Cocker spaniel - origin of the species, description of the breed, character traits, maintenance and care (82 photos + video)

Cockers are a wonderful breed of dog: active, cheerful and love to eat, and they will make anyone smile.

The English Cocker Spaniel, despite its roots as a hunter, is considered an excellent friend for the whole family. His cute face and dignified behavior are proof of this.

Those who want to have a pet often pay attention to this breed.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

American Cocker Spaniel
Activityin the house3.2
on the street3.6
Dominationin family3
over dogs3.1
Defending your territoryfrom people3.3
from dogs4.7
Sociabilityin family4.1
with strangers2.8
with dogs2.8
Concentrationin family1.8
in front of strangers2.5
with dogs2.5
Aggressivenessin family2.6
to strangers3.2
to the dogs3.1
to cats2.8
Family behaviorcalmness3.7
demand for affection3.9
excessive barking3.2
behavioral breakdowns2.4
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years2.7
over 4 years old3.1
Institutional usewatchman4.1

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, English Cocker Spaniel, Beagle, English Setter, Yorkshire Terrier.

The photographs show what American Cocker Spaniels look like:


Diseases of the American Cocker Spaniel can prevent him from living the allotted 12-15 years. Dogs can be diagnosed with acquired and hereditary diseases.

  1. Behavioral abnormalities: hysteria, panic attacks, aggression.
  2. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, or cutaneous asthenia, is when the dog's skin becomes inelastic and insensitive.
  3. Carnitine deficiency, as a result of which the heart muscle is weakened and dilated cardiomyopathy develops.
  4. Diseases of the organs of vision: eversion of the eyelid, keratoconjunctivitis, retinal dysplasia.
  5. Due to the structure of their ears, dogs are susceptible to ear problems and often develop otitis media.
  6. Pododermatitis is a skin infection on the paws.
  7. Problems with the musculoskeletal system: displacements, ruptures of intervertebral discs, which can lead to paralysis and complete immobilization of the animal.
  8. Skin cancer is a disease that is often diagnosed in cockers (melanoma).

Visit the veterinarian regularly, and your dog will delight you with excellent health and good mood for a long time.

General characteristics of the breed

The American Cocker Spaniel is a dog bred for hunting. But now it is rarely used for this purpose. Modern cockers are companion dogs, loyal, devoted and obedient. These positive dogs find a common language with any person. They are very active, playful, and inquisitive. With proper upbringing, they become obedient and helpful. Even a child can cope with training.

These small dogs can be used to hunt birds and small animals. They easily penetrate hard-to-reach places and take game out of the water. But they became popular because of their attractive appearance and friendly character. American Cocker Spaniels are considered the best pets for children.

These dogs are also used by the police and customs to search for prohibited substances. They participate in search operations. Thanks to their good disposition, ability to empathize and high intelligence, cockers can be used in canistherapy for the rehabilitation of patients with neuroses and children with autism. Dogs of this breed easily learn tricks and are artistic, so they often participate in sports competitions, agility, freestyle, and various shows.

breed nameAmerican cocker spaniel
country of originUSA
appearance time19th century
group of breeds according to the ICF classificationretrievers, water dogs, spaniel section
applicationhunter, companion, rescuer, circus dog
life expectancy13-14 years old
heightmales 36-39 cm, females 34-36 cm
weight12-15 kg
attitude towards a personloyal, friendly, love children
content problemsdifficult grooming, energy, noise
intelligencesmart, easy to train


Due to their small size, American Cocker Spaniels are suitable for keeping in an apartment or house of any size. Unlike other varieties of spaniels, they do not need to be trained to hunt, but are a companion dog. The breed is popular, suitable for inexperienced dog breeders and families with children. These pets have several advantages:

  • attractive appearance with beautiful coat and expressive eyes;
  • they are devoted, faithful;
  • affectionate and friendly with all family members;
  • love children, dog experts call this breed the best for a child;
  • get along well with other pets;
  • sociable, but not intrusive, understand when the owner is busy;
  • calm, obedient, flexible;
  • smart, easy to train, can learn to perform tricks;
  • clean.


The American Cocker Spaniel is an active, energetic dog. He cannot sit idle, he needs to run a lot. It is better to walk with him 3 times a day, otherwise he will get bored and may spoil things. Therefore, the breed is not suitable for retirees, homebodies or those who are constantly at work. These dogs have several other disadvantages:

  • very touchy and vulnerable;
  • do not tolerate loneliness well;
  • prone to manipulation;
  • long hair requires daily care;
  • love to bark loudly;
  • On the street, the hunter's instinct may manifest itself, and the pet will run after a cat or bird.

Interesting facts about the breed

This breed is popular; over the years of its existence near people, many interesting facts about it have accumulated.

  • When these dogs were used for hunting, their tails were docked. They wagged violently and clung to the branches.
  • American Cocker Spaniels can reach great speed. They enjoy it, so they love to ride in the car.
  • They have a very keen sense of smell, so representatives of the breed are often used by the police and customs to search for prohibited substances.
  • Spaniels love to swim and dive well. They inherited this ability from their ancestors, who pulled a wounded bird out of the water.
  • The character of the pet depends on the color of the coat. Light cocker spaniels are calmer and more flexible, while dark ones are active and inquisitive.

The video will complement the description of the breed, the pros and cons of American Cocker Spaniels:

Video: American Cocker Spaniel dog

Video: The American Cocker Spaniel is a friendly dog, full of optimism. Description of the breed

Video: American Cocker Spaniels

How does the American Cocker Spaniel differ from other spaniels?

Spaniels are an ancient breed of hunting dogs. As the name suggests, it comes from Spain. In the Middle Ages it came to England, and from there it spread throughout the world. There are many varieties of spaniels, from decorative ones measuring 28-30 cm to large water dogs measuring 50-60 cm at the withers. The differences between the species are very noticeable in appearance, so they were separated into separate breeds. Among them, 10 varieties are popular.

They were bred in different countries, as can be seen from the name. There are English, American, German, Irish, Japanese spaniels. They also differ in purpose: decorative, water, cockers, springers.

In addition to cocker spaniels, there is another variety bred in the USA - the American water spaniel. You can immediately distinguish him from a cocker: he is tall and has curly hair. This is a strong, resilient dog, capable of becoming a guard, watchman, and rescuer.

Differences between English and American Cocker Spaniel

Most of all, the American spaniel is similar to the English one, from which it originated. The difference between them is small. The breeds were separated only in the 30s of the 20th century. The main difference is working qualities. While the English Spaniel still has hunting abilities, the American Spaniel is more of a decorative dog and companion. When breeding, breeders paid attention mainly to appearance. Having studied the description of the breeds, you can find the following differences:

  • English is taller, the head is large and elongated;
  • the American has thicker and longer hair, a shorter muzzle, and larger ears;
  • English spaniels are more active and can be aggressive towards strangers, while Americans are calmer and good-natured.

The photo shows the differences between different types of spaniels:

On the left is an English Cocker Spaniel, on the right is an American

History of the origin of the American Cocker Spaniel breed

American cockers are descended from English cockers, which were brought to America along with the first settlers. At first, the Americans used them for bird hunting, which is what this breed was intended for. This is reflected even in the name - “cocker” is translated as “woodcock”, “sandpiper”.

At the end of the 19th century, American breeders paid attention to these dogs. During selection, they tried to get a dog that was more beautiful in appearance, but paid almost no attention to working qualities. Already in 1883, the first local cocker was presented at the exhibition. It differed from its ancestor in being smaller in size and having longer hair.

But a separate standard was developed only in 1921, and the breed was separated from English Cocker Spaniels in 1946. These dogs appeared in Russia in the 70-80s and quickly became popular. Unlike other hunting breeds, the number of cocker spaniels has not decreased. Modern representatives of the breed have become good companions.


Russian spaniels, like other representatives of hunting breeds, often come into contact with wild animals. Therefore, an important point in the care and maintenance of a dog is timely vaccination. In the first year of life, this procedure takes place in several stages. Deworming is carried out 7–10 days before each vaccination.

The first vaccinations for Russian Spaniel puppies are given at 6–10 weeks, followed by booster vaccinations at 10–14 weeks. Typically, a complex vaccine is used for this, which will protect the animal from canine distemper, leptospirosis and other infections.

Rabies vaccination is also mandatory - it is given no earlier than 10-14 weeks. 2 weeks after the last vaccination, the puppy can go for its first walk.

Starting from 12 months, the animal must be revaccinated annually with a complex vaccine against rabies and other infections. Before this procedure, the adult dog is also dewormed.

In addition, for some time after vaccination, the Russian Spaniel must be provided with special care: do not wet the injection site for 2-3 days, and completely bathe the animal no earlier than after 10 days. Also during this time you need to carefully monitor your pet: do not allow him to get wet or hypothermia.

American Cocker Spaniel Appearance Standards

Many people know what cocker spaniels look like, since the breed is popular and its representatives are attractive. They are shorter than their English ancestors - on average 37-39 cm at the withers. The weight of the American Cocker Spaniel is not limited; the dog can weigh either 7 kg or 15 kg. Average weight 12 kg.


The head is proportional to the body. The skull is rounded, the muzzle is almost square in shape. The brow ridges and stops are clearly visible. A small forelock is noticeable on the forehead. The cheekbones are flat, the jaws are strong, and the bite is scissor-shaped. The lips are thick and droop slightly. The nose is large, the nostrils are wide. Dyed depending on the color of the coat. American Cocker Spaniels typically have black noses, lips, and eyelids. But light-colored individuals can be brown.

American Cocker Spaniels have large, round, but not protruding eyes. The color is dark brown, the look is expressive. The ears are hanging, long, set at eye level, lying on the cheeks. The shape is rectangular, rounded at the end. The ears are covered with thick, long hair.

Body type

The neck is long, flexible, widening towards the body. The body is compact, harmoniously built, almost square in format. The back is straight, wide, the chest is deep, reaching the elbows. The loin is well defined, the croup gradually lowers.

The tail is carried level with the back or slightly raised. It is customary to dock it. If the tail is not docked, it has a saber shape and is covered with long hair. He should not tuck himself in or throw himself onto his back.


The limbs are muscular, strong, straight, set parallel. The shoulder blades are wide, laid back. The thighs are massive, the hocks are low. The paws are large and compact. Pads with a special relief pattern that allows the dog not to slip; the claws are long and black. Movements are free, fast, dexterous. The dog runs smoothly, with a sweeping step.

Coat and color

The coat of American Cocker Spaniels is soft, silky, and long. It can be straight or slightly wavy, and fits well to the body. The undercoat is dense and dense. The hair on the head is short and smooth, on the back it is a little rough. Longer and softer on the limbs, stomach, chest. It falls almost to the ground, forming a full skirt.

The American Cocker Spaniel can come in a variety of colors. The standard allows the following:

  • black;
  • black and tan;
  • white in combination with other colors;
  • light fawn;
  • chocolate;
  • ginger.

The most popular dogs are fawn, chocolate and red. Black and spotted ones are also common. The spots should be clearly defined, located on the cheekbones, under the eyes, on the ears, limbs, and chest. White markings may only be on the chest or neck. The tan should not occupy more than 10% of the body. For dogs of red, fawn and chocolate color, the color should be uniform, lighter shades are possible, but white spots are not allowed.

Photos complement the description of the appearance of American Cocker Spaniels:

Character of the American Cocker Spaniel

During selection, breeders paid attention to appearance, so the hunting qualities of these dogs were almost lost. American spaniels have evolved into family dogs. This fluffy cute dog is very loyal and devoted. He is ready to follow his owner and participate in all activities and games. But the spaniel is very sensitive, he understands when the owner is busy and will not bother him. And if someone is sad, they will definitely calm and cheer them up. He treats strangers calmly and does not show aggression. Therefore, this dog cannot be made into a guard or watchman.

He is a cheerful and good-natured fidget, he is always looking for something to do. Cockers are cheerful, sad only when separated from their owner. They definitely need the presence of a person who loves them. When alone, they will whine and may start to damage things.

Cockers love all family members and treat children with tenderness. Adult dogs control themselves and will never offend a child. They live quietly in the same house with all pets, except birds. Hunting instincts force the dog to hunt them.

Of the negative character traits, cockers have cunning and the ability to manipulate. They feel when the owner shows weakness and will take advantage of it.

Features of education and training

From the first day a puppy appears in the house, it is necessary to begin education and socialization. Although this dog is smart and obedient, it has an explosive temperament. Without proper upbringing, she can become aggressive and uncontrollable. The owner must show persistence and patience. The dog must understand who is boss in the house.

You need to immediately teach your baby:

  • go to the toilet for a diaper, and then go outside;
  • calmly endure hygiene procedures;
  • know your place, go there on command;
  • do not climb on the bed;
  • don't bite;
  • don't just bark;
  • respond to a nickname;
  • walk with a collar and leash;
  • calmly react to strangers, other dogs and animals, cars, noise.

Mandatory commands that every dog ​​should know are “come to me”, “stand”, “sit”, “near”, “no”, “fu”. It is also recommended to teach the American Spaniel the “quiet” command, as these dogs love to express their emotions with their voices.

Exercises with your pet should be regular and consistent. It is better to conduct them in a playful way to interest the baby. They love to play catch, search for and bring objects. It is recommended to reward correct behavior with treats and affection. But mistakes and mischief should not be forgiven; you should immediately scold the puppy. Just don’t scream, much less hit your pet. He should not be afraid of his owner.

The American Cocker is easy to train. This dog loves to learn new things, he is curious and smart. He wants to please his beloved owner, so he will obey and loves attention and praise.

If a dog is bought for hunting, it needs to be trained from an early age. The hunting skills of American cockers are weak, so they need to be trained to smell game and search for prey. It is advisable to have this done by a professional.

General recommendations

Spaniel training at home is hard work that does not tolerate inattention and letting the situation take its course. During training, the dog must learn not only to carry out any commands spoken by the owner. She must also understand and stop certain actions on the owner's command.

The training can be based on the training of I.P. Pavlov , which allows you to develop reflexes taking into account conditioned and unconditioned stimuli. The trainer can influence the dog using different techniques, for example, encouragement or prohibition. To turn a reward into a conditioned stimulus, you need to connect it with some kind of treat. With frequent rewards, the dog will quickly understand what is required of it, and this technique will have a beneficial effect on its attachment to its owner.

It is useless to force a spaniel to train. Neither a tug on the leash, nor a blow with a rod, nor a threatening intonation will make the spaniel obedient and flexible. On the contrary, they will be the reasons for the dog’s insecurity and fear of the owner. To prohibit your pet from doing something, just say the command “no”. Of course, at first it will not be easy to get used to the same leash or collar.

However, rather than screaming and hitting the animal, it is more advisable to come up with a more positive way to train it.

You should not jerk the collar sharply, even if your pet really wants to run away and explore the world around him.

By doing this, the owner shows superiority, but this does not contribute to proper relationships. The teaching principle should be based on team unity, action and encouragement.

For example, the “sit” command is taught by light pressure on the puppy’s croup. As soon as the pet sits down, he is praised and encouraged. The “take” command is taught during one of the feedings. Food is given to him on the command “take”, thereby teaching him patience, because the dog must understand the order. Otherwise, for example, when hunting, she may rush after the game ahead of time.

The “no” command begins to be practiced from the “young claws”, at the bowl. In this case, food is given with the command “take” so that the puppy understands that he is allowed to eat. At the initial stages of teaching the “no” command, you can use a leash. In the future, it is removed, trying to avoid physical impact. The “come” command is considered one of those that puppies get used to faster than others.

You can accustom a puppy to it in literally a month using reward techniques. You can invite him to your place by treating him to some delicacy. However, when calling your pet, you must remember and follow the order of actions. First they give a command, then they show a treat and only after that comes reinforcement. When training, you can use a whistle: it will serve as a kind of signal to carry out the command.

For more information on training a spaniel, watch the video below.

Maintenance and care

The American Spaniel cannot be kept in an aviary. Despite their thick coat, they do not tolerate cold well. Moreover, they cannot be alone. These dogs live well in an apartment and do not require much space. The bed should be placed away from drafts and heating devices. Designate a separate place for eating, where there should always be clean water. You need to immediately buy toys for the puppy so that he does not have the desire to chew things.

These dogs need long walks and a lot of physical activity. It is recommended to walk your pet 3 times a day, let him run and play outside.

Be sure to check and clean your spaniel's ears several times a week. They are long; due to dirt and uncleaned sulfur, bacteria can develop and inflammation will develop. Before each meal, it is recommended to secure the ears on the top of the head with an elastic band so that they do not get dirty. You should also regularly wash your eyes with boiled water or chamomile infusion. To prevent tartar, you can give your pet chewing bones. Nails are trimmed 1-2 times a month, unless they become worn down during walks.


Cockers are difficult to care for due to their long coat. It needs not only to be combed, but also cut. Some owners go to a dog hair salon for grooming. But you can learn how to cut your pet’s hair and do different hairstyles yourself. To do this, purchase special tools. You will need a comb, a slicker brush, a massage brush, and scissors. Spaniel body clippers are not used.

It is recommended to brush your pet daily, this will help prevent the appearance of tangles. It is better to do this after a walk, as twigs, blades of grass, and debris get stuck in the fur. Pay special attention to the armpit areas, hair in the groin, abdomen, and neck. Here it is recommended to trim the wool so that it does not mat.

Spaniels are given regular haircuts to give a decorative appearance to their coat. You can learn how to cut your pet's hair yourself. There are full, partial, sports haircuts, and different types of decorative ones.

The photo shows what options there are for cocker haircuts:

Intercalated dogs receive professional grooming. The coat is only slightly trimmed and trimmed, treated with conditioner and oils to make it shiny. The grooming procedure also includes brushing teeth and trimming nails. If the dog does not show, you can cut it short in the summer, this will save it from the heat.

You can bathe a spaniel once every 2 weeks, although these dogs are clean, their fur quickly gets dirty. Be sure to use a special shampoo for long-haired dogs. It is also recommended to buy a conditioner to make the coat easier to comb. It is better to dry it with a hairdryer after bathing; wet wool gets into tangles faster.

After every walk you need to wash your pet's paws. To make them less dirty, the hair on the bottom and between the toes can be trimmed. And to protect their ears from dirt, many owners use special mesh caps.

The video will help you understand how to properly care for the coat of dogs of this breed:

Video: Grooming a Spaniel. Grooming an American Cocker Spaniel

Video: Grooming. How to cut an American Cocker Spaniel

Video: 5 features of caring for an American Cocker Spaniel

What to feed your American Cocker Spaniel

The health and well-being of a pet depends on its nutrition. You can feed your American Spaniel dry food or natural food. When feeding naturally, you need to carefully select the diet - representatives of this breed are prone to allergies and obesity.

The main part of the diet should be lean meat - rabbit, turkey, beef. You should also give porridge - oatmeal, buckwheat, rice. It is recommended to add carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, and greens to your food. Kefir and cottage cheese are useful. You should give an egg yolk a couple of times a week. Suitable treats include dried fruits, apple slices, and rye crackers.

You should not give your pet pork, fresh bread, confectionery, or chocolate. Fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, sausages, mushrooms, legumes, and spicy vegetables are prohibited. You should not give food from your table - this will teach the dog to beg. An adult dog is fed twice a day, puppies, depending on age, 3-6 times. The amount of food depends on weight, you cannot overfeed, spaniels are prone to overeating.

When choosing dry food, you should give preference to premium or super-premium options. They should be hypoallergenic, with a minimum content of grains, with added vitamins and minerals. The best foods for American Cocker Spaniels are:

  • Acana;
  • GO!;
  • Orijen;
  • Belcando;
  • Artemis;
  • Royal Canin.

Health of the breed

With proper maintenance and care, American Cocker Spaniels live 15-16 years. Although their health is not very good. Allergic diseases, inflammation of the eyes and ears are common. If not fed correctly, they quickly gain weight. The following hereditary pathologies are also possible:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • seborrhea;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypothyroidism

To protect your pet from infections, you need to get all the necessary vaccinations on time. Carry out antiparasitic treatment several times a year and give anthelmintic drugs. Although cockers have long and thick hair, they often catch colds, so the dog must be protected from frost and drafts. With proper care, the pet will live a long time and remain active until old age.

How to buy an American Cocker Spaniel puppy

It is recommended to buy a puppy from large nurseries or from breeders with a good reputation. First you need to get to know the mother, study the living conditions of the animals, and the documents of the parents. The breeder must provide certificates for all dogs indicating the absence of genetic diseases.

A healthy spaniel puppy will be cheerful, active, and not cowardly. He has a moist, cool nose, smooth, shiny fur, and no discharge from the ears or eyes or an unpleasant odor.

In Moscow, a purebred American Cocker Spaniel puppy costs at least 25 thousand rubles. The price of show dogs is more expensive – 30-50 thousand rubles. Cockers from champion parents, as well as individuals with rare colors, cost more than 50 thousand. You can buy a puppy from private breeders for 5-15 thousand rubles. But there will be no guarantee that the dog is purebred, without hereditary diseases and character deviations.

When choosing the sex of your pet, you need to take into account that females are more unpretentious and obedient. They are friendly and affectionate. Males are more likely to show aggression and disobedience.

The photo shows what American cocker puppies look like:

The video will help you understand whether it is worth getting an American Cocker Spaniel dog:

Video: American Cocker Spaniel

Video: American Cocker Spaniel, a shaggy dog ​​breed

Video: Interesting facts about American Cocker Spaniels. Pros and cons of the American Cocker Spaniel breed

The American Cocker Spaniel is a cheerful, kind, people-oriented dog. She will become the best friend and companion for an active owner, and is an ideal choice for families with children. This beautiful, intelligent pet can give a lot of joy.

At what age should you start parenting?

As a rule, puppies are taken from the nursery at 2 months. At this time, they are already familiar with such a concept as socialization and have a stronger psyche. Two-month-old puppies are active, learn to play with each other, stand well on their paws, run a lot and are constantly moving. Considering that the period of adaptation to a new place and owner can last 6-7 months, the sooner the puppy is adopted, the better.

However, experts recommend picking up a puppy no later than three months.

This is explained by the fact that at a later age the dog will not be particularly willing to strive for training and education. Moreover, the speed of learning may slow down, waywardness and persistence may appear. So, the minimum age for starting training is 2 months, the maximum is 3.

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