How to knit a hat for a French bulldog with knitting needles

“Should I sew a hat for love? Shouldn't we invent a new scarf? Pug style and socks…” our pets sing something like this, some to themselves, and some who can, and out loud, after going out for a walk with the onset of cold weather. The puppy's joy from the first piece of ice and the tempting taste of the first snowball are overshadowed by glazed paws and frozen ears. And already your Yorkie or Toy, taxi or pug is running, whining and shaking from the cold, home to the warm rug by the central heating radiator.

Reference! Short and short-haired dogs are especially sensitive to cold, which is more noticeable in close proximity to the ground.

Modern fashion has also reached animals. No one is surprised anymore by dressed-up gentlemen and young ladies on four legs on the street.

To ensure that your pet looks no worse than others, leads an active lifestyle and does not get sick, it is not at all necessary to rush to the store. You can sew or knit a hat for a dog yourself. After all, clothing for animals can cost the same as for people.

If you know how to sew on a sewing machine and hold knitting needles or a hook in your hands, making a simple model will be quite possible. And with the money you save, it’s better to buy your pet his favorite treat and something tasty for yourself.

Taking measurements

How to knit a hat for a dog? What actions are performed first? Of course, as with any other type of knitting, you need to make certain measurements before starting work. If things are much more complicated with suits and overalls, then even beginners never have any problems with taking measurements for a hat.

What parameters are needed? First, you will need to measure the animal's head circumference. Secondly, measure the distance between his ears. We will not make any additional measurements.

Muff hat

This knitted dog hat is optimal for breeds with drooping ears. There is elastic at the top and bottom. Thanks to the top tightening, there is a possibility of control.

You have the right to decide how to wear a hat: completely or to cover only your ears. Fixation is carried out with buttons, loops or zippers.

Step-by-step instruction:

To cover or not to cover your ears

Some experts recommend always knitting hats with slits for ears. Dogs, as you know, are proud and value their hearing, so their owners must protect it. A dog's hat should not press or put too much pressure on the ears. It's better to make small slits. If the hat is too tight and dense, then the dog simply will not hear the owner, his hearing will become dull, and he may get lost.

There are other cases. For example, when your dog has very sensitive ears that tend to catch colds. In this case, as you understand, it is better to choose a hat model with closed ears. They will be protected from the wind, and the animal will not experience any discomfort after the walk.

Types of dog hats

Before you go to the pet store or unpack your sewing supplies, you need to decide on the type and style of the accessory you need. In the case of a winter hat , the requirements are very clear:

  • Protection from cold.
  • Wind protection.
  • Preferably a waterproof surface.

When purchasing (or choosing materials), pay attention to the inner layer, that is, the lining. No synthetics, stretch or “glass” fabrics. A baize, terry cloth or knitted fabric is acceptable. You should refrain from buying wool and down products . The former (oddly enough) can cause irritation and allergies, the latter can be made from cheap raw materials. The surface of the cap (outer layer) should be as dense as possible, but still breathable. Oilcloth materials are unacceptable, since the greenhouse effect will have a detrimental effect on ear health. The first threat is the same otitis media. The second is the rapid proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Our pets' ears are not sterile (this is no secret), but in normal temperatures and humidity, unfriendly microorganisms behave calmly. Increased humidity and heat create more acceptable conditions for microbes to “wake”, and therefore for the development of an infectious focus.

The hooded hat is the most common model, suitable for four-legged animals of any size with small ears and for large breed dogs. The product looks like a helmet and can be equipped with ties or a closed loop that secures the hat. Accessories are used for walks in spring, autumn and winter.

Closed hat - made of several layers of dense material, protects the dog from frost and wind. The majority of models are designed for dogs with small and cropped ears. For dogs with large ears, hats are made by hand or to order. Note that the four-legged dog will be quite uncomfortable when wearing the accessory, but in the case of chronic otitis media or a severe cold, there are no other options.

A low-slung hat (kapor) is a cap with a hood and a muff that falls down the neck. The accessory is convenient for dogs with long hair and is easy to put on and take off. Usually worn with overalls. Typically, such accessories are made of elastic thread, narrow at the top and widen at the bottom.

Yarn selection

A very important point is the choice of threads for knitting. Knitted hats for dogs should be warm and at the same time comfortable to wear. Do not buy 100% wool threads that are too scratchy for hats. It is better to give preference to children's acrylic or natural cotton.

As you know, many small breeds often suffer from various allergic ailments. They can also be used for knitting yarn. How to check the yarn? Take a small piece of thread, apply it to the inside of your elbow and rub for a while. If your skin does not react to the friction of the thread, you can buy it to knit a pet’s hat. If spots appear on the skin, redness appears, and unpleasant itching begins, then it is better not to use such a thread.

Dog cap pattern according to size

Friends, after you have taken measurements from your four-legged friend, you can start making a pattern. The pattern of a cap for a dog is no different from others. I will trace the pattern onto graph paper.

The dimensions of the visor can be made larger or smaller as desired. In our case, the size of the visor is 10*5 cm, do not forget about the allowances - add 0.5 cm along the contour.

We cut out our parts, since the denim is planned on both sides of the product - we cut out 2 parts. From thick cotton we cut out 1 piece, a layer for the visor, which will maintain its shape.

We take the main parts and sew them together as shown in the photo.

Excess fabric at the seam must be trimmed so that the product does not bulge.

We sew both main parts along the edge, leaving only a gap where the visor of the cap will be located. It is advisable to first sweep or chop with needles so that the structure is even.

Making the visor of the cap. We put together a so-called sandwich of three parts. The two main parts should lie face to face. We make a basting and stitch along the edge as shown in the photo.

We cut off the excess fabric near the seam and make notches so that the edge is even after the visor is turned out. We put lines on top.

These two blanks are already ready. The dog cap is almost ready, all that remains is to connect the parts into a single product. We determine the center on the visor and on the main part. We fold the parts and make a mark as shown in the photo.

Regular hat with closed ears

So let's start our knitting. Hats for dogs, it should be noted, are knitted very quickly and simply, so even a novice knitter can cope with this task. The first option that we offer is considered classic, is very common and looks quite nice.

A similar hat for a dog consists of two elements: a front part and a back part. After knitting, simply sew the two parts together, after which the product is ready to wear.

We take measurements and divide the resulting numbers by three. Two parts will be the front part of the hat, and the third will be the back part. As with knitting most “human” hats, you need to cast on twenty test stitches on the knitting needles and knit them about ten centimeters with the knitting pattern (pattern) that you will use for the main knitting. A knitted sampler, let's call it that, will help you determine the number of loops that are needed specifically for your measurements.

We have calculated the loops, put them on knitting needles and knit a regular 1x1 or 2x2 elastic band. The height of the elastic band may vary, but, as a rule, it does not exceed three centimeters. Here, again, everything will depend on the size of the dog's head. Next you should make increases. It is better to do this through a row so that the product looks harmonious and increases gradually.

When should I finish knitting? Experts advise doing fittings after a certain number of rows. As soon as the canvas lies comfortably on your head and does not put pressure on your ears, you can finish one side and start the other.

Two parts are knitted. Let's start sewing the parts together. To prevent the hat from flying off your pet's head, you can add short strings to it. You can knit them on knitting needles or use a crochet hook (if you know how to use it). Since the corners of the hat end up sticking out, you can attach bright and cheerful pom-poms to their tops.

How to sew a hat for a dog with your own hands

Attention! The more often we try a product on an animal and adjust it during sewing or knitting, the better it will fit its owner. It is difficult to indicate the exact dimensions in the instructions without taking into account the breed and age of the animal, since each dog is individual.

Pattern and sewing

The picture below schematically shows the pattern of a cap for a dog. The product is sewn very quickly and easily.

The top can be made from waterproof fabric, such as bologna, and the lining can be lined with fleece in a matching or contrasting color.

Sewing steps:

  • Fold in the edges indicated by the dotted lines.
  • Process the remaining edges of the product.
  • Sew in the visor, duplicated with special materials (non-woven fabric, dublerin).
  • Insert a lace or ribbon into the hem, which will connect the product and secure it to the head.

Hat with ear slits

This will probably be the most successful hat for a dog, made with your own hands. It combines a bib that covers the neck and a hat that has space for the ears. If you choose the color of the yarn well, it will be an ideal addition to any winter outfit of your pet.

To work in this case, you will need a set consisting of five knitting needles. They are also called socks. When you take your measurements, make a test knitted piece and calculate the number of knitting needles, try to get them close to a multiple of four. The resulting number of loops will need to be distributed (cast on) onto four knitting needles in equal numbers.

We sew a cap for a dog

So let's start by measuring the dog's head . First you need to measure the distance from the eyes to the base of the head along the top of the head. In our case, this length is 11cm, plus we add 2.5cm to the fold of the fabric.

The second measurement is also measured at the top of the head, but between the ears. The distance between the ears is 6 cm, plus on each side we add 0.5 cm for the seams. The third measurement is the overall circumference of the head, covering the forehead and chin.

When measuring our dog it turned out to be 24cm. We divide this length by 4 and multiply by 3, we get 18cm length (cm pattern). On each side you need to add another 2.5 cm for folding the fabric and seam allowances.

Unusual option

Knitting this hat will be somewhat unusual. If in the first versions we first knitted an elastic band, then here we will do the opposite. We knit three centimeters in stockinette stitch and then move on to knitting 1x1 elastic. If you want, of course, you can replace this pattern with any other. But, speaking about beginner needlewomen, we note that this pattern is the simplest and easiest. If this is your first dog hat, then it is better to choose this one.

You need to knit up to the ears. Next, you need to make holes for each ear. To do this, simply close the required number of loops on both sides and continue knitting. Remember that as you continue knitting, you should have the same number of loops as you originally had. When you knit the first row after decreasing for the ears, you will need to pick up the stitches above the closed ones.

Next we knit up to the neck. When there are a few centimeters left before finishing, you should make a few increments. Here we recommend using regular yarn overs. They will allow you to make the product a little wider at the end of knitting and at the same time prevent holes that beginners get when adding loops in other ways.


The most popular decoration for hats are pom-poms. If you look at hats for dogs, photos of which are presented on various relevant resources, then in most options you will see pompoms. They make any hat, even the simplest one to knit, more attractive, mischievous and unusual. How to make them?

Take a sheet of thick cardboard. Cut out a circle of the required diameter from it. If there is a larger pom-pom, then the circle, accordingly, should be wider. We will need two of these circles. We make a hole in the middle of each of them using scissors. Connecting the circles together. We take a skein of thread and begin to weave circles until you think that the pompom will be fluffy enough.

Let's take the scissors and let's do the magic. First, cut the upper edges of the threads. Carefully push the cardboard parts apart and tighten the middle with thread. We remove the details completely, strengthen the central thread completely and fluff the pompom. If there are threads that stand out from the total mass, the length can be adjusted using scissors.

Other options for patterns and hat patterns

There are a large number of other options for patterns and patterns for sewing a hat. You have the right to choose the option that suits your skills and the size of your pet. The following will present the most popular and affordable options.

As you can see, sewing a headdress for a dog is not difficult. It is important for pets with a small amount of undercoat, because in winter they will be cold.

By spending a few hours of free time, using knitted clothes for dogs, you can make your pet stylish and original, and also protect him from the cold.


What you need to knit a hat for a dog

To summarize, let's decide on the important points in knitting a hat for a pet:

  • High-quality hypoallergenic yarn.
  • Correctly taken measurements of the head and neck.
  • Tastefully chosen color and style.
  • And, most importantly, the desire to do something for your pet with your own hands, with your soul and open heart.

Clothing for dogs is not just fashion, it is, first of all, the safety of the pet. Some breeds are not suitable for living in the wild. The French Bulldog is a type of dog that requires warm clothing in the winter. Otherwise, it is impossible to avoid hypothermia. How to knit a sweater for a French bulldog, how to correctly calculate the size and what will happen if the dog’s needs are ignored? Every owner of ornamental animals should know the answers to all these questions.

Why and what dogs need hats

The most obvious purpose of a hat is to insulate the head and ears. Usually, in winter, owners reduce walking time, the dog remains dissatisfied with the lack of activity and takes out its dissatisfaction at home. Low physical activity is contraindicated for puppies, but hypothermia is also dangerous for them. This is where clothes, hats and shoes come to the rescue.

of miniature breeds also need winter hats for dogs . Small four-legged animals are very close to the ground, which means they freeze more. No matter how fast the toy’s metabolic processes are, he is not able to warm himself in 25° below zero. A similar situation arises with Pugs and almost all short-haired, stunted dogs.

Hairless and African breeds of dogs are not a priori adapted to cold weather , and frosty weather is dangerous for their lives. Usually, overly susceptible four-legged animals are litter trained and not taken out in the winter, but again, warm clothes, shoes and a hat will free your pet from confinement.

The next candidates are breeds with short cropped ears . Frost, wind, rain and other delights of nature can easily bring your pet to otitis media. If you buy (sew) and put on a hat for your dog correctly, weather conditions will not spoil or shorten your walks.

There are a number of breeds that are prone to chronic otitis, that is, the dog gets sick as soon as it gets cold or catches a cold. Four-legged animals with sore ears are “shown” to wear a hat or scarf-muff from autumn to spring. Naturally, warm accessories do not provide any guarantees and the health of the ward must be strictly monitored.

Many veterinarians strongly recommend wearing hats for dogs with weak immune systems. For example, four-legged animals who have survived a serious illness or surgery. Most ear diseases occur due to hypothermia. In animals with weakened immunity, purulent otitis media quickly develops, and this is a very serious threat not only to the health, but also to the life of a fragile pet.

Tailed swimmers and divers also draw attention to the health of their ears. Special rubber caps minimize the risk of water getting into the ear canals. For bathing in the bathroom, there are cellophane caps. By the way, regular shower caps will also work.

How to calculate the size correctly

Choosing the wrong size will lead to the clothes constantly falling off, which can cause the dog to freeze. If it turns out to be too small, it will be extremely uncomfortable for her, which can negatively affect the animal’s psyche.

Often on dog clothing labels, you can see 3 size parameters:

  • Back length
  • Bust
  • Neck circumference

The image shows the markings you should follow to calculate the dimensions.

It is important that winter clothes completely cover the back. This is the only way to provide your pet with warmth and comfort. Summer, autumn and spring clothes may be slightly shorter.

There are often situations when the owner is simply not ready to spend a lot of money to dress his pet, which is why they are interested in how to knit a sweater for a French bulldog and overalls for a French bulldog with their own hands? To do this, you don’t need to have any extensive experience in sewing, etc., just read the simple instructions.

What material to choose to knit a sweater for a French bulldog

Before arming yourself with a crochet hook or knitting needles, it is important not to forget about the choice of material. Some of the most popular include:

  • Linen
  • Cotton
  • Cashmere
  • Blend of natural wool and acrylic

A common mistake is to use pure wool. It is very prickly and creates extremely unpleasant tactile sensations. The animal will be extremely uncomfortable. Synthetic threads will not provide sufficient heat and will not be able to perform a protective function. That is why it is better to choose something from the above list, after which you can safely read the paragraph on how to knit a sweater for a French bulldog and overalls for a French bulldog.

Knitting technique

In order to knit something, you need to acquire a crochet hook or knitting needles. What to choose is up to everyone to decide for themselves; the methodology is as similar as possible. Schemes that look like filled-in squares will be used as instructions. Each one is colored differently, making it easy to tell which threads to use. The designations must be presented on the diagram itself. In addition to painting, certain cells can simply be marked in the diagram. All symbols must be signed.

Patterns can be found on the Internet; to do this, just use any search engine and the query “how to knit a sweater for a French bulldog and overalls for a French bulldog.”

Tips on how to knit a sweater for a French bulldog

In order to provide your pet with the most comfortable life, you should not only learn how to knit a sweater for a French bulldog and overalls for a French bulldog, but also take care of the appropriate socks.

  • It is always important to monitor the weather conditions and understand that the French bulldog feels the cold as well as a person, you need to dress him as much as possible.
  • There is no need to neglect clothing on warm sunny days, as this can lead to burns.
  • We must remember to wash all things on time so that the pet feels comfortable. At the same time, it is better to avoid odorous detergents, they can irritate the dog.

If you use simple rules for caring for an animal, it will be happy and will not cease to bring positive emotions to its owner every day.

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