The poodle is one of the most savvy and intelligent dog breeds.

Finally, the necessary examinations have been completed, a suitable partner for the female has been found, and the puppies have been successfully conceived. Now your task is to carefully monitor the well-being of the expectant mother, as well as the development of the fetus.

Pregnancy in bitches lasts on average 60-65 days (9 weeks) from the moment of ovulation and fertilization. If the dog is sick, depressed, or is pregnant for more than 65 days, a caesarean section may be necessary.

Determining the exact date of pregnancy from the first day of mating is in most cases problematic. That is why it is advisable to carry out special tests to determine at what point the egg was released from the ovary into the fallopian tube.

This is explained by the fact that sperm survive several days (up to 5) in the female’s womb. They have a long development path to go through - from the egg to the formed fetus.

In order for your dog’s pregnancy to go smoothly and not be complicated by some unpleasant moments, it is very important to know how the fetus develops week by week. This is why the pregnancy calendar for dogs becomes an excellent tool for novice dog breeders.

First week (0-7 days)

In this phase, mating, fertilization occurs, and the countdown of pregnancy begins. The following point must be taken into account: ovulation does not always occur after the first mating. That is why you need to prepare for a control mating, which is carried out 48 hours after the first one.

Determining whether a female has become pregnant is problematic, so it is necessary to monitor body temperature. Sometimes an animal, just like a person, may experience morning sickness.

It is very important to monitor the dog’s health, provide it with good care and high-quality balanced feeding.

What color should I get a poodle?

You can choose a poodle based on color to suit every taste. White poodles are the most attractive and photogenic, but there are many more worries with them than with a poodle of any other color. Usually, only very clean people risk keeping snow-white poodles. Dreamy people prefer pink or apricot. Blue and anthracite dogs are suitable for any person. From the point of view of care, the most practical thing is to choose a poodle of either a rather rare brown or black color. They are cute in their own way and easier to care for.

Third week (14-21 days)

Embryos, whose size is already at least 1 centimeter, actively move towards the uterus and are evenly distributed in it. From the mother's body through the placenta, they receive nutrients, without which normal life activity is impossible. The next stage of intrauterine development begins - the organs, central nervous system, brain, spine, hind and front legs are formed in future puppies.

It is necessary to exclude the influence of external unfavorable factors on the expectant mother, as they can also affect the offspring. Vaccinations and other interventions in the female’s body are not carried out during this period.

On days 18-19, the size of the fruit reaches 2 millimeters. Embryos take on the body shape found in mammals.

On the 20th day, the size of the embryos is up to 4 millimeters.

The female may experience mood swings, loss of appetite, and swollen mammary glands. Remembering that the dog must provide nutrients not only to its body, but also to its future offspring, feed it as usual and control its appetite.

Care and maintenance

Despite the long and thick coat, caring for a poodle does not require much time, but it is better to be prepared for the financial costs.
The dog's coat is trimmed regularly. There are many options for grooming your dog. The wool can be picked up, braided and hardened with multi-colored hairpins. Grooming a dog can be done at home or with the help of a special groomer. Haircut price from 1,500 rub. This is an additional expense, since the dog is cut at least once every three months. The rest of the time, the hair is combed out, since its structure is soft and without care, mats will form on the dog. If the wool has gathered into a tangle, it is combed out. Once every few months, the dog is washed with special detangling shampoos or simple baby shampoo. After washing, the wool is dried with a hairdryer, since it will take a long time for the “fur coat” to dry on its own, and this increases the likelihood of developing fungal diseases on the skin.

The dog's nails are trimmed every 2-3 weeks. In the summer, the claws wear off on the asphalt and the procedure is carried out less frequently.

Particular attention should be paid to the animal’s ears. Poodles have a predisposition to ear diseases, so when grooming, do not forget to pluck the hair from the ear.

Fourth week (21-28 days)

A veterinarian and an experienced dog breeder can feel the fetus by palpating the abdomen. In embryos, the organs of vision develop, the muzzles take on their usual shape, and the spine becomes stronger. The fruit size is up to 1.5 centimeters in length.

In veterinary medicine, this period of pregnancy is considered the most important, since puppies are especially vulnerable to the development of abnormalities and damage. The dog must be limited in physical activity and physical activity. There is a need for nutritional correction; additional nutritional supplements are introduced into the diet.

The female's nipples become rough, and a small amount of clear fluid may be released from the vagina.

Origin history and interesting facts

For a long time, France was considered the birthplace of decorative dogs. But modern scientists are inclined to believe that the history of the poodle breed originates in Germany. The word "poodle" comes from the German for "swimming in water." But the pets received recognition precisely in France. Here they became the most sought after dogs for waterfowl hunting.

It is believed that it was at this time that the characteristic haircut appeared. The pet's fur often got caught in the algae while swimming. This caused a lot of trouble for the dog. To protect the pet from algae, the fur was cut off, leaving a “fur coat” on the paws and neck to maintain natural body heat.

  • An old breed. Images of pets resembling poodles have been found on Roman and Egyptian artifacts that date back to the 1st century BC. This gave every reason to claim that this breed is one of the oldest in the world.
  • "Witness" of a robbery. The famous jeweler Benvenuto Cellini was the proud owner of a poodle, Barucco. The dog guarded a jeweler's workshop, and one day witnessed a robbery. The caught thief denied it, and it is unknown how the investigation would have ended if the “witness” Barucco had not intervened. He recognized the robber and attacked him. Such attacks continued until the thief confessed to the robbery and returned the stolen goods.
  • A true musician. Richard Wagner, the greatest composer, loved to take his pet poodle to orchestra rehearsals. The four-legged music lover listened to music with pleasure. But if there was disharmony or someone was out of tune, the poodle immediately announced what had been done with a loud bark.
  • Brave hero. This story was officially recorded by the police. A few years ago in Chelyabinsk, a certain Lyudmila Chernyshova was walking with her poodle. Right in front of the entrance she was attacked by a Staffordshire terrier. The woman was threatened with disability if the owner had not been protected by the poodle. He attacked a dog that was significantly larger than him in size, aggressiveness and strength. The poodle, who turned attention to himself, saved Lyudmila at the cost of his life.

Fifth week (28-35 days)

During this phase, the amount of amniotic fluid increases, which makes it difficult to palpate the fetus in the dog’s stomach. Puppies are no longer so susceptible to developing abnormalities. They develop claws, whiskers, and genitals. At 30-32 days, the size of embryos is up to 2 centimeters, at 33-34 - 2.7 cm. Body weight is 20% of the weight of newborn puppies.

On the 33rd day, the palate tightens or completely closes. If this does not happen, the puppy is born with a pathology incompatible with life - a cleft palate.

The female gains weight, this is due to the presence of amniotic fluid and the rapid development of the fruits. The dog should receive enhanced nutrition, fractional feeding, in small portions. Under no circumstances should you give your animal medications or chemicals, as they will inevitably harm the offspring.

During this period, it is advisable to conduct an ultrasound examination to determine how the future offspring develops and whether they have any abnormalities. An ultrasound can also determine the number of puppies.

Pregnancy by week

When the 4th week comes, the dog may sometimes refuse food and vomit. Such signs are noticeable already from 20 to 22 days of mating with a male. A day before such signs, hearts are already formed in puppies. Try to feed the expectant mother better. Let the portions be larger and nutritious.

From 26 to 27 days, the veterinarian can feel the embryos in the bitch’s stomach and confirm that she is pregnant. The fruits at this time are about the size of a walnut.

On the 28th day, the fruits become fully formed, only temporarily remaining not covered with hair.

The 5th week is characterized by the fact that the belly of the expectant mother is noticeably rounded. The nipples become larger and pinker, and the area around them becomes lighter.

If you have the desire and opportunity, you can do an ultrasound from the 32nd day. The fetuses are already gaining 20% ​​of the weight they will be at birth.

On the 33rd day, the paw bones and ribs of babies become stronger.

The 36th day is characterized by the fact that the internal organs of the fetus are fully formed.

From 48 to 50 days, you can take an x-ray and you will find out how many puppies your girl has. There is no need to rush, the baby will give birth to babies in due time anyway.

10 days before the onset of labor, veterinarians recommend reducing the amount of protein in the diet.

At the 8th week or from 55 to 57 days, the bitch begins to lick herself more actively and looks for a place where she plans to give birth to offspring. When the time of birth is about to come, the bitch's temperature becomes lower and is 36 degrees. This means that there are from 8 to 36 hours left before the birth.

As a responsible owner, you should be there to help in the event of a difficult birth. In small dogs, the offspring may not survive without human help.

Seventh week (42-49 days)

The puppies develop safely and quickly; at this stage they are already fully formed.

The female sheds heavily, especially in the abdominal area. This is a normal physiological phenomenon and should not cause concern. In this way, the expectant mother’s body prepares for the birth of babies.

Complementary feeding with special food for puppies can be omitted, and the female can be transferred to the usual method of feeding, but the food must be nourishing, enriched with vitamins and nutrients.

Male or female?

For many people, the gender of the dog they buy is not indifferent. Bitches, as a rule, are more affectionate and affectionate, have a more subtle and rich psyche, are smarter than males, are easier to train and are toilet trained. These qualities completely smooth out some possible inconvenience for the owner caused by females twice a year during the period of emptying and the birth of puppies. Males are more elegant, stricter and more aggressive than females, and require longer walks. It is believed that if a family is raising a boy, then it is better to purchase a male, and if a girl, then a female. Who should I choose? This must be attributed entirely to the desires, intuition and individuality of the owner.

Eighth week (49-57 days)

During this period, the owner needs to be on alert, as puppies can be born at any minute. The bone tissue of puppies is already very strong, the teeth are formed, and their growth corresponds to the size of newborns. An ultrasound will accurately determine the number of fetuses.

Physical activity and stress accelerate this process, so it is necessary to surround the expectant mother with care and attention, make sure that she moves less and rests more. It is advisable for the puppies to stay in their mother's belly for a week. When the dog is lying down, you can feel the puppies to see how they move in the uterus.

The female begins to secrete colostrum from her nipples, which is a harbinger of childbirth. She worries, looks for a comfortable, quiet place for childbirth, lies most of the time, getting up only to eat and perform natural needs.

What are the difficulties of breeding poodles?

— The difference in determining growth boundaries in the Anglo-American standards and the FCI standard. — The common origin of poodles of three small varieties, mixed breeding and, as a result, a wide variation in height and type among puppies of the same litter. — The presence of clear intra-breed types, sometimes so different that it’s time to talk about different breeds. — Different approaches to assessing colors in the FCI standard (strictly 5 colors) and the countries leading in modern poodle breeding (USA - “any uniform color”). The result is the appearance of puppies of non-standard (according to the FCI, namely the French Poodle Club) colors. — black breeder`s, wilde breeding, “sovok”-mentality. That is why careful selection of the parent pair and knowledge of the ancestors (at least height, color) are so important in breeding poodles.

Ninth week (57-59 days)

During this phase, the puppies' muzzle, paws, tail and belly are covered with soft, light hair. The body and internal organs are entering the final stage of formation. Since the puppies are already quite large, they fill the entire body of the uterus and practically stop moving.

The dog behaves restlessly, is worried, and tries to dig holes. The owner can expect the first contractions and the pet.

The appearance of the long-awaited offspring usually occurs on the 65th day. Representatives of large breeds may give birth earlier - on the 63rd day. This is not considered an anomaly.

The owner must make sure that everything is prepared for this important process. A dog should not need for anything. The bitch avoids contacts, tries to protect herself from the outside world. There is no need to force feed, as appetite decreases before childbirth. A dog should eat when it wants it.

The approach of labor is determined by measuring temperature. The normal body temperature of an adult dog is on average 37-38.9 degrees. 12-24 hours before birth it decreases by 1-2 degrees. A characteristic sign of labor is the discharge of amniotic fluid, which is a viscous liquid of a light yellow color.

During this period, the corpus luteum ruptures and the cervix opens. Hormonal changes occurring in the body provoke increased contractions of the uterus and contractions. Puppies are born one at a time, after a certain period of time. Their bodies are covered with fur, their eyes are tightly closed.

Difficulties in breeding poodles.

Poodles are a healthy and cheerful breed. The harmonious structure of their body, athleticism and “active balance” help them in the difficult task of continuing the poodle family. Mating, whelping, whelping and raising puppies most often occur without complications in poodles of all varieties. Litters can be large; even dwarfs have 5-6 puppies. Puppies grow and develop very quickly and show high intelligence early. Poodles retain their liveliness of mind, quick wit and puppy-like love of games until old age. Compared to many other breeds, poodles are long-lived - a sprightly 15-16 year old poodle is not at all uncommon; many live in their right mind and good memory until they are 18 years old. Poodles are not overly burdened with hereditary diseases and most often produce physically healthy puppies .

Everything could have been so wonderful! The breed is popular all over the world, there are many excellent poodles, what difficulties might there be? But there is a breed standard, there are height varieties, and there are color requirements. FCI recognizes the French standard. This is the only breed recognized as French, in the breeding and quality of which France is far behind many countries. The leader and trendsetter in modern “poodle breeding” is now the USA, magnificent poodles in the Scandinavian countries and the UK, the top ten most popular poodle breeds are in Canada, Australia, Germany, Holland, Italy and, of course, in Russia. All these countries are ahead of France in the popularity and quality of breeding of the “French” breed. Poodle lovers from different countries meet at exhibitions, communicate on the Internet, become friends with kennels, exchange breeding dogs, and buy puppies in different countries. And what's wrong with that? There is nothing bad. It’s just becoming difficult to breed poodles, because there is an FCI standard (French) that we must adhere to, and there is English, American, Canadian... and the Scandinavians breed their amazing poodles as if they haven’t read any standards at all and don’t know what FCI is ! In addition to different standard requirements, the traditions of dog breeding itself are very different.

Litter size

The number of puppies depends on the age and breed of the animal. Miniature dogs of decorative breeds give birth to only one baby, while large ones have 15 or more.

Young bitches give birth often and fruitfully. However, when they reach 4 years of age, reproductive function declines. At first, the number of puppies decreases, and in old age (after 7 years) it decreases as much as possible. The small number of babies (no more than two) is due to insufficient uterine contractions due to dystonia and the large size of the fetuses. This phenomenon is typical for all dogs, regardless of breed.

Editorial staff of

In the photo: poodle with puppies

Breed standard (appearance)

  • Body. The frame is light, with a flat back, and the body is dry.
  • Head. Slightly elongated, the occipital part is pronounced.
  • Muzzle. Slightly elongated. Has a smooth transition to the forehead.
  • Nose. The back is straight, the nose can have a different color, depending on the color of the poodle.
  • Lips. Thin, fit tightly to the mouth.
  • Teeth. Scissor bite, teeth well developed.
  • Eyes. Wide set, almond shaped. Color ranges from black to amber. Light and gray eye colors are not allowed.
  • Paws. Developed, tall, straight. The elbows are pressed tightly to the body. In a standing position, the paws look parallel to each other; turning in any direction is not allowed. The claws are developed, the color depends on the color of the coat.
  • Neck. Long, in relation to the body located at a right angle. Slightly curved when walking.
  • Ears. Low set, oval in shape, hanging, close to the head. The outside of the ears is covered with long, curly hair.
  • Wool cover. There are two types of coat: curly and corded. In both cases, the coat is long throughout the body, soft to the touch, and has an undercoat.
  • Color. Until 2005, only black, white, apricot, silver, brown, merley, and harlequin were officially recognized. But thanks to a petition from dog breeders from many countries, the red color was officially recognized. Tan poodles are considered substandard and are discarded. The brindle color is an unofficially recognized one, and in many countries such puppies are not culled.
  • Tail. Until 1999 it was stopped. Today, undocked, raised high and tilted to the side is acceptable. At the owner's request, it is docked only at ½.

Poodle pregnancy

According to the rules of the Belarusian Cynological Association, it is possible to breed a toy and toy poodle female at 15 months, and male dogs at 12 months. Small and large poodle females are allowed to breed at 18 months, males - from 15 months. However, there is no need to rush; it is better to wait until the dog is at least 2 years old. If the dog is older than 4 - 5 years, pregnancy and childbirth may be associated with complications.

“Pregnancy is for health” is one of the most dangerous myths of many owners!

Pregnancy is not a healing process. This is a lot of stress and strain on the immune system and internal organs. Therefore, only a perfectly healthy dog ​​should give birth.

Typically, a poodle pregnancy lasts 63 days. The maximum difference is from 53 to 71 days, in which case the puppies are born viable.

1. At an early stage (the first 3 weeks after mating) it is impossible to determine whether the bitch is pregnant.

2. At the 4th week, using ultrasound, you can estimate the approximate number of puppies.

3. At the 5th week, the sides become more convex (sometimes the sign is absent until the 7th week), the skin of the nipples becomes lighter.

4. At the 6th week, puppies can be palpated. After this, the size of the fruit increases, the nipples become softer and larger.

It is better if palpation is carried out by a veterinarian; you can damage the fruits yourself, especially in small breed dogs.

During pregnancy, the dog should move, but not become overtired. The expectant mother should not be disturbed unless absolutely necessary, take long trips by car or public transport, or be kept in a noisy, cramped room. If during pregnancy your dog's condition suddenly changes, he begins to refuse to eat, his temperature rises, or there is discharge from the genitals, you should consult a veterinarian.

The second half of pregnancy may be characterized by minor mucous discharge. The discharge becomes abundant, yellowish or greenish - this means that labor is approaching. 1–2 days before giving birth, the dog begins to worry, whine, lick the genitals, and scratch the walls or floor. Pulse, breathing, and urination increase. The dog refuses food and drinks constantly.

  • Puberty, mating
  • False pupishness
  • Puppies
  • Whelping
  • Complications during whelping
  • Caring for newborn puppies
  • Caring for a bitch after giving birth and postpartum diseases
  • Health problems in newborn puppies
  • Poodle breeding practice

    Puberty, mating

    Puberty in dogs begins early. Females usually reach sexual maturity at 6-8 months of age, males at 12-16 months of age. At this time, animals experience a desire to copulate. Dogs, especially females in heat, must be carefully monitored to prevent early and unwanted mating.

    True physical development in bitches is completed only at the age of 18–24 months. Males are allowed to breed from 18 months. To breed poodles, you should use bitches over 24 months of age.

    During the year, the bitch has two sexual cycles with an interval of 6 months. Each sexual cycle ends with estrus, or mating. At this time, the dog experiences swelling and an increase in the size of the external genitalia, mucus is released from the genital slit, initially bloody, on the eighth to tenth day reddish, then lighter.

    Discharges have a specific property - they serve to transmit information to the opposite sex about the bitch’s readiness for reproduction and spread over long distances. The dog at this stage becomes playful and easily excitable. In a current bitch, the mammary glands sometimes become enlarged, and milk may be released in small quantities. During this period, the bitch should be walked only on a short leash and accidental matings should not be allowed.

    Mating is carried out on days 9-14 from the date of the start of estrus. Only healthy animals, previously examined by a veterinarian, are allowed to breed. There are two methods of knitting: freestyle and manual. Freestyle mating: the dog and the bitch are left together for a while. This method is used when the bitch shows a clear interest in the male, and the latter already has some experience. When hand-knitting, animals are given assistance. This method is used when mating a young bitch who, when a male dog approaches, behaves restlessly and snaps. It is recommended to put a muzzle on the bitch to prevent her from biting the dog. During mating, the bitch must be caressed, holding the collar with one hand and the belly with the other.

    Mating is best done in the morning, before feeding, after walking the dogs well.

    Before the end of sexual intercourse, it is prohibited to forcibly separate animals.

    The second, control, mating is usually carried out to ensure that the bitch is fertilized one or two days after the first.

    The mating dates are recorded and the estimated due date is determined from them.

    False pupishness

    5-8 weeks after the end of estrus, the dog's nipples may become enlarged and other signs of true pregnancy may appear. This is the so-called false, or imaginary placiness. Dogs drag toys to their place, place them under the nipples from which milk flows, and take the pose of a nursing mother. They go outside reluctantly, after a short walk they hurry home, rush to the toy “puppies”, sniff and lick them...

    Helping the dog in this case involves changing its diet and giving it sedatives. Dairy products are completely excluded from the diet. You should not express milk from your dog's nipples. It is necessary to consult a veterinarian. The doctor will prescribe the dog sedatives and psychotropic drugs in appropriate doses and the dog will quickly recover.


    After mating, the bitch requires special attention, since intrauterine development and the correct formation of the fetus are closely dependent on the state of the body of the expectant mother. The health of the future puppy can be negatively affected by an imbalance in the mother's food supply, the absence or deficiency of vitamins in the food, insufficient exercise of the pregnant bitch, as well as untreated wounds, worms, etc.

    If the feces of the dogs involved in mating have not been tested for worm eggs, then 10–15 days after mating the bitch should be given an anthelmintic medication. Giving your dog anthelmintic drugs after the thirtieth day of pregnancy is not recommended.

    Very serious attention should be paid to the walking of a pregnant dog: throughout pregnancy, she should walk at least two hours a day.

    From the day of mating until the end of the feeding period, the bitch adds calcium glycerophosphate, calcium gluconate or calcium phosphate (0.1 to 1 g per day) to her food. In the absence of mineral salts, it is necessary to give the dog meat and bone or fish and bone meal in the same doses.

    The pregnancy state lasts from 58 to 63 days. From the thirtieth day, the dog is carefully monitored, activities and games associated with sudden movements and significant stress are stopped.

    The dog owner is usually concerned about whether pregnancy has occurred. However, there are no reliable signs of pregnancy in a dog in the first four weeks after mating. The dog may be sad and lethargic, drink and eat a lot, or vice versa. In the fifth week after mating, her nipples swell, acquire a pale pinkish color, and colostrum begins to separate. Mucus discharge is observed from the vagina. By the sixth week, the belly increases, the dog begins to build a nest, but it is still impossible to say for sure that pregnancy has occurred.

    Clarity comes by seven to eight weeks, when it is already possible to feel the movement of the fetuses, which is a reliable sign of pregnancy.

    Owners of mated bitches should be fully aware of the need for constant contact with a veterinarian during both the preparation of the dog for mating and whelping. The doctor will not only observe the dog, but will also tell the inexperienced fan how to behave and what assistance to provide to the dog and puppies, if the need arises.

    During pregnancy, not only external changes are observed in the structure of the dog’s body, but also changes in metabolism occur. The endocrine glands begin to work intensively. The amount of blood increases - by 20-25% by the end of pregnancy. The explanation is simple: it is necessary to nourish the developing fruits and remove unnecessary metabolic products from them.

    The dog’s cardiovascular system works in accelerated mode: the pulse quickens and the number of respiratory movements increases.

    The process of gestation usually proceeds favorably if the dog is provided with good living conditions.

    The most important components of a dog's food are: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, water and vitamins.


    Pupping, as a rule, is not unexpected. Usually, some signs appear that can be considered as harbingers of childbirth - a sagging belly, refusal to feed, etc., but above all - anxiety: the dog tears up the bedding, prepares a “nest” for itself, changes places, whines, hides in dark corners, often seeks help from the owner. In addition, before childbirth the following phenomena are observed: the external genitalia swell and mucus is released from them. The size of the nipples and mammary glands increases, and colostrum appears. But some dogs produce colostrum later, sometimes during or immediately after birth.

    At the first signs of labor, it is necessary to wash the external genitalia, abdomen, perineum, inner thighs with warm water and toilet soap and wipe dry.

    The birthing area must be provided with clean bedding, and it must be of such size that the dog can stretch out while lying on its side. During birth, bedding must be changed, ensuring that the dog and newborns are dry at all times.

    For childbirth, you should prepare a “birth kit”: a set of clean gauze napkins, cloth napkins, 5% iodine tincture, boiled linen threads, scissors. Have hot water on hand if you need to revive a puppy with breathing problems.

    You shouldn't be afraid of childbirth. They usually proceed without serious complications.

    Contractions (periodically repeated wave-like contractions of the uterine muscles) are the main force of labor. During contractions, the uterus opens and the fetus is further expelled. The children's place is also displayed. At the beginning of labor, uterine contractions are not so noticeable, but later they gradually intensify and soon become maximum in strength. Then the muscles of the uterus relax, and there is a pause. During one of the contractions, light amniotic fluid is released. This is fine.

    The second period is the actual birth, pushing. Pushing is a contraction of the muscles of the uterus with simultaneous rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the abdominal wall and diaphragm. Attempts in a dog appear after the uterus dilates and occur reflexively. Within certain limits, they can be enhanced or restrained by the dog itself. Thus, efforts that increase intraperitoneal pressure and contractions create conditions for the fetus to come out.

    During a normal birth, the dog's assistance is limited to monitoring the birth and delivering the newborns. The reception of a newborn is as follows. Immediately after birth, the puppy’s mouth and nose must be cleared of mucus and amniotic fluid by inserting a gauze swab into the puppy’s mouth and immediately pulling it out. Mucus and amniotic fluid that enters the puppy’s mouth are quickly absorbed into dry gauze and do not cause further complications.

    After treating the oral cavity, the umbilical cord and wiping the puppy dry, give it to the mother, who will lick it, then place the newborn on the nipple and, if necessary, help him take the nipple, i.e., by spreading the hair around the nipple, lightly press on it until colostrum appears and attach the puppy lips to the nipple. You should also make sure that the dog does not crush the cubs near it during subsequent contractions. For a while, they can be moved to the side or placed in some clean box on a litter with a heating pad placed under it. The puppies should not be taken away; the mother should see them and be calm for them.

    The puppy may walk head or rear first, which does not matter if the bladder and umbilical cord are intact. If the puppy walks backwards, you need to help him get out, otherwise he may choke. At the moment when the bitch is pushing, you need to take with your hand what is sticking out and pull it out and down. The bitch herself opens the amniotic sac and bites the umbilical cord, separating it from the placenta. If the umbilical cord is long and the placenta does not come out after the puppy, then after biting it remains in the birth canal and should come out before the next puppy.

    If labor proceeds quickly and the bitch does not have time to open the membranes, we need to help her. It is easy to tear the bubble with your fingers (near the puppy’s muzzle), then cut off the umbilical cord with disinfected scissors so that 2-3 cm remains to the navel. It usually takes 3-5 hours from the start of pushing to the birth of the first puppy. If more has passed, the bitch is pushing, but there are no puppies, you need the help of a veterinarian. But there is no need to panic. It is very important to maintain a calm environment around the woman in labor.

    The end of labor is subsiding postpartum contractions that occur during contraction of the uterus and birth canal, which return to their normal state.

    Complications during whelping

    It is very important to promptly detect the pathology of birth, be able to provide timely assistance to the dog and puppy, and, if necessary, resort to urgent and qualified veterinary care.

    Problems arise for many reasons, in particular due to spontaneous disruption of the contractility of the uterus and muscles of the abdominal wall, as well as due to inept and premature human intervention.

    Incorrect childbirth can also be the result of mating a female of a small breed with a male of a large breed, as a result of which the size of the fetus does not correspond to the size of the birth canal. A violation in the correct position of the fetus is also important for the occurrence of pathology. And the most important factor in the occurrence of pathology is the health of the puppy dog ​​at the beginning of labor. Any irregularities in feeding, lack of vitamins in food, poor sanitary and hygienic conditions lead to improper delivery.

    If the dog, after the birth of the puppy, does not rupture the amniotic sac and does not bite the umbilical cord, it is necessary to urgently rupture the bladder with washed hands and tie the umbilical cord with prepared boiled threads at a distance of 2 cm from the puppy’s abdomen and cut the umbilical cord with scissors. Lubricate the umbilical cord incision site with iodine tincture and rub the puppy dry with gauze or linen napkin.

    Weak contractions and pushing are called rare and short-term contractions of the uterus and abdominal press. In this case, the birth of puppies is delayed or becomes impossible. In veterinary medicine, a distinction is made between primary and secondary weak contractions and pushing, or labor weakness. Primary contractions in dogs are considered to be those contractions and attempts in which contractions of the uterus and abdominal muscles are insufficient to squeeze out the fetus both at the beginning and at subsequent stages of labor. Secondary weak contractions and pushing are called weakening or cessation of contractions of the uterus and abdominal muscles during childbirth, which were preceded by normal or too strong contractions and pushing.

    The causes of primary labor weakness are improper maintenance and inadequate feeding of a pregnant dog, abdominal wall hernia, obesity, etc. Secondary labor weakness usually appears as a result of overwork of the uterine and abdominal muscles during the birth of a large puppy or when its position is incorrect, when labor is normal or strong. turns out to be ineffective.

    Helping a dog with primary weakness involves lightly massaging the abdominal muscles towards the pelvis. The animal must be given strong brewed warm tea with milk. In case of secondary birth weakness, the dog should be given a sweet, strong hour with milk or coffee. If there are no positive results in both cases, urgent veterinary attention is required.

    Dry labor in dogs is a birth that occurs with insufficient moisture in the mucous membrane of the birth canal, which is usually the result of premature rupture of amniotic fluid. The outcome of such a birth will be the more unfavorable the more time passes from the moment of rupture of amniotic fluid to the provision of first obstetric care.

    First aid for a dog is to eliminate dryness of the mucous membrane of the birth canal. To do this, the vaginal mucosa is generously lubricated with sterile thick petroleum jelly, sterile petroleum jelly or vegetable oils. Further obstetric care for the dog will be determined by the veterinarian.

    Vaginal narrowness is most often observed in young dogs when they are mated prematurely, i.e., before physiological maturity. This pathology can also be congenital, which is detected only during childbirth.

    Vaginal narrowness also occurs in dogs that have suffered from inflammatory processes that result in adhesions or scarring of the genital organs.

    The narrowness of the vagina is an obstacle to the birth of puppies. At the beginning of labor, the dog's contractions and pushing are normal. Then, when the fetus approaches the vagina, as a result of its narrowness, painful irritations occur, which intensify contractions and efforts, which may result in vaginal rupture. The puppy, as a rule, dies from asphyxia caused by compression of the vessels of the rapidly contracting uterus or from strangulation of the umbilical cord.

    The necessary assistance is the emergency intervention of a veterinarian. Before his arrival, the vagina should be lubricated with Vaseline oil, syntomycin emulsion or flaxseed decoction previously boiled in a water bath.

    The birth of each puppy ends with the discharge of the placenta. Therefore, it is important that the number of puppies born and the number of afterbirths released are the same. The period of release of the placenta can last up to 3 hours, which is considered normal.

    Retained placenta in dogs leads to bleeding and inflammation. First aid for a dog consists of massaging the abdomen with light hand movements towards the pelvis. The intervention of a veterinary specialist is mandatory.

    When a large puppy is born, attempts at physical assistance to extract the fetus in the initial stages of labor may be timely and justified. Such emergency assistance has to be provided when a large puppy gets stuck with some parts of its body when exiting the vagina. Obstetric care in this case is carried out as follows.

    The vaginal mucosa and fetus are lubricated with sterile oils - vaseline, vegetable. The fetus is wrapped with a sterile gauze napkin and removed very carefully, always in accordance with attempts. There is also such a pathology as retention and lack of milk.

    Milk retention for a short period of time (up to 2 hours) after the birth of puppies is more often observed in primiparous dogs. The reasons are various: the nervous environment created by others during childbirth, neuro-physical stress in the last weeks of pregnancy, etc. Diseases of the genital organs with dysfunction of the endocrine glands lead to a lack of milk for a longer period.

    Help consists of treating the dog kindly. She needs large quantities of milk and dairy products. If milk is delayed for a long time and there is a threat of its complete absence, it is necessary to immediately organize artificial feeding of the puppies.

    Caring for newborn puppies

    The puppy's main food product is mother's milk, which contains everything necessary to ensure the normal functioning of his body. In turn, the usefulness of mother's milk depends on how and what you feed her. Her nutrition should be complete and plentiful.

    During the period of feeding puppies, it is necessary to carefully ensure that stronger puppies do not push weaker ones away from the mother’s nipples. Weak puppies should be placed under the milkiest nipples.

    Well-fed puppies sleep. If puppies whine or worry, it means they are hungry. When the puppies are 14 days old and open their eyes, you need to start feeding them (if the dog has little milk, then earlier than this). Puppies can be fed or even artificially fed at any age.

    At first, puppies need to be fed twice a day, after they have suckled their mother's milk, gradually increasing the number of meals. When the puppies are two weeks old, they can be fed up to 5-6 times a day.

    When artificially feeding blind or newly born puppies, they are fed from a bottle with a nipple on it, with a hole made in it so that milk heated to a temperature of 38–38.5 °C drips freely through the hole.

    By 13–15 days, puppies open their eyes, and then they must be taught to eat from a saucer. It is recommended to feed each puppy separately, giving food until the puppy refuses it. After this, the puppy can be placed under the dog.

    The puppies are fed whole warm milk, as well as baby artificial food “Malyutka” and “Malysh”. Grown-up puppies can be given thin milk porridges made from semolina, oatmeal, and from the fourteenth day - white bread with boiled milk, homemade low-fat minced meat, homemade cottage cheese.

    As the puppies grow, the dog's milk becomes less and less, and she begins to avoid puppies. She should not be forced to constantly be near the puppies, since as milk accumulates in the mammary glands, she will feed them herself.

    On the 4th-6th day after birth, poodle puppies need to have their tails docked (shortened). Their length is determined by the standard, considering that no less than 1/3 and no more than 1/2 of the tail should be left from the body. At the same time, you can remove the fifth toe on the front paws, as is customary in England, the USA and many other countries. The fifth toe on the hind legs, the so-called “wolf” toe, must be removed, although poodles with this toe are very rarely born. All these procedures should be carried out by a veterinarian or an experienced dog breeder.

    In England, the ponytail is shortened, not by cutting it off, but by tying it tightly with a narrow elastic band in the place where it should end. After a few days the end dries out and falls off.

    On the tenth day, to avoid scratching the mother's nipples with claws during feeding, puppies should carefully trim their claws and sharpen them with a file.

    The dog's milk disappears 40–45 days after birth, by which time the puppies can feed on their own and can already be separated from their mother.

    Caring for a bitch after giving birth and postpartum diseases

    After giving birth, the dog needs special care, since the mother’s body, weakened by pregnancy and childbirth, is susceptible to various diseases. Therefore, a postpartum dog must be protected from colds.

    To prevent infection of the genitals and mammary glands, it is necessary to systematically change the bedding, and regularly wipe the perineum and mammary glands with a disinfectant solution of potassium permanganate (pale pink) or a solution of furatsilin.

    The first two weeks after birth, the dog experiences discharge, first grayish-mucous, then colorless. If the discharge turns dark green and has an unpleasant, putrid odor, your dog should have its temperature taken and seek veterinary help.

    It is not recommended to force a dog to take long walks; the instinct of protecting puppies and motherhood is so strong that the dog is afraid to leave its puppies even for a short time. After 2–3 weeks, when the dog is calmer, the duration of walks can be increased.

    A bitch may develop some diseases during the postpartum period.
    Let's look at some of them. Inflammation of the mammary gland
    Inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis) occurs quite often. The disease is preceded by cracked nipples, which become inflamed due to the penetration of microflora. Then the inflammation spreads to the entire mammary gland, it increases in size, becomes hot to the touch, and sharply painful. Milk is secreted mixed with pus and blood. The dog is depressed, refuses food, drinks a lot of water. Body temperature rises.

    In the initial stage of the disease, it is recommended to bandage the diseased gland for 1–2 days. Then you should carefully express milk 1-2 times a day. It is best to bandage the gland after applying a warm compress. If this does not bring relief to the dog and the inflammation continues, medical intervention is necessary.

    To avoid disease, when keeping a nursing dog, you must carefully observe sanitary and hygienic requirements, regularly inspect and treat the nipples with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin, etc.
    Blood in milk
    The appearance of blood in milk is observed in middle-aged and elderly dogs whose metabolism is impaired. substances, which is most often explained by increased permeability and fragility of blood vessels.

    The presence of blood in milk can be observed both in all mammary glands and in individual ones. In this case, the mammary gland is no different from a healthy one: there is no pain when pressed, there is no local or general increase in temperature.

    We must try to prevent puppies from trampling the nipples, apply a cold compress to the nipples between feedings, and be sure to include vitamins C, K, as well as mineral salts, phosphorus, and calcium in the diet.

    If the situation does not change after 1–2 days, you should contact a veterinarian.
    Postpartum psychosis
    Postpartum psychoses are disorders of the higher nervous system that arise in connection with childbirth.

    Typically, the disease develops in dogs with a disease of the nervous system after an infection (for example, distemper), as well as in viciously cowardly individuals. To prevent the disease, proper maintenance and adequate feeding of a pregnant dog are of no small importance.

    Psychosis begins with anxiety and agitation. The dog exhibits auditory and visual hallucinations: they listen, bark, attack a non-existent enemy, and cover children with their body. They don’t let anyone get close to them, they show vicious aggression and aggressiveness towards even people close to them.

    In the future, excitement may give way to a depressed state. The dog becomes lethargic, indifferent to the environment and puppies.

    To exclude rabies, isolate the dog if possible and immediately call a veterinarian.
    Puppies are artificially fed. Eclampsia
    From the Greek word for “outbreak” - severe toxicosis with convulsive manifestations that occurs in the last days of pregnancy, during feeding of puppies or after weaning.

    Eclampsia begins with restlessness. The dog leaves the puppies, often changes place, sometimes lies down, sometimes gets up, breathes heavily and frequently. She is frightened, her eyes are bulging out of their sockets, saliva is flowing from her mouth. Rapid breathing is accompanied by spasms of the whole body.

    This condition can last from several hours to days. Attacks of eclampsia either weaken or intensify. During convulsions, the dog tries to get up, but due to intensifying seizures, it falls on its side, its gaze becomes motionless, directed into space. During the disease, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as urinary function, is disrupted.

    Without veterinary care, the dog may die. Timely recognition of the disease is of great importance. Puppies are not allowed near the dog. If a dog shows signs of impending eclampsia, it should be given sedatives: Seduxen, Tazepam, Relanium, etc. in doses determined by body weight. Corvalol or Valocordin (1-50 drops depending on body weight) have a good effect.

    It is imperative to seek help from a veterinarian.

    Prevention of the disease in the following mode: limiting the access of strangers to puppies, adequately feeding the dog, and regular walks.

    Health problems in newborn puppies
    Asphyxia in a newborn puppy is the absence or cessation of breathing at the moment it leaves the birth canal. Most often observed during prolonged or complicated labor. To revive the puppy, it is recommended to: clear the mouth and nose of mucus, lift the puppy by the hind legs and shake gently. Then sprinkle it with cold water and immerse it up to the head in a bath of warm water (40–45 °C). This is quite enough. A good result is obtained by immersing the puppy in a warm bath while performing artificial respiration.

    Artificial respiration is carried out by rhythmically squeezing the puppy's chest with your fingers at a frequency of 16–24 times per minute.
    Artificial respiration is carried out until the heart function returns to normal. When breathing is restored, the puppy is wiped dry, placed on a warm heating pad and wrapped. After 30 minutes, it can be applied to a milkier nipple, after squeezing a drop of milk from it. Bloating of the intestines
    Bloating of the intestines is a consequence of the accumulation of gases in the intestines, from which the newborn puppy cannot free itself. He squeaks, crawls, tries to find a comfortable position. In this case, you need to very carefully massage the tummy, and then put the puppy’s tummy on a warm heating pad for 10–20 minutes.

    Dill water does not always have a positive effect.
    A good effect is obtained by inserting a special thin gas outlet tube into the puppy’s anus for 10–20 minutes. Before this, the tube must be boiled and lubricated with Vaseline oil. If this procedure does not help, you should consult a doctor. Constipation
    Dogs eat the excrement of their young, so it is quite difficult to monitor the bowel movements of each puppy. As a rule, if a puppy does not have stool for 2-3 days, he begins to squeak and refuse to eat (does not suckle).

    As first aid, we can recommend a cleansing enema (boiled water at a temperature of 38 °C), 3-5 drops of warm boiled Vaseline oil inside.
    Regurgitation of small amounts of milk or food that has just been eaten can occur in puppies of all ages.
    This is explained by the structural features of the stomach: the puppy can swallow a certain amount of air while suckling. As this air is released, it carries the milk with it. If regurgitation of food occurs after each feeding, the puppy should be seen by a doctor. Vomiting
    If vomiting is a consequence of overeating, this phenomenon should not cause alarm.
    If your puppy is constantly vomiting at regular intervals, veterinary attention is needed. Hiccups
    Hiccups in a newborn puppy can be observed immediately after eating, in slightly older puppies - after eating, during vigorous games. Hiccups usually end with regurgitation of ingested food or go away on their own. In some cases, puppies do not require any assistance. If constant hiccups occur after every meal and debilitate the puppy, urgent medical attention is needed.

    Table of contents

False pregnancy in a poodle

False pregnancy is common in dogs of all breeds, including poodles. This is the name for the psycho-physiological state of a bitch that has not been fertilized, but still shows signs of pregnancy. In this case, the dog diligently arranges a “nest” and may even experience something similar to contractions. As a rule, false pregnancy is observed in dogs with irregular matings and is associated with hormonal development disorders.

If a dog is sterilized, false pregnancy does not occur!

If the bitch begins to show signs of a false pregnancy, it is necessary to remove the toys. Self-licking of nipples increases the symptoms of false pregnancy. This can be prevented by putting a collar and blanket on the dog. Limit your protein intake.

If the bitch is showing aggression, extreme agitation, or developing physical problems (such as mastitis), medication will be needed. Contact your veterinarian.

False pregnancy may be a symptom of a disease (hypothyroidism or liver dysfunction).

If there are frequent strong manifestations of false pregnancy, you should contact the clinic for examination. Most likely, you will be asked to donate blood for biochemistry and hormones.

What to feed a pregnant bitch?

If your girl ate only dry food before pregnancy, she should be switched to food for puppies and pregnant bitches. It is best to make a mixed diet during pregnancy. This means that, in addition to dry food, you need to give finely chopped raw meat, and provide free access to saturated broth. You can add carrots, pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage and other vegetables to it. This vitaminizes it.

Be sure to include dairy in your diet. The most healthy not too fatty cottage cheese. Some dogs are happy to drink fermented baked milk or kefir, 10% cream, but you know what your pet likes.

Veterinarians recommend offering pregnant women rice water. Many girls in this position drink it with pleasure. Thanks to additional feeding, the puppies in your pet’s belly will form correctly and by the time of birth they will be stronger and born healthy without pathologies.

Raw, scalded meat is especially nutritious: beef with chicken, turkey with rabbit, young lamb with horse meat. You can give pregnant women hearts and chopped tripe. Boil the kidneys and liver. There are not enough useful substances in the lungs. For example, if 200-300 g of beef per day is enough, then the lungs will need 2 times more 400-600 g. Not every toy or poodle, Yorkshire terrier, etc. will eat such a volume.

Carefully monitor the condition of the expectant mother during pregnancy. If the condition worsens significantly, take or carry her to an appointment with your veterinarian. Tell him about the symptoms of illness and he will give advice on what to feed, what vitamins to introduce into the diet, perhaps give an injection with a vitamin mixture, an immunostimulant, etc.

Childbirth is a natural process, but it can also be quite dangerous for a dog. Help and control are necessary, especially for representatives of miniature and very large breeds. It is not always possible to contact a veterinarian. Therefore, the owner of a pregnant bitch needs to have information on how to give birth to a dog. And also about what equipment and medications are needed to ensure that they are carried out safely and do not harm the health of the animal.

Poodle birth

It is necessary to prepare everything you need in advance. The “birthing room” should be warm, ventilated and calm, as well as comfortable for people - you will spend quite a lot of time there. A week before the expected birth, move the bitch to the “delivery room”, she should get used to this place.

Prepare a box for newborns (special beds are available for sale). You will also need: infrared heating lamp, disposable diapers, heating pad or plastic bottle with warm water, cotton wool, cotton rags, towels (8 pieces), hand wash, thermometer, milk replacer, bottle and pacifiers, muzzle, collar, leash, glucose solution.

Keep your veterinarian's phone number visible.

A day before the event, the dog refuses to eat, and the body temperature drops. The bitch becomes restless, tears up the bedding and makes a nest.

When labor begins, call your veterinarian and let him be on call just in case. Put a collar on the bitch. Next, your task is to sit quietly and not fuss. You can do yoga or meditate.

Description and character of the poodle dog breed.

Regardless of size, all poodles have the same character. These are cheerful, playful creatures that will brighten up the drabest everyday life of your family. Poodles love to play, run and move in general, so the breed ideally needs either a large family where it will be entertained with activity, or at least one active person who is ready to devote at least an hour a day to a busy walk. Without getting enough physical exercise, the dog will begin to throw out all its accumulated energy on all sorts of pranks, for example, it will start gnawing things in the house, will bark a lot, and will become aggressive towards family members or animals in the house.

But a walking poodle, exhausted from physical activity, turns into a peaceful, docile creature, ready to fall asleep on the owner’s lap or next to him, this already depends on the size of the dog. Having received a full-fledged walk, the dog will be much better able to learn new commands and obey the owner in general; it will be easier to educate him, wean him from bad habits and accustom him to the rules of behavior in the house. Even a first grade child can train and raise a poodle, and he will also be able to control the dog while walking. But parents should always be ready to help the child in his endeavors. Compared to other breeds, caring for a poodle requires special attention. You should brush your dog every day, wash it 1-2 times a week (as the coat gets dirty), and learn how to cut off excess hair on the dog’s body, or just take it to the groomer for a haircut once every two months.

For the most part, caring for a poodle comes down to the need to exercise the dog physically, because this is exactly what these dogs love so much. To walk your dog faster and better, you can buy tennis balls and use a sling you made yourself to throw balls over long distances, or buy a special slingshot, which costs about 700-900 Russian rubles. The diet of a poodle is no different from the diet of other breeds and should consist of one super premium dry food or only natural products purchased by the owner in advance according to how the diet is composed. It is difficult to say what is best to feed, so buy what is more convenient or profitable for you. Dry food does not require time to prepare, but its cost can be high, while natural food will take a lot of your time, but is somewhat cheaper. In addition, when preparing food yourself, you have the opportunity to monitor exactly what foods end up in your pet’s bowl.

Training and education

The dog must know the basic commands. The puppy must already be taught to respond to “Ugh” and “Come.” These commands will prevent your pet from picking up food on the street and will bring the dog back if the leash comes unfastened. When training a poodle, you can’t scold him for not following a command, but you should definitely reward him for doing something correctly with a piece of treat. Lessons are held several times a day, and their duration should not be more than 15 minutes.

When a poodle begins to misbehave, physical punishment is not required. For an animal to understand that it is wrong, a stern tone from a person is enough. The dog quickly learns the boundaries of what is permitted and rarely goes beyond them.

Important! The dog that is going to be exhibited must be trained to show its teeth, stand and walk correctly. The animal is prepared from an early age and often with the assistance of a dog handler.

Pedigree diseases of miniature poodles

Representatives of this breed of dogs are prone to such breed diseases as umbilical hernia, which is visible in the area of ​​the umbilical ring, malocclusion (in this case, the lower jaw is wider than the upper in the premolar area), heart defects, diseases of the genitourinary system, abnormalities of the eyelids, presented in the appearance of an additional row of eyelashes, progressive retinal atrophy, deafness, epilepsy, allergic reactions, diabetes mellitus, early gray hair (especially for brown miniature poodles), hemolytic autoimmune anemia, ear infections and excessive tearing of the eyes.

Knowing about such predispositions to diseases of their pet, owners must provide him with proper care and care, and if such ailments are suspected, be sure to consult a veterinarian about this.

General appearance and dimensions

Poodles are divided into four height categories based on size:

  • Standard or large - from 45 to 60 cm at the withers;
  • Small - from 35 to 45 cm at the withers;
  • Miniature or dwarf - from 28 to 35 cm at the withers;
  • Toy - below 28 cm at the withers;

Poodle maintenance costs: $50-100/month – food

Now poodles are considered a purely French breed of dog, but nevertheless the question of their original origin is still in question. It is known for sure that in Germany and France they were used for hunting. In the German version, the name comes from “pudel-nass” - “wet to the skin”, in French “caniche” - “poodle” from “cane” - “duck” and confirms the original origin of the poodle as a hunting breed. Among the ancestors of the poodle: retrievers, sheep shepherds, pointers, hunting dogs, greyhounds, Maltese, barbets.


Standard Approved:

  • white;
  • black;
  • red;
  • silvers;
  • brown;
  • apricot.


  • "harlequin";
  • black and tan;
  • sable and others.

By hair type: curly, corded wool.

Advantages and disadvantages

A good-natured, affectionate dog will become a real source of joy for families with children. The pet is capable of playing outdoor games for hours. The poodle will be a faithful companion for athletic, active people who love long walks. But before you make your final choice, carefully study the table presented in order to understand what awaits you in the future.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of poodles

— Cheerful, active; — practically does not shed; — easy to learn and recognizes all rules; - kind and calm; - smart; - non-aggressive; — suitable for apartment living; - Beautiful; - does not “smell” - Requires a lot of attention; - too energetic; - needs daily long walks; - wool requires special care

Diseases and treatment

Cheerful, mischievous poodles can suffer from various canine pathologies. Like many pets, they can be attacked by fleas and ticks. At the same time, there are a number of diseases to which poodles are susceptible.

  • Fusion of the nasal passages. This is a congenital anomaly. Manifested by snoring, excessive snoring and difficulty breathing. The pathology is eliminated surgically.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Poodles are predisposed to such disorders. It is recommended to protect your pet from stress and not to overload it with excessive exercise.
  • Ophthalmological diseases. Retinal atrophy, conjunctivitis, entropion, microophthalmia, visual impairment, cataracts - all these pathologies are characteristic of the poodle. They are genetically determined and therefore cannot be treated or prevented.
  • Epilepsy. Nervous pathology is manifested by an unsteady gait and convulsions. The disease is difficult to treat.
  • Pathologies of the oral cavity. Prone to developing ulcerative stomatitis and gingivitis. Such diseases are the result of improper feeding and improper care. As reviews from owners show, you can protect your dog by regularly brushing its teeth or feeding it special cleaning treats.
  • Diabetes. Sometimes your pet's pancreas suffers. This leads to diabetes. The pathology is characterized by severe thirst, unsteady gait, and excessive weakness. In advanced cases, temporary fainting is possible. Treatment consists of taking special medications and following a diet.
  • Urolithiasis disease. Disruption of metabolic processes can lead to the development of pathologies of the urinary system. You can suspect ICD based on the following symptoms: the urine becomes dark and has a pungent odor. Sometimes it contains streaks of blood.
  • Otitis. Long ears are prone to the appearance of otitis media. Therefore, after bathing, be sure to remove water from your ears. And don’t forget to regularly monitor their condition.

With urolithiasis, the pet often runs “to the toilet” and a little each time. The process of urination causes pain for the poodle, so he may moan. Treatment includes dietary adjustments, complete elimination of salts from the menu, regular support and control of metabolic processes.

Be sure to get vaccinated. Discuss this issue with the breeder when purchasing a puppy. A poodle should receive three vaccinations in its first year of life. Then the vaccination is repeated once a year.






False whelping, false whelping. Repeated heat


39. Position of puppies in the uterus The increased need of a puppy bitch for food leads to an increase in her diet, but you cannot give her everything at one feeding; the food should be divided into two, three or four portions, taking into account that babies take up more and more space in the bitch’s stomach.

I under no circumstances recommend antihelminthic measures during pregnancy. The course of expelling worms should be carried out shortly before the onset of estrus, in which the bitch is supposed to be bred, and only after the doctor determines from a stool analysis that she has worms.

Rice. 40. Maternity box or 'den'


41. A puppy in the membranes, which after its birth become the 'afterbirth' Childbirth in all mammals takes place in three stages.

Immediately after birth, puppies begin to look for pacifiers. If one of the puppies is much weaker than the others, then you need to carefully watch so that the stronger ones do not push him away, and help him grab the nipple.

A heat source may be needed if the room where the newborns are is too cool, or for a puppy who is for some reason separated from everyone else, or for puppies placed in a special crate, when there are too many of them and they have to be fed in shifts. Wet paper must be promptly removed and replaced with a new layer of fresh paper. Paper retains heat well and is easy to clean, but puppies can become entangled in fabric and suffocate.

Third period

is marked by gradually subsiding postpartum contractions that occur during contraction of the uterus and birth canal, returning to their original size and returning to their normal state.

Complications during whelping

Weak contractions or pushing.

Only a veterinarian can determine the cause. It can also stimulate labor in a bitch by injection. Most often, this complication of labor occurs if the uterus is filled with dead puppies.

Strange discharge

. Such discharge may occur if one or more dead puppies or placenta remain in the uterus. This is very dangerous for the bitch. If you suspect such a birth outcome, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

Slowing down the whelping process

. If you notice that during the next attempt, a cloudy water bubble or amniotic sac appears from the bitch’s loop, not enclosing the floundering living puppy, but filled with something strange, then it may take quite a long time before labor can continue. The remnants of an incompletely resolved or completely unresolved embryo will be expelled from the uterus, and this will take the same time as the birth of a normal puppy, since the constriction of the uterine horn (fetal chamber) is formed in this case exactly the same as during the development of a normal puppy in it (see Fig. 36, b). After the “birth” of such a bubble with remains, whelping will resume. It may happen that between one and another puppy in the uterine horn there are one or two such bubbles and, accordingly, one or two constrictions of the chamber of the uterine horn. Then between the birth of the first and second normal puppies can pass from 4 to 8 hours. But at the same time, labor will not stop, everything will go in the normal sequence, the attempts will remain strong, but instead of puppies, one or two bubbles with unpleasant contents will appear.

Bleeding after whelping ends.

If we are not talking about the usual dark brown and thick postpartum discharge, then you need to take the bitch to the vet as soon as possible, as there is a danger of large blood loss.

Lack of milk.

If a bitch does not have milk after whelping, then most often this is due to weakness of postpartum activity, insufficient contraction of the uterus, and the fact that the cervix may not have closed yet. An experienced breeder knows how to stimulate the cervix, but one who does not should invite a veterinarian to do this. The cervix is ​​massaged until it contracts. Soon after this, the first signs of milk flow will appear, since there is a direct connection between the contraction of the uterus and its cervix, i.e. the end of childbirth, and the release of the corresponding hormone from the pituitary gland, which “turns on” the work of the mammary glands. If the massage does not work, the doctor will inject the bitch with a special drug that will have the desired effect.

Newborn puppies

Puppies should become at least twice as heavy in the first week of life. Moreover, if there are so many babies that they all have enough of their mother’s nipples, then all of them, so different at birth, become noticeably fatter, level out and weigh almost the same by the end of the first week of life.

The breeder must keep the puppy crate clean and tidy, ensure that each puppy receives its rightful portion of mother's milk, take care of ventilation and fresh air, and in the first 2 weeks, maintain heat and a fairly even temperature in the room where the puppies are .

In Great Britain, it is customary to shorten the ponytail, not by cutting it off, but by tying it tightly with a narrow elastic band in the place where it should end; after a few days, the end dries out and falls off. Shepherds are known to resort to this tried and true ancient method to shorten the tails of their lambs.

Caring for a nursing bitch

The first three days after whelping you need to be careful in feeding the bitch. If immediately after giving birth you start feeding her as usual and to her fill, you can cause severe stomach upset and very severe diarrhea in both her and the puppies. Fresh water should be available to her at any time and in any quantity.

At this time, I prefer to give the bitches three times a day very small chickens, boiled and minced with bones through a meat grinder; I add to this minced meat a little boiled fluffy rice and a little chopped herbs. Twice a day I give half-diluted and slightly sweetened milk with malted coffee and honey. From the second day, plenty of mineral supplements, consisting mainly of calcium salts, should be added to the feed. The amount of supplement should correspond to the number of puppies the bitch is nursing. In addition, in the morning I add Furton to the food to strengthen the coat and pigmentation, thanks to which the bitches retain and the puppies develop a thick coat. The back of the bitch's body and her hind legs must be kept clean, at first washed twice a day with a disinfectant solution.

The bitch needs, of course, general care for her eyes, ears, teeth and coat. From the first week after whelping, caring for her should be no different from usual.

Puppies in the first weeks of life

Sucrose (Lactose)6,294,63,1-3,87,36,8

When using an infrared lamp to heat the nest, you must strictly observe the correct distance between the lamp and the puppies being irradiated as specified in the instructions for the lamp. Many puppies have already died because the lamp hung too low and the nest was therefore too hot and dry. Such a lamp is needed, first of all, if the puppies are kept in an unheated room in the kennel. If the nest with puppies is located in the house, then an ordinary electric heating pad, which needs to be adjusted to the lowest heat, will be sufficient.

Feeding and cleanliness

Puppies need to be brushed before and after feeding. In this case, punctuality and a lot of patience are important, especially if you need to raise a weak puppy. When caring for puppies, cosmetic paper napkins are very useful. In order not to injure the puppy’s delicate skin, you need to drop a couple of drops of baby Vaseline onto a cloth or napkin, which is going to be used to wipe near the natural holes. Observe how the mother wipes the puppies, and when caring for the puppy, try to ensure that the movements and their directions coincide with the mother’s.

Weak puppies

Difficulties and difficulties appear when the litter contains one or more puppies that suck poorly or are weakened by prolonged labor, which is especially common in miniature poodles. It is very important to first ensure that blood circulation and breathing are well established. A light massage of the back and abdomen (and in case of severe cardiac weakness, also a heart massage) and a minute of irradiation with an intense medical source of infrared radiation can be simply miraculous.

Digestive problems in puppies can also be caused by parasites of the digestive tract, which are often present in newborn puppies. If the puppy is severely infected with worms, it may even die. To prevent this from happening, I give the bitches 6 days before whelping garlic powder in ground beef and plenty of milk that day as a laxative. Sometimes I have time to repeat this again before giving birth. I give puppies the same day in the fourth week of life, despite the fact that they will have to take a stronger anthelmintic before vaccination. It is very important to keep the area where the puppies are kept clean and disinfected. All disinfectants must be handled very carefully, as they are not entirely safe for puppies. Too economical dosage of cleansers and disinfectants, on the contrary, is completely meaningless, because the drugs do not work in such dilutions.

Puppy pen

44. Puppy pen with sleeping place But now the dog crawlers begin to crawl out of the puppy box on their own and crawl around it. The place where they will first crawl out and then run out must be fenced. The puppy run can be assembled from lattice walls or from four particle boards 10-15 mm thick. If you cover the entire floor in the paddock with a layer of newspapers or paper, it will be very easy to keep it clean. Of course, the floor under the layer of paper must be waterproof; once every 2 days it must be wiped with some kind of disinfectant solution (carefully read on the packaging how to use it and, most importantly, what concentration the solution should have!).


Features of caring for poodles

Poodles require careful grooming. You can do without a model haircut, but it is better to do a hygienic haircut once a month along with bathing. You should brush your dog every day. Don’t forget about such simple elements of dog hygiene as cleaning ears and teeth.

A little about the haircut. For this breed it is one of the most difficult. Special types of haircuts, such as "lion", "English saddle", "puppy" or "sport" are done by a special hairdresser. You can do simple hygiene yourself using a machine.

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