Chihuahua is a small long-liver and a frequent guest of fashion shows

The Chihuahua dog is a truly unique dog. Firstly, this breed is recognized as the smallest in the world. Thanks to its balanced character, a Chihuahua can sit quietly in a special bag next to its beloved owner, wherever he goes. Secondly, the Chihuahua is considered one of the longest-livers of the “dog world,” which means that owners will be able to enjoy communication with their pet for a long time.

The average life expectancy of these babies is 14–16 years, but there are cases where dogs lived up to 20.

And of course, the Chihuahua is considered one of the most fashionable dog breeds, because for many decades this breed has enjoyed great success among bohemians and show business stars.

Probably everyone remembers the films “Beverly Hills Belle” - 1, 2 and 3 and “Legally Blonde” - 1 and 2, where small dogs not only accompany their owners, sitting in beautiful bags and on fashionable pillows, but also fight for goodness and justice and show miracles of ingenuity to achieve their goals.

Brief history of origin

Mexico is officially recognized as the homeland of the Chihuahua. They got their name from one of the largest Mexican states - Chihuahua. This breed traces its origins to wild dogs that were domesticated by the Indians who inhabited the territory of Mexico. The Mexicans considered these dogs to be sacred animals and called them “techichi.”

At the beginning of the 16th century, the Spanish conquerors almost completely destroyed the Techichi. For a long time there was no information about them. Only in the middle of the 19th century did information appear about their descendants - local traders near the border with Mexico offered travelers unusually small dogs. This is how representatives of this breed appeared in America and Europe.

They were brought to Russia in 1959 by the leader of Cuba F. Castro, who gave Nikita Khrushchev two such dogs - Mushinka and Mishtera, who later became the ancestor of all domestic individuals of this breed.

This is interesting! In Mexico, the Chihuahua is recognized as the national dog.

Expert opinion

Leonid Rodin

Experienced dog breeder

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Chihuahua fashion has played a ridiculous joke on these miniature dogs. They are often bought for prestige. Faced later with the difficult character of the “Mexican Lilliputian,” the owners are surprised to realize that they have acquired a four-legged personality, and not a resigned living doll. Few people know that at one time in the state of Arizona (USA) there was a serious threat to the safety of children from numerous stray dogs. This fact would not be surprising, but we were talking about packs of homeless Chihuahuas thrown onto the street by their owners. Considering the aggressiveness and natural persistence of this breed, unexpected for such a small stature, the problem could not be resolved by itself. To the surprise of experts, the breeding of dogs was quite active, and the population was rapidly increasing. But at home, Chihuahuas experience difficulties with mating and childbirth. So the state administration had to allocate money to sterilize the rampaging little dogs, create additional places in shelters and remove these four-legged street children from the city outskirts.

From the history of the breed

The first mentions of the breed go back thousands of years. There are a great many hypotheses about the origin of the breed and the mysteries associated with it. The origin of this tiny creature is shrouded in an incredible number of legends - right up to its alien homeland.

Small figurines, rock and other images of a small dog similar to a modern Chihuahua, mummified bodies of a miniature dog, are found during excavations of ancient structures throughout Mexico. The dog was kept as a sacred animal in the houses of the nobility and priesthood of the Mayan, Aztec, and Toltec tribes. The name of the small pet was Techichi.

With the arrival of the conquistadors and the fall of ancient civilizations, the little Techichi were forced to flee, to hide from humans. The wildest situation - the Spaniards enjoyed feasting on tender dog meat.

Since then, the dogs have gone into the forests and avoided human contact. However, almost three centuries later, European tourists visiting Mexico began to bring home tiny large-headed dogs purchased from the local population. This is how Chihuahuas came to Europe.

Chihuahua dog: interesting facts

Despite the fact that this breed originated several centuries ago, it is becoming more and more popular every year.

Several interesting facts will give you the opportunity to learn more about this breed:

  1. The American Kennel Club has recognized the Chihuahua as the smallest dog breed in the world. The weight of the largest representative of the breed is 7 kg and height is 23 cm.
  2. The Chihuahua is one of the top ten dog breeds for life expectancy.
  3. Compared to body size, the Chihuahua's brain is the largest among dogs.
  4. The Chihuahua is the most popular dog breed among Hollywood stars.
  5. Dogs of this breed are fully mature by the first year of life.

When does puberty occur?

Small breeds of dogs become sexually mature earlier than their larger counterparts. Female Chihuahuas come into heat at about 6 months of age. But under no circumstances should she be taken to mating in such a return.

If a Chihuahua is impregnated at six months of age, the puppies may not survive or may be born with defects. In addition, after mating the body stops growing, and at 6 months it is still immature. The best time for mating is 10-12 months, then the dog’s body will be completely ready.

Males also fully mature by 10-12 months. It is better to arrange the first mating with an experienced bitch. The next mating should be carried out no earlier than after 4 months. Then every month, one mating, and no more.

Important: Before the first mating, it is better to take the dog to the veterinarian so that he can determine its physiological characteristics. It doesn't matter if it's a cable or a bitch.

Breed description, standards and appearance

The first breed standard was published in 1923, and it included only smooth-haired animals. In 1954, long-haired individuals were legalized by dog ​​handlers. The modern breed standard was approved by the FCI in 1998.

It is noteworthy that the standard does not indicate the size of the Chihuahua, so height and weight are not considered indicators of the breed. The main thing is that the weight of the Chihuahua is 0.5–3 kg.

The following growth characteristics are unofficially accepted among breeders:

  • if an individual weighs up to 2 kg, then its height should not be higher than 17–23 cm;
  • individuals that weigh more than 3 kg must be taller than 25 cm.

The weight of an adult dog is always proportional to its height. “Girls” are usually a little taller and have a slightly more elongated body.

This is interesting! Chihuahuas grow until they are 6–7 months old. At the end of this period, they are just gaining weight, so already at 7 months it is possible to determine the exact growth of an individual in adulthood.

Breeders, trying to improve the breed qualities of individuals, developed the following types of Chihuahuas:

  • chihuahua cobby (cobby-type) – have a stocky build, they have a fairly large head and thick hair;
  • chihuahua deer (deer-type) - unlike the cobby type, these dogs look like small fawns: they have longer legs, a narrow chest and muzzle.

The ICF standard describes representatives of the Chihuahua breed this way.

  1. The head is round and shaped like an apple. It is allowed to have a small fontanel that does not close throughout life.
  2. The Chihuahua's muzzle is short and wide, tapering towards the nose.
  3. Scissor bite or straight bite.
  4. The ears are erect, wide at the base and tapering towards the ends.
  5. The eyes are dark, round, large.
  6. The nose is usually dark in color or harmonizes with the color of the coat.
  7. The limbs are long, straight, parallel.
  8. The paws are small, with splayed toes.
  9. The tail is of medium length, set high, tapering to a point.
  10. Based on the type of coat, representatives of the breed are divided into smooth-haired and long-haired.
  11. Colors can be of a wide variety of shades.

This is interesting! In a purebred individual, the tail is curled into a semi-ring, and its tip is directed towards the lower back.

Main type of dog

This interesting, fragile dog looks more graceful than sporty. Funny long ears, dark eyes and a short muzzle speak of the dog’s playful character. That’s right, they are playful, inquisitive, and full of desire to be close to their owner. But their character is contradictory like no other. They are jealous, aggressive towards other dogs and sometimes belligerent. Although you wouldn't say so at first glance.

At heart, the Chihuahua is a lion in a dog's skin, some owners even cut their hair exactly like a lion (this is about long-haired owners).

Chihuahua varieties, coat type and color

According to the current FCI standard, there are two varieties of the breed:

  • smooth-haired are short-haired dogs with straight, shiny and close-lying hair;
  • long-haired - have soft, silky, straight or slightly wavy hair; on their paws, neck, ears and tail their hair is longer than that of short-haired individuals.

You can learn about the characteristics of long-haired dogs here.

The standard provides for the following main types of coat color in dogs of this breed.

  1. A solid white Chihuahua is rare in nature. White usually serves as a background for other colors. It is noteworthy that long-haired and smooth-haired white individuals are recognized as the standard if they do not have signs of albinism. White smooth-haired Chihuahuas, like their long-haired counterparts, can have hearing problems due to a deafness gene that is passed down from generation to generation.
  2. The solid black Chihuahua is also uncommon. Black dogs often have a small white patch on their chest or paws.
  3. Black and white individuals have black or white spots on a corresponding contrasting background (white or black).
  4. Chocolate-colored Chihuahuas have a brown color with a warm tint, which can be either plain or with markings on the paws and chest.
  5. The blue Chihuahua has gray fur with a blue or blue tint. Small white markings on a blue background or large gray spots on a white background are acceptable.
  6. The red Chihuahua, like other solid-colored dogs of this breed, is also rare. The color of such individuals has different variations of shades - from light red to red. Small white markings on the chest and paws are also allowed.
  7. Purple Chihuahuas are recognized as one of the most beautiful varieties of dogs of this breed. The coat color of such individuals is pink in various shades (from light to dark purple). The lilac color looks very impressive on a Chihuahua with long fluffy hair.
  8. The brindle Chihuahua has a fawn coat of any shade combined with black or chocolate stripes. Small white markings are also allowed. The brindle coat color is considered one of the rarest and most expressive of the Chihuahua dog breed.
  9. The fawn Chihuahua has a light yellow coat color. Small white spots and a “mask” on the face are allowed.
  10. Black and tan individuals have clear tan markings of light tan or reddish color and look similar to miniature pinschers.

It is important! The merle color (or in other words, merle) is prohibited by most cynological organizations, since puppies of this color are often born blind and deaf. In addition, adults may have pathological abnormalities related to the cardiovascular system, bones or eyes.

Features that are considered defects

As with any breed, there are minor, minor deviations in appearance, and quite significant ones. The most common faults in Chihuahuas are pronounced pointed ears, a tail that is too short or long, an elongated body and a short neck relative to it.

Thoroughbred body defects include a sloping croup, a narrow chest, and widely or narrowly spaced limbs.

Critical deviations from the norm are: a narrow forehead and skull as a whole, a long and narrow muzzle, deep-set or excessively bulging eyes, congenital patellar luxation and malocclusion.

And because of these external defects, the dog will not be allowed into shows and exhibitions:

  • A clearly open fontanel on the skull;
  • Deviant behavior (cowardice, aggression, excessive activity);
  • Complete absence of tail;
  • Short or cropped ears;
  • Very long body;
  • Noticeable hair loss in short-haired dogs;
  • Long, matted or flying hair in long-haired dogs;
  • “Deer” silhouette (small head with elongated neck and legs);
  • Strong deviation in weight (overweight and underweight).

Chihuahua dog - character and behavior

Despite their miniature size, Chihuahuas are bold and fearless by nature. We can say that this is a dog of one owner, to whom it will be devoted all its life. If the owner devotes time to someone else, this devotion can even turn into jealousy.

Representatives of the breed get along well with those of their relatives whom they have known since childhood. They don't like other people's dogs. Therefore, the owner must carefully monitor the behavior of the pet during a walk. Representatives of the breed are extremely wary of strangers - they always greet arriving guests with a loud bark, and can even bite.

Chihuahuas are smart dogs with a good memory and quickly remember many commands. True, sometimes due to their independent nature, they can be stubborn.

This is interesting! An amazing feature of the breed is the need to bury itself in the folds of a blanket, rug or accidentally forgotten owner’s clothing. This is how they create a refuge for themselves where they can hide from the outside world and be alone with themselves.

Chihuahua and children

Chihuahuas get along well with children and can play with them for a long time. However, you should not allow a child under 8 years of age to play with this dog. Representatives of the breed have very fragile bones, so any blow can cause irreparable harm to the dog’s health.


Little babies are distinguished by incredible courage and bravery. They won’t even think about whether to attack a huge dog while out for a walk. This can lead to injury to the desperate pet, so owners must keep the situation under control.

Some may find Chihuahuas to be overly clingy. These dogs are incredibly attached to humans. Often, out of the whole family, they choose one person from whom they constantly demand attention. So much ingenuity in that little head! He will definitely come up with something that will turn the gaze of his beloved owner on himself.

The character of miniature dogs is very suspicious, so they perceive strangers and other dogs as potential enemies. However, these kids get along well with each other. If you want to buy your miracle a friend, feel free to buy a second Chihuahua.

Who is better to get a Chihuahua?

  • Aged people . For them, the dog will become a wonderful companion who will entertain, make them laugh, and give devotion and love. With him the owner will not feel lonely.
  • Families with children . Chihuahuas get along well with children, but at an immature age the child often injures the tiny pet. The Chihuahua may bite him in defense. However, for those families whose children have already reached school age and have a responsible approach to communicating with animals, this breed will only bring joy.

If your work requires you to often be away from home, you will doom your pet to loneliness, which is extremely undesirable for these animals.

How to choose the right Chihuahua puppy?

Before buying a puppy, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the breed standard and avoid the temptation to choose a Chihuahua only based on the color of its eyes and coat. When choosing a puppy, its gender also plays an important role: usually a girl Chihuahua is more capricious, while a boy Chihuahua, on the contrary, will be more obedient and gentle in character.

This is interesting! All Chihuahua puppies, regardless of gender, mark their territory. True, male Chihuahuas do this much more often.

Buy a puppy only from a specialized nursery, where babies are booked at the age of several days. It is better to adopt a Chihuahua puppy at the age of 3-4 months - by this time he will have received all the necessary vaccinations and documents and, possibly, will be toilet trained.

Depending on the size of the Chihuahua, there are several categories: standard (weigh from 2 to 3 kg), mini (1.5–2 kg) and super-mini (up to 1.5 kg). Pedigree standard Chihuahuas cost from 15,000 to 18,000 rubles, mini-individuals are usually a little more expensive - 25,000–45,000 rubles.

Super-mini Chihuahuas are considered the most expensive - 80,000–95,000 rubles. The price is also greatly influenced by the city of purchase: for example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, puppies will cost several times more than in other Russian cities.

When does a Chihuahua change teeth?

A Chihuahua's teeth change at about 5 months. Also, the timing of teeth replacement depends on the size of the dog. The smaller it is, the later the molars grow.

Timing of teeth change for an average Chihuahua:

  • Primolars are replaced at approximately 6 months;
  • Molar canines grow in by 7 months;
  • Incisors grow in 5-6 months.

You shouldn’t be upset if your Chihuahua’s teeth don’t grow according to plan; they will definitely grow; in extreme cases, you can contact a veterinarian. A set of Chihuahua teeth consists of 42 pieces.

Chihuahua puppy in the house - where to start?

Before the arrival of a Chihuahua puppy in the house, you need to thoroughly prepare: purchase bowls, a collar, a leash, toys, a tray and disposable diapers, equip a sleeping place, and also hide small objects, electrical wires and various toxic substances away.

At first, it is advisable to place the puppy in a small room - this way he will quickly get used to the new place. Under no circumstances should you take your baby into your bed, otherwise you will not be able to get rid of your bedmate later.

To toilet train in the first few days, you need to monitor the puppy after sleeping and feeding, and when he starts looking for a secluded corner, take him to the tray. When the baby does his business, you need to praise him. There are several toilet options for representatives of this breed - a tray with a grid or lined with disposable diapers.

An adult Chihuahua boy will definitely appreciate a special toilet with a pole.

Education and training should begin from the very first days of your Chihuahua puppy’s stay at home. The owner must make it clear to the pet that he is a leader, and also show him what can be done and what cannot be done.


Even mini dogs like Chihuahuas require proper education and training. The educational process should begin at an early age. It is impossible for a Chihuahua puppy to be left without education. Such animals grow up capricious, and in some cases aggressive.

An interesting feature of this breed is that its representatives can almost accurately recognize the weaknesses of the owner, which then allows them to manipulate them. It is not necessary to teach the animal all the commands. It is enough to teach your pet basic commands:

  • "to me";
  • "ugh!";
  • "voice";
  • "sit";
  • "lie";
  • "it is forbidden".

Raising a Chihuahua puppy
If desired, you can add other commands to the list. A reward is provided for successful completion. In order for the puppy to absorb them faster, training is practiced more often. Puppy training requires persistence and understanding.

Proper upbringing disciplines Chihuahua puppies and helps them see a leader in a person.

Chihuahua weight and height chart by month

The growth of a Chihuahua depends on heredity, the number of puppies in the litter, as well as the conditions of detention - a well-chosen diet and providing the puppy with sufficient physical activity.

Both puppies and adults, dogs of this breed are prone to overeating. As the puppy grows, you need to control its weight. The table below shows the weight of a puppy of different ages depending on birth weight.

AgePuppy weight at birth in grams
0 months708090100120125130145160170
1 month210235275325375460490545600655
2 months3153754605556156807708309451055
3 months4305456307458559451055117012851400
4 months570715860970111512551395154016801820
5 months6858609901165131014851650182519952155
6 months75095011151265145516501850202022152415
18 months1000120014001700190021002300250028003000

It is important! The difference between the values ​​in the table and the actual weight can be 10-20 grams.

Factors influencing growth

Development, weight gain, growth of Chihuahua puppies depends on these factors:

  1. Genetic predisposition. When purchasing a puppy, experienced owners carefully study the kitten's ancestors. Pathology, a developmental disorder that is “old” even about 5 generations ago may well manifest itself in a distant heir. It is genetics that is primarily responsible for the size, weight, speed of development of the animal, and the onset of the first heat in female puppies.
  2. Number of brothers and sisters. The more numerous the litter, the smaller its representatives will be. But this statement is not 100% valid. With proper care, nutritious and high-quality nutrition, even the weakest and frailest kitten can catch up, or even surpass its brothers in development.
  3. Care and feeding. In order for a Chihuahua baby to fully develop, he needs to create special development conditions - a cozy and calm environment, sufficient physical activity, good nutrition, vitamin and mineral supplements. The owner must keep a diary of his pet’s weight gain: in the first month he fills it out every week, in the 2-12th month – monthly. During the active period of development (3-9 months), the baby should gain at least 80-100 g monthly.

Chihuahua dog - care and feeding

For a puppy, as for an adult Chihuahua, overeating is very harmful, so they need to be fed according to a set schedule:

  • newborn Chihuahua puppies in the first three weeks of life feed only on mother's milk;
  • When a Chihuahua is 1 month old, you can start introducing complementary foods (kefir, cottage cheese, porridge with meat);
  • At 2 months old, a Chihuahua puppy should already be eating its mother’s food. Typically, a 2-month-old Chihuahua eats 6 times a day;
  • puppies 3–4 months old eat up to 5 times a day;
  • Chihuahuas at 5 months old should eat 4 times a day;
  • Chihuahuas from 6 months to a year usually eat 3 times a day;
  • From the age of one year, dogs are switched to two meals a day.

It is important! To correctly calculate the volume of portions, the owner needs to know that per 1 kg of dog weight there should be 50–80 grams of food.

For full development, Chihuahua puppies need walks and a balanced diet.

Read about what is best to feed your Chihuahua in the article “Natural or dry food?”.

During the first walks, the baby may experience fear, so it is better to hold him in your arms at first. It is advisable to walk your puppy at least once a day, gradually increasing the duration of the walk from 5 to 30 minutes. In cold weather, your pet should be dressed in special clothing, and in hot weather should not be left in the sun, otherwise he risks getting sunstroke.

To feed his pet, the owner can choose both ready-made food and natural food. In the latter case, it is necessary to additionally give the puppy vitamin supplements.

With a natural diet, the diet of Chihuahua puppies should contain the following products:

  • lean meat;
  • boiled sea fish without bones;
  • cereals;
  • greenery;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • fruits.

The following are strictly prohibited for representatives of the breed:

  • sweets;
  • fat meat;
  • fried, smoked and salted foods;
  • spices and smoked meats;
  • legumes;
  • bones.

Chihuahua dog - hygiene

Hygienic care for representatives of the breed comes down to washing, caring for the coat, eyes and mouth, cleaning the ears, and trimming the nails.

You need to care for the coat of a Chihuahua as follows: long-haired individuals are brushed with a special massage brush 3-4 times a week, while smooth-haired individuals need to be brushed weekly. It is not recommended to bathe this dog breed frequently, otherwise the coat may become dry and brittle. It is advisable to bathe long-haired individuals approximately once every 2 months, and short-haired individuals - once every 4 months.

For more information about dog hygiene, read the article “How to bathe a Chihuahua correctly.”

Discharge in the corners of the eyes should be removed with a cotton pad soaked in boiled warm water. Plaque that accumulates in the oral cavity is carefully removed with a cotton swab. Ears should be checked weekly for dirt and cleaned with a piece of bandage soaked in a special solution.

Nails should be trimmed weekly with the smallest clippers.

Chihuahua dog – health

The health of a pet depends on the care and body structure, so it is difficult to identify specific diseases that affect representatives of this particular breed. Mainly they have:

  • joint dislocations;
  • bone fractures;
  • various head injuries – newborn Chihuahuas have a fontanel on the head, so any minor head injury can lead to the most dangerous consequences;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypoglycemia – low blood sugar levels that develop due to too little body weight.

It is important! During the cold season, special dog clothing should not be neglected, since representatives of the breed are prone to ARVI.

Why does a Chihuahua tremble?

Dogs of this breed have an unusual feature - frequent trembling, the main reasons for which are cold, joy, fear, hunger or excitement. If all the causes have been eliminated, but the trembling continues, it is necessary to urgently show your pet to a veterinarian.

Why does a Chihuahua grunt?

Chihuahuas often make sounds similar to grunting. There are several reasons: too narrow nasal passages and excessive excitability of the neuromuscular apparatus of the larynx. This phenomenon is scientifically called “reverse cough” and is not related to diseases.

How to feed

These dogs have a sensitive digestive system. Do not overuse dry and especially cheap food. Watch the volume of portions, for example, for an adult two-kilogram dog, there are two portions per day of at least 150 grams.

There are two approaches to feeding: natural and complementary feeding with industrial feed. You cannot mix both of these methods. All meat must be heat-treated, food must be hypoallergenic, and it is better to consult a veterinarian who will select the right food.

What you should never feed:

  • Raw meat and pork;
  • Any sweets;
  • Fried and fatty foods;
  • Dairy products;
  • Legumes;
  • Bones;
  • Pickles, marinades and the like;
  • River fish.

From this we can conclude that you cannot feed your dog from the table.

How to make a pet house with your own hands?

A house for a Chihuahua comes in various designs: closed, open or just a bed. In order to make a house with your own hands, you need to take a medium-sized box and cut off the top part.

On all sides, including the inside, you need to cover the box with fabric, and glue an additional sheet of cardboard in the form of a roof. Then you need to cut out the doorway and put a piece of foam rubber covered with fabric “on the floor” of the house. This option for a pet house is very economical and, moreover, will allow the owner to fully express his imagination.

How does character affect a Chihuahua's learning ability?

It is necessary to raise and train a pet on the same day it appears in the house. Of course, the dog’s pretty face and small size invite him to be treated softly and tenderly.

But this is where the big mistake lies: such indulgences do not educate the dog, but vice versa. Soon the pet will begin to actively use this attitude towards him. The dog will become arrogant and smug. And it will become simply impossible to train him.

You can’t be afraid to show rigor where it’s needed. Any aggression or stubbornness of the Chihuahua must be stopped. You cannot shout or hit your pet. It is enough to scold him strictly and clearly. But the dog's good behavior should also be encouraged. You need to treat and praise her if she deserves it. These are all elements of raising and training a Chihuahua.

It is usually easier to train girls to sneeze than boys because they are calm and obedient in nature.

Chihuahua dog: pros and cons

It will be useful for the future owner to learn about the main pros and cons of this breed. However, looking at these cute dogs, it immediately becomes clear that they have more advantages than disadvantages.

Compact sizeNeed clothes for walking
DevotionLoud barking
Good health and staminaOnly allowed to walk on a leash
No need for long walksStubbornness and touchiness
Have a developed intellect
Their sensitive hearing and clear voice make them excellent watchdogs.

A dog of this breed will undoubtedly become a friend and a full-fledged member of the family. The little Chihuahua easily adapts to the mood of its owners, and, despite its size, is always ready to help.

Kennel club "Vernost"

Chihuahua. About the dog breed: description of the Chihuahua breed, prices, photos, care Chihuahua If you decide to get yourself a small lap dog and have doubts about the breed, choosing a Chihuahua, you will never regret. Chihuahua is one of the few breeds that was formed in nature under natural conditions, and not as a result of selection and crossing of different dogs. This determines her good health, stable psyche and good nervous system. Dogs of this breed usually choose one owner and maintain friendly relations with the rest of the family. You can keep a Chihuahua even in a very small apartment; such a dog does not require much space. Chihuahuas do not need to be walked; they are perfectly accustomed to a tray or diaper. Walk with your pet only for your own pleasure! You can also walk your Chihuahua in the summer, and make do with a tray at home during the cold and wet seasons. Chihuahuas tolerate loneliness very well - while you are not at home, the Chihuahua will find something to do with itself or just sleep. You can work or study calmly and not worry about how your pet is doing at home without you. And in the evening he will greet you with a whirlwind of sincere joy.

Why is a Chihuahua better than other miniature breeds?

Why is the Chihuahua better than other miniature breeds? The Chihuahua is a tiny dog ​​with an elongated body and a straight back, harmoniously built, and very mobile. Chihuahuas react very calmly to external stimuli - the phone ringing or strangers. Chihuahuas only bark when playing with other dogs. This cute dog cannot be called an empty nester. Every “woof” is strictly to the point. Probably everyone has a picture in their head of a small dog that is always shaking. So this is not a Chihuahua, it’s just that people cannot always outwardly distinguish a Chihuahua from other small breeds. Chihuahuas are very calm, balanced and even sedate dogs. Even if she trembles from cold and excitement, she will very quickly cope with herself and get used to the new environment. The coat of Chihuahuas, both smooth-haired and long-haired, does not get dirty at all. You only need to wash your paws after a walk, and the dog itself can be washed once every few months. Its coat also does not require regular combing, trimming, curling, haircuts and other tricks. Of course, you can always scratch your Chihuahua's back with a comb; she will really like it. But this is not at all necessary. Many of us look at the Chihuahua as a tiny, lovable dog, but in reality there is so much more to them than just their tiny size. It may be a small but robust dog with a round, apple-shaped head, and its large eyes and upright ears complement its strong character. Fearless, extremely lively, proud and active, the Chihuahua enjoys expressing its love and affection. How funny it is to see this brave and impudent little dog move quickly on its short legs so that it does not accidentally get stepped on. Take note that she can be quite stubborn without proper human leadership. It happens that some dogs of this breed have minor difficulties in training and education, but they are very smart and grasp everything literally “on the fly”, reacting correctly to characteristic commands. Chihuahuas may not tolerate cold well and may shiver. She will tolerate and even appreciate the owner’s care if you put a warm sweater on her on cold days. It is worth saying that these tiny Chihuahuas have enough movement inside the house. They are well trained to use the litter tray and this is very convenient for people living in small apartments and who do not have the opportunity to walk their dog often. I would especially like to note that the Chihuahua is simply an excellent companion dog for city dwellers and is easy to take with you everywhere. Dogs of this miniature breed are generally active, alert and attentive with clear signs of terrier qualities. Chihuahuas are good at home and get close to all family members, but as a rule, they choose one owner for themselves. They get along well with cats and other pets. As a result of the complete absence of hair problems, caring for a show-class Chihuahua is no different from caring for a pet Chihuahua. And preparation for the exhibition is completely reduced to nothing - whisper a couple of encouraging words in your pet’s ear, and off you go, into the ring! Finally, breeders do not recommend certain ornamental breeds for families with children. But Chihuahuas adore children from birth and will happily be a fun and exciting toy for them. Now a few words about the price of a Chihuahua puppy. Since the breed is very popular and is in great demand, it cannot be classified as cheap. On average in Russia, the price of a Chihuahua puppy ranges from 15-25 thousand rubles (a sample for 2011-2013 is given below). In professional nurseries, the cost of a show puppy starts at 30 thousand rubles and above. Maximum prices reach 60-80 thousand rubles. Regardless of the price, we recommend that when choosing a Chihuahua puppy, you should focus on the pedigree and professional success of the breeder.

What is he really like - a mysterious little Chihuahua?

What is he really like - the mysterious baby Chihuahua? A three-week-old Chihuahua puppy. The height of an adult Chihuahua dog is from 15 to 23 centimeters. The ideal weight for a Chihuahua is from 1.5 to 3 kilograms. Chihuahuas weighing less than 0.5 kg and more than 3 kilograms are not acceptable. What features are inherent in the smallest dog in the world, what should we be in relation to it, so that the Chihuahua does not cease to remain “the very best”... Proud owners usually say about their dog: “She is everything that you want to see in a dog and even much more, to understand her, you need to love her!” They love their friends for many things, and especially for their charming appearance. Disproportionately large ears, rich, funny facial expressions immediately attract the sympathy of everyone who surrounds the dog. There is a striking observation - Chihuahuas win the affection and love of those who do not like small dogs in general! No matter what type the Chihuahua is, this little dog has a striking charm. They have an innate charisma. Chihuahuas are always free and confident at the same time. It is well known that even being the smallest dog in the world, the Chihuahua has a very strong personality. Like all dwarf breeds, the purpose of the Chihuahua is to be a companion and friend to its owner. The Chihuahua is capable of becoming deeply attached and loving deeply. Perhaps the following words would be suitable to describe his character: loyal, brave, daring. This tiny dog ​​will immediately rush to protect his home and family. Of course, such bravado will not replace the mountains of muscle of a real watchman, but it is unlikely that any dog ​​can compare with a Chihuahua in the ardor and devotion of his warm heart. The Chihuahua has many features that set it apart from other dog breeds. The Chihuahua becomes incredibly close to the whole family, but still chooses one owner whose company he prefers over others. If such devotion is overindulged, it sometimes turns into possessive tendencies. Chihuahuas are smart, independent dogs that are highly trainable, and the sooner it starts, the better. The idea that a small Chihuahua should be a “sofa” dog and that you will forgive him everything is absolutely wrong. He must always remember the word “no”, otherwise anarchy cannot be avoided. If you think that the tiny, sweet puppy doesn’t need training and you give in at least once, you will soon find that your dog quickly understands the situation and takes the reins into its own paws. The result of this mistake will be the reign of an absolutely uncontrollable creature in your home. Another feature is tremors. The reasons for it could be excitement, cold, fear, or the fact that he just suddenly felt unhappy. Although Chihuahuas seem fearless to us, they are very gentle and vulnerable creatures. In addition, like other small animals, Chihuahuas have very fast metabolic processes in the body, the intensification of which often provokes such tremors. When it occurs, first of all, make sure your dog is not cold or frightened by anything. Perhaps there was a change in the situation, or some part of it, that only the Chihuahua noticed. If the trembling is prolonged, accompanied by lethargy, dull hair and other painful symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately. The Chihuahua easily adapts to any living conditions, be it a small city apartment or a large country house with a plot. It is also very easy to transport from place to place and can be carried and led on a leash almost anywhere pets are allowed. But it is very important that, like any other dog, a Chihuahua should never be released from a leash in an unfenced area, on a street with traffic and a large number of people. Extreme caution should be used outdoors where you may encounter other animals. A sweet-natured St. Bernard can fatally maim your Chihuahua in one second just by trying to play with him. Wherever you live, please do not leave your dog unattended! In general, the Chihuahua is a lap dog. Although they love walks with their owners, especially on sunny days, to be honest, they still prefer the comfort of home to long walks. Chihuahuas are very sensitive to weather. Their tiny size makes it difficult for them to retain heat. Many Chihuahuas cannot tolerate rain or chilly weather at all. One of the reasons for the increased weather sensitivity of Chihuahuas is the presence of a fontanel. Speaking about the weather, we must remember that too much sun can be as dangerous as cold. For thin-skinned, smooth-haired, light-colored dogs, the sun poses a very great danger! Sunburn is as dangerous as heatstroke. Parts of the body that are not covered with hair - primarily the nose, paw pads, ears and belly - are very vulnerable. If you are traveling with your Chihuahua in hot countries, it is best to stay out of direct sunlight during midday. If your dog is outside for a long time, you should take care of sunscreen. Most modern pet stores offer anti-sunburn creams designed specifically for dog skin. You can also use your own sunscreen. When using a cream intended for humans, take the following precautions: Make sure the product does not contain PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) or chemicals containing UV absorbents, which are harmful to dogs. Zinc oxide, a very popular ingredient in medical cosmetics, is toxic to dogs. Read the label carefully! If you apply the cream to unprotected areas of the skin, be sure to prevent it from being licked off, since the dog can be seriously poisoned. It is best to give your Chihuahua a cookie or other treat immediately after applying the cream. Perhaps then, having finished the last piece of treat, the dog will already forget about the cream. One of the biggest inconveniences of keeping a Chihuahua in a city apartment is the inevitable barking. You must take the training of your Chihuahua seriously, who also has amazingly acute hearing and often alerts you to any suspicious or not-so-suspicious sounds. Although this breed is highly adaptable to various environmental conditions, even its most courageous representative cannot come to terms with long-term loneliness. This doesn't mean you shouldn't get a Chihuahua if you spend a lot of time at work. It’s just that, whether you’re away at work or on other errands, you can’t leave your Chihuahua alone for a long time. Some dog breeds are self-sufficient and tolerate loneliness well, but the Chihuahua is not one of them. If you regularly leave a Chihuahua alone for a long time, the dog may develop bad habits out of boredom: constant barking, howling, grumbling; out of boredom, the dog may begin to chew everything and even get dirty in the house. You can solve this problem by leaving a set of toys for your Chihuahua before leaving, preferably saturated with your scent. Don't forget to say goodbye to your dog, but remember that saying goodbye too long will only increase the sadness and anxiety caused by the anticipation of your inevitable departure. To make your Chihuahua feel comfortable, do not leave him alone for more than four hours, without the opportunity to go outside or to the litter box. To relieve your pet from boredom, give him more attention before leaving for work. Just set your alarm fifteen minutes earlier every morning and spend it walking or playing with your dog. After playing and running around, dogs love to take a nap, and this is the perfect time for you to be away. If you're visiting friends, allow your Chihuahua to accompany you so you can show your dog that you appreciate his company. But for safety reasons, please never leave your Chihuahua in a car unattended. An active lifestyle will help your dog stay healthy and happy. In addition, a Chihuahua's appetite does not quite match its size, and lack of adequate exercise can lead to obesity. Unfortunately, this is a common problem in Chihuahuas. Many Chihuahuas can become destructive to your property if they don't get enough exercise. What better way to spend your dog's energy on walks and games than on your new shoes! In addition, exercise protects against heart disease, arthritis and diabetes. Are there any exercise restrictions dictated by the breed's tiny size? First of all, it depends on the condition of the dog. If your Chihuahua is just starting to exercise, I recommend starting with short walks and gradually increasing their duration, but you need to make sure that the dog remains alert and active. When walking with a Chihuahua and distributing its strength, remember that for every step you take, the dog has to take several.

Chihuahua coat care, grooming Chihuahua coat care, grooming

The short-haired Chihuahua only needs brushing when necessary. But during shedding, you will most likely need to brush it twice a week or more often to get rid of lost hair. Proper grooming is very important for the health and appearance of your Chihuahua and should never be neglected. The Chihuahua's ears and tail are not docked, and this breed does not need special trimming. However, both smooth- and long-haired Chihuahuas require regular grooming. In addition to caring for the coat (regular combing and washing), grooming includes caring for claws, eyes, ears and teeth. Hair growth in Chihuahuas is usually extended. Most dogs shed heavily in the spring and shed less intensely in the fall. By winter, Chihuahuas dress with thick, warm hair, which should protect them from the cold, but the onset of winter coat growth, the regulation of which is largely determined by the length of daylight hours, can be suppressed due to artificial lighting. A dog living in an apartment may begin shedding at any time. It is necessary to bathe your Chihuahua once a month. Warm water opens the pores and helps remove dead hair. Like other breeds, Chihuahuas need regular dental care. Recently, the field of dentistry for pets has been developing at a rapid pace. In a modern pet store you can buy almost everything you might need: from teeth grinding food and cowhide cleaning rolls, to tartar removers and a selection of specially formulated brands of toothpaste. Chihuahuas can be trained to go to a specially designated and equipped place for the toilet. But you need to train your dog from the moment it arrives in your home. It is better to use a special tray for dogs as a “toilet”, because Chihuahuas are less willing to use trays intended for cats. And don't use cat litter. A small puppy can eat it and get sick! It is impossible to fully describe such a wonderful dog breed as the Chihuahua in a short enough article! Here I tried to talk about some of the features of the Chihuahua. Therefore, in conclusion, I would like to say the main thing - take care of your Chihuahua, take care of its health in a timely manner, feed it the best food, do not catch colds, devote a lot of time to communication and education. And then the joy from communicating with your little friend will be so great that you cannot even imagine, absolutely inversely proportional to his size. Good luck to you in this wonderful work.

Interesting facts about the Chihuahua Interesting facts about the Chihuahua

The Chihuahua is the only dog ​​breed in the world whose representatives are born with an underdeveloped skull. For them, it is fully formed only by three to four months. The Chihuahua is one of the smallest breeds in the world. She is very even-tempered, which is rare among toy breeds. A real, purebred Chihuahua is as proud as an ancient Greek god, and no less beautiful. These small dogs are often compared to brave warriors of dwarf stature. Strange as it may seem to say this, the Chihuahua does not at all think that he is shorter than you, rather the opposite. This breed has a very interesting ability to look down on everyone. At the sight of small dogs, there is often a desire to pet them and other “musi-pusi”, but many are stopped by the proud and majestic look of the Chihuahua; it will be filled with bewilderment. Your Chihuahua will be very jealous of you, not only of dogs, but also of people. He simply cannot understand why you chose someone else! Want to check it out? Stroke and caress another animal in the presence of your pet, in the next minutes you will realize that you have made a big mistake, but fortunately, it is completely correctable. The dog will do his best to attract attention to himself, whatever he will do for this! He will push his rival away from the object of his adoration (i.e., from the owner), then he will be completely offended and go to his house, and there will be immeasurable sadness and sadness on his face! But don’t worry too much, you just have to pay attention to him again and the resentment will go away, because the Chihuahua loves you to the point of oblivion! Chihuahuas are truly very smart and observant; by what you wear, your pet will understand what is coming: spend the evening at home, go to the store or take a walk. This breed also loves to take part in all the affairs of the owner. As I noted earlier, Chihuahuas are very observant. They especially love to sit curled up on a mat or sofa and watch their owner for hours. They are interested in everything: how you sit at the computer, talk on the phone, cook dinner. The Chihuahua loves to follow on the heels of its owner, the owner is all of them, which is why the Chihuahua will immediately follow you at any time of the day if you urgently need to go somewhere. Maybe Chihuahuas just know how to read the minds of their owners, sometimes this is just the only explanation. If not, then how do you think they find the weaknesses of their owners (and skillfully use this), accurately guess when the owner is in a good mood and when he is in a bad mood? The Chihuahua does not need to be trained, it needs to be raised. The Chihuahua loves justice, calmly listens to fair criticism from the owner, and not only will not be offended, but will also come to ask for forgiveness for his mistake. But you can simply offend a Chihuahua by yelling at him because you are in a bad mood. Then she will be offended for a long time, climb into her house, and sit with an unhappy look all day long. After all, this dog loves you so much, and you shout at it, where is justice in the world? The Chihuahua will decide when to make peace with you and when exactly to forgive you. It is especially interesting to watch a Chihuahua while playing, because it is rare to have one such dog at home. Chihuahuas are amazingly agile, active, it’s a pleasure to watch them run around the apartment and perform all sorts of tricks! (and they do it silently!) But if someone stranger came to see you, then you will know about the visit before the doorbell rings! Chihuahuas are a very hardy breed, they love to go for walks! In any weather, just call and your Chihuahua will instantly take off; during a walk, you are more likely to get tired, not him! Don’t think that because a dog is small, it means it is less hardy, this is not true! The question is often asked on forums: do long-haired and short-haired Chihuahuas differ in behavior? It is believed that long-haired dogs are calmer and more accommodating, while short-haired dogs are more active and livelier than their fellow tribesmen! Please note that there are exceptions!

Chihuahua and children Chihuahua and children

Protect your Chihuahua from injury, including from falls from low heights. There is a soft spot in the center of the Chihuahua's skull, be careful when playing with them. Chihuahuas and children – this conversation is special. If you have a small child, it is better to refrain from buying a Chihuahua. The problem is not that the Chihuahua does not get along well with children, on the contrary, he is very friendly with them. However, if your adorable baby squeezes the dog a little harder, it will result in serious injury for her and, perhaps, for the child as well. Parents need to be extremely careful when allowing any animal and child to interact. Being so small, the Chihuahua is very vulnerable and an easy target for a toddler or even a preschooler. A small child, even without planning anything bad, often loses his balance and is subject to sudden outbursts of rage and anger. All these manifestations can lead to irreversible consequences for a two-kilogram dog. A small child may move very quickly and change direction abruptly, causing the Chihuahua to anticipate his intentions, which can repeatedly provoke an aggressive reaction from the dog. This does not mean that parents will have to give up the idea of ​​a dog. You just need to make sure that the conditions are right before you get a Chihuahua. Children aged 5-10 years quickly learn how to properly handle this breed. With constant supervision on your part and strict adherence to the rules of proper handling of the animal, even very young children will coexist peacefully with a Chihuahua. I am a breeder who raised my daughter next to a Chihuahua, and there are many such examples. Gradually train and involve your child in caring for the dog, allowing him to feed and play with the Chihuahua, who will gradually begin to see the child as a cheerful playmate. When a Chihuahua appears in your family, each member, be it a child or an adult, must know and follow certain rules. Even if you personally believe that these rules are self-evident, this does not mean that their essence is clear to people who have never dealt with a Chihuahua. Don't forget that your Chihuahua needs your protection. Although he loves all family members, the Chihuahua can be downright unfriendly with strangers. Social adaptation, of course, helps, but the most you will achieve from such a dog is cold patience with strangers. It is better to lock your dog in another room for his own safety during the visit of a company unfamiliar to the Chihuahua, especially children. It would be a mistake not to consider small breeds capable of aggression. Despite its size, a Chihuahua can bite even the most beloved family member. Children are sometimes begging to be bitten, and you should encourage your child never to pester the dog or cuddle the Chihuahua. Typically, a dog will bite only in self-defense or when provoked.

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Health problems

Little Chihuahuas should receive regular vaccinations. The first vaccinations are given by the breeder, which is reflected in the veterinary passport. Also, we must not forget to treat the animal from fleas, worms and ticks in a timely manner.

Miniature Chihuahuas are not the healthiest dogs. The smaller the size, the more health problems. They are prone to hydrocephalus and hypoglycemia. In the latter case, the dog often faints. If this happens, the animal needs to be shown to a veterinarian immediately. Glucose injections help relieve an attack.

And the owner should remember that the pet:

  • Increased physical activity should not be given;
  • a strict feeding regime is indicated (and food is divided into small portions);
  • Sometimes you need to pour sweetened water.

Chihuahuas are prone to obesity, and excess weight can provoke bone diseases. Another common problem is tartar.

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