usually born, but fertile females have 10-12, and even 15 puppies. Firstborns rarely have multiple litters.

At the age of 6-8 years, the German Shepherd gives birth to 1-3 puppies

Setting up a place for childbirth

You should prepare the birthing area in advance so that you have time to accustom your dog to it.
The room where the bitch will whelp should be warm (+28), and there should be no drafts . It will be convenient for a bitch to give birth to puppies in a large box, wooden box or collapsible playpen. The height of the walls should be such that older puppies cannot crawl out of the shelter through them.

Prepare bedding (blankets, mattresses), which will need to be changed periodically.

In winter, if the room is cool, the whelping area is equipped with an additional source of body. If the dog lives in its own enclosure, then it is worth moving it into the house.

Born puppies are placed in a separate box, the bottom is covered with sterile bedding. The walls of this nest for newborns should not be high so that the mother can see the children. How many puppies a German Shepherd bears is written below.

Signs of pregnancy in a German Shepherd

If pregnancy proceeds normally, it is almost impossible to notice any external manifestations in the first month. Embryos are attached to the wall of the uterus only at the end of 2 weeks, and they are still very small.

At the age of 3 weeks, the placenta (“baby place”) is formed, but the embryo itself does not exceed 0.5 cm in size at 21 days. By the end of 4 weeks (28-30 days), the skull begins to form, and the embryo grows to 2 cm.

From day 32 the second half of pregnancy begins. Embryos are already called fetuses, and weigh about 20% of the weight of a newborn puppy (length approximately 2.7-3 cm). From day 34 (week 5), the dog’s belly begins to enlarge and its appetite increases.

At the 6th week, future puppies have already formed internal organs, eyes, bones of the spine and fingers. By day 40, the size of the fetus is about 6.5 cm. The uterus occupies almost the entire abdominal cavity, pushing aside the intestines and bladder.

From the 7th week, the bitch becomes noticeably rounder, and you can begin to prepare a “den” for giving birth and feeding puppies. On the 45th day of pregnancy, each fetus already reaches a size of 9-10 cm, and a large volume is occupied by amniotic fluid in the amniotic bladder. By day 50, babies grow to 12 cm and weigh 75% of their birth weight.

At week 8, the expectant mother tends to rest more; a large belly is not conducive to activity. Puppies that have grown to 15 cm begin to develop teeth. Starting from day 58, you need to be ready to give birth at any time. By day 60, the babies are already covered with fur and ready to be born. Depending on the number of pups in the litter, genetics and pregnancy conditions, the weight of newborn puppies is 350-500 g (18-22 cm in length).

1-1.5 days before giving birth, the bitch’s behavior changes under the influence of hormones: she hides in a secluded place, digs, and tries to set up a den. Young animals are excited and try in every possible way to attract the attention of their owners. The folds on the genital loop (edema) disappear, and transparent mucous discharge appears.

By the end of pregnancy, it is necessary to equip a maternity unit and transfer the pregnant bitch there

It is advisable to measure your temperature daily, preferably twice a day. A decrease in body temperature in puppy dogs is the most reliable sign of impending birth. Before birth (18-24 hours) it decreases by 1-1.5 C, and is 36.3-37.1 C.

Pre-fetal period

The duration of the prefetal period starts from 3 weeks and ends with 31 days of pregnancy.

Third week

In the third week, the placenta begins to form. This is a kind of place where the puppies will be until the end of the dog’s “interesting” position. The embryos at this time are relatively small, they are 0.5 centimeters in size.

Fourth week

At 28-30 days, the embryo already reaches a size of 2 centimeters. During this period, the puppy's skull is formed.

What does a pregnant shepherd look like?

In the second half of pregnancy (from the 5th week), the signs become obvious even to novice dog breeders.

  1. Enlarged belly

A pregnant German Shepherd Bitch
may simply look fatter, but with a multiple pregnancy at the end of the term, the dog’s figure becomes pear-shaped: the swollen belly drops.

  1. The mammary glands enlarge and change color.

Enlargement of the mammary glands
The nipples may swell as early as the fifth week, and the skin on them becomes darker. By week 7, the fur falls out around them. Sometimes the bitch facilitates this process by carefully licking her belly. A few days before birth, milk appears in the glands, sometimes it spontaneously drips out of them.

Start of the process

Just before giving birth, the behavior of a German Shepherd changes dramatically - it withdraws, whines, and scratches its bedding. She lies down for as long as it takes before giving birth, eats nothing and breathes quickly. At first glance, you can notice the dog’s muscles trembling, and you can see the puppies moving in the womb.

If you have prepared the maternity box well and thoroughly and will be around as long as needed, then all these manipulations will help the shepherd get rid of unnecessary nervousness.

The birth process itself can be divided into three parts:

  • before childbirth;
  • birth of puppies;
  • after childbirth.

Before birth

Muscle contractions in the uterus - the process of contractions - can last up to thirty hours. Due to frequent contractions, the cervix begins to dilate, which is not noticeable from the outside.

Birth of puppies

The cervix opens fully and contractions and pushing - contractions of the abdominal muscles - help the fetus move through the birth canal for subsequent birth.

As soon as the puppy is born, the mother herself bites off the umbilical cord and begins to lick her baby, thereby stimulating it to life. Do not rush into the birth of the first fetus; you will only harm both the puppies and the shepherd dog on your own. Give as much time as necessary for a natural birth. A German Shepherd can give birth to an average of seven puppies.

After the birth of a puppy, an afterbirth comes out which the dog eats. It contains extremely important substances for the continuation of normal childbirth and the appearance of lactation. To maintain health, two afterbirths are enough; do not let your dog eat more, otherwise he will develop diarrhea.

Try to change the bedding for the shepherd's comfort as often as possible.

How long?

Normal birth lasts up to twelve hours, the interval between the appearance of puppies is on average an hour. If more than two hours have passed since the birth of the last baby, this means that labor is over. But sometimes the last puppies are born several hours later. It is normal for a German Shepherd to give birth to seven puppies.

The last afterbirth may come out within an hour. You can give your German Shepherd an injection of oxytocin. Thanks to the medicine, the afterbirth will come out quickly and easily.

After labor is over, there may be green discharge or bleeding. Why is the discharge green? Hemoglobin may turn this color due to hematomas formed in the placenta. After seven days, the discharge becomes clear and will stop within a month.

False pregnancy

If the bitch begins to produce milk 5 weeks after her heat and her behavior changes suddenly, this is most likely a hormonal imbalance and the dog is not actually pregnant. False pregnancy can occur later, 2 months after estrus.

If mating has been carried out, the cause of such a violation may be the death and resorption of the fruits for up to 4 weeks. Some bitches are genetically predisposed to this disease and can feed other people's cubs. Signs:

  • the dog sets up a nest and nurses inanimate objects like puppies (soft toy, slippers), protects the den and can show aggression;
  • refuses walks, hides in a secluded place, whines and worries;
  • The mammary glands swell and milk is produced.

It is necessary to hide all pseudo-puppies while the dog is on a walk and contact a veterinarian. False pregnancy itself is not dangerous and often goes away without treatment, but it can cause severe mastitis.

Dog behavior before giving birth

On the eve of giving birth, the bitch behaves restlessly:

  1. She whines, looks for secluded dark places, and can tear her bedding with her claws.
  2. Often the dog follows the owner's heels.
  3. The shepherd's appetite may completely disappear, but some expectant mothers eat as before, right up to the start of whelping.
  4. The onset of contractions causes pain, the dog trembles, and breathing becomes heavy. The harbinger of contractions is the release of mucus from the loop.

When such signs appear, the bitch should be taken to a pre-prepared place for childbirth.


If you realize that your German Shepherd is pregnant as soon as possible, the owners should contact a veterinary clinic. Starting from 4 weeks, you can determine pregnancy using ultrasound diagnostics, and an experienced specialist can perform ultrasound as early as 21 days.

The veterinarian will establish the fact of pregnancy and assess the condition of the fetuses, but you should not demand to name the exact number of cubs: the probability of error is too high. To find out the number of puppies, an X-ray of the abdominal cavity is taken at 48-50 days.

An ultrasound is necessary if the dog’s condition suddenly worsens - vomiting or refusal to eat, depression. The examination will help ensure that the fruits are alive. In case of frozen pregnancy or fetal hypoxia, urgent medical intervention is necessary.

Helping puppies during birth

It happens that the fetus comes out with difficulty, then it needs to be carefully pulled out. Pull the baby by the exposed parts of the body, grabbing them with a sterile napkin. Do this by adjusting to the rhythm of your contractions.

If the mother herself cannot treat the newborn, she should:

  • free it from the amniotic sac,
  • cut the umbilical cord 2 cm from the tummy;
  • Use sterile gauze to remove mucus from the puppy’s mouth and nose;
  • let the mother lick the baby;
  • if the puppy does not squeak and is breathing with difficulty, he is shaken sharply;
  • As soon as the newborn makes squealing sounds, it is applied to the mother's nipple.

After feeding, all born puppies are placed in a prepared box with bedding and a heating pad. The babies are applied to the mother's nipple one by one. Everyone should get their portion of colostrum to strengthen their immune system.

Immediately after birth, the color of the puppy cannot be determined. You can read more about the types of colors in the article.

How to care for a pregnant shepherd

Owners should begin planning for pregnancy long before its onset. While the dog is carrying puppies, the use of any medications is highly undesirable. All chronic diseases, if any, must be treated to stable remission in advance. Necessary:

  • get preventive vaccinations at least a month in advance;
  • give a broad-spectrum anthelmintic a week before mating;
  • in the warm season: select flea and tick medications approved for use by pregnant animals (Bravecto tablets, collars and drops based on essential oils).

After mating, the dog is considered pregnant, and although there is no need to change food or exercise in the first month, it is necessary to handle the bitch as carefully as possible.

When playing with a pregnant shepherd, you should ensure that the dog does not injure itself.


It is very important to feed your German Shepherd properly during pregnancy. During this period, the bitch's body weight increases by 10-25%. In addition to fruit growth, nutrients for future lactation (proteins, minerals) are deposited. In the second half of pregnancy, the diet should be 1.5-2 times higher in calories than usual.

When eating at home, it is important to follow a number of rules:

  • do not allow feeding of expired, low-quality products;
  • meat, offal, fish are thoroughly boiled;
  • exclude bulky foods (“empty” cereals, soups);
  • Do not give foods that cause bloating (brown bread, potatoes, peas).

To compose the shepherd's diet, they use lean meat, offal, cottage cheese and cereals (rice, buckwheat), boiled vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, carrots). With this type of nutrition, vitamin and mineral supplements must be used.

If your pet is kept on commercial food, in the second half of pregnancy and during lactation they use a diet for puppies up to two months of age (Royal Canin Maxi Starter Mother&Babydog and others). It is better if the food is from the same brand that was fed previously; the transition to a new diet is carried out within a week.

From the 3rd week of pregnancy the bitch is fed three times a day, and from the 7th week - 4 times a day. Frequent meals in small portions eliminate unnecessary pressure on the uterine horns. Water is given to drink ad libitum; pregnant females usually experience increased thirst.

During pregnancy, a German Shepherd requires an increased diet


The fact that a dog is carrying puppies is not a reason to refuse walks. In the first month, the dog can lead a normal life. Further walks should be long, but calm. The puppy bitch is not allowed to take barriers, jump, or play with other dogs. In the summer, overheating is very dangerous, so they walk in the early morning and evening, in the shade.

A high level of activity allows your dog to maintain muscle mass and not gain weight. Obesity greatly complicates labor, contractions will be weak, and oxytocin may be needed.

Timely help

Any, even the most minor, wounds received during a walk should be washed with antiseptics until complete healing. In case of purulent inflammation, antibiotics are used, and this is extremely undesirable during pregnancy.

In case of any ailment (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.), you need to see a doctor as soon as possible in order to stop the disease at its onset.

Rules for preparing for mating

A female German Shepherd reaches physiological maturity at the age of 6-9 months. However, it is not recommended to breed a female dog when she is in her first heat. Experienced breeders advise mating at the time of the dog’s third sexual cycle.

When pregnancy occurs earlier than expected, the risk of sick or dead puppies being born increases.

When preparing for mating, the search for a male dog should be carried out by the owner of the bitch. The choice of candidate is determined by several factors:

  • breed;
  • lack of family ties with the female (if there are even distant ties, puppies can suffer from congenital diseases).

The preparatory stage should begin a month before the process. During this period, dogs must undergo deworming. It is also necessary to eliminate skin parasites and get preventive vaccinations.

Experts recommend breeding dogs only through a breed club or kennel.
In this case, breeders independently select a healthy pair for the female. Attention! Mating with an unfamiliar and untested male can lead to infection with parasites and transmission of sexually transmitted infections, which, in turn, will provoke the development of other pathologies.

Possible difficulties

The birth process can cause a bitch to go into shock; firstborns are especially prone to it. The animal is noticeably nervous and moves around the room chaotically and senselessly. The dog's body and limbs are cramped. She is shaking as if from cold. Saliva begins to drip from the mouth, and breathing quickens.

These signs are characteristic of titania - postpartum shock. In this state, the shepherd does not control its behavior and is capable of harming the cubs, even biting and eating them.

Pregnancy and childbirth of a German Shepherd

The owners should not lose sight of the woman in labor; it is necessary to closely monitor her during the first 24 hours. If dangerous symptoms appear, the new mother is isolated from the offspring. They try to calm and warm the dog. If the animal cannot be brought back to normal, it should be shown to a veterinarian.

What does the owner of a puppy dog ​​need to know?

Before mating, the dog must be dewormed and skin parasites removed. Deworming during pregnancy is undesirable, as it can cause abortion of the fetus. In the first half of pregnancy, you should not radically change your diet or cancel exercise. It is enough if the bitch’s diet is enriched with calcium preparations (to prevent eclampsia) and vitamins, especially A, B1, D, E. In the fourth week, you can diversify the table with foods high in animal protein (eggs, meat, cottage cheese, cheese). A mated bitch drinks a lot, drinking water is given without restriction, it is necessary for the production of amniotic fluid that fills the fetal bladder. To preserve the coat, add biotin or brewer's yeast to the food.

Walking for up to five to six weeks can be extended, but jumping over hurdles should be discontinued. Towards the end of pregnancy, it is better to walk little by little, but often - the uterus puts its full weight on the bladder, and the need for walking increases. Protect the late-term bitch from jolts and sudden movements, postpone long car trips, otherwise labor may begin prematurely. At such times, it is harmful for the dog to climb long flights of stairs, so it is better to use the elevator.

Factors affecting height and weight

The growth and development of a shepherd depends on the following factors:

  • Heredity. The height and weight indicators and growth rate of newborn puppies are largely determined by the genes of the parents.
  • Intrauterine development. If, while bearing puppies, the bitch received a balanced diet and was kept in good conditions, then her offspring acquired the entire necessary complex of vitamins, minerals and nutrients necessary for normal growth. Such puppies are born with good height and weight indicators and have excellent inclinations for further physical and psychological development.
  • The period of feeding babies with mother's milk. If the bitch eats properly, the suckling babies receive a large amount of useful substances, which means a strong immune system along with milk. At the same time, it is important not to miss the moment of supplementary feeding of the young animals. If these two conditions are taken into account, then at the time of sale the puppies will meet the requirements of the breed standard.
  • Food. Puppies should be fed only high-quality food rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients. The age of the pet is taken into account.

    Among the ready-made foods there are products specially developed taking into account the needs of German Shepherd puppies

  • Conditions of detention. The Shepherd requires constant physical activity and active walks. Motor activity and training are the main requirements for raising a physically and mentally healthy dog.
  • Diseases. Infectious diseases suffered at an early age inhibit the growth and development of young animals. The presence of internal parasites can also negatively affect a dog’s height and weight. In order not to expose babies to danger, it is necessary to avoid their contact with sick pets, you should regularly visit the veterinarian and get all routine vaccinations.

Infectious diseases and parasites inhibit the growth and development of a pet

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