Italian Spinone: history of origin and character of the dog

The Italian Spinone or Italian Griffon (English: Spinone Italiano) is an Italian breed of dog. It was originally bred as a universal hunting dog, then became a gun dog. To this day, this breed has still retained its hunting qualities and is often used for its intended purpose. Traditionally used for hunting, retrieving and retrieving game, but can be almost anything from a companion to a service dog.

History of the breed

There is no reliable information about the origin of the breed. Some call the Roman Empire the ancestral home, others call Eastern Europe. There are versions that the breed comes from the ancient wire-haired Italian Segugio. The Spinone also has characteristics of Pointers, which come from the same places as the Spinone. There are known references in the literature to a wire-haired dog imported to France from Italy or Piedmont, the presumed ancestor of the modern Spinone and the French Griffon. In the Middle Ages, such a dog was often depicted in paintings and frescoes.

It is believed that the Spinone received its modern name in the 19th century due to its thick coat: it was one of the few dogs that could hunt small game hidden in the thorny thickets (lat. prunus spinosa). These dogs have an exceptional sense of smell, but are not very fast, and although they are fast enough to successfully catch small animals, the Spinone is considered one of the slowest hunting dogs.

When faster breeds such as spaniels and setters became available, Italian hunters preferred them to the slower spinone. This, as well as the Second World War and post-war devastation, led to the fact that by the middle of the 20th century the spinones practically disappeared. The preservation and revival of the breed is due to the efforts of Dr. A. Cresoli, author of the book “Italian Spinone”. The breed standard was approved by the FCI in 1955.

Griffon Boulet

These hunters do not have an extravagant, graceful appearance.
The gun breed amuses with the rough exterior of the dog “from the gateway”. The busty pointer is a successful “middle ground” between the European wirehaired griffons and barbets, obtained in the nurseries of the breeder and passionate hunter Emmanuel Boulet. The formation of the Boulet Griffons took place in the sixties of the last century in the city of Elboeuf (region of Normandy). The character of these griffons is affectionate and peaceful. Thoughtful hunters are highly trainable and coachable. This is a neat and diligent assistant, excellent for catching wading birds.


Body type

The height at the withers for males is approximately 23~27 inches; bitches are about 22~25 inches. Weight is proportional to size and constitution. Square format case. The length of the body, measured from the chest to the hip, is approximately equal to the height at the withers, with a tolerance of 1 inch allowed. Constitution: powerful, energetic dog with strong bones.


The coat is the main breed characteristic of the Spinone. Its length is about 1.5~2.5 inches. A deviation of 0.5 inches in one direction or another is allowed. Shorter on the head, on the ears, on the muzzle, on the front parts of the limbs and on the paws. On the rear parts of the legs the hair resembles a brush, but is not so long as to resemble a fringe. Long and coarse hair frames the brow ridges and lips, forming thick eyebrows, mustaches and beards and protecting it from the thorny branches of the bush. The hair is hard. The coat is hard, dense and fairly close-fitting, without undercoat.


Recognizable colors include: pure white, white with orange (orange) markings, white with orange markings, white with brown (chestnut) markings, roan, brown roan. The best shade of brown is the color of a monk's dress. Colors not allowed: tricolor, tan, black in any combination.

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  • Light, narrow, short head.
  • An upturned, sharply lowered light muzzle, a sharp transition from forehead to muzzle.
  • Flat, narrow skull.
  • Small nose.
  • Small, bulging or sunken eyes.
  • Small, narrow, low-set ears.
  • Stretched format.
  • Thin, long, weak neck.
  • Small, narrow chest.
  • Flat ribs.
  • Sagging or hunched back.
  • Narrow, straight, long loin.
  • Narrow, sharply sloping croup.
  • Curved, thin forearms.
  • Strong marking, twisted elbows.
  • Weak pastern, very loose paw, kozinets.
  • Saber, barrel-shaped stance.
  • Thin, long tail, with a break.
  • Short, soft wool.
  • Black pigmentation of the skin.
  • Restricted movements.

Advantages of the breed:

  • working dogs;
  • pets are in good health;
  • guard breed.

The Italian Spinone has a patient and affectionate nature. Interactions between the owner and the dog should develop at the level of companion friends. It is recommended to walk the dog in country parks and forests; this is the only way the dog can run around and take a walk. Active physical exercise is very important for the formation of good health of your pet. In any business, the Italian Spinone needs the company of its owner, so it is optimal to have this breed for sports and active people who are ready to walk a lot and exercise the dog. The pet wants to take part in all significant family affairs.

The Italian Spinone is an intelligent breed that understands what is asked of them. The Italian Spinone can get along with other pets. This breed has a good bond with dogs. He is wary of small animals. It is recommended not to leave Italian Spinone alone with squirrels, rabbits and mice. Working and hunting dogs still have the instinct to chase and catch small game.

In order not to be afraid that your pet will catch a small animal, you need to raise the dog from an early age and train it correctly, explain what can be done and what cannot be done. It is also optimal to have different animals at the same time so that they can get used to each other's existence. To prevent your pet from getting bored in your absence, you need to leave toys on the floor.

This breed should be kept in a private home and released into fresh air upon request. In general, the breed is characterized by loyalty to its owner and respects members of the household. Spinone are intelligent, patient, affectionate and playful animals.

Personality of the Belgian Griffon

Belgian Griffons are comfortable pets in every sense. Playful, but not annoying, emotional, but easily controlled, these funny little eyes are observant and subtly sense when the owner needs to cheer up, and when it is better not to be zealous and go about their business. At the same time, human-orientedness is considered the main advantage of the breed, which is especially valuable in cases where the animal’s company is intended to brighten up everyday life, for example, for people with limited mobility and elderly owners.

Griffons do not compete with representatives of domestic fauna. Moreover, they absolutely do not care with whom they share their living space: with rodents, a family of cats or arrogant shepherds. These tiny pacifists are ready to do anything to maintain a peaceful atmosphere and quickly find their niche in the hierarchical system of the animal world. However, one should not confuse conflictlessness with outright cowardice. “Belgians” are very responsive to provocations and injustice from their own kind, therefore, if your charge is threatened by some Great Dane on the street, the tiny “bearded man” will not be too lazy to respond to the rudeness with a loud bark.

Belgian Griffons have a hard time putting up with loneliness, so it is advisable for the animal to live in a family where someone from the household will always be nearby. In addition, the breed has an amazing memory for faces and actions - the pet not only recognizes friends who appear in your house, but also builds an individual line of behavior for each

In the company of people from his inner circle, the Belgian Griffon behaves in a relaxed, trusting and friendly manner, coming up with various tricks and harmless pranks to attract attention to his own person. But strangers, when first encountering a representative of this breed, have to undergo a check

At the sight of a stranger, the griffon turns on a mild suspicion mode, which gradually fades away if the two-legged “alien” does not try to offend the animal or the owner.

Belgian Griffons do not suffer from melancholy or depression; they are on a wave of positivity and willingly engage in play activities. At the same time, entertainment always requires a companion, which can be either the owner or any four-legged creature that is ready to perceive the griffon as an equal.


Like any living creature, dogs are susceptible to diseases. This breed is susceptible to diseases such as entropion of the eyelid, gastric torsion, and displacement of the hip joint. It is recommended to regularly check her hip joints as she gets older. The average life expectancy of this breed is 12-14 years. The dog has long, thick hair that doesn't feel much like wire to the touch. In order for the coat to look good, it must be constantly combed with a stiff brush. Occasionally, trimming is necessary, during which the hair in the area of ​​the dog's body and head is manually plucked.


Vaccination is carried out against the following diseases:

  • canine distemper or distemper;
  • parvovirus enteritis - the causative agent is parvovirus;
  • infectious hepatitis - causative agent hepadnavirus;
  • parainfluenza;
  • rabies;
  • leptospirosis;
  • coronavirus;
  • trichophytosis.

When should a puppy have his first vaccination?

  1. At 2 months the first vaccination is carried out. After the injection, the puppy should not be washed, overfed or taken outside. Immunity after the first vaccine is developed within 12 days; this period becomes the most dangerous for the baby. A person needs to make a lot of effort to alleviate the puppy’s condition. After the first vaccination, puppies experience increased body temperature, general weakness and diarrhea.
  2. After 3 weeks, the puppy is given a second vaccination, but with the same vaccine. As a rule, after the second vaccination the dog feels much better, but for 12 days it must be protected from other animals, from drafts and not taken out for walks. After this time, walks are allowed.
  3. At 6 months of age, the puppy is vaccinated against rabies and a complex vaccine against several diseases. It is forbidden to vaccinate if the dog's teeth are changing. You need to wait until all the teeth are replaced, and then vaccinate the baby.
  4. At one year of age, the dog is given a comprehensive vaccine.
  5. Further, once a year the dog should be vaccinated with the same complex vaccine.

How to vaccinate a puppy?

Only a qualified specialist should vaccinate a puppy.

Before vaccination, he must examine the dog, measure its body temperature, and only if everything is normal, give the injection. The vaccine is placed either in the scruff of the neck or in the hip of the dog. The entire list of vaccinations administered by the veterinarian must be recorded in the dog’s passport. It also indicates the date of vaccination; subsequently, the owner himself will know the expected date of the next vaccination.

Exhibition standards

To participate in shows and competitions, the dog must meet the standards established for the Florentine Spitz.


  • the skull is egg-shaped, the muzzle is slightly shorter than half the length of the head;
  • large nose of a deep black tone with wide nostrils, does not protrude beyond the line of the lips;
  • dense, full lips with a black border;
  • lively, medium-sized eyes with dark brown irises;
  • protruding, triangular, close-set ears;
  • well developed jaws with sharp snow-white teeth. Scissor bite.


  • the back is flat with a slight curve in the lumbar region;
  • the loin is short and wide;
  • The croup has a slope from the hip line with an inclination of 10° to the tail.


It has the shape of a ring, its length corresponds to half the height of the dog at the withers. It is covered with thick hair and narrowed towards the tip.


The front legs are positioned strictly parallel. The hindquarters should be parallel to the line from the buttocks to the surface of the floor.

Italian Spinone care and dog maintenance

This breed can be called relatively easy to care for if you know a few simple facts:

  • A dog's fur sheds twice a year. During this time, she is combed daily until the old fur is completely removed.
  • The rest of the time, it is enough to brush the dog weekly and remove particularly tenacious burrs after a walk. This procedure is very simple, since the dog’s hard hair does not allow plant seeds to be retained for a long time - they eventually slide off and are discarded on their own.
  • Droopy ears should be inspected weekly and cleaned if necessary. The eyes are examined every day, removing dried dark discharge. If inflammation of foreign bodies appears, as well as profuse purulent discharge, you should contact a veterinarian.
  • Heavy and agile, spinones usually wear down their claws on their own.
  • But their teeth can become overgrown with plaque if the dog constantly eats soft food. To clean your teeth, you can use toothpaste and a brush, or special bones and sticks such as Dental, as well as dry food with large granules, cartilage and large beef bones.

Spinone is an excellent dog for a country house or cottage. The city apartment is a bit cramped for her. The exception is when the owner likes to walk a lot and takes his dog with him everywhere. To limit movement around the site, if necessary, an enclosure will be required.

Since spinones do not have an undercoat, they will need to be insulated in cold regions. But in general, these dogs behave well inside the house, rarely cause trouble for their owners and quickly learn to toilet outside. Therefore, they can be taken into the house in the evening or in cold weather.

Lagotto Romagnolo

  • Height: from 40.7 to 48.3 cm
  • Weight: from 11 to 16 kg
  • Life expectancy: 15 to 17 years
  • Average cost: from 1800 to 2500 dollars

Native to the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy, these curly-haired dogs have special skills. Due to their ultra-sensitive nose, they are considered the best breed for truffle hunting . Lagotto Romagnolos will persistently search for these valuable mushrooms, with their noses buried in the ground, until they sniff them out and dig them up.

This old dog breed, developed in the 16th century, has several names: Italian water dog, Romagna lake dog, truffle dog.

The Lagotto Romagnolo is eager to please the people it loves and will remain a good pet as long as it has something to do. If there are no truffles where you live, you can please your four-legged friend with frequent walks in the forest or searching for thrown balls. The Italian Water Dog's soft, curly coat does not shed much, making this breed a good choice for allergy sufferers.

Food spinone

Given the large size and subdued colors of the breed, owners of these dogs may encounter two main problems - allergic reactions and musculoskeletal problems. Dysplasia is an abnormal formation of the acetabulum and is quite common in this breed. It should be noted that in addition to the hereditary component, this disease often develops when puppies are raised improperly, especially if they are heavy breeds. Such puppies should not be overfed, as excess weight overloads the joints and ligaments. In addition to dysplasia, fat puppies may develop a set of front, cow-like rear, or close hock joints.

Feeding young spinone should combine nutrition and the absence of extra calories. Those owners who do not have sufficient knowledge are recommended to use ready-made food for large breed dogs. They do not contain excess fat, and often add glucosamine and other drugs that help the proper formation of joints and ligaments. Puppy food must contain vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus in the correct proportions.

When using a natural diet, you need to use rice, vegetables and meat, adding special vitamin supplements to your diet daily. Feeding dogs with allergies should be organized so that foods that cause a hyperimmune reaction are absent from the diet. Identification of such products is carried out by a veterinarian. The owner's first aid kit must contain antihistamines in case a reaction occurs to any new products.

Volpino-Italian training

These dogs are very independent by nature, but with their intelligence and people-oriented nature, the Volpino is not difficult to train at all.
Harsh training methods are not suitable for this breed. They should be taught in a firm, yet gentle, encouraging manner. Knowing that these dogs love to play and eat, you can use these features. Make activities interesting for the Volpino Italiano. Praise and tasteful rewards for each correctly executed command will only enhance the effect. If you do not want your dog to constantly bark, then do not encourage, but correct this behavior from childhood. Each owner raises his four-legged friend purely for himself. Many people believe that small decorative dogs do not need training. This is a common mistake. As a result, the would-be owners get a mini-monster. Such dogs are difficult to correct their behavior and are extremely difficult to maintain.

Volpino-Italianos are excellent candidates for dog competitions such as agility. There are many interesting obstacles that smart and active dogs are happy to overcome. And the main thing is that this can be done together with their owner, whom they love so much.

Italian Spinone training

Training the Spinone is an essential part of this dog's life. There are many directions in which an owner can develop his dog. Spinone are excellent fetchers, they have a very sensitive sense of smell, they willingly make contact with strangers, and get along well with children.

These dogs learn obedience quite quickly. Especially if you start training as soon as the puppy arrives in your home. Slowness simplifies training - puppies do not try to run far or quickly and try to follow the owner.

If you call the puppy five to ten times on each walk, reward the puppy with a treat the same number of times for looking at the owner, and sit him down five times, in two weeks this basic complex will be learned. It is important to practice recall for up to 6 months, making maximum use of the innate following reflex.

Special hunting training for spinone is carried out at specialized stations. After completing a special training course, the dog receives a work book and can then officially hunt with its owner.

Neapolitan Mastiff

  • Height: from 61 to 78.8 cm
  • Weight: from 50 to 68 kg
  • Life expectancy: 7 to 9 years
  • Average cost: from 2500 to 4500 dollars

They drool, snort, snore and fart a lot. So why can you love the Neapolitan Mastiff? Used in battle and as a guard dog by the ancient Romans, this old dog breed is a loyal, friendly and affectionate family pet today.

The Neapolitan Mastiff has an excellent memory , so watch your behavior around him.

Due to its impressive size and strong character, the Mastino Napoletano, as it is often called, is best suited for experienced dog owners. It is not advisable for families with small children to own a Neapolitan Mastiff. However, he is not an aggressive breed unless he feels that a loved one is in danger. These large, short-haired dogs don't shed much, but they do need space—lots of space!

Spinone mating

In principle, the female is ready to meet a male and for her first heat, but you can’t breed so early!

The ideal days for mating are considered to be from 11 to 15 from the start of estrus. It is best to breed a female by the age of 2, just like males. Under no circumstances should males be bred before two years of age. Early sexual activity will not improve the health of either the dog or the offspring.

  • Before mating, animals need to be given a good walk, but should not be fed. It is better to introduce dogs on neutral territory so that they can get to know each other and run around, and then lead them to the male dog’s territory.
  • Matings should always be carried out only in the territory of the dog. Actually, an act of love can also happen during dating, so don’t interfere with the process.

So, you're in male territory. Most likely, no intervention will be required, and the bitch, having played enough with the male, will allow a persistent suitor to mount.

If one of the partners for mating is small in relation to the other, then you can place a pillow under the hind legs or, if the bitch is shorter, place her belly on a bent knee. This advice is more relevant for small breeds. Just don’t try to bend the bitch’s paws so that the dog can reach her.

After ejaculation, mating occurs. The male can be on the bitch or stand with his back to her. The animals will figure it out on their own. However, if the lady tries to break free or lie down, do not allow her, hold her back a little. Also try not to scare the dogs.

It happens that after mating, mating does not occur and the male immediately loses interest in the female. Be sure to carry out a control mating after 24-48 hours.

Italian Spinone puppies

Spinone puppies are funny bumpkins, curious, but slow. They need constant and close attention from the owner, as they slowly learn to coordinate their movements and often find themselves in unpleasant situations. It is important that the yard in which the puppy grows is not dangerous for him. A threat can be posed by an unclosed cellar or a hole in the garage, into which a puppy can easily fall, or by a grated floor covering in which a paw can get stuck. A clumsy kid often gets into trouble on the street. Therefore, walks with him should be leisurely, at a pace that is comfortable for him.

Excessive duration of walks usually leads to the appearance of marks, especially if the puppy grows in winter or early spring. The basic rule is that as soon as the puppy is tired, you need to go home and do it slowly enough so that he does not become overtired.

Proper raising of heavy breed puppies involves monitoring their growth and development. There are tables of dog weight depending on its age. If such a table cannot be found, you need to ensure that the baby does not show signs of obesity. Spinone dogs are great lovers of running, but you should not disperse these dogs by forcing them to follow a bicycle. An attentive owner will always notice the puppy’s fatigue and thus be able to dose the load correctly.

Spinone develops unevenly. There are periods when the dog looks small-headed, stretched out, or high-legged. This is how heavy puppies always grow up; you shouldn’t make a tragedy out of it. Spinone females are fully formed by one to one and a half years, and males by three years.

Prices for Italian Spinone puppies

Spinone is a rare breed. There is no data on the nurseries of these dogs in our country; single specimens are shown at exhibitions. The cost of a puppy in Europe is 2000-3000 euros. Before purchasing it, it is important to decide on the purpose of the dog, since working spinones of Northern Europe will not be able to be winners of exterior shows.

In the US, the cost of a Spinone puppy ranges from $700 to $5,000. Relatively inexpensive puppies are sterilized pets, intended not for breeding, but to be companions.

What determines the price of Italian Spinone puppies?

The total cost includes the breeder's costs associated with the appearance of the puppies, up to the organization of mating until the birth of the litter. After a successful mating, the breeder takes care of the puppy for two months, providing the proper care and feeding necessary for the normal development of the babies. After birth, puppies require increased attention. From a certain point, they are switched to natural, high-quality products, and they clean up after them several times a day, investing not only physical labor, but also moral labor. At the same time, you still need to support the lactating bitch. Considering that the dog is large, the daily food intake is appropriate. Unlike small breeds, Spinone requires several times more food, which requires more money to purchase. Then comes the moment of vaccination, branding, activation, and this also requires money. In addition, the baby’s exterior is taken into account. If you want to buy an Italian Spinone with excellent exterior qualities, excellent health, and prospects for the future, you need to be prepared for the fact that such puppies cannot be cheap.

Statistically, working dogs are more expensive than companion dogs, and show dogs are more expensive than working dogs.

Gender should not be a significant factor, although some breeders emphasize this. Color and flaws determine whether a puppy belongs to a certain class. The less the baby meets the breed standard, the lower its cost.


Italian dog owners obtained the Bolognese breed by crossing lapdogs from the island of Malta with poodles of the dwarf variety. It was from the poodle that the Bolognese Bichon received its wavy, thick coat. Representatives of the breed were happily introduced into wealthy homes in Italy. It was fashionable and spoke of the high social status of the owner.

In the 16th century, Italian lap dogs found their way to France, where they quickly became popular. It is known that the Marquise de Pompadour, influential at the royal court, was a great lover of these dogs. Two centuries later, several Italian lap dogs were presented as a gift to Catherine II. Since they were given by the French ambassador, the dogs in Russia are also called French lapdogs. Italian lapdogs are still popular today. Small, cheerful and friendly dogs have charm and leave no one indifferent.

Popular questions about the breed

HOW are they suitable for the role of a pet?

Gentle, affectionate and calm, the Spinone is an excellent dog for an active rural family that can meet his needs for exercise and attention. He loves children very much, is patient with them, playful and trustworthy - but at an early age he is too boisterous for kids.


A country house with plenty of space is the ideal home for spinone. But the most important thing for him is family, and he will adapt to city life if he gets regular and plenty of exercise and can fully participate in family affairs. Not recommended for a city apartment.

WHAT type of owner?

A patient and affectionate owner who sees the dog as his constant companion, enjoys country walks and other dog activities, and is not obsessed with cleanliness in the house - for such a person the Italian Spinone is a good choice. The dog needs constant company, physical activity and mental stimulation. She wants to fully participate in her owner's life and is not suitable for those people who disappear all day at work.

HOW do they get along with other pets?

The sociable Spinone gets along well with other animals and enjoys the company of other dogs, although like all breeds, he needs early socialization. But still, this is a hunting dog with innate chasing instincts, so you should carefully introduce him to other pets.

WHAT are good qualities?

Loyal, smart, patient, affectionate, obedient, non-aggressive, open, playful.

WHAT should we be afraid of?

If a Spinona is bored, they become destructive. Without socialization they are cowardly. Definitely not for those who like strict order in the house. They howl a lot. Most of them steal food from the table and eat garbage on the street.

WHAT physical activity is needed?

Very big. An adult Italian Spinona needs at least one long walk of 60-90 minutes every day, including plenty of free time. This breed is not for passive owners! Puppies under 9 months of age should be limited to short walks and playing in the garden to prevent damage to their growing bones.

HOW easy is it to train them?

With a patient, gentle, consistent approach, this is a very intelligent breed. Well amenable to training. Spinone is very impressionable, quite obedient, and therefore does not tolerate rough treatment.

WHAT medical problems?

Generally a healthy breed, but hip dysplasia (parents should be checked) and entropy and ectropia (turning in and out) of the eyelids are occasionally encountered. Some lines carry cerebral ataxia, an inherited condition in which puppies lose control of their bodies and rarely survive beyond the age of one year.


They are not picky about their diet; some owners even feed them table scraps. But this will significantly shorten the animal’s life, because even though it has a good stomach, its diet must be balanced.

It is very important to include meat and fish in your diet. It is better to give the meat raw, and cook the fish and remove it from the bones. Porridge is always added to protein foods, and sometimes vegetables are added. Not all Spinone will eat vegetables; the easiest way to achieve obedience is to mix them with porridge or even mash them into puree.

Interesting facts about the breed

The name of the breed means thorn in Italian. It may be due to both the dog’s coat type and the fact that it works well in thorny bushes.

There are exhibition and working lines of these dogs around the world. Workers are concentrated in the Scandinavian countries. Here dogs are selected solely based on how good they are at hunting. It is unrealistic to purchase a puppy from a working kennel for a sofa.

In turn, the USA breeds the Spinone as a companion dog, paying attention exclusively to external perfection. Here this breed is assigned the role of a companion dog. Of course, show-bred dogs are very different from working dogs, both in appearance and character.



An unusual dog requires an unusual nickname.

  • For boys: Alpha, Bali, Baset, Bonjour (Boni), Joy, Dianon, Doni, Growl, Zoom, Orion, Romulus, Story, Yacon.
  • For girls: Anais, Batisha, Vienna, Wanda, Dina, Zhuzha, Queenie, Lorraine, Olive, Riana, Rhonda, Stein.





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