Smooth Fox Terrier: history of origin and character of the dog

The Smooth Fox Terrier is a small, temperamental dog, one of two varieties of this breed (there are also wire-haired Foxes), characterized by short, pleasant-to-touch hair. The Smooth Fox Terrier is considered a classic variation of the breed, and these dogs are very popular among hunters, as well as lovers of energetic, cheerful and active dogs.

Like all hunters, smooth foxes have some nuances in their upbringing and maintenance. In this text we will talk about what a purebred fox terrier with smooth hair should look like, what its character is, we will highlight the standard and external features of these dogs, and we will talk about how to care for foxes.

Origin story

The first written sources mentioning fox terriers date back to 1617. However, targeted selection for breeding the breed began only a century later. At this time, breeders planned to breed hunting dogs intended for burrow hunting. For this they received the nickname earthlings. The resulting breed primarily specialized in foxes, but could also hunt badgers and raccoon dogs. In the 18th century, the breed reached its peak of popularity in its homeland, England. Thanks to this, the breeders decided to continue the selection experiments, as a result of which the Wire Fox Terriers were born.

Hunting qualities

Like many other members of the terrier group, Jack Russell Terriers were bred to hunt small, burrow-dwelling game. Of course, terriers do not have enough speed and power for tracking and pursuit, but English foxhounds or other hounds did an excellent job with this task, but in penetrating an underground shelter and in a fight forcing the “fugitive” to leave it, the persistent and compact hounds have no equal strong guys.

Jack Russell exploring the hole

It was already mentioned above that Jack Russell Terriers gained their reputation as excellent burrow dogs not for their ferocity, but for their clear voice and high intelligence. They not only understood the hunters’ strategy in a given situation, focusing on various horn signals, but also made their own decisions, which helped save energy without sacrificing efficiency.

Since their introduction, "jacks" have been an integral part of rural life in Great Britain. However, since 2002 in Scotland, and since 2005 in England and Wales, fox hunting has been officially banned, although for many it was part of the country's cultural heritage. Badgers are also now protected by conservation organizations. In southern Spain there is still a hunting area where it is possible to pursue game on horseback, but in most European countries the tradition is fading into history due to the lack of uninhabited areas with suitable landscape.

But innate instincts cannot be canceled as easily as centuries-old rituals, so four-legged “city dwellers” do not miss the opportunity during a walk to chase a passing cat or dig an impressive hole in the roots of trees from the nearest park.

Description of the breed

It is characterized by a strong physique, despite its relatively small size. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their speed, strength and endurance.

The build of the body is proportional, with a strong push off of the hind legs, they are strongly carried forward along the length of the entire body.

  1. The weight of a male can reach 7 kg -8.2 kg, but females weigh from 6.8 kg to 7.7 kg.
  2. The height at the withers of an adult male reaches 39.5 cm, females are slightly shorter.
  3. The limbs of dogs have well-developed bones.
  4. The hind legs are muscular, strong and straight.
  5. When examining the front paws, they should be straight, but set close and parallel to each other.
  6. The feet should form a continuation of the straight line of the shoulders.
  7. Hips are long.
  8. The chest of the breed is deep, while the ribs are moderately convex and elastic.
  9. The back is short, strong and straight.
  10. The coat of the Smooth Fox Terrier is straight, thick, harsh, smooth and close to the body.
  11. Color requires special attention - fox terriers are either pure white or white with brown or black spots. Any other markings are not acceptable.
  12. This breed has a scissor bite, the teeth are strong and strong.

The Smooth Fox Terrier breed is in excellent health, but may suffer from diseases such as diabetes, cataracts, epilepsy or deafness.

Smooth Fox Terrier: description and standard

For a long time, smooth-haired foxes were selected exclusively for practical purposes - burrowing, underground hunting. Therefore, the first representatives of the breed were powerful, had a rough build, had a large head with large jaws, and a short neck. In the 1900s, the breed “split” into two types: wire-haired and smooth-haired foxes. The latter were considered more classic, and many hunters preferred them, considering them “the elite of the breed.”

Later the standard also changed. Large, clumsy dogs began to be culled, choosing more graceful puppies for breeding. This is how fox terriers have survived to this day: graceful, elegant, but not “ringing”.

Modern Smooth Fox Terrier

An adult male fox terrier grows to 35-39 centimeters at the withers; the body weight of an adult dog reaches eight kilograms. Bitches are somewhat smaller - shorter, and their weight is about seven kilograms. In general, gender differences are small.

Foxes have a beautiful elongated muzzle, round, curious eyes set quite deep, and small triangular ears folded into an “envelope.” The fox terrier's ears are quite heavy, dense, well covered with hair, and go down to the cheeks due to their own weight. If this does not happen, the puppies' ears are glued, forming the correct outline of the head.

Correct ear position

The purebred Fox Terrier has a moderately narrow, flat forehead, tapering towards the line of the eyes, the transition from the muzzle to the forehead is weakly expressed. The nose mirror should be black, regardless of the color of the dog. Several colors are allowed: completely snow-white animals, as well as with red, black or black-red markings on white, with white wool always predominant.

These colors were not chosen by chance: it was extremely important for hunters that the dog’s coat contrasted with the shades of the game’s coat, so as not to accidentally hit the dog with a shot. In addition, the white dog, even soiled in the ground, was still visible, even in the twilight. It is for this reason that dark, and especially black fox terriers did not participate in breeding, and now do not exist.

Classic Fox colors

As befits burrowing hunting dogs, smooth fox terriers have short, straight and thick hair, which shortens towards the belly and groin, and somewhat lengthens on the back and hips. A dense coat allows the dog not to freeze in the water, and to feel free in the narrowest holes.

The entire structure of the dog’s body meets these same needs. Foxes have a dry, muscular and prominent neck, a deep but narrow and curved chest, and a flat back. The tail is set high and beautifully, it should neither be lowered down to the hind legs, nor curled in a handle or ring on the back. Previously, Foxes' tails were docked halfway to protect the dog from being bitten by wild animals. In this case, the tail stands vertically, like a stick. The dog's limbs are strong, compact, allowing the animal to dig the ground with force, as well as pursue even the fastest prey.

Standard Smooth Fox Terrier


  • The Fox Terrier is incredibly energetic. It is suitable for active people who love walks in the fresh air and active recreation.
  • Fox will easily endure any trip accompanied by his owner. For families with children, this breed is a godsend. The dog will happily frolic with children of any age, and will also patiently tolerate and support the pranks of the youngest family members.
  • The Fox Terrier is friendly, playful, hardy and easy-going. He is ready to tirelessly be the center of attention of the whole family around the clock.
  • These dogs are quite good-natured towards strangers. But at the first sign of aggression, the pet will rush to defend itself or its owner.

Pros and cons of the breed

Has good guard qualitiesNo pronounced protective qualities
Gets along well with childrenThere is seasonal shedding
It does not require special careNo other animals allowed
Possibility of living in an apartmentRequires a lot of physical activity
Suitable for agilityDifficult to train

Where can I buy

Among the kennels engaged in breeding smooth fox terriers, we can highlight:

  • Nikon Fox (Moscow);
  • Sunny Fox (Volgograd);
  • That's it (Sevastopol).

Puppies without documents, bought secondhand, can cost 5,000 rubles. The average price for purebred dogs suitable for breeding is 25,000 rubles.

The Smooth Fox Terrier is not a pet for everyone. It requires a lot of attention, patience when training and constant contact with people. But if you decide to buy one, you can get an active, energetic, selflessly devoted dog, ready to protect its owners from any dangers.


This breed is not suitable for homebodies or workaholics; in the absence of the owner, the pet will develop blues, and over time, signs of disobedience.

This is a dog that needs to be given quite a lot of time and attention.

It is possible to keep a Fox Terrier in the same territory with another dog, despite the jealousy inherent in the breed. But if there are cats, parrots and rodents in the house, buying such a dog is definitely not the best idea. The rest of the pets will be in constant danger of becoming prey, because Foxes have a very well developed natural hunting instinct.

This breed has a loud character and the pet often barks for various reasons. When kept in an apartment, this can lead to conflicts with neighbors.

Character and temperament

Positive character traits of the Smooth Fox Terrier:

  • Devotion;
  • Energy;
  • Tirelessness;
  • Playfulness;
  • High level of intelligence;
  • Sociability.

Negative traits:

  • Hot temper;
  • Tirelessness;
  • Fights with other dogs are possible;
  • Barks frequently;
  • Exorbitant appetite.

Most of the listed traits are inherent in almost all dogs from the terrier group. Their work requires qualities such as excitability and healthy malice.

Distinctive features

The FCI makes a clear distinction between smooth and wire fox terriers. However, the difference in the breed standard is essentially only in the description of the dogs' coat.

Thus, in wire-haired dogs, the most rigid, wiry-like coat is welcomed . The hair is dense, medium length. Slightly longer on the back and legs than on the whole body. A kind of beard is formed on the muzzle, which gives the muzzle an unusual expression and rectangular shape.

Smooth-haired cats have dense, short fur. The same throughout the body, only a little shorter on the muzzle and paws.

Otherwise the breed standard is similar:

  • The body is strong and muscular, tends to square proportions (the length of the body is equal to its height);
  • The body is narrow, seems light and taut like a spring;
  • The head is flat, tapering towards the nose; the transition from the top of the head to the nose is almost invisible;
  • Cheekbones are narrow;
  • bite ;
  • The jaws are strong with a full set of teeth;
  • The eyes are round and dark;
  • The ears are small, triangle-shaped; stand upright, but the tips are slightly lowered forward;
  • The chest is narrow;
  • The stomach is tucked;
  • The legs are straight and strong with pronounced muscles;
  • color - red and black spots on a white background; less common is two-color (according to the standard it is also acceptable, but not so loved by breeders) - white with red or brown spots;
  • The tail is set as high as possible and looks upward; most often stopped; has rare strength (it can be used to pull and lift the dog if necessary). The Fox Terrier does not wag its tail like other breeds. He makes short movements, as if he is shaking.

The weight of dogs ranges from 6 to 8 kg , females weigh slightly less. The height of the dog at the withers is from 35 to 40 cm.


The Terrier's smooth coat only needs occasional brushing with a firm-bristled brush to maintain the direction of hair growth and to comb out any shedding undercoat. a furminator .

This type of cover protects the animal from the heat; dirt almost does not stick to it; this advantage was convenient when the dog participated in the hunt. The top layer of hair is so dense that it does not allow the undercoat to dry quickly enough after bathing.

Smooth fox terriers take a long time to dry and this must be taken into account when letting them walk in cold weather.

Characteristics of fox hunters

If we talk about temperament, the Fox Terrier is a lively, friendly dog, bold and very courageous. The Fox Terrier naturally has hunting instincts, he is energetic, hardy, easy-going and courageous. He has a very sensitive nose and increased activity; the dog cannot sit still for a minute.

Working tests for representatives of this breed are not mandatory, but the dogs must have anger towards the beast - this characteristic is considered fundamental. Outside the house, dogs are vigilant; they carefully examine everything around them, not missing details.

Such a pet equally needs regular physical activity and attention from the family. The dog endures prolonged loneliness very hard; it negatively affects both his mood and character.

A bored fox terrier turns into a pest, but he begins to bark for no reason, chew furniture and damage property not out of spite, but in order to show his owners how sad and lonely he is. That is why such a pet should be given to a family where someone is always at home.

The dog is very loving and friendly, it quickly gets used to its owner and household members, especially children. The dog is patient, playful and active, so it will be an excellent companion for a child in all mischief, pranks and games.

These little hunters do not have good relationships with other animals. Foxes, most often males, become fight starters, proving their superiority. And an animal running past, be it a cat or a mouse, inevitably becomes an object of hunting. Another nuance - the dog does not get along well with other animals for another reason - he is quite jealous.

It is not recommended for older or too busy people to have such a four-legged friend - the fox terrier needs training, active walks and frequent exercises on the playground. And if the owner is not going to go hunting, then you can involve the pet in sports - this dog is very successful in many disciplines

The pet is distrustful of strangers, vigilant, he is capable of being a fearless defender, so he can perform the work of a watchman. A loud bark will immediately notify all household members that a stranger has entered their territory.


The Smooth Fox Terrier is a specific breed, hunting, temperamental, requiring a special approach, careful education and a lot of attention from the owner. The best option would be to get this dog for a person who regularly attends hunting events in order to fully reveal all the talents of the fox terrier and appreciate its tough and adventurous character.

However, the breed is often adopted by those who love active recreation, often go out into nature, and want to see next to them a small but temperamental, energetic and active dog, not a decorative dog, but a real companion, a faithful and fearless friend, protector and guard. .

Education and training

For the most part, fox terriers are not eager to learn, although it is quite possible to raise them into dutiful and obedient pets. The main thing is to demonstrate to the animal your own involvement in the process, and then the fox terrier himself will begin to bend over backwards to please his adored owner. It’s definitely not worth putting too much stress on a four-legged student: classes should be conducted in a lively, playful manner and not bore the dog with monotony. To do this, use the element of surprise more often. For example, change teams abruptly. By the way, experienced dog handlers recommend training after the animal has had a good run. In this case, it is easier for the puppy to concentrate on the instructions of the mentor.

It is very important to teach the Fox Terrier to curb its hunting instincts and emotions. During walks, the pet should behave more or less restrained and follow the owner’s commands upon request. Of course, from time to time the fox terrier will be “carried away” towards unwary cats, but such situations should be treated with understanding. A dog is not a robot, and from time to time it also needs to let off steam. One of the most important skills that a puppy needs to develop is using the outdoor toilet. And since fox terriers cope with this wisdom quite easily, then, if desired, they can be taught to relieve themselves on command.

The second useful skill that every fox terrier should acquire is normal leash perception. In parallel, learning to walk on a harness can be done with an OKD puppy, since wearing a collar in itself disciplines the pet, restraining its ardor, and therefore facilitates the training process. Considering the natural passion of Foxes for carrying objects in their teeth, they can be trained in fetching. At the same time, the toys that the animal brings should not be plastic or hollow, otherwise the fox terrier will quickly chew them.

Exhibition animals are taught to be touched from an early age. Fox terrier puppies are stroked on the back and head, pulled by the tail, gradually moving on to forming the correct stance. It is very advisable to involve strangers in this matter, since in the ring the dog will be mainly interested in strangers, whom it should perceive adequately.

At home, fox terriers also need to be taught standards of behavior and restraint. In particular, try not to treat your ward at the moment when you yourself are eating at the table, otherwise very soon he will begin to climb on it to enjoy it heartily (yes, Foxes are also unusually jumping). Be careful when choosing toys for your baby, because the Fox Terrier is a dog that loves to generalize everything. Therefore, if you tease your puppy with a rag or napkin, be prepared for the fact that he will see only another toy in the curtains and your trousers.

Character of the Jack Russell Terrier

Shall we play?
The Jack Russell Terrier is a real perpetual motion machine. He is simply physically unable to sit in one place for a long time and get bored while waiting for the game. This dog will attract the owner's attention in every possible way. She knows perfectly well the rules of behavior in the house and can deliberately break them in order to provoke at least some reaction from the owner, who is too carried away by his favorite TV series or a new book.

It is important to remember about the high intelligence of your pet. Physical activity must be accompanied by mental activity, otherwise any activity will quickly become boring. Alternate teams and toys, come up with new types of activities.

In general, representatives of the breed are distinguished by their cheerful and friendly disposition. Jack Russell Terriers are great for families where the children are old enough not to treat the pet like a teddy bear. Only dogs whose upbringing has made serious mistakes since early childhood can show aggression for no reason.

Representatives of this breed do not get along well with other animals in the house due to the hunter genes. Neighborhood with rodents is especially undesirable, because Jack Russells are famous rat catchers, but they can also cause trouble for cats. In relations with dogs of their own or another breed (regardless of the size of the enemy), due to their brave and capricious nature, they will always try to dominate, constantly getting into skirmishes.

How to care for a Smooth Fox Terrier?

Keeping a smooth fox terrier is not particularly difficult. The dog's short hair does not require any special care: it is enough to brush the dog once a week with a short-toothed massage brush or a rubber massage mitt. Fox terriers shed twice a year, and during these periods the dogs need to be thoroughly bathed with zoo shampoo and brushed more often so that the hair does not fly around the house.

There is also no need to wash your dog often. It is enough to bathe your pet once every three to four months, or after heavy pollution or swimming in natural bodies of water. Choosing a shampoo for a fox terrier is very simple - a moisturizer intended for everyday use will be quite sufficient. Before shows, the dog can be washed with a professional shampoo for white dogs.

Also, the Fox needs standard care, like any domestic dog. Once every couple of weeks, the animal’s claws are trimmed using a nail clipper (if the claws are worn down during walks, there is no need to further shorten them). The dog's teeth are brushed three times a week using dog toothpaste. For this procedure, you can purchase a special soft toothbrush, or you can use a bandage wrapped around your finger. It is necessary to accustom your puppy to brushing his teeth from a very early age in order to eliminate resistance in the future.

The owner of a Fox Terrier should regularly examine the ears and eyes of the pet in order to notice dirt or other problems in time. The rest of the list of care procedures and mandatory maintenance items looks like this:

  1. Annual vaccination (general vaccination against infections and viruses, as well as against rabies).
  2. Quarterly antiparasitic prophylaxis (deworming tablets).
  3. From spring to autumn – treatment for ticks, fleas and other insects.

If we talk about preparing for the arrival of a puppy in the house, you won’t have to spend much. The animal should have two bowls - for food and water, a strong collar, a leash for training (you can supplement it with a tape measure with a long cord for walking). The puppy will also need several toys (it is better to buy different ones: balls, tug-of-war ropes, a Frisbee disk, adapted for gnawing). If you don’t plan to let your dog sit on a sofa or chair, you need to buy or make a soft, spacious bed for it.

It is important that the dog receives enough physical activity, and when the pet is at home, communication with people. It is cruel to isolate a dog from family members; it is also unacceptable to keep a smooth fox terrier on the street, no matter whether in an enclosure or on a chain. These are social dogs that will suffer without human contact, which will have an extremely detrimental effect on both the Fox’s character and his health.

As for the health of the fox terrier, from the moment the puppy appears in the house, you need to find a good veterinary clinic where you can go for advice and treatment. It’s great if the dog has its own veterinarian who will be aware of its entire life history and illnesses.


Fox Terriers need long daily walks. Moreover, these should not be easy walks in the park, but an active pastime. Running, games, agility - all this is welcome.

Foxes are very playful, so a ball, frisbee or a simple stick will be great entertainment for them . It is also recommended to socialize them from a young age and take them out to playgrounds with other dogs. In puppyhood, fox terriers will easily get used to communicating with their own kind and will play with them with pleasure.

Residents of houses with adjacent territories are highly discouraged from simply letting their dogs out into the yard. They love to dig holes. The appearance of the lawn and any flower bed will be ruined if you leave your pet alone without supervision.


There is no pronounced seasonal shedding in Foxes due to the lack of undercoat.

  • However, smooth fox terriers require much less grooming - a simple brushing with a soft-bristled brush once a week is sufficient.
  • Wire-haired dogs require a more careful approach - they need to be brushed with a stiff comb at least 2 times a week to avoid matting.
  • Pets need to be trimmed several times a year to remove dead hair. If this is not done, various dermatological problems may appear.

Decorative haircuts are highly not recommended either for show dogs or for pets for the hobby. Any haircut can ruin not only the authentic appearance, but also the quality of the coat.

Bathing with shampoos should also be reduced to a minimum.

Who is the dog suitable for?

Smooth Fox Terriers are suitable for active people with a decisive character. These dogs love to work, so it is advisable to direct their energy in the right direction. For hunters of foxes and other burrowing animals, they will become the best assistants.

There is never a dull moment with Foxes, so they are taught the basics of dog sports during their teenage years. Exercise in the form of long hikes over rough terrain will strengthen the muscles and allow you to throw out excess energy.

Smooth Foxes are rare in families with small children due to their temper . The same applies to cats, ferrets and birds. Even on walks, fox terriers are not averse to chasing an animal passing by. Therefore, it is necessary to teach these wayward hunters how to communicate politely with other pets from the first months of life.

The guard qualities of smooth fox terriers are weak, but they are capable of barking at a stranger. Hunters live with them all year round, both in enclosures and in houses . In the city, these dogs are kept in apartments without problems.


To successfully breed a pet, you need to follow some rules:

  • The age for breeding a fox terrier is no earlier than 18 months ;
  • Females can be mated no more than once a year , so she will have time to restore her body;
  • After reaching the age of seven, breeding dogs is strictly prohibited.

For assistance in the correct selection of a pair and the mating process, it is recommended to contact the nursery where the dog was purchased. Professional breeders will give valuable advice and warnings to the Fox Terrier owner, and will also help in finding a match for the dog.

Before mating, it is advisable for the couple to take a good walk together to allow the dogs to get used to each other and it is advisable not to feed both of them the day before.

It is better to conduct acquaintance in advance on neutral territory. The mating itself is done only on the male's territory . It is better to obtain more detailed information on mating, pregnancy and childbirth from experienced breeders who have been dealing with the breed for a long time.


It is advisable to walk the terrier on a leash and using a harness , because he is partial to chasing everything that moves. When keeping it in the yard, it is important to take care of a fence that the terrier cannot jump over.

If you let him go for a free walk, he can get carried away and easily get lost.

Fox Terriers are predisposed to training and are capable of performing a wide variety of commands and tricks; they love agility .

Smooth Foxes are easy to train

Breed diseases

With proper care, Fox Terriers live an average of 16 years. But representatives of this breed often develop hereditary diseases. More often they suffer from the following pathologies:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • allergic reactions, often food;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • Perthes disease;
  • eye problems – distichiasis, cataracts, glaucoma;
  • neurological disorders - dogs often suffer from epilepsy.

Diseases and life expectancy

Fox Terriers often have hereditary diseases that are characteristic of the breed. Among them:

  • hormonal problems;
  • allergies (usually food);
  • skin diseases;
  • cataract;
  • epilepsy.

With proper care, animals can live up to 16 years, which is considered a respectable age by dog ​​standards.


Fox Terriers are real long-livers . With proper care, they live more than 15 years. However, for such a result it is necessary to know the diseases to which the breed is predisposed, to be able to prevent them or to notice and treat them in time.


Proper and timely vaccination is also the key to your pet’s health.

  1. For the first vaccination at 6-8 weeks, you need to treat the animal with all parasites (external and internal) in advance - 10-14 days before going to the doctor. At your appointment, your veterinarian will explain what medications are on the market and how they differ.
  2. Most often they recommend Biovac, Kanigen, Nobivak or Eurikan. The cost of the vaccine will depend on the chosen medicine (from 200 to 2,000 rubles).
  3. At 12 weeks a booster vaccination is required.
  4. Then the vaccine is given 6-7 months after the change of baby teeth to molars.
  5. At 12 months, another vaccination is given - against diseases (distemper, enteritis, parainfluenza and others) and against rabies.

Sometimes veterinarians advise vaccinating your pet against rabies at an earlier age. Only the owner decides whether to do this or not. After each vaccination, the dog will feel a little stressed and will be more lethargic than usual for a day or two.


An adult Smooth Fox Terrier is fed twice a day. How much food to feed depends on the metabolism and individual characteristics of each dog. They, like people, each have their own character and level of activity. For example, a very active dog will eat more food than a calm dog.

Usually two bowls of dry food . The dog's diet should contain all useful microelements. Undoubtedly, dry food has everything you need. It’s good when you have the opportunity to feed your dog regular food - porridge, meat, vegetables.

If the dog is not picky, that is, does not depend on dry mixtures, then you can combine food: dry food in the morning, and porridge in the evening, or vice versa.

Determining whether a dog is eating enough is very simple with a practical test. Look at her from top to bottom, the waist should stand out, but the ribs should not stick out.

Then place your hands along your spine with your fingers splayed down. When touched freely, the ribs should not be felt, but when pressed lightly they become visible. On the contrary, if the ribs are hard to feel, then the dog is overeating.

The diet of young animals must contain all useful microelements

Feeding regimen and diet

The owner can feed the pet with natural products or choose a suitable balanced food. When feeding naturally, you should create the most complete diet, which will include enough protein and other elements. But even in this case, it is recommended to give the dog vitamin supplements.

The dog should receive protein food, which is at least half of the total amount of food. Moreover, 2/3 is animal protein and 1/3 is plant protein. Sources of fiber are cereals - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, and vegetables - carrots, pumpkin, cabbage. Porridges are seasoned with fresh herbs and vegetable oil.

It is advisable to give your adult pet a fasting day once a week. You can give your dog pieces of raw vegetables and rye crackers. For normal functioning of the digestive system, you should definitely give fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, etc.

When choosing dry food, you should pay attention to premium and super-premium brands - they contain high-quality ingredients and are better balanced. The Fox Terrier is suitable for a menu designed for dogs whose weight does not exceed 10 kg and leading an active lifestyle.

During any feeding, the pet must have round-the-clock access to clean drinking water, and it must be changed to fresh water daily. Adult dogs are fed twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening, puppies - about 4.

Care and maintenance

The animal is quite compact, so it can be kept in an apartment. But the dog needs to be occupied with active exercises, since its hunting component will require constant movement. The optimal conditions for her would be to live in a private house with a large area where she can play and run around without the participation of the owners.

During a walk, the animal must be on a leash, otherwise it may get lost in pursuit of some street animal.

Caring for a dog does not cause much difficulty for owners. It is important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Ears. They must be inspected and cleaned of sulfur and dirt once every two weeks. But if the dog is a working dog and takes part in hunting, this should be done every time after the pet returns home. In addition, you need to remove hair from the ear canal. This will help reduce the possibility of inflammation.
  2. Teeth. Oral diseases are common among Fox Terriers. In particular, they are characterized by the appearance of tartar. To prevent this, teeth should be brushed several times a week with a special toothpaste. Also, for prevention, the animal is given solid food.
  3. Claws. They need to be trimmed 2-3 times a month as they grow. The paws should also be inspected. Remove excess hair from the pads so that it does not interfere with running.

It is important to pay special attention to your dog's paws in winter. Roads are often sprinkled with special mixtures that cause irritation to the skin of dogs. Therefore, the pads need to be cleaned after each walk and monitored for cracks.


The pet's fur should be combed once a week using a massage brush. During seasonal molting, which occurs twice a year, this must be done more often. The animal needs more frequent bathing than other dogs. The procedure is carried out once every 4-8 weeks, but in winter the frequency of bathing is reduced. The wool takes a long time to dry, so it is recommended to bathe after walking.

Smooth-haired representatives of the breed freeze in winter; their coat is poorly adapted to protect against the cold. If the temperature drops below -20°, owners need to provide their pet with winter clothing. With a rapidly growing coat, the dog can be groomed about 4 times a year. You can determine when it’s time to trim an animal by holding a small piece of hair between your fingers at the withers. If there is a lot of hair left on the arm, this is a signal that it is time for the fox terrier to trim.


When feeding a dog naturally, it is important to receive a sufficient amount of protein, fiber and microelements important for the body. However, even with a balanced diet, it is recommended to occasionally give your pet vitamin complexes. The diet should include:

  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice);
  • vegetables (pumpkin, carrots);
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir);
  • meat (chicken, turkey, beef).

When choosing dry food, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the product. It is advisable for Fox Terriers to purchase super premium or holistic food. They are suitable for food for active dogs whose weight is no more than 10 kg.

Don't forget to change the water in your pet's bowl every day. Fresh water should always be present during any type of feeding.

An adult animal needs to be fed twice a day, preferably at the same time in the morning and evening.

How much does a Smooth Fox Terrier puppy cost?

When intending to purchase a Fox puppy, a person must understand that the purchase must be made only from breeders, in a nursery that deals with this breed. There is no need to fall for advertisements on social networks or on popular websites if sellers cannot confirm the pedigree of the puppies being offered, and also show the future owner all the documents, as well as the parents.

When purchasing a fox terrier, you also need to decide what class the puppy should be. If a dog is intended to please a person as a companion or go hunting with him, then puppies from a working pair (hunting dogs that have passed special tests) or the pet class should be considered. This means that the puppies were born from dogs with pedigree and show scores, but have some external defects. The cost of such a fox terrier varies between ten and fifteen thousand rubles, and this means that the dog will not be able to take part in exhibitions.

Breed-class puppies are dogs that meet the stated standard, but are unlikely to become ring stars and champions. As a rule, the breeding class includes females that are capable of bearing and giving birth to healthy offspring. Breeding bitches are usually mated with show dogs, who pass on their magnificent external characteristics to the puppies. Breed-class puppies can cost up to twenty thousand rubles, and “show” class fox terriers, the most promising for exhibitions, cost up to thirty thousand rubles and more, depending on their blood.

You must understand that the prices given above are approximate. So, for a puppy, a pair of working parents may well demand the same money as for a show puppy. But no matter what the dog is, the main thing is its character. Because a true fox terrier, despite external shortcomings, will always remain an active, brave and extremely loyal dog, ready to follow its owner anywhere.





History of the breed in Russia

Fox Terrier: description of the dog breed

This breed appeared in Russia in the fifties of the 19th century and quickly won its admirers among the noble class, among whom was Prince Golitsyn. Cynologists of pre-revolutionary Russia, led by expert Beno, organized a society of lovers of fox terriers and dachshunds. Rules for holding exhibitions were developed with clearly defined standards for these burrowing dogs.

Interesting! Although the passion for this breed is limited, mainly in the sporting direction, attention to it does not subside, the number of kennels is constantly growing.

After the 1917 revolution, dogs of this breed lost their purebred working qualities. Individual specimens were concentrated in nurseries in Moscow, which became the breeding center. Breeders have made great efforts to revive fox terriers with pure pedigrees and good working qualities.

Foxes on a walk

How to choose a puppy

When choosing a Smooth Fox Terrier puppy, you must carefully study the following criteria:

  • breeder's reputation;
  • conditions for keeping puppies;
  • photos and achievements of the baby’s parents;
  • pedigree and other puppy documents;
  • veterinary report, including x-rays of the dog;
  • external health indicators;
  • inquisitive behavior;
  • bite and dental condition;
  • compliance with the breed standard;
  • clear pattern and uniformity of wool.

When choosing a puppy, you must take into account that, according to the description of the breed, white color dominates in the color of the smooth fox terrier, and the presence of spots of red, brindle or liver shade is unacceptable.

There is no need to rush and take a Fox based on an ad, without the necessary documents and personal inspection. It is much better to first choose a reliable nursery, decide on the purpose of purchase and reserve a puppy from purebred representatives of the breed.

Key facts

Fox Terriers are small, strongly built dogs that excel in hunting. Description of the Fox Terrier breed distinguishes two types: smooth-haired and long-haired.

Representatives of the breed have strong character traits, but at the same time they love to play pranks. Therefore, the dog is not suitable for introverted people. But hunters and followers of an active lifestyle will find in her an excellent companion.

The characteristics of the Fox Terrier breed also explain the origin of the name. Skillful detectives of burrowing animals, dogs always justify him. From English, its first part, “fox,” is translated as fox, which is considered a favorite object of persecution. Fox is also the shortened name for this dog breed. This is how it is most often called in England, its country of origin.

These cute dogs live a long time. The average lifespan of a Fox Terrier is 13-15 years. The height at the withers in males and females reaches 35-40 cm. The weight of the fox terrier reaches 6-8 kg in individuals of both sexes.

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