Ringworm in dogs:

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Neither man nor animal is immune from disease. If a strange spot, even a small one, is suddenly noticed on your pet’s body, we must be vigilant—lichen in dogs is recognized as a serious disease. We have collected complete information about this insidious disease with answers to all the questions that will bother the owner if lichen is detected in an expensive dog.

What is lichen

Fungi and viruses actively infect the upper layer of the epidermis; their spores can be transmitted through contact with a sick animal, at home or on a walk. The vitality of fungi is colossal; they are little bothered by low or high temperatures; they calmly wait for their finest hour on different surfaces.

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Fungi called trichophytosis and microsporia are not particularly different from each other; the treatment regimen for them is almost identical. Their spores land on the skin or fur, infecting a weakened animal. Their vital activity and its products affect the upper layers of the skin, follicles, and hairs. The weakened fur begins to fall out, break off, and soon a painful-looking spot appears. At the sight of it, the owners clutch their heads, and for good reason - they urgently take medical action against the infection.

Photos of lichen in dogs

Signs of trichophytosis

Perhaps the most severe type of mycosis of the scalp is in the hair growth area, as a result of which the patient loses hair. Differentiate between superficial and deep forms.

With superficial trichophytosis, you can first detect flaky lesions and brittle hair at the base of the follicles, as a result of which the scalp is covered with black dots. On the remainder of the hair after breaking, you can notice a gray coating. The affected areas may become red, itchy, and swollen.

The deep form manifests itself as general malaise, hyperthermia; an infected person may notice swelling and tenderness of the lymph nodes, and a rash. Pink-red spots can be found on the scalp, rising above the surface of the epidermis. They have clear contours and a round shape. The most abundant peeling is observed along the contour of the spot. Less commonly, vesicles (bubbles with liquid) can form along the contour. Such lesions spread quite quickly, which is highly likely to lead to an abscess.

Where does lichen come from in dogs?

Any dog ​​at any age can catch the infection. If his immunity is strong and stable, then trouble can pass by. Weakened dogs have no chance; they easily pick up fungal spores and begin to get sick. Infectivity is also affected by internal parasites, stress, and poor nutrition.

The long and thick hair of some dog breeds is literally a gift for microsporia: under such a fur coat the skin is less well ventilated, this creates ideal living conditions for the fungus.

Can you get shingles from a dog?

The first thought is whether lichen in dogs is dangerous for family members. Yes, there is a possibility of infection, but not all types can be transmitted to humans. The number one threat is ringworm. This is a very serious and contagious disease, quarantine is mandatory!

You should not be afraid of allergic lichen; you cannot catch it due to close contact with a sick animal.

If a person has problems with their own immunity, then you need to be very careful when dealing with pityriasis rosea in your pet. Although the danger is a controversial issue today, if you do not want to confirm the opinion of experts about its contagiousness to humans, it is better to follow all the required hygiene measures.

Pityriasis microsporia can be dangerous upon contact only with a very weakened immune system, and then only in rare cases.

Could a dog get infected from a cat?

Any weakened body may be at risk of lichen. Dogs most often catch the infection from each other through playing together, sniffing and any close interaction. Even from someone else's lounger you can get a number of dangerous spores onto your skin. So even indirect contact with an object after the patient will also cause infection.

In addition to dogs, small rodents also carry the disease; cats may also have lichen, both of which can infect dogs and humans. If a dog chases a stray cat and catches it, such contact can become the onset of a disease.

It is most dangerous for puppies, pregnant bitches and elderly dogs to come into contact with sick people. Animals also deserve close attention after any illness.

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The most dangerous time comes in spring and autumn. Seasonal weakening of the body is also associated with a lack of ultraviolet rays, which kill fungal spores.

A poorly ventilated room with a low level of sanitation is literally a “godsend” for lichen.

At-risk groups

This skin pathology does not occur in all people; there are certain categories of the population that are at risk:

  • Children - they often have ringworms in their hair and skin, which are transmitted to them from animals (cats, dogs).
  • People with a hereditary predisposition - if one of the parents suffers from pityriasis or flat pathological process, then there is a high probability that their children will also suffer from it.
  • Acquired or congenital immunodeficiency - insufficient functioning of the immune system increases the risk of getting shingles or lichen red.
  • People with insufficient personal hygiene are a risk group for fungal infections of the body.

Types of canine lichen

There are several varieties of lichen, differing from each other in symptoms and approaches to treatment. Veterinarians always tirelessly repeat that if any suspicious spot is found on a dog, it needs to be seen for diagnostics as soon as possible. That is why you are studying this information now - it will not be superfluous to be able to distinguish one form from another, in order to know how to treat lichen in a dog, and whether it is possible to become infected yourself.

Types of lichen that can be found in dogs:

  • Pink;
  • Shearer;
  • Encircling;
  • Weeping;
  • Pityriasis.

Ringworm in a dog

The ringworm variety has a truly fungal nature. Either the Microsporum or Trichophyton fungus penetrates the epidermis.

Symptoms and treatment of ringworm

Microsporosis is dangerous and contagious, it is determined by the following features:

  • The spots are small in size, about 2 cm in diameter;
  • Lesions in a pinkish-brown palette;
  • The contour is clearly defined;
  • The infection is localized at the base of the tail and on the limbs;
  • The animal is bothered by severe itching;
  • Baldness begins around the affected areas.

This infection spreads very quickly, measures must be taken immediately; the disease without treatment leads to the death of the animal. Foci of infection should be regularly treated with antiseptic drugs Miconazole or Clotrimazole, as well as their analogues.


The dog’s body can react to an allergen that has entered it with the manifestation of lichen. This is eczema with an infectious nature. Anything can act as an allergen, from medications to food, especially against the background of a hormonal disorder. This is a chronic disease.

Symptoms and how to treat lichen planus

The picture will look like this:

  • Small swellings will initially appear on the skin. If you touch them, they will feel hot to the touch. This will be obviously painful for the dog, and these areas are noticeably itchy.
  • Over time, blisters form from the swelling and baldness begins around.
  • The blisters will soon become wet and fester;
  • Ringworm is most often localized on the cheeks, tailbone and neck.
  • During the healing process, crusts appear on the skin, and healthy skin will be visible underneath.

The dog is suffering because its body is very itchy. She begins to scratch the damaged areas with her paws, this only contributes to the growth of the affected area. Another skin infection may also develop, and then the picture will become significantly more complicated.

How long it takes to treat the weeping form depends on the cause of the disease. If the reason for this is unsanitary conditions or an inadequate diet, then they definitely change the approach to keeping a dog. Sore spots are smeared with Ichthyol ointment, Zinc and Sulfur.

Pityriasis rosea

A viral type of skin infection can cause pityriasis rosea. Some experts are of the opinion that this phenomenon may be due to a genetic predisposition, as well as a viral disease of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, or a response to an improper vaccination.

The course of the infection is chronic, complete recovery is impossible. The disease will always make itself felt with a decrease in the functioning of the immune system, with malnutrition, constant illness, and stressful conditions.

A dog with pink lichen does not pose a danger to others; this form is not contagious, with the exception of other animals with a similar genetic predisposition and weak immunity.

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Signs and how to treat

This is what the pink form of lichen looks like on a dog:

  • Specks less than 20 mm.
  • The lesions are distinctly pink in color, and the middle of the spots is yellowish.
  • The rashes are concentrated in the groin and muzzle areas.
  • The spots are gradually destroyed, and yellow areas with flaky skin are formed instead.

If the signs of the disease are not treated, then fungi, bacteria, and viruses can penetrate under the skin, and such a complication will be many times more serious.

Since the problem arises due to a general loss of strength, it goes away on its own, especially if you normalize nutrition and care.

Pityriasis versicolor in dogs

Malassezia is a yeast-type fungus that “lives” on the surface of the skin of both animals and humans. If there is no damage to the skin, the immune system is strong and strong, then there is no threat. If everything is exactly the opposite, then the active proliferation of the fungus begins, releasing a huge amount of caustic acid. It is she who continues to spoil the epidermis, maliciously corroding it.

Symptoms and treatment of fungus

The signs are quite simple: otherwise this type is called multi-colored due to the abundance of its shades from pinkish to brown and brown. At the same time, the affected areas of the body become bald, and the spots grow, become larger and begin to merge with each other. In a short time they cover the entire body of the dog.

The infection is treated with Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Yam BK and other antifungal agents.

Shingles in dogs

This variety is caused by the herpes virus. The lichen got its name because it spreads around the body, encircling it.

Signs and treatment

First, the animal begins to itch under the ribs and on the stomach. Soon, bubbles with liquid will become noticeable in these places, which after a few days will begin to burst and become covered with crusts.

If treatment is delayed or does not occur at all, the spread will continue throughout the body.

The itching will decrease if you give your dog antihistamines. The remaining treatment for lichen consists of using Yam ointment or Clotrimazole.

How does scalp fungus manifest itself: the most common symptoms

The cause of itching, flaking (dandruff), and hair loss is very often a fungus (mycosis). The most common areas of the scalp are:

  • Microsporum: cause microsporia;
  • Trichophyton: are the causative agents of trichophytosis (ringworm);
  • Malassezia furfur: leads to seborrhea.

Each infection will manifest itself differently, but some of the most common alarming symptoms can be identified - the simultaneous manifestation of two or more should alert every person:

  • sudden deterioration in the general condition of the hair: it became dry, dull, and began to fall out profusely;
  • dandruff has appeared (even though this has not been observed before), and/or its amount is increasing;
  • separately localized flaky areas appeared;
  • bald spots and bald spots form, which quickly grow;
  • wounds, crusts, and bumps of unknown origin were found on the scalp;
  • the hair becomes brittle at the base of the follicle, resulting in black spots appearing on the skin.

Mycoses do not reveal themselves at an early stage, so you should be very careful and if any symptom appears, immediately contact a specialist. Trichologists or dermatologists deal with problems of the scalp.

Diagnosis of the disease in a dog

Before starting treatment for lichen, dogs are diagnosed. At the very beginning of the disease, it is sometimes difficult to accurately identify it, but a veterinarian can always handle this. He will distinguish one skin disease from another and immediately prescribe effective treatment.

Inexperienced people can confuse microsporosis with dermatosis, pyoderma, seborrheic eczema, weeping and pityriasis rosea.

Diagnostic methods are standard:

  • the affected skin is illuminated with a Wood's lamp;
  • take cultures from different areas of the skin;
  • do a skin biopsy.

Examination under a microscope will reveal spores and mycelium, and culture will indicate what kind of fungus is bothering the animal. Additionally, blood and urine tests are taken, and allergy tests and tests are performed when indicated.

It is unreasonable to believe that the disease will go away on its own if nothing is done. In this case, there is a high chance of developing sepsis later, which will lead to the death of your beloved dog. So ignoring medical help is really a dangerous and irresponsible thing.

The longer you wait to make an appointment at the veterinary clinic, the more the fungus will become rampant, continuing to infect the suffering dog’s body.

Ringworm medications for dogs

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After the diagnosis has been carried out and an accurate diagnosis has been established, complex treatment is immediately begun, solving several problems at once:

  1. It is necessary to destroy pathogenic microorganisms that cause infection.
  2. It is important to stop the spread of the lesion to prevent the addition of a secondary infection.
  3. Remove itching and pain.
  4. Normalize your pet's immunity.

To treat lichen, external and internal preparations are used: ointments, creams, gels, shampoos, solutions and tablets. The initial stage of the disease allows the use of only external agents. If the damage is already global, then ointments alone are not enough - taking tablets with injections is indicative.

The veterinarian prescribes additional treatment if there is compelling evidence for it. Therapy can be symptomatic, supportive and antifungal.

  • Antifungal agents: Fluconazole, Nizoral.
  • If a secondary infection occurs, then the use of antibacterial drugs Amphotericin and Nystatin is indicated.
  • The liver needs support, the dog is given some hepatoprotective agents, mainly Hepatovet.
  • Allergic symptoms are relieved with antihistamines Suprastin and Diazolin.
  • Immunity is normalized with immunomodulators and immunostimulants Glycopin and Immunofan.
  • To avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, give probiotics Olin or Lactobacterin, and add vitamins to the diet.

Antifungal agents differ from each other in additional functions. The list of remedies for canine lichen includes Lecaderm, Sanoderm, Miconazole, Fungin, Clotrimazonl, Imaverol. Names alone are not enough; you need to understand the difference between them. That is why the diagnosis is made accurately - the remedy can be selected incorrectly, then the effectiveness will be low and the expected effect will not be achieved.

Folk remedies

For some reason, not everyone is ready to accept qualified help from doctors, believing that they are only interested in money. But we pay for experience and knowledge, for a service.

If you treat yourself, then you should not definitely rely on folk remedies for lichen. Yes, they will help remove swelling, irritation, and relieve redness, but ringworm spores will definitely resist such treatment. Traditional medicine will have any tangible effect only at the beginning of the disease.

It is important to consider that alcohol infusions can further damage the skin.

Iodine is used as a folk remedy. They apply it to rashes 4 times a day, but do not allow the dog to lick the wounds. They also use apple cider vinegar. 5-6 wetting of the spots is required per day. Its use is advisable for ringworm. If the pink type is diagnosed, iodine is not used. With other types, this is a completely useless waste of time. In addition, experts do not recommend intensively treating the infection with iodine; this can also damage the animal’s skin.

To prevent the dog from licking the anointed areas, a special collar is put on it.

Among the auxiliary agents, infusions of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, and tansy help. They moisten the keratinized skin to soften it. The dosage should not be too concentrated, as it can harm the skin.

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Leather treatment is done by washing with creolin or tar soap.

Are there any vaccinations against the disease?

There is a vaccination against dermatomycosis, as lichen is also called. It is based on inactivated spores of fungi of dermatophytes, trichophytes and microsporiums.

One drug is beneficial against eight types of fungi at once, so the vaccine can be considered universal. The vaccine works by causing the body to react by producing antibodies to shingles pathogens, so that the risks are more than noticeably reduced.

If a pregnant dog has shingles

A pregnant bitch is vulnerable, her body is already busy bearing offspring, and lichen will begin to undermine the system even faster. Treatment is prescribed only after diagnosis by a doctor, especially after culture results.

How to apply ringworm ointment

The area of ​​skin needs to be prepared for the desired effect. The treatment is carried out in medical gloves, prepare scissors with blunt tips, metal containers, matches, tar soap solution, antiseptic, napkins and ointment.

The affected area of ​​skin is treated with an antiseptic solution.

If there is hair along the periphery of the lesion, the hair is carefully cut at a distance of approximately 5 mm from the affected epidermis. The cut hair is immediately burned.

If there are scabs, they should be soaked in soapy water and wait until they soften. The scabs will need to be removed with tweezers, and the cleaned area will need to be treated with an antiseptic again. Soak the area with a gauze pad to dry it for applying the ointment.

After processing, both wool and used napkins are burned.

Prevention of licking of ointment and scratching

The dog suffers from burning and pain during the illness and at the beginning of treatment. She wants to scratch the wounded places. In the first minutes after application, the ointment also brings discomfort. The animal will want to lick or scratch the sore spots.

The only effective way is to use a protective collar or muzzle against licking. The dog will not see where to reach with his tongue and will not be able to reach there.

At the onset of the disease, when there are still only a few wounds, applying a gauze swab with ointment under a plaster or bandage will protect them from scratching. This way the dog will not be able to reach the lesions and spread everything throughout the body. If there is active resistance from the collar or the application of bandages, you will have to put a jumpsuit on the animal.

To distract the pet from scratching, he is taken out for an individual walk, where there is no possibility of contact with other animals and thereby infecting them.

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Preventive measures

It is not difficult to avoid the spread of lichen between animals and the transmission of infection to people if you follow the rules of hygiene:

  • after a walk, rinse the animal’s paws and thoroughly wipe the soles of shoes;
  • do not allow your pet to communicate with street or indoor sick dogs;
  • isolate the sick animal;
  • disinfect all objects with which it came into contact;
  • When caring for a sick dog, use gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after procedures;
  • If you suspect lichen, immediately seek advice from a veterinarian (with your pet) or a dermatologist (if symptoms of the disease appear in family members).

Hygienic processing of items

To destroy fungus that has gotten on furniture and dog equipment, it is necessary to disinfect it. The dog's leash and comb are boiled for 20 minutes. Soft objects and carpets are treated with hot steam. Smooth surfaces are treated with Maxisan, a chlorine solution.

The room where the sick dog is kept is irradiated with a quartz lamp twice daily for 20 minutes.

Additionally, spray water and tea tree oil onto the surface of the upholstered furniture (per 100 ml of liquid, mix 20 drops of oil with 1 teaspoon of soda or salt).

Proper nutrition for your pet during treatment

In order for the body to have the strength to fight and help the medications work, you need to feed your pet properly. You definitely need to add vitamins to your diet.

The body takes everything valuable from the diet; if the dog gets sick, the menu is reviewed. Dry food is temporarily replaced with a medicinal variety, and an immunostimulating powder is added to natural food. The table should consist of a sufficient amount of proteins - this way the wounds will heal even faster.

More care is added to proper nutrition. Wounds are regularly treated and smeared with ointment.

Another side of care is the thorough cleaning of a house or apartment. Everything must be cleaned daily using disinfectants. Pet toys are washed thoroughly and regularly. Direct contact with other family members and other animals is excluded.


Prevention of dermatophytosis is compliance with hygiene rules. It is not recommended to use other people's grooming items, equipment, beds, leashes, muzzles, transportation boxes and exhibition cages. These rules must be followed when visiting exhibitions, receiving guests, and possible contacts with potential carriers of the infection should be excluded.

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