American Toy Fox Terrier: history of the breed and character of the dog

Dogs of the American Toy Terrier (Amertoy) breed are distinguished by their noble appearance and behavior. Despite their small size and fragile physique, these animals have the serious character of a large and strong dog: they are brave, energetic, and decisive. Properly raised pets behave good-naturedly, their devotion knows no bounds. In addition, in addition to true friendly affection, these dogs can delight you with excellent hunting skills, proving themselves to be reliable companions in this difficult task. Description of the American Toy Terrier breed, character traits, health and training - this article will tell you all about it.

History of the breed

The history of the breed is not that deep compared to other dogs. The American Toy Fox Terrier was bred in the United States back in the 1920s and 1930s.

This cute dog was created by crossing four completely different breeds:

  • greyhounds with chihuahua
  • Smooth Fox Terriers and Manchester Terriers

But, some dog handlers and experts claim that miniature pinschers also took part in the development of the American Toy breed. As a result of such experiments and crossings, the result was a cheerful, active and cheerful dog that can become a true friend for any person. The breed was originally bred for hunting.

The main prey of these small dogs were:

  • rats
  • badgers
  • other small animals

But, at this point in time, this breed is used more as decorative dogs than as hunting dogs.


If you are thinking about purchasing an American Toy Fox Terrier as a pet, then you should read the description of this breed. Moreover, both with the physiological characteristics of the dog and with its mental characteristics.


American Terriers are small four-legged pets. A distinctive feature of the animals is their athletic build and fairly strong bones. Amertoya's movements are graceful and noble, which is ensured by a flexible physique, as well as developed muscle mass. According to officially registered standards, the animal's height is about 25 centimeters and its weight does not exceed 3 kilograms.

Generally speaking, the anatomical structure of a dog's body is quite proportional. The skull of the Toy Fox Terrier has a round shape, and the front part has a wedge-shaped outline. The Amertoya's nose is usually black, but there are exceptions. So, if the general color of the animal is brown, then the lobe can be painted in this shade. It is worth noting that the animal’s bite is correct. The dog's eyes are round and convex in shape, and his ears are erect.

The body of the animal resembles a square in its outline; accordingly, its length is almost equal to its height. The structure of females can be more elongated and rectangular. The chest of the American Toy Fox Terrier is curved and deep. The tail is set quite high. The paws (both front and rear) are erect and parallel to each other.

The animal's hair is short in length and soft to the touch. The wool has a good structure and shines in the light. The length of the hair varies: for example, the hair around the neck is longer. In total, there are 4 recognized colors of Toy Fox Terriers in nature.


The most pronounced character trait of an Amertoya is energy. Throughout their lives, dogs lead an active lifestyle. Character traits such as courage and fearlessness, devotion and fidelity, developed intellectual abilities, pride, and vigilance are also highlighted.

In the family in which the animal lives, the dog behaves friendly. She makes good contact with all household members, including school-age children (with children who are younger, animals can enter into conflicts). Despite this behavior with family members, the animal can behave dangerously and warily with strangers.

It should be noted that the article describes universal character traits and the most characteristic features. However, different dogs, depending on their mental characteristics and upbringing, can differ significantly in character and behavior. A four-legged pet needs active pastime and frequent walks. But if you meet other dogs on your way, you should be especially careful, because conflicts may arise between animals.

Toy fox terriers need constant attention and care, so if your lifestyle is busy and you are often away at work or on business trips, then you should not get a dog of this breed.

Breed standard

Each dog breed has its own standard. American toy is no exception. These are small sized dogs with a balanced body. Their weight ranges from 1.5 to 3 kilograms. The height at the withers does not exceed 20 cm.

Distinctive features of the breed:

  • big ears like a bat's
  • short tail
  • long and very graceful paws

The tail is not docked under any circumstances. American Toys are born with this tail. This dog's paws are the most vulnerable place, so they need to be treated with special care.

A more detailed description of the American Toy is given below:

  • The head is not at all rough, but on the contrary, very elegant. Proportional to the body. Dry cheekbones.
  • Muzzle Elongated, begins to taper closer to the nose. Located on the same line with the forehead. The bite is standard – scissor.
  • The nose is very clearly defined, the nose is especially prominent.
  • The eyes are of medium size and slightly elongated. The most common color is dark brown. There are also brown eyes.
  • Ears Have a triangular shape and sharp ends. High rise.
  • Neck: Graceful and dry, blending smoothly into the shoulders. Placed very proudly.
  • The body is small, has prominent muscles. The forechest is well developed and the chest itself is very deep.
  • The tail is set high, short from birth, and cannot be docked.
  • Paws are directed forward, have an oval shape. The fingers are pressed very well together. The pads are very well developed in nature. The claws are black. “Fifth toes” are usually removed during puppyhood.

The coat is short, has a shiny tint, and is very soft. There is no undercoat. In the neck area the hair is slightly longer.

The American Toy breed has several color variations:

  1. White with black spots
  2. White with brown spots
  3. White with red spots

All three colors are considered breed standards. With a white color with black spots, the head of the toy is black and the body is white. Small black or pale spots, or their complete absence, are allowed on the body.

With a white color with brown spots, the head is usually brown. Red tan marks are observed in the cheekbone area. Small red spots are quite rare on the body. When the color is white with brown spots, the head is brown with red tan markings on the cheekbones. The body is white, and sometimes there are brown spots. The American Toy breed is distinguished by the fact that all the spots on the body have clear outlines. They should be clear in color without any pigmentation.

general description

A small and intelligent animal has courage, strong character, energy and all the qualities of a leader.
The dog is also an excellent hunter, and the dog will happily rush through forests and fields. Today this quality of the animal is used very rarely. The Toy Fox Terrier is a self-confident and very curious dog that makes its owner worry about good fencing of the territory. If this is not done, at a convenient moment she will leave the territory and go to explore the world.

For the same reason, the Fox needs to be taken for walks on a leash. The dog will become a reliable and devoted friend, especially for lonely people. His small size, protruding ears and childish spontaneity will not leave anyone indifferent throughout his life.

Description and photo

The small, well-balanced animals have three characteristics that prevent them from being confused with other miniature dogs:

  • large ears that act as antennas;
  • short tail from birth;
  • long, graceful paws, like for a mini dog.
  • Origin: America.
  • Recognized: according to the classification UKS, FCI: class No. 9.
  • Litter: 5-7 puppies.
  • Group: room and decorative.
  • Color: Tri-color: black and tan spots on a white background.
  • Dimensions: height at withers up to 28 cm.
  • Weight: up to 3 kg.
  • Hair length: short hair.
  • Shedding: Moderate.
  • Life expectancy: 13 years.

If you are a fan of small dog breeds, we recommend that you read about the features of keeping such breeds as the Chihuahua, Chinese Crested, Miniature Pinscher, Yorkshire Terrier, Russian Toy, Pomeranian, Papillon, Toy Poodle, King Charles Spaniel, Maltipoo, Pug, Pekingese and dachshund.

Let's look at a detailed description of the Toy Fox Terrier breed standard in the presented photos:

  1. The head is wedge-shaped, proportional to the body.
  2. The muzzle is elongated and tapering towards the nose. The lips are dark and pressed tightly together.
  3. The nose has a black, clearly defined nose. If a dog has more brown spots on its head, then its nose is brown.
  4. The eyes are medium sized, oval. The look is clear. Color from chocolate to black.
  5. The ears are triangular, with sharp tips, set high.
  6. The neck is set with pride and grace. Without dewlap and blends smoothly into the shoulders. In proportion to the head.
  7. The body has pronounced muscles, narrowing towards the lower back. The back is straight, the stomach is tucked. The chest is muscular and developed. The croup is round.
  8. The tail is short and high at birth.
  9. The limbs are slender and straight, parallel one to one. Hips are well developed.
  10. The paws are oval shaped and placed forward. The fingers are compressed and the pads are well developed. The claws are black.
  11. The coat is short and shiny, soft to the touch. There is no undercoat. The cover on the neck is longer than on the entire body.
  12. Painted in three colors with spots. The predominant color is white, the head is dark.

Toy fox terriers have three types of coloring without inclusions and with clear boundaries:

  • white with brown spots - brown head, red tan on cheekbones, jaws and brow ridges. The body is white, with rare spots of brown, or maybe without them;
  • white with red spots - red head. There may be a few red spots on the white body;
  • white with black spots - black head. The body is white. The spots are black or without spots.

The disadvantage of the breed is poor head color, many spots or the presence of a different color on the body of the animal.

Check out the popular representatives of terriers in two parts: and.

Character traits

These smart miniature dogs love the family where they live and show their devotion to their owner in every possible way. Good watchmen will warn of friends and strangers with a ringing bark. They try to be aware of all household chores and take part in them.

The main features characterizing dogs of the Fox breed:

  • always has positive energy, even when the owner is not in the mood;
  • good intelligence, which makes it easy to train the animal;
  • playfulness, retains “puppy” behavior until old age;
  • by temperament they can be homebodies or very active dogs;
  • they are good friends with cats, they treat large dogs with fear, although they can attack;
  • They are wary of small children who may cause pain.

Important! From an early age, a puppy needs to be taught to communicate with different people, taken for walks in crowded places in order to adapt to foreign territory. If this is not done, the Toy Fox Terrier will grow up to be a suspicious dog, and its innate positivity towards everyone may change in the opposite direction.


These are very energetic animals, inquisitive and attentive. They are smarter than other terriers. The character is playful and cheerful. They love to do various tricks, amuse others, and play. Some representatives of the breed are stubborn, others are more flexible and obedient. It is recommended to have Amertoevs in a large family with adult children and elderly people. They become loyal pets and suffer from separation from their family. They are friendly with other animals and love them (including cats). They require special attention (especially with small children).

The pet barks loudly, thereby notifying of danger or calling to the door. Therefore, it is ideal for people with hearing and vision problems. He always loves to follow his owner. Prefers long walks where you can run and jump. It is advisable to walk in special enclosures. If you don't walk enough with your pet, he will demolish all the houses. On the street, a hunter wakes up in amerta: he will chase insects and small rodents. You should not allow your pet to eat from the owner’s table or sleep in the same bed with members of the household. So the puppy will stop obeying. Despite its small size, the dog is hardy. It's hard to scare her and she's very brave. It will not be afraid even of larger breeds. In case of danger, takes a stance. Can protect the owner's things. She prefers to be a leader and strives to dominate, so it is important to show her who is boss from the first days in the house.

Differences from other toys (with examples in the photo)

The American toy differs from its counterparts in certain traits not only in character, but also in appearance :

  • There are no long-haired representatives among this breed;
  • they are larger in size than other toys, especially Russian ones;
  • The color is also different. In American cats, most of the body is white, and may have spots of black, black and tan, and red. For Russians, white is a disqualifying color; their characteristic colors are black and tan and brown and tan;
  • Amertoys have a short tail from birth, Russians have a long one;
  • The movement is also different - American ones move more confidently, not so proudly - they are more playful than Russians, who are distinguished by elegance and grace;
  • By nature, Amertoi are more sociable. They are better suited for a family than Russian Toy Terriers, which can grow up attached to only one person in the house.

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Expert opinion Semyon Kirillovich Kozhevin Expert dog handler. Ask a question to an expert American toys differ in many ways from their Russian and English counterparts, this is obvious. Moreover, the difference is not only external - the “Americans” are more muscular, leaner, they have a completely different color - but also in character. Amertoi are more mobile. You cannot leave this dog at home even for a day, otherwise you risk your shoes and furniture. The breed needs to express its emotions, it needs to run, you won’t be able to keep it in place, plus it is more friendly and gets along with children better than its brothers.

Russian shorthaired and longhaired toy terriers:

English toy terrier :

American Toy Terrier:

American Toy Fox Terrier color

  • Spotted - dominant white color combined with a predominantly fully colored head.
  • Tricolor. Predominantly black head with distinct tan on cheekbones, jaws and above the eyes. The body is more than 50% white, with or without black spots.
  • White with brown spots and tan on the head. The head is predominantly brown with distinct tan on the cheekbones, jaws and above the eyes. The body is more than 50% white, with or without brown spots.
  • White with red spots. Predominantly red head. The body is more than 50% white, with or without red spots.
  • White with black spots. Predominantly black head. The body is more than 50% white, with or without black spots.

All colors are rich and pure as possible. A white blaze is acceptable, without touching the eyes or ears. Pure white is preferred, a small amount of speckling is acceptable.

  1. Black-headed tricolor dogs have black spots on their bodies.
  2. Tricolor dogs with brown heads have brown spots on their bodies.
  3. In both tri-colors, a slight tan along the chest and under the tail spots is acceptable, as with normal two-color spotting.


  • Eliza L. Hopkins, Cathy J. Flamholtz.
    Toy Fox Terrier / Eliza Hopkins. - OTR Publications, 1988. - 124 p. — ISBN 9780940269019.
  • John F. Davidson.
    The Toy Fox Terrier, Wired for Action. - Alpine Publications, Incorporated, 2006. - 176 p. — ISBN 9781577790778.
  • George Hoppendale, Asia Moore.
    Toy Fox Terriers (Toy Fox Terrier Dog Complete Owners Manual. Toy Fox Terrier Book for Care, Costs, Feeding, Grooming, Health and Training). - IMB Publishing, 2022. - 230 p. — ISBN 9781910617441.
  • Roland Clark.
    Toy Fox Terrier Training Guide (Toy Fox Terrier Training Book Includes: Toy Fox Terrier Socializing, Housetraining, Obedience Training, Behavioral Training, Cues & Commands and More). — CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2022. — 142 p. — ISBN 978-1519650207.

American Toy Fox Terrier care

Caring for an American Toy Fox Terrier is not difficult, but it is required. The breed is short-haired, the coat sheds, the shedding season is spring - autumn.

  • Brush: The Toy Fox Terrier's coat needs to be combed 2-3 times a week with a rubber glove or a natural bristle brush. Brushing improves blood circulation, removes dust and dead hair. During shedding, the fur is brushed every day. When bathing during the shedding period, comb the Toy Fox Terrier's coat with a rubber glove, the shedding will go faster.
  • Bath: once a month or as needed with shampoo for short-haired breeds. During the cold season, bathing can be replaced with dry shampoo (but do an allergy test first). The powder is rubbed into the fur, then thoroughly combed out with a brush or comb. Afterwards, the wool can be wiped with a piece of suede to add shine.
  • Examine your eyes regularly. A healthy American Toy Fox Terrier has clear, shiny eyes without redness or tear tracks. Gray lumps in the corners of the eyes in the morning are acceptable, since the dog is active and runs around a lot. They can be easily cleaned with a soft, lint-free cloth. To prevent souring, you can wipe your pet’s eyes with chamomile decoction once a week. Wipe each eye with a separate lint-free cloth (it is better not to use cotton wool).
  • Ears: examine once a week. Wipe off minor dirt and dust with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. Healthy ears are a pleasant pink color without redness, excess wax or unpleasant odor. If you notice that the American Toy Fox Terrier often shakes its head, rubs its ears on the floor, the pinna of the ear turns red, there is excess wax or discharge with an unpleasant odor, immediately contact a veterinarian. There are many reasons for concern: food allergies, otitis media, otodectosis, etc. Therefore, do not make a diagnosis yourself, but be sure to consult a veterinarian.
  • Otodectosis (ear mite) is a parasite that lives in the dog's ear canal. These microscopic insects appear in dogs of any age, but more often young individuals are affected by the disease, since their immunity has not yet been formed. To avoid infecting your dog with ear mites, do not allow your dog to play with mongrels; after bathing, dry your pet's ears thoroughly and check the condition of the ears regularly.
  • Paws: wipe with a damp cloth or rinse in the shower every time after walking. Carefully inspect the paw pads for damage and cracks. The American Toy Fox Terrier is a very active and gambling breed; it is easily injured while running or playing, without even noticing it, since it strongly succumbs to hunting instincts. To avoid cracks on your dog's paw pads, rub vegetable oil into them and be sure to include this product in your diet (1 teaspoon per day).
  • Brush your teeth 4-5 times a week with a special toothpaste for dogs using a toothbrush or a special finger attachment. To prevent the formation of tartar, include solid foods in your diet.
  • Trim the toy fox terrier's claws once a month with a nail clipper for small breeds, smooth the sharp ends with a nail file to avoid the appearance of burrs. To make the procedure easier, wet the paws in warm water, the claws will become softer and it will be easier to cut. It is necessary to accustom your pet to hygiene procedures from an early age so that he is not afraid and calmly withstands them. After any procedures, be sure to praise your dog and treat him with his favorite treat. Never shout or hit a dog for disobedience, it is simply afraid.
  • Walks: The American Toy Fox Terrier dog is energetic and active, so it needs active walks with elements of training. You need to walk 2 times a day for at least (morning and evening) 1-2 hours. When walking in the city, keep your pet on a leash, as he is a natural hunter, easily distracted and reacts to all small moving objects.
  • Clothing: This breed has a thin layer of subcutaneous fat, so they freeze in the cold season. They will need overalls with a warm fleece lining in severe frost, a raincoat or a blanket. You can knit a sleeveless vest or make an old sweater yourself.
  • Toys: Amertoi loves small squeaky toys and balls. Choose toys for your dog without small parts (to avoid suffocation), made of thick latex; if swallowed, the bitten pieces will not damage the intestinal walls and will come out naturally.

Education and training

Toy fox terriers are very smart and quickly understand what is wanted from them, but their character has terrier stubbornness, so training should begin as early as possible. Particular attention is paid to socialization. As soon as the dog can go outside, they begin to introduce it to new places, smells, other animals, and people. This will help the puppy grow up obedient, confident and balanced.

In the USA, mini foxes were very popular among clowns. Small dogs could be seen in many circuses. This once again confirms their extraordinary intelligence and penchant for training. The difficulty in learning is that you need to find the right approach. Dogs very quickly get bored with the monotonous repetition of commands, but if you manage to combine training with play, the results will certainly please you.

Amertoys make excellent athletes. Most often they participate in active sports: agility, Frisbee, coursing and racing.

What can you teach a dog

Possessing good intelligence, Amertoi are easy to train. Training must be carried out strictly, without concessions, but fairly. The dog must know who the owner is, because, sensing weakness in this matter, he becomes uncontrollable.

The dog must know and follow basic commands, such as “come to me”, “near”, “sit” and others. In addition, the dog can be taught various tricks. Amertoi is great at helping people with disabilities.

Clothes and accessories

Short fur without undercoat will not warm the dog in the cold season. Amerta needs comfortable clothes for the weather. It is better to accustom your dog to dressing from early childhood.

For walks, it is better to purchase a leash-roulette and a harness of the same size or a wide collar, as for Italian Greyhounds, which will not damage the trachea and choke the dog. You can let an Amertoya off the leash only if you are completely sure that he will not find any adventures on his tail, will not rush at other brothers, pick up things from the floor that cannot be eaten, or run away from the owner in search of something more interesting.

Most Toy Foxes prefer small squeaky toys and balls. Your dog's toys should not contain small parts that he can swallow. It is better to give preference to latex products; if swallowed, the bitten pieces do not damage the intestinal walls and come out naturally.

Distinctive features

The dogs are not large, grow up to 29 cm at the withers and weigh no more than 3.5 kg. A characteristic feature is a short tail. The main attraction of the breed is its large, erect, triangular ears.

  • The coat is short, two-layered, lying close to the body.
  • The limbs are straight, strong and muscular.
  • The head is small and erect. The cheekbones are dry and the skull is flat. The foot is poorly expressed.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped, slightly slanted, and the iris is dark.
  • The body is elongated, muscular, the top line descends from the withers to the croup. The waist is not wide. The neck is of medium length. The stomach is well built.
  • The ears were triangular, set high and large in size.
  • The muzzle is narrow and wedge-shaped. The bite has a scissor-shaped bite.
  • The color is white with large dark spots, red or brown.
  • The tail is short, lengthening the rump.
  • The nose is small and always black.

Nutrition and proper diet

A baby American Toy Terrier should receive a balanced and proper diet. The puppy and adult pet do not eat much. For natural nutrition and cooking, the following products are used:

  1. Lean meat, raw, finely minced or chopped (chicken, beef, turkey, veal);
  2. Sea fish is a must in the diet (cleaned, without bones, heads and entrails, boiled);
  3. Dairy products are required: grain cottage cheese, natural unsweetened yogurt and kefir;
  4. Eggs are given no more than 2 times a week, raw;
  5. Vegetables: zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, sometimes tomatoes, carrots, cabbage of all kinds;
  6. Fruits: pears, apples, bananas, quinces, peaches, apricots;
  7. Porridge: buckwheat, rice, wheat and oatmeal;
  8. Greens: lettuce, dill, parsley;
  9. Cooked by-products: liver, lung, stomachs, kidneys, brain, heart;
  10. Additionally: bone meal and vitamins.

Exclude from the diet:

  • I write heat-treated human food;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Sweets and chocolate;
  • Tubular and chicken bones;
  • River fish;
  • Legumes;
  • Plum and grapes;
  • Potato;
  • Pasta;
  • Any spices.

Dry food is selected according to breed characteristics, based on age, weight and physical activity. They do not require cooking, are easy to store and easy to serve. There is no need to select additional additives for them. The pet doesn’t eat much; a 3-4 kg bag is enough for 4-5 months. The best option for a fox terrier.


Among decorative breeds, toy fox terriers are distinguished by good health. Their average life expectancy is 15 years. But this only applies to offspring obtained from healthy parents with good genetics. With indiscriminate breeding, very often puppies are born with different genetic abnormalities.

The slender limbs of the Amertoi can be called their most vulnerable point. Quite often these dogs are diagnosed with dislocated kneecaps. In advanced cases, this pathology can cause lameness or deformation changes in the skeletal structure. In addition, common pathologies are the following:

  • Perthes syndrome – necrotic changes in the femoral head;
  • dermatological diseases (scabies, dermatitis, demodicosis, etc.);
  • allergic manifestations;
  • von Willebrand syndrome (hereditary blood disease);
  • congenital form of hypothyroidism.

What do owners say about their pets?

It is unlikely that you will hear bad reviews about this breed anywhere, because everyone who meets it becomes a fan from the very first second.

The main thing that pet owners say is:

  • ease of keeping a terrier;
  • light and mischievous character;
  • cleanliness and accuracy;
  • easy to learn and execute commands instantly;
  • boundless love for the owner;

If you are looking for just such a creature, then choose this baby.

Buying a puppy

If you decide to purchase an American Toy Fox Terrier puppy, you should not rush. It is important to choose an experienced breeder or nursery that specializes in breeding two or three breeds, but no more. Only with proper breeding is it possible to obtain puppies without genetic disorders.

Puppies of this breed are not cheap, you will have to pay a minimum of 15,000 rubles. On average, offspring that meet the standard and are accepted for mating cost about 40,000-50,000 rubles.

There are 2 nurseries in Moscow where you can buy Amertoya:

  • Alma da Steol, Moscow
  • Halacho Happy Day, Moscow

Amertoys are small fox terriers with self-esteem, courage and loyalty. They are not pampered, sensitive individuals, so such a pet should be treated like an ordinary dog, with respect and seriousness.






Adult height: no more than 28 cm. Weight: 1.5-3.5 kg. Characteristic colors: white, white with black, white with red and black (tricolor), white with chocolate, white with tan. Coat length: short-haired dog. Life expectancy: 12-14 years. Advantages of the breed: easy care, not prone to diseases of dwarf breeds, friendly character. Difficulties of the breed: prone to allergies. Toy Fox Terrier price: from $200 to $1000 (the price depends on the pedigree and purity of the breed). Classification: small (dwarf) breed, decorative, apartment, companion dog.

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