Petit Brabançon dog breed: education, character, care, health, maintenance. Griffon Petit Brabançon: photo of an adult dog and a puppy, reviews, disadvantages, features of the breed

  • Companions
Sizesmall (up to 10kg)
Main features
  • Sheds little
  • Excellent health
  • Good obedience
  • Very devoted
  • Friendly
  • Little barks
  • High intelligence

One can say about representatives of the Petit Brabançon breed: a small dog, a puppy until old age. These strong, robust creatures with an upturned short nose and large eyes are famous for their cheerful and playful character. In addition, the expressive, monkey-like face of the Brabant Griffon, this is the second name of the breed, perfectly shows emotions: sadness, joy, curiosity.

The Brabançon breed is well known and popular in Europe; city dwellers often get compact and easy-to-keep dogs. But in Russia, cute and friendly Brabant Griffon dogs are still a rarity. Perhaps the reason for this is the high cost of Petit Brabançon puppies. But honestly, they're worth it.

What is the beauty of Petit Brabançon dogs and does it have any disadvantages? If you want to know, keep reading.

History of the Petit Brabançon breed

The Brabant Griffon breed was born in the very heart of Europe, in Belgium, about 300-400 years ago. It must be said that Petit Brabançons are the youngest brothers in the family. At first, the Brussels and Belgian Griffons appeared. The older relatives differ from the Petit Brabançon by having medium-length, coarse hair and a beard on the muzzle.

Documentary information about the origin of griffons has not been preserved. Their story is full of speculation and speculation. The Belgians claim that the breed originated from certain stable dogs that were bred to exterminate rodents. There is an opinion that the ancestor of griffons is the small barbet, which is how all bearded dogs were called in Medieval Europe. Then the European breed was crossed with Chinese pugs, which came to Belgium through a difficult route - from Holland. It is to him that the dogs owe their snub-nosed muzzle. Possible ancestors of griffons also include the Dutch Smoushond, the German Affenpinscher (monkey), various types of terriers and even dwarf spaniels. But, according to dog experts, this “cocktail” of breeds was not targeted selection at that time, but experimental experiments carried out by individual dog breeders.

Meanwhile, the ancestors of the Brabant Griffons became increasingly popular, living in the homes of European aristocrats and royal palaces. Thanks to their cheerful, playful disposition, dogs have become ladies' favorites. They were coddled and pampered. And when they noticed that dogs were having fun catching mice, they started getting cats instead. Ordinary Belgians also appreciated the hunting and guard qualities of the future Brabançons. In addition, keeping a small pet was affordable for everyone.

Only by the middle of the 19th century did griffons acquire an appearance close to modern. Thanks to the Belgian Queen Astrid, the breed received special attention. She became extremely fashionable in social circles. Rich people got griffons if they wanted to emphasize their status and loyalty to the royal court.

In 1883, two types of bearded dogs were first shown at an exhibition; they were given the name griffons and divided into types according to color: Belgian - black or tan, Brussels - bright red. It was then that the first standards were developed. And again, the impetus for the development and popularization of the breed was given by a high-ranking person - Queen Marie-Henriette of Belgium. She contributed to the international spread of national dogs. They are starting to be exported to England and other countries. Even then, griffon puppies from Belgium were worth a lot.

According to some reports, Queen Draga of Serbia (1867 - 1903) was among the fans of the small griffins. She allegedly loved her pet very much. But when she began to suspect that they wanted to poison her, she entrusted her pet with the duties of a taster. The dog tried all the dishes that were prepared for its owner. As the legend goes, the worst suspicions were eventually realized; Petit Brabançon died from poison.

The history of the younger branch of the Brabant Griffons (aka Petit Brabançons) might not have begun at all. In the 19th century, breeders ruthlessly culled smooth-haired puppies that appeared in litters from time to time. But one of the lovers (his name has not been preserved) drew attention to the remarkable characteristics of babies with short fur. Later they were isolated as a separate species and the blood of black pugs was added, find out more about this Chinese breed

The new type was named after the Belgian province of Brabant. They called him the Brabant Griffon or Petit Brabançon, that is, small.

During World War II the breed almost disappeared. The largest population remains in the United States. However, local breeders made their own adjustments to the appearance of Petit Brabançons. They were legalized in 1963, when a new standard was adopted. The latter was approved in 2003 and has not changed since then.

The Russian history of Petit Brabançons began quite recently. The first representatives of the breed were brought in in 1993. And by the beginning of the 21st century, there were only 85 Brabant Griffons in Russia.

Origin story

The history of the breed begins in Belgium and officially dates back more than 100 years. The formation of the Belgian Griffons took place in the 19th century. Then wire-haired representatives of the breed were born: Belgian and Brussels Griffons, as well as the short-haired Petit Brabançon. The dogs were used to hunt small pests and lived in ports, stables and farms. Later, they were loved by aristocrats from high society for their unusual facial expressions.

One of the most famous owners of Petit Brabançons is Marie Henriette, who ruled Belgium from the end of the 19th century. Thanks to her, the breed became very popular in its homeland, and the dogs were regular participants in annual exhibitions.

Two world wars had a negative impact not only on the population of Petit Brabançons, but also on the numbers of many dog ​​breeds. Only thanks to the efforts of breeders, today the breed has regained its former popularity, although it is still not very well known outside of Europe.

The first breed standard was approved in 1904, but then changed several times.

Appearance of the Brabant Griffon

The Petit Brabançon is a compact dog, its weight is between 3.5-6 kg, its format is close to square. She has strong bones and proud posture, her movements are powerful, confident and elegant. But the most important feature of the breed is its expressive face, which is very reminiscent of a human face. In addition, the small griffon is excellent at showing emotions.

The head of the Brabant Griffon is quite large when compared with the overall size of the dog. The skull is wide, the forehead is convex. A short nose with a black lobe and large nostrils is at the same level as the eyes. If you look at the dog in profile, it is noticeable that the tip of the nose and the surface of the forehead are also on the same line. The lower jaw is very wide, it is strongly curved in the upper part and protrudes beyond the upper. This breed is characterized by overeating. The mouth in a calm state should be tightly closed, so that the teeth and tongue do not peek out. Large brown eyes, round in shape, widely spaced, eyelids with dark pigmentation. Eyes that are too convex, oval, small and light in color will be considered faulty. Small ears stand high. They can be docked or undocked; in the latter case, the tips should hang forward.

The baby Brabançon is distinguished from its older relatives by its smooth and short coat. The Brussels Griffon and the Belgian have coarse, slightly wavy topcoat and a good undercoat. In addition, they have thick mustaches and beards on their faces with shaggy eyebrows.

The Petit Brabançon has a medium-length neck that blends smoothly into the shoulders. The body is quite short, equal in length to height at the withers. A straight back, muscular loin and well-developed chest create the image of a strong dog. The abdomen is moderately tucked. The tail is set high and perky, its tip “looks” towards the back, but does not touch it. Cupping is allowed. A serious fault would be a short tail, broken or curled. The limbs are strong, muscular, and stand parallel. Paws are collected, with tight pads and dark nails. The movements are balanced and powerful. Highly raised forelimbs during running and ambling are shortcomings.

The shorthaired Petit Brabançon can have all the colors typical of griffons. They come in different shades of red, black, plain and with tan marks on the paws, chest, cheekbones and other parts of the body. A characteristic feature of many Brabançons is a dark mask on the face. Gray, white or gray hairs in small quantities, especially for older dogs, will not be a disadvantage. Gray, blue, brown and tan, liver and white spots are not allowed.

Defects that will lead to the disqualification of a dog are considered to be a nose of any color other than black, a protruding tongue with a closed mouth, a crooked jaw, lack of a snack, behavior problems - unjustified aggression or shyness.

Description of the breed

Despite its small stature, the dog has developed muscles and a strong build. The size of a mini pet varies between 16-25 cm, and the weight of an adult dog is usually about 4 kg.

The breed description is as follows:

  1. The skull is dome-shaped and wide. The hair on the head is short. Unlike ordinary griffons with a beard, the Petit Brabançon does not have the characteristic beard and mustache.
  2. The muzzle is short, the nose is turned up. The color of the lobe is black, the nostrils are wide. A dog may have an overbite: the lower teeth extend further than the upper teeth. The chin protrudes, the lips are black and fit tightly together.
  3. The eyes are not protruding, large, set wide apart. The iris is dark, the eyelashes are long. The ears are small, semi-erect. Previously, in most animals they were docked, but today many dog ​​breeders advocate naturalness.
  4. The chest is deep and wide, the back is strong. Limbs of medium size, straight. The paw pads are oval shaped and pigmented black.
  5. The tail is quite long, sometimes docked. The natural look is saber-shaped and does not curl or touch the back.

Unlike its cousins, the Petit Brabançon is considered a long-haired breed, although it has a medium-length coat. His color is the most varied among other griffons. Acceptable colors include:

  • black;
  • chocolate and tan;
  • black and tan;
  • black interspersed with red;
  • deer

Some puppies are black from birth, but this may change after trimming.

If there are tan marks on the wool, their color should not be faded and stable. The spots can be located on the front and hind legs. The muzzle should be decorated with a mask. The breed standard does not require white spots on the chest area.

Brabançon character

According to the breed standard, the Petit Brabançon must be a confident dog, alert, and also devoted to its owner. And he treats those around him in a friendly manner, without timidity, but also without aggression. This is what it says in the document for experts and breeders. What about life?

Petit Brabançons are loved for their light and playful character. They are always positive, enjoy attention, are ready to support and cheer up their owner, and feel his mood. They are attracted to outdoor games, walks and entertainment. They are delicate and completely non-offensive.

Petit Brabançons begin to master the profession of film actors. A dog of this breed has become the star of a new comedy series. Smart and dexterous Bruno helps his master improve his personal life, make money and even deal with bandits.

The Brabant Griffon will be an ideal friend for a child; it will suit families who prefer an active lifestyle. An elderly person can also get such a dog if he is ready to walk and play with it.

Petit Brabançons are usually friendly with other pets. They know how to build relationships with cats, but you should be careful with rodents. After all, these dogs were once famous as mousecatchers.

Petit Brabançons have difficulty enduring loneliness. As some owners of these dogs assure, they cannot be left for a long time; due to separation, the pet suffers and may get sick. Although there is another opinion. If you provide the dog with entertainment and toys, and on the eve of separation, give it a good walk and play, so that the pet falls off its feet, it will calmly wait for your return.

It is not a shame to take a Petit Brabançon for a walk; he will not bark in vain, break from the leash, or behave indecently. But in a critical situation, this baby can protect its owner. He treats strangers and dogs on the street with caution, but with restraint. Although he loves guests at home.

Dogs of the Petit Brabançon breed are silent. They do not vocalize often and are not usually inclined to bark, whine or howl. They can change this good habit only for a serious reason, for example, due to stress. If a dog is left alone for a long time in an unfamiliar place, it may stage a concert.

As the owners of Brabant Griffons note, their dogs simply love to play. Even when they become adults, they do not lose their perky attitude, sociability and charm. The Petit Brabançon may change in appearance as it gets older and get fatter, but at heart it will forever remain a cheerful and active puppy. They say about such people: they have an awl in one place.

The Brabançon has a snub nose, but he sticks it into everything that seems interesting to him. And this dog has a lot of curiosity. She is keenly concerned with everything that happens around her. She loves new acquaintances, trips, hikes and experiences. However, the small griffon is not annoying and stubborn, like, for example, a dachshund, but rather delicate and inquisitive.

The emotions of Petit Brabançons can be easily understood not only by the movement of the tail, but also by facial expressions. Their monkey faces perfectly reflect feelings. A dog may frown if something or someone is not to its liking, will look extremely carefully if it shows interest, and will happily “smile” if it is happy with life.

Another attractive quality of this breed is its amazing empathy, or sensitivity. Petit Brabançons detect the mood of their owner and try to adapt to it. They grieve and feel sad with their person, and also have fun and rejoice with him. In addition, over the years they get used to the rhythm of life of their owner. The dog can accompany him on a jog in the morning, and in the evening he will calmly lie on the couch with him and watch TV or read.

Character and psychological portrait

Griffons have a lively character, resourceful mind and courage. They perfectly support any company and vigilantly guard their home. It is impossible not to note the rare combination of dignity and self-confidence, not to mention the sense of humor and intelligence of unusual kids. Griffons are distinguished by their stable psyche; they are neither aggressive nor timid. Petit Brabançons are very active, sociable and curious.

A photo of Brabançons cannot fully demonstrate all the charms of these amazing dogs, show their friendliness, loyalty and funny playfulness.

Brabançons become very attached to their owner, do not tolerate loneliness well, and need close contact. They are very sensitive by nature and do not tolerate unfair treatment. Sometimes they can be jealous and stubborn, they have some self-esteem and pride, so griffins should not be overly pampered. A spoiled dog becomes smug and impudent. The Petit Brabançon can become aggressive if strangers encroach on its territory. Dogs are always wary of them. Griffons are naturally vigilant, but rarely bark without reason. Pi-Brabançon is quite peaceful, and therefore gets along well with other animals in the house.

Pros and cons of the Petit Brabançon breed

As you already understand, Petit Brabançons are one of the best breeds for living in the city. They have a lot of positive qualities that will appeal to most dog lovers. Moreover, every owner of a small griffon will probably have advantages that are characteristic of their pets personally.

Let's name the main advantages of Brabançon:

  • Friendliness and playfulness;
  • affection and loyalty to the owner;
  • developed intelligence;
  • ability to communicate with children;
  • tolerance towards other pets;
  • sensitivity and responsiveness;
  • convenient size;
  • ease of care.

Brabant Griffons have very few negative qualities, and some do not appear in specific dogs. The disadvantages of the breed include:

  • Dislike of being alone;
  • vigorous activity;
  • long walks are needed;
  • there is a tendency to certain diseases;
  • The dog is quite expensive.


Like any other dog, the Smooth Griffon is recommended to trim its overgrown nails from time to time. For these purposes, purchase a special nail clipper at a pet store. Before removing the excess, look at the location of the vessel in the claw in the light so as not to injure the animal. If you cut it carelessly, apply a swab soaked in any hemostatic solution (hydrogen peroxide, for example) to the wound. In addition, trim the fur between the paw pads with nail scissors.

Raising and training the Brabant Griffon

Petit Brabançons are smart, they learn easily and are happy to obey and follow commands. But the older the dog gets, the more difficult it is to train. Therefore, training should begin as soon as the pet appears at your home. Explain to him calmly and consistently what to do well and what to do badly. Do not change the rules established for the puppy, otherwise he will become confused about your requirements.

The first commands that a puppy must learn are: “no”, “come to me!”, “place” and “walk”. Reward your pet for obedience with treats and affection. But keep in mind that the Brabançon is an excellent manipulator. He knows how to make eyes and make a pitiful face if he wants to get an indulgence. Let's say when he decided to sneak into your bed. Don't be fooled by tricks; if you let your dog do this once, he will stay under your blanket forever. In all other respects, also take a firm position.

In terms of intelligence development, the Braband Griffon corresponds to approximately a three-year-old child. This means that the dog can learn lessons well and retains the skills it has been taught for a long time.

Further education of the Petit Brabançon depends on the skills of the owner and his imagination. Some representatives of the breed brilliantly pass the general training course, others successfully take part in agility competitions; they are quite fast and dexterous. But there are many who remain “home trained”; such dogs simply “understand” human language and are ready to share the business and entertainment of their owner. That is, their job is to be a person’s companion.


Fans of small dog breeds are familiar with such a character trait as the dog's self-esteem.

Likewise, the Petit Brabançon, the photo of which is simply touching, with its behavior, gait, and gaze, indicates that the dog has a high opinion of itself.

However, he is not characterized by arrogance; on the contrary, this quality deserves greater respect.

  • Lack of aggression. A Petit Brabançon dog will not rush at passers-by without a reason; the dog has a balanced psyche, as is the case with Miniature Pinscher dogs.
  • Sense of humor. The little Brabançon reacts well to jokes and practical jokes; the dog is not vindictive and will not be offended by you for a long time for any mistake.
  • Playfulness. Brabançon gets along well with children, and you can watch them play together for hours.
  • Attachment. The dog quickly and forever becomes attached to the family in which he lives. He can hardly stand long separations, so it is best to take your baby with you on trips.

Petit Brabançon has a good sense of humor and will gladly participate in your pranks

  • Sociability. Petit Brabançon always loves to be the center of attention. This charming comrade remains a puppy at heart until old age.
  • Intelligence. The Belgian dog is easy to train and can boast an enviable upbringing in the future. It is believed that its development is equal to the intelligence of a three-year-old child.
  • Friendliness. The baby finds a common language with all pets.
  • Empathy. Brabançons sense the mood of their owner. This dog will be sad if you are upset, but on the contrary, he will happily share moments of fun with you.

First of all, the Petit Brabançon dog is a companion and family pet. Thanks to his agility and high intelligence, the dog can participate in agility and exhibitions, taking prizes.

Care and maintenance

This dog is not suitable for street keeping; it belongs in an apartment or a warm house. Brabançon loves comfort and prefers to sleep in his master's bed if he is allowed to do so. And he can even go to the toilet like a cat, in a litter box or in a diaper, if there is no one to take him out for a walk.

But this does not mean that the dog can do without fresh air. An active dog needs walks to stay in shape, especially a young Brabançon. Games and jogging will help your pet get rid of excess energy. Then the Brabant Griffon will spare household items; he will not chew or spoil anything when left unattended.

Many Petit Brabançon owners complain that these dogs absolutely do not like bad weather. In rain or severe frost, it is impossible to force them to go outside for a long time. There is a simple solution to this problem. Buy your dog a wardrobe: a waterproof overall for the slush and an insulated one for the winter cold - it would be nice to buy boots. Dogs happily walk around in this kind of equipment. But, of course, they need to be accustomed to clothes and shoes from an early age.

How to care for a Petit Brabançon

Caring for a Petit Brabançon will not cause much trouble. You only need to bathe him if he gets dirty. After this, it is advisable to dry it with a hairdryer so that the dog does not get cold. You will have to brush your dog two to three times a week, more often during coat changes. The ears should be inspected and gently cleaned about once a week with a special veterinary product or hydrogen peroxide. It is also advisable to accustom your pet to brushing its teeth. The claws of these baitfish usually wear down on their own, but in winter it is worth checking their condition and trimming them if necessary.

During the cold season, you should not bathe your Brabançon. Wash your paws as much as possible after walking. And dirty fur can be wiped with a damp cloth.

How to feed

Petit Brabançon, like a true aristocrat, will not eat just anything, but only what he likes. He prefers lean meat (beef, lamb, turkey), eggs, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Vitamin and mineral supplements should be given regularly.

Dogs of this breed have difficulty eating from a bowl that is on the floor. Brabançon needs dishes on a stand. Its height should be approximately at the level of the dog's withers.

It is quite difficult to create the right natural diet. Therefore, the best solution is high-quality ready-made food for small breed dogs. For any type of feeding, your pet should always have a bowl of clean water. In addition, a strict diet is very important for Petit Brabançon. Up to six months, puppies eat four to five times a day, gradually increasing the number of meals to two. The dog should not overeat, because griffons are prone to obesity. And excess weight can cause serious illnesses.


Before feeding your Petit Brabançon new food, you should first consult with the breeder, especially for puppies, and then with your veterinarian. Until the age of six months, they try to feed the little Brabançon according to the nursery’s recommendations. An older dog is switched to an appropriate diet.

It is categorically not recommended to pamper a puppy, to compose a diet from those foods that he likes, and not from what dogs should be given in puppyhood. Quite quickly, such puppies grow into domestic tyrants, demanding satisfaction with goodies.

Small breeds prefer to be fed from the table. But it is strictly not recommended to do this with giffons. It is best to feed them with special super-premium food for small breeds and avoid harmful variety of food.

As you age, you should add vegetables to your main diet - pumpkin and zucchini, as well as fruits - apples and bananas. It is not recommended to give either grapes or sweet fruits and berries. You can replace one feeding per week with lean meat, liver or heart, after all, dogs are natural predators.

Meat can be alternated with sea fish, giving it once a month, not forgetting to arrange fasting days for gluttonous pets.

Health and illness

As already mentioned, Petit Brabançons retain their cheerful puppy habits even into adulthood. These dogs live on average 14-15 years. If the owner feeds the pet properly and monitors its health, the period may be longer.

The agile Brabant griffons usually do not complain about their health. However, due to regular overfeeding and lack of exercise, they can gain excess weight. And obesity contributes to the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Some owners of dogs of this breed note that their pets have an allergic reaction to certain foods. Therefore, something new should be introduced into the diet gradually and carefully.

Brabançons do not have an undercoat, so you need to protect them from drafts and cold. When hypothermia occurs, the dog's immunity decreases and it may catch a cold.

Like many dog ​​breeds with a brachycephalic skull structure (short muzzle and flat nose), Petit Brabançons are prone to specific eye diseases. They may suffer from entropion of the eyelids, prolapse of the eyeball (proptosis), distichiasis (rotation of eyelashes), and retinal atrophy. They can also get injured in the cornea while running or playing.

The special jaws of the Brabant Griffon also provoke genetic pathologies. Puppies may experience growth of molars when the milk teeth have not yet fallen out, or a cleft palate (this is an incomplete fusion of the palate).

Interesting Facts

Future and current owners of Petit Brabançons should know the following key facts about the dog:

  1. This breed has several names: Petit Brabançon, Petit Brabançon, Brabant Griffon, Smooth-haired Griffon.
  2. This dog is calm, it will not show aggression towards others without reason, it is not suitable for the role of guard dogs, as it is an excellent companion.
  3. They are inquisitive, love communication and fun games.
  4. Dogs form a strong bond with their owner and his family. Prolonged loneliness is dangerous for the Petit Brabançon; he can even get sick.
  5. If you leave a dog with strangers, it will behave capriciously, be stubborn, cunning, and even run away from its temporary housing to find its owner.
  6. Adult Petit Brabançons remain as playful as when they were children.
  7. The puppy's intelligence corresponds to the development level of a 3-year-old child. Therefore, he understands what his owner wants from him, learns quickly and retains this skill.
  8. Dogs intuitively sense their owner’s mood and adapt to it.
  9. Petit Brabançons love to travel; they are not afraid of different types of transport and large crowds of people. They especially like picnics.
  10. Petit Brabançons can bring into the house various objects that they find on the street. This is due to their instinct as rodent catchers.

Interesting! The name petit-Brabançon comes from the French word petit - small, brabancon - province of Brabant (Belgium). However, the representative of this breed is not the smallest among the Belgian Griffons.

How to choose a Petit Brabançon puppy

Petit Brabançons are very attractive. This breed of dog is distinguished by high intelligence, flexible character, ability to empathize, they are very affectionate. Such a pet is suitable for a lonely person and will take root in a large family. You could read about all the advantages of the Brabant Griffon above. And its main disadvantage is the high cost of puppies. Therefore, you need to choose them carefully.

If you want to take part in dog shows, you should purchase a Petit Brabançon puppy from a kennel or from a reliable private breeder. He must guarantee that the dog is truly purebred. This is confirmed by the club's metrics, which include the names of the parents. In addition, the seller is obliged to check that the puppies do not have genetic diseases. And also treat the droppings against parasites and get the first vaccinations.

It is better to take a Petit Brabançon puppy to a new home when he is two to three months old. If you plan to raise a dog show participant and engage in breeding, choose a kitten that best matches the breed's appearance. Evaluate his appearance: color, coat quality, muzzle, limbs. Those who need a dog for their soul should pay attention to the pet class. These are puppies that have any disadvantages, they will not become the star of exhibitions and they cannot be used for reproduction. But in all cases it is important that the baby is healthy. He must be active, curious and friendly. The puppy’s lethargic behavior and lack of interest in the world around him are a reason to be wary. Although, perhaps the reason is that he had already played enough and wanted to sleep. Then you should wait or look at the kitten you like again.

Ear care

Wipe your ears regularly once every 7 days with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Be careful not to try to reach deep into the ear to avoid accidental injury to the eardrum. If you notice that your dog's ear is getting dirty faster than usual, crusts and dark plaque with a bad odor appear on it, take your pet to the veterinarian. These may be the first signs of the disease, and the sooner you notice the symptoms, the faster you can stop its consequences.

How much do Petit Brabançon puppies cost?

The answer to the question of how much Petit Brabançon puppies cost is disappointing – expensive. This breed is still quite rare in Russia. There are few nurseries and breeders, and therefore prices for Brabant Griffon puppies are high. The cost is especially high for future show champions – show-class puppies. They are sold for 50-80 thousand rubles, and sometimes for 100,000. You can, of course, look for a pet abroad. But taking into account delivery, it is unlikely that the price will be significantly reduced.

However, in almost every litter in kennels there are Petit Brabançon puppies, which can be exclusively pets. They will not be accepted at exhibitions, and breeding offspring cannot be obtained from them. But you will get a funny dog ​​with a characteristic monkey face for much less money. If you like the Brabant Griffon breed, but you are not ready to spend a lot of money, choose the pet class. The average cost of such puppies is about 15-30 thousand rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

A high level of affection and kindness characterizes the Petit Brabançon as a companion dog.

Pets highly appreciate the attention they receive from humans. Dogs have no aggression towards the outside world at all.

And they still do not remember evil.

The feeling of resentment is not characteristic of the Belgian Griffon, but he can depict it on his face, causing a storm of emotions in the owner, the expression of which he instantly adopts for himself. In the future, he appeals with expressions of joy and sadness, sadness and concentration.

The hardest thing for dogs to bear is separation, even short-term separation. During this period, the pathological glutton even refuses food.

Pets behave well only next to their owner, accompanying him on trips and hikes, on vacation and visiting shops, markets and even hairdressing salons, where they have to wait a long time.

The Petit Brabançon is highly trainable and successfully participates in agility programs. He gets along well with all the inhabitants of his home, including birds and cats. Belgian Griffons are endowed with a number of relative disadvantages, and the first in this series is the high price of the Brabançon dog breed. A disadvantage of training is considered to be the selection of various objects from the ground, from which the dog must be weaned long and patiently.

The difficulties of the breed include the predisposition of griffons to eye and skin diseases. And childbirth is also considered difficult for small bitches, which cannot be done without medical intervention. Most bitches are delivered from pregnancy only by caesarean section.


It is best to start training and raising dogs from puppyhood. At the same time, the owner’s requirements must be consistent and logical. The curiosity of dogs must be directed in the right direction, since an idle animal becomes stupid and can splash out its energy with unreasonable aggression towards strangers and everything that surrounds it. In general, these pets quickly understand the essence of commands and willingly carry them out.

They love to show off, and training is an excellent opportunity for this. The dog happily follows commands given to the public in order to once again receive praise from its owner. Representatives of this breed have an excellent memory, and therefore, as a rule, they remember a memorized command all their lives.

When training, rewards are encouraged that stimulate the animal's interest. The dog should not just be praised for following a command. Considering that she behaves like a compliant child when learning, she must understand the consequences of her action. And therefore, you can’t do without some tasty treat and a kind word that she’s doing great.

It is noteworthy that these dogs do not demonstrate their authority to their owners and do not try to dominate everyone in the household. In their hearts, they already know that they are at the top of the hierarchy of their masters. However, if for some reason an animal allows itself even slight aggression towards the owner, such behavior must be stopped immediately so that it does not sprout. Any allowance or weakness of the owner can lead to the fact that instead of an obedient dog, an uncontrollable imp will grow up in the house.

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