Useful tips for caring for French bulldogs

Caring for your pet's fur, eyes, ears and claws. Choosing clothes for walking, collar and leash. When can you swim in the river and how to get used to it. All about tail docking for French Bulldogs.

French Bulldogs are small dogs that are considered companions. They have a strong body and bones, and their legs are necessarily muscular.

On the round muzzle there are large dark eyes, and under them an upturned nose framed by skin folds, but there are no folds along the body. The ears stand strictly vertical by six months and are located at a short distance from each other. The tail is short with or without kinks.

French Bulldogs have a short coat, but they shed a lot in the fall and spring. Due to the lack of undercoat, they do not tolerate frost and precipitation well. These and other features of the breed must be taken into account in the care of each owner.

Care and maintenance

Caring for a French Bulldog is easy.

Wool and bathing

Short hair is regularly combed with a regular stiff brush, first in the direction of hair growth, then against it. This removes dead hair. After a walk, you need to wipe the fur and skin folds with a damp towel or wet wipes, preferably baby wipes. The dog is rarely bathed - no more than 4 times annually. It is necessary to use only special high-quality shampoo for dogs, preferably with herbs. You cannot bathe until 9 months, so as not to disrupt skin-fat metabolism. Swimming should be mandatory after walking in muddy areas or after rain. Water should be used not hot (so as not to provoke the appearance of bald spots), but warm. After bathing procedures, wrap your pet in a warm, dry towel for a few minutes, so it will quickly cool down and dry without harm to health.

Care for skin folds

Folds, especially on the face, must be regularly inspected and wiped with a dry towel to avoid inflammation and infection. For lubrication, baby diaper rash cream or diaper rash cream is good. It is also useful for lubricating the space between the toes. The nose also needs care: treatment with a mixture of olive oil and pharmaceutical vitamin E in ampoules. Without this, crusts may appear on the lobe, and dryness will be tormented.

Claws, ears, eyes

Nails are trimmed as they grow only if they do not have time to wear down during walks. To make the procedure painless and quick, purchase a special nail clipper or electric scratching post. The ears are also treated to remove dirt with wet wipes or a cotton swab dipped in alcohol-free or baby lotion, sea buckthorn oil or Vaseline. The eyes can be cleared of regularly appearing mucus with gentle movements using a swab dipped in chamomile decoction.

Under no circumstances should you use tea or albucid to wipe your pet's eyes. They provoke increased inflammatory processes.


An important task in caring for the breed is brushing its teeth. If it is not carried out at least once a week, by the age of 3–5 years your dog will begin to have problems with the jaws: the formation of tartar, tooth decay, inflammation of the gums, even periodontitis and purulent runny nose.

Brushing a bulldog's teeth is very simple - the procedure is carried out by wrapping gauze around your finger and dipping it in baking soda or a special tooth powder for dogs. It will not take more than 5 – 7 minutes.

Caring for a dog in hot and cold weather

It is very important to protect your bulldog from heat and cold. Thin short hair and the absence of undercoat do not protect the dog from bad weather, so it requires clothing for the season, preferably waterproof overalls with a hood or a jacket

You also need to take care of your headdress: a Panama hat in the hot weather or a hat in the cold season. If you suspect that your pet is overheated, pour cool water over it or simply wet its paws and belly, take it to the shade, and give it water. In winter, to warm up a frozen dog, you can run with him and play active games.


In addition to equipping a personal space, proper care of a French bulldog involves purchasing the necessary equipment, the use of which will provide the dog with comfortable and safe living conditions.

Harness or collar?

Dog handlers and veterinarians advise choosing a harness.

Mainly because of its ergonomics.

Especially when it comes to pets with certain anatomical features.

French bulldogs have a special structure of the respiratory tract, so a harness is the most suitable option for equipment for walking.

It does not pinch the dog's neck and, unlike a collar, does not put strong pressure on its throat in the event of a sharp tug on the leash.

When wearing a collar frequently, gradual injury to the pet's cervical vertebrae occurs, which can cause problems with the spinal cord. In the case of a harness, the load on the dog's shoulders and chest is distributed evenly. In addition, it is easier to control an animal with its help than with a leash and collar.

You should not pull the leash too hard even if your pet is disobedient - this can lead to spinal deformation and back pain.

What is a muzzle for?

Many people believe that French Bulldogs do not need a muzzle because they are friendly and good-natured.
However, even calm and peaceful dogs can experience outbursts of aggression, associated, for example, with the threat of danger to the owner or the dog itself.

Walking your pet in a muzzle, especially in unfamiliar or noisy and crowded places, will help eliminate the likelihood of situations in which he could injure someone or suffer himself.

With a muzzle on, the dog will not be able to pick up and eat anything on the street. In addition, the ability to wear a muzzle will not be superfluous when visiting a veterinarian or in case of long journeys.


The “Frenchies” have a unique structure of the muzzle and respiratory tract, so when choosing a muzzle it is necessary to take into account many nuances:

  • it must be made specifically for this breed;
  • seams, fasteners and other elements of the muzzle should not press or rub the pet’s skin;
  • The dog should be able to yawn and breathe calmly and evenly with his tongue hanging out.

The muzzle can be solid or mesh and made of leather, metal mesh, plastic or nylon. For “Frenchies,” you should purchase a mesh leather or metal muzzle. The advantages of the first option are soft material and ergonomic shape that takes into account the anatomy of these dogs. But such muzzles are short-lived, require additional care and give the dog the opportunity to reach the garbage with his tongue.

Muzzles made of nickel mesh are designed specifically for dogs with a short muzzle; they are lightweight, fit tightly, do not allow the dog to pick up something from the ground, but provide free breathing and eliminate sweating of the muzzle in the heat. But they should not be worn in rain or cold weather.

Before purchasing a muzzle, you must try it on your dog.


To make your pet comfortable, you need to buy a harness of the right size, because too big will fall off, and a small one will put pressure. To do this, you need to measure the distance from the withers to the base of the dog’s tail, the circumference of its chest and neck, or try on the harness before purchasing. The harness itself, all straps, fasteners and fastenings must be durable and made of high-quality materials and be adjustable.

Leash length

The length of the leash depends on the purpose of its use: an accessory for walking should be about 1 m, for training - at least 3 m. A leash used for exhibitions should be thin but durable and have loops on both sides.

Choosing the right dog bowl

Due to the structure of the skull, French bulldogs cannot eat or drink from deep bowls.
For representatives of this breed, wide bowls without high sides are suitable, allowing for maneuverability while eating.

As for the material, preference should be given to ceramic or metal heavy dishes that the pet cannot turn over and carry in its mouth. You should also buy a special stand for bowls, the height of which can be adjusted as the dog grows - this will allow him not to bend over while eating or drinking and maintain his posture.

The dishes should be chosen according to the age of the animal - it is inconvenient for a puppy to eat from a large bowl.

Toys and other entertainment

Although outwardly seemingly clumsy and lazy, French bulldogs are distinguished by a high level of activity and love of games.
These dogs love to chase balls and play with various ropes and ropes.

Also popular are all kinds of squeaking toys and rubber or sinew bones that can be chewed.

In addition, the “Frenchies” like joint games of tugging and holding with the owner, but you need to be careful with them - you cannot pull or tear the toy too much from the pet’s mouth, especially during the period of changing teeth, as this can ruin his bite and damage his teeth.


Carriers are required if there is a need to transport the dog in a car or public transport. It is important that the crate, container or bag is the right size so that the dog will be comfortable in it. The pet must not only fit into the carrier, but also be able to at least minimally move around it, stand upright, sleep and stretch.

The main thing is that the carrier is ventilated and waterproof - the dog will not be able to stay in it without air, and increased humidity threatens hypothermia, the proliferation of microorganisms and can cause the development of dermatitis and staphylococcus due to diaper rash of the folds. You should not buy soft bags and backpacks - rather large French bulldogs will be uncomfortable in them. It is better to purchase a plastic container, a carrier - a tent or a folding enclosure - they come in different sizes and are easy to wash and disinfect.


The bed should be chosen in accordance with the size of the pet - it should be able to stretch out to its full height in sleep. If the dog's place is located in a small room, the best option would be a moderately soft bedding, mattress, rug or flat pillow; if we are talking about a large room, you can buy a sofa or house. You should not buy mattresses made of straw or cotton wool - the “Frenchman” can tear them, chew them and eat the contents.

The bed should have removable covers that can be washed.


The French Bulldog has short, odorless hair, without a pronounced undercoat, the guard hairs are straight, soft, shiny, tightly fitting to the skin. Caring for such a coat does not cause any special problems.

The molting period proceeds unnoticed, hair loss is not profuse. French Bulldogs usually shed evenly throughout the year, but stress or indoor temperature changes may cause more hair loss. The hairs are short, but due to their soft structure they stick to furniture, carpets, clothes, and cleaning can be difficult. Therefore, it is better to comb the coat promptly and regularly.

Care is carried out 2 times a week. Use a brush with short, soft bristles so as not to injure the animal’s skin. Cleaning begins from the shoulder girdle, moving towards the tail. After the procedure, you should praise your pet for patience and good behavior: the French bulldog likes praise.

Combing is not only a way of caring for the coat, but also a kind of massage that improves blood circulation. The skin should be checked periodically for the presence of dermatological and parasitic pathologies. A bulldog's dull coat is a sign of either poor nutrition or illness. If the hair is falling out profusely, the skin is flaky and itchy, then fleas, ticks or an allergic reaction should be suspected.

Causes of the disease

The causes and treatment of dandruff in dogs cannot be determined and prescribed independently. Even the most expensive shampoo will be useless, because it directs its action not to the site of the disease, but to one of its symptoms. Some time will pass and you will encounter this problem again.

The real reasons are determined by a specialist, but it is worth knowing what can cause an unpleasant cosmetic defect in order to understand the full depth and seriousness of the situation.

  • Stress. The animal can experience stress, which manifests itself in the appearance of dandruff on the dog’s back. This is usually a temporary phenomenon that goes away on its own without unnecessary interventions. Protect your pet from nervous situations, and he will delight you with healthy and thick hair.
  • Food allergies. Poor nutrition or low-quality products can cause allergies, the manifestation of which is seborrhea. Does your dog have dandruff and an itchy body? Look at the composition of the food you give her. Chemical flavors and various additives can cause an undesirable reaction in the body. Allergies also occur to certain types of foods, as well as raw water.
  • Avitaminosis. Periodically give your pet vitamin complexes to replenish the body with the necessary substances that will strengthen the immune system. Vitamin A is especially important for the skin.
  • Seasonal problems. In some dog breeds, dandruff occurs temporarily due to shedding. The shedding will pass and the fur will be thick, clean and beautiful again.
  • Parasites. Hair mites can cause seborrhea in dogs. It digs into the skin, feeding on the lymphoma. Typically, animals that have contracted such a tick suffer from itching.
  • Skin diseases. Dandruff may indicate dermatitis, eczema or other skin problems in your pet.
  • Diabetes. This serious disease can also be manifested by the presence of dandruff. First of all, it is necessary to exclude this disease, and not rely on miracle shampoos.


Vaccinations are carried out in stages. At six weeks, vaccinations against enteritis and hepatitis are given. The rest of the regimen is selected by the veterinarian, but usually at 10 weeks - against plague, at 4 months - against leptospirosis, after 7 months - revaccination against plague.

Up to a year, the main set of vaccinations is carried out, after which injections are given taking into account the epidemiological situation in the region.

Important! After the procedure, you need to follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding walking and nutrition.

It is very important to properly care for your French Bulldog and take care of it. Not only the pet’s health, but also its life expectancy depends on this.

A happy and contented animal will live much longer, to the delight of all family members.

Conclusions: choosing the best complex

There is no point in taking an expensive fortified wool supplement hoping for a better effect. Often, cheap domestic analogues are not inferior in quality and composition to expensive foreign drugs.

Universal means

Among the inexpensive drugs I recommend:

  • Brewer's yeast ;
  • Phytomins hypoallergenic complex;
  • 8 in 1 Excel Brewers Yeast.

But you won’t be able to find a budget complex with Omega fatty acids from natural ingredients. You will have to pay 1-2 thousand rubles for one of the following additives:

  • Canina Petvital Derm;
  • Hokamix Skin & Shine;
  • Virbac Megaderm;
  • Anivital CaniDerm.

Individual recommendations

The best therapeutic and preventive supplements:

  • for skin diseases: Phytomins, Phytoelite, Canina Petvital Derm, Hokamix Skin & Shine;
  • for pregnant and lactating bitches: 8 in 1 Excel Brewers Yeast, Beaphar, Canina Petvital Derm;
  • for large dogs: 8 in 1 Excel Brewers Yeast;
  • for puppies: Beaphar (from 2 months), Brewer's yeast "Vaka", Polidex Super Wool Plus (from 4 weeks)
  • for allergy sufferers: 8 in 1 Excel Brewers Yeast, Phytoelite, Hokamix Skin & Shine, Phytomines;
  • for the elderly: Canina Petvital Derm;
  • for show and longhair: Polidex Super Wool Plus, Hokamix Skin & Shine, Canina Petvital Derm.

If the dog is healthy, and you just want to increase the shine of its coat, there is no need to constantly feed your pet with dietary supplements. Give her complexes seasonally, during coat changes. And I strongly advise you to introduce feed sulfur and brewer’s yeast during molting - they will facilitate the process.

But if you suspect any disease, select a nutritional supplement together with your veterinarian. Remember that it takes a couple of months to make up for the lack of vitamins, but an excess of organic substances can lead to serious pathologies with fatal consequences. Therefore, we give any drug carefully, based on tests and doctor’s recommendations.

Diet by month

When learning how to care for a French Bulldog puppy, you need to pay special attention to feeding. It should vary depending on the stages of the pet’s maturation by month:

  • Newborn puppies receive nutrition from their mother. You need to feed her 3 times a day, give her more lean meat. Don't forget about fermented milk products.
  • The first feeding is done on the 21st day after the puppy is born. The first dish is milk porridge. If your pet reacts normally to this food, you can start feeding it lean meat.
  • 2-4 months. You need to feed the puppy 5 times a day. The best foods to eat are kefir, vegetables, egg yolks, fresh herbs, boiled sea fish, calcined cottage cheese, and lean meat.
  • 4-9 months. The volume of portions increases, the number of meals per day decreases to 3-4.

If you plan to keep your dog on industrial food, it is important not to mix it with natural products

The dog is hungry

What should be included in a natural diet

When figuring out how to establish a proper diet, you need to talk about the foods that a French bulldog should eat:

  • Boiled beef meat.
  • Fresh apples.
  • Boiled carrots, cabbage.
  • Buckwheat, oatmeal, rice porridge. You need to add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to them.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to overfeed French bulldog puppies, as they are prone to obesity.

Vitamins for puppies

Without vitamin supplementation, the puppy will not be able to grow normally. The most important vitamins for French bulldogs:

  • E – for normal reproduction.
  • C – to maintain the natural balance of substances in the body.
  • A – for active growth.
  • B3 – synthesis of proteins, fats, hair growth.
  • B6 – protein metabolism, cholesterol level in the blood.
  • B9 – protects against anemia, normalizes hair growth.

Vitamin complexes can be purchased at any veterinary clinic or specialized pharmacy.

Swimmer's syndrome

Rickets is a common occurrence in Frenchie puppies. The causes of rickets are caused by nutritional deficiencies in puppies. If there is not enough calcium and phosphorus in the diet, then the puppies' skeleton begins to deform. The first signs of rickets in puppies can be seen by their floating gait or walking on their stomach. Puppies cannot get up on their paws on their own.

Useful tips for fighting dandruff

Rickets in puppies is quite easy to treat. It is enough to introduce calcium, phosphorus into the diet and increase the amount of time the dog spends in the sun. This increases the production of vitamin D by the puppies’ bodies and the absorption of trace elements and minerals. With timely diagnosis and quality treatment, puppies quickly recover from rickets and grow into healthy individuals.

How to Avoid Dandruff

How to care for a French bulldog

This dog breed is popular due to its unpretentiousness in maintenance and natural cleanliness. Like any short-haired breed, the bulldog sheds moderately, without spreading its hair around the room. Care includes:

Daily examination of fur, eyes, ears and paws. The ears are cleaned with cotton pads. The eyes are wiped with a damp cloth every morning.

To prevent diaper rash, the folds on the face must be treated. To do this, use zinc or naphthalan ointment.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the teeth; the formed gray-yellow plaque should be removed by a veterinarian. The French Bulldog's teeth tend to wear down quickly - you should not give him bones. From the age of 4 months, the puppy's milk teeth are replaced with permanent ones. To alleviate unpleasant symptoms, your dog should purchase special toys. Nails are trimmed regularly with a nail clipper. For brushing, select a soft brush for short-haired dogs.

An adult bulldog needs a walk twice a day

After a walk, the dog's paws and belly are wiped with a dry cloth.

The bulldog is prone to gluttony, it is important not to overfeed the dog. The food must be balanced.

Due to the physiological structure of the nose and short hair, bulldogs often catch colds

Therefore, in the cold season, the dog is walked in special clothes.

A special place should be allocated for eating; you should not be taught to feed by hand in any place in the apartment. The animal is fed twice a day, with less food given in the morning than before bedtime.

Reference. French Bulldogs' ears are a delicate area, so to avoid damaging them, puppies should not be petted on the ears. The ears will be in a vertical position at three months.

Anyone who once gets to know a French bulldog better will love this breed forever. Cheerfulness, extraordinary intelligence and the absence of any aggression will conquer any person.


Like any other breed of dog, the French bulldog is prone to certain diseases:

  • Skin diseases.
  • Eye diseases.
  • Problems with intervertebral discs.
  • Most puppies are delivered by caesarean section.
  • Dogs are equally sensitive to heat and frost.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Allergies.

Preventative measures to protect your French Bulldog puppy

  • To keep your French Bulldog puppy completely safe, you first need to minimize his contact with unfamiliar dogs, especially strays. Therefore, you should not let your dog off the leash, as in this case it will become impossible to control its behavior and communication with other dogs. Since a dog can easily become infected with distemper from simply touching the nose of a sick animal. This disease can be transmitted to a dog through sniffing. Your dog can become infected with trichophytosis from contact with the lichen-affected fur of a sick dog. Naturally, it is impossible to completely exclude a dog’s communication with other dogs, since it must be socialized. Therefore, try to find friends with dog lovers who look after their animals. By adhering to this rule, you can eliminate the risk of pathogen transmission by 80%.
  • You should walk your dog in places where there are no landfills. Since garbage very often attracts rodents, which in turn are very often carriers of various infections. Gray rats are especially dangerous because they carry such a serious disease as leptospirosis.
  • You should not allow your dog to sniff other people's feces, as they are a source of worms.
  • Monitor your French Bulldog's well-being. Pay attention to even the most minor changes in his behavior. For example, your dog may appear lethargic, lose his appetite, or have a dry nose. Or you may notice that the dog begins to shed, and this has nothing to do with seasonal shedding. If hair loss becomes excessive, this is the first symptom indicating health problems in your pet. And only you can help him. Therefore, it is important to take the dog to the veterinary clinic in time, where the disease can be overcome for sure. In no case should you ignore the symptoms, since advanced infections are much more difficult to treat, and sometimes even impossible. If you start treating your dog, the disease can lead to his death or he will develop serious complications that will affect his hearing, vision, limbs and much more.

Features of training an adult dog

Contrary to popular belief about the uselessness of training an adult dog, this cannot be said about French bulldogs, since dogs of this breed are easily trained at any age, including adults.

Before starting to train an adult dog, the owner should learn more about its history by asking former owners in more detail about the dog’s character, the characteristics of its behavior, preferences, and, of course, about the pedigree and habits of the parents. It is necessary to begin training only taking into account all the characteristics and character of the dog. In case of difficulty, it is better to seek help from training specialists.

Rules for choosing puppies

It is recommended to purchase babies of this breed from kennel clubs. The likelihood of buying a purebred and healthy bulldog is higher there. It is better to visit several nurseries.

The enclosure itself, in which the dogs are kept, is also worth a look. It should at least be clean.

If the conditions of detention are satisfactory, then you can request information about the bulldog you like: heredity, information about parents, character traits.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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You need to purchase a puppy of this breed at the age of 6-8 weeks.

You can determine whether your baby is healthy by the following signs:

  • the coat is clean and shiny;
  • the body is strong;
  • paws are strong, developed;
  • skin without scratches or redness;
  • pink gums;
  • ears and eyes are clean;
  • nose wet and cold;
  • paw pads are soft;
  • teeth are white.

By observing the behavior of puppies, they determine which character traits and features predominate in them. As a rule, bulldogs do not change as they grow older. You can note the calm disposition of the baby or the restlessness, angry and timid behavior of the puppy.

If you have no previous experience of keeping a dog, and now you have a choice between a boy and a girl, then it is better to take a bitch. They are more flexible, learn faster and become attached to the owner and try less to take a dominant position.

Historical reference

The ancestors of the French bulldog, fighting dogs, descended from the ancient Molossian mastiff dogs brought to England from Greece. At first, dogs were used exclusively for bull baiting, a very popular cruel sport among the English aristocracy. It involved baiting bulls with dogs. After the ban on such entertainment was issued, animals were sent to the rings to participate in dog fights. The dogs failed: they were not equipped to fight their own kind. In Great Britain they lost interest in the breed.

The situation was saved by the spread of the bulldog's ancestors throughout France. There they found a “job” that was tough – the animals turned out to be incredibly capable of catching rats and mice. This earned them the love of all classes.

They continued the development of the breed by crossing the ancestors of the French bulldog with pugs, Burgos dogs, terriers and the now extinct breed - the Spanish Alan. The appearance of the breed was fully formed by the 70s of the 19th century.

There was a sharp jump in popularity during the breed's fascination with French courtesans. They used charismatic dogs for photos on their advertising cards. The baton was picked up by the secular Don Juan Leopold de Carneillon la Tour, who acquired as many as three pets of this breed and began to often appear with them at social events. The passion for the bulldog grew, and in 1898 the first breed standard appeared. At the same time, a forgotten interest in French bulldogs resurfaced in England. Within 6 years, the British acquired their own nurseries.

Many famous people had a soft spot for the pretty bun: the English king Edward VII, the daughter of Emperor Nicholas II, Princess Romanova, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sergei Zhigunov, Martha Stewart, Fyodor Chaliapin, Vladimir Mayakovsky. The French Bulldog is very popular in movies. This breed took part in the filming of many films: “Armageddon”, “Titanic”.

Puppy cost

The Bulldog is not a rare breed, so finding a seller is easy. Without documents and a guarantee of purebredness, you can purchase a puppy for a small price. However, it is better to take a bulldog from a professional kennel.

This is interesting: 10 most inexpensive dog breeds

The following rates for dogs are possible:

  • 3000 rub. Most often, this is the price for puppies that are sold by ordinary owners of the bitch that gave birth. There is no guarantee that the baby will grow into a dog of the required height, weight, or color.
  • A puppy without a pedigree in a professional nursery will cost an average of 10-20 thousand rubles.
  • A bulldog with all the necessary documents costs from 20 to 80 thousand.

Toilet training outdoors

Of course, the home litter option is just a temporary solution. The dog must go to the toilet outside. Although some owners keep French bulldogs like cats and they mostly go to the litter box, even as adult dogs.

Once your French Bulldog puppy has received all the necessary vaccinations, he should be taken outside every two hours. Ideally, after every meal. Thus, he will begin to gradually get used to the regime. To make it easier to get used to walking, you need to feed the puppy strictly on a schedule, this helps a lot. It is also advisable to go for a walk at a certain time.

At the first sign that your pet needs to go to the toilet, he should be taken outside as quickly as possible. After he does his job, he should be praised. This way he will understand the correct model of behavior.

This way your pet will want to go to the toilet faster and do its business where it’s supposed to. After this, be sure to praise and pet your pet.

Interesting facts about bulldogs

  1. The British had a negative attitude towards the decision of French dog breeders to name the dog a bulldog. They wrote menacing appeals demanding that they abandon this name for the breed. When they realized that all efforts were useless, they began to publish mountains of articles with evidence that the bulldog is English.
  1. During a fight, it is impossible to tear the dog away even from a strong opponent.
  1. The breed is among the top 10 most popular dogs in Russia in 2018.
  1. Celebrities have owned bulldogs. In the 20th century, the Frenchman was the pet of the opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin and the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky. Now the bulldogs live in the house of actor Leo DiCaprio and musician Elton John.

Going to the toilet outside - the basics

From the first days, no one has ever been able to train a French bulldog to go to the toilet outside. This factor is justified for several reasons:

Unlike adult dogs, puppies cannot restrain themselves. They do this reflexively, at the level of instinct. Plus, their bladder has not yet formed. If the puppy wets itself, there is no point in grabbing the dog in your hands and dragging it for a walk - it is simply useless;

If your dog was born in the autumn or winter, then street walks are simply prohibited. The dog will get sick;

To quickly teach him to “go outside,” immediately after eating or active play (within 5-10 minutes), take him to a designated toilet and wait until he finishes his business. Constantly repeat such manipulations, and your pet will quickly realize that this is where he needs to relieve himself (the dog will start running on its own).

You should not forget about patience - after all, success in learning depends on endurance and constant efforts.

When toilet training your baby, you need to remember a few basic rules:

  • Don't scold him for involuntary urination - he doesn't do it on purpose, but instinctively. You should not carry him back to the room as soon as he has done his “business”. He must run on his own.
  • It is not recommended to swear at your pet while he is relieving himself.

To speed up the process of accustoming your dog to the outdoor toilet, you need to constantly walk with him - do this in the mornings and evenings, or after meals. If the “Frenchie” does this on the street, praise him and give him a treat.

Initially, the dog will urinate both at home and outside. But over time, bulldogs get used to this rhythm of life and will ask you to go out with them, without leaving wet puddles on the carpet.

There is nothing difficult in the process of raising puppies - the main thing is to show diligence and be patient.

Fundamentally, keeping a French bulldog does not differ from the main rules for handling and caring for other dogs, although it has some differences associated with the qualities of the breed.


Brief characteristics of the breed:

  1. The weight of an adult healthy male is from 10 to 15 kg, females - 8-12 kg. Newborn babies are only 200-300 g, but puppies grow quickly - by 1 month they already reach 1-1.5 kg.
  2. Height 25-30 centimeters at the withers (girls are shorter).
  3. Activity is low.
  4. The difficulty in caring for a dog is easy.
  5. The attitude towards children is positive.
  6. Training the breed can be a problem.
  7. Conditions of detention: live only at home.
  8. Relationships with other pets need to be adapted.
  9. Playfulness in dogs is low.

Varieties of colors

According to established standards, the following shades of French bulldog fur are distinguished:

  1. Brindle - standard, presented in the form of red specks on black. There are marks on the bulldog's throat, neck and chest; this is not prohibited.
  2. Fawn - various options are possible: from rich burgundy to beige. There may be light spots on the dog's chest, stomach, neck, and a stripe on the forehead reaching the nose.
  3. White is rare in its pure form. Often found with spots or mixed with brindle.
  4. Cream.

The prohibited colors of the French Bulldog include the following colors:

  • black;
  • lilac;
  • chocolate;
  • mouse (dark and light);
  • black and white;
  • tricolor.

Blue (blue) - a rare coat tone also refers to marriage. Such representatives of the breed appeared recently.

Despite the fact that dogs of prohibited colors are not allowed to participate in competitions, they are bought for a lot of money, because the babies look very beautiful and unusual. Gray babies with blue eyes are especially valued.

Behavior and skills

The pet loves to have fun, but the dog also has amazing patience, which allows it to play with small children without harming them. Bulldogs also get along with all other family members. The breed is characterized by fussiness, but it does not interfere, but only touches people.

This is interesting: Varieties of the bulldog breed

Such dogs are non-aggressive creatures, but incredibly courageous and courageous. The Bulldog easily approaches even large animals and boldly contacts them. The dog loves to chase other people's cats on the street; this is a kind of entertainment for the dog.

If an animal senses danger, it rushes into battle without hesitation. By standing up for the owner, the bulldog can attack a large opponent, so the owner must immediately remove the daredevil from the battlefield.

The breed is easier to train if you turn it into a game. At the same time, you should not put too much stress on the dog; breathing difficulties may arise. The structure of the bulldog's nose contributes to snoring during sleep and cute snoring.

Character and appearance

The breed is active, affectionate, brave and temperamental. Bulldog loves children. This loyal dog is a true companion for its owner. She senses a person’s mood well and will never let you get bored or sad.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The dog cannot tolerate loneliness and change of owner. The bulldogs begin to play pranks and feel sad.

Despite the fact that bulldogs are small in size, some divide them into mini and standard dogs. But a number of dog breeders claim that the first does not exist. Sometimes they just turn out to be such small babies.

Table describing the breed parameters:

Part of the bodyStandard
Head• large and strong muzzle; • domed forehead; • weakly defined occiput; • folds between the eyes and on the face; • lips are thick and loose
Teeth• powerful canines, lower incisors are sharper than upper ones; • bite is correct
Nose• large; • nostrils are large
Eyes• slightly convex and round, low set; • the color of the iris is richly dark; • eyelids fit tightly
Ears• medium size; • the tips are rounded, the back part is without folds; • cartilages are strong, the skin on them is soft
Body• rectangular shape; • short neck with a pronounced bend of the nape; • voluminous chest; • the back is wide, powerful
Limbs• paws are strong; • shoulders laid back, muscular; • elbows pressed to the chest area; • fingers are collected like a cat's; • thighs are strong
Tail• does not rise (even when running) above the line of the back; • set low; • thick; • twisted

Dog behavior

Representatives of the breed are ideal for living in a family due to their excellent character, playfulness and friendliness.

Dogs are able to pay due attention to each family member. As old age approaches, the animal’s activity decreases, giving way to imposingness and slowness.

At a young age, dogs happily look forward to joint active games with their owner, they love to be caressed, and spend a long time basking in bed with their beloved family members.

Note! French bulldogs, thanks to their cheerful nature, are able to brighten up even the most gloomy days of their owner. The animal will happily entertain its owner. Representatives of the breed do not tolerate loneliness well

If longing for the owner sets in, the animal will misbehave and show aggression (especially boys). The dog's gaze becomes lost. Frenchies get along well with other animals, but during a walk you should be prepared for conflicts with other people's dogs.

This is why it is so important to pay due attention to training your small pet.

Representatives of the breed do not tolerate loneliness well. If longing for the owner sets in, the animal will misbehave and show aggression (especially boys). The dog's gaze becomes lost. Frenchies get along well with other animals, but during a walk you should be prepared for conflicts with other people's dogs.

This is why it is so important to pay due attention to training your small pet.

Who is this breed suitable for?

The French Bulldog is an unpretentious and compact dog. Therefore, it is suitable for living in a city apartment. This breed does not require long walks, so the dog will be a good companion for those who prefer to go outside. The French Bulldog will fit perfectly into a family with children and will be a good choice for a novice dog breeder.

A French Bulldog may not be right for you if you are an impatient person with a short temper. The dog can be stubborn in training. You also need to take into account the fact that all French bulldogs constantly make sounds such as snoring and snoring. Moreover, bulldogs release gases noisily without hesitation. If you are not ready for such “musical” accompaniment, then it is better to take a closer look at another breed.


The French Bulldog has short, odorless hair, without a pronounced undercoat, the guard hairs are straight, soft, shiny, tightly fitting to the skin. Caring for such a coat does not cause any special problems.

The molting period proceeds unnoticed, hair loss is not profuse. French Bulldogs usually shed evenly throughout the year, but stress or indoor temperature changes may cause more hair loss. The hairs are short, but due to their soft structure they stick to furniture, carpets, clothes, and cleaning can be difficult. Therefore, it is better to comb the coat promptly and regularly.

Care is carried out 2 times a week. Use a brush with short, soft bristles so as not to injure the animal’s skin. Cleaning begins from the shoulder girdle, moving towards the tail. After the procedure, you should praise your pet for patience and good behavior: the French bulldog likes praise.

Combing is not only a way of caring for the coat, but also a kind of massage that improves blood circulation. The skin should be checked periodically for the presence of dermatological and parasitic pathologies. A bulldog's dull coat is a sign of either poor nutrition or illness. If the hair is falling out profusely, the skin is flaky and itchy, then fleas, ticks or an allergic reaction should be suspected.

Main methods of treatment

Treatment methods directly depend on the causes of seborrhea. It is a competent diagnosis that will be the key to quick, effective and painless treatment.

  • Special shampoos. These remedies can become the main method of treatment only in cases where the causes of seborrhea are skin diseases. Most often, doctors prescribe Nizoral, Sebozol, Seborin.
  • Multivitamins. This is an addition to treatment that will eliminate the cause of seborrhea - weakened immunity, lack of vitamins or minerals. The method is effective only in combination with other means.
  • Medicines for the underlying disease. They are prescribed only by a doctor. The treatment regimen depends on the condition and diagnosis of the sick animal.
  • Air humidification. Especially during the heating season, the air in the room is too dry, which negatively affects the health of the dog, as well as its coat. Use special humidifiers or hang a damp towel over the radiator.
  • Remove the cause of stress. The stressful state can be temporary: after a trip, moving to a new place of residence, change of owners. Gradually the animal will get used to it and everything will work out. If the dog is constantly exposed to stress - an illiterate trainer, difficulties with other pets living in the family, then the source of stress should be removed.
  • Hygiene procedures. How to remove dandruff from a dog? Brush it with a damp thick brush, combing out the dead particles. This will not only cleanse the fur of debris, but will also stimulate the sebaceous glands.

Training and education

For untrained people, training and training these dogs can be quite a difficult task due to their stubbornness. Bulldogs lose interest in exercises and games that are repeated too often. For this reason, training should be very varied and rich.

Reward your pet with treats and affection while training. Do not shout or be aggressive towards the Frenchman, as this may make the situation worse. It is very long and difficult to train French bulldogs at home, about six months. Therefore, it is often recommended to seek help from a training specialist.

Photo and video review

The presented photos and video materials will help you become better acquainted with the external characteristics of the breed and the behavior of French bulldogs.

Advantages of the breed

Among the main advantages of the fighting breed it is worth highlighting:

  • strong attachment to the owner;
  • friendliness and playfulness (one of the main advantages of the breed);
  • ease of training when organizing a variety of activities that the dog will not have time to get bored with;
  • no need for long daily walks;
  • excellent guard qualities;
  • ease of hair care.

The breed has practically no disadvantages, except for their stubbornness, which can be encountered during training, and a tendency to obesity.

Advice! It is best to purchase puppies from a nursery.

The French bulldog is a breed that can be kept not only in a private home, but also in an apartment. The animals are quite smart, cheerful and slightly stubborn. It is difficult to find a similar combination in another breed. Owners of such dogs will never be bored. Bulldogs will run around the house after a ball, delighting their owners with their playfulness and positive attitude.

Pros and cons of the breed

The advantages of the French Bulldog include:

  • the small size of the animal, which allows you to keep it even in a small apartment;
  • short hair does not require complex care;
  • love for children;
  • absence of unpleasant dog odor;
  • there is no need to dock the tail and ears;
  • intelligence;
  • mobility.

Disadvantages of Bulldogs:

  • intolerance to heat and cold;
  • loud snoring and snoring;
  • Frequent ear cleaning is required;
  • possible diaper rash in the tail area;
  • susceptibility to allergies.

What to feed a French bulldog puppy

Like any other dog, the diet of French bulldogs should consist of products containing animal protein, at least 60-70%. For skeletal growth, development of organs and body systems, puppies need protein - a supplier of important amino acids and other substances for the normal functioning of the body.

During different periods of growth, puppies are fed differently, gradually expanding the range of products and changing the diet. Weather conditions also affect the menu - in the winter and depending on living conditions (low room temperature), the puppy needs more calories and it is advisable to adjust the diet.

There are several types of food that you need to familiarize yourself with to understand how and what to feed your French Bulldog puppy.

Natural diet for French bulldog

A natural diet, or homemade food, is one of the ways to make your dog happy and healthy if high-quality and fresh products prepared with benefits for the body are used in creating the menu.

What to make up the menu from is written in the table.

type of productIngredientsNuances of preparationFeeding frequency
MeatBeef, veal, turkey, broth chicken, rabbitThe meat is frozen, thawed and scalded in pieces for 3-5 minutes. Broth is made from bones Daily
Heart, liver, tripe, kidneys, udderBoiled1-2 times a week
Sea fishPink salmon, haddock, cod, hakeBoiled1-2 times a week
MilkBranches, industrial substitutes, natural cow or goatPasteurized or boiled (mixtures are prepared according to instructions)Daily
Fermented milk productsCottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, narine, acidophilusHomemade, store-bought or homemadeDaily
EggsChicken, quailIn the form of omelettes or boiled. Raw – quail yolks 2 times per week
CerealsBuckwheat, rice, rolled oatsIn the form of porridgeDaily
Vegetables, fruits and berriesBrussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumber, apple, bananas, pears, gooseberries, currantsRaw grated vegetables, whole berriesDaily
GreeneryParsley, celery, dill, carrot tops, young beets, young nettles (dried in winter), dandelion leavesFinely chopped, added to porridge or meatDaily
TreatsRaw veal ribs, pieces of hard cheese, fruit, yeast-free crackers or breadTreats - natural or special purchasedDaily
Oil and fatButter and vegetable oils: sunflower, olive, corn, flaxseed. Fish fat In its natural form, in porridge or vegetablesDaily
WaterAny decent qualityNot boiledAround the clock

List of 12 best vitamins

Name and number in the ratingPrice in rubles
1. Brewer's yeast shiny wool50 rub.
2. 8 in 1 Excel Brewers Yeast250-400 rub.
3. Antiallergic phytomin complex70-90 rub.
4. Hokamix Skin & Shine1650-1800 rub.
5. Phytoelite clean skin100 rub.
6. Virbac Megaderm1000-1200 rub.
7. Polidex Super Wool Plus450-500 rub.
8. Beaphar Bea: Vit Total & Laveta Super500-550 rub.
9. Canina Petvital Derm1100-1300 rub.
10. Anivital CaniDerm Tabs1600-1800 rub.
11. Sherstevit180-250 rub.
12. Feed sulfur30-50 rub.

Brewer's yeast shiny wool

Russian brewer's yeast is cheap (costs about 50 rubles) and has excellent vitamins that can outshine expensive foreign analogues. They have everything you need for a healthy and beautiful coat:

  • Brewer's yeast itself is a source of amino acids and vitamins for hair growth and accelerates skin regeneration;
  • complex of vitamins – D, E, A, group B;
  • macro- and microelements - calcium, manganese, magnesium, zinc, iron, biotin, thiamine and riboflavin;
  • nicotinic, folic and pantothenic acids;
  • seaweed is a source of iodine, normalizes metabolic processes and hormonal balance, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Brewer's yeast :

  • improve the condition of the skin and coat;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • indispensable during the period of growth and formation of the body in puppies.

If you don’t want to spend money on expensive products and want a guaranteed effect, take brewer’s yeast. This is the best variant.

8 in 1 Excel Brewers Yeast

Brewers Yeast is a product of the German company 8in1 Pet Products Gmbh. It is enriched:

  • garlic extract;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • B vitamins;
  • fatty acids;
  • biotin.

8 in 1 Excel Brewers Yeast improves the condition of the skin and coat within 2-3 weeks from the start of use. Additionally, it normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, liver, and kidneys.

If your dog sheds a lot

When shedding is not burdened by pathological symptoms, it is important to quickly and competently remove dead dog hair . After finishing your walk (before your pet gets into the apartment), comb it with a stiff brush against the hair growth, and then along the length. This simple manipulation will act as a massage, improving blood circulation in the dermis, and, consequently, its elasticity. The wet wool is wiped with a cloth rag.

If your French bulldog is at home and hairs fall off when you stroke it, remove them with a special rubber mitten or sponge/foam rubber. Wet and wring out the sponge, then go over the dog's neck, back and sides (according to the hair growth). Do this regularly so as not to suffer from hairs getting stuck in the furniture upholstery and falling to the floor.

Accelerates seasonal shedding and bathing (without soap), completed by combing the still wet coat. Well-known 8 in 1 vitamins, namely Nutricoat Skin&Coat Food Supplement for Dogs and Puppies, will help quickly restore hair (guard and undercoat) after shedding. This complex with fatty acids is also indicated for intense hair loss, brittleness/fragility of hair, dandruff and dry skin.

You should not wash your French Bulldog with shampoo more than once a quarter, so as not to remove its natural lubricant from the dermis. Frequent bathing procedures become catalysts for skin problems, including itching, dandruff, hair brittleness and various dermatitis.

If the dog gets dirty, let the coat dry, then comb out the dirt with a brush and wipe with a cloth. As a last resort, use neutral soap, for example, baby soap (provided that the “Frenchman” is not allergic to it).

If shedding is caused by overheating from dog suits, do not put them on your pet unless absolutely necessary and make sure that the house is no warmer than +22 degrees Celsius.

If parasites are detected, they are treated with medicinal sprays/drops; for more serious problems (heredity, infections, hormonal disorders), they go to the veterinary clinic.

If food is the cause of excessive shedding, change the brand of commercial food until you find the best one. If you have a food allergy, get rid of the triggering component.

If your Frenchie is accustomed to a natural diet, systematically add vitamins A and B to the food, which stimulate coat growth. To strengthen the hair, the dog is given the following composition for a month (twice a day):

  • Vittri drops – 5 drops;
  • medical sulfur - on the tip of a knife;
  • Vetom 1.1 – a pinch.

Important! If there are psychological difficulties that affect growth and coat quality, particularly advanced owners can take their French bulldogs to courses to improve stress resistance.

Walking and clothing

Representatives of this breed must be walked at least 2 times a day for 1 - 2 hours. You need to give your dog the opportunity to play and get rid of pent-up energy, but you should not force him to exercise or take long walks if he is tired. "Frenchies" are sensitive to both low and high air temperatures.

Therefore, in the heat, they will need clothes made from light natural materials that help cool the dog, protect it from the scorching sun and prevent its fur from fading; in the autumn and spring, water-repellent suits and capes that protect from gusty winds and rain, and in winter, warm overalls, eliminating the possibility of freezing.

It is better to buy clothes without small fittings and additional decorative elements that may cause discomfort to the dog.

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