Top 20 best vitamins for dogs for 2022 (drug rating)

1. Canvit Junior - with natural compositionfrom 1600 rubles
2. Farmavit Active - the best multicomplex for small dogsfrom 270 rubles
3. Sanal Dog Biotin – the key to a shiny coatfrom 290 rubles
4. Beaphar Top 10 Chondro Treat – prevention of joint diseasesfrom 1200 rubles
5. Canvit Nutrimix Biocal – vitamins for bone healthfrom 500 rubles

Mini rating (updated in 2022)
Dogs, like people, can get sick and suffer from the consequences of stressful situations. They experience nervous disorders and often have problems with the immune system. High-quality vitamin complexes will help you avoid all this. They are quite widely available on sale. But only items included in the ranking of the best vitamins for dogs for 2022 are worthy of the attention of dog breeders.

Types and forms of vitamin complexes

Vitamins for dogs are quite varied. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with your choice, you should carefully study their varieties and decide on the appropriate option for your pet.

Vitamin supplements are primarily divided according to the form of release.

Manufacturers offer pet owners:

  • tablets are a convenient and common form, often chosen by owners of large animals;
  • powders - such vitamins are usually added to food unnoticed, so owners of picky dogs buy them;
  • liquid vitamins for dogs - most often they come in the form of drops and are added to water;
  • injections – vitamins in ampoules are highly concentrated and are prescribed as part of complex treatment, the results from them are very fast;
  • Treats – This form of vitamin supplementation is suitable for puppies and four-legged dogs who refuse tablets and other forms of vitamins.

According to their intended purpose, the complexes can be:

  • universal (these multivitamin supplements are used in courses on an ongoing basis);
  • for the formation of the skeleton and teeth (similar complexes are necessary for puppies and older dogs);
  • for wool growth (help increase wool density and improve wool quality);
  • for older animals;
  • for puppies;
  • for pregnant dogs.

Manufacturers also produce separate mineral supplements for large and small dogs. They take into account the needs of animals of different breeds and completely cover their deficiencies.

When and what vitamins and minerals does a dog need?

Vitamin supplements are necessary for animals at all life stages. For example, they help puppies grow healthy and strong, support immunity and promote the proper formation of the bone skeleton.

Vitamins for pregnant and recently given birth dogs are prescribed by a veterinarian. But traditionally they are necessary for the rapid recovery of the body.

During the course of its life, an animal may become ill or injured. In such cases, your own complex is prescribed. For example, vitamins to boost a dog’s immunity or to quickly heal wounds during the postoperative period.

In old age, the animal rapidly loses calcium, becomes less active and eats poorly. Therefore, vitamins for old dogs are most often produced in injections. They maintain the pet’s general condition at a good level and provide all the substances necessary for life.

Vitamins for puppies

Vitamins for puppies of medium, small and large breeds are required, starting from six months.


  • guarantee of harmonious development;
  • covering all the animal’s needs for vitamins and minerals;
  • maintaining activity.


  • high price;
  • Difficulties with selection due to the changing taste preferences of the animal.

The medications must be given strictly according to the instructions.

Canvit Junior - with natural composition

The powder supplement is suitable for “toddlers” and young animals up to one and a half years old. The composition of the drug includes fatty acids and a complex of amino acids. The formula also contains prebiotics and microelements. The composition is completely natural, so the animal does not experience any adverse reactions.

Vitamins promote healthy coat growth and strengthen the immune system. They also have a good effect on the condition of the skin and help improve digestion. It is convenient to add the supplement to regular food. It does not have a pronounced smell or taste, so puppies do not notice the presence of any impurities in the food.


  • good composition;
  • decent concentration of fatty acids;
  • complete security;
  • no odor;
  • easy to add to food;
  • combination with other drugs.


  • rarely on sale;
  • cost from 500 rubles per package.

The drug does not have any side effects.

Reviews about it are good. Pet owners note that puppies eat food with mixed powder well. It is perfectly digestible and helps “babies” grow healthy. Many call these vitamins the best in the segment.

8 in 1 Excel Multi Vitamin Puppy – the best in microelements

Most often, multi-complex vitamins are purchased for old dogs, but this “8 in 1” complex is intended for puppies who are not yet a year old. It contains brewer's yeast, potassium, magnesium and other useful components.

The supplement is recommended for the overall health of your pet. But most often, veterinarians prescribe it for a diet that does not meet all the needs of a growing body for vitamins and minerals.

The drug comes in tablet form and is usually added to food. It is often given separately from food - puppies willingly absorb the aromatic “treat”.


  • the presence of natural flavor enhancers;
  • rich composition;
  • versatility;
  • economical consumption.


  • not the lowest cost - from 400 rubles;
  • lack of notches, which makes dividing the tablet difficult.

Vitamins have no side effects.

Almost all buyers agree that the complex is very worthy and deserves attention. But many people write that vitamins are suitable for puppies of medium or large breeds. This opinion is due to the large size of the tablets. Small animals simply cannot chew them.

Unitabs Junior Complex – for puppies prone to allergies

If the animal is allergic, then try giving it this drug. It is made in the form of tablets and has a rich composition. The complex includes brewer's yeast, folic acid, fatty acids, potassium, calcium and more than ten different vitamins and minerals.

When used regularly, the supplement normalizes metabolic processes in the body, helps to form a healthy, strong skeleton and strengthens muscle fibers. It also helps keep the animal active and increases appetite.

Tablets can be given as early as one month of age. Most often, dog owners add them to their food. Granular formulations are ideal for this. But puppies also eat vitamins well separately from food, since they contain natural flavor enhancers.


  • balance of vitamins and minerals;
  • do not provoke allergic reactions;
  • easy to share;
  • small tablet size;
  • soft shell.


  • a large number of flavor enhancers;
  • not all dogs agree to eat them separately.

The cost of a package of one hundred tablets is about 400 rubles.

Buyers consider this option one of the best. Many people write that vitamins are ideal for Chihuahua puppies who have difficulty chewing other tablets due to their miniature size.



Andrey (veterinarian), 35 years old, Kolomna:

“Fitocalcevit is an excellent natural supplement to a dog’s diet. It contains a large number of vital biologically active components.

The use of the drug has a positive effect on the animal’s condition, strengthens the bone and ligament systems, and increases the body’s resistance to infectious diseases. It will be useful for dogs of different sizes and breeds. The composition is added to both natural and mixed foods.”


Svetlana, 29 years old, Omsk:

“My pet had problems with offspring and lactation. The puppies had to be fed formula. The veterinarian advised adding a vitamin complex to the diet. Taking Fitocalcevit gave results. The animal became stronger and its fur began to look better. And when the puppies were born, there was enough milk for everyone.”

Anna, 42 years old, Astrakhan : “I use ready-made food to feed my dog. This method is fast and convenient, but has its drawbacks. The main one is the lack of diversity and insufficient amounts of essential nutrients and minerals.

I decided to eliminate this problem by including Fitocalcevit in the diet. The drug helps maintain the animal’s health and improves its immunity.”

The best vitamins for small breed dogs

Small four-legged pets often suffer from digestive problems. and also quickly lose calcium. Therefore, they need special complexes that cover existing problems.

Farmavit Active - the best multicomplex for small dogs

This option is familiar to almost all dog breeders, as it is quite affordable and of good quality. The drug contains fish meal, more than ten vitamins and minerals, plant extracts and fruit enzymes.

The supplement copes well with the main tasks - normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the immune system, replenishes calcium reserves and promotes its absorption, helps the coat grow healthy and shiny. The pet remains active and cheerful from morning until evening.

Tablets are traditionally added to food. They are quite soft, so animals can easily chew them.


  • well absorbed;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • versatility;
  • affordable price;
  • rich and natural composition.


  • rarely go to stores;
  • often counterfeited.

The cost of packaging is about 300 rubles.

Users position these vitamins as optimal for Yorkies - they like the taste, and with regular use they give excellent results. In addition, buyers note that the complex can be given at any age and even during pregnancy.

Wolmar Winsome Pro Bio Booster Ca Mini – good digestion and strong skeleton

World-famous vitamins were specially developed for miniature tailed pets. The components of the complex are absorbed extremely slowly, which provides a prolonged effect and allows you to significantly reduce the number of courses of administration during the year.

The supplement contains amino acids, prebiotics, a powerful vitamin set, micro- and macroelements. When consuming the tablets, dogs retain activity and appetite, stop losing calcium, strengthen the skeleton and forget about problems with the digestive tract.

Tablets are given with food. Usually pets eat them well, but if the animal is capricious, then it is permissible to crush the daily dose and mix it in this form with liquid or granular food.


  • good effect on appetite;
  • completely cover the need for calcium and phosphorus;
  • help give up the habit of eating your own feces;
  • relevance for puppies;
  • absence of flavor enhancers and flavorings.
  • Minuses:
  • animals are not always liked;
  • high cost - up to 1800 per package.

In general, customers like the supplement. Almost everyone agrees that it is completely worth the money paid. But still, due to the high cost, dog breeders recommend using this drug no more than once a year.

Unitabs SterilCat – tablets to maintain pet health

This drug is intended for cats, but veterinarians often prescribe it for dogs of toy breeds. That's why he was also included in today's rating. The vitamins are produced in tablet form and contain coenzyme Q10, DL-methionine, taurine, Aerosil A, vitamin and mineral complex, L-carotene.

The additive promotes the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system, activates metabolic processes and ensures the growth of healthy hair.

The tablets are suitable for “toddlers” and adult pets - they can be started at the age of 8 months. Vitamins are added to food in whole form or crushed into powder.


  • affordable price;
  • small tablet size;
  • rich composition;
  • effectiveness.


  • not a specialized product;
  • Animals do not like it when taken separately from food.

A package costs about 400 rubles.

Buyers are often confused that vitamins were developed for cats. But they have no complaints about the quality itself - the pets’ fur begins to grow faster, they are cheerful and active. Therefore, this complex can be fully recommended for dogs.

The best vitamins for medium breeds

Medium-sized dogs, when properly cared for, rarely have health problems. They easily accept all types of vitamin supplements and do not need special formulations.

Sanal Dog Biotin - the key to shiny coat

These vitamins are intended for dog hair growth, prevention of vitamin deficiency and skin problems in the off-season. The drug contains biotin, brewer's yeast, calcium and a vitamin complex consisting of 20 items.

The vitamin helps normalize sebum production and metabolic processes in the body. It also stabilizes the nervous system, triggers the process of intensive cellular metabolism and more.

Vitamins come in tablet form. Therefore, it is recommended to give them along with food or separately as a treat. But not all pets are ready to take pills in this form.


  • 100% natural ingredients;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • reduces the molting period;
  • significantly strengthens bones.


  • high consumption;
  • narrow focus.

The cost of packaging is about 300 rubles.

In general, dog breeders are satisfied with the drug. But they note that the greatest effect is noticeable in the appearance of the animal.

Wolmar Winsome Pro Bio L-Collagen – the best chondroprotector

This complex is not suitable as a general strengthening complex. It is intended for animals with problems with muscles, ligaments and tendons. The drug contains L-amino acids, collagen, calcium and vitamins.

A course of taking the product increases the strength of ligaments, tissue elasticity and normalizes protein metabolism. Therefore, veterinarians often recommend this composition for animals that are highly active.

This complex has a convenient water-soluble form. Therefore, it is easy to give it to pets along with regular drinking water.


  • efficiency;
  • the ability to use as a chondroprotector;
  • relevance for all ages;
  • Ease of use;
  • suitable for older dogs.


  • narrow effect on the body;
  • high cost - up to 2500 rubles per package.

The drug does not have any side effects.

Reviews about this vitamin product are good. Dog breeders claim that it is extremely effective during the recovery period after injuries to bones and tendons.

Phytocalcevit for adult dogs - inexpensive broad-spectrum vitamins

This universal supplement is intended for adult animals that do not receive enough nutrients from food. Typically, these vitamins are recommended for dogs on a natural diet “from the table”. The drug contains a high content of calcium, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

They strengthen the bone skeleton, help bones heal faster after injury, and also promote growth in pets who have developmental delays.

The additive is in powder form, making it easy to mix into animal feed. As practice shows, it goes well with liquid and granular feed.


  • easy to use;
  • relevance for animals of any age;
  • good compatibility with various medications;
  • can replace a chondroprotector;
  • positive effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • affordable price.


  • have side effects;
  • not suitable for sensitive stomach.

When consuming vitamins, you need to carefully monitor the animal’s stool and the condition of its digestive tract.

The price of the package does not exceed 300 rubles.

Most buyers are satisfied with the drug. Dog breeders especially recommend it as a course for 3-4 months after limb fractures.

For the elderly

For an aging body, the remedy will be especially useful, since during this period the need for minerals and other catalysts of metabolic processes increases, which begin to occur less quickly with age.

To improve the physiological functions of the body, accelerate tissue regeneration in older animals, as well as prevent or slow down the development of pathological changes in the body, Fitocalcevit is used. When feeding such an animal, on the recommendation of a veterinarian, the dosage can be increased by 2 times.

The best vitamins for large breed dogs

Large dogs need a balanced diet as they often suffer from calcium loss and nutritional deficiencies.

Beaphar Top 10 Chondro Treat – prevention of joint diseases

This drug is recommended for animals suffering from joint diseases. It is also prescribed for preventive purposes. The supplement contains glucosamine and taurine. A small amount contains amino acids and vitamins.

Vitamins are taken in courses. They significantly strengthen the skeleton, maintain the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, and keep joints mobile. In addition, they normalize metabolic processes and improve cellular respiration.

The product is made in the form of tablets. But by its intended purpose it is a treat, so it can be given separately from food - due to natural taste enhancers, dogs willingly eat vitamins.


  • natural composition;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • 100% absorption of all components;
  • rapid strengthening of the immune system.


  • inconvenient packaging;
  • very high cost - it reaches 3500 rubles.

Reviews about this product are mostly admiring. Dog breeders write that with regular preventative treatment, the risk of joint diseases is reduced by 60%.

8 in 1 Excel Brewer's Yeast – for healthy dog ​​coats

The drug was developed by the best German specialists, so it has not only a narrowly targeted effect, but also has a positive effect on the entire animal’s body.

The product contains fatty acids, brewer's yeast, amino acids and a set of essential vitamins/minerals.

With regular use of the drug, the dog's fur becomes much thicker, acquires a healthy shine and grows back quickly. In addition, the tablets support the immune system and help normalize metabolic processes in the body.

The additive is available in tablet form, and therefore it is convenient to mix it with granulated food. Some dogs enjoy taking vitamins between meals.


  • suitable for accelerating the molting process;
  • helps wound healing;
  • taste pleasant to animals;
  • large bottle volume;
  • protection of packaging from opening.


  • effectiveness cannot always be assessed;
  • high cost - up to 2500 rubles.

Buyers consider this complex optimal for shedding dogs. Despite its rich composition, it still has the best effect on the fur of four-legged animals.

Unitabs ImmunoComplex - a multicomplex for strengthening the immune system

A universal drug that covers all the needs of large dogs. Its basis is brewer's yeast. It also contains coenzyme Q10, vitamins and minerals.

The vitamin complex has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, supports the immune system, strengthens bones, ligaments and muscles. It helps the digestive system work smoothly and normalizes metabolism.

Veterinarians recommend giving the tablets along with granulated food, since not all animals are ready to eat them separately.


  • affordable price;
  • decent composition;
  • no preservatives;
  • freedom from GMOs;
  • efficiency;
  • affordable price.


  • require long-term use;
  • presence of artificial flavors.

The cost of a package for one hundred tablets does not exceed 350 rubles.

Judging by the reviews, the product is considered one of the best. It quickly boosts immunity, prevents the development of infectious diseases and neutralizes the negative effects of antibiotics.

The principle of action of the drug

Taking Fitocalcevit every day has an immunocorrective and antioxidant effect on the dog’s body, as well as anti-atherogenic and anti-toxic. Phytocalcevit has antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties and is characterized by the ability to remove toxic substances from the animal’s body. With the systematic use of this vitamin mixture, the physical condition of dogs improves.

Phytocalcevit is used to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in a dog’s diet.

The Aralia adaptogen included in Fitocalcevit, in interaction with a set of certain mineral and vitamin components, increases the levels of interferon contained in the blood, which leads to increased resistance of the animal body to various types of infections, promotes the optimal development process of puppies, maintaining the health and longevity of adult dogs, especially in the case of poorly organized nutrition.

The best vitamins for pregnant and lactating dogs

Pregnant animals need increased amounts of vitamins and nutrients. It is impossible to provide all this with regular food.

Canvit Nutrimix Biocal – vitamins for bone health

This is an almost universal complex. It is intended for dogs expecting offspring and animals in a weakened state due to a lack of nutrients. The supplement contains calcium, phosphorus and sodium. Their concentration is three times higher than usual.

The drug provides support for the entire body, increases resistance to infections, prevents the development of rickets and more. It is used in courses on the recommendation of a specialist.

Vitamins come in powder form, so they are usually added to food. They do not have a pronounced odor and are normally perceived by animals.


  • 100% natural composition;
  • high digestibility of components;
  • Helps strengthen ear cartilage.


  • narrow focus of the drug;
  • requires supplementation in the form of other additives.

The average cost of a package is 450 rubles.

Users note that the supplement gives a good effect. But it is not suitable for all animals, so in the first days of admission you need to carefully monitor the dog.

Canina Caniletten – the best multi-complex

One of the most popular drugs in the segment. It is high in iron and contains more than a dozen vitamins and minerals.

The vitamin supplement prevents the development of anemia and increases resistance to infectious diseases. It strengthens the immune system and bone structure, covering the need for calcium. In addition, regular use of the product normalizes digestion and metabolic processes in the body.

The drug comes in tablet form and is added to food. It is best to mix vitamins with pelleted feed.


  • restoration of calcium levels in the body;
  • 100% digestibility;
  • positive effects on puppies in the womb;
  • helps the coat grow healthy and shiny.


  • uneconomical consumption;
  • very high cost - in the regions packaging can cost 3,000 rubles.

Dog owners buy tablets very often. But owners of large breeds note that, taking into account the calculation of dosage by weight, the packaging ends in 2-3 days. Therefore, vitamins have to look for an alternative.

Composition and expiration date

The phytocomplex includes meat and bone meal, dried and crushed Jerusalem artichoke, extract from sea buckthorn fruit and eleutherococcus herb, as well as calcium citrate.

It contains a large number of active biological substances:

  • tocopherol;
  • retinol;
  • B vitamins;
  • biotin;
  • nicotinic and folic acids;
  • macro- and microelements (sulfur, magnesium, sodium, iron, iodine, zinc, silicon, selenium, fluorine, etc.).

How to store?

Fitocalcevit is stored in a cool place, protected from direct sunlight. High humidity in the room can provoke the development of fungus. When it appears, the drug is contraindicated for use.

The shelf life of the complex is 12 months from the date of manufacture.

The Best Vitamins for Older Dogs

Older animals suffer from bone problems, poor gastrointestinal function and hair loss. Special vitamins help maintain their health.

Canina Canhydrox GAG Forte – protection of bones and joints

Vitamins are positioned as general strengtheners, but they have the greatest effect when there are problems with bones and joints. The complex is recommended for animals over seven years of age or during the recovery period after injury.

The drug contains calcium hydroxyapatite, extracts from shellfish, algae, protein, a set of amino acids and more.

The vitamins are available in capsules and have a pleasant taste for dogs. Therefore, they are often given between meals.


  • suitable for prevention;
  • help restore joint mobility;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.


  • often counterfeited;
  • often cause indigestion;
  • high cost - on average 3000 rubles.

In general, vitamins are rated positively. Dog breeders write in the comments that they are effective and the animals like them. But the high price does not allow them to be taken on an ongoing basis.

Viyo Reinforces Dog Senior – healthy drink

Not the most common remedy aimed at strengthening the immune system and normalizing digestion. The complex contains fatty acids, microelements, prebiotics and the necessary set of vitamins.

The drug increases the content of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which simplifies the digestion of food and normalizes stool. In addition, vitamins boost immunity.

The composition is in liquid form. It can be diluted with water or given separately. Veterinarians recommend a vitamin complex in courses of 14 days, four times a year.


  • convenient packaging;
  • real strengthening of the immune system;
  • 100% natural composition;
  • has a good effect on wool quality;
  • low calorie content;
  • pleasant taste.


  • requires alternation with other complexes;
  • high cost - 1500 rubles.

Dog breeders claim that the complex is good. But to see the effect of it, the courses must be extended and given at least six times a year.

Anivital CaniAge – multivitamin complex for aging dogs

This option is recommended for use on an ongoing basis. It should be started to be given to animals whose age exceeds six years with short breaks. The basis of the complex is fatty acids, natural antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins.

The drug has a preventive effect on the entire body, strengthens bones, blood vessels, and immunity. In addition, it normalizes digestion, eliminating constipation typical of older dogs.

Vitamins are available in tablet form. They have the flavor of fresh beef and can be enjoyed between meals. The tablets crumble easily, so capricious animals can crush them and add them to their food.


  • hypoallergenic;
  • 100% natural composition;
  • dogs like it;
  • a large number of useful substances;
  • are safe and have no side effects.


  • high consumption;
  • high cost - on average 2000 rubles.

The drug has established itself as a worthy and effective complex, but not everyone can afford it.

Vitamins in injections to boost immunity

Such complexes are less in demand than conventional ones.


  • high efficiency;
  • fast action;
  • short course of treatment.


  • the need to hire a specialist to administer the drug;
  • high price.

The effectiveness of injections in emergency situations is undeniable.

Imunofan is a hepatoprotector with immunoregulatory and detoxification effects

The drug is prescribed to boost immunity in severe diseases and in combination with antibiotics. It contains an aqueous solution of immunofan. Excipients are also added to the vitamins to facilitate rapid absorption of the active substance.

When administered, the drug increases cellular and humoral immunity, increases resistance to infection and relieves intoxication of the body, removing toxins.

Vitamins are administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The duration of the course is determined by the veterinarian depending on the type of disease. In this case, you cannot skip injections - this significantly reduces the effectiveness.


  • good results;
  • wide spectrum of action;
  • affordable price;
  • short course of treatment.


  • may cause intolerance;
  • up to 5 injections are required per day.

The average price of a package is 600 rubles.

The remedy is considered one of the most effective and is prescribed quite often.

Ribotan is a powerful immune system stimulant

The solution, available in 1 ml ampoules, has a wide spectrum of action. It consists of polypeptides and RNA fragments.

When administered, the drug helps increase the body's defenses and neutralizes the effects of stress of varying severity.

The course of treatment is determined by the veterinarian. With moderate severity of the disease, it will last 3-5 days. The dog is given one injection every day.


  • affordable price;
  • minimum duration of treatment;
  • efficiency.


  • combination with antibiotics is required;
  • not always well tolerated by dogs.

The price of the package is about 150 rubles.

The drug is often recommended for purchase.

Gamavit – biotonic immunomodulator

This product has a wide spectrum of action. It contains placenta and sodium nucleinate. It increases performance, compensates for high physical activity, helps to intensify labor, relieves intoxication of the body and normalizes metabolic processes.

The drug is administered once. In some cases, the veterinarian prescribes a course of 2-3 injections.


  • high efficiency;
  • short course of treatment;
  • no side effects.


  • rarely on sale;
  • It is expensive - one bottle costs more than 1000 rubles.

Professional dog breeders praise this remedy, but warn against uncontrolled use.

Instructions for use

Where to add?

It is recommended to include Phytocalcevit in the diet from the 2nd year of a dog’s life. In order for the nutritional components to be better absorbed, the product is mixed with natural food, which should not be hot, or extruded food.

How often to give?

Feeding is given once a day. The daily dose of the supplement may vary depending on the size of the pet:

  1. Small breeds are recommended 1-2 tsp. Fitocalcevita daily.
  2. Medium dogs – 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Large - 2 tbsp. l.

If the animal’s body is weakened or exposed to increased physical activity and stress, the dosage is doubled.

During lactation and pregnancy, small breeds of dogs are recommended from 1.5 tsp. up to 1 tbsp. l. therapeutic agent, and the average - 2 tbsp. l. For large animals, this dose is increased by another 2 times.

It should be remembered that Fitocalcevit is contraindicated for gastrointestinal disorders and in the first 7 days after birth.

Best Vitamins for Dogs to Prevent Poo Eating

Many animals, due to a lack of nutrients, begin to eat their own and other people’s feces. In such situations, the problem can be solved by taking the right vitamins.

8 In 1 Excel Deter

The highly effective composition is designed to solve the problem of eating feces and improve the health of pets. This complex contains brewer's yeast, garlic extract, pepper extract, sodium and over ten vitamins.

The course is designed for at least a month. During this period, the dog weanes itself from a bad habit, its immunity increases, its appetite improves and digestion is normalized.

The drug is in the form of tablets, so it is easily mixed with granulated food. Some animals agree to take vitamins separately.


  • restoration of metabolic processes;
  • efficiency;
  • affordable price;
  • convenient packaging.


  • require long-term use;
  • the result is not immediately noticeable.

The cost of packaging is 350 rubles.

NaturVet Coprophagia Stool Eating Deterrent Soft Chews

A popular product that has proven its effectiveness around the world. It has a rich composition: brewer's yeast, vegetable oils, plant extracts, enzymes and more.

When used as a course, the animal weanes itself from eating its own feces. Vitamins also normalize digestion and strengthen the immune system.

The drug is available in the form of chewable capsules and is given with food. The pleasant taste and aroma make this supplement desirable for dogs, so they eat it well separately from their food.


  • quality of the drug;
  • efficiency;
  • certification.


  • rarely on sale;
  • high price - from 2000 rubles per package.

The vitamin complex is often praised. Dog breeders note that the highest quality components and their concentration have a beneficial effect on the health of their pets.

Grau Sanofor

The additive is one of the most effective in the segment. It has a completely natural composition and is well tolerated by animals. Vitamins consist of healing mud, plant extracts and humic acids.

When taken regularly, pets' digestion improves, the absorption of nutrients increases and the sharp unpleasant odor from the mouth disappears. In addition, the complex enhances hair growth and returns activity to animals.

The additive is available in powder form. It can be added to feed in quantities depending on the size of the animals.


  • naturalness;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • efficiency;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • improvement of gastrointestinal tract activity;
  • beneficial effect on appearance.


  • animals like it;
  • high cost - from 1500 rubles.

The drug is often purchased by dog ​​breeders. They indicate in reviews that vitamins quickly relieve the existing problem and at the same time make pets healthier.

Multivitamins for dogs

Multivitamin complexes are in great demand among dog breeders.


  • large selection of drugs;
  • complex effect on the body;
  • the ability to drink in courses or on an ongoing basis;
  • relevance for any age.


  • It is not always possible to immediately select the appropriate option;
  • Not all complexes are well balanced.

The main difference between the products in this group is their versatility. They can be used as strengthening and stimulating preparations for puppies and older dogs.

8 In 1 Excel Brewer's Yeast – 8 in 1 vitamins for older dogs

The product is very popular among dog breeders and is mainly used in courses. But the manufacturer allows the regular use of the vitamin complex. It contains fatty acids, amino acids, fiber, manganese and other vitamins/minerals.

Vitamins strengthen bones, improve coat quality, normalize metabolism and the functioning of the digestive tract.

The complex is available in soft-shell tablets. They are easy to chew, so they are usually added to pelleted food.


  • dogs eat it willingly;
  • fully meets all the needs of animals over 6-7 years old;
  • improves skin condition;
  • supports immunity.


  • may cause allergies;
  • should not be taken without a veterinarian's prescription.

The package costs 400 rubles.

Side effects include diarrhea.

Overall, customers praise this product. They note that the animal has become calmer and visually healthier. Also, many write about a noticeable increase in the dog’s activity.

Hokamix Haut, Fell, Stoffwechsel for quick results

The vitamin complex is intended for dogs of different breeds and is prescribed regardless of age. It contains silicic acid and an extensive set of medicinal plant extracts.

The drug normalizes metabolic processes, restores digestion and forms beneficial intestinal microflora. It also removes toxins from the body and helps the coat grow healthy and shiny.

Vitamins come in tablet form and are usually mixed with food. In some cases, they are ground into a powder and sprinkled onto liquid food or pellets.


  • natural composition;
  • efficiency;
  • the ability to accept on an ongoing basis;
  • no side effects.


  • not all pets like the taste;
  • high consumption;
  • high cost - on average 1500 rubles.

Buyers praise this complex. They note that it is well tolerated by puppies and older animals. Moreover, the first results are noticeable after taking vitamins for a week.

Could it get bad?

Do not forget that the vitamin complex is a medicine. Therefore, if you do not adhere to the recommended standards, complications and adverse reactions are possible.

With excessive use of Fitocalcevit, hypervitaminosis develops, which can manifest itself as poisoning, accompanied by diarrhea.

Other signs of this pathological condition of the animal include:

  • baldness;
  • abnormal bone growth;
  • dandruff.

The following side effects are also observed:

  • weakness and oppression;
  • disruption of digestive processes;
  • lack of appetite;
  • strong thirst;
  • lameness;
  • heart rhythm disturbance.

In some cases, the development of an allergic reaction is noted. If negative reactions occur on the part of the body, it is necessary to stop using Fitocalcevit and consult a veterinarian regarding further treatment of the animal.

What to consider when adding vitamins to your diet

The best vitamins for dogs are not a specific complex that is popular among dog breeders. The best supplement can only be considered the one that meets the needs of the animal at a specific point in time.

Therefore, before giving your pet any drug, consider the following points :

  1. Age . At different life stages, animals need different concentrations of vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements.
  2. Current health status . If the pet is healthy, then it needs vitamins for prevention. But if you have any obvious problems, choose narrowly targeted drugs.
  3. Activity level . Dogs that are obese or aged spend less energy, which means supplementation for them should be simpler. And young active animals need a powerful vitamin “bomb”.
  4. Dimensions . This is one of the key selection parameters, since small and large dogs need different vitamins.
  5. Compound . Manufacturers produce highly concentrated preparations, conventional vitamin complexes and supplements with a small content of useful substances.
  6. Flavoring additives . Some complexes do not have a pronounced taste, while others, on the contrary, attract the animal with their characteristic smell and taste.
  7. Release form . Vitamins in drops for dogs or in tablets – each owner chooses for himself.

Important! You should not prescribe a vitamin complex to an animal yourself. Consultation with a veterinarian is mandatory before purchasing the drug. Only an experienced specialist can give a recommendation taking into account all the characteristics of the animal.

Vitamins for puppies, adult pets, large and small breeds of dogs are an indispensable element on which the healthy and fulfilling life of pets is based. Therefore, be thoughtful when choosing supplements and take your time. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to find a suitable drug.

Side effects

For intensive recovery, in case of developmental delay and stress, you can increase the dose by 1.5-2 times. It is recommended to consult a veterinarian first.

The supplement is well tolerated without causing any side effects, however, some cats experience individual intolerance. It manifests itself in the form of allergies.

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