Agility for dogs - features, types, rules, suitable breeds

Recently, a special type of team sport for dogs – agility – has been gaining popularity. This is a sports competition in which a dog, under the guidance of its owner or a special handler (handler), passes a special course with equipment and obstacles for a while. For the accompanying person, this is also a considerable physical activity, because the track must be run and quickly, while giving clear commands to your charge.

In agility, a person always participates with a dog. Photo: SheltieBoy

The name of the discipline comes from the English word agility , meaning dexterity. This type of competition originated in Great Britain in the 70s and was originally intended to entertain spectators at exhibitions. Currently, this is a serious discipline with its own international competitions.

For dogs, participation in agility is most similar to a game - they overcome various obstacles (barriers, walls, swings, slides, tunnels, etc., there can be about 20 types of them on the course) together with their owner or handler, who gives commands by voice or gestures and accompany the dog throughout the entire route.

Photo: Julia.This

It is noteworthy that at competitions the dog sees a specific track for the first time, even though it is familiar with all the individual obstacles and is trained to overcome them. Only guides are allowed to familiarize themselves with the course before the competition in order to develop a plan for the passage. This is precisely the main distinguishing feature of the discipline - the incredible interaction between man and dog, ideal work in tandem, where both understand and trust each other. Success in these competitions depends most of all on mutual understanding.

What is agility

Agility for dogs began in the 70s of the last century in Great Britain. On February 10, 1978, the first obstacle course competition was demonstrated during a break between the main events at the Crufts exhibition, organized by John Varley and Peter Minuel. It is believed that the example for the new sport was the equestrian competitions , of which Varli was a fan. The enthusiastic reaction of the audience gave impetus to holding a repeat competition a year later, and then agility gradually turned into a full-fledged sport for dogs with its own rules and program, the popularity of which went beyond the borders of the United Kingdom and spread throughout the world, including Russia.

Today, agility is a complex of sports competitions that involve quickly overcoming an obstacle course. Both the pet, who performs the exercises, and the owner, who gives commands with gestures and voice and guides his ward, directly participate in the competition, so such events are of a team nature. The basis of this sport is precisely the established contact between man and animal, high-quality and in-depth dog training.

Dog breeds for agility

Agility is a very democratic sport in which dogs of any breed and even mongrels can take part. You do not need to present any documents confirming your pedigree to participate in competitions. The main requirement for a dog is the ability and desire to carry out the orders of its owner. In addition, to successfully overcome obstacles, it must be light, flexible and quick. Young and adult healthy dogs are allowed to compete (with the exception of pregnant ones), but agility classes are recommended for pets older than 1 year, since their backbone is already formed and the risk of injury during exercise is significantly reduced.

What breeds are suitable for agility? Although technically any dog ​​can participate in competitions, not every pet exhibits the qualities necessary for this sport. The most popular dogs are herding breeds (border collies, shelties, Australian shepherds, etc.), since historically they have spent a lot of time with people in team work and have developed the closest contact; they are easier to train. However, this does not mean that other dog breeds are not suitable for agility - all pets are individual, so the success of training depends not only on their innate qualities, but also on the owner’s ability to unleash the potential of his ward.

In agility, division is accepted depending on the height of the dog at the withers. Typically, these are the following three categories:

  • S (small) – for dogs whose height at the withers is less than 35 cm;
  • M (medium) – for dogs from 35 cm (inclusive), but less than 43 cm;
  • L (large) – for dogs from 43 cm at the withers and above.

In each category, there are the best breeds for agility, distinguished by the most optimal set of necessary qualities. Animals of different categories never mix with each other either during training or competitions, since obstacles of different heights are installed for them. In class S, Spitz are most often used, in class M – sheltie, in class L – border collie. The latter are considered the fastest, and therefore many breeders try to breed smaller dogs of this breed to participate in S and M class competitions. The competitions themselves take place in an increasing order - first animals of class S participate, then M and finish with L, while the height of the obstacles increases.

Official website of the cynological TELEPHONES of our club:

8-(903) 755-14-17

8-903-209-49-56 — Tatyana

8-905-752-15-15 -Dmitry

Our club offers services for exchanging documents in the RKF! exchanging s/c for pedigree, making championship titles and much more! Exchange is possible remotely or in person at the club. The period for producing a pedigree is not urgent - 1.5 - 2 months. Urgent - 1 day. Production of championship titles takes 2-3 weeks. For any questions call 8-903-209-49-56

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Enrollment is open for groups with Dmitry Spiridonov for MAY more details

Enrollment is open for groups with Semenko Olga Stepanovna more details

!!!!!! Amount of Membership fees for training more details

more details

What kind of animal is OKD? during the general training course exam :

  • movement of the dog next to the owner (assessed throughout the entire test period);
  • display of teeth and the dog's attitude towards the muzzle;
  • a set of commands “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Stand”;
  • the dog’s approach to the owner and return to the place;
  • aportation;
  • stopping unwanted actions (command “Fu”);
  • overcoming a set of obstacles (barrier, stairs, boom, fence or inclined wall);
  • attitude towards the shot. The final score is calculated based on the number of points the dog scored in each test. Depending on the results, a diploma OKD-1 (90-100 points), OKD-2 (80-89 points) or OKD-3 (60-79 points) may be issued. Upon successful completion of the exam, an RKF diploma is issued. In the video, an athlete from our club demonstrated several skills from the OKD course

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Proper preparation of the puppy for the protective section will give excellent results in the future! In preparing a puppy, the right approach to the matter is of great importance and the most important thing is not to scare the puppy! We invite everyone to classes with our wonderful figure - Alexander Lunin. Sasha is a great specialist in her field + Sasha works with all puppies with great love for them! Make an appointment by phone 8-903-209-49-56, 8-903-755-14-17 In the video, the puppy is 7 months old. — 1 lesson

On September 19, our club team took part in the OKD/ZKS championship at the Sokolniki Cultural Center. The total number of participants is 86. Our athletes showed excellent results:

Fedyukhina Tatyana with the German shepherd Manik Du Maison Talisman - 140 points (50/90) 1st degree

Zybin Dmitry with the German shepherd De Orsay Mac Fly Tyson -135 points (46/89) 2nd degree

Guseva Elena with the giant schnauzer Ger Gip Zarya Zoreslava - 132 points (46/86) 2nd degree!

Video from the performances - here

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!!! New videos have been added to the video tutorials page - visit this page

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On September 5, our club team took part in the OKD competition - Timofeev Cup 2022 in the city of Dolgoprudny.

Our results:

Category SPORTS

Dmitry Zybin and n/o Tyson - 143 points

Dmitry Skorik and n/o Ostap - 142 points

Fedyukhina Tatyana and n/o Talisman - 139 points

Huge congratulations to our Legionnaire Dmitry Zybin with the German shepherd DOMF Tyson in the strongest competition at the New Legion Cup competition, Dmitry took 4th place with a score of 146 points!

I also want to congratulate our team on 3rd place in the team competition in OKD!

August 16 NEW LEGION CUP - competition in the General Training Course results more details

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July 26 — Congratulations to the smallest member of our sports team, Daria Spiridonova, with her Spitz Asya, who took 2nd place in the agility competition in category S. Dashenka is only 8 years old, she herself prepared Asya from scratch. Smart girl! And Asenka is a smart girl - she didn’t disappoint!

Thanks to coach Dmitry Spiridonov for preparing this pair.

July 26 — Congratulations to the athletes of our club on a great start to the day!

Agility competition arena Strogino. Judge Gerasimova I.

Audience Award Daria Spiridonova with her Spitz Asya and Kristina Khromova with her Chihuahua Elya.

Girls! Congratulations!

On July 18, we held training competitions for the General Training Course; 52 pairs were registered for the competition. We post the results only of those who performed in the category - “Without correction.” Congratulations to the winners!

Congratulations to our Legionnaire Dmitry Zybin with his German shepherd DOMF Tyson for 3rd place in the SPORTS category!

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Congratulations to the athlete of our club - Kristina Khromova and her Chihuahua El with 1st place in the agility competition - July 11, 2020.

!!! New videos have been added to the video tutorials page - visit this page

Dear friends! We wish you and your pets HEALTH and POSITIVE MOOD! Everything will work out and we will definitely all meet at our site and continue our classes! In the video, the athlete of our club Mazhimo Gaisem -Sema ow. Bolshakova Lyudmila

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We invite you to classes on KnowZwork - Tuesday/Saturday evening - Sign up by phone 8-905-752-15-15 Dmitry

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We invite you to classes on Protective Service - preparation for muttest, kerung, inspection at exhibitions, protection of the owner, protection of the house, protection of the car - instructor/person of interest Alexander Lunin. Classes on weekdays and weekends.


Our events for the next 2 months

Congratulations to our athletes for their excellent results at the competition. 02/08/2020 competition in OKD “Wall to Wall German Shepherds against VEO”

Dmitry Zybin and DOMF Tyson - 3rd place! 89 points.

Fedyukhina Tatyana and Manik Du Maison TALISMAN - 4th place 88 points The highest score in this category is 90. There were 22 participants in the category

Agility competition on February 2 at the Sokolniki CC - judge Dmitrochenko I.L. Congratulations to the athletes of our club Dasha Spiridonova on her excellent result and on the 3rd prize place! And also Anna Arkhipova with 2nd place!

Congratulations to the sportsman of our club Skorik Dmitry and his German shepherd Ostap vom Mair Hof with the 3rd prize place in the OKD competition - Spartak Cup held by the SOKOLNIKI CC! There were more than 60 participants at the competition! Dima, CONGRATULATIONS! Stability is a sign of mastery! Many thanks to the coach of the sports group Semenko Olga Stepanovna for preparing the sports pair!

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Congratulations to the athletes of our club with excellent results at the OKD competition - on October 12, competition judge Oleg Alexandrovich Makarov

Guseva Elena with the Giant Schnauzer Ger Hip Zarya Zoreslava - 1st place

Zybin Dmitry with n/a DOMF Tyson - 3rd place

Belyakova Alla with Malinois Schultz - 4th place

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Congratulations on the victory!

October 5 — Congratulations to the smallest athlete of our club, Daria Spiridonova, with 2nd place, category D-0, at the agility competition in the SOKOLNIKI CC. Thanks to coach Dmitry Spiridonov for preparing this pair!

October 5 Congratulations to our athlete Dmitry Zybin with an excellent result - 1st place in the competition at the Varyag CC. This was Dima and Tyson’s first competition and they did a great job! Dima, CONGRATULATIONS! The debut took place. You are great! Keep it up! Many thanks to coach Semenko O.S. for preparing this couple!

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ATTENTION OWNERS OF COUNTRY DOGS, Group 1 FCI Registration for TPI and the first lesson in herding service is open. November 16 starts at 10-00. RECORDING IS CLOSED

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Registration in the group for September 8th with Dmitry Spiridonov, the BH/VT course is designed for dogs of all breeds at least 8 months old. CLOSED!

ATTENTION owners of mongrel dogs (mixed breeds), as well as owners of dogs adopted from a shelter! Especially for your dogs, in September, obedience groups “DVORYANIN” begin working in our center. The group will start working on September 15, classes begin at 2:00 p.m., The instructor is a behavior correction specialist, an instructor with extensive experience working with mixed breeds and dogs adopted from the shelter Lyudmila Bolshakova. RECRUITMENT IS CLOSED, THE GROUP IS RECRUITING. WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU ON SEPTEMBER 15 AT 14-00 FOR THE FIRST THEORY CLASS - WITHOUT DOGS!

ATTENTION! Due to the large number of people who want to engage in agility, we have made a decision and are adding one more for classes for BEGINNERS! We invite everyone to classes on Wednesdays from 18-00! Class times on Tuesdays and Saturdays DO NOT CHANGE!

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Meet the winners!

26 of May

Agility competition in Yasenevo - Anechka Arkhipova - 3rd place CONGRATULATIONS!

May 25

Congratulations to our Legionnaires on their excellent results at the agility competition... May 25 - judge Elena Lvovna Dmitrochenko. Grishina Daria with papillon Jackie with 3rd place in category D0! Arkhipova Anna with papillon Dream with 2nd place in category D1 Coach Spiridonov Dmitry! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

On May 25, at the Moscow Championship, which was traditionally held by the SOKOLNIKI CC, our athlete Dmitry Skorik showed an excellent result! And even if today not everything worked out as we wanted, but despite everything, Dima and Ostap are great! Dima and Stepa have 1st degree 143 points and 6th result out of 65 participants! Dima, BRAVO! Thanks to coach Olga Stepanovna Semenko for her work, as well as to the New Legion group for their support at the competition!

May 11, 2022 at the OKD-ZKS cup held by the X-Legion club in Dolgoprudny, Dmitry Skorik with Ospap vom Maikh Hof took 3rd place out of 27 participants in the SPORTS category! Congratulations!

May 9, 2022 Our club congratulates everyone on Victory Day! Peaceful skies to all of us! For the 2nd year now, our club has been taking part in the parade dedicated to the holiday of the GREAT VICTORY!

Meet the winners!

May 5, 2022

Well, our OKD/ZKS competitions are over. Many thanks to all our participants for coming to our competition! Congratulations to all the winners! You are all great fellows! Congratulations to our “Legionnaires” Category “Beginners” 1st place Belyakova Alla - and Malinois Invar from Marialgrad 97 points! 3rd place Guseva Elena and Giant Schnauzer Ger Hip Zarya Zoreslava 94 points! Category “SPORTS” 1st place Skorik Dmitry with the German shepherd Ostap vom Mair Hof - 98 points! Heartiest congratulations!!! Many thanks to our dear and beloved Chizhik Tatyana Arsentievna for judging!

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April 27, 2022

Congratulations on successfully passing the VN/VT judge Oleg Aleksandrovich Makarov - DogCity club!
Our Legionnaires:
German shepherd MANIK DU MAISON TALISMAN - owner Fedyukhina Tatyana
Belgian Shepherd Malinois - INVAR IZ MARIALGRAD owner Belyakova A.V.
Giant Schnauzer - GER HIP ZARYA ZORESLAV owner Guseva Elena
German Shepherd – SUE owner Potapov Oleg
Ka-De-Bo REMIRA owner Vilkova E.
Hovawart - FORTUNA LUCKY LIFE owner Kuzmina L.

Test judge Makarov Oleg Alexandrovich!

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Useful information - Choosing an instructor Finding a COMPETENT instructor in the huge world of such offers is very difficult in our time. Nowadays, excuse me, almost everyone calls themselves a training instructor. Young people who completed the 2nd year of a canine college/course put a crown on their head and......went to train their more

Meet the winners!

April 13 agility competition Daria Grinina 1st place in the D-O category! Dasha came to our club a little over 3 months ago, and she already has such great results! Dasha, congratulations!

March 30, Moscow Region OKD Cup! Dmitry Skorik with the German shepherd Ospap vom Mair Hof - VICE WINNER OF THE COMPETITION! 2ND PLACE!

This is how the city of Lyubertsy saw off the winter on a Russian scale! Our club has prepared a festive program for the holiday! watch all performances

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Say a word about the poor shepherd...... About the painful issue I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I am expressing exclusively MY POINT OF VIEW, and in no case am I imposing it on anyone. So..... Lately I have been throwing mud at the German Shepherd from all and sundry, and especially from people who have nothing to do with our beloved breed. And this is just understandable, our breed has ALWAYS BEEN AND WILL BE THE MOST IN DEMAND no matter what. More and more often we hear from ordinary people - “disabled”, “hysterical”, “sick”, all this makes the reputation of the breed, to put it mildly, not rosy. But THIS IS NOT SO.


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On January 26, we conducted OKD tests! Congratulations to all our students on successfully passing the tests!

Congratulations on your 1st degree diploma:
96 points - Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Amur Guardian Hit of the Season owner. Klescheeva E.V. instructor Spiridonov D.A.
95 points — German Shepherd Rus Horandus Yasmin ow. Makarevich Yulia instructor Spiridonov D.
95 points - Rottweiler - Barry Bal Gross from County Art ow. Gorina E.V. instructor Semenko O.S.
94 points - Welsh Corgi Pembroke - CORGI LIFE BLACK JACK owner. Aliskenderov R.E. instructor Spiridonov D.A.
91 points - Miniature Pinscher - New Etoile Ulf Kirsten own. Vanaeva M.A. instructor Spiridonov D.A.
Congratulations on your 2nd degree diploma:
88 points — Rottweiler RUS RPH NEKAR Tati ow. Abbosova N.N. instructor Spiridonov D.
87 points - VEO Rain, instructor Spiridonov D.
Congratulations on your 3rd degree diploma:
79 points — German Shepherd Rus Horandus Yakut, owner Ivan Lele. Instructor Spiridonov Dmitry
61 points - Miniature Pinscher Helen Hoff Preston, ow. Klepikova Yu. A. Instructor Spiridonov D. A.
61 points – Labrador – Retriever Lucky, instructor Dmitry Spiridonov
61 points - VEO - VEOLAR PRADA - II, ow. Semina E.N. Instructor Spiridonov Dmitry
On behalf of the club management, I express my deep gratitude to all the owners for choosing our club! I sincerely congratulate you on your excellent test results!


We can’t help but share our joy for our club’s student Mikhail Shmelev! Misha came to our club when he was not even 14 years old! No one could have thought then, when Elena Shmeleva (Misha’s mother) with a Schipperke named Viki came to our OKD group (and by the way passed the 1st degree with a score of 98 points) that this dog with her handler Misha would achieve such high results! Misha, Congratulations! We are very proud of you!

Results at the Junior European Agility Championship 2022. : 7 clean runs out of 8. 7 podiums.

Congratulations to our Pinscher Tanya on winning the agility competition! Judge Makhova M. Altufyevo site. 2 first places! Coach Spiridonov Dmitry!

Congratulations to our Anechka on winning her first agility competition! 2 first places! The competition was held at the Yasenevo Cynological Center, competition judge Irina Hristiy. coach Spiridonov Dmitry!

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!Attention! We are hiring an OKD-ZKS instructor! Work experience of 5 years. RKF license is required.

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Members of our club had the honor of participating in the Victory Day parade! Thanks to the administration of the city of Lyubertsy, as well as to the leadership of the Central Park of Culture and Culture of Lyubertsy for their trust!

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Helpful information! What to do if your dog is poisoned. First aid for poisoning

A dog in the house is not just a pet. In most cases, she becomes a real member of the family, any illness of which is perceived very seriously. And dogs get sick not so rarely. A common disease condition in dogs is poisoning. What situations lead to intoxication, how to recognize the disease and, most importantly, how to help your pet without aggravating his condition? Find out more

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Show of Champions - Golden Collar - 2022! Rewarding for victories at the Russian Championship and European Championship! Congratulations to Ekaterina Sapriko and Mikhail Shmelev! And also the entire RUSSIAN JUNIOR TEAM!

A program about national types of training on STREAM TV, starring KC NEW LEGION! Filmed here in the summer. Excellent show! Legionnaires! Special thanks to you! You are best!

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This is interesting!

KNITTING “FOR HEALTH” - BENEFITS OR HARM?!? Mating “for health” - benefit or harm?!? There is a persistent myth among the people that every male dog needs to become a man, and every bitch needs to become a mother.

— Why — you ask the enthusiastic owner? - WELL, he'll make his eyes round, NOW! Further

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About male dogs and breeding. - Hello, is this your girl? Don't you need a boy? -Our boy is already 2 years old, and he is still a virgin... - We have a very beautiful male, but he doesn’t listen to us at all, bites and runs away, friends said that we urgently need to breed him... - Our Tuzik (Rex, Vasisualiy) son famous Champion, so the club MUST send girls to us... more

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Congratulations to the athlete of our club Dmitry Skorik on his victory in the OKD “Spartak Cup” competition! Dima! We are proud of you!

At the Russian Agility Championship, which took place on August 19-20 in Tver, 133 pairs (athlete and dog) competed. Participants came to these competitions from 17 regions of the country, including those very remote from the Upper Volga region. Next, you will find interesting moments from the performances, as well as an interview with the Championship judge and one of the winners, Ekaterina Sapriko. The championship took place at the Tekstilshchik stadium, which is famous for its very good, smooth artificial turf, ideal for this type of sport with dogs. Another thing is that the 30-degree heat during the competition days made the lawn so hot that moving on it itself became another test for the four-legged animals. Thanks for the video site ZOOTVER!

Our beauty Katyusha Sapriko! Winner in the all-around at the Russian Championship in the TOY category! We also congratulate Mishenka Shmelev who took 2nd place in the finals of the Russian Championship! Our pride!


July 30 RUSSIAN CUP in agility

At the Russian Agility Championship among juniors, Misha Shmelevy Zorro won gold, and with Vicky silver! Also, based on the results of these competitions, they qualified for the Russian Championship!

July 8. OKD and ZKS competitions in Ilyinka. The opponents were strong, it was interesting to compete with them! Of course, there is still a lot of work ahead, but the result is excellent! 49 participants in the category (Athletes) Highest score - 150
Natasha Sadunova with RCT Zhigan (138 points) - 1st degree Dmitry Skorik with no. Ostap - 1st degree - (145 points) 7th place Igor Vasiliev with no. Akira - 2nd degree (132 points) And also! Our Dima took part in the complex tournament! A complex of three teams worked at a distance of 50 meters! And our Dima became the vice-winner! The tournament was attended by 12 of the strongest athletes in the OKD of Moscow and the region! The dogs worked in pairs of 2 dogs until the first mistake! Whoever won went on to a new round. Watch video from the competition
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Great news from the Junior European Agility Championship from Luxembourg! Our Ekaterina Sapriko is the YOUNG EUROPEAN CHAMPION 2022! Besides! Our Mikhail Shmelev with his Spitz named Zorro put a gold medal in the piggy bank of the Russian team, and with his dog of the Schipperke breed - a silver medal! Kids! Our dear juniors! You are the strongest! Congratulations!

Russian Championship 2022 in Yekaterinburg: Misha Shmelev with Viki won the personal agility course. And in the biathlon I ended up with 3rd place. Zorro is 3rd in total team runs. Mishenka qualified for the World Agility Championship! HOORAY!

21st of June! Celebrating Cynologist Day

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Congratulations to our agility athletes - Katyusha Sapriko and Mikhail Shmelev! With selection for the Junior European Championship

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Young Legionnaires - Champions! Children Winners of the Spring Cup of the Moscow Region! (children category)

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On May 20, the OKD-ZKS competition at the Varyag sports complex. Athletes of our club Dmitry Skorik and Maria Lyutova took 2nd and 3rd place! Thanks to the coaches of the sports team - Olga Stepanovna Semenko and Dmitry Spiridonov for their work!

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news archive for 2012

news archive for 2013

news archive for 2013 continuation

news archive for 2014

news archive for 2015

Types of obstacles in agility

The competition course is a complex of sequentially located obstacles. The rules may establish different sizes of agility equipment, angles of inclination and other parameters. At the same time, their general form and principle of operation remain unchanged. Depending on the nature of the interaction between the dog and the obstacle, agility equipment is divided into the following types.

Contact obstacles

Such agility obstacles require the presence of zones of direct contact with the dog’s body:

  • The slide consists of two shields connected at an angle, raised at the top 1.5-2 meters above the ground. The contact zone of the obstacle is painted yellow or red, and transverse strips are fixed on its surface to make it easier for the dog to move. To get a dog over a hill, the handler usually uses the commands “Hill!” or “Home!”

  • The swing is made in the form of a board that rotates around the base as the dog moves from one end to the other. In order for the animal to run up an obstacle, the balance of the shield shifts slightly towards one of the ends. To overcome a swing with a dog, domestic trainers use the command “Swing!”

  • A boom is a type of slide in which a horizontal board is located between inclined surfaces. It also has a yellow or red painted contact area and cross strips. At this obstacle, the handler gives his dog the command “Boom!”

  • The tunnel is made in the form of a barrel-shaped short hole, to which a long fabric part with an open end is attached (soft tunnel), or a rigid pipe of a straight and winding shape (hard tunnel). In both cases, the commands “Tun”, “Tut-Tu” or “Bottom” are usually used.

Jumping obstacles

To overcome such obstacles, the dog must make a high or long jump:

  • The usual barrier consists of two vertical posts with an easily knocked down bar located between them. The dog must jump over it on the command “Hop!”, “Bar”, “Jump!” or "Up".

  • A ring is a type of barrier in the shape of a circle (tire, hoop) mounted in a frame on a support. The dog needs to overcome it by jumping through the hole on the command “Tire!” or “Circle!”
  • The dog performs a long jump through several parallel benches (platforms), without touching any of them with its body or paws. At this obstacle, the handler uses the commands “Hop!”, “Bar!”, “Jump” or “Up”.
  • The double barrier is also a variation of the usual one, but consists of two parallel bars. To jump, the dog is given the command “Hop!”, “Bar!”, “Jump” or “Up”.

  • The barrier fence is made in the form of a solid wall, on the upper edge of which there is an easily knocked down pad that prevents injury to the dog. To overcome this obstacle, the same commands are usually used as for other barriers - “Hop!”, “Bar!”, “Jump” or “Up”.

Other obstacles

This group includes projectiles with which the dog interacts in various ways:

  • Slalom is a series of 12 racks located on the same line, through which the dog must run in a “snake”, going around each one. For this task, the handler commands the pet to “Trrrrrrr” or “Hop.” If the latter has already been used to overcome a barrier, you need to choose another one - you cannot use the same commands in agility on fundamentally different obstacles.

  • A podium (square) is a square platform raised to a height of 2-75 cm with a side one meter long, onto which the dog must run and stop for a time set by the judge (in a sitting or lying position). The square performs the same function as the podium, but is simply performed as a base area fenced around the perimeter.

Agility classes

Today, FCI rules establish two official classes of agility competitions.

  • Standard. This class is a classic agility sport that includes all three types of obstacles. For beginner athletes, a platform with 15 apparatuses is used, while for experienced participants their number can reach 22.
  • Jumping. A special feature of this class of competitions is the presence of only jumping obstacles and a starting platform. Depending on the specific competition, the agility course may also be supplemented with tunnels and slalom. Due to the absence of contact projectiles that slow down movement, jumping dogs develop the highest speed.

Competitions may also include the following types of agility that are not approved by the International Canine Association.

Joker or jackpot. This competition is divided into two periods:

  • during the introduction, the dog overcomes obstacles at the handler’s discretion, earning points;
  • Finally, the animal must overcome a series of obstacles selected by the judge in a short time.

The difficulty is that in the second period the handler must not cross the line, which is drawn at a distance of 3-6 m parallel to the obstacle course, thereby he has to control the dog from a distance.

Snooker. Developed on the principle of a billiard game, this type of agility involves overcoming numbered obstacles - three red ones for jumping over with the number 1, and six other types, numbered 2 to 7. The competition is divided into 2 stages:

  • at the introductory stage, the dog passes the first one of the red obstacles with number 1 and one of the additional ones with numbers 6-7, then this is repeated with the remaining two main equipment;
  • at the final stage, the dog must pass consecutive obstacles numbered 2 to 7 to gain additional points.

Relay race. At this competition, 2-3 teams of handlers with dogs sequentially pass an obstacle course located on the agility site (each with its own section), passing batons to each other.

Agility rules

Before the start of the competition, the handler has the right to familiarize himself with the course without the dog in order to remember the sequence of obstacles and develop the optimal trajectory for its passage. In turn, the judge conducts a preliminary conversation with the participants, where he reminds them of the rules of agility, informs them of the control and maximum time. The dog is first released from the leash and collar for safety reasons.

A handler can start an agility race only after the corresponding command from the judge. Control over the dog is exercised exclusively by voice, gaze and gestures; touching the dog is prohibited. There should not be any objects in the hands of the animal owner.

The goal of agility is not only speed, but also the correctness of the dog’s passage through the course. Accordingly, penalties are awarded for mistakes by the animal and the handler:

  • exceeding the control time – 1 point per second;
  • passing through the start or finish line – 5 points;
  • touching the dog or obstacle by the trainer – 5 points;
  • knocked down obstacle – 5 points;
  • the dog’s refusal to overcome an obstacle or its incorrect passage (for example, running over a long jump apparatus) – 5 points, while the handler can return and overcome the obstacle correctly;
  • absence of the dog touching the contact zones at the entrance and exit from the obstacle – 5 points.

The judge also has the right to remove the dog and handler from the course for the following reasons:

  • inappropriate attitude towards a judge;
  • rough treatment of the dog;
  • violation of the sequence of passing obstacles or skipping them;
  • 3 refusals of the dog to pass the obstacle;
  • exceeding the maximum time;
  • the presence of any objects in the hands of the handler;
  • disobedience of the dog to the handler (from disobedience to commands to direct aggression);
  • unauthorized termination of work as a handler and some other reasons.

Agility competitions vary in difficulty level:

  • Agility/Jumping-1 only for dogs without an “Agility Certificate”;
  • Agility/Jumping-2 is open to dogs with an “Agility Certificate”;
  • Agility/Jumping-3 is only for dogs that have won prizes at Agility-2 3 times

The “FCI Agility Certificate” is awarded to dogs that have received the “Excellent” rating three times in Agility 1 for completing the course without penalty points in the presence of two different judges.

Competition rules

The rules of agility for dogs are established by the international organization FCI. Amendments are permissible only at championships held within the country. In this case, changes are made by kennel clubs, and the RKF is responsible for their approval.

Regardless of the adjustments, some of the rules remain unchanged and include:

  1. Individual selection of the route, based on the size of the participants.
  2. Prohibition on using the same commands for different projectiles. Each barrier has its own unique word. This is why handlers are given several possible options.
  3. Preliminary inspection of the route by each handler.
  4. Taboo on the participation of animals on the prohibited list.
  5. Introducing the participants, repeating the set of rules and announcing the control time before the start of the race. The competition begins only after the judge's command.
  6. No more than 3 attempts to overcome one projectile.
  7. Prohibition on any directing actions and objects, except gestures and voice.

Before the start of the competition, collars and harnesses are removed from all participants. This prevents injury during the race.

If there are no errors, the race is called “clean”, and if there are a minimum number of errors, it is called “finished”. In both cases, the allotted time must be respected. In addition to time violations, penalties include:

  • incorrect interaction with an obstacle (touching a non-contact one or not touching a contact one);
  • knocking down the bar during a jump;
  • refusal to follow commands or leaving the route;
  • touching another pet or obstacle;
  • re-overcoming an obstacle;
  • passing the slalom in the opposite direction or missing one of the racks.

In addition to underestimation of points, disqualification is also possible. It is provided when three unsuccessful attempts are made to overcome the projectile and the use of objects to help guide the animal. Also, aggressive behavior of the dog, disrespectful attitude towards the judges or rude treatment of the four-legged participant is not allowed. Regardless of the reasons, the owner can always refuse to participate on his own initiative.

How to start agility training

Before teaching a dog agility, it is necessary to instill in it the basics of obedience, that is, the skills to perform basic commands - “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Stand!” etc. This way you will establish closer contact with your pet, teach him to understand voice commands and gestures. After this, you can conduct agility training yourself.

Classes can take place both at home using purchased or homemade equipment, and in cynological schools. The second option is preferable, since your dog gets used to following commands not only in a calm environment, but also in the presence of extraneous stimuli in the form of other dogs and people. And at the same time, you have a unique opportunity to communicate with like-minded people and learn from their experience. As a rule, amateur classes take place 1-2 times a week and last 3 or more hours. The price for agility in Moscow in most cases does not exceed 500 rubles per lesson.

Classes must be structured so that the pet finds it interesting. Remember that for a dog, agility training is not a duty, but entertainment, a way to release its overwhelming energy. Vary the tasks and make changes - this will help prevent your pet from becoming bored with the exercises and prevent their rejection. In addition, at first, try not to show the animal your annoyance and under no circumstances hit him for passing the projectile incorrectly . On the contrary, actively praise and encourage correct behavior and simply ignore incorrect behavior. This will help your dog develop a positive attitude towards training and look forward to it.

If you want to get acquainted with the detailed rules of the competition, requirements for animals and their owners, want to clarify at what age a dog can train in agility, etc., use the information from the official website dedicated to this sport in Russia, or contact to your nearest dog training center. Remember that the most important thing is not achieving victories, but the feeling of complete unity with your four-legged friend.

How to prepare a dog for competitions

Before starting training, make sure that your pet is familiar with the basic commands (“sit”, “lie down”, “stay”). This will help familiarize him with the obstacles and explain ways of possible interaction. The first training can begin as early as 4-6 months. Then exactly by the year you can make your debut among juniors.

On one's own

When working with children, treats give good results, and when working with adults, playful motivation. At first, the animal will have to be guided using a collar and leash. It is necessary to get rid of treats and ammunition as early as possible so as not to be thrown out of the competition for violating the rules.

Before starting training, you must purchase or independently design all the necessary equipment. Do not try to load your pet with information at the initial stage. Use a step-by-step technique. Don't grab everything at once.

Remember that the animal should enjoy the process. To do this, it is important to use praise for any successes. Do not try to scold the dog for his mistakes - he will perfectly understand your dissatisfaction if you simply ignore him or do not praise him for his actions.

Maintain consistency, spending up to 3 hours a day, but do not overload. A couple of times a week will be enough. Try to avoid monotony by alternating different exercises.

At first, be sure to insure your pet. Pay special attention to puppies with fragile musculoskeletal systems - they will have to lower the height of the apparatus.

On special courses

Working with older animals is always more difficult. It’s safer and easier to enroll in special courses led by a dog handler. Pets who are not familiar with basic commands will also have to take a preliminary UGS or OKD course.

Classes in kennel clubs well simulate the situation at competitions. Here, training takes place next to other animals and people - this practice helps to disconnect from extraneous stimuli.

The pet can only exercise with an instructor, but such exercises disrupt interaction with the owner. The animal gets used to a stranger and shows less good results in competitions. This is why it is important to study together.

In sports, you should not look at others, but listen only to yourself. Never compare your pet with more skilled competitors. Develop his skills based on his individual characteristics. Remember that your pet should enjoy the process, so don't try to be the best and just enjoy the moment.

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Where can you learn agility in Russia

CitySchool nameContacts
MoscowDog training center “Sokolniki”+79161564436
MoscowCynological center “Yasenevo”+79261766641
MoscowKennel club “Rublyovka”+79152000705
Moscow regionCanine training center “Nafani”+79165216556
Saint PetersburgAssociation for the Development of Cynological Sports (ARKS)[email protected]
PermianRudashevsky School of Agility+79226406235
SamaraSOOO TsLS Image Dog
KazanFederation of Sports and Applied Dog Breeding of the Republic of Tatarstan FSS RT+79053100383
Rostov-on-DonRROO FKS+79281459527


There are a huge number of different clubs, federations and other cynological organizations practicing agility in the world. Below are the largest and most famous ones.

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI or FCI) is a worldwide federation dedicated to the development and dissemination of cynological sports and supporting purebred dog breeding. It includes more than 80 countries, including the Russian Cynological Federation.

The International Union of Kennel Clubs, or UCI, is an association of several dog breeding organizations in Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Austria. Interestingly, the IFF and the UCI have been competing with each other for a very long time. So, for example, at exhibitions held by the UCI, FCI documents are accepted, but this procedure does not work in the opposite direction - the FCI does not accept UCI documents.

The International Kennel Union, or IKU, unites the CIS and Baltic countries. Located in Moscow.

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