Rules for the care and maintenance of the Bichon Frize, photos of haircuts. What to feed and how to raise a dog?

If you need a companion dog, then the Bichon Frize (Bichon poil frise in French) is ideal for this role. The name of the breed is translated only as “curly lapdog” and does not require special conditions of detention. The Bichon will be happy to be in a family with children, to whom he becomes very attached.

The breed was bred by Spanish sailors to exterminate ship rats. Years later, the Bichon Frize moved to land and won the hearts of European nobility.

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Before bringing a new Bichon into your home, consider the following points:

  1. The bed should be comfortable and located at a sufficient distance from the door. It is unacceptable for a puppy to be in a draft!
  2. If you have a large litter box, your dog can be easily trained to use it.
  3. Bowls for eating and drinking should be heavy enough and stable.
  4. It is better to use factory-made food - the main thing is that it is of good quality.
  5. A collar and leash are a must for city walks. Length of the latter: at least 2 m.
  6. Carrying is a must have in the house. The puppy will have to be taken to the veterinarian for preventive vaccinations.
  7. Make sure to purchase a dog first aid kit.
  8. Toys are an important element in the development of any dog. Choose those that are difficult to chew.

This breed is sociable and full of energy, but does not require daily jogging to maintain good health. This miniature dog is ideal for people with small living space. However, in this case, you will have to play with her more on the street so that your pet does not cause a pogrom in the apartment.

The Bichon Frize requires constant attention to maintain mental health. Bichons love to make noise, and before you bring a representative of the breed into your home, you should keep this in mind.

If there are people smoking in the house, be sure to ask them to do it on the balcony. These pets are very sensitive to the acrid smoke of tobacco products. This is expressed by increased tearing of the eyes.

By the way, the hair in this area (as well as in the groin) requires constant care. It is important to avoid yellowing of the coat or reddening of the skin, and the genital area should be trimmed regularly. Bichon Frize puppies need to have their nails trimmed and polished with a nail file. Since white fur requires careful care, it is advisable to feed the animal from a flat dish.

What haircuts can be

How a pet will look after a haircut depends on the wishes of its owner or the imagination of the groomer. In most cases, lap dogs have their hair cut short on their body, leaving a length around the head to form a fluffy ball. Some craftsmen cut patterns on a dense, short-cropped snow-white fur coat, making the lapdog look like no other.

When preparing a dog for an exhibition, you need to work hard - the lapdog must look perfect. It is better to refuse bold experiments with shapes and lines, only smooth transitions and aesthetic lines.

For domestic dogs, short fur along the body and a small volume on the muzzle may be sufficient. You can also trim the paws or leave small fluffy “knee socks” on them.

Important! It is impossible to cut a Bichon's hair too short or even bald. This will deteriorate the quality of the coat and provoke the development of skin diseases.


The appearance of the Bichon Frize means that you will need to spend some time getting the coat in order. Eyes also require careful care. The list of mandatory procedures must include the following:

  1. Daily eye rubbing. A cotton pad soaked in boiled water is suitable for this purpose.
  2. Dental care. Cleaning must be done with a special silicone brush 1-2 times a week. If you use a special toothpaste, you can prevent the appearance of tartar that occurs after the age of two.

Bathing should be done after smoothing the fur with a special brush (slicker brush), which can be found in a pet store. Washing products (balm and shampoo) must be diluted beforehand. The bathing procedure is as follows:

  1. the wool is moistened with warm water;
  2. the shampoo is rubbed in with light massaging movements;
  3. after rinsing, repeat the steps, but with balm;
  4. lightly squeeze wet curls;
  5. Wrap your pet in a terry towel for half an hour.

When excess moisture has been absorbed into the fabric, you can dry the dog with a hairdryer and carefully style the coat using a large-toothed comb.

Important: choose a shampoo for white coats and a conditioner with predominant moisturizing properties.

It is advisable to bathe when there is an urgent need or an unpleasant dog smell. After every walk, don't forget to wash your paws.

Is grooming necessary?

Puppies of this breed should be taught to groom from a very early age. This is a professional grooming that needs to be done twice a month, along with general grooming procedures.

Types of haircuts and photos

There are two types of grooming for representatives of the Bichon Frize breed, which are slightly different from each other:

  1. Exhibition haircut. It will make your pet look perfect. The hairstyle is distinguished by neatly laid fluffy strands and smooth length transition lines.
  2. Regular haircut. Done to a dog that does not take part in breed competitions. The haircut is quite short, long strands of wool remain only on the paws and face.

Grooming is done with special scissors. The length of the guard hairs on the back (to the beginning of the tail) should be about 2.5 m. The back-profile line should be parallel. The undercoat growing on the sides should be about 3.5 cm long. In the neck area the hair remains approximately 3.5 cm long.

How to cut your hair?

The cutting process is as follows:

  1. Head. It is cut in a circle: you should start from the back of the head.
  2. Ears. They cut their hair in a special way so that they are not visible under the snow-white curls.
  3. Forelegs. They are cut in the form of two fluffy columns, so that the fingers and claws are hidden under the fur.
  4. Hind limbs. The outline of the ischial tuberosity and hock joints should appear in direct proportion. The inside of the legs is cut very short, as is the hair under the tail.
  5. The tail, beard and mustache remain intact.

Learn more about how to groom a Bichon Frize in the video below:

Bichon Frize breed description

The Curly-haired lapdog is a small and strong dog. Her cheerful temperament is revealed by her wagging tail and inquisitive eyes. The average animal is between 25 cm and 30 cm tall and weighs about 5 kg. Externally, the pet looks quite neat and elegant. The dorsal part of the narrow and somewhat elongated tail is constantly moving. It is always directed towards the back. The head part is proportional to the whole body. The skull is slightly rounded. The muzzle with small ears is completely covered with curly hairs. Legs are straight. The arched neck is long and the chest is well developed.

The fur is fluffy and silky, covering all parts of the body. Its length can reach up to 10 centimeters. The coat is predominantly white, complemented by finer shades of apricot and cream. Dogs can be either trimmed or remain with a natural coat, which is acceptable as a breed standard. The skin is dark, with blue, beige and black shades.

What and how to feed puppies and adult dogs?

To ensure that the animal does not have health problems, the diet must be correct. The food is only of the highest quality, without chemical additives . Dishes should be washed after each meal and stored in a specially designated place.

Bichon puppies should be fed five times a day, and adults: morning and evening. Dry food is ideal for these dogs, but each serving should be supplemented with pieces of boiled meat and vegetables. The animal should be given water with filtered clean water, and make sure that the bowl is always full.

The following points should be taken into account when feeding your pet:

  • food must be chopped;
  • Do not feed too hot or cold food;
  • The balance of products contained in dog food should look like this: meat 50%, cereals 25%, vegetables 25%.

The Bichon Frize can be fed regular food, but you should be aware of which foods are contraindicated. Beef, white fish (boneless) and rabbit are excellent for the breed's diet. Cereals, dairy products and fresh vegetables should also be present.

The following is a list of foods that are hazardous to your pet's health:

  • spicy, salty or fatty dishes from the common table;
  • sweets;
  • sausages;
  • raw fish with bones;
  • wheat derivatives (semolina, bread, pasta);
  • pearl barley and corn;
  • chocolate and coffee;
  • red fruits (berries, fruits, vegetables);
  • pork and chicken;
  • onion and garlic;
  • raisins and nuts;
  • broccoli;
  • alcoholic drinks and tea.

It is important to ensure that the animal does not become obese. Vitamin supplements will be a useful addition to the basic diet.

Bichon Frize puppy photo

Little fluffy bichons are the most amazing animals among all lap dogs. They are friendly and at the same time unobtrusive. Puppies grow quickly and reach adulthood in less than a year. Unlike other breeds, the pet will not bother the owner with its barking and howling. Any rudeness on the part of the owner may offend the dog, but its forgiveness is very easy to earn.

Health problems

There are practically no genetic diseases in Bichon Frize dogs. However, in isolated cases several severe pathologies have been recorded, these are:

  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • cataract;
  • dystrophic changes in the cornea.

Many Bichons are able to live to a ripe old age, but statistics show that some of them die from cancer. The main disadvantages of the breed include increased skin sensitivity, prone to all kinds of dermatitis.

Training a Bichon Frize

The dog is quite smart, but with age it can show its stubbornness. Training begins from the first days of life. At eight weeks the puppy is able to follow simple commands. You can entrust the upbringing to a specialist or start home schooling and socialization with family and friends. The first commands that a puppy should learn:

  • Sit;
  • Quiet;
  • Stand;
  • Lie;
  • Ugh;
  • Bed.

Lapses love to perform tricks and learn new things. They respond well to training based on positive reinforcement rather than harsh or negative methods. The Bichon Frize is known to be a resourceful little dog that is always eager to please.


Good manners should be taught to Bichons while they are still puppies. Here's what you should train your pet to do first:

  1. Cleanliness. The puppy should be clearly explained what a litter box is and what it is intended for.
  2. Feeding. You should always place your food and drink bowls in the same place. It is important to always put away the dishes after the animal has finished eating.
  3. Resting-place. From an early age, the Bichon should have its own mattress or bedding for sleeping.
  4. Stopping pranks. Don't let your puppy chew furniture, otherwise the habit will remain with him for life.
  5. Training. It is important to teach the animal to follow simple commands. The game method of training is the best, because the material is absorbed faster. For correct execution of the command - encouragement.

When raising your four-legged pet, try to avoid screaming whenever possible. Give commands in a stern voice, and praise them affectionately for their implementation.

Bichon Frize character

A representative of the curly breed is considered an intelligent and lively pet. A cheerful attitude towards others is the main character trait of the Bichon. He loves to be the center of attention, so it's not surprising to see him perform tricks in the circus arena. The Bichon hates being alone and suffers greatly from separation. In such situations, they may chew and tear objects. The lap dog is not suitable for people who are away from home for long periods.

Heredity, training and socialization influence a pet's temperament. Puppies with a good character are curious and playful, and immediately run towards people. Males and females usually have the same temperament. The lapdog always monitors current events, so he will let you know when neighbors have returned or left, mail has been delivered, or guests have arrived. Like all dogs, the Bichon requires early socialization. They take it to busy parks, shops, or leisurely strolls along a crowded street.

Mating and birth

It is advisable to start mating Bichons when they reach two years of age. Before you take your pet on a date, give him a good walk. Mating should be carried out on the territory of the male.

After intercourse, a process called “locking” occurs, where the dogs stand with their hindquarters leaning against each other. This can go on for quite a long time. If there was no “lock”, then the female will not become pregnant. A few days after mating, control mating is carried out.

A dog's pregnancy lasts from 56 to 72 days. A week before your expected birth, begin taking your rectal temperature. The following signs will help you understand that the moment of birth of puppies is approaching:

  • the dog's rectal temperature dropped to 37;
  • the stomach has dropped noticeably;
  • yellowish-green discharge appeared.

On the eve of giving birth, give your dog a laxative and make sure that the intestines are completely cleansed. Preparation for the process is as follows:

  • the hair in the groin and around the nipples is trimmed;
  • a place for childbirth is being arranged;
  • clean rags are prepared for the adoption of puppies;
  • medical supplies (iodine, potassium permanganate, antiseptic, hydrogen peroxide and bandage).

You should have things on hand such as:

  • big box;
  • scales;
  • scissors;
  • warmer;
  • a few diapers.

If the female Bichon began to demand increased attention and urinate frequently, the cervix began to dilate. This period can last from one hour to a day.

It is important not to allow the animal to make sudden movements. When it lies on its side and the stomach begins to noticeably contract: the progress of the birth of a new life (pushing) has begun.


  • First, the amniotic sac appears, which should not be ruptured.
  • Then the first puppy comes out with its legs. If the head gets stuck, your help will be needed.
  • The amniotic sac is connected to the umbilical cord. Sometimes the afterbirth remains inside the uterus, and then it is necessary to remove it. To do this, grab the umbilical cord near the exit of the loop and pull it out.
  • Three cm from the newborn puppy's tummy, pinch the umbilical cord with two fingers and cut it off. Pinch the edge for a while.
  • With quick movements, remove the puppy from the amniotic sac and lightly rub its back, placing it on your palm. You should start from head to tail. Stop as soon as the baby makes the first sound.
  • If after the manipulation the puppy continues to remain silent, gently hold it between your palms and shake it lightly.
  • If the puppy is not breathing, use a tube to suck out the amniotic fluid from the respiratory system while continuing to massage the back.
  • The newborn can then be placed near the new mother's chest, allowing her to provide proper care.
  • The puppy can then be weighed and the birth of the placenta recorded.

Carry out the same manipulations with the remaining puppies, and after the weighing procedure, place each of them in a box with a heating pad and a soft blanket. The mother needs to rest and recuperate, so be sure to give her the opportunity to eat one afterbirth (placenta), as it contains many nutrients.

During the birth process, do not forget to give your pet water, and after the birth of the last puppy, be sure to feel the belly: it should be soft. If something goes wrong, call the vet immediately.

The Bichon Frize dog looks very compact and resembles a beautiful soft toy. A playful, friendly character and captivating sincerity are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent!

Representatives of this breed make excellent playmates for small children , and in some cases are able to act as protectors. Probably the phrase “A dog is man’s best friend!” was once said specifically about Bichons.

Bichon Frize nicknames:

I would like to name the miniature and funny pet accordingly. Here are the most suitable and popular nicknames for boys and girls.


Girls are often called:

  • Lilly
  • Mia
  • Gracie
  • Stella
  • Moon
  • Sophie
  • Lola
  • Molly
  • Bella
  • Snowball
  • Front sight


Male nicknames sound good:

  • Fluff
  • Snowball
  • Tisha
  • Charlie
  • Toby
  • Duke
  • Oliver
  • Jake
  • Teddy
  • Leo
  • Louis
  • Zeus

Eye hygiene

Many owners encounter problems when caring for their Bichon Frize's eyes. This is due to the formation of brown spots on the fur around the eyes. Experts name many reasons for this feature. This could be a problem with your pet's teeth or ears. Sometimes the staining is caused by blocked tear ducts. Allergies, unfavorable environment, etc. are also considered as causes. Before eliminating spots on the fur around the eyes, you will need to find the cause of their formation.

By daily washing the eyes with BF with lukewarm boiled water and wiping the fur in this area, the stains are significantly reduced. But sometimes this is not enough to completely get rid of the disease.

After washing, the coat must be thoroughly dried, since it is very important that the area around the eyes of the BF remains dry: this will not allow bacteria to settle there and will prevent the likelihood of developing eye diseases.

Bichon Frize reviews

Lucky became a real consolation for our son when our cat died. He loves chasing animals and swimming in the park pond. He enjoys playing children's games and follows his son like a magnet. Everyone wants to pet him and hug him. If an animal sees someone approaching it, it immediately lies down on its back to be scratched. Irina, Voronezh

The possession and patience of the French lap dog is enviable. She is cheerful and playful. Has a strong will, but strives to please the owner. Lilly loves the sea and the beach, and sometimes goes fishing with us (with a life jacket). I do my haircut myself, although it takes a lot of time. In winter, I dress the dog in a jacket to keep his body warm. Marina, Krasnodar

I am absolutely crazy about the Bichon and recommend him to all my friends. A wonderful animal that makes you smile once again. Brian regularly meets me at the door, and hears my steps even on the stairs. Kristina, Vladivostok

For those looking for a small, cheerful dog that will get along with other animals and children, you can't do better than the French lapdog.

Clothes for Bichon Frize photo

Bichons look very cute in a dress or sweater, but do not forget about the convenience of such outfits for the animal. There is no right or wrong answer—clothing is beneficial or harmful.

The main thing in this matter is to make sure it is safe. For example, a scarf may wrap too tightly and accessories may cause choking if swallowed.

  • To protect the Bichon's feet from the cold and salt on icy sidewalks, owners wear special booties. These shoes are ideal for hot sand, asphalt, hiking, rain and snow.

  • Dog dresses can be casual or stylish for special occasions. They have matching floral leashes sewn into the D-ring. Neck and chest clasps make it heavy-duty and secure for easy on and off.

  • Denim dress for a dog.

  • Cotton breathable T-shirt.

  • A Bichon can become Santa Claus's little helper at Christmas.

  • The animal is protected from bad weather by an adjustable raincoat or jacket.

  • For training and walking, the pet is dressed in a casual tracksuit.

  • If a dog enjoys wearing a hat to entertain its owner, then why not wear this protective headgear.
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