At what age can a German Shepherd be chained?

At what age can a dog be chained?

Need a dog to guard your home.
They offer to adopt a 2-3 month old puppy, they say that this age is just right for new owners. Okay, but at what age can such a puppy be chained? How to accustom him to this chain? He's still small. We were given a dog at the age of two months. The puppy was very mobile and active. By the age of three months, they first began to tie her to a 3-meter long canvas leash. But Gina quickly realized that it could be chewed through. The hardware store bought a chain that was the right weight for a growing dog. At first she whined and “complained.” We often approached her to play, chat, and walk her on a leash. The chain was then made six meters long, which suited her more, because there was enough space for frolicking and tumbling with toys. Old shoes, soft balls and rubber balls, too, and shabby soft toys served as amusement for her. Little by little Gina got used to it and has nothing against the chain.

Conclusion: the sooner you get used to the chain, the better.

If you live in a private house, then, of course, you need a guard dog to guard the house. Somehow it is customary for a dog to be angry and sit on a chain. But they can be kind and not have guarding abilities at all. My relatives in the village have a dog on a chain, the chain is long, threaded through a thick wire, so the dog has a lot of freedom of action. He runs all over the yard, but doesn’t reach the gate. He has his own spacious booth, he sits there like a king. As far as I remember, they took him when he was small and put him on a chain right away, although they untied him for a while until he grew up. And as he grew up, he sits on a chain. They keep him on a chain not because they want it, but they have already gotten used to it and love him and are afraid that he might run away. And such dogs, which have been chained all their lives, having become untied and sensing freedom, can easily run away from home, no matter how they welcome him there.

I think it is more humane to keep a dog in an enclosure during the day and let it go outside into the yard at night. I prefer the female part of the dog tribe, because they have problems twice a year, unlike the opposite sex, who have problems every day. Girls, although smaller in size, are more obedient and obey a person better if they recognize him as the leader of the pack.

This is my personal opinion, based on communication with my dogs, I will not argue with anyone, because my opinion will not change.

Gypsies often walk around the village, either asking for scrap metal or selling carpets. So they don’t bother us, as soon as they approach the gate, they hear the dog and don’t even try to call, they move on.

I'm not giving any advice, I'm just telling my story. And you draw your own conclusions.

For a personal household or home, if you need a dog, a real watchman, you need a breed that will be easily accustomed to a chain, bark at strangers, and react to noises. There is nothing better than simple big bastards. Of course, some people keep German Shepherds, Caucasian Shepherds, and half-breed Shepherds.

Many “dog owners” are against keeping dogs in chains. Dogs are also not happy, and in a dog’s understanding, there can be 2 options for such an act:

But every owner who has made such a decision has reasons for putting the dog on a chain. But you can do without it if

professionally train a dog:

But if there is no possibility of training or the owner’s goal is to keep the dog to perform the function of “PROTECTING” private areas and houses, then keeping it on a chain is necessary.

Experienced dog breeders say the sooner this is done, the faster the dog will develop the habit of this type of maintenance, the recommended age is from 3 months . For proper training with minimal stress for the animal, the main thing is to perform the action Gradually :


Dog booth

If a person wants a shepherd to live in a kennel, you can buy one at a pet store or make one yourself. The second option will be more comfortable for the animal, because in a kennel made to the dog’s individual size, it is not cramped and warm.

Before building a booth, it is important to choose a good place to install it. The kennel should be positioned so that the bitch or dog can freely see the entire area and those who came. In addition, it is necessary that the soil under the booth is dry. You cannot place a dog house on bare ground; you must install a foundation or underlay underneath it. The optimal distance from the house to the booth is 15 meters. It is unacceptable for the kennel to stand in a barn or near other animals. It is important to remember that the length of the booth must be such that the animal in it can lie down freely and stretch out its paws.

Only straw should be used as bedding, but in no case cloth rags or hay. After all, they absorb moisture and swell.

Keeping the booth clean

In addition to the above maintenance and care requirements, it is necessary to ensure cleanliness in the booth. A good tip is that when installing a booth with your own hands, you need to make an opening type roof. This way, the owner can always change the bedding, wash the inside of the booth, or disinfect it against fleas. After all, cleaning the kennel must be done regularly and thoroughly.

Keeping a German Shepherd: booth size, accessories, care and other nuances

Large breed service dogs, including the German Shepherd, are provided with living conditions depending on the place of residence of the animal’s owner.

In this case, you will have to maintain an optimal balance between the comfort of people living with the dog owner, the convenience of the pet itself and the requirements of laws regulating the keeping of dogs.

Aviary for a German

If the owner decides that the shepherd will live in an enclosure, he must carefully monitor the pet’s health. A bitch or a dog, especially if they are still puppies, should not stay in the enclosure all day long. This has a bad effect on the psyche of animals.

The enclosure should be spacious and have a house inside where the dog can hide during cold weather.

Cleaning the enclosure

The enclosure, like the booth, needs regular cleaning. After all, this is the place where the pet spends most of its time. It is important to clean the enclosure of waste products every day and disinfect it. In addition, it will be necessary to clean the fur, because a breed such as the German Shepherd sheds heavily.

Features: how to maintain?

Depending on where the pet will be for most of the day, conditions for its maintenance are created. City apartments and country houses have their own rules, but there are also general rules for housing a dog.

In a city apartment

Large service breed dogs are kept in both small-sized apartments and large-area housing. Of course, the second option is preferable. But apartments with small rooms are quite suitable for keeping shepherd dogs. Considering that an adult dog sleeps on its bedding most of the day, its presence will not embarrass the residents. The main thing is to determine places for sleeping and feeding at home :
A bowl of water should be constantly available, but installed so that residents do not bump into it, for example in a corner. Use special stands where bowls are placed . The stands are adjustable in height, which is very convenient for the dog.

It is mandatory to walk an adult dog at least twice a day, regardless of the weather. For a puppy - more, and the younger the puppy, the more often he is walked. You need to be prepared for the fact that a dog, especially a young one and not properly trained, can chew furniture, shoes and other things.

And, of course, do not forget that German Shepherds shed twice a year or more . Daily cleaning of the apartment will become a chore, otherwise there will be wool not only on the floor, but also on the furniture, clothes and in the air.

In a private house

If it is expected that the dog will stay in the house most of the day and go out for walks when necessary, the same conditions are created for it as in the apartment.
The advantage of country life is the ability to let your dog out into the yard at any time. A prerequisite is the presence of a strong fence around the local area, beyond which the dog cannot go. An aviary in the yard and a warm booth will increase the pet’s comfort . During the day, the dog, while in the yard, will be able to hide from both bad weather and prying eyes. The presence of a kennel does not exclude the possibility that the owners will take the pet into the house at night.

Free range also has its disadvantages, especially if there are flower beds and beds in the yard. It is possible that the dog may damage the plantings. Therefore, you need to either fence off areas where the dog is not allowed to be, or designate a walking area for the dog.

On the street

The presence of a suburban area allows the dog to be placed in the yard:

German Shepherds are quite capable of living outside, especially if they have been trained to do so from puppyhood. The thick undercoat prevents the dog from freezing, and constant exposure to fresh air will only improve the health of the animal .

Outdoors in winter

It is permissible to keep a German Shepherd outdoors all year round.
Naturally, it is impossible to transfer an adult dog raised in an apartment to the cold immediately, since it needs a long period of adaptation to the cold. For a dog raised outside the city and accustomed to being outside the home for a long time, a complete transfer to street keeping is acceptable. To prevent the pet from freezing, they equip him with an indoor enclosure and install an insulated booth. A spacious enclosure will give the shepherd enough freedom for active movement .

Winter is a time when you need to take extra care of a pet living outside. Despite the fact that an animal can eat snow to quench its thirst, you need to change the water in the bowl on time if it is frozen. The food is served warm enough so that the dog has time to eat the food before it gets too cold. If the thermometer drops too low, check to see if the dog is cold.

Can you keep it on a chain?

Theoretically, any service dog can be trained to be chained . This is convenient for the owners. The chain is fastened to the booth or on a movable block to the cable. But both cynologists and the owners themselves mostly express negative opinions about such restrictions on the freedom of German shepherds.

Psychological factor

Perceiving the leash as a betrayal towards itself, the animal begins to show excessive aggression. An unchained dog sometimes becomes uncontrollable. The anger of the chained shepherd becomes uncontrollable, and the animal begins to pose a danger to humans.

Physical discomfort

Constantly being on a chain is a severe limitation of movement .
The dog suffers significant physical harm: There is a danger that the animal will become entangled in the harness. At best, this will lead to the dog not being able to reach bowls of water and food; at worst, asphyxia will occur if the chain gets wrapped around the neck.

From the point of view of security functions, it is easier for attackers to resist a shepherd if it is on a leash .

Why does a dog eat its own excrement?

It is quite common for dogs to exhibit coprophagia, or eating their own excrement. There are prerequisites for this:

It may also be that the owner, in the process of raising the puppy, punished it too harshly for “big things” at home. The pet, possessing natural intelligence, will quickly realize that “hiding” the traces of a “crime” in this way means protecting itself from punishment. Later, this behavior simply becomes a habit.

Possible solutions to the problem

Next you can see a photo of a German Shepherd:

Walking and working with the dog

The German Shepherd is a very intelligent, reasonable and understanding creature. Dog handlers have found that she is capable of achieving such mental development that can be compared with the mind of a five-year-old child. Such a dog cannot live without communication with a person.

Most often, the animal chooses one owner in the family, to whom it becomes attached with all its soul. He is able to develop this intelligence in the dog and teach him good upbringing.

What a German Shepherd puppy will turn into depends only on the owner. Therefore, it is important to work with the dog, train and reward it for its achievements.

As for walks, they should be constant and regular. If the animal is still small, it needs to be taken outside the country house and yard, shown the world and nature, and played various games with it. It is important that the puppy gets used to other animals, strangers and noise. Otherwise, he will grow into a frightened animal.

For an adult dog, fast paced walks and various exercises are suitable. This will allow the dog to throw out negative energy and improve its physical qualities.

Equipment and ammunition

Arranging the life of a four-legged pet will require some material and labor investments. For a dog to be comfortable in the yard, it needs an enclosure and/or a kennel. To walk your dog outside of private territory, visit a veterinary clinic, exhibitions and other public places, you must purchase appropriate equipment.


The enclosure is equipped with a plank floor, eliminating the possibility of undermining. A canopy that completely or partially covers the fenced area will protect from bad weather. A full-size door is equipped in one of the walls, equipped with a strong bolt and opening inward. A booth is installed in the enclosure.

The minimum dimensions of the enclosure are selected in accordance with the height of the dog at the withers:

Regardless of the area, the width of the enclosure cannot be less than 2 m.

The following materials are chosen for the construction of the premises::

The most durable design will not allow the pet to get out , but will not limit its active pastime.

Below is an educational video on how to properly create conditions for a German Shepherd to live in an enclosure:


The booth will protect the shepherd from heat, cold, precipitation and scorching sun. The following describes what size booth is recommended. In order for the dog to feel comfortable in the kennel, the dimensions of the dog house should be as follows:

In a booth that is too spacious, your pet will not be able to stay warm in winter; in a small one, it will be cramped.

It is preferable to have a pitched roof with a slight slope of up to 15° , since dogs love to sit and lie on the kennel, observing their surroundings. An extended canopy over the opening will protect the entrance from snow and rain.

The winter hut is insulated by making double walls, floor and roof. Thermal insulation material is laid between the skins - mineral wool, polyurethane foam, etc.

In winter, the hole is covered with a tarpaulin curtain. If you make the roof liftable, it will be easier to clean the kennel.

And yet, for such a large dog, preference should still be given to alternative options for “living” the pet on the street .

We invite you to watch a video about setting up a doghouse for a German Shepherd with your own hands:


For the convenience of both the owner and the pet, at least two leashes are purchased. One long one - 3-8 m - for walking in designated areas where you can loosen the leash to its full length. Another short one - 100 cm - for being in public places.

Types of leashes for German Shepherds:


A collar for a German Shepherd is selected by size and type :
The last two types are used to correct the dog’s behavior.

The average collar size for a representative of the breed is ML 45–55 cm.


A muzzle is necessary even if the pet, according to the owner, “does not bite.” According to the Law “On the Maintenance of Animals”, in a public place a service breed dog must be muzzled and on a short leash. Aggressive dogs are required to wear a muzzle to ensure the safety of others.

Types of muzzles for German Shepherd:

A properly sized muzzle will not cause discomfort to your pet. If it is not possible to buy a muzzle with fitting, find out the following muzzle sizes in advance:

The strap securing the muzzle to the back of the head has an adjustable length.

Below is an interesting video about how to choose the right muzzle for a German Shepherd:

Peculiarities of keeping Germans outdoors in winter and in the heat

Although German Shepherds tolerate temperature changes well, in winter you can keep a dog in an enclosure only if there is enough space in the room to stretch your muscles, move around and keep warm.

In winter, the dog’s food should be more high-calorie and satisfying; the share of meat products is increased by a third. Give the water warm, change it several times so that it does not freeze. Do not pour it hot - the animal may get burned.

The booth is insulated for the winter, and the entrance is covered with a curtain made of thick fabric. You should not use rugs, mattresses or blankets as bedding - the dog will pull them out of the kennel, tear them and get dirty. Straw that can retain heat and dryness is best suited for this purpose. The bottom layer should be changed periodically as moisture accumulates in it.

The dog tolerates heat worse than frost, so keeping it in the sun all day is unacceptable. They create a shelter for him where there is shade and he can lie down. Even in summer, he should not be bathed with shampoo, so as not to wash off the oily skin secretions. They prevent the formation of tangles, and the air layer of the undercoat protects not only from cold, but also from heat.

Relationships with children

Despite the fact that the German Shepherd has a pronounced guard instinct, the dog is absolutely safe for its owner and his household, including children .
Dog handlers note the special sociability of representatives of this breed, incredible devotion to their pack, where the shepherd dog includes the leader-owner and his entire family. The dog treats children, especially babies, with care and affection, as if understanding that they are too defenseless and vulnerable. An adult German Shepherd, having completed a training course and brought up properly, is a faithful friend to teenagers, a nanny-guardian for small children, a wonderful companion and at the same time an unrivaled protector.

We play and educate

In the game, you can begin to practice the skills of following the owner, the command: “Come to me!”, looking for objects, bringing a ball or favorite toy, and being calm about the collar and leash.

In the game, the baby will learn to give his paw, to correctly grab a rag without catching it with his front incisors, but to take it deep into his mouth, to give a voice on command, and will receive his first lessons in basic training.

If the baby is overexcited and cannot tune in to your attention, stop giving commands, but do not praise or encourage the naughty child - pretend that you do not notice him. After some time, when the puppy moves towards you, call his name and say in an even voice: “Come to me!” When he runs up and perhaps sits down, then express your delight at his behavior and be sure to encourage him

At 1 month, a German Shepherd puppy already knows for sure that when called it should run up to its owner, and at 2 months it should run up and sit down.

How to play correctly

There is no need to consolidate what has been achieved with three to five repetitions - unconditional execution of commands will begin a little later. For now, the scheme is enough: did the right thing - received praise and a treat; didn't do it - got nothing.

The worst thing you can do for your pet is to instill fear in him before exercise or extinguish the dog's natural intelligence.

To prevent this from happening, do not let him overwork

If the child did the exercise correctly, be sure to praise him once; and immediately invite the puppy to play, switching his attention - two

A point that owners often miss during play: the puppy should always come out a winner!

Tugging a rag or stick - feel when the toy begins to get tired and give the object to him to be torn to pieces.

A ball or a doll - the puppy is tired of running after them or looking for them. Find it yourself, show him the find and give it back, after a very short “struggle”.

If a curious animal has found something and does not want to part with it, there is no need to run after it, trying to take it away. On the contrary, walk in the opposite direction, turning around from time to time and calling the puppy BUT by name. He will definitely follow you! As soon as he runs up, we immediately praise him for his obedience, give him a treat, put him on a leash (a treat again!) and walk away, offering the puppy a new game. For example, “catch up with the owner!”

If during the classes you were unable to learn something new, at the very end repeat 2-3 exercises that the child has learned well and does with pleasure, and you are happy to praise and encourage him for this. “Lessons” should end only with positive emotions!

The final stage is to let the puppy choose the game himself, with the participation of the owner, of course.

How to properly care?

Caring for a German Shepherd involves different activities.


Mandatory visits to the veterinary clinic for periodic examinations and vaccinations ensure that the animal avoids diseases.

Training is an obligatory stage in keeping a German Shepherd : a visit to the site and classes with an instructor is recommended, but raising the puppy independently is also allowed if the owner already has the appropriate skills and experience in handling serious service breeds.

A well-mannered, well-groomed dog will never cause problems for its owner. But in order for the German Shepherd to be obedient and healthy, the owner will have to put in a lot of effort and be patient. And then a harmonious tandem of man and dog will form, and life will be filled with mutual love and trust, devotion on the part of the pet and adoration for the four-legged friend on the part of the owner.


Wool is one of the indicators of good animal health. If it is faded, dull and falls out, then you should take your pet to the veterinarian for an examination.

Hygienic grooming should begin as soon as the puppy arrives in the family, so that it gets used to the procedures. This is not the most pleasant process for dogs, so you will have to be patient.

There are two types of shepherd dogs:

To care for fur, you need to purchase the following equipment from a pet store:

  • massage comb with metal teeth (long for long-haired dogs, medium for short-haired dogs);
  • a slicker comb for brushing a dog during shedding;
  • metal comb for combing hair;
  • specialized shampoo and conditioner for animals.

Twice a year the dog begins to actively shed, during this period you need to comb the animal with a slicker comb, during the rest of the period 1-2 times a week you need to go through the fur with a massage brush to avoid the formation of tangles.

You only need to trim the hair in the neck and hind legs for the dog’s comfort. Only long-haired Shepherds require a haircut.

How chain housing affects a dog

Due to the lack of physical activity, the animal’s muscles atrophy over time, paralysis of the limbs occurs, and problems with the cardiovascular system and metabolism begin. The dog becomes wild, irritable, distrustful, and depressed. Loneliness and unfulfilled desires cause her to experience a state of frustration (disappointment), which is manifested by destructive behavior, for example, licking limbs, hunting for her own tail, gnawing on things that have turned up, or incessant barking. It can lead to mental illness. In this case, there can be no talk of friendly relations with the owner.

In some countries (Hungary, Romania, Austria, etc.), keeping dogs on a chain is considered cruelty to animals and is prohibited by law.

About nutrition

It is best to feed your dog meat. It should be at least 30% in the diet, but 75% is better. All types come here, except fatty lamb, with pork. There are many useful substances in offal: liver with heart and tripe. Sometimes your pet can be given beef bones with meat to chew on, but it is better to take the bare bones and cook porridge with meat and vegetables (carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, etc.) on them.

A German can be fed raw fish, scalded with boiling water, 3 or 4 times a week. Give your dog kefir with cottage cheese, boil chicken eggs, or give just the yolks. You can have raw and boiled vegetables with fruits, various greens.

You cannot categorically feed the Germans sweets: pastries and cakes or give them pure sugar. Dogs are also not allowed to eat spices. Potatoes can be a little at a time. Do not add salt to boiled food.

Have you decided to feed dry food and canned food? Then buy the best super-premium dry food you can afford and the same brand of canned food or another good one. Place a 3-4 liter container of fresh water nearby. Change it at least once every 3 days.

How many times a day should you feed your dog? If he is in excellent shape, then it is enough to give the right amount of food 2 times a day. For a thin person, you can do 3-4 or more feedings.

Read more about what to feed your German Shepherd.

How to keep a chained dog

When putting your dog on a leash to guard your home, follow these tips:

The enclosure should be placed in a dry and sunny place, but with the possibility of shelter from the heat in the booth

Street life is not suitable for short-haired and decorative dogs: they will freeze in winter. But representatives of some breeds, with good care and care from the owner, will feel quite comfortable in such conditions, for example, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, Alabais, Tibetan Mastiffs, etc.

Video: Trainer Paul Owens on how to keep your dog safe in the yard

Personal place

The best place for a dog in the house is a spacious enclosure, but if you decide to keep your pet in an apartment, then you need to arrange a comfortable place for him, which must meet certain parameters:

  • The size of the bed should be large enough for the animal to lie on it comfortably. Pillowcases or mattresses should be removable so that they can be washed periodically;
  • The bed should be located away from drafts so that the dog does not get sick;
  • It is advisable to place the “bed” away from the passages so as not to disturb the dog while sleeping at home.

You can place the bed next to your own bed if such close proximity to your beloved pet does not bother you. The German Shepherd will carefully guard the owner's sleep.

Owners' opinions

I live in the private sector. Our neighbors have two Caucasians. They have booths, but they move around the territory freely, behave decently and do not bark at everyone. However, one day they forgot to close the gate, and one of the dogs went for a walk outside the site. At that moment I was passing by and experienced extreme stress. Fortunately, the Caucasian was calm as a boa constrictor. He soon returned home, where he felt quite comfortable. My great-aunt also had a chain dog named Bobik. He responsibly guarded the apple orchard, but every evening he ran freely around the yard. Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky. I remember another neighbor’s dog (short-haired) who spent most of the time just standing at the booth and howling hoarsely in anguish. Towards the end of her life, she lost a lot of weight, and her paws weakened, making them look half-bent. They never let her off the chain, didn’t communicate with her, and didn’t walk her. Local dogs, constantly sitting in enclosures, also suffer from idleness and physical inactivity, so I consider the best option to be the free movement of the animal around the site, the use of a checkpoint at night and the presence of a warm booth in case of bad weather. But the most important thing is the attention and care of the owner.

I have a huge German Shepherd living in my yard. I keep him on a chain, because he has a very intimidating appearance, and if he runs freely around the yard during the day, even passers-by will walk around my yard 200 meters away. That’s why I only let my guard run around at night, when he won’t scare anyone, but the security is excellent. He is happy to run around and I sleep peacefully, knowing that no “night guest” will get into my yard. For a full-fledged lifestyle, the dog should not only rest lying on its side, but also rest actively, that is, run and jump freely.


In my opinion, a chain and an enclosure are the same restriction of freedom. There is a chain that slides freely along a wire stretched over a large area (this is called a block leash), so this is much better than an enclosure, in my opinion. But in any of these cases, the dog needs a walk - to exercise, lose energy, and play. In this case, the temporary restriction will not be a prison. And if it’s chained for life, it’s a nightmare.


Video: the opinion of the owner of a training center about keeping dogs on a chain

A dog sitting on a chain for protection should not be a powerless prisoner. He remains a family member and a pet for whom you are responsible. Provide your dog with competent care, walk, communicate, pay attention, let him off the leash during off-duty hours. Then she will feel needed and responsibly perform the duties of a security guard.


How to trim nails and clean ears correctly?

From infancy, you need to accustom your dog to having its teeth brushed periodically. If you do everything correctly, then in adulthood the pet will tolerate this procedure calmly.

For cleaning you need to purchase:

  • a special brush for dogs;
  • special toothpaste.

You need to brush your teeth once a month and at a time when the dog is calm. The best time is after an active walk, when the animal is tired and does not resist. You need to brush your teeth once every 1-2 months.

Trimming the nails of an inexperienced dog breeder can cause a lot of trouble, since shepherd dogs' nails are black and not translucent; it is not visible where the void ends and the living tissue begins. The best option is to take your dog to a professional for nail trimming.

How to train a dog to a chain?

Under no circumstances should you put your dog on a chain right away. Firstly, the animal will receive severe stress due to the unexpected restriction of freedom, and secondly, the dog will try to break loose, constantly bark, whine and howl.

It is better to accustom an animal to a chain at the age of 4 to 8 months, when the pet has grown up, but has not yet fully felt freedom. An adult dog can also be put on a chain, but at any opportunity it will definitely run away and it will be very difficult to catch it.

Before restricting your puppy's freedom, put a collar on him and wait until the animal gets used to it. Then start using the leash before putting him on the chain. If possible, it is better to set up a checkpoint. To create this design you will need a metal cable and a chain 1.5-2 meters long. The cable is stretched along the perimeter of the protected area, and a chain is attached to it so that it can slide.

Are vaccinations necessary?

Vaccination is a great way to avoid many diseases and further health problems for your animal.

They need to be done according to a specific schedule:

  • The puppy is vaccinated against hepatitis, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis at the age of 1.5 months, and two weeks later, as prescribed by the veterinarian, they are re-vaccinated;
  • The puppy is vaccinated against canine distemper at three months, and again after 6 months;
  • Vaccinated against leptospirosis at 4 months;
  • At 6 months they are vaccinated against rabies and repeated every year.

The listed vaccinations must be done according to schedule, otherwise serious health problems cannot be avoided. There are also a number of vaccinations that owners do at will (vaccinations against microsporia, trichophytosis, parainfluenza).

Features of raising a dog sitting on a chain

Some owners who have accustomed their pet to a chain think that this is where the process of training and raising the animal ends. But in order for a puppy to grow into a reliable guard, he needs to pay attention: engage in physical development, especially take care of the bones and muscles of the hind limbs.

A dog living on a chain needs to be able to attack. She must be dexterous, evasive, have a strong grip and be able to avoid dangerous objects (knives, bats, sticks, etc.). To do this, you need to work with the animal, teach it how to fight a person correctly, attend special courses with it and teach it to be disciplined.

Before putting your dog on a chain, take care of its maintenance. The animal must have a kennel and preferably an enclosure. An obedient pet can be put on a chain at night to protect the territory, and during the day it can be given the opportunity to rest in an enclosure.

Having decided to get a dog, you must clearly understand the responsibility that falls on your shoulders for the upbringing and maintenance of your four-legged friend. A dog is not a toy at all; it needs constant care and attention, and its health must be monitored. If you don’t have time for this, then it’s better not to torture yourself or the animal and limit yourself to aquarium fish. If you are determined, use some tips.

It is important for everyone to have her own place where she can hide and relax, but from there she has the opportunity to observe the life of the rest of the household. If the place you have chosen for her does not suit the dog for some reason, give her the right to choose it on her own and then arrange it in accordance with the requirements. For dogs, it is better to purchase a basket or a special house where it can hide. Do not place your dog in the kitchen, bedroom or children's room.

Quite often, dogs are put on a chain so that they can protect the house and area from uninvited guests without interfering with free movement around the rest of the area. This method is not only the least convenient method of protection, but also does not meet the needs of the dog. With such a content, the animal’s mobility is quite limited; the dog literally lives “on the aisle.” People scurry past it, including strangers, since very rarely the leash is made in such a way as to completely block the entrance. In this case, the dog performs more of a signaling function than a guard, barking to notify about the appearance of strangers.

Being in constant tension, when there is very little time for rest or it is limited to the dark (and it is at this time that the dog is most anxious and prone to activity), contributes to the development of undesirable consequences. The dog becomes embittered, uncommunicative, easily excitable, and barks more out of habit than for a reason. Not in order to attract the attention of the owners to the danger, but simply out of boredom and in order to give vent to irritation. Animals that are initially easily excitable, especially those caught in a chain at a young age, become such “empty-faced” animals. The animal is in a state of constant chronic emotional stress, experiencing a strong hunger for information, since the volume of new (namely new) information received through various senses is limited.

You also need to remember about the length of the chain and its safe fastening for the animal. If the chain's attachment point is at the height of your pet's withers, it will not cripple the animal's legs. Some fasten the chain with a metal bracket to the wall of the house; at first glance, this seems to be a solid structure, but nevertheless, due to a sharp jerk, the animal can tear out even a very carefully driven bracket. And dogs have enough strength. I happened to see such pictures several times. A dog weighing about two tons is tied to a machine whose body weight is about 50 kilograms. She rushes at strangers approaching the car and pulls this colossus to the side a good meter. So why shouldn’t she rip some kind of bracket out of the wall?!

The question of whether a German Shepherd can be kept on a chain is still being discussed by dog ​​breeders.

What accessories and toys are needed?

Before you bring your dog into your home, you need to purchase all the accessories necessary for it, such as:

  • bowls for food and water (ceramic ones are preferable, they are more stable, preferably on a stand so that the pet does not have to bend over too much);
  • a bed of a suitable size;
  • everyday comb, slicker brush;
  • hair shampoo, conditioner;
  • hygiene products (for washing eyes, cleaning ears, etc.);
  • collar and leash (for shepherd dogs you need strong, thick ones, made of durable material, but not a chain);
  • toys.

Shepherds, especially at a young age, love to play, and toys will only please them. These can be rubber bones, balls, sticks, ropes and any other toys. The owner should be prepared for the fact that he will have to buy new toys often, since shepherd dogs have fairly strong jaws and strong teeth.

Psychological harm

The dog, living with the man, began to serve him, but did not completely lose its predatory instincts. If you put an adult animal on a chain, it will perceive it as a betrayal. Often, a recent four-legged friend in captivity becomes overly angry, and when released into freedom, becomes uncontrollable and vindictive.

According to many owners, this chain method of keeping greatly spoils the character of the animal. In this case, it is completely impossible to raise a full-fledged guard and loyal friend from a German Shepherd puppy.

Keeping a German Shepherd on a chain will cause psychological and physical harm to it.

What to do if a dog bites?

If an animal has bitten the owner or one of the family members, it is worth punishing the pet. In the initial stages, this should be done without the use of physical force. It is necessary to show the dog that the person is dominant from a psychological point of view. To do this, scold the dog in a raised voice.

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Character and temperament

The worst nightmare for the breed is separation from its owner or being unwanted by the pack. The Germans call it a “family dog,” and that’s what it’s all about. A dog abandoned by its owner will be extremely stressed and will not soon be able to trust people. Protecting and defending his flock is the purpose and meaning of his life. Loyalty, even to the point of recklessness, attentiveness, courage, desire to serve and please - this is all about him. He is also cheerful, sociable, balanced and grasps everything literally on the fly. At the genetic level, dogs of this breed have an acute need to obey the leader.

Therefore, it is important for the owner to become a standard of power and moral fortitude for his pet.

Representatives of the breed are quite obedient and unpretentious in everyday life. The main thing is to load them with work to the maximum, otherwise they will get bored and their irrepressible energy will result in far from funny pranks - digging a deep hole, chewing expensive shoes, ruining furniture. Physical activity, not just the “running and jumping” format, is very important for a shepherd dog. The shepherd's character requires training, tasks, participation and victories in exhibitions and competitions, and overcoming obstacles. That is why she was a shepherd at the dawn of her youth, copes with the work of a guide and nanny, and is a favorite in such difficult tasks as protecting the territory, rescuing and searching for people, searching for drugs and explosives, detaining and neutralizing dangerous criminals.

REFERENCE! According to information from the dog training community in Germany, the German Shepherd is the absolute leader in popularity among other breeds.

Causes of premature death

Accidents happen with irresponsible owners. A dog that runs out of the territory may be poisoned by spoiled or inappropriate food or get hit by passing vehicles. More careful monitoring and care of your pet will help solve this problem.

The main causes of premature death in pets are injuries and past illnesses. also significantly reduce life expectancy . Infectious diseases negatively affect the body, even if they were suffered at an early age. For example, having suffered from hepatitis quite easily in youth, closer to old age the affected liver will remind itself.

Chronic diseases are also dangerous. Occurring quite easily at a young age, worsening at an older age, they cause many problems for the animal.

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