Making your own muzzles for dogs

Sewing a muzzle for a dog with your own hands is not difficult at all. You will see this if you read this post completely. The work itself will take no more than an hour using a minimum amount of materials.

It should be noted that there are many types of muzzles for dogs: metal, leather, plastic, fabric. When choosing a muzzle, it is important not only to take into account the individual characteristics of the pet and choose a product that is suitable in size. There is one more important point: you must decide for what purpose this accessory will be used.

For example, for long walks, training and training, as well as for walking in the hot season, muzzles such as mesh baskets made of plastic or metal are perfect. The “basket” will not only allow the pet to calmly lick its lips and breathe freely, but will also reliably protect the little one from the temptation to pick up some bone on the street.

The muzzle that we will talk about today is more suitable not for walking, but for other purposes. Rather, it will serve as protection against biters, who do not like hygiene procedures (for example, trimming nails) and trips to the veterinarian.

Types of muzzles

What material is used to make this much-needed dog accessory? A dog muzzle can be made of metal or plastic, leather and even synthetic materials.

They can be deaf or mesh. Dog owners need to know that a deaf muzzle guarantees complete safety of people around them from animal bites. But it is not advisable to use it on a hot summer day, as it can cause heat stroke in the dog. After all, everyone knows that the cooling of an animal’s body occurs due to its frequent breathing with an open mouth.

Tip 2: How to choose a muzzle

Buying a muzzle for a dog is a primitive thing, but only at first glance. When choosing this accessory, you should consider not only the size of your pet's muzzle and jaw, but also the function and even the shape of the muzzle.


1. Mesh muzzles are suitable for peaceful, non-aggressive dogs. This accessory is made of leather or plastic. Similar restraints for animal jaws can be used for participation in competitions and exhibitions and can be easily used for walking the dog in the yard. But a leather muzzle can chafe if it is not chosen correctly and is too small in size, so when purchasing this type, be sure to take your dog to try it on. Plastic mesh muzzles look great. But they have the ability to crack from impact and in the cold, while, say, solid leather ones will be much stronger and more reliable.

2. A mesh metal muzzle is the perfect option for hot summers. However, it is not suitable for winter, because in cold weather the dog can “stick” its lip or tongue to the metal. Even leather inserts do not completely exclude this possibility.

3. Muzzles with insulation are a winter option for walking. Finally, it looks bulkier and is much heavier in weight, however, it is much more protective of your dog’s face in severe frost, due to the foam rubber that is sewn in as insulation. But an insulated muzzle is unsuitable for walks in summer and even spring, as it can cause diaper rash.

4. The double metal muzzle prevents the dog from eating “illegal” food from the street, and is also great for very angry and hostile pets. When choosing a double mesh restrictor, pay attention to the mesh: the front grille should consist only of vertical bars, since your pet can break its teeth on the horizontal bars if it tries to bite something.

5. Owners select solid leather muzzles for angry guard dogs or police dogs. Unlike mesh iron or leather baskets, a “deaf” muzzle perfectly holds its shape and calms the dog’s aggression. Such models are excellent during detention training and for developing excellent grip. They, as usual, are made of thick, sometimes double-layer leather with excellent fastening.

Video on the topic

Making a homemade muzzle

If your pet is not large in size and is a representative of one of the decorative breeds, you will still need a protective device such as a muzzle.
In most cases, such babies are left with nothing, since it is very difficult to find a protective accessory for their miniature faces in pet stores. Thus, conscious owners have adapted to making them themselves.

Here the manufacturing process is very simple:

  • Look in one store for the model of the item that you like best;
  • make the correct pattern based on the size indicators of your pet;
  • it is worth purchasing durable and high-quality fabric;
  • make separate strips, sew them together and attach a strip with a fastener to them.

The item is ready, you can try it on.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Leather model for walking

Photo 2. Models for small breeds

Photo 3. Ready for a walk

Photo 4. The dog chews the muzzle

Photo 5. Nylon model

Photo 6. Two dogs on a walk

Why does a dog need a muzzle?

Before you disassemble: how to make a muzzle for a dog with your own hands, you should find out why it is even needed. It’s one thing if the owner keeps a husky or shepherd dog at home, and another if it’s a harmless Yorkie.

Despite the negative attitude of many owners of four-legged friends, a muzzle is a necessary accessory for an animal. This confirms quite a lot of points and nuances. First of all, walks around the city can always end unexpectedly and unpredictably: a cat or a cyclist running past, a loud car horn - all this can scare the dog, and he will bite the nearest person.

If we consider this moment from the legislative side, then owners should definitely acquire a similar accessory for their pets. Previously, the presence of a muzzle was not officially approved, but now the amendments have already entered into legal force. Moreover, if an animal bites a person or another pet without protection, the owner faces administrative punishment. Important! It's not worth the risk. A muzzle is required not only for walking, but also for transporting an animal on public transport. Also, don’t forget about the collar and leash. This applies to all dogs without exception, regardless of size.

How to make a dog bed

Even a small apartment can seem like a big, scary world to a small puppy. In this space he should have his own refuge, a secluded corner where he can sleep, hide or relax after a walk. A bed is a small item, but extremely necessary. This is where our pet can stretch, straighten its paws and relax its muscles, which is very beneficial for canine health. Today we will learn how to sew a bed with our own hands using a simple pattern.

A dog's place in the house

Hundreds of options for places for small dogs to sleep and rest have been invented. Some are stylized to resemble a real house, others are made in the form of a cage, reminiscent of beds, cars or flowers. Some pets stay at night in bedside tables, where a bed is made for them. For others, a special corner is built into the master bed.

Materials for assembling stationary dog ​​“bedrooms” can include wood, cardboard, plastic, wicker baskets, suitcases and even old TV cases. Fantasy knows no bounds here. However, no matter how beautiful the case looks, it must be filled with softness and warmth. This requires a bed. You can buy a simple product in a store or order it online, but it’s better to make it yourself.

Advantages of a homemade bed

Choosing a model

The shape of the bedding depends on the type of dog's sleeping place. If you purchased a cage, house or basket, then you should sew a pillow of a suitable shape for it (read in detail about choosing a cage). The bed can be completely sewn or knitted with your own hands.

Frameless models can be closed (resemble a wasp's nest, hole) or open. The second option is suitable for curious dogs who prefer to be in the know about everything that is happening. The height of the walls of the bed will depend on the nature of the pet.

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Round places to sleep


Tips for choosing

There is a wide selection of dog accessories on the market. Manufacturers produce models for different breeds, ages, and from various materials. In order for your pet to quickly get used to the muzzle and not experience discomfort, you need to choose a model that suits him.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the size. It is better, of course, to try it on directly on the dog. But for short-faced dogs, such as pugs, you can safely use a cat muzzle. The pet will feel very comfortable in it.

However, if this is not possible, measurements should be taken. It is important to remember that muzzles should not fit too tightly around the animal's face. It should be possible to open your mouth slightly, chew the treat, and stick out your tongue. Also, the dog must breathe freely in it, otherwise heat stroke may occur.

The material and specific type depend on the size, breed of the pet, time of year, as well as the purpose of its use. For example, a metal model is very durable, but is not suitable for winter and can rub your face. In addition, the animal can cause harm not only to itself, but also to others. After all, if there is no opportunity to bite, it will hit with its muzzle. Design ideas can make the product unusual and interesting.

For large breeds

When speaking about the need for muzzles, the law primarily refers to large breed dogs. It is they who, due to their individual characteristics, pose a great danger. When choosing a muzzle for such an animal, you need to combine the convenience and durability of the product. Plastic models are considered the lightest and most convenient. However, representatives of large breeds can break them if they wish.

Metal products are especially durable. For large breeds these are the ones most often recommended. But they are quite heavy, rigid and, if the size is incorrectly chosen, can rub. In addition, they are not comfortable in frosty weather. Therefore, it is advisable to choose combined models made of metal and other materials.

Leather mesh muzzles are most often chosen for walking. They meet the criteria of convenience and durability, the air exchange in them is not impaired. However, they are more difficult to care for because the skin absorbs the animal's saliva. Ultimately, the owner decides which options to choose; the law does not impose any restrictions on this matter.

For small breeds

Owners of small breed pets, as a rule, are not puzzled by the choice of such an accessory. Moreover, the law does not require this from owners of small pets. They believe that their babies cannot harm anyone. However, when traveling on public transport, visiting a veterinarian, and in some other cases, it may be needed.

There is no need to purchase metal or thick leather muzzles for a small dog. It is better to choose plastic, soft models. Some owners of small dogs prefer to make their own muzzles.

Video instruction

Jack and I have prepared video instructions for you on how to make a pattern and sew a soft muzzle. We hope that with the help of this video the sewing process will become even more clear.

If you liked our master class, we will be glad to hear your feedback in the comments! Also, Jack will be very grateful to you for your like under the video, because he tried very hard!

Good luck and take care of your pets!

A muzzle for a dog is like a pass to the social world. Dogs are not allowed on buses or minibuses without a muzzle, and they refuse to transport them. According to the rules for transporting animals on trains and intercity buses, a muzzle is required.

What should an owner do if he forgot his dog’s muzzle at home or there is no muzzle at all? Refusing trips just because there is no muzzle or running to the pet store and buying one doesn’t always work either.

We'll need it. Plastic bottle, mask and leash

I will share how to make two types of muzzle for a dog of any size.

The first option is suitable for traveling on public transport.

The long leash and muzzle are ready!

We take a leash, wrap it around the dog’s face from above under the lower jaw, make an overlap and fasten it to the collar.

Posing so you can understand :)

All! The muzzle is ready


Conductors are calm about this type of muzzle. It’s good if you have a spare leash, but if you don’t, you can use the one your dog is on.

Such a muzzle is a fiction, for the peace of mind of the conductor and passengers. But there are rules, there are rules, but there is no detailed description of the muzzle in the rules for transporting animals,

therefore, the owner has the right to use such a muzzle - a loop.

Veterinarians know very well that such a muzzle will not save you if a dog wants to bite. But there is a simple solution for this case too.

In a veterinary clinic, there are usually “public muzzles”, but not every owner is ready to put a muzzle on his pet that may have been worn by a sick dog. Therefore, it is worth bringing a muzzle with you.

But dog diseases cannot be predicted, but for this case there is a second type of muzzle.

We will need a plastic bottle and a medical mask.


Cut off the neck of the bottle. We take out the elastic bands from the medical mask. We make two holes in a plastic bottle for an elastic band. The muzzle is ready.

Dissatisfied dachshund...

I just made a muzzle like this for a dachshund and a shepherd. If the dog is large, then you can use a larger bottle. The main thing is to cut off the neck itself and measure the size of the muzzle so that the edge of the plastic does not get into the dog’s eyes.

Comfortable, easy in the new muzzle!

If a veterinarian comes to your home, it is better to make a muzzle in advance so as not to be distracted from helping the dog.

The dog can easily remove such a muzzle, but the veterinarian performs all procedures in the presence of the owner, who monitors the dog and calms it down. A plastic muzzle reliably protects the hands of a veterinarian, sometimes even better than a leather one.

By law, every dog ​​must be on a leash and muzzle in public places. Many owners ignore this legislative decision. In the store they ask to put a muzzle even on a decorative dog, probably because they are afraid that it will eat the food and not pay.

Having made a plastic muzzle, the owner and the dog will be able to legally walk with the dog in public places. Passers-by will be calm and no one has the right to tell the owner that the dog is without a muzzle.

Wearing a new muzzle, posing

A plastic muzzle or a loop muzzle can be quickly made by the owner himself. A dog wearing such muzzles feels comfortable and at ease, and passers-by feel at ease.

Can a dog be offended by its owner?

You don't see dogs wearing muzzles very often. However, owners should understand that such an accessory is not a privilege, but a necessity for dogs of any breed. The device can be bought at a special store or created independently. The article will discuss how to make a muzzle at home, what is best to use and what to do if the accessory is needed urgently but is not available.

Dog muzzle

How to select

You can make a dog muzzle with your own hands or buy one in a store. In the latter case, the choice on the market is quite large, as is the price category. To select or make a dog muzzle with your own hands, it is recommended to measure:

  • roundness of the muzzle;
  • muzzle length;
  • distance from the tip of the nose to the site of intended fastening.

It is equally important to determine for what purpose this product will be used. If exclusively for walking, then the necessary condition is that the model should be freer. So that the pet can stick out its tongue in the hot season.

Most dog handlers recommend choosing a device with a large mesh, so it will be much easier for the dog to breathe, and the possibility of a bite is completely excluded.

On the other hand, if your pet has a habit of picking up everything from the ground, a large mesh is excluded. A fabric or plastic product is more suitable here. An equally important aspect for choosing is the character of the pet. If the dog often digs in the ground or snow, constantly strives to get into all corners, a fabric one is completely excluded, since it will quickly become unusable.

It is also important to take into account the price component; products made of leather or metal are more expensive than fabric ones, but they are more reliable.
You can, of course, purchase an unusual muzzle, complemented with drawings or accessories, for example, rhinestones. Important! You can take measurements and go to the pet store with them, but there is always a chance of making a mistake, which means that the dog will simply be uncomfortable wearing the device. It is best to do the fitting on the animal itself.

Different materials can be used

Choosing the right protective accessory

How to make a muzzle for a large or small dog with your own hands or how to properly purchase this accessory, in some cases may require the necessary knowledge and skills. This is due to the fact that all pets are different and for each individual breed it is necessary to make a pattern in order to subsequently tailor the item correctly.

If we consider the material used to manufacture a protective item, it is worth highlighting the most common of them, which are characterized by high strength and wear resistance:

  • wire or metal mesh;
  • leather (hard muzzles made from this material are very high quality and comfortable);
  • basket muzzles made of leather or leatherette;
  • You can make an item not only from fabric, leather or metal, but also from plastic;
  • nylon accessories and others.

Thus, before you start building a drawing such as a pattern for a dog muzzle protection with your own hands, you should initially take into account the structure of the pet’s muzzle, its size, breed and other parameters.

Also, very often pet stores do not have one or another model, which shocks the owners. It is precisely for this reason that it is worth browsing the information on the Internet and where you can find many step-by-step master classes on how to effectively and efficiently sew, knit, or otherwise make a natural protective element for your animal.

When choosing a protective bandage, it is necessary to ensure that the object should not squeeze the dog’s muzzle. This is very easy to check - you need to put a muzzle on the pet’s mouth and after a while check to see if there are any traces of the object on its face. If there are stripes on the fur, then wearing such a bandage is prohibited.

If we talk about quality, the accessory should be dense, strong and not break at the most crucial moment. The dog should feel confident in it, and those around it should feel completely safe.

Thus, the best option is to manufacture the protection yourself, or to order an individual order from a specialist. This is due to the fact that the master will take into account all the structural features of the pet’s muzzle, its size, and you will also have the opportunity to choose exactly the material that you consider the best for constant wearing by your four-legged friend.

What you will need at home

At home you can’t do without:

  • hygiene items that allow you to provide high-quality care not only for the coat, but also for the general condition of the Spitz;
  • places for rest, selected taking into account the characteristics of the pet;
  • toys to help satisfy the breed's playfulness;
  • feeder that is safe and convenient.

Let's take a closer look at the basic Spitz kit

For care

Pomeranians do not require frequent bathing, so purchase a high-quality shampoo designed specifically for Pomeranians. It will help maintain the quality of the wool and avoid loss of color. If a black and tan orange begins to change shade, then maturation is to blame. For puppies, changes in color scheme are the norm.

A fluffy coat requires a daily combing ritual. A comb for a Spitz should not tear out fluff, injuring the coat. Pets are easy to train, therefore, when accustomed to hygienic procedures from an early age, they show complete calm until the end of the process.

It is dangerous for small puppies who have not been vaccinated to go outside. They will have to relieve themselves at home, so they cannot do without a tray.

When choosing, pay attention to:

  • low sides allowing the baby to easily climb onto the toilet;
  • stability that ensures safety during an important process.

Step-by-step instruction

Fold the fabric in half and transfer the pattern onto it. If you look at the photo, I also folded the pattern in half. I did this in order to minimize the process of transferring the pattern onto the fabric. If you don't like it that way, you can lay out both the pattern and the fabric.

We need to have two muzzle pieces, so I transfer the pattern twice.

During the cutting process, do not forget to leave 5-7 mm for seam allowances.

We sew both parts on the sides. If you look at the photo, I showed with a red arrow that I made the seam of one of the parts a little further from the intended contour.

What is it for? But here's why. Next, we will insert one part into another, and to avoid “waves”, the inner part should be slightly smaller than the outer one.

Next, iron the seams.

We turn the smaller part right side out and insert it into the other one as shown in the photo - “face to face”.

But then look carefully. We use a sewing machine to sew the sections of the upper part of the muzzle. The stitching places are marked with a dotted line in red shades. But where the straps will be inserted in the future, there is no need to stitch.

Stitched. We turn the muzzle inside out so that the smaller part of the part is inside. To avoid confusion, you can mark it somehow in advance. For example, make a few basting lines.

So, we turned it out. We insert the straps into the unstitched sections of the upper part of the muzzle.

The straps can be made from the same material (as shown in the photo above). By the way, that’s what I initially planned to do. But then she “replayed it” and made a strap from a nylon sling.

We inserted the straps into the holes. We lay a finishing stitch along the top of the muzzle, on the front side.

Let's start finishing the bottom of the muzzle. We will need to process the bottom of each of the two parts separately. And to prevent the fabric from fraying during processing, I pre-treated the seams with a zigzag.

You can simply fold the edges of the pieces and then sew them on a sewing machine. But for convenience, and so that later during the sewing process the fabric would not turn out or move, I folded and basted the edge of one part, and then in the same way the other “faced” each other.

We sew the parts of the bottom of the muzzle together from the front side.

We finally try it on the pet, adjust the length of the straps and sew on the clasp.

If you do not have a fastex fastener, and you do not plan to use the muzzle for your pet on the street, but only use it for a visit to the veterinarian or for hygiene procedures, then you can make the straps longer and then tie them on the back of the dog’s head.

Well, this is all the instructions for making a soft muzzle for a dog at home.

How to choose a muzzle

It is best to come to the store with your pet. This will free the owner from unnecessary work of taking measurements from the dog. In addition, it happens that all the measurements were taken correctly, but the dog is still uncomfortable in the new equipment. Then you have to return the goods.

At the point of sale, you should carefully examine the assortment presented. Consult with consultants, show them your pet.

Suitable models are tried on the animal. The muzzle should not fall off. At the same time, it should not be held too tightly around the muzzle or head. The dog should breathe, lick, and open its mouth in the accessory without any problems. A four-legged friend should be as comfortable as possible. Otherwise, he will refuse to wear a mask.

It is worth paying attention to the quality of the item. In a high-quality muzzle, no threads or pieces of fabric are visible. The straps and frame must be strong and not fall apart.

The price of the item approximately starts from 100 rubles. The cost of fashionable, unusual models reaches tens of thousands of rubles.

You can buy a dog muzzle online. There is a larger assortment there than in any pet store. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to take measurements. On the websites, in addition to photographs of the product, its price, the size is indicated.

How to train a dog to wear a muzzle?

It's no secret that most dogs are not too fond of this accessory. Experienced dog handlers accustom the animal to it from an early age. But what if your adult dog needs to be trained to wear a muzzle in public?

In this case, you cannot use force, much less punishment. Place a piece of your pet’s favorite treat in the “new thing” and let him get it himself. If successful, praise him. Repeat this activity 4-5 times every day for a week. After this, try fastening the muzzle. Do not rush to remove it until your four-legged friend has completely calmed down. Wear it for a short time at first, but gradually increase the duration until the dog gets used to it.

Pros of using halti for the dog itself

Halti for dogs can also be used when working with puppies. And all because the halter is the safest compared to a regular muzzle. It does not choke the animal, which makes it possible to use it even if the dog has any injuries to the neck or spine.

And the last plus is that such a device allows the dog to eat and drink absolutely without any inconvenience.

These criteria given above show all the convenience and versatility of halti for dogs. And then, there will be a list of sizes and breeds of dogs that fit this size.

Tip 3: How to put on a muzzle

A muzzle will serve as a humane and effective means of controlling a dog’s reactions while teaching it peaceful behavior. A wide range of shapes and sizes will allow you to choose a muzzle for a dog of any breed.

You will need


1. In most cases, it is recommended that your dog wear a mesh muzzle. It is considered more harmless, unlike nylon, because it allows the animal to breathe freely by sticking out its tongue. Before you start training your dog to wear a muzzle, determine which treats he particularly enjoys. It would be a good idea to consult a veterinarian on this issue. Soft, non-crumbling slices are especially suitable. A dog that does not have to lick crumbs from the floor or chew hard pieces will learn much faster. Serve the treat not from your fingers, but on your palm, so that the animal does not damage your hand.

How to take basic measurements

So, let’s take basic measurements from the pet:

  1. The circumference of the muzzle is slightly above the nose.
  2. The circumference of the muzzle near the bridge of the nose.
  3. The length of the muzzle from the bridge of the nose to the nose.
  4. Distance from the middle of the bridge of the nose to the straps.
  5. Head circumference from the muzzle (length of the straps).

In order for the four-legged animal to be able to breathe and lick while already wearing a muzzle during hygiene procedures, measurements must initially be taken with the mouth slightly open. Or later, during the cutting process, make the muzzle a little looser.

Constructing a muzzle pattern

When all the measurements are taken, do not forget to reward the tail for patience.

And then we proceed to constructing the pattern:

  1. First of all, we draw a segment equal to the circumference of the pet’s muzzle, near the bridge of the nose. We find the middle on it and from this point we lay down a line equal to the length of the muzzle from the bridge of the nose to the nose.
  2. Perpendicular to the downward line, draw a segment equal to the circumference of the muzzle near the nose.
  3. We connect the ends of two laid parallel segments and get a kind of trapezoid.
  4. We outline the location and width of the straps. To do this, from the middle of the upper part of the trapezoid (the middle of the bridge of the pet’s nose), we set aside a distance in both directions equal to the measured length from the middle of the bridge of the nose to the planned straps.

“Lower” each of the four corners of the trapezoid down by 0.5 cm and draw smooth curved lines.

And with the same smooth curves we round off the sharp corners of the trapezoid and straps.

Cut out the pattern.

This is what the dog muzzle pattern should look like in the end.

Trying the pattern on your pet. We make sure that it fits the circumference of the muzzle perfectly. That the straps are located “in their place” and pass clearly over the head without touching the ears.

Well, that’s all, the dog muzzle pattern is ready, you can transfer it to the fabric and start sewing.

Let's start sewing

Fold each of the strips in half, fold it in half again and carefully stitch it on the machine. Also process all the remaining strips that will make up the future muzzle for the dog. Then, using perpendicular seams, connect the strips together. Take pre-prepared straps that will secure the muzzle, sew a fastener to one end, and make holes on the other. Sew the straps to the sides of the muzzle. Now you will learn how to sew muzzles for dogs. A handmade accessory for your pet will undoubtedly please the owner. I would like your pet to be happy with this purchase.

Teaching your pet to wear a muzzle

In order for a dog to wear a muzzle calmly, it is necessary to regularly but gradually accustom it to it. The pet should have positive associations with this item. Therefore, during the process of habituation, it is important not to scold or frighten the dog, but to encourage it with words and treats. The convenience of the model plays an important role.

The best time to start muzzle training is when your dog is six months old. First, you need to let your pet look at it and smell it. Next time I should put a treat inside it. When the dog gets used to it, you can fasten it for a while. And so on until you become completely accustomed. The main thing is not to forget to constantly encourage your four-legged friend.

DIY dog collar

Now the stores are full of all kinds of collars, for all breeds of dogs. Craftswomen can try to make a dog collar with their own hands. It's not that difficult, believe me. But with such a collar, your pet will look great and noticeably different from others. First, we will make a collar for dogs of medium breeds and stock up on a beautiful braid with a “dog theme” pattern, a canvas tape, a metal ring similar to the letter D, a metal buckle, an awl, strong threads, glue and scissors.


Dogs of this breed should not be given wide collars, because they do not put pressure on the throat and allow the chest to rest on them, which harms their posture. If the object is narrow, the animals, out of discomfort and not wanting to be strangled, hold their heads high, the muscles are used evenly during movement, and the back is positioned evenly, so the posture is maintained. With a wide accessory, the chest can sag, the croup rises, the elbows turn outward, and the ligaments stretch.

You cannot walk such dogs without a leash, even if they are very obedient. The hunting instinct can force them to suddenly rush after a cat or rodent and get hit by a car; in such situations they do not hear commands, the owner’s voice or their own name, and under the influence of hormones they can even forget their home.

How to choose?

When choosing a collar, follow these tips:

  • For daily walks, leather products that securely fix the neck are best suited. In this case, your pet will not run away from you and will not pull its head out. Rag ones can tear at any moment. Synthetic ones are also not very durable and reliable, but they look very original and can be worn sometimes when you want to be fashionable. But for training you only need a leather or even metal accessory.
  • A strict collar is rarely chosen for such a small breed, but particularly stubborn individuals can provoke the owner to buy one. You can use it to train your dog and practice prohibition commands and the “Near” command.
  • Decorative items are used for photographs, going out, or worn as decoration. Some people wear a regular leather object underneath, to which a leash is attached. Decorations weaken the material and it can easily tear where embroidery, rivets or emblems occur. That is why the classic version without decoration is best suited. It is important that it can be thin.
  • A leather product should not be too hard so as not to rub, nor too soft so as not to twist. You will need a material of medium hardness. There is also a cobra chain, which consists of small links, it is used mainly in the ring and during training. Textile devices are suitable for small puppies and individuals with long fur, because they do not tangle the hair. But they are short-lived due to fabric stretching.
  • Faux leather is not the best material; such accessories break, electrify the fur and are only suitable for photo shoots or rare appearances. When choosing, pay attention to how high quality the stitching is and how secure the fastening is. Two fingers should fit between the neck and collar.

To read: How to properly train and raise a German Shepherd puppy

Among other things, “herrings” are produced exclusively for this variety, which look like fish, if they are straightened, they are expanded in the middle. They are recommended for dogs with long and coarse hair. They are made mainly from canvas or leather, they are safe for wool and epithelium, allow you to hold your head correctly, do not harm your posture or cervical vertebrae, and do not twist.


Craftswomen will be able to make this device with their own hands, decorating it with various decorative elements, from buttons and decorative sequins to natural precious or semi-precious stones. The cost of the simplest ready-made collar will be approximately 100-150 rubles, it can reach up to one and a half thousand or more, depending on the material, manufacturer and place of purchase. A large selection of inexpensive items is available in online stores.

With your own hands

You can make absolutely any thing yourself, it will look original and unique, in addition, it will allow you to save a lot of money. We suggest making a collar from nylon tape that is suitable for adult dogs and babies; in the latter case, you should use materials one and a half centimeters wide, and in the first, two and a half centimeters wide. You will need:

  • ribbon with any design of your choice,
  • buckle with two slots,
  • Fastex fastener made of plastic,
  • dense threads,
  • half ring,
  • nylon sling.

You can determine the circumference of the future product by measuring the circumference of the neck and multiplying the resulting result by 1.75.

To begin, connect the sling with the ribbon with threads; this can be done by hand or with a sewing machine; the second option, of course, is preferable. In this case, you first need to select a two-millimeter stitch. Place the fabric on the right and sew the ribbon on both ends lengthwise and horizontally.

Unfasten the clasp and pass it through one of the ends of the resulting strip, leave a five-centimeter tip, wrap it and fasten it several times. Then thread the free end of the ribbon through the half-ring, move it closer to the clasp and stitch across it again.

After this, take the free edge and insert it into the buckle through the unstitched side of the clasp. Now reinsert the ribbon into the buckle, creating a second loop. Bend the end back and sew across it several times. It is better to move the clasp for convenience.

Muzzles for small dogs

We foresee the bewilderment of owners of decorative or simply small breeds of dogs. They often refuse to understand why their pets' adorable little faces need to be muzzled. They are especially upset when, entering a pet store, they see powerful metal samples intended for large animals. In this case, the owners of small dogs can only rely on their own strength and make a dog muzzle with their own hands.

For this job you will need:

- thick, preferably cotton fabric;

- soft tailor's measuring tape;

- thread No. 10 to match the fabric;

- two straps;

- clasp.

First measure the length of the protruding part of the muzzle from the eyes to the tip of the nose. Take the necessary measurements using a soft tailor's tape, first at the top of the muzzle, then at the sides, and finally at the bottom. Measure the distance from the back of your head to the tip of your nose.

As in the first case, we will sew a muzzle for small breed dogs from separate strips. And not because it’s easier to do it this way, but because the dog will be comfortable in such an accessory, especially on hot days.

Cut out the required number of strips, process them in the same way as in the first case, and assemble. This type of muzzle is ready. The process of making such a muzzle can be simplified if you replace strips of fabric purchased in a store with thick braid and fasten it with metal rivets.

For winter time, you can make the muzzle solid, i.e. not from separate strips, but from one piece of fabric or leather.

To do this, you need to build a pattern in the shape of a trapezoid. Its upper side will be equal to the circle under the muzzle and above the eyes, divided into two. The lower side of the trapezoid is equal to the circumference of the mouth, also divided into two. The distance between the top and bottom sides of the trapezoid is equal to the length of the muzzle from the eyes to the tip of the nose.

Cut out a pattern from paper and attach it to the fabric with pins. Cut the workpiece taking into account seam allowances. Finish the pieces (except the sides) with a hem stitch and sew the sides together. Sew a thick ribbon with a fastener or a strap to them. That's it, the dog muzzle for the cold season is ready.

Making your own royal bed for your furry pet

DIY making

You will need materials and tools that are used when sewing fabric products. In addition, you will need a filler. This can be padding polyester, silicone, dry sawdust, foam rubber, etc.

The fabric that will be folded into the trim. It is advisable to choose a fabric with a dense texture: teak, denim, etc. They do not have lint, do not allow the filler to come out through the seams, and do not fade after numerous washes.

It is necessary to take measurements from your pet, because sewing a bed at random means wasting time. It may be too big or small, and the animal will steadfastly ignore the new resting place.

It is worth waiting until the dog lies down on the floor with its paws stretched out freely. The pattern for the puppy involves doubling the measurements obtained. Or you will have to sew new beds as your pet grows. The finished pattern needs to be copied onto paper, cut out, and transferred with a chalk to the wrong side of the fabric.

The fabric parts are sewn together, leaving small holes to fill the parts with filler. If foam rubber plays this role, its pieces are cut out in exact accordance with the dimensions of the sides and bottom of the lounger. First, the bottom is made, then the sides are attached to it. The work can be done on a sewing machine or by hand. It depends on the preferences of the author of the product.

Rigid frame for a large breed dog, photo

A large dog has a lot of weight, so there is a lot of pressure on the bottom of the bed and on its sides. The dog will throw its paws over low “fences”, completely ignoring them. And the fragile frame at the bottom will be hopelessly crushed by the heavy body of the pet.

Therefore, you should stock up on a substantial supply of materials that are suitable in color and texture. And


Application and main situations when a pet muzzle is necessary

Many breeders are simply confident that their dog does not need such a protective device as a muzzle, but this is absolutely not the case. This decision is justified by the fact that the owners believe that the protective agent hinders the pet’s activity and simply interferes with it, causing discomfort.

Most breeders also believe that their Alabai, Staff, Bulldog, Shepherd, Spitz, Crelofin Terrier, Chihuahua, Toy Terrier or any other puppy are the friendliest and safest, but this is not always the case and every pet to a certain extent poses some kind of threat for others. It doesn’t matter whether the pet is small, small or large. Therefore, using a harness and muzzle will help avoid danger and stop an angry pet in time.

Such protective items as soft muzzles, a leash, a harness and others are always necessary when you and your pet are going to the doctor, on a visit, or just eating on public transport. This is due to the fact that a dog is an unpredictable animal that can react differently to an injection, a stranger, or simply to a sudden change in weather. Also, modern textile accessories almost completely eliminate the possibility that an animal will harm itself when attempting to escape or make another jerk.

If you and your pet are moving near an area where children are walking or people are crowded, you will definitely have to put a muzzle on it, even if the dog is small. You can sew a muzzle for your dog yourself or a muzzle from a plastic bottle, which is also not difficult. In order to make an item for an animal, you need to look through some instructions that internet sites offer. It tells quite clearly how to effectively and efficiently sew a muzzle for a small dog yourself.

It is very important to understand that it is necessary to buy or make a homemade protective item, first of all, in order to protect your animal as much as possible.

Very often, dogs pick up foreign objects from the ground, which can easily be swallowed. After such ingestion of a missing, harmful product or sharp object, digestive problems arise.

Designer muzzles

The market for goods for man's four-legged friends is full of variety. Unusual models of muzzles have become widespread recently. Designer accessories can look funny or even scary. There are models with smiles, in the shape of a duck's nose, with grinning mouths. In any case, the pet in them will not go unnoticed.

With teeth

Models with teeth, or as they are also called “werewolves,” are especially popular. True, a muzzle with a creepy grin, and often with blood drawn on it, will only scare those around you. In this case, the accessory designed to instill calm and a sense of security will not fulfill its function. And it can be very scary for some. However, the law has not yet introduced a ban on wearing them.

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How to make a muzzle from a bandage

A muzzle made from a bandage for dogs is used only in an emergency, when a normal device is simply not available, but it is still necessary to protect others from the dog. In this case, you can use not only a bandage, but also a good thick tape, tie or tights. Total length about 80 cm.

How to make such a quick muzzle:

  1. A loop is formed and placed over the dog's face.
  2. One knot is tied on top, and the second on the back of the nose.
  3. Having passed the ends under the jaw, you need to tie another knot.
  4. The ends of the bandage are placed behind the animal’s ears and then secured with a bow.

It should be understood that the entire structure must be tied securely enough so that the dog cannot open its mouth. In addition, a good knot behind the ears will help keep the pet close to the owner if necessary.

Measurements from a bandage
Important! You cannot make such a muzzle for a puppy or small dog.
Therefore, if necessary, you can simply throw a towel over your pet’s face and wrap it around the neck. As already mentioned, an accessory such as a muzzle is really needed. The scheme presented in the article is best suited for dogs with an elongated muzzle. For those animals whose noses are flattened, special metal or plastic structures are used. Making them yourself is much more difficult. In addition, such a thing is selected for the dog individually.


As a rule, four-legged animals of this species have a calm character and obey their owner, so you can walk them without a muzzle. But it will be needed when the pet has an expressive character or loves to eat whatever comes in its way. Then a device is needed to prevent the animal from getting poisoned and biting someone.

To read: Features of the Shar Pei breed, care and conditions of detention

A good choice is a bridle that attaches independently or to a collar. Such halters are placed freely on the muzzle and do not interfere with breathing, protruding the tongue, or opening the mouth. But if you pull on the leash, the mouth will close and the animal will begin to behave calmer. It is absolutely safe, you can really choose a model for both a baby and an adult. In addition, a halter is easy to sew at home.

You can also choose a regular plastic, canvas or metal muzzle, but the latter should not be used in winter as it becomes cold and the tongue can stick to it. Some animals do not like unnecessary things they wear and try to get rid of them, so it is best to place the strap under the collar and choose a size no larger than necessary: ​​the nose should only slightly touch the front mesh, and the strap should be tightly behind the ears.

Many people do not recommend purchasing a leather item; this material softens and stretches from drooling, and the puppy can throw it off with his paws on his own.

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