Stray dogs: ways to solve the problem and ways to protect against attack

  1. What is desomorphine
      History of origin
  2. Qualitative characteristics
  3. How to use desomorphine
  4. Addiction
      Mental symptoms
  5. Physical changes
  6. Danger of the drug
  7. Consequences of desomorphine
  8. Overdose
      Overdose symptoms
  9. How to help the victim yourself
  10. Health care
  11. Drug withdrawal
  12. Antidotes
  13. How to ease withdrawal
  14. Conclusion


Drug use causes irreparable harm to health and poses a danger to life!

What is desomorphine

Desomorphine is a drug of the opioid group, better known in the slang of drug addicts as krokodil. This name is associated with the effect of a psychostimulant on the skin of a drug addict - after each injection, the skin begins to fester at the injection site, then becomes covered with a crust and becomes like the skin of a crocodile. The low cost of a single dose of desomorphine, the strong narcotic effect, as well as the shortage of other “traditional” drugs of the opioid group make it popular among drug addicts. Eating crocodile after the first day causes addiction and severe complications from all body systems. In the chronic form of drug addiction, desomorphine inevitably leads to death as a result of overdose and multiple organ failure. Often a person is killed by a crocodile due to extensive necrosis of the skin, blood vessels, and muscles and rots alive.

Drug addiction to morphine prompted scientists to find an equally effective replacement. For this purpose, experiments were carried out with codeine and thionyl chloride, during the interaction of which several substances were synthesized that were not inferior to morphine in their analgesic effect. These are desomorphine and methadone. According to scientists, these drugs should not cause drug addiction, so they began to be used for medical purposes to relieve pain in severely ill patients.

However, after the synthesis of desomorphine, studies were conducted that proved its pronounced analgesic properties. However, the drug’s short-term effect was also proven - from 2 to 4 hours, and the substance caused addiction much faster than morphine.

History of origin

Desomorphine is a derivative of morphine. First synthesized in 1932 in the USA. Having failed to find its practical application in medical practice as an analgesic, the drug “went out” onto the streets. Later, due to its uselessness, laboratory desomorphine was no longer produced, and the pathological craving for codeine-containing medication led to the need for its artisanal production to eliminate the “withdrawal” and obtain a narcotic effect.

Desomorphine came to Russia in the 2000s. and already in 2009 the drug was abused in 60 regions of the country. This led to a rapid increase in sales of codeine-containing drugs, which were subsequently included in the list of prescription drugs.

The circulation of desomorphine in Russia was prohibited by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1998 No. 681.

Qualitative characteristics

Desomorphine is a liquid with a pungent odor, prepared specifically for intravenous injection. It is based on preparations with codeine, to which toxic, deadly components are added, such as gasoline, iodine, phosphorus, household solvents, sulfuric acid, and match sulfur. Highly toxic impurities of heavy metals can also be added to the drug. This composition causes addiction immediately, while killing the addict within a few months.

Desomorphine is more often used by heroin and amphetamine drug addicts who can no longer afford the purchase of expensive drugs or want to get a stronger narcotic effect.

The culprits were caught

The first body was found on January 15 in the Leninsky district of the city. The body of a 58-year-old watchman lay on the territory of the production base. On February 13, the bitten body of a woman was found on Kutuzov Street in the neighboring Kirovsky district, and on February 20, not far from this place, the body of a man was found with the same injuries. On February 22, the body of another woman with eaten limbs was found in the courtyard of a house on Michurina Street. According to eyewitnesses, a pack of dogs was running nearby. The 37-year-old man was found on February 25 in the garage complex. On March 18, investigators from the Investigative Committee in the region announced the results of an examination of four bodies: according to preliminary data, the people were mauled to death by dogs. All four were confirmed to have died from dog bites. The examination of another body continues.

Within a radius of two kilometers from the places where the bodies were found, 17 dogs were caught and placed in a shelter. The culprit was also identified: a case of negligence was opened against the head of the city department of roads, infrastructure and improvement of the Krasnoyarsk administration, Evgeniy Petryuk. The official was placed in a temporary detention center and later sent under house arrest for two months. The city mayor's office did not agree with the detention of the employee. “We believe that he did not commit any offenses in his activities. We hope that Evgeny Petryuk will be released and will not be convicted,” stated the Krasnoyarsk administration.

Immediately 17 deputies of the Krasnoyarsk City Council vouched for Petryuk in court. However, on April 14, Petryuk was dismissed from the Krasnoyarsk administration “at his own request.” A week later, the court rejected the investigation’s request to extend the period of house arrest, and the official was released on bail of 250 thousand rubles. The criminal case has not been closed, but so far only dogs remain guilty - and not just any specific ones.

How to use desomorphine

Desomorphine is a homemade solution that is used intravenously. All components of the injection solution are toxic and after administration they go through the following path:

  • After injection, the crocodile solution burns the thin walls of the vessel, which in response sharply narrow due to the proliferation of connective tissue. The degenerative process begins at the injection site.
  • Local necrosis is accompanied by the formation of purulent wounds that become crusty. The skin of a desomorphine drug addict becomes like the skin of a crocodile. That is why desomorphine is also called crocodile. After a wound is formed, a person cannot re-inject the drug into the same place, so he looks for a new vessel. Necrotic processes become more extensive.
  • Then, through the bloodstream, the toxic substance is carried to well-supplied organs - the liver, brain, heart, and digestive tract. This leads to disruption of their functioning. In addition, pathogenic particles enter the bloodstream with the drug, which is associated with the production of the psychoactive substance in unsanitary conditions. This significantly complicates the condition, reduces immunity, and brings death closer.

Drug addicts prefer to inject desomorphine into a vein in the arms, legs, or groin area. This leads to a sharp decrease in blood flow with oxygen and nutrients. Over time, areas of the body turn blue, cells die, and extensive necrosis leads to the need for immediate amputation of the limbs. This is the only way to save a person.


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Calling a narcologist to your home

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Safety rules when walking a dog

To prevent your dog from falling victim to “hunters,” you need to follow simple safety rules when walking your dog:

  • You should not walk near children's playgrounds, you should not walk your pet on the lawns. It is in such places that “ideological” dog hunters very often scatter poisoned baits.
  • If there are cases of dog poisoning in the area, we recommend walking your pet only with a muzzle and a leash. Even if he finds something on the ground, the owner will be able to quickly drag the pet away and throw the found “delicacy” into the trash.
  • A pet needs to be trained and educated! A well-trained dog will not (at least, there is such a possibility) pick up “goodies” on a walk, and even more so will never take a treat from someone else’s hands.


Desomorphine is similar in its action to other opioids, but is more aggressive due to the content of toxic components. Has a sedative and analgesic effect. The drug quickly changes the mental state, and as it is withdrawn, it causes physical changes.

Mental symptoms

Desomorphine affects the consciousness of a person, who, as the experience of drug addiction increases, loses touch with reality. Visual and auditory hallucinations, panic attacks, and depressive disorders appear. Memory and attention deteriorate, speech becomes unrelated. The drug addict becomes irritable, aggressive, and his mood changes quickly.

A feature of mental dependence is constant thoughts about the drug. A drug addict is ready to do anything to get the next dose.

Desomorphine can cause narcotic delirium. The cause of the condition is poisoning by the toxic components of the drug. Delirium occurs with increased sweating, hyperthermia, muscle rigidity, fluctuations in blood pressure, and trembling of the limbs. Delirium is also accompanied by memory loss and hallucinations.

Physical changes

Physical dependence is formed after mental dependence. Desomorphine primarily affects the brain, suppressing the functions of the respiratory center. This is accompanied by a decrease in lung performance and shallow breathing. Under the influence of crocodile, the heart rate also decreases.

Thanks to the sedative effect, the smooth muscles of the urinary and digestive system relax, which leads to involuntary urination, defecation, and vomiting. Under the influence of desomorphine, a person begins to lose control over his body, actions, and thoughts. The limbs become numb, tingling and trembling appear. As the experience increases, convulsive syndrome occurs.

The crocodile also changes a person's appearance - redness of the face, constriction of the pupils, bluishness and pallor of the skin, the appearance of injection marks, purulent wounds.

Desomorphine is a suicide drug. Using krokodil causes irreversible complications and death within a few months to a year from the start of taking the drug. After 4 months of crocodile abuse, the drug addict is considered incurable.

What causes epilepsy in dogs, as well as its characteristics

In general, there are primary and secondary epilepsy, secondary epilepsy occurs due to a variety of external factors. Since primary epilepsy is often found in certain groups that are related by blood, it can be considered a disorder that is passed on genetically. However, how this disease is inherited has not yet been determined.

This disease can appear in any breed of dog; signs of epilepsy are also observed in mongrels. However, epilepsy can most often be found among the following breeds: Beagles, Dachshunds, German and Belgian Shepherds, Boxers, Cocker Spaniels, Collies, Golden Retrievers, Irish Setters, Labrador Retrievers, Miniature Schnauzers, Poodles, St. Bernards, Siberian Huskies and Wirehaired Terriers.

The very first seizure in a dog with primary epilepsy appears between the ages of six months and five years. However, if a dog is diagnosed with primary epilepsy, this will not prove that it has a genetic predisposition. It is necessary to conduct a breeding study of this dog in order to prove a genetic predisposition. However, you can pay attention to the breed of the dog, its age, as well as diseases, thanks to which we can assume a genetic cause of primary epilepsy if this disease has already been observed earlier in the family.

There are currently no methods to determine a dog's potential susceptibility to such disorders. If a breeder wants to produce puppies that are completely healthy physically, they should not use dogs that are carriers of primary epilepsy.

Secondary epilepsy is usually called seizures, the causes of which can be determined; there are a huge number of such causes. If the dog is not yet one year old, then the following reasons can be identified:

  • Various infectious diseases in dogs;
  • Dog poisoning with various metals or toxic substances;
  • Perhaps the dog had an accident or was injured. Injuries to the head and brain are especially associated with epilepsy; they can occur if the puppy is handled too roughly. Also, epilepsy can appear after the dog gets an electric shock, after being bitten by snakes, or some insects;
  • The disease appears due to the fact that the dog was not fed correctly, with constipation or kidney and liver diseases. The cause may also be insufficient feeding or lack of certain substances in the feed;
  • Worms or other parasites that affect the intestines;
  • Overstrain of the nervous system, which lasted for a long time.

If this disease appears in a dog whose age ranges from one to three years, then in this case there is a high probability of a genetic factor. If the dog is older than four years, then most likely its epileptic seizures are associated with a variety of metabolic factors, as well as tumors. Brain tumors should be especially taken into account. In addition, seizures are often caused by hypothyroidism, which is a disease of purebred dogs.

How successful the treatment of this disease will be will depend on a huge number of different factors, most often these are endogenous factors. For example, if you do not know the events that led to epilepsy, seizures may begin with tension or excitability of the dog. If we talk about females, physiological changes in them can begin in the seasonal cycle, or during pregnancy. The cable may undergo irreversible changes during pairing. It is at these moments that an attack can begin. If a dog has such disorders, then it should not exert itself, it should not be allowed to reproduce, and in addition, the dog should not participate in sports competitions. The dog must be carefully protected from a variety of stress and experiences.

How to recognize a desomorphine addict

Signs of desomorphine use appear after the first use of the drug. These are not only changes in the emotional and behavioral sphere, but also external signs. So the first alarming symptom is the appearance of injection marks that fester, become crusty, and the smell of chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs from a drug addict. Along with these external symptoms, the person becomes secretive, often leaves home for no reason and does not appear in it for a long time. You can also recognize a drug addict by the following symptoms:

  • mood swings, aggression, irritability;
  • persecution mania, panic attacks;
  • redness of the eyes, lack of pupillary reaction to light;
  • trembling of hands, legs;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • deterioration of sleep, with a predominance of morning rest;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • cyanosis, pale skin;
  • crumbling of teeth;
  • lethargy;
  • lethargy.

Danger of the drug

Krokodil is the most dangerous drug of synthetic origin, as it quickly leads to addiction, intoxication and death. This threat to human life and health is associated with the following factors:

  • Artisanal production method. In addition to medications, desomorphine contains toxic components that are deadly to humans. During production, sanitary standards are also not observed, which increases the risk of secondary infection with HIV, syphilis, and AIDS.
  • Short action. The expected narcotic effect after taking krokodil lasts from half an hour to two hours, and to prolong it, repeated injections are required up to 10 times a day. This leads to the accumulation of toxins in the liver and kidneys, which quickly causes multiple organ failure, affecting other internal organs.
  • Fast addiction. In addition to codeine, desomorphine contains other toxic, narcotic substances, which together, already on the first day of taking several doses, cause “withdrawal”, which becomes the reason for taking the next dose. This is how mental and physical dependence is formed.
  • High risk of overdose. Frequent use of krokodil, severe withdrawal syndrome leads to the need to administer a new dose before the narcotic effect of the previous one ends. This increases the likelihood of overdose with each subsequent dose, which is often fatal.

First aid for a dog in case of poisoning

We will tell you how first aid is provided to a dog in case of poisoning in cases where nothing is known about the specific type of poison.

But! In these cases, we would strongly recommend not to engage in amateur activities, but to immediately take the dog to the veterinarian.

You can try to help the dog yourself in cases where an urgent visit to a specialist is impossible for some reason.

  • It is urgent to flush the dog’s stomach. The faster this procedure is carried out, the greater the chances of avoiding any serious consequences. We recommend using a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).
  • Give the animal 20-30 tablets of activated carbon every two or three hours.
  • As soon as possible, take your pet to the clinic. Large cities are full of 24-hour veterinarians, so this is not a problem.

Consequences of desomorphine

Toxic components, codeine, have a negative effect on the entire body and reduce immunity. The most dangerous consequences for life and health are:

  • destruction of vessel walls, formation of blood clots;
  • heart rhythm disturbances, cardiovascular failure;
  • stroke, heart attack;
  • putrefactive processes, tissue necrosis, gangrene;
  • pneumonia, respiratory failure;
  • secondary infection with syphilis, AIDS, HIV;
  • tooth loss, decay of the jawbone;
  • osteoporosis, arthritis;
  • gastrointestinal ulcer;
  • anorexia;
  • renal failure;
  • cirrhosis, liver dysfunction;
  • cerebral edema;
  • mental illnesses with symptoms indistinguishable from schizophrenia.

Desomorphine has a general destructive effect on the body. Depresses mental and physical health, which inevitably leads to death. The causes of death most often are drug overdose, gangrene, respiratory, cardiac, renal and liver failure, as well as suicide against the background of realistic severe hallucinations.

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Intravenous administration of desomorphine, the inability to calculate the dose, as well as its toxic composition increase the risk of overdose already when administering the first dose. Acute intoxication during an overdose often causes the death of a drug addict. Less commonly, an overdose is caused by mixing krokodil with other drugs or alcohol. In this case, the effect of each psychostimulant is enhanced.

It is impossible to calculate the lethal dosage of desomorphine, since it depends on the ingredients, the concentration of which varies depending on the cook. Therefore, the same dosage with different composition has different effects on the body. If you are intolerant to the components of the crocodile, death can occur after the first dose.

Overdose symptoms

Crocodile poisoning can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • slower speech activity;
  • lack of response to external stimuli (noise, light);
  • pale skin, blueness of the nasolabial triangle;
  • the appearance of cold sweat;
  • violation of respiratory activity, the person begins to choke;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • slow heart rate;
  • fountain-like vomiting;
  • involuntary emptying of the bowel or bladder;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • respiratory and cardiac arrest.

How to help the victim yourself

As a rule, when poisoned with desomorphine, the drug addict loses consciousness, and vital functions are suppressed - urgent help is required. To save the victim, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Call an ambulance. If there is a drug treatment clinic in your locality, it is advisable to immediately call a narcologist to your home. Doctors have more skills and experience in resuscitating drug addicts in case of poisoning with narcotic products.
  • Provide fresh air flow. To do this, just open the window and free the neck and chest area from constricting clothing.
  • Bring the victim to his senses. Slapping, dousing with cold water, and talking will help with this. Otherwise, a person may simply fall asleep and fall into a coma, which, when poisoned by a crocodile, often ends in death.
  • Place the victim on his back, tilting his head to the side, if you cannot rouse him. This will help prevent vomit from blocking the airways.
  • Check your breathing and pulse regularly. If there are no signs of life, you should independently perform resuscitation by indirect massage of the heart muscle and artificial ventilation.

Health care

After the emergency team arrives, their main task is to stop vomiting, restore and maintain cardiac and respiratory activity, and transport the victim to the hospital. In a drug treatment clinic, regardless of the severity of the condition, the patient is placed in the intensive care ward.

To neutralize the effect of krokodil on opioid receptors, as well as to remove the drug from the body, ultra-fast opioid detoxification is prescribed. UBOD involves intravenous administration of antidotes under anesthesia. At the same time, if indicated, the patient is connected to an artificial respiration apparatus. In case of severe poisoning, hemodialysis, plasmapheresis, and hemosorption are also prescribed, which provide extrarenal cleansing of the blood from toxins and desomorphine metabolites.

To restore the functioning of the cardiovascular system, medications are prescribed to normalize blood pressure and thin the blood. In the absence of contraindications, diuretics are mandatory, which stimulate the natural elimination of the drug from the body. To maintain strength, a course of vitamins is prescribed. Next, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

It is possible to save a desomorphine addict only in the first two months of addiction, when the immune system is not completely destroyed, and the organs are still able to partially restore their functions.

Drugs and poisons used

It is difficult to list all the drugs and poisons used, since their variety is too great. In particular, almost all human medicines can play their role, since many of them are extremely poisonous to animals.

Many dog ​​hunters are not particularly imaginative, and therefore use various “canonical” remedies, many of which are well known to veterinarians, and in some cases there are effective antidotes to neutralize them.

Important! Even the best and high-quality antidote is unlikely to help the pet in any way if it is introduced into the dog’s body several hours after the moment of poisoning.

Isoniazid and Tubazid

The drug Isoniazid itself is extremely useful and even vital: it is used to treat tuberculosis in humans, and its therapeutic effectiveness is quite high. The problem is that this medicine is absolutely not suitable for dogs. For them, this is a strong poison, causing vomiting, suffocation and further death from asphyxia.

Tubazid is the second trade name of Isoniazid. Accordingly, it manifests itself in exactly the same way, first aid is provided in the same way.

From the moment the poison enters the body until the first signs of poisoning appear, it can take from 40 minutes to 5 hours (the period depends on the breed, weight of the pet, and other factors):

  • At first, the pet becomes drowsy and apathetic. This is a very fast stage, urgent gastric lavage is highly recommended!
  • The second stage is ataxia, severe loss of coordination of movements.
  • Foamy saliva begins to flow abundantly from the dog's mouth.
  • Poisoning with this substance is characterized by bloody vomiting.
  • It all ends in convulsions, lethargy and coma, from which the pet (even if treatment has been started) does not come out.

Drug withdrawal

The ability of the crocodile to depress mental and physical health does not allow you to leave it on your own. After the first dose, an irresistible desire arises to try desomorphine again. The fight against crocodile addiction is also complicated by the fact that most drug addicts have a significant history of drug addiction with other psychoactive substances before using them.


Any attempts to “get off” the drug lead to the development of a severe clinical picture of withdrawal syndrome, which is characterized by:

  • constant thoughts about the drug;
  • aggression;
  • lack of control over thoughts and actions;
  • hallucinations;
  • excessive salivation;
  • tearfulness, runny nose;
  • chills;
  • sweating;
  • increased body temperature;
  • convulsions;
  • unbearable pain in muscles and joints;
  • grinding teeth;
  • skin itching;
  • increased heart rate;
  • insomnia.

Desomorphine withdrawal is so unbearable that the drug addict literally tears out the hair on his head, tears his skin, and his mental state becomes critically difficult - the person hides in the corner of the room, locks himself and screams.


Since desomorphine is prepared with codeine preparations, it is classified as an opioid. Therefore, to facilitate “withdrawal”, remove the drug from the body, and also in case of overdose, opioid receptor antagonists are administered to drug addicts in a state of anesthesia. These include Naloxone, Naltrexone, Nalorphine, which block the effect of crocodile on receptors. In acute conditions caused by the use of crocodile, it allows you to restore respiratory and cardiac activity and return a person to consciousness.

Naloxone and other opioid receptor antagonists are included in emergency kits in some countries where opioid use is critical.

Antidotes are administered intramuscularly, intravenously or intranasally. Parenteral administration is considered the most effective, in which the drugs begin to act within 1-2 minutes. In case of acute poisoning, a single injection is not enough, so antidotes are repeated at regular intervals. In this case, the first injection is always intravenous, and subsequent ones can be either intravenous or intramuscular, which is necessary to prolong the effect.

How to ease withdrawal

It is impossible to cope with desomorphine withdrawal on your own, since the toxic composition poisons the body already from the first dose, and it is simply impossible to remove crocodile at home. To cleanse yourself from opioids, you should seek help from a drug treatment clinic or call a narcologist to your home, who will carry out the necessary manipulations to alleviate the condition.

In addition to the low effectiveness of relieving “withdrawal” at home, there is also a danger of complications.

The following activities can help cope with withdrawal symptoms:

  • Infusion therapy to naturally cleanse the body of toxins. The drug addict is prescribed droppers with glucose solution, sodium hypochlorite, and vitamins.
  • Hardware therapy. It is used for severe conditions, as well as when there are contraindications to drug detoxification. Involves extrarenal purification of blood plasma using special devices.
  • Symptomatic therapy to relieve severe withdrawal symptoms. For these purposes, antipyretics, analgesics, antihypertensives, diuretics, sedatives, hypnotics, and blood thinners may be prescribed.

After the physical signs of desomorphine “withdrawal” syndrome are relieved, the physical craving for the drug decreases, but the mental dependence remains the same. Constant thoughts about the drug force you to return to it again. Therefore, after successful detoxification, the drug addict must undergo a course of mental rehabilitation, which will eliminate the mental attraction to the crocodile and completely cope with the addiction.


Desomorphine is a dangerous homemade drug, which includes drugs with codeine, household chemicals and other toxic substances. It's addictive the first time. To obtain the desired effect, about 10 injections are required within a day, which leads to rapid destruction of the body and death in the first year of drug addiction. You can cope with desomorphine addiction only in the first 2-4 months of taking the drug. If a person takes Krokodil for four or more months, it is considered incurable, which is associated with suppression of organ and mental functions under the toxic influence of Krokodil.

In what cases is euthanasia necessary?

Sometimes euthanasia becomes the only option for the owner and dog, but in some cases its use is unlawful.

There are two types of reasons for euthanasia:

  1. According to veterinary indications.
  2. For social and domestic needs.

The first type includes various types of body damage:

  • Numerous injuries incompatible with life, for example after an accident.
  • Incurable diseases - malignant neoplasms (cancer with metastases of various locations), inoperable formations of various etiologies (cysts, polyps that cannot be removed or treated conservatively, i.e. with negative dynamics), massive internal bleeding that cannot be stopped, systemic non-contagious diseases, untreatable and with a poor prognosis.
  • Congenital pathologies that exclude the normal functioning of the body.
  • Intoxication with poisons that have no antidote.
  • Infections with highly contagious infections dangerous to humans (zooanthroponoses), for example, carnivore rabies virus.

But it is strictly forbidden to euthanize:

  • An animal that has a disability, but is in consistently good health.
  • An animal that has a malignant tumor, but with a high probability of a favorable outcome.
  • An animal with an infectious disease and a favorable prognosis for it, unless the infection is dangerous to humans.
  • An animal with any disease that has a favorable prognosis.

When the question of euthanasia for veterinary reasons arises, the owner needs to fully examine the dog, consult with a veterinarian and find out the further prognosis of the outcome of the disease.

If there is a really high probability of death, the veterinarian will confirm the presence of indications for euthanasia.

The second type of reasons for euthanizing dogs includes:

  • The extreme old age of the dog and the associated need for specific care. Sometimes a dog has a lot of chronic diseases associated with age-related changes. They may not cause true suffering to the animal, but require large financial costs or the constant presence of the owner. Few average owners can afford this kind of care for an old dog. When this is not possible, people decide on euthanasia.
  • Excessive aggression, uncontrollability, mental disorders, dangerous to humans. If a dog constantly shows pronounced active aggression towards people or other animals, and cannot be trained or corrected in behavior, this is an indication for euthanasia.

But often owners demand that a healthy animal be euthanized simply to please their desires. This is unacceptable and prohibited by law. No veterinary clinic will provide such a service.

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