Groenendael - description, features, characteristics of the breed

Usage:shepherd and service dog, companion
Dimensions:56 – 66 cm, 27 – 34 kg
Lifespan:13 years

The Belgian Shepherd group of herding dogs includes 4 species: Groenendael, Laekenois, Malinois and Tervuren. The dogs belong to the same breed and differ only in the structure of their coat and color. Black dogs with the poetic name Groenendael are the decoration of the breed line; translated into Russian it means green valley. They are loyal, tireless and incredibly beautiful companions. A week in the company of dogs - and there will be no room left in your heart for another breed.

Standard requirements

The Belgian Groenendael Shepherd is a strong and tireless dog. She is calm, instantly adapts to changing conditions, smart and active.

The differences between the breed types lie only in the structure, length and color of the coat. The difference between the Groenendael and other types of the breed is its black color and thick coat with a double undercoat.

In the photo, the Groenendael Shepherd looks like it’s asking to be featured on a poster or the cover of a glossy magazine. They were even used in a fashion show. Dogs owe this to their beautiful fur. It is long, straight, forms a frill with a collar around the neck, and feathers on the paws.

The color of the Groenendael is pure black. But a white spot on the chest and light spots on the hind legs are allowed.

Otherwise, the breed standard is the same for any type of Belgian Shepherd.

FrameStrong, muscular, dry. The neck is long, the back is straight and short.
HeadProportional to the body, the muzzle is elongated with a straight bridge of the nose.
NoseThe lobe is black.
LipsDry, dense, black mucous.
EarsResemble an equilateral triangle, standing
EyesRound, brown in color, preferably dark.
BiteStraight or scissor-shaped.
TailMedium in length, tapering towards the end, with pendants. When in motion, it rises and slightly curves, but does not curl into a horn or fall to its side.
LimbsStraight, powerful, parallel, proportional to height.
PawsRound, black pads, arched and thick, fingers tightly clenched. The arrived fifth phalanx is removed.

Origin story

The Belgian Shepherd is an ancient breed of local herding dogs that differ in length and coat color into four types:

  • Malinois - with short hair;
  • Tervuren – longhaired;
  • Laekenois - distinguished by coarse hair;
  • The Groenendael is a long-haired black breed.

At the end of the 19th century, restaurant owner Nicholas Rose acquired two black shepherd dogs at Chateau Groenendaal, Picard and Petit. They became the ancestors of all modern Groenendaels. A puppy from the first litter named Duke became for the breeder the ideal of the future breed; subsequently all the puppies were selected in accordance with the qualities inherent in him.


The Groenendael is a breed of dog that will always find use everywhere. Due to their endurance, easy training, love of work and desire to please the owner, there is no sports or work discipline that the pets cannot cope with.

Initially, the Belgian Groenendael was only a shepherd. But today it is a companion, guide, protector, security guard, policeman and rescuer. He is equally comfortable with agility and protective guard service, canicross and search and rescue service.

Protecting property and the owner is in the blood of Groenendaels. They do this even without special training.

Wherever the owner wants to use the dog, the Groenendael will happily support him and devote himself entirely to the work.


Groenendael is a herding shepherd dog that needs many hours of daily walks and exercise. The optimal conditions of detention include spending daytime outdoors in combination with spending the night at home.

The dog, like the Kangal , cannot stand being kept on a chain that limits freedom of movement - this aspect must be taken into account when choosing a guard for the house.

If the Belgian Groenendael lives on private property, that is, on the street, it is necessary to provide it with a warm kennel and a spacious enclosure.

Groenendael puppies, as well as adult animals, love active games using various objects, for example:

  • wand;
  • ball;
  • disk;
  • shuttlecock;
  • rubber toys.

Accordingly, the animal will become an excellent companion in games for a child of younger and middle age. Ideal for dog agility .

However, it is not recommended to leave small children alone with your pet for safety reasons. Due to its large size and strength, the dog can unintentionally harm the baby.

Animals need regular exercise and “socialization”


The description of the Groenendael breed excludes aggression or fearfulness. These are dogs with a calm and strong character.

Groenendaels are adored by all family members, although one person is chosen as the owner. They treat strangers with caution, but without aggression. However, as soon as the owner shows that the stranger is a friend, the dogs will happily wave their tails to the guest and allow themselves to be petted.

There is no timidity in dogs. Even Groenendael puppies are not afraid of strangers, loud noises, and quickly adapt to new places and family members - be they people or pets.

Groenendael learns commands on the fly and executes them with pleasure. He understands even subtle gestures and always knows what the owner wants at a particular moment. But he is brought up with rewards - no shouting, spanking or harsh punishments.


By nature, the Groenendael is a carnivore that needs to consume an optimal amount of protein food every day. For a full life and good health of your pet, the following products should be included in its daily diet:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • cereal porridge;
  • dairy products in small quantities;
  • in season - greens;
  • vegetables and fruits.

It is acceptable to use specialized dry food . But its amount should not exceed 25-30% of the total amount of food per day.

Exceeding the specified norm can lead to bloating and flatulence in the dog. You should also not pamper your pet with sweets, canned foods, or baked goods.


Equanimity is genetically embedded in dogs. However, even a naturally balanced Belgian Shepherd Groenendael without socialization will grow up to be neurasthenic.

After vaccination, Groenendael puppies should be exposed to unfamiliar places and people. From the age of 4 months, they are taken for walks along noisy streets and taken on private and public transport. It is extremely important to communicate with friendly adults, children and animals.

Belgian Groenendael Shepherds get along well with kids. They forgive pranks of little ones, and willingly play with older children. Dogs get along well with other pets - they perceive them as a herd and take care of them.

In a family, the Groenendael chooses the weakest (usually a child) and begins to “shepherd” him. He follows the ward everywhere, predicts and prevents potentially dangerous situations.

Characteristics of the Belgian Shepherd Groenendael breed

The Groenendael is a type of Belgian Shepherd with black fur. The name translates as “green valley”. These dogs are brave, hardworking, strong. They are unpretentious, easily adapt to any conditions, and are smart. They are a national treasure of Belgium.

Groenendaels are hardy and intelligent dogs that are capable of any job. They can protect the house, be used as official ones: in the police, customs. They can make decisions independently in difficult situations. This is an excellent guide, rescuer, bodyguard, companion. He easily learns tricks and shows good results in agility, canicross and other types of dog sports.

breed nameBelgian Shepherd Groenendael (Dutch Groenendael)
a countryBelgium
timelate 19th century
group of breeds according to the ICF classificationherding and cattle dogs, shepherd section
applicationservice dog, companion
life expectancy11-13 years old
heightmales 60-66 cm, females 56-62 cm
weightmales 25-30 kg, females 20-25 kg


The Groenendael is an intelligent, loyal and hard-working dog. It was bred for independent grazing and protection of livestock and home protection. Now this is the ideal companion for an active owner. Representatives of the breed have several advantages:

  • attractive appearance;
  • they are smart, easy to train, understand the rules of behavior;
  • cheerful, active and playful;
  • loyal, attached to all family members;
  • love children and are patient with them;
  • get along easily with any pets, do not enter into conflicts with other dogs;
  • have pronounced watchdog and security qualities, are able to act independently in a critical situation;
  • efficient, unpretentious.


Belgian Shepherds are very active and energetic. They require regular physical activity. Therefore, the breed is not suitable for homebodies, elderly people and those who cannot pay enough attention to their pet. Inexperienced dog breeders should not get a Groenendael. An owner who cannot gain authority will not become a leader for this dog. Representatives of the breed have several more disadvantages:

  • love of freedom, tendency to escape;
  • the need for regular classes and training;
  • without sufficient physical activity they can damage furniture and things;
  • they are very emotional and can be touchy;
  • The fur sheds a lot, and when wet it smells like a dog.

Maintenance and care

The Belgian Groenendael Shepherd is suitable for a country house. She needs her own enclosure, where in the heat she will hide from the sun, and in winter she will be protected from bad weather. A walking area is desirable - a large enclosure or a fenced back yard where the dog can walk on its own.

It is not advisable to keep a Belgian Groenendael Shepherd in an apartment. She needs a lot of space, constantly moving and running. Otherwise, out of boredom, she will gnaw on everything she can get her teeth into, become restless and wither away.

Brushing and bathing

The Belgian Groenendael dog breed boasts a long, thick coat. She is the main decoration and the main problem when leaving.

You will have to comb your pet 2-3 times a week, simultaneously untangling or removing tangles. And during molting in spring and autumn - every day. You can't cut your dog's hair.

Long hair is another reason why you should not have a Groenendael in an apartment. Hairs will be everywhere: from a bowl of soup to wallpaper. If you get a dog in a multi-story building, you will have to stock up on an arsenal of combs, slicker brushes and tangle cutters, as well as a more powerful vacuum cleaner.

Groenendaels are bathed rarely, once every 1-3 months. But after each walk, they carefully wash their belly and paws - the long hair collects all the dirt in the area.


Walk, walk and walk again. This is the motto of the Belgian owners. They walk their pets often, a lot and in any weather. Tireless Groenendaels enjoy both sunny spring days and hurricanes.

Moreover, you don’t just need to take the dog outside, but work with him. An adult Belgian Groenendael should run at least 1.5 km per day. And this is not counting sports, training, games.


The Groenendael dog is unpretentious in its diet. Naturally, you cannot feed your pet soup. They prepare it separately or buy holistic or super-premium food for large breeds.

The following brands are suitable for Groenendael:

  • Orijen Original Grain Free;
  • GO! Fit+Free Dog Chicken, Turkey, Trout Grain Free
  • Grandorf Adult Maxi Lamb & Rice.

On a natural diet, 70% of a Groenendael's diet should be made from animal proteins - lean meat, offal, eggs. The rest of the menu consists of cereals, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, berries, vitamin and mineral supplements.


A large dog that moves a lot needs a good protein diet, so the diet should always include sea fish, raw poultry, cereals and cereals, some cottage cheese and eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables. Dry food, even the best quality, should not exceed a third of the daily diet. Encouraging your pet with sweets, bread or smoked meats will certainly affect his health, causing caries, flatulence and other negative consequences.

A puppy should be fed four times a day for up to six months, then three times a day, and an adult dog - twice a day. When buying a puppy, ask the breeder what he feeds the baby, try to create the same diet for him at home. Do not suddenly switch to another type of food


The Belgian Groenendael Shepherd is a genetically strong and healthy dog. She lives for at least 10 years. On average, representatives reach 12-15 years. Maximum life expectancy is 18 years.


The Belgian Groenendael is susceptible to a number of hereditary and acquired diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • dysplasia;
  • gastric volvulus;
  • oncology;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • cataracts and eye atrophy;
  • cardiovascular pathologies.

The list is not extensive and is typical for large dogs. In general, the Groenendael is a strong and problem-free breed.


The Groenendael dog breed is genetically stable. But even a strong dog will not be healthy without vaccination.

Vaccinations are given according to an individual schedule developed by a veterinarian. Groenendaels are routinely vaccinated against rabies, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, canine distemper, and herpesvirus. Puppies up to one year old are given 3 injections at 8 and 12 weeks and at six months, adult dogs from 12 months - 1 injection annually.

Another important care item is treatment against parasites. Groenendaal is given anthelmintic tablets and drops against ticks and fleas at least once every 3 months.

Training and education

The Belgian Shepherd is distinguished by its excellent memory, extraordinary intelligence and quick wit. This breed is considered one of the smartest. With such data, the Groenendael is able to understand its owner perfectly and master new commands after 2-3 repetitions.

The main thing is to start the educational process from puppyhood, as early as possible. Otherwise, with such a temperamental character, the dog will cause a lot of problems for the owner and everyone around him. In the absence of skills for proper behavior in the home and in public places, a Groenendael can allow itself to jump on people, bark for no reason and loudly, and damage furniture and other property of the owner. This is at best, but at worst, without training the dog can turn into an uncontrollable, vicious animal.

An experienced dog breeder can independently handle the training of a Belgian Shepherd; beginners in this matter are advised to seek help from a dog handler. Groenendael is very cunning, he will quickly realize that an inexperienced owner can be manipulated, and in the end no training will work.

When training your dog, you should consider the following recommendations:

  • The beginning of education is mastering the simplest commands: “place”, “no”, “come to me”. Only after this can you move on to the course of protection, obedience, and security.
  • Early socialization is a must. The dog must react calmly to traffic, people passing on the street, and animals encountered. As a result, you will get an intelligent dog. She will walk on a leash without a stretch and react adequately to the events happening around her.
  • You cannot reduce the duration of classes, even if your pet has already mastered many commands. The regularity of lessons will strengthen the reflex to the command. In addition, the active Belgian enjoys physical activities and training.
  • The owner must be an unquestioning leader for his pet. Having given a command to the dog, be sure to achieve it.
  • It is unacceptable to allow a dog to growl at its owner or family members. Stop food aggression; the dog should calmly give the owner even the most appetizing bone, the same goes for toys.
  • A rude attitude will not help when raising a shepherd. Belgians are touchy, they do not tolerate shouting, too strict a tone, and especially physical punishment. If the owner behaves rudely with his pet, the dog will withdraw into himself and stop responding to commands. During the training process, it is recommended to use rewards in the form of petting, praise or treats.

Interesting Facts

  • The Belgian Shepherd is characterized by an excessive sense of ownership. If this dog has already designated a place, food or thing as its own, it will zealously defend its property even from an enemy superior in strength and size.
  • Groenendael is a long-living dog. There are cases when representatives of this species crossed the life line at 18 years.
  • Groenendaels are not afraid of frost and snow. On the contrary, such a dog’s favorite winter pastime is to find a larger snowdrift and bury his head in it, as if swimming in the snow.


Belgian Groenendael Shepherds reach sexual maturity at 1-1.5 years. But full physical formation ends in the 3rd year of life.

Estrus in female dogs occurs every 9-12 months and lasts 20-22 days. Dogs are bred on days 11-15 of estrus, when ovulation is most likely.

Pregnancy in the Groenendael is standard and lasts 56-72 days. There are an average of 4-5 puppies in a litter.

The number of puppies in the litter depends on the age of the bitches. Young dogs and dogs over 6 years old bring the least amount of babies. Dogs are most productive at 3-4 years of age.

Pros and cons of the breed

The Groenendael requires attention and care, like any other dog. It seems that such a pet is suitable for any person who can afford to keep an active dog. In fact, it will be difficult for a novice dog breeder to cope with the wayward character of the Belgian Shepherd. Before buying a puppy of this type, you should familiarize yourself with its strengths and weaknesses.


1. Beautiful appearance. 2. Good health. 3. Excellent security and watchdog qualities. 4. Fearlessness, devotion. 5. Easy to train. 6. Intelligence, intelligence and excellent memory. 7. Efficiency, endurance. 8. Easy care.

How to choose a puppy

The main requirements for a future pet are calmness and non-aggression. Therefore, Groenendael puppies must:

  • calm, but wary of strangers;
  • are not afraid of loud sounds and sharp gestures;
  • be playful;
  • treats its owner affectionately, but does not fall into the hands of strangers.

An overly affectionate puppy is devoid of breed qualities - watchdog and security. And the aggressive Belgian Groenendael is disqualified and is not allowed for breeding.

Before purchasing, they check the pedigrees and veterinary passports of the puppies and parents, metrics, and look at photos of other dogs from previous litters. It is worth asking whether the “children” from the nursery had any health or character problems.


The breed standard was approved already in 1907. A strong, short-haired black shepherd with well-developed muscles and a proportional, wide body. The height of males reaches 66-70 centimeters, females up to sixty.


The skull is long, small in size, cheeks are flat. The erect triangular ears are set high on the head. Almond-shaped eyes are dark brown.

Body type

The body is powerful, but not heavy, the length of the body approximately coincides with the height at the withers. The chest is deep, the back is horizontally straight, the croup is sloping. Limbs Long and slender, with large paws and thick black pads. The fluffy tail is curled up at the end.


Depending on the variety, the standard color of the dog is:

Laekenois . Coarse wool, perhaps a red shade similar to sable;

Malinois - short hair, red sable shade;

Tervuren . Long hair, gray-fawn or red color. At one time it was bred as the same breed as the Groenendael;

Groenendael . The standard color is blue-black wool. In addition, everything on the dog should be black: lips, nose, eyelids and claws, paw pads. Despite the obvious difference in color and body shape, many confuse the Groenedael with the German Shepherd, mistakenly believing that this is an unusual color of the familiar breed. The hair is shorter in the head and neck area, but the distinguishing feature of the breed is the collar of longer hair. The standard allows the appearance of white marks on the coat. It should be noted that they like to cross the German Shepherd with the Belgian. It is believed that small mixed breeds of Groenendael and German Shepherd will have excellent guarding qualities and will grow up to be beautiful and brave dogs. However, any mestizo, if it is not the fruit of long-term selection by professionals, is a surprise. Such experiments must be approached with extreme caution.

How much do puppies cost?

One of the most expensive breeds in Russia is the Groenendael: a pet or breed class puppy costs from 40,000 rubles, and a show class kitten costs 120 thousand rubles and more.

True, the situation on message boards is different. The price for Groenendael varies from 6 to 30 thousand rubles. However, such offers are put forward by ordinary owners or unscrupulous breeders who breed dogs without taking into account genetic and breed characteristics.


Most diseases in Groenendaels are congenital, genetic, inherited or caused by improper care. Therefore, a puppy can only be purchased from trusted nurseries. These include:

  • – OTsolnikA kennel in Moscow, breeds all types of Belgian Shepherds, provides training services;
  • – united nursery and canine center in Moscow;
  • – the breeder has been breeding Belgians since 2003, working in St. Petersburg.

The Groenendael Shepherd is a pet about whose merits you could write a three-volume book. However, they fade or evaporate in the hands of an inept owner. This is not a couch dog. You will have to work with him every day for 3-4 hours and become an expert in dog psychology. This is the only way to raise a reliable and healthy friend.


The good health of a pet and its life expectancy directly depend on vaccinations used to prevent various types of diseases.

There are several basic vaccines that are given initially when the puppy reaches a certain age and then repeated annually. For example:

  • prevention of parvovirus - when the animal reaches 6 weeks of age;
  • glanders vaccination – 8 weeks;
  • hepatitis – 8 weeks;
  • leptospirosis – 8 weeks;
  • rabies – 6 months.

In addition to these vaccines, it is recommended to check the dog once a quarter for infection with all kinds of intestinal parasites, especially if the animal lives in street conditions.

Excellent health is one of the main features of Groenendael

Why choose Groenendael

In addition to its beautiful, unusual and bright appearance and color, this dog will become your affectionate and devoted friend. It will be an indispensable companion for active jogging and sports recreation.

Thanks to its intelligence and devotion, the dog will become an excellent guard for your family and home.

Purchasing Tips

Groenendael puppies are very cute and even shy. They should be accustomed to smells and sounds from the age of 2 months.

You can choose the right puppy based on the following characteristics - he must be brave, this must be checked using a loud sound. But you shouldn't be aggressive, otherwise you won't be able to cope.

To purchase a healthy dog, without pathologies, you should contact a specialized nursery.

The price of a Groenendael shepherd puppy in kennels ranges from 35 to 55 thousand rubles. Along with the guarantee of a healthy pet, you will receive all the necessary professional pedigree documentation and a passport.


Groenendaels are distinguished by longevity and health. With proper care and maintenance, dogs live an average of 12-13 years.

Cases have been recorded when Groenendaels reached a maximum lifespan of 15-18 years.

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