Wet dog food: rating of the best, review of compositions

Proponents of ready-made industrial diets in dog nutrition are faced with another difficult choice - dry food or wet food. Many mix these products, while others remain faithful to one of them. Of course, wet food has a number of advantages over dry food: they are closer to natural nutrition, which forms the basis of the predator, and do not require additional water. However, when choosing such food, you need to focus on its composition. Many unscrupulous manufacturers include ingredients in the recipe that can do more harm than good. From the article you will learn: what advantages wet food has over dry food, what to look for when choosing a particular product, what the dog’s daily intake is depending on its weight, what veterinarians and owners think about ready-made canned food and spiders.

Advantages and disadvantages of wet food

Like any food product, canned food and pouches have pros and cons. Among the main advantages:

  • balanced composition. The recipe is close to the nutrition of predators, which are dogs, under natural conditions. A high protein content with a minimal proportion of carbohydrate component is the key to the harmonious development of the animal and a way to avoid the accumulation of excess weight. In premium-class and higher products, the share of the meat component reaches 80%, the rest is useful substances;
  • Ease of use. There is no need to cook porridge with meat for your pet, doing this every day, because the dog needs fresh food. It is convenient to take canned food and pouches with you on trips and to the countryside. No need to calculate the number of servings. As a rule, the manufacturer has already calculated the norm for a dog of a certain weight and placed advisory signs on the packaging. For small dogs, pouches can be one serving;
  • high moisture content. A good product will protect your pet from developing urolithiasis;
  • wet diets are better and faster absorbed by the dog’s body, unlike dry food. Let us remind you that food from the owner’s table is digested even worse and only brings harm to the health of the four-legged pet;
  • attractive aroma and taste. Manufacturers of premium and higher grade wet food do not contain flavorings. The attractive taste and aroma are the merit of the meat that is included in the composition and is not subject to deep processing, unlike dry food. Meat in dry diets undergoes crushing, dehydration and high-temperature treatment;
  • soft consistency is suitable for dogs with problem teeth or puppies during their change;
  • variety of products. The owner is offered a variety of flavors, options for different weights and breeds, dietary and medicinal foods;
  • price variety;
  • durable packaging that prevents product damage during transportation;
  • Possibility of storing unopened packaging outside the refrigerator. After opening, you must strictly observe the expiration dates, otherwise the dog will get poisoned or have gastrointestinal upset.

Even the highest quality wet food has disadvantages:

  • short shelf life after opening the package. Refrigerated storage required. If the conditions cannot be met, it is better to give preference to portioned products - spiders;
  • The soft consistency is also a disadvantage of the food. Dogs that do not have dental problems and constantly consume soft food do not clean their teeth and gums. This leads to the formation of tartar and gum degradation. In addition, there may be problems with cleansing the paraanal glands due to the soft consistency of the stool;
  • canned gourmet foods may have a deficient composition;
  • high moisture content leads to the fact that the nutritional value of the portion is reduced;
  • the price of the product compared to dry food, the cost of canned food is approximately 20% higher;
  • addiction and refusal of other foods. Constant feeding of wet food leads to the fact that the dog may refuse other food.

Top 9. Pro Plan Adult Large Robust Lamb

Rating (2021): 4.50

69 reviews from resources taken into account: Yandex.Market, Ozon, Wildberries

Most noticeable effect on the coat Good food for dogs with flaky skin weakened by hair. A special complex of vitamins and minerals in the composition significantly improves the appearance of the dog.

  • Characteristics

    Country: USA (produced in Russia)

  • Average price: 4976 rub.
  • Weight: 14 kg
  • Flavor: salmon
  • Class: premium
  • Needs: coat and skin health

A popular, actively advertised food that owners often choose for their pets. It belongs to the premium class, its composition does not amount to more. But the bulk of the protein is still of animal origin. The food contains a good vitamin and mineral complex. Owners often prefer this diet as dogs usually eat it well. They are attracted to the strong smell. The granules are large enough that pets do not swallow them, but chew them thoroughly. The food has some shortcomings in its composition, but they can be forgiven for its beneficial effect on the coat and skin, as stated by the manufacturer. Therefore, it can be recommended for feeding dogs with flaking, itchy skin, and severe shedding. After some time, the thickness and shine of the coat is restored.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Improves coat condition
  • Good vitamin complex
  • Dogs eat with pleasure
  • Not the best composition
  • High price for premium class

Which brand of food should I choose?

Wet formulations should be selected based on the composition of the product and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Well-advertised brands may be inferior to little-known but high-quality products. In addition, well-known brands include advertising costs in the price of food. The food market has long had a rating of leaders known to dog breeders.

When choosing wet food, you need to focus on:

  • feed composition;
  • price category - frankly cheap food cannot be considered high-class;
  • class - it is better to give preference to premium composition and higher;
  • age, breed and weight of your four-legged friend;
  • pet breeds;
  • purpose of the product – everyday, medicinal, gourmet;
  • type of packaging – jar, pouch (bag), lamister (box);
  • Availability – is there enough food available on store shelves?

If the owner buys wet food for the dog, it is worth remembering that it is better to use it in combination with dry granules or natural food. This will help clear plaque, improve digestion and prevent inflammation of the anal glands.

Top 2. Royal Canin

Rating (2021): 4.88

245 reviews from resources taken into account: Yandex.Market, IRecommend, Ozon

Most Popular Thanks to advertising and recommendations from veterinarians, this food has become especially popular among dog owners. It has the largest number of reviews.

  • Characteristics

    Country Russia

  • Average price: 4200 rub.
  • Weight: 15 kg
  • Flavor: poultry
  • Class: premium
  • Needs: for healthy bones and joints

One of the most popular complete foods, often recommended by veterinarians mainly due to the wide range of medicinal diets that simply have no analogues. Often used by breeders, despite its far from ideal composition. This food for large dogs weighing more than 45 kilograms features large granules and contains additives to support healthy joints and bones. Supplemented with a good vitamin and mineral supplement, taurine to support the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Only suitable for very large dogs as the granules are unusually large - smaller breeds will not be able to handle them. The food is not bad, the animals eat it with pleasure, but it is expensive. For this price you can choose options with the best composition.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Popular food
  • Recommended by veterinarians
  • Unusually large granules
  • Healthy Supplements
  • High price
  • Imperfect composition

See also:

  • 10 Best Holistic Dog Foods


Holistic products are quite expensive. The composition is as natural as possible. cVeterinary experts do not recommend using them on an ongoing basis. Consultation with a veterinarian is required before purchasing. Most often, food of this class is prescribed to dogs with:

  • overweight;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • urolithiasis - treatment and prevention;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Let's consider the best brands of holistic food.


Grandin wet canned food has a rich meat content. It contains no additives that are not inherent in a dog’s natural diet – grains, vegetables and fruits. The packaging says "single protein". The additives are: meat broth and flaxseed oil.


  • grain-free;
  • there are products for different ages;
  • no additives, only meat;
  • the percentage of products is indicated on the packaging;
  • cost - from 130 to 180 rubles per jar.

The manufacturer did not indicate substances used as antioxidants in the composition.


The diet is suitable for dogs of all breeds. Introducing it into the dog’s diet will help slow down the aging of the body. The pet will remain healthy and strong, and the coat will be healthy and shiny. Peculiarities:

  • grain-free;
  • suitable for pets with sensitive digestion and a tendency to allergies;
  • is not therapeutic, prescribed for prophylactic purposes;
  • contains a mix of natural meat, vegetables and minerals;
  • cost - from 300 rubles per 400 gram jar.

Barking Heads

The manufacturer offers food containing 70% natural meat. It undergoes minimal processing. The manufacturer's line includes products suitable for dogs of different ages, weights and breeds. Features of Berking Heads:

  • natural meat, including fish;
  • composition rich in vegetables;
  • seaweed, basil, brown rice;
  • no synthetic flavors or dyes;
  • cost - from 150 to 240 rubles per pack.

Buyers note the high cost of the brand’s products and the high percentage of fat in the composition.


The food is available in cans and bags. The manufacturer offers various flavors: chicken, fish, beef, lamb. duck, turkey. The meat component of canned food can reach up to 90%. Peculiarities:

  • the most gentle processing of components;
  • exclusively natural dyes and flavors, preservatives;
  • no GMO products, soy protein, processed products;
  • cost - from 190 to 400 rubles, depending on packaging.

Buyers note the low prevalence of food in offline stores. You have to order it online.

The best medicinal canned food for dogs

Therapeutic wet food is prescribed to dogs by veterinarians for a particular disease. The duration of such a diet is also determined by the attending physician.

Hill's Prescription Diet I/D



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

Hill's Prescription Diet is a line of veterinary food for the daily diet of dogs with severe health problems. Their appointment is prescribed by the attending veterinarian.

Wet food is recommended for pets who often suffer from intestinal upset. The meat ingredients are turkey and pork liver or chicken; for greater nutritional value, rice and corn are added to the recipe.

Flax seeds supply the animal's body with fatty acids. A complex of vitamins and minerals maintains its healthy appearance. Fiber normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The feed is 95% digestible. The manufacturer assures that the pet’s condition improves within 3 days after starting feeding.


  • contains vitamins and minerals;
  • consists of natural products;
  • Pets like the taste and smell;
  • 2 recipes to choose from;
  • helps improve digestion;
  • Suitable for representatives of all breeds and ages;
  • high digestibility.


  • expensive (260 rubles for a jar weighing 360 g).

The duration of Hill's Prescription Diet I/D depends on the animal's condition. For acute diarrhea, the recommended feeding period is 1-2 weeks; for more serious digestive disorders, veterinarians extend the diet to 3-12 weeks. In special cases, canned food is prescribed for life.

Dr. Clauder's Fur and Skin Diet



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

Dr. Clauder's Fur and Skin is a veterinary diet for dogs suffering from dermatitis or hair loss. The food is based on chicken and rice. The complex of oils supplies fatty acids to the pet’s body for healthy skin and coat.

The manufacturer notes that canned food should not be the basis of an animal’s daily diet. They are prescribed by a veterinarian for severe problems. The food is available in tin cans of 200 or 400 g.


  • consists of natural products;
  • Suitable for all breeds;
  • tongue on the lid for easy opening;
  • quickly normalizes the condition of the skin and coat.


  • cost (150 rubles per package weighing 200 g).

Professional breeders approve of Dr. veterinary canned food. Clauder's and recommend combining them with dry food from the same line. The duration of such a diet should be determined not by an amateur dog breeder, but by a veterinarian.

Farmina "Fish and Potatoes"



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

Farmina is a dietary wet food for dogs. It is prescribed by veterinarians to pets with allergies as a complete diet or temporarily to relieve symptoms of the disease.

The source of protein in canned food is trout and sardines; potato and quinoa are used as carbohydrates. Also contains vitamins and minerals, yeast and fish oil. You can buy canned food in 300 g cans. The manufacturer's recommended feeding period is 3-8 weeks.


  • suitable for all breeds;
  • relieves symptoms of allergies and food intolerances;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • does not contain grains;
  • convenient release form.


  • price (320 rubles per jar);
  • not sold everywhere;
  • pungent fishy smell.

Farmina Fish&Potato is an effective diet that helps fight allergies and diseases of the digestive system of dogs of all breeds.

Super premium

The super premium class of feed differs from the previous one in composition and price. The main difference is the reduced concentration of meat - up to 50%.

Hills Ideal Balance

The food is produced with poultry meat: chicken or turkey with vegetables. The manufacturer has provided food for puppies and miniature breed dogs.


  • In addition to poultry, the composition contains pork;
  • vegetables and bran included;
  • fatty acid balance;
  • no GMOs, soy protein or chemical additives;
  • grain-free;
  • cost - from 160 to 400 rubles per 400 gram jar.

The product is criticized for its low protein (8%) and fat content.

Almo Nature

The meat component of the feed is 50%. The second half of the diet consists of broth, rice, and a small percentage of food additives of exclusively natural origin. Peculiarities:

  • natural composition;
  • no GMO, no corn;
  • various forms of release: jars, pouches, lamisters, tetra packs;
  • cost - from 90 to 250 rubles, depending on packaging.

The manufacturer claims that the product is completely natural, but does not indicate the origin of the antioxidants on the packaging.


The product offers not only food with the usual flavors of poultry and beef, but also exotic ones - elk, venison, wild salmon. Available in the form of pates and stews in jelly. Peculiarities:

  • composition rich in minerals and vitamins;
  • convenient packaging;
  • no GMOs, soy protein, corn;
  • grain-free, flour-free;
  • cost - from 200 to 400 depending on packaging.

Veterinarians do not recommend Bozita food for dogs prone to food allergies. The composition almost always contains chicken, rice is the only source of carbohydrates.

Types of canned food

When coming to the store to buy a new portion of food for their pet, many dog ​​breeders are overwhelmed by the wide range of options. It must be remembered that not every food is suitable for every breed and age of your four-legged friend. The huge variety of ready-made dog foods is not easy to understand, but thanks to the following structure, they can be easily navigated:

  1. By price they are distinguished by: economy class canned food (Chappi, Pedigree, Dog's happiness, Darling), middle class (Royal Canin, Mnyams, Caesar), premium class (Duksfarm, Canidae, Innova) and super premium class (Orijen, Artemis, Go Natura lGrain Free Endurance);
  2. by purpose: everyday, gourmet, medicinal;
  3. by dog ​​age: for puppies, for teenagers, for adult dogs;
  4. by dog ​​weight: for small, medium, large breeds;
  5. by type of packaging: jar, canned food, lamister (portioned box), pouch (portioned bag).

The cheaper the food, the greater the amount of by-products that replace meat it contains, and also the higher the percentage of flavorings, taste substitutes, gelatin and various additives, so it is better not to use economy-class canned food for pet food. Premium food is simply not available for many dog ​​breeders. The best option for both the animal and the owner’s budget remains middle-class food, which we will discuss in more detail.

Unsurpassed quality of the Belcando brand

The manufacturer of Belcando canned food for dogs is Germany. It's no secret that German quality is highly valued in the world; pet food is no exception, and many positive reviews are further confirmation of this. Canned food of this brand is suitable for the daily nutrition of dogs of any age and breed. The percentage of meat in the feed as stated by the manufacturer is 98.8%. Belcando canned dog food is quite varied in taste: meat with noodles, vegetables, liver and even lingonberries.

The food is available in canned food weighing 400 grams and 800 grams, as well as in bags weighing 125 grams. The price range for a small package is from 150 to 200 rubles, for a large package from 250 to 350, the price of a bag of food is from 150 to 250 rubles per piece.

Taking care of your pet with the Berkley brand

Another representative of German pet food manufacturers is Berkley canned dog food, which has also won many positive reviews. To make it easier to choose the right food, Berkeley canned dog food is divided according to the age of the pet - there is food for both puppies and adult dogs. There is only one release form - canned food, varying in weight - 200 grams and 400 grams. The variety of flavors of this brand is simply huge; selected meat is preserved with a side dish of cheese, vegetables, cereals or noodles. The cost of a small package varies from 100 to 150 rubles, a large one - from 150 to 200 rubles per piece.

Food for little gourmets from the Cesar brand

Probably one of the most easily accessible foods, Australian canned dog food Caesar has long found its adherents among Russian dog breeders and continues to conquer the pet food market.

This food has a number of significant advantages:

  • You can buy food in almost any supermarket, even a small one;
  • the cost of a portioned bag of food weighing 100 grams is only 30 rubles;
  • many flavors, both standard meat + vegetables and gourmet ones, for example, chicken baked with dried apricots;
  • Suitable for both puppies and adult dogs.

But Cesar canned dog food has a number of disadvantages, due to which some dog breeders cannot use it to feed their pets:

  1. food is intended for small breeds of dogs;
  2. the weight of each package is no more than 100 grams;
  3. release form - portioned bags and lamisters;
  4. half of the line of food offered is considered a gourmet food and cannot be used for daily dog ​​nutrition

As you can see, this food is not beneficial for owners of large breed dogs, but for owners of miniature breeds, these canned foods can be a real godsend.

Gastronomic variety from the Mnyams brand

The manufacturer of this food clearly cares a lot about pets. The assortment includes canned food Mnyams for dogs of both large and small breeds, as well as food for puppies and adult dogs. They produce canned food weighing 600 grams, costing from 150 to 250 rubles per piece, weighing 200 grams, costing from 100 to 150 rubles, and pates weighing 150 grams, costing an average of 100 rubles per piece. Each jar contains natural meat, fresh vegetables and aromatic herbs. This is another successful product for pets from German manufacturers.

Quality at a reasonable price from the Oscar brand

Domestic manufacturers also did not let Russian dog breeders down by releasing canned food for Oscar dogs, but they also have one drawback - this food is produced only for adult dogs, of any breed. This brand also cannot boast of a variety of tastes; its assortment includes canned lamb, turkey, veal, as well as meat by-products. The price of canned food is quite reasonable, for a 750 gram jar you can pay only 100 to 150 rubles, the cost of 350 grams of food is no more than 100 rubles, and the price of a small 200 gram jar usually does not exceed 60 rubles.

Food for all ages of dogs from the Exi brand

Another successful pet food from Russian manufacturers. This brand differs favorably from all others in that Exi canned dog food is divided not only by the weight of the can and flavors, but also by purpose, for example, the Exi 1 food line contains canned food that is additionally enriched with vitamins for puppies and for aging dogs, as well as for daily nutrition. Exi 2's assortment includes canned food for a complete diet for a healthy adult dog. An important factor for the buyer is the quite affordable price - on average, about 150 rubles for an 850 gram jar. Canned food is available in volumes of 525 grams and 850 grams.

Favorite canned food, because it’s family - brand “Native food”

Canned food for dogs occupies an exceptional place among Russian manufacturers - reviews of this brand are more than enthusiastic. This food has a number of serious advantages, even over foreign competitors:

  • availability of canned food for puppies;
  • availability of a super premium food line with 100% meat content;
  • loyal price - the average cost of an ordinary canned food weighing 525 grams is no more than 100 rubles;
  • wide range of tastes;
  • convenient division of feed by breed and weight - 100, 340, 410, 525, 970 grams.

Thanks to these undoubted advantages, this brand occupies a high position in the rating of pet food.

Many years of experience in the production of Trapeza brand feed

For almost 30 years now, under the Trapeza brand, we have been producing food of excellent quality from natural products and at an affordable price. Wonderful reviews, natural ingredients, but canned food for dogs Trapeza does not have a luxurious assortment, there are only four types of food: poultry, beef, lamb and cold cuts. The price for the buyer is more than fair; the cost of a can of food weighing 750 grams does not exceed 150 rubles.

Swiss quality brand "Bozita"

The food manufacturer is, which has been producing pet food for over a hundred years. The main advantages of Bozita canned dog food are a wide range of flavors, unique Tetra Pak packaging for food, as well as the ability to select food according to the breed, age and needs of the dog. One of the main disadvantages for many owners may be the rather high price - about 250 rubles will have to be paid for a 350 gram jar.

Each dog owner chooses what to feed his pet, but in addition to a nourishing diet, pets require affection, love and care from their owner. Only in this case will healthy animals live in the house and are ready for devoted friendship!

Premium class

The purchase of premium wet food must be approached with special attention.

Some manufacturers artificially inflate the class of the product, although when studying the composition they can only be classified as economy class. A distinctive feature is that the recipe contains by-products.

Royal Canin

A brand of canned dog food that is very common in our country. The manufacturer has created a recipe with a rich composition. The line includes several options for medicinal feeds, which are affordable and widespread.


  • contains meat and offal;
  • rich vitamin and mineral supplement;
  • cereals are present;
  • therapeutic diets for obesity and gastrointestinal problems;
  • cost - from 90 to 250 rubles, depending on packaging.

Buyers note the attractive smell.


The manufacturer has developed specialized formulations for various age groups. There is a special category for dogs whose weight is less than 2 kg. The ingredients are selected in such a way that such babies do not suffer from obesity.


  • meat and offal in the composition;
  • corn is present;
  • the food has a high nutritional index;
  • available in stores;
  • special recipes for special animals;
  • cost - from 90 to 300 rubles.

Monje is not suitable for every animal - you need to carefully study the composition.

Top 6. Wellness CORE Large Breed Adult

Rating (2021): 4.70

35 reviews from resources taken into account: Ozon, Wildberries

Dogs like it, good composition This holistic product, despite the weak smell, is liked by dogs. They eat it with pleasure. There are no complaints about the composition; it contains only natural ingredients.

  • Characteristics

    Country: France

  • Average price: 5670 rub.
  • Weight: 10 kg
  • Flavor: chicken
  • Class: holistic
  • Needs: allergies

High-quality food for large breeds, which can be classified as holistic. It does not contain grain crops; the source of carbohydrates is peas and dried potatoes. The food is rich in minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances; only natural preservatives are used in the composition; there are no artificial flavoring additives. The diet is enriched with chondroprotectors to support joints, which in large breeds often suffer due to increased stress. The smell of the food is not very pronounced, but the dogs eat it with pleasure. Medium size granules, moderately fatty. Cons – there are few reviews about the food, it is not sold everywhere.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Natural composition
  • Dogs like it
  • Mild odor
  • Contains chondroprotectors
  • Not sold in all stores
  • Few reviews

Allowance of wet dog food per day

Each manufacturer provides an information table or recommendations for choosing the rate of feeding your dog wet food.

Dog weightDaily feed intake (in grams)
up to 5 kgabout 450 gr. (divided into 2-3 parts)
6-8 kg470-580 gr.
9-11 kg635-745 gr.
12-19 kg790-1070 gr.
20-24 kg1100-1300 gr.
25-32 kg1350-1600 gr.
33-40 kg1650-1900 gr.
41-50 kg1950-2200 gr.
more than 50 kgup to 2600 gr.

The table contains approximate data. The owner needs to consider:

  • the dog's activity level;
  • health status;
  • individual needs.

Veterinarian recommendations

Veterinary experts recommend a mixed diet so that using exclusively wet food does not lead to health problems:

  • combination of natural food and wet canned food - 75% to 25%;
  • dry granules and canned food - 75% to 25%;
  • it is possible to alternate types of meals (morning and evening);
  • if gourmet food is used, its share should not exceed 10% in the dog’s diet;
  • if the dog refuses other types of food, it is necessary to buy him specialized bones rich in minerals and vitamins. This will help clean plaque from your teeth and massage your teeth.

What is the difference between food for small breeds and regular food?

Keeping small and miniature breeds imposes certain nutritional requirements on the dog owner. Specialized food for decorative dogs is created specifically based on the characteristics of their body.

Since the metabolism of such dogs occurs much faster, they need more high-calorie food of high quality. In such feeds it is easy to calculate the daily and one-time consumption rates, which is difficult to do with home-made feed. If a small dog regularly overeats, this can lead to dire consequences.

A decorative dog puppy grows faster and reaches sexual maturity earlier than its relatives of larger breeds. Puppies' food should be more nutritious and high in calories.

Owner reviews

Irina K. I buy Royal Canin for my dog. We switched to it from Bozita due to the high cost of the latter. Dachshund dog, there are many. it was too expensive for a super-premium class. Combine with cereals and vegetables. Our dog is very active. I can note that there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the coat is fine. The dog eats with pleasure and always runs to the bowl. But he still wasn’t used to dry food.

Oleg R. We were on medicinal food due to urolithiasis. The dog was elderly and had difficulty chewing dry granules, especially since he had problems with sore gums. We switched to canned food - Grandin. I took the new food with pleasure, there was no addiction or unpleasant consequences. It’s a little expensive, but we order online through joint purchases - it’s cheaper.

Advantages of ready-made canned food

Some dog breeders, out of habit or in order to save money, feed their pets with food from the common table - the dogs are offered soups, leftovers from the second meal, and sometimes even difficult-to-digest, unhealthy food. This diet is especially dangerous for purebred dogs, whose digestive system is more delicate and needs the right diet.

Ready-made canned food can solve a number of problems for dog breeders related to feeding their pet:

  • canned food for dogs has an attractive smell and taste, these are the factors that will ensure an excellent appetite for your pet;
  • saving time on food preparation;
  • you can choose food according to your wallet;
  • Thanks to portioned bags, it’s easy to diversify your pet’s diet and identify favorite and least favorite brands and flavors;
  • It’s easy to feed your pet on the go or outside the home;
  • they are better absorbed by dogs;
  • Due to the high humidity, pets do not develop urolithiasis when consuming them.

Despite all the advantages, canned food for dogs has its significant disadvantages.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Wet food is a food that can be combined with other types.
  2. You should not make canned food the only source of nutrients.
  3. The dog needs additional “hard” types of food for teeth cleaning and the functioning of the paraanal glands.
  4. Delicate types of wet food should not make up more than a tenth of the diet.
  5. It is better to choose food from the super-premium class: premium products are often disguised as economy products, and holistic food is not suitable for constant nutrition.

Do you buy wet food for your pets? How do you combine them with other types of food? Share your experience in the comments, please.

Top 5. Farmina Cibau

Rating (2021): 4.72

80 reviews from resources taken into account: Ozon

Inexpensive food for daily diet Super-premium food meets the needs of large dogs for proteins, fats and other nutrients. They eat it with pleasure.

  • Characteristics

    Country: Italy (produced in Serbia)

  • Average price: 4451 rub.
  • Weight:12 kg
  • Flavor: chicken
  • Class: super premium
  • Needs: for healthy dogs

A good super-premium food containing all the necessary nutrients. Designed for healthy large breed dogs with normal activity. Chicken was used as a source of protein, corn and rice as carbohydrates. The cost is no more expensive than other super-premium foods. Despite some errors in the composition, it can be recommended as a daily diet for pets. It’s difficult to call the food the most popular, but many buyers are completely satisfied with the composition, the size of the granules, and the soft meaty smell. It is well absorbed, does not cause allergies, and is eaten by animals with pleasure. If you need relatively inexpensive and high-quality food, Farmina Cibau can be considered as the basis of the diet.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Dogs like it
  • Acceptable cost
  • No pungent odor
  • Optimal granule size
  • Contains a lot of rice and corn
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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