Field Spaniel - character, health and characteristics of the bred breed

At first impression you cannot say that the Field Spaniel is a deliberately, one might say, artificially created breed. These dogs are very similar to their closest relatives – cocker spaniels. The Field Spaniel was bred artificially and after the breed was recognized, it was on the verge of extinction several times. For unknown reasons, hunters in many countries rejected representatives of the new breed, but Field Spaniel fans did not give up. Today the breed is developing successfully and becoming more and more popular.

Care and maintenance

The Russian Spaniel does not require any special conditions.
He needs a place to sleep in the apartment, and an insulated hut outside. Tolerates temperature fluctuations well. The main concern is the periodic brushing of the spaniel's long hair and examination of the spaniel's eyes and ears to prevent illness. After walks, the pet should be examined to avoid the appearance of parasites and ticks. During shedding, daily grooming is important. To facilitate the procedure, the dog is lightly sprayed with a solution of citric acid. Spaniels that do not participate in exhibitions are not cut. Participants are prepared in a special way so that no signs of haircuts are noticeable. Trimming is done in certain areas where the fur takes on an unnatural shade.

Dogs at 8-9 months with rejection of puppy fluff are only combed. After cutting, the coat will not grow smooth - the appearance will be forever spoiled. It is enough to bathe a spaniel once every 3 months.

The correct maintenance of a Russian Cocker Spaniel is to provide physical activity for the pet. The dog needs to run and jump so that muscle activity does not decrease. Joint travel, walks, and games will keep both pet and owner in good shape.

How to properly care

The Field Spaniel thrives best in rural areas, although these dogs can also be kept in the city. The main thing is to provide the dog with the necessary duration and intensity of walks.

The coat must be combed 1-2 times a week and washed if dirty . After a hunt or walk, you need to inspect your pet and remove plant seeds and other debris stuck to it from its fur.

To ensure that your Field Spaniel always looks well-groomed, you can trim it once every 3 months.

It is recommended to wipe the inside of the ears with a moistened cotton pad, and clean the ear canal with a cotton swab. Eyes should also be wiped as they become dirty.

To clean the teeth, you can let your dog chew on special toys or treats, for example, in the form of hard sticks, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store..

Claws are trimmed approximately 1-2 times a month as they grow, and you should use a nail clipper designed to shorten them.

Preventive treatment for external and internal parasites, as well as vaccinations and other veterinary measures should become a mandatory part of pet care.


The ancient Dutch variety of spaniel Kooikerhondje is a small, square-shaped dog that reaches 35-40 cm at the withers and weighs 9-11 kg. These dogs have an elongated body with a protruding chest. The stomach is well tucked. The head is proportional in size to the body. Carried on a high neck. The muzzle is elongated. The ears are medium and drooping.

Since initially the main purpose of the Kooikerhondje was water hunting, its wool is water- and dirt-repellent. It is medium in length and can be straight or wavy. The standard color is white and red.

By temperament, Kooikerhondjes are active, playful, and full of energy. At the same time, they are good-natured, kind, affectionate, and sociable. However, strangers are treated with suspicion. They are indifferent to children. If the child is too persistent in his squeezing, he will prefer to move away or bark loudly, but will not show aggression in the form of a bite.

Find out more about the Japanese Akita Inu dog breed, which owes its worldwide fame to the popular dog Hachiko.

If you provide the animal with space, frequent walks in nature, swimming in a pond, and active physical activity, then it can live 12-14 years. Breeders value puppies at $600-$1000.

Dog health

The Fields are distinguished by good health , their life expectancy is 13-14 years, however, a predisposition to certain diseases still exists. This:

  • hip dysplasia,
  • retinal atrophy,
  • problems with the thyroid gland.

In the latter case, there is no threat to the pet’s life, but its quality of life deteriorates significantly - the dog gains weight, becomes less active, and the skin and coat lose their shine and elasticity.

Character and habits of Russian hunting spaniels

The temperament and habits of the Russian Spaniel are slightly different when he is at home and when he is hunting. The stubbornness, perseverance and tirelessness of the hunter are replaced by the good nature and gentleness of the pet. The Russian Hunting Spaniel is happy to spend time with his beloved owner, just lying around watching TV.

Adults and experienced spaniels do not lose their puppyish spontaneity, enthusiasm and playfulness; they are always not averse to having fun in the company of children, so children easily contact them and become true friends. Spaniels will never argue with children; they will generously forgive them for tail twitching and other pranks.

The intuition of these four-legged animals is simply excellent; they quickly catch the slightest change in the well-being and disposition of their owner. Dogs have the ability to separate all people into positive and suspicious individuals. If a spaniel doesn’t like someone you know, the dog constantly growls at him and looks askance at him, then this is obviously not without reason; you should keep an eye out for such a person.

During the hunt, the spaniel reveals a completely different side. The gun type of hunting, to which the breed belongs, is the following process: the spaniel leads the hunter, moving in front, looking for and scaring the feathered prey so that the hunter makes a successful shot. Having sensed and detected game, the spaniel does not stand in a stance, as a pointer does, so the intrigue for the hunter remains in the discovery of prey. Finding game birds is a real calling for spaniels, and they do it very well.

The spaniel also quickly finds prey that has already been killed, not being afraid to dive straight into the swamp after it, because he knows how to swim excellently. Spaniels are not afraid of nettles or any dense growth, where they desperately rush to bring the treasured trophy to their owner.

Medium Spaniels

Representatives of medium-sized spaniels were bred exclusively for hunting. In modern times, these dogs began to be used as companion dogs. Their height is on average 39-41 cm.

Descriptions of the types of medium spaniels with names are presented below.

American Water Spaniel

Country of originUSA
Lifespan13-15 years old
Height at withersup to 46 centimeters
Body massup to 20 kilograms

An agile hunting dog capable of working both in water and on land.

American Water Spaniel description.

The breed has a strong body of medium size. The skull is wide and moderately long, the muzzle is slightly blunt. The ears are long, located above eye level, and covered with curly hair.

This breed has a dense coat consisting of small curls.

Coat color is all shades of brown, light spots on the chest and paws are acceptable.

The American Water Spaniel is not demanding in terms of grooming. However, it is important to provide the dog with active and long walks.

The character of the American Spaniel is calm and friendly. The dog is not prone to aggression towards strangers and children. The breed tends to choose one owner in the family and obey him unquestioningly.

American Cocker Spaniel

Country of originUSA
Lifespan12-15 years
Height at withersup to 39 centimeters
Body massup to 15 kilograms

One of the most popular spaniel breeds, which has lost the need for working qualities.

The American Cocker Spaniel has a strong body of small size. The standard of the breed is considered to be a square-shaped muzzle with a pronounced vertical edge. The ears are quite long and abundantly covered with hair. Cockers are famous for their incredibly long eyelashes.

The Cocker Spaniel has a very soft and silky coat. The coat is short-haired on the head, and very long and wavy on the body, legs and ears.

The color of Cocker Spaniels is quite varied. Main types of spaniel colors:

  • black
  • black and tan
  • light fawn
  • chocolate
  • brown
  • white-red

The American Cocker Spaniel requires special care. The dog needs proper training and professional grooming.

Living conditions are less important for this breed. Cockers are equally comfortable living both in an apartment and in a private house. The main thing for a dog is a long active walk.

The Cocker Spaniel is a dog whose energy seems endless. Typically, representatives of this breed are friendly towards people and dogs around them, and also get along well with children. But without proper training, a dog can start biting. These spaniels require a strong owner. The cute appearance is quite deceptive; owners need to understand that the breed is primarily a hunting breed.

Another feature of cockers is their intolerance of loneliness.

If a dog is left to its own devices in an empty apartment, it will begin to bark and damage furniture and things.

To prevent this, try to devote more time to your four-legged friend. In return you will receive the love and devotion of a cocker spaniel.

With professional training and active walks, the Cocker Spaniel will become an ideal family pet.

English cocker spaniel

Country of originGreat Britain
Lifespan12-14 years old
Height at withersup to 41 centimeters
Body massup to 15 kilograms

One of the most popular spaniel breeds, often used to detect illegal substances

The body of the English Cocker is quite compact, but at the same time strong. The skull is moderately short, the muzzle is proportional with a prominent stop. The long ears are set low.

The coat is very soft, curling on the belly, paws and ears.

The color of the English Cocker Spaniel can be solid, tri-color, spotted and speckled. For example:

  • black
  • golden
  • chocolate
  • fawn with white specks
  • black with white specks
  • red roan
  • blue roan
  • black and white with tan

The English Cocker Spaniel breed requires special care. To maintain beauty, the dog periodically requires the services of professional groomers.

English Cockers combine friendliness and energy, as well as stubbornness. Therefore, the dog requires training from an early age and active daily walking.

Representatives of the breed love to bark, sometimes for no reason. They are very friendly to all family members, but the owner comes first for them.

When walking, the English Cocker always explores the area; he sniffs every inch of the ground. When interacting with other dogs, cockers always initiate play.

This breed loves to play with children, but does not allow itself to be caused discomfort or pain.

The English Cocker Spaniel will be an excellent companion and best friend for an active family who loves to travel.

Dutch Spaniel (Kooikerhondje)

Country of originHolland
Lifespan12-14 years old
Height at withersup to 40 centimeters
Body massup to 15 kilograms

An incredibly smart dog that works in tandem with a human on the hunt.

Kooikerhondje has a dry elongated body. The skull is rounded with a smooth occipital protuberance, the muzzle is elongated. The ears are long, low set, and have feathering.

The distinctive features of these spaniels are their expressive gaze, in which the dog’s intelligence is read, and a fluffy white tail. It is believed that ducks flock to the movement of the tail.

Kooikerhondiers are not picky about caring for their fur. The dog is suitable for keeping in an apartment, a private house, and even in an aviary.

Dutch Spaniels are bred to hunt ducks. If the owner is going to take the dog hunting, then for this he needs to purchase traps for game. The Dutch drive their prey into a trap prepared in advance by the owner.

Kooikerhondje never experience aggression. Even when hunting, they never touch their prey. Therefore, the dog is ideal for keeping in a family.

This breed is very affectionate and gentle. The animal loves to spend time with his family and does not tolerate loneliness at all. When separated from its owner, the dog is able to completely refuse food and drink.

These dogs are friendly with children, but do not tolerate causing inconvenience or pain. The dog most likely will not bite the child, but will certainly warn of discomfort by growling.

The Dutch Spaniel is perfect for people who dream of an intelligent, energetic and kind four-legged friend.

Russian Spaniel

Country of originRussia
Lifespan12-14 years old
Height at withersup to 44 centimeters
Body massup to 20 kilograms

The only Russian gun dog

The Russian spaniel has a squat, long body with well-developed muscles. The skull is quite powerful and wide, the muzzle is elongated. The ears are long with rounded tips.

The spaniel's coat is thick, straight or slightly wavy. There is a dense undercoat.

The color can be piebald and spotted, and solid. In the first type, sparse and dense speckling is acceptable. The second has white markings on the throat, chest and paws.

It is the piebald and spotted color that is an attractive feature of the Russian Spaniel.

The Russian Hunting Spaniel does not require complex care. Able to live in an apartment or private house.

The domestic breed of spaniels fully reveals their working qualities when hunting. These dogs are very hardy, brave and smart. It is not for nothing that Russian spaniels are involved in search operations of the police and rescuers.

After the work is done, this breed becomes an ordinary apartment dog. At home they are calm, friendly to children and other animals, and welcome guests.

Dogs are ready to tolerate small children's pranks and living together with cats. The most favorite games of Russian spaniels are searching and fetching objects.

The Russian Hunting Spaniel is an ideal dog for hunting and family

Sussex Spaniel

Country of originGreat Britain
Lifespan10-14 years
Height at withersup to 42 centimeters
Body massup to 23 kilograms

Hunting spaniels with great strength and endurance

Sussex spaniels have a large and long body with pronounced muscles. The skull and muzzle are wide. The ears are drooping and long, covered with long hair.

Outwardly, Sussexes look gloomy and serious. This impression is created due to the expression of the eyes and heavy eyebrows.

The dog's coat is silky and thick. There is undercoat. The hair reaches its maximum length on the paws, chest and ears. The color of the breed always has only one shade - golden chestnut.

Sussex Spaniels do not require special care. The dog feels comfortable both in an apartment and in a country house.

This breed is friendly towards other dogs and people. Does not experience aggression, gets along well with children.

Their calm and good-natured disposition makes these spaniels an ideal family pet, and their excellent working qualities allow the dog to become a hunting companion.

Field Spaniel

Country of originGreat Britain
Lifespan10-12 years
Height at withersup to 46 centimeters
Body massup to 25 kilograms

Born hunters with enviable instincts and dedication

The body of the Field Spaniel is of medium length and well-muscled. The skull is ovoid, the muzzle is narrow and long. The ears are of the hanging type, wide at the tips and covered with wavy hair.

A distinctive external feature from other spaniels is their darker color. It is almost always monochromatic (rare, but there are tan and white marks).

The dog's coat is moderately long and shiny. There is no undercoat.

In general, caring for a Field Spaniel is not difficult. However, these dogs have very high energy levels and living in a city apartment is not for them. It is recommended to keep this breed in a private home.

Without a burst of energy, Field Spaniels begin to get bored. For this reason, they may become depressed or become very noisy.

Also, puppy owners should know that this breed of spaniel is very vulnerable; every minor failure makes the dog worry. If something doesn’t work out for your dog, don’t yell at it, but rather encourage and support your pet as your best friend. With proper training and active walks, Field Spaniels are excellent family dogs.

Field Spaniels are sociable, intelligent, absolutely non-aggressive and kind to other animals and children.

English cocker

The English Cocker Spaniel, as the name suggests, comes from England. The goal of the British in the 19th century was to breed the ideal hunting dog.

This is a dog with a height at the withers of 25-36 cm and a weight of 6-10 kg. She has a beautiful physique with well-developed muscles. The head is quite large and regular in shape. The eyes are expressive, dark in color. The ears are set low, drooping, covered with long hair, sometimes wavy.

The paws of this variety are wide and webbed, which allows these spaniels to be excellent swimmers. Cockers have many colors. The most common are black-blue, red, black, black-fawn.

A Yorkshire Terrier, Toy Terrier, Spitz, Chihuahua, Pug, Jack Russell Terrier, French Bulldog, Pekingese, and Dachshund will feel comfortable in an apartment.

The Cocker is suitable for keeping in an apartment, but only with frequent walks and good physical exercise. They have excellent compatibility with children. Inexperienced owners can get one, but they must take into account the energetic temperament of the pet and the need for careful grooming.

In addition, these spaniels simply cannot stand loneliness - they begin to resort to deviant behavior, and they may experience mental disorders. The life expectancy of representatives of this breed is 12-15 years. The price for an English Cocker Spaniel ranges from $170 to $350.

Did you know? Images of cocker spaniels are found on artistic canvases and in texts dating back to the 14th-15th centuries. It is from them that you can learn about the purposes for which these dogs were used in those days - for field and swamp hunting. Most often they were used for falcon hunting.

Historical reference

The Field Spaniel is a fairly rare breed, although its official development began at the same time as the Cocker Spaniel. It is interesting that at a time when the first and best sires were registered in the stud books, it was the Field Spaniels that were among the leaders. Representatives of this breed had the most fans, and it had more prospects, but “by a whim of fate” literally a few years later, the Field Spaniel found itself on the verge of extinction.

All of the above events occurred much later than the Field Spaniel was bred. The origin of the four-legged animals was documented, so today we can confidently say that the Field Spaniel is the result of interbreed matings, and then selection. Many people mistakenly believe that the Field Spaniel is a refined version of the Cocker Spaniel, but this is not true. Almost all spaniels of English origin were noted in the breed's pedigree. Moreover, especially capable dogs participated in closely related matings (granddaughter-grandfather, daughter-father, brother-sister, etc.).

At first, in the 19th century, breeding work was successful, breeders achieved their goals, and the dogs retained their working skills. Field Spaniels were not recognized as a separate breed for a long time because they had too many common ancestors with the (already known at that time) Cocker Spaniels. The division took place in 1892 and it must be said that at that time, the breeders did not receive a dog with a pure black color. Unfortunately, from the moment of recognition, the development of the breed began to decline; more precisely, breeders, trying to distinguish their charges from relatives, began to actively spoil the characteristics of Field Spaniels.

This is interesting! One of the primary goals was to obtain a pure black spaniel. As you know, all English spaniels have red colors.

The exterior was the first to suffer, that is, the dogs lost their visual appeal. To remedy the situation, breeders began to breed Field Spaniels with Sussex Spaniels, but the situation worsened even more. The resulting dogs had an overly large head, short legs, a long body and a rather heavy chest. Naturally, a dog with such a physique became less resilient. It was at this stage that the fashion for spaniels broke out and Field spaniels, due to their flaws, remained unnoticed in wide circles of hunters.

, the first Field Spaniel club was created in the UK in the 20s of the 20th century The founders set themselves several tasks: improving the exterior and returning working qualities.

The work was carried out for a long time without publicity, since it is difficult to correct other people’s mistakes, and if they concern genetics... then it is very difficult. It was especially difficult for breeders during the war years; this period became the second decisive link in development. The breed almost disappeared, only a few Field Spaniels survived and, it must be said, not the best (in terms of breeding value) individuals.

The post-war years became a new springboard for development. By 1948, experts prepared an official description of the breed and, oddly enough, it was accepted. The first exhibition at which Field Spaniels were officially presented took place in the 80s. The international breed standard was approved by 1992. Today, the breed thrives in the United States. Field Spaniel puppies brought from America are considered the best, although there are developed breeding plants in France, Great Britain and Belgium.

Description of the breed

The Field Spaniel is a stately dog ​​with a regular, harmonious physique, looking fit, strong and healthy.

The head is beautifully lined with a well-developed skull and a long, thin muzzle. The eyes are medium in size, usually hazel or reddish-brown in color.

The ears are of medium length and width, set below the eye line, falling in folds.

The neck is elongated, but at the same time quite strong, with well-developed muscles.

The body is moderately strong, with a deep but not wide chest and a level topline.

The forelimbs are straight and parallel. The hindquarters are muscular, strong and strong.

The tail is set rather low, never rising above the line of the back.

The coat is shiny and silky, can be either smooth or slightly wavy, but not curly. There are beautiful feathers on the chest, belly and back of the limbs, and the tail is also well furred.

Color: The most typical coat colors are brown, black, as well as black-roan and brown-roan. In addition, these same colors with the addition of white markings, as well as red and white, are considered acceptable.

The Field's gaze should express calmness and at the same time be friendly and a little melancholy.

Owner reviews

Peter O.: “Field spaniels are the most actively wagging dogs. No one knows how to rejoice as wildly as they do, or to demonstrate emotions like that. I return home - the dog is rejoicing and jumping. He infects everyone around with his happiness.”

Irina R.: “The Fields adore children. True, it is better not to leave them with the smallest ones. A dog may accidentally drop or scratch a small one.”

Sonya M.: “When my husband got a hunting dog, I thought that the dog would only recognize his husband. And he loved everyone equally, such a big heart.”

Features of character and behavior

The modern American Cocker Spaniel is a pet, companion, and family dog. However, at the same time, it remains a hunting dog with the appropriate habits and character, even if its ancestors did not participate in the work. This can be noticed in a puppy during play - he carries an impromptu prey like a real “game”, carefully holding it by the tip and holding his head high.

The American Cocker Spaniel is not a pet for the lazy or overly busy. He needs to spend excess energy, and it is desirable that this happens outside the home. Such a dog will fit into almost any family: where there are children, even small ones, other pets, elderly relatives. The “American” literally makes everyone in the household fall in love with him and becomes the soul of the micro-collective.

But the good nature and charming appearance of a dog can do a disservice - spoiled, capricious, wayward individuals are often encountered among cockers. This is not the character of the breed, but the weakness of the owner, who allows his four-legged friend a lot of unnecessary things. In this case, the pet becomes the main one in the house, and it is useless to demand obedience from it.


Pets of this breed have many advantages, thanks to which interest in them does not decrease:

  1. They have a positive attitude towards living together with other animals, even cats; this quality is rare for breeds with a hunting purpose;
  2. Cockers are relatively “quiet” pets - they only bark if they are chasing “prey”;
  3. They are infinitely devoted to their owner, loving and affectionate, and they show these qualities to all family members;
  4. They get along well with children and can act as a child’s first pet;
  5. Unobtrusive - if the owner is busy or not in the mood for interaction, the dog will not get in the way and will wait for a more convenient moment.


Most of the shortcomings are subjective, but future owners should know who they will have to deal with and what nuances they should pay special attention to:

Excessive energy - cockers are on the move almost all their waking hours, and the owner will have to spend a lot of time with his pet on the playground; Intolerance of loneliness - the dog is very worried when left alone, he can, out of melancholy, gnaw furniture and things; The instinct of a hunter is that what is good for work can turn into a tragedy when out and about; the animal rushes after “game” and stops obeying the owner’s commands; He is so attached that he chooses his master’s bed as a place to sleep, and in addition, he is prone to colds and thus escapes from drafts; Cockers are gluttons; special attention must be paid to the pet’s diet and regimen; The royal coat requires constant and careful care.

How to choose a puppy

You need to choose a baby who is active and inquisitive, moderately well-fed and clean (the fur should be clean and shiny, the puppy should not have an unpleasant odor). You should not take a shy and lethargic baby. If he has a swollen tummy, this is a sure sign of worms. Upon purchase, the puppy is given a birth certificate, veterinary passport and copies of the parents' pedigrees.

Pros and cons of the breed

Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of the breed:

Naturally non-aggressive, patient, will easily find a common language with childrenActive, so not suitable for older people with busy work schedules
Easy to trainLong ears collect dirt on the street and food when feeding
Get along well with petsDuring prolonged loneliness, they begin to bark and howl loudly

Where to buy and price

The Field Paniel breed is famous in Russia, especially among hunters. It is preferable to purchase a puppy from a kennel, since unscrupulous owners can pass off a Russian Spaniel as a Field. The most popular nursery is Coralmist. Price for a baby – from 20,000 rubles. and higher.

The Field Spaniel will become a real companion for the owner, especially when hunting. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the dog’s curiosity and activity. You must be prepared for long walks in parks and forests for the normal development and well-being of your pet.

Description of the breed - colors

The description resembles an English cocker. The Field Spaniel has a strong body and fit figure. The height of males is 48 cm, weight is 17-23 kg, females are less. The head is proportional, oval, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is not very pronounced. The muzzle is long and narrowed. The nose is large. The eyes are almond-shaped, medium-sized, deep and wide-set, from brown to black. The expression of the eyes is serious and intelligent. The ears are of medium length, set low, wide at the ends, hanging down to the side of the head. The wavy hair on the ears makes them appear longer. The physique is dense, muscular, of medium length. The neck is long, the stomach is tucked, the back is straight. The tail is set low and docked. When at rest it is lowered. The paws are large, strong, the pads are dense, the claws are short.

The skin fits tightly to the body, there are no folds. The coat is soft, slightly wavy, and long. Wool type: single layer. The classic color is black. The standard allows the following colors: chocolate, golden chestnut, mahogany and roan. Heterogeneous colors are not desirable (gray with black, black with white and other combinations). These colors make the dog less valuable. Black dogs have a white spot on their chest. There are featherings on the belly and paws. Very long, thick or harsh coat is a fault. Curly hair is also unacceptable.

The Field Spaniel is an active, intelligent and curious dog. Thanks to its good sense of smell, it easily finds not only game, but also people or hidden objects. It is advisable to start training this pet from an early age. Loves people and other dogs, sociable. During walks, he constantly monitors family members so that no one gets lost. He will never bite a child, but if the relationship does not work out, he will not listen to him. Restrained towards other people, cautious with them, may bark to indicate the approach of a stranger.

This is a universal dog: despite its excellent hunting qualities, it is very sociable. He does not tolerate loneliness well, gets bored, and sometimes becomes depressed. He is overjoyed at the owner's return. Owners quickly begin to understand the pet's language and can even tell when the dog is unhappy. Nervous and sensitive nature: if he doesn’t catch a fetch or loses in a fight, he will be very upset.

Independent and self-reliant, can be stubborn. Peaceful, does not conflict with family members and other pets. One can only envy his patience. Non-aggressive and friendly, friendly and trusting. At the same time, if necessary, he is able to protect himself and his family. He has a strong and courageous character. The dog needs early socialization.

The Field Spaniel is easy to train, but one command is not easy for him: it is difficult to teach him to walk calmly on a leash. The fact is that natural curiosity urges you to run around and learn everything new that is happening around you. Strength is required to prevent the dog from dragging the owner away from the intended route. He loves to carry balls and other toys in his mouth; he is created for dog sports. Loves to travel by car. When hunting, it patiently searches for game, without losing sight of the owner. At the same time, it is capable of bringing prey that exceeds its weight.


The Field Spaniel has retained its working skills and is therefore actively and successfully used in hunting. The breed is a hunting breed, which means searching, tracking and picking up birds. After the dog hears the shot, it tracks the trajectory of the bird, finds it and brings it to the hunter.

Naturally, not every dog ​​is allowed to hunt. A four-legged dog will be able to go out into the field and prove itself only after receiving a certificate, and this is only possible if the dog’s breed value is confirmed and it has completed a general training course. In the process of so-called training, the dog’s working abilities are assessed, namely:

  • Flair is the most important quality; the dog must use its upper and lower scents, not be led astray by fresher tracks, and be able to track certain game.
  • Perseverance is expressed by the dog’s desire to search for and pursue a bird, regardless of weather conditions, terrain and duration of the hunt.
  • Obedience is the unquestioning execution of commands, especially those related to changing the trajectory of movement. It is especially important to stop the dog on command if it has taken off and is in the shooting zone.
  • Search is a quality associated with flair, indicative when the dog raises its nose and sniffs the air to determine the direction of the game. Here, not only the result is assessed, but also the speed with which the Field Spaniel navigates.
  • Reaching is the dog's behavior from the moment it senses the direction of the game until the moment it tracks the game. The nature of the movement, decisiveness and speed are assessed.
  • Posting is the jerk of the dog after it sees the game. Here the Field Spaniel can behave in two ways, “jump” on the bird and try to hit it with its paws or hit it with its two front paws on the ground. In the second case, the dog lifts the bird under the hunter's shot, in the first, it drives it out.
  • Serving is the same as retrieving. The dog must be able to find a fallen bird, take it into its mouth and bring it to the hunter without harming it.
  • Posing is a quality that develops in a dog with experience. After the first outings in the field, the Field Spaniel must show awareness in tracking down game, that is, not rush from side to side, but take the trail and follow it. Experienced dogs can smell a duck from a pheasant, showing by their behavior which one they are chasing. If the target of the hunt is a duck, the dog should not track a pheasant or other bird, even if this task seems easier to him. As part of this quality, the ability to work as a pair with a hunter, that is, good communication and understanding, is also assessed.

Breed standard

The Russian hunting spaniel dog standard was approved in 1951, and a few decades later it began to appear with representatives of other hunting breeds. Unfortunately, this led to the birth of “hybrids” - different crosses of dogs. Few of them can be considered purebred.

A high-quality representative of the breed has a lean, muscular build. It should be slightly elongated in shape. The weight of an adult animal is from 11 to 17 kg. The height of females is up to 42 cm, and that of males is up to 45 cm. Sexual dimorphism in representatives of the breed is practically not expressed.

These animals have a wide back (bitches are slightly narrower than males). She is muscular and strong. The groin is tightened. The back is sloping, the body is in the shape of a rectangle. The skin is elastic, there are no folds.

The loin is well expressed. The paws have very strong joints. Their arrangement is straight and symmetrical. Some representatives of the breed are born with dewclaws. Experts recommend removing them at the birth of the animal. Of course, such an operation is performed under general anesthesia.

The dog's tail is long and fluffy. If the spaniel is planned to be used for hunting, then this part of the body is docked by ½ part. For indoor representatives of the breed, this procedure is not mandatory. By the way, the dog holds his tail straight at the level of his back.

His head is large and looks harmonious against the background of his body and short neck. The skin covers it tightly. There are no folds on the head. The animal has a powerful jaw with a full set of white teeth. Scissor bite. Other options according to the standard are not allowed.

The eyes are oval-shaped with dark irises. The Russian hunting spaniel in the photo is always friendly and cheerful. His look is full of kindness. The ears are long and large. They have dense cartilage.

Hanging down. The nose is wide with wide open nostrils. In most cases it is black. May also be brown. The dog's coat is medium in length and moderately smooth. It is longer on the ears and belly than on other parts of the body.


The average lifespan of Field Spaniels ranges from 10–12 years. The breed is slightly inferior in terms of longevity to its close relatives, but is potentially healthier. Puppies should receive timely vaccination against viruses, and adult dogs should receive booster vaccination. It is highly recommended that you take your Field Spaniel to the veterinarian at least once a year.

Note! Successful owners of Field Spaniels strongly recommend vaccinating representatives of the breed against piroplasmosis.

Representatives of the breed do not have many hereditary diseases , but each of them must be treated in a timely manner. Simply put, the sooner it is clear that the dog is sick, the more effective the treatment will be. Hereditary diseases of the Field Spaniel include:

  • Hip dysplasia is a congenital disorder that causes lameness and problems with movement of the hind legs. Dysplasia is incurable and if the disease exists, it will progress, the only question is time and speed. In the USA, all breeding dogs undergo genetic tests to determine whether they are prone to dysplasia. Puppies offered for sale usually also have certificates of examination.
  • Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are diseases associated with a deficiency or excess of thyroid hormones. The illnesses themselves do not pose a threat to life, but they significantly affect its quality. Sick dogs often become lethargic, prone to obesity, fatigue and aging.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy is an incurable disease that leads to vision loss.
  • Aortic stenosis is a hereditary disease that leads to improper development of the heart muscle. The diagnosis is usually made postmortem or after the discovery of serious heart failure.

Quite rarely, it happens that Field Spaniel puppies are born with entropion. Usually the deficiency is corrected through a simple operation. The disease is not hereditary, so dogs with bloat are not excluded from breeding.

Features of maintenance, care

The Boykin Spaniel is highly adaptable to various weather conditions and climates, of course, unless we are talking about extremely cold or hot conditions. This dog feels great both in the southernmost states of the USA and in the northern ones.

Like other spaniels, the Boykin is best suited for indoor living. He is happy if he is in society and busy with work. Requires good physical activity, a daily walk lasting at least an hour.

Maintenance must be regular. Soft wool is prone to tangles and collects grass seeds, small twigs and the like. Therefore, owners prefer to cut dogs that often go into the field or forest short in the warm season. The rest of the time, brush regularly and treat with an anti-tangle product. Bath as needed. In addition, caring for a Boykin Spaniel includes trimming its nails and cleaning its teeth and ears.

Is he good with children and does he get along with other pets?

The Field Spaniel is very good with children and will never bite them even if they tease or annoy him. However, if such behavior becomes systematic, the dog will stop trusting the child and will no longer obey him.

These spaniels have a non-conflict nature and get along well with other pets . But in order for the Field Spaniel to get used to them, he needs timely socialization.


Field spaniels are very calm and patient dogs, which, if they show interest in other people's dogs on the street, it is because they want to get to know them.

However, we must remember that they, like other hunting dogs, have innate hunting instincts, and besides, Fieldies are very inquisitive by nature.

Therefore, if the owner does not want his dog to chase birds or other small animals during walks out of curiosity, then it is better for him not to let the pet off the leash.

Standards and appearance

The American Cocker Spaniel is a perfectly built, strong, but graceful dog. This is the smallest gun dog:

  1. Height for boys is 38 cm, for girls 35.5 cm. Deviations of no more than 1.3 cm (0.5 inches) are allowed. Males over 39.3 cm and females over 36.8 cm are subject to disqualification.
  2. Weight ranges from 7–14 kg. The main thing is that the American Cocker Spaniel does not look massive or emaciated.

Breed characteristics (ICF standard No. 167):

The head is proportional to the body. The skull is round, but not too convex. The muzzle is square, wide, with a blunt edge. Nose with large nostrils. Its size corresponds to the size of the skull. The pigmentation of the lobe is black or brown depending on the color. The jaws are strong, the teeth are quite large. Scissor bite. The eyes are almond-shaped, directed straight forward

The pigmentation of the iris is dark brown. The ears are lobe-shaped, located at the level of the outer corner of the eyes.

The length of the neck allows the nose to easily reach the ground, which is important for hunting breeds. Rectangular case

The topline slopes smoothly towards the croup. The chest is deep, down to the elbows

Not so bulky as to make straight-line movements difficult. The tail harmoniously continues the top line. To be docked. And although the procedure is prohibited in some countries, the modern standard does not comment on this matter, which makes it difficult to evaluate the exterior. Limbs straight and parallel.

Cockers are often confused with another type of breed group called the American Water Spaniel. This is a separate breed, developed by crossing with the Curly Coated Retriever and smaller ones. The confusion arose due to its low prevalence - the animals are bred mainly in their homeland, in the USA.

The RKF has not published a standard for this breed on its website - the American Water Spaniel is practically not found in Russia. However, the FCI recognized this breed back in 1979. The current standard No. 301 was adopted on February 14, 1995.

Externally, the American Water Spaniel is completely different from the Cocker. Its height reaches 38–46 cm, weight – 11–20 kg. Acceptable colors: dark chocolate and dark brown. The body is covered with thick, short and curly hair with water-repellent properties.

Color and coat type

The American Cocker Spaniel has a straight or slightly wavy coat. The fur on the head is short and soft, on the ears, chest, belly, and limbs it is long, but does not hide the natural lines. The dense undercoat perfectly protects from cold and moisture.

There are several color options for dogs of this breed:

  1. Black, black and tan - deep black hair. A brownish tint is not desirable, but it may be present in young dogs during shedding, which does not indicate the presence of the chocolate color gene.
  2. Plain colors, except black - any shades from light fawn to dark red are acceptable, including chocolate and chocolate with tan. Light bleaching of fur on fringe is allowed.
  3. Mixed - various combinations of white with black, red, chocolate. Roan dogs also fall into this category. Any color can have tan. Covering the body by 90% or more with one color is a disqualifying fault.

In solid colored cockers, a small amount of white hair on the chest and/or throat is not considered a fault.

There are separate requirements for tan:

  • any shade from light fawn to dark red is acceptable;
  • should occupy no more than 10% of the body area.

The markings on cockers are located:

  • on both eyebrows;
  • on the cheekbones and sides of the muzzle;
  • inside the ear;
  • on all limbs;
  • around the genitals.

The presence or absence of a tan mark on the chest does not matter in the assessment. Blurry markings, as well as merging and upward spots on the face are penalized.

There are no varieties of American Cocker Spaniels; this is a relatively young breed, bred not so long ago and maintained in unchanged condition.

Large Spaniels

Representatives of large breeds of spaniels are excellent for hunting game birds and small animals.

Their height on average is 48-63 cm. Characteristics of the species with names are presented below.

English Springer Spaniel

Country of originGreat Britain
Lifespan12-14 years old
Height at withersup to 50 centimeters
Body massup to 23 kilograms

The fastest representative of the breed

The British Springer has a powerful body with a deep chest and a large skull with a rectangular muzzle. The dog's ears are long and wide, his eyes are medium-sized with a lively and friendly look. The dog's coat is thick, smooth and not too long.

Coat color:

  • liver-white (brown-white)
  • black and white
  • any of the above with tan

Due to the lack of undercoat, this large spaniel does not tolerate cold weather well and is not capable of living in an enclosure.

This type of spaniel is a natural hunter, designed to track and scare away prey.

Springer spaniels have incredible affection for their owners and love for children. They get along well with other animals, are calm with strangers and easily adapt to changes in housing. All these qualities make the dog ideal for the family and for hunting.

Breton epañol

Country of originFrance
Lifespan12-13 years old
Height at withersup to 52 centimeters
Body massup to 19 kilograms

Elegant representatives of the spaniel breed, combining all the useful qualities of hunting dogs

The Breton Spaniel has a “square body”, in other words, the height is equal to the length of the body. The skull is flattened and rounded. The Epagnole's ears are triangular in shape.

A characteristic feature of the breed is a short tail, which is rarely found in spaniels.

The spaniel's coat is smooth, wavy in some places, without undercoat.

Coat color:

  • white-red
  • White black
  • white-brown

The standard allows for a third color in the form of fiery spots.

The working qualities of the dog are characteristic of representatives of cops: excellent endurance, good scent, the ability to pursue and drive prey into a trap for a long time.

Bretons are intelligent, energetic and friendly dogs. They are not prone to dominance, so they get along well with other dogs. Epagnoles feel love and care for children. Therefore, they are perfect as a family dog.

Drentic Patrishond

Country of originFrance
Lifespan12-13 years old
Height at withersup to 52 centimeters
Body massup to 19 kilograms

The Drentsy have a second name - “partridge dog”, since their main goal was this particular game.

The dog has a powerful rectangular body. The skull is not large, the muzzle is elongated. The tail is long and pendulous. The ears are dropped down and covered with long hair. The eyes usually have an amber iris color.

The coat is rough and straight. The coat on the body is of medium length, while on the tail, ears and paws it is long.

The color is predominantly white with red or brown spots. This breed of spaniel is capable of living both in an apartment and in a warm enclosure.

The spaniel has a calm, friendly character. They are devoted to their owner and family, do not bark for no reason and do not show aggression. Ideal for game hunting.

In Russia, a puppy of this breed is a very rare specimen.

Irish Water Spaniel

Country of originIreland
Lifespan12-14 years old
Height at withersup to 61 centimeters
Body massup to 30 kilograms

The oldest breed of spaniels with an extraordinary appearance

The Irish have a strong, square body with well-developed muscles. The skull is dome-shaped with an elongated snout. The ears are long and hanging, the eyes are almond-shaped.

A distinctive feature of the breed is its curly coat. There is a “wig” of long curls on the dog’s head. The coat color is usually chocolate with a red tint.

It is recommended to keep the Irish Water Spaniel in a private home. This is due to the size of the dog and the desire to move a lot and actively.

In grooming, the main thing is to pay attention to fluffy curls. They need to be combed out in a timely manner and ensure that they do not get tangled. Otherwise, care is no different from care for other spaniel breeds.

The Irish breed has a peaceful character. They get along well with other animals and children. However, the pet expects a lot of attention from the owner. Not getting what he wants, the spaniel may begin to be offended and sad.

Irish Spaniels are the best hunters in the water.

Pont Odemer Spaniel

Country of originFrance
Lifespan12-14 years old
Height at withersup to 58 centimeters
Body massup to 24 kilograms

Powerful and brave spaniel, designed for hunting in water

The Epagnole has a medium-sized, dense body. The dog's skull is rounded with a long muzzle. A distinctive feature is the thick wavy coat of predominantly brown-red and white color.

Despite its gentle disposition, friendliness and courage, the breed is in danger of extinction.


Country of originHolland
Lifespan10-12 years
Height at withersup to 59 centimeters
Body massup to 35 kilograms

Specialized otter and ferret hunters

Spaniels of this breed have a massive body with a wide chest. The skull is rounded, the muzzle is not too long. The ears are hanging, medium size with long hair.

A distinctive feature of Wetterhouns is their spiral-curved tail.

The coat is of medium length, thick and hard, wavy in the body area.

Standard coat colors:

  • solid brown or black
  • brown and white or black and white

The procedure for caring for Wetterhuns is no different from basic care for spaniels of other breeds.

This breed of dog is distinguished by its courage, intelligence and violent temperament. Therefore, a lot of attention should be paid to raising a dog from a very early age.

Wetterhuns do not show aggression towards strangers, but are wary and mistrustful. They behave peacefully and friendly with other animals and children.

The Wetterhun is an indispensable hunting companion in difficult weather conditions and in water. The dog puts maximum effort into his work.

Picardy Spaniel

Country of originFrance
Lifespan10-12 years
Height at withersup to 62 centimeters
Body massup to 25 kilograms

A calm dog that combines the qualities of an excellent game hunter and companion.

Picardy spaniels have a well-developed, strong body. Their skull is oval in shape and their muzzle is elongated. The ears are set low and covered with curly hair.

The dog's coat is thick and coarse, wavy in places.

Color options:

  • chocolate
  • chestnut
  • white with sandy or gray spots on head and legs

Grooming requires basic procedures for all spaniels.

This breed of hunting dogs is a monogamous breed. They become strongly attached to their owner and faithfully obey him all their lives.

They are also friendly to other family members. They treat children calmly and love to play with them. Picardys get along well with other dogs. Living together with cats is possible if the spaniel met them as a puppy.

Due to its calm nature, a dog can live well in an apartment, but with constant long-term walking.

French Spaniel

Country of originFrance
Lifespan10-12 years
Height at withersup to 63 centimeters
Body massup to 27 kilograms

Passionate hunters, talented at finding and locating game

French Spaniels are characterized by a rectangular body, the length of which exceeds the height at the withers. The dog's skull is rounded with an elongated frontal part, the muzzle is oblong. The ears are long and covered with wavy hair.

Frenchies have a long, thick coat. The fur on the chest and ears is slightly wavy. The color is predominantly white with spots of various variations of brown shades.

The breed is unpretentious in maintenance and care. Wool requires standard care procedures.

French spaniels are balanced, open and obedient. They are enthusiastic to hunt, friendly with other dogs and have all the qualities of an ideal companion.

The kindness of the breed makes these spaniels unsuitable for guarding and protection. Due to this quality, they are not characterized by aggression and suspicion. They always welcome guests, and become nannies for small children.

The Frenchie is one of the best spaniels suitable as a family companion dog.

Welsh Springer Spaniel

Country of originGreat Britain
Lifespan12-15 years
Height at withersup to 48 centimeters
Body massup to 20 kilograms

Representatives of an ancient unique breed of spaniels of pure origin.

The breed is characterized by a medium-sized body with a deep chest. The dog's skull is rounded, the muzzle is straight. The ears are hanging, slightly tapering towards the tip. The tail is often docked.

The coat is dense and thick, long on the chest and paws. The color is usually white with red or brown spots.

Welsh Springers are very active dogs, so it is recommended to keep them in a private home. Caring for these dogs is not difficult.

Representatives of the breed have a pronounced hunting instinct. Therefore, the owner should not make concessions to the dog. It is better to walk only on a leash. At the same time, Welsh Springer Spaniels are good with children, but do not like small breeds of dogs. These loyal animals are in good health and will become the best friend for the family.

German Spaniel

Country of originGermany
Lifespan12-14 years old
Height at withersup to 54 centimeters
Body massup to 25 kilograms

A versatile dog, suitable for hunting both in dense forests and in water

The German Wachtelhund has a strong body with well-developed muscles. The skull is flattened, the muzzle is not too long, tapering towards the tip. The ears are very long, located at eye level.

The coat is dense and thick, there is an undercoat. Acceptable color is noble chocolate or reddish with white spots on the chest. The black color, despite its prevalence, indicates the lack of purebredness of the individual.

Representatives of this breed are recommended to be kept in a private home and walked on a leash. These dogs have a very pronounced hunting instinct, they are energetic and full of strength.

German Spaniels are friendly, confident and obedient. When meeting a stranger, they may begin to bark, but without aggression; in this case, the dog uses barking as a greeting.

Germans are caring with children and love to play with them. Small dogs may not be liked, but without aggression.

Clumber Spaniel

Country of originGreat Britain
Lifespan12-14 years old
Height at withersup to 53 centimeters
Body massup to 40 kilograms

An agile and resilient dog designed for hunting both game and small animals.

The Clumber Spaniel is a dog with a massive rectangular body with heavy bones. The skull is square, the muzzle is rectangular with a pronounced stop. The ears are thick and long.

The dog's coat is very soft, smooth on the back, chest and head, and long on the belly, ears, paws and tail. The dominant color is always white. Brown or reddish spots are present on the ears, back or belly.

A distinctive feature of the Clumber Spaniel is its look - stern and a little sad. However, behind the massive and intimidating appearance lies a loyal, calm and gentle dog.

This breed does not require active walks and is perfect for keeping in an apartment. The main thing for this spaniel is to have a comfortable bed.

Clumber spaniels are the most peaceful representatives of the group. They are silent and calm, experience incredible love for their owner and need tactile contact. We can say about the breed that they are not characterized by aggression, they are friendly to animals, children and others. However, these dogs do not like noise, so it is better not to get a dog with a family with a newborn. The Clumber Spaniel is an excellent choice for a family who loves peace and comfort with older children.


The Russian Spaniel requires a high-calorie diet rich in minerals and vitamins. An active dog must replenish its energy reserves and be in good physical shape. Taking into account the pet’s tendency to overeat, portions should be limited, not pampered, and fed twice a day. Keep drinking water available at all times.

The basis of the diet is meat food

It is important to feed working dogs minced meat, offal, and boiled meat waste. Otherwise, when hunting, spaniels will tear their prey

It is recommended to add boneless sea fish, cereals, vegetables in the form of porridges, dairy products, and rye bread to the menu.

Sweets, sausages, smoked products, and baked goods are prohibited. Legumes cause increased gas formation. Feeding with dry food is allowed if it is of high quality and balanced in composition. Dog breeders recommend giving your dog a fasting day once a week, reducing the amount of food by a quarter.

Nutritional features - what is best to feed?

When fed naturally, a Field Spaniel should be fed nutritious, home-cooked food based on meat and offal. In this case, their amount in the diet should be approximately half.

It is also recommended to give your dog porridge, raw or boiled vegetables, boneless sea fish and dairy products.

It is permissible to give milk only to small puppies, since as the dog grows up, it ceases to absorb it in its pure form.


Homemade food for a Field Spaniel should have a porridge-like consistency, but not liquid, as this may not have the best effect on the pet’s digestion.

You can also feed your dog prepared high-quality food. It is very important to choose a brand for your spaniel that matches its size, weight, activity, age and physical condition.

You should not feed your Field with budget-class food; it is better to opt for a premium, super-premium or holistic diet..

Character of the Russian Spaniel

Persistent and tireless in work, in a home environment the Russian hunting spaniel is transformed, transforming into a pleasant, good-natured pet. Moreover, with this shaggy psychotherapist you can always whisper about secrets or spend the evening watching the “Hunter and Fisherman” channel. In everyday life, a Russian spaniel doesn’t care what to do, as long as it doesn’t lose contact with its owner.

Even into adulthood, representatives of the breed retain puppy playfulness and interest in entertainment. This helps them join children's groups, in which long-eared gamers feel like fish in water. By the way, dogs do not conflict with babies, generously forgiving her for minor harms like pulling her tail and ears.

The Russian Hunting Spaniel's favorite games are fetching all kinds of balls and, of course, searching for objects, so don't be lazy to devote at least 10-20 minutes a day to your pet's hobbies. However, you don’t have to do this, but then you need to calmly accept the fact that the dog will have fun on its own. Typically, Russian hunting spaniels compensate for the lack of play with destructive behavior, so just to be on the safe side, hide your Nikes and Adidas shoes away. Spaniels love to chew leather products and anything that even slightly resembles it.

The breed has a very developed intuitive sense: its representatives easily detect changes in the owner’s mood, understand any requirement at a glance, and masterfully differentiate all people into good and suspicious people. If a spaniel growls with enviable consistency at one of your old friends, there is reason to think about it.

Character traits

Field Spaniels are passionate, courageous and energetic dogs with a loving, friendly disposition..

They are calm, intelligent, reserved and, as a rule, rarely bark. At the same time, Field dogs love active games, long walks and hunting. They willingly accompany their owners and love to travel with them.

However, these spaniels are characterized by such qualities as independence, independence, and sometimes stubbornness.

Fields are wary of strangers, but do not experience aggression towards them.

Field Spaniels need long walks and lots of physical activity..

If you close your dog in the apartment for the whole day, the dog will begin to get bored and look for entertainment.

In addition, Field Spaniels are highly sensitive and emotional. They may become upset if they lose in a game with their owner or lose game during a hunt.

Therefore, the owners of these dogs should be friendly and gentle when communicating with their pet..

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Field spaniels are friendly, hardy and strong hunting dogs, but at the same time they are sensitive, sometimes turning into touchiness. When hunting, they confidently and calmly search for game, and after shooting they bring it to the hunter. At home, these spaniels are sweet and affectionate towards their owners. During walks, they carefully monitor that all family members are nearby and take care of them in their own way. Field Spaniels are smart and intelligent and learn new skills well, but can sometimes be willful and stubborn.”

Education, training, coaching

Training the Russian Hunting Spaniel is easy. Smart and efficient, these shaggy “bundles of energy” quickly understand what is required of them and are almost not prone to whims. In addition, spaniels have an excellent memory for words, which is already quite valuable. However, you should not overload your dog with various training courses. The Russian Hunting Spaniel is primarily a hunter and tracker, for which five basic commands are enough for full-fledged work.

Raising a baby begins after moving to a permanent owner, and the first thing the baby needs to figure out is identifying the identity of the owner. In the future, it is this person who will be able to control the dog’s behavior both during hunting and in everyday life, therefore, in the first month after the puppy appears in the house, its basic needs should be satisfied by only one family member.

Accustoming to a nickname begins from the first days after moving from the nursery. But don’t overdo it: the animal’s name should not become synonymous with the call “Come to me!” The next stage is mastering the commands: “Place!” (worked out first), “You can’t!” and “Take it!” This is no longer just behavior management, but also preparation for subsequent training. Keep in mind: the life of a Russian hunting spaniel that has not learned basic commands will be short-lived.

A necessary skill for hunting individuals is to fulfill the “Give it!” requirement. Dogs master this skill easily, since the passion for fetching objects is in the breed’s blood. But it’s one thing to fetch a ball and quite another to drag a shot grouse, so stock up on duck wings and tufts of feathers in advance to throw them to the dog instead of toys.

A more significant alternative to wings is a bird carcass frozen from the last hunting season. However, according to experienced dog lovers, the method does not always work as it should. In particular, having trained on a frozen bird, the Russian spaniel loses interest in warm prey. In such cases, it is recommended to put the patient on a strict diet (1-2 days). A fairly hungry spaniel quickly forgets about the feeling of disgust and works with fresh game as it should.

Picking up a shot bird from the water and its subsequent removal is handled in the same way as a regular offering of a bird. The only difference is that this time the wing or stuffed animal will be thrown into the water. It is better to start training in the summer, when the water is warm, and continue until the fall, so that the dog hardens. In general, you can practice serving with a Russian hunting spaniel as early as 3 months. But with full training you will have to wait until the pet has learned the basic obedience commands. This usually happens by 4-5 months.

Among professional hunters, there are often cases of purchasing adult Russian spaniels with subsequent training. This is done in order to “skip over” the childhood and teenage periods, when a lot of time, effort and financial resources are spent on raising and socializing a puppy. Of course, it is much more difficult to train and train grown individuals, but this is a feasible task for a specialist who has experience communicating with the breed. By the way, it is quite possible to raise a champion from an adult dog who will award the owner with working diplomas and certificates of honor.

Training and education

As already mentioned, the Field Spaniel is highly trainable. Moreover, it should be carried out regularly, strictly, without the use of physical punishment and harsh methods, because these dogs are very sensitive. They like to be involved, so they willingly go to classes. Capable of learning many commands. At the same time, it is important to immediately show who the leader is in the relationship, to earn trust and authority.

Since dogs are hyperactive, patience and consistency will be required. It is necessary to raise a pet from childhood. In this case, the dog will become especially obedient. Recognizes only the owner, so training and education cannot be transferred to other people.

Your pet needs early socialization to prevent it from becoming too shy or aggressive. If the owner of a Field Spaniel is not a fan of hunting, then the dog just needs to learn basic skills. A working spaniel should be taken out for training and decoy birds should be used.

Diseases and health problems

There are no serious genetic diseases observed in Russian spaniels, but they are susceptible to various types of infections, like all other four-legged animals. Those dogs that frequently dive under water while hunting can become infected with leptospirosis, a disease that affects the liver and kidneys. Various fungal diseases and parasitic infections are also not alien to spaniels (dermatomycosis, helminthiasis, toxoplasmosis).

Due to their long, floppy ears, spaniels often develop otitis media. Those dogs that often swim in ponds suffer from it much more often, because water can get into the ear canal, leading to inevitable inflammation. These dogs, like people, are prone to quickly gaining unnecessary pounds and getting fat, so you need to keep their diet balanced. It is not uncommon for spaniels to have allergies to various foods, so you need to select food very carefully.

It is worth remembering that all diseases can be stopped or completely prevented. To do this, you need to be more attentive to your dog. Carry out frequent inspections of its appearance, monitor the proper condition of the coat, and prevent its tangling and formation of tangles. The mood of your four-legged friends is also important. If the dog is experiencing any anxiety, it may become nervous or depressed, all of which should always be monitored with maximum care and patience.

Regular preventative examinations at the veterinary clinic also play an important role in the well-being of your pet. Timely completion of all necessary vaccinations, vaccinations, deworming and treatment for parasites will ensure that your furry pet will delight for many years, bringing a lot of wonderful and unforgettable emotions.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • They are friendly and not aggressive towards people.
  • They treat children well.
  • They get along well with other pets.
  • Calm, balanced and reasonable dogs.
  • Easy to train.
  • Smart and quick-witted.
  • Affectionate dogs that can subtly sense the mood of their owners.
  • Excellent sense of smell and fetching ability.
  • Energetic, strong and resilient.
  • They love to travel in the company of their owners.


  • Need long walks.
  • They do not tolerate loneliness well: they bark and howl if left alone for a long time.
  • Dirt and debris can cling to their long ears, and when feeding, their ears stick into the food bowl.
  • Self-sufficient and quite independent.
  • Very sensitive: they worry a lot about their own failures and get offended if their voice is raised at them.
  • Not suitable for busy people and those who do not like active recreation.

History of the breed

The country of origin of the Wachtelhund is considered to be Upper Bavaria. It was there that dogs resembling German spaniels first appeared in the 16th century. But the official breeding of the breed began in Germany in the 19th century. In 1897, breeders produced dogs that were distinguished by their hunting skills. At first, Wachtelhunds were divided into 2 categories:

  • with a brown color - calmer;
  • brown-gray - active, capable of following a bloody trail.

Then these subspecies were crossed, the difference disappeared. The dog had a balanced character and was very useful on the hunt. She was also distinguished by good health and endurance.

Despite the fact that the breed was developed more than 100 years ago, the official standard was approved only in 1981. Although Wachtelhunds have a significant number of positive qualities, they are not very common outside of Germany.

Origin story

Country of origin: Great Britain, 19th century. Finis Bullock crossed a Cocker Spaniel and a Sussex Spaniel to create a breed that resembles a Cocker in appearance but is black in color, slightly larger and has stronger bones. The result was a different dog, which not everyone initially liked: the body turned out to be much larger and heavier, the legs were shorter, and the working qualities were not considered the best.

In 1880, several dogs were brought to the United States. To breed the breed, Americans cross them with Springers and Cockers. Until 1901, Americans distinguished Fields and Cockers only by weight category (up to 12 kg - cockers, more than 12 kg - Fields).

Despite this, in 1892 the first standards were developed and approved, and the name field was given (translated as “field”). There were only four representatives of the breed in England. Mortimer Scott (English dog breeder) began further development. He developed a hunting breed with a strong body and good working qualities. The whole world still admires this dog.

During the Second World War, the breed almost disappeared; its enthusiastic fans saved it. At the end of the 40s of the 20th century, a new standard was developed and approved. Currently, dogs are especially common in the UK, Belgium, France and the Netherlands. In Russia they are confused with the Russian spaniel.

Decorative spaniels

Decorative types of spaniels today play the role of exclusively apartment dogs. Their compact size and perky disposition will appeal to all dog lovers.

The average height is 26-33 cm. Characteristics of spaniel types are presented below.

Continental Toy Spaniel

Country of originFrance
Lifespan14-18 years old
Height at withersup to 30 centimeters
Body massup to 5 kilograms

Graceful pets with large ears, recognized as one of the smartest dogs in the world

The Continental Toy Spaniel is divided into two breeds: Papillon (erect ears) and Phalene (drop ears). Detailed information about these breeds can be found in our article.

The body of Continental Toy Spaniels has a square shape. The skull is small, rounded, the muzzle is short and tapering towards the nose.

A distinctive feature of continentals is their ears. In Papillons, they are triangular in shape, set on hard cartilage and covered with long hair that hangs down. Phalenes have drooping ears and are also covered with long fringed hair.

The coat is long and wavy in places. There is no undercoat. The color can be varied, but the head should always be dark.

Caring for the coat of a toy spaniel involves basic procedures. Due to the lack of undercoat, these dogs cannot live in enclosures.

Decorative continental spaniels, despite their size, have excellent watchdog qualities. The dog's character is quite stubborn, so training needs to be done from an early age.

This little spaniel is good at feeling the mood of its owner and those around him. Their high intelligence allows them to teach complex tricks and commands.

Toy Spaniels are a very energetic breed of dog that is loyal to their owner and friendly with children.

King Charles Spaniel

Country of originGreat Britain
Lifespan10-12 years
Height at withersup to 26 centimeters
Body massup to 6 kilograms

Decorative spaniels suitable for older owners

The body of the Royal Spaniel is medium in size. The skull is small, oval in shape, the muzzle is flattened. It is the shape of the skull and muzzle that distinguishes them from Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. The ears are of medium length, covered with hanging wavy hair.

The coat of this breed is soft and thick.

Main types of color:

  • black-ruby
  • ruby
  • ruby white

The King Charles Spaniel does not require complex care or long active walks. The ideal place for a dog to live is an apartment.

This small breed is always friendly and affectionate with its family members

They treat strangers with caution, but do not show aggression. Great for older people or those who prefer a slower paced lifestyle. For these dogs, the main thing is simply to be with their family and feel human love towards them.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Country of originGreat Britain
Lifespan10-12 years
Height at withersup to 33 centimeters
Body massup to 8 kilograms

Popular decorative spaniels that excel in sports

The body of the cavaliers is miniature and graceful. The skull is slightly flattened on top, the muzzle is flat.

The entire exterior of the dog betrays noble origin. Large, dark eyes and long, drooping, feathered ears are a distinctive feature of Cavalier Spaniels.

The coat of this breed is long, wavy in places and very soft.

Main colors:

  • black and tan piebald
  • white-chestnut
  • dark ruby

Cavalier King Charles are spaniels that do not require complex care, but love active walks.

It is recommended that the dog live in apartment conditions.

These energetic cute dogs always try to be the center of attention. They do not tolerate loneliness well and bark frequently.

They show friendliness to absolutely everyone, including strangers and other animals. Cavaliers love water and sports. They perfectly show all their breed advantages in agility.

These decorative dogs are suitable for a young energetic family

Tibetan Spaniel

Country of originChina
Lifespan12-14 years old
Height at withersup to 26 centimeters
Body massup to 7 kilograms

Decorative spaniels bred by Tibetan monks

The body of the Tibby is oblong. The skull is round and slightly oblong, the muzzle is flattened with a large chin. Ears of the hanging type. Externally, Tibetan spaniels are slightly similar to Pekingese.

The dog's coat is medium length, soft. There is a thick undercoat.

The color is usually monochromatic:

  • ginger
  • cream
  • white
  • black
  • golden

The Tibetan Spaniel does not require complex care and is perfect for living in an apartment, but requires active walking.

Tibetans, despite their miniature size, have protective qualities. They are capable of barking at a stranger and treating him with distrust.

With his family, the dog is very affectionate, gentle and obedient. Tibetan spaniels get along well with other animals and children.

They have developed intelligence and are suitable as a companion dog

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