Rating of the best super premium dog food for 2022

For most people, dogs are not just pets, but members of their families who are surrounded with love and care. Properly selected nutrition is an important part of caring for pets, because their health and mood depend on it. Many dog ​​owners prefer to feed them ready-made super-premium food, which provides the animal with all the necessary substances.

9 Bosch Sensitive Lamb & Rice

An increased amount of protein in dry food may not always be beneficial for a dog. For older pets, dogs with food allergies and those with kidney failure, 20-25% protein is usually sufficient. This is exactly how much meat products are contained in a product created specifically for animals sensitive to high-protein nutrition. In the first place in the list of ingredients is rice - a delicate dietary product, quite healthy for dogs with normal weight and sugar levels.

There is no fresh raw meat in the feed, and poultry meal is used as animal sources of protein. On the one hand, this is a disadvantage, on the other hand, there is evidence that peptides from hydrolyzed meat are better and faster absorbed by the digestive system. They are confirmed in the practice of dog breeders: there are enough reviews on this food to understand that it really has hypoallergenic properties and is most likely suitable for dogs with a problematic digestive system.

For large breeds

The best super-premium foods for large breeds are:

  • Belcando Adult Aktive is food for active large breed dogs.
  • Eukanuba Puppy & Junior Large breed – for puppies and teenagers of large breeds.
  • Farmina N&D Boar & Apple Adult Dog MAXI.

When feeding a large dog, it is extremely important to choose a low-calorie food that contains enough proteins, vitamins and minerals.

8 1st Choice Chicken Formula MEDIUM and LARGE BREEDS for SENIORS

The Canadian company PLB International Inc. produces dry food for medium and large breed dogs, Fest Choice. This brand is well known to Russian customers, since only very selective stores do not sell it. Its composition is certainly rich and includes about 50 components, including dry chicken flour, chicken liver hydrolysate and chicken fat. The latter serves as a source of valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids, which the animal needs for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system. The food also includes several types of fiber, chicory extract and a variety of vitamin and mineral supplements that promote normal digestion of food and maintain optimal weight.

Some experts doubt the need for such an impressive list of ingredients in dry food. Thus, there are no fresh ingredients in it, and plant ingredients are included in the top five of the list. However, the benefits and safety of this brand of food have been proven in practice: most reviews (and there are quite a lot of them online) agree that dogs with even sensitive digestion switch to it with pleasure. Although, given the number of highly allergenic grains, it is still worth being vigilant.

Rules for choosing food

When choosing dry dog ​​food, owners need to consider some important points, including:

  • The age of the pet, here the food is divided into four main groups: Starter, intended for feeding puppies whose puppies have just been weaned from their mother, Junior, designed for dogs up to one year old, “Adult” diet - from 1 to 7 years, the last group is suitable for feeding animals from the age of 8 years. This division was made for a reason; the fact is that depending on age, the body’s needs for nutrients change, and it is these features that manufacturers take into account when creating feed.
  • The size of the animal, some breeds are very small, and it is logical to assume that they simply cannot physically chew large granules. Manufacturers take into account physical capabilities and produce food with granules of different sizes.
  • The activity of the animal, this factor is taken into account when choosing food, there are several categories of food, for example, there is Active and Energy, these types are intended for hunting breeds and sporting dogs, Normal and Standard are two options that should be fed to young and active animals, the next series Senior is designed taking into account the energy expenditure of older dogs.
  • Types of diets, there are several types, there are medicinal ones, developed for those dogs that have health problems, such nutrition is selected by veterinarians taking into account the existing problems, specialized ones, selected in the presence of chronic pathologies and abnormalities, for example, after sterilization, with a tendency to obesity or if you are already overweight. Everyday - this diet is designed for healthy animals; Regardless of what type of food is required, you should remember that it is necessary to follow the dosage when feeding, otherwise you can further harm your health.
  • The breed of dog is also taken into account when choosing. Experts have long been producing food taking into account the characteristics of breeds, for example, breeds with wool that has water-repellent properties require food rich in fatty acids and substances that support healthy skin and coat. For those breeds whose teeth are prone to tartar formation, products rich in calcium compounds are produced.
  • Wet or dry, veterinarians recommend combining the two types of food, as well as adding a variety of treats.
  • Feed class: economy, they have low cost and appropriate quality. When choosing this class, you should understand that it is unlikely to contain meat, which is so necessary for normal development. When deciding to buy such products, you should first consult with a doctor or breeder. Premium, well balanced and packed with meat. Such a product will provide the pet’s body with all the necessary elements. Super-premium products are considered the best option when choosing; they contain large amounts of meat or fish, and also do not contain vegetable fats or artificial additives.

The choice of suitable food can be done either independently or after consultation with a veterinarian. Before purchasing, you should carefully study the composition, which should not contain components such as sugar, preservatives or dyes.


When considering super-premium food, you should know that the composition should include, first of all, the following ingredients:

  • Protein, its main source is meat, fish, as well as by-products such as heart and liver. The presence of vegetable protein, which is found in potatoes, rice, barley and oats, is also possible in this class of feed, but only in small quantities and not in the form of corn and wheat.
  • Preservatives or antioxidants are allowed only of natural origin, usually rosemary, vitamin C or a mixture of tocopherols. If the content section simply says antioxidants, then you can only guess what they are, natural or artificial.
  • Other components include eggs or egg powder, various vegetables or fruits, minerals and vitamins, as well as herbs, algae and other beneficial ingredients.

It should be remembered that dogs often experience allergic reactions to certain foods; animals sometimes experience indigestion, diarrhea and skin rashes. All this may indicate not poor quality, but an incorrectly selected food or a reaction to just one ingredient included in it.

So, before purchasing, you should carefully study the composition, it is indicated on the packaging; in the first place they usually write the product that has the most amount, then the components in descending order. In addition to what the product is made of, the packaging contains information such as the name and what breeds the food is suitable for.

1 Orijen Adult Dog Original

Canadian manufacturer Champion Petfoods, owner of the Orijen brand, assures that dogs, as carnivores, vitally need food high in animal proteins. 80% of its food consists of fresh meat from free-range animals and birds. And the amount of carbohydrate ingredients, on the contrary, should be minimal, so you won’t find any rice, much less wheat or corn, in the composition. Another principle by which the company creates food for purebred dogs of various ages is a variety of plant components. Thanks to them, the dog’s diet contains the nutrients he needs.

In addition to meat, the list of ingredients includes whole sea fish (fresh and dehydrated), all kinds of beans, vegetables, berries and even herbs. Additionally, the food is enriched with calcium, phosphorus, glucosamine, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. The food is far from new, so buyers had time to test it and form their own, unbiased opinion: it is perfect for dogs and can rightfully be called biologically compatible. True, veterinarians still urge you to feed your pet a little at first in order to notice a possible reaction in time. And one more point: since the protein content in the composition is quite high (38%), you need to ensure that the dog is sufficiently active.

Food for adult and senior dogs

So, your friend celebrated his first birthday, which means it’s time to buy food for adult dogs. How is it different from puppy?

It contains less protein and fat, since the dog's body is fully developed, and excess nutrients can lead to obesity. Vitamin complexes and supplements in the amount required for the pet - taking into account the size and activity of the dog.

The best options for adult four-legged animals:

  • Acana Adult Dog
    . Contains poultry, which is a good source of amino acids and animal protein. Herring and flounder are also present in the diet. The food is also rich in fiber: fruits, vegetables and fresh herbs.
  • AATU For Dogs Free Run Chicken
    . It contains 80% poultry meat, the rest is herbs, fruits, and vegetables. It is attractive that the granules do not contain potatoes or grains. But there is manganese, copper, iron and zinc, as well as vitamins A, D3, E.

Veterinarians believe that after 7-9 years of age (depending on the breed), a dog is at greater risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, as well as bone diseases. Older pets may have metabolic problems. Therefore, with the onset of advanced age, it is worth switching your pet to special food. Decent options for older dogs:

  • Hill's Science Plan Active Longevity. As a dog ages, it needs less animal fat, so the manufacturer has made a diet based on lamb meat. The food also contains sodium, phosphorus and antioxidants, which prevent the development of cancer and gastrointestinal problems. Contains fatty acids, antioxidants, sodium, phosphorus. Hill's is easy to digest, which is especially important for older dogs.

  • Brit Care Dog Weight Loss
    . If your pet has a tendency to allergies, is overweight or is inactive, pay attention to this position. The meal includes rabbit meat and rice, as well as salmon oil, fruit, glucosamine and inulin.

You need to gradually transfer your dog from one food to another: mixing the previous food with the new one.

Acana Puppy & Junior

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Canada
Feed price:
  • 340 g – 289 rub.
  • 2 kg – 1293 rub.
  • 6 kg – 2980 rub.
  • 11.5 kg – 4900 rub.
  • 17 kg – 6700 rub.

This is a Canadian super-premium food intended for medium breed puppies. The product formula takes into account the growth characteristics of puppies. Babies develop quickly and grow larger, so they need “building” materials to form the musculoskeletal system.

Main components of the feed:

  • Raw and dry chicken meat;
  • Dehydrated turkey;
  • Fresh chicken by-products (heart and liver);
  • Whole eggs and flounder;
  • Herring meat;
  • Green beans;
  • Yellow peas;
  • Fresh seaweed and fruits (apples, pears, blueberries, rose hips, cranberries).

The main advantages are a high content of real meat, a reduced percentage of carbohydrates, no rice, and the correct proportion of fiber. Disadvantages - high cost.

Customer Reviews

The best holistic diets

By-products are not included in such feed. For some manufacturers, the meat component reaches 80%. Such feed contains an optimal balance of substances and is consumed very economically.

Savarra for small breeds


The menu of this brand of food may include large quantities of poultry meat (turkey, duck), beef, various vegetables, vitamins and minerals.


It does not contain chicken, wheat, or corn. The food is considered hypoallergenic. Its high energy value allows for minimizing feed consumption.


The percentage of ingredients is not indicated. High price.



The food contains more than 60% meat ingredients (poultry, veal, lamb, rabbit), sea fish. Various fruit and vegetable inclusions. Contains up to 18% fat.


Made from high-quality natural products (wheat grain and chicken, sugar and other harmful inclusions are excluded). Does not cause allergies. Very nutritious. Suitable for active dogs.


Old and sedentary dogs gain weight quickly.

Now fresh


Poultry (except chicken), salmon, fresh fruits, berries and vegetables (peas, lentils, pumpkin, seaweed, carrots), vitamins and microelements


This food contains the optimal balance of all trace elements. Suitable for all small dogs, incl. elderly and prone to obesity. Does not contain grains. Contains iodine, vitamins, Omega acids and other microelements.





Selected poultry (except chicken), beef, salmon, various fruits and vegetables, healthy herbs, minerals and vitamins.


It is perfectly digestible and does not cause digestive problems. A large amount of vitamins. Suitable for small animals of any age.



Pro plan Duo Delice series


50% - natural meat (mainly duck), 36% - fruits and vegetables; 14% - herbs, spices, fats, vitamins and minerals.


Excellent hypoallergenic balanced food, does not cause digestive problems. Small granule size.



Belcando series FINEST CROC


28% - dry poultry meat (duck); 17% - rice or oats; duck fat, flour 5% ocean herring flour; 4% - duck liver, as well as brewer's yeast, egg powder; herbs (nettle, centaury, gentian root, chamomile, fennel, yucca extract, etc.


Does not contain wheat or soy. Helps strengthen bones and improves immunity. Small dogs and their puppies eating this food are healthier and more susceptible to disease.


Small assortment.



Lamb, duck fat, rice, salmon, vegetables, brewer's yeast, vitamins and minerals.


The balanced menu is suitable for both active young and older small dogs, as well as animals in need of a diet. The menu was created with cancer prevention in mind. Good price.


Small assortment.



Turkey, pumpkin, turkey fat, parsnips, peas, tomatoes, aromatic herbs, berries, elderberries, chokeberries, medicinal herbs (nettle, dandelion, hawthorn, ginseng and Yucca extracts).


Does not contain grains, genetically modified plants, does not cause allergies, improves immunity. Small granules.


High percentage of protein (30%) and fat (17%), although the food is considered optimally balanced with a low fat content.



Dietary rabbit or turkey meat (65%), rice, oats, vegetables, herbs, minerals, vitamins and trace elements.


Excellent food for small dogs of all ages, does not cause digestive problems.



( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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