False pregnancy in dogs: all about false pregnancy + useful tips for the owner

False pregnancy in dogs is a condition that owners of unspayed female dogs often encounter within 2-3 months after estrus. At this time, symptoms of pregnancy and maternal instinct in the empty bitch are observed. The reason is a hormonal imbalance in the dog’s body. Only sterilization will help completely get rid of regular symptoms, but it is possible to reduce their severity.

What is pseudopregnancy in a dog?

It is in nature that a bitch can become pregnant from 7 to 21 days after the start of estrus. In the vast majority of cases, fertilization is successful and the body is preparing to become a mother with all the ensuing consequences. Changes occur both at the physical and psychological levels.

If conception does not occur, the bitch is “empty”; her subconscious is not aware of this. Hormonal changes take their course, the body prepares for childbirth for some time.

The rollback begins after 1-1.5 months, when the body “understands” that there is no fruit, and the level of hormones decreases. But by this time a number of symptoms simulating pregnancy have already appeared. The animal is waiting for puppies - the mammary glands enlarge, the bitch begins to “nest”, becomes restless, and sometimes aggressive.

Common Myths

Finally, let’s look at a few popular misconceptions related to pseudopregnancy in dogs. If you think that this condition will immediately go away if you scold the dog, you are mistaken. In reality, the dog's behavior is explained entirely by hormones that the animal cannot control. Scolding your dog can make the situation worse.

Also, do not think that false pregnancies can stop immediately if you remove her nest and all the toys that the dog mistakes for her puppies. These actions will not have a positive effect on the dog’s condition, but may have a bad effect on the mental state.

Some believe that it is enough to breed a dog once so that it does not experience pseudo-pregnancy in the future. These actions will not change the situation, and even in this way you can increase the symptoms of false pregnancies.

Published in Care Tips

The main symptoms of false pregnancy in a dog

Symptoms of false pregnancy can occur at any age. In some bitches they appear after the first heat, in others - after 5-6 years, in others they do not appear at all.

What does a false pregnancy look like in a dog? Depends on the body, breed, age. In some bitches, especially young ones, drooping mammary glands may be the only symptom. After a month or two, the “udder” retracts, and the animal’s appearance returns to normal.

Some pets may develop a pregnant belly. The fact is that after estrus, bitches gain weight. Their circulating blood volume increases, and fluid accumulates in the intercellular space. Stabilization of the water balance takes 2-3 months.

How false pregnancy manifests itself in dogs before “birth”

Closer to “giving birth,” the bitch begins to nest. She constantly spins on her bed, pulling soft things under her. The animal may refuse to eat, go for walks, or want to go home. This continues for 2-3 days until the bitch decides that she has given birth. During this period, the loop enlarges and swells, and mucous discharge may appear. Animals may experience contractions, moan, and worry.

How does a false pregnancy occur in dogs after “birth”?

After “giving birth” some bitches begin to produce milk. This can be a few drops or full lactation. In the second case, the animal becomes restless, lethargic, and the temperature may rise. There is no one to suck the milk, so you have to wait for it to “burn out.”

The animal begins to react sensitively to toys, especially to plush dogs, bears and other little animals. The bitch is very attracted to their eyes, which she can easily tear off. An animal may worry if you take a toy away from it and calmly fall asleep, hiding it near itself. While protecting the “cub”, she is even capable of showing aggression.

After a few days, this condition passes, the animal calms down and begins to behave as usual.

Symptoms of pseudopregnancy

It is not so easy to determine that a dog is truly pregnant with the naked eye. Many of the signs of false pregnancy are exactly the same as those of a real pregnancy:

  • the mammary glands and nipples swelled, colostrum began to appear;
  • the dog has a swollen loop and from time to time there is discharge (light brown or transparent), and the animal licks it;
  • the stomach has increased in volume, as if there are puppies inside;
  • appetite worsens, and vomiting may even occur.

In addition to these physiological characteristics, you can notice mood changes: the dog is seriously preparing for the arrival of puppies. Behavioral factors that manifest themselves during pseudopregnancy include:

  • Decreased physical activity. It may seem that the dog is protecting itself, refusing to jump from heights, run and perform other active actions that are familiar to it.
  • Increased anxiety when other animals, strangers, loud noises, etc. appear.
  • Nesting - the dog prepares a secluded place for offspring and spends a lot of time in it.
  • Maternal instincts manifest themselves towards various toys and even people around the dog.

Not all of the listed symptoms will necessarily be present. If there are several symptoms, the owner needs to be careful and it is advisable to go to a veterinary clinic in Babushkinsky district or Medvedkovo so that doctors can do tests and identify the disease at an early stage.

Causes of false pregnancy

Hormonal imbalance in empty females is caused by several hormones at once:

  • The mammary glands enlarge under the influence of progesterone, which after conception helps the fetus to gain a foothold in the uterus.
  • Milk is produced under the influence of the hormone prolactin, which is activated before childbirth when progesterone decreases.
  • The level of dopamine, which inhibits milk synthesis, decreases.

At the same time, the excitability of the central nervous system increases, which makes the pet active and overly sensitive. She can feel the movements of non-existent puppies, phantom contractions.

How dangerous is an imaginary pregnancy?

The mother’s experiences are aggravated by the following diseases of the reproductive organs:

  1. Inflammation of the udder - mastitis develops due to the fact that the secretion accumulates in the milk tanks and does not find a way out. The organ swells, swells, becomes injured, becomes inflamed. If you try to help the unlucky mother by pumping, however, this leads to increased milk production. Do not treat the disease yourself, leave it to a professional.
  2. Inflammation of the uterus - endometritis. Although childbirth did not occur, the walls of the organ intensively secrete mucus. Since the cervix is ​​open, microflora gets inside, uses the secretions as a nutrient medium and actively multiplies. If the disease is not treated, endometritis develops, which becomes a life-threatening condition - pyometra.
  3. Malignant breast tumors after several false pregnancies.

If you wanted to compensate for the costs incurred in acquiring and raising a pet, you will have to refuse the sale of breeding puppies. A dog that has had a false pregnancy at least once is prone to relapses.

Risk factors

The main cause of false pregnancy in dogs is heredity. This is evidenced by the fact that some breeds have an increased tendency to fake pregnancy. For example, it is recorded in 75% of cases in dachshunds, beagles, and Afghan hounds.

One theory is that the genetic tendency arose from the dogs living in a pack, with “empty” females helping to feed the puppies if their mother was unable to cope with the task.

This version is unlikely, since dogs have completely different orders than wolves. They do not have an alpha female, and the strongest male reacts to all females who have entered the “hunting” period. Other males in the pack may also mate with this female, even if there is a stronger leader nearby. Therefore, if a female is healthy and lives in a pack where there are males, she almost always becomes pregnant, and can have cubs from different males.

Features of the female reproductive cycle

Behavioral abnormalities occur due to hormonal changes. Bitches are characterized by a long period of rest, which is interrupted twice a year by violent estrus, lasting from 3 to 4 weeks. The breeding season of carnivores is called the rut. Instinct prompts the bitch to perform a fruitful mating, while during the period of anestrus, that is, sexual rest, the female does not react to the male and even drives him away. In fact, nature forces the reproductive system to work at maximum load: the bitch bears puppies for 2 months, and spends the same amount of time feeding with milk. Another 2 months are spent restoring the body, exhausted by lactation, for a new reproductive cycle.

In a sexually mature healthy bitch, the duration of heat is from 3 to 4 weeks. Estruses during which fertilization does not occur are called gaps. Nature takes cruel revenge on a dog for refusing to procreate.

What can an owner do when a dog has a false pregnancy?

The pathology is often mild; a dog with false pregnancy does not need treatment. Most symptoms will disappear on their own within 3 weeks; the mammary glands will shrink a little longer. The owner can speed up this process with the help of a special diet, changes in daily routine, and active walks.

With mild symptoms of false pregnancy in a dog, veterinarians give the owner the following advice on what to do:

  • Do not scold your pet for inappropriate behavior. She seriously feels like a “mommy” and prepares for this event according to her instincts.
  • Walk with your pet more often, engage her in various games so that she moves as much as possible and gets tired.
  • Remove all dairy products from your diet. Firstly, they enhance milk synthesis, and secondly, dogs do not digest them well and may react with itching, diarrhea, and allergies.
  • Give less food.
  • Reduce the amount of water. If the bitch eats dry food, switch to wet food, since drying causes thirst.
  • Hide any toys that she might mistake for puppies. If you have small pets, isolate them.
  • If there is milk and she licks it, stimulating her nipples in every possible way, put a veterinary protective collar on her.

Homeopathic remedies

  • Ovariovitis
  • Ovarium Compositum
  • Phytoelite Cytostat
  • Gormel
  • Galastop


A complex homeopathic medicine that restores hormonal levels, normalizes sexual cycles and neutralizes mental disorders. For the treatment and prevention of pseudopregnancy in dogs.

  • Dosage: intramuscularly or subcutaneously 0.1 ml/kg body weight once daily for 7-10 days - treatment; in a similar dose 1 time every 3-4 days for two weeks - prevention.
  • Side effects and contraindications: -
  • Price: 10 ml bottle: 250-350 rub., 100 ml: 1350-1500 rub.

Ovarium Compositum

A complex homeopathic remedy that normalizes hormonal levels and restores sexual cycles. Used to eliminate behavioral changes during pseudopregnancy and neutralize its clinical manifestations.

  • Dosage: intramuscular, intravenous or subcutaneous 1-4 ml (according to dog size) daily for 4-5 weeks.
  • Side effects and contraindications: -
  • Price: 5 ampoules/2.2 ml solution: 1000-1250 rub.

Phytoelite Cytostat

Herbal medicine for the prevention of mammary gland cancer in animals against the background of mastitis and pseudopregnancy.

  • Dosage : from the 1st day of estrus for 3 weeks, 1 tablet/10 kg of body weight 2-3 times/day.
  • Side effects : allergies are possible.
  • Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Price: pack of 50 tablets: 100-200 rub.


A homeopathic remedy prescribed for any hormonal disorders in animals, including false pregnancy.

  • Dosage: subcutaneously, intravenously, intramuscularly 1-4 ml (according to the weight of the animal) once a day every 4 days for 3 weeks; 7-12 drops of drinking solution according to a similar scheme.
  • Side effects and contraindications: -
  • Price: 5 ampoules/5 ml solution: 200-350 rub.


Herbal solution for regulating milk secretion and treating mastopathy and mastitis in animals. Affects the level of prolactin production.

  • Dosage: 3 drops/kg of animal weight with food or in the mouth once a day for 4-7 days. Repeat the course if there is no visible effect or symptoms of pseudopregnancy continue to appear.
  • Side effects: drowsiness, apathy, inactivity, decreased appetite.
  • Contraindications: pregnancy, postoperative period.
  • Price: 7 ml: 600-700 rub., 15 ml: 1050-1150 rub.

False pregnancy in dogs: treatment

The pathology cannot be treated. All you can do in case of false pregnancy in a dog to prevent its occurrence is to sterilize it. This should be done no earlier than the signs of false pregnancy in dogs have completely disappeared. Otherwise, the symptoms will remain and go away naturally in a few weeks.

If there are dangerous symptoms (fever, apathy, lethargy) of false pregnancy in dogs and treatment is needed, call a veterinarian. The doctor may prescribe:

  • Sedative to relieve anxiety.
  • Diuretics to speed up the removal of fluid from the body, reduce milk production;
  • Homeopathic medicines to improve immunity;
  • Hormonal agents.

To treat false pregnancy, if the dog has a lot of milk, drugs containing cabergoline (Lacto-Stop, Galastop) are prescribed. It reduces the level of prolactin in the blood, which is responsible for the synthesis of milk, prevents enlargement of the mammary glands, and is a good prevention of mastitis. The medicine lasts a long time and has few side effects.

To restore reproductive function, Ovariovit is prescribed. The homeopathic remedy regulates the cycle, normalizes ovulation, increases fertility, and reduces the symptoms of endocrine disruption.

Treatment of false pregnancy in dogs: hormonal medications

The doctor prescribes hormonal drugs for the treatment of pregnancy in extreme cases, based on the following recommendations:

  • estrogens are undesirable for the treatment of false pregnancy because they inhibit bone marrow function;
  • Androgens can reduce the severity of symptoms, but can cause other disruptions in the reproductive system.

American doctors consider medications containing megestrol acetate (Pillcan) effective for false pregnancy in dogs. It inhibits the synthesis of hormones that help bear and give birth to puppies. Contraindications: pregnancy, diabetes, breast tumors. You cannot take Pillkan for a long time, since it puts a lot of pressure on the hormones of the reproductive system and can provoke various complications.

Hormonal drugs

  • Naloxone
  • Bromocriptine
  • Nonestron


Hormonal drug for the correction of sexual cycles (regulation of sexual desire, as well as prevention and treatment of false pregnancy and/or pseudolactation).

Dosage: strictly subcutaneously once 1-3 ml (weight up to 20 kg - 1 ml, up to 40 kg - 2 ml, over 40 kg - 3 ml).

Side effects: local irritation, hair loss at the injection site, in about 1% of cases the risk of developing pyometra and endometriosis.k

Contraindications: cannot be used by truly lactating and pregnant women, with inflammatory problems of the genitourinary system, as well as by dogs that were treated with progestogens and estrogens the day before for false pregnancy.

Price: 1250-1880 RUR/fl 20 ml.


Morphine antagonist, prolactin hormone inhibitor. The drug exists separately for humans and separately for veterinary medicine - as long as the dosage is maintained, it does not matter which one is used. It is often difficult to tolerate; antiemetic drugs are given 40 minutes before the injection.

  • Dosage: intramuscularly 0.01 mg/kg body weight daily 1-2 times for 5-7 days until noticeable results.
  • Side effects : vomiting, lack of appetite, general depression.
  • Contraindications: do not use in the first heat and immature bitches.
  • Price: 10 ampoules/1 ml solution: 180-250 rub.


Hormonal drug, prolactin antagonist. Human drug. Heavy on the dog’s body, it requires preliminary antiemetic prophylaxis 30 minutes before giving.

  • Dosage: oral tablets at the rate of 0.01 mg/kg body weight 1 time per day until signs of false pregnancy are completely eliminated (an average of 2 weeks).
  • Side effects: depression, vomiting, lack of appetite.
  • Contraindications: cannot be used by immature bitches, or during their first heat.
  • Price: 30 tablets: 250-350 rub.


A hormonal contraceptive that prevents pregnancy and prevents the development of signs of false pregnancy.

  • Dosage: orally on the 1st day of estrus, 1 tablet/5 kg of dog’s weight once a week.
  • Side effects: -
  • Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, diabetes, metritis. Do not combine with androgens.
  • Price: 10 tablets/10 mg: 100-200 rub.

Consequences and complications of false pregnancy

After a false birth, the bitch often produces milk, usually in small quantities, but sometimes mastitis develops - inflammation of the mammary gland. It develops when the alveoli begin to produce nutrient fluid, and there is no one to suck it out. As a result, they expand and strongly compress the ducts, which causes stagnation of milk.

After some time, a lump appears on the mammary gland. The bitch becomes passive and the temperature may rise. To help your pet, be sure to consult a doctor for treatment. Depending on the situation, the veterinarian may prescribe mastitis ointments, antibiotics, and other medications.

Consequences of false pregnancy in a dog: mastopathy

If false pregnancy is repeated too often, always accompanied by a large amount of milk, fibrocystic mastitis (mastopathy) may develop in middle-aged and older animals. This is the name for a benign tumor of the mammary glands.

Lumps and cysts appear on the breasts, and discharge from the nipples. The lesions may become painful, causing the animal to become restless or too passive. In rare cases, the tumor develops into cancer. To exclude unfavorable developments, show the animal to a doctor. Surgery may be needed.


If a female dog regularly has false pregnancies, in old age she may develop pyometra, an inflammation of the uterine mucosa. There are two forms of the disease:

  • Open - purulent discharge appears from the loop, body temperature can rise to 40C.
  • Closed - there is no discharge from the loop, pus accumulates inside. The animal eats poorly and is passive. The abdomen enlarges, becomes tight, the temperature rises, vomiting and diarrhea appear.

Symptoms appear 1-2 months after estrus. The closed form requires urgent surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries, otherwise the dog may die. An open one can be healed with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, but after the next heat everything will happen again. In this case, you need to look at the age of the animal to see if it can withstand the operation.

Research shows that by the age of 10 years, pyometra occurs in 23% of unspayed female dogs. The only way to avoid pathology is sterilization.


Hormonal imbalances that occur during false pregnancy can cause cancer of the breast, uterus, and ovaries. Moreover, if breast cancer is detected quickly, the situation with internal organs is more difficult.

Symptoms of cancer begin unnoticed, and when the owner notices the pet’s atypical behavior (loss of weight, loss of appetite, bleeding reminiscent of estrus), it may be too late. Therefore, if you have any unclear symptoms, contact your veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.

Use of medications

If pseudopregnancy has developed, your veterinarian may recommend medications to lower prolactin levels and stop the body producing milk. These drugs have few side effects. As a rule, the drugs are given in courses of 5-10 days, but the duration of therapy is always determined by the veterinarian.

Previously, pseudopregnancy in dogs was often treated with hormones, including estrogens, androgens, and progestogens. They created a lot of side effects that outweighed the benefits of therapy. For example, progestins often provoked pyometra.

Veterinarians usually prescribe mild sedatives that suppress aggression or relieve anxiety. Diuretics may also be used to suppress milk production or reduce fluid retention in the body.

Prevention of false pregnancy in dogs at home

The only answer to the question of how to stop a false pregnancy in a dog and the complications associated with it is sterilization. This is the best solution if you are not a nursery owner. When the ovaries are removed, estrus stops, along with the hormonal imbalance associated with the cycle.

Alternatively, your doctor may prescribe a homeopathic remedy designed to normalize sexual function and improve immunity. The owner must carefully follow the dosage and course of administration. You absolutely cannot act at your own peril and risk, increase the number of tablets or the duration of treatment. This can cause serious disruptions in the reproductive system.

Differential diagnosis

Imaginary pregnancy should be differentiated from true pregnancy in dogs, as well as from pathologies such as ascites, pyometra, mastitis, and mammary tumors.

At home, you can distinguish a false state from a true one by the behavior of the animal. A pregnant bitch most often does not try to find a replacement for future puppies: she does not carry toys into a furnished den, and does not show care for other animals. If a bitch behaves exactly the opposite, it means she has imaginary puppies.

However, distinguishing false pregnancy in dogs from true pregnancy is only possible with the help of ultrasound. An ultrasound examination will also help differentiate imaginary pregnancy from other pathologies.

Question answer

How to avoid false pregnancy in a dog?

Sterilize the animal.

Do false pregnancies occur in sterilized dogs?

No, if the doctor performed the operation correctly, the pathology will no longer occur. The only thing is that symptoms of false pregnancy in dogs can persist if sterilization was carried out within 2-3 months after estrus. They will disappear naturally, after which they will not appear again.

How long does a false pregnancy last in a dog?

In total - 3-4 months after estrus.

How to treat false pregnancy in dogs?

A month after estrus, the veterinarian prescribes Pillcan, a steroid hormonal drug from the progestin series. If the bitch has a lot of milk, medications containing cabergoline (Lacto-Stop, Galastop) are prescribed.


To avoid false puppies, especially if the dog has already suffered from a similar phenomenon, do not wait for it to happen again. Prevention of “falsehood” involves adjusting the diet. Reduce your calorie intake and reduce your intake of protein foods.

Replace soft toys with interactive options, balls, chewing bones. Involve your dog in active games. Walks should be intense and interesting for the dog. Do systematic training.

Important! A one-time mating and childbirth will not solve the problem of false pregnancy in the future. Don’t listen if someone advises breeding a bitch “for health.” This is a myth and a fallacy. Pregnancy and childbirth often worsen the situation. If the spoon was present before mating, it is possible that after each heat the bitch will have an imaginary pregnancy.

If a dog very often experiences a false pregnancy with obvious symptoms, the “spoon” is difficult, you do not plan to involve the bitch in breeding work, it is best to resort to sterilization (ovariohysterectomy). The operation cannot be performed during estrus. Only three to four months after estrus.

How to distinguish a false one from a real one?

A novice dog breeder is not able to distinguish a false pregnancy from a real one by clinical signs. An experienced bitch owner should be wary of the following circumstances:

  • planned mating was not carried out:
  • the bitch was under control and no accidental mating occurred during the walk;
  • The pet has already been diagnosed with an imaginary pregnancy.

A responsible owner, a month after mating, will be able to recognize signs of pregnancy. The bitch becomes imposing. He tries to jump less, eats more, and gains weight. The dog's abdomen becomes rounded, the udder hypertrophies, and the nipples swell. A week before the puppies are born, you can feel their movements through the abdominal wall. If you want to know for sure whether there are puppies, do an ultrasound.

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