Pregnancy in German Shepherd dogs - how long does it last, how does it go?

The pregnancy of a German Shepherd is almost always a welcome, planned event. To get a strong offspring and maintain the health of the bitch, she is provided with proper care. It is important to know how long a pregnant dog walks: the German Shepherd is a multiparous breed, and many owners even try to take time off to be present at the birth and then help take care of the newborns.

At what age are German Shepherds mated?

The German Shepherd reaches sexual maturity at 6-10 months, when it begins its first heat. At the same time, the dog continues to grow and develop. The ideal age for the first mating is 18-22 months, which falls on the third heat.

Transferring it to an earlier date threatens a lot of problems - disturbances in the development of the genital organs, complications with the spine and physique, few offspring and early aging of the dog.

The latest date for breeding a bitch is 4 years. At an older age, her hip joints lose extensibility and flexibility, metabolic processes are disrupted and excess weight is gained.

Under the strict supervision of the breeder, mating of a healthy dog ​​is possible up to the age of 10 years, provided that time is allowed for recovery.

Preparing for mating

The first mating of a German Shepherd is allowed only after the end of the third sexual cycle (that is, in the third year of the dog’s life or at the end of the second year). Since at an earlier age the dog’s body is not ready to endure the heavy loads associated with bearing and feeding puppies. To make it easier to calculate the time of ovulation in a bitch (and it lasts only two days), the owner needs to keep a special notebook in which the beginning and end of each active estrus cycle will be recorded, starting with the first.

For mating, it is the owner of the bitch who is looking for a male. It is very important that a pair of shepherd dogs does not differ in breed level and does not have close family ties. Most often, in these cases, the puppies are born, but have some congenital diseases, which is why the mother simply abandons them or tries to strangle them.

A month before the planned fertilization action, it is imperative to clean the dog that is to give birth from worms and skin parasites. If this is not done, then all the toxins will fall heavily on the puppies in the womb, during their formation, which can lead not only to the death of the babies, but also negatively affect the health of the adult dog. Deworming during pregnancy is strictly prohibited.

Diagnostics: how to know if a dog is pregnant

To determine whether a German Shepherd is pregnant, the results of various studies are used. They allow you to obtain information about the condition of the dog and its offspring at different times. Among the main methods:

  1. Palpation (palpation) - carried out on days 21-28 after mating, dilation of the uterine horns is detected in a pregnant bitch, fetuses are palpated in the last two weeks.
  2. X-ray examination - possible no earlier than 40-45 days, you can determine the number of fetuses or differentiate a true pregnancy from a false one.
  3. Ultrasound examination is the most accurate, informative and harmless method, carried out on days 25-30 of pregnancy.


If you realize that your German Shepherd is pregnant as soon as possible, the owners should contact a veterinary clinic. Starting from 4 weeks, you can determine pregnancy using ultrasound diagnostics, and an experienced specialist can perform ultrasound as early as 21 days.

The veterinarian will establish the fact of pregnancy and assess the condition of the fetuses, but you should not demand to name the exact number of cubs: the probability of error is too high. To find out the number of puppies, an X-ray of the abdominal cavity is taken at 48-50 days.

An ultrasound is necessary if the dog’s condition suddenly worsens - vomiting or refusal to eat, depression. The examination will help ensure that the fruits are alive. In case of frozen pregnancy or fetal hypoxia, urgent medical intervention is necessary.

Signs of pregnancy in a German Shepherd

You can find out whether a German Shepherd is carrying puppies or not by looking at its external signs. They become obvious in the second half of pregnancy, but even at the beginning of pregnancy, an attentive owner may notice changes in the behavior of the bitch. Sometimes she looks lethargic, tired, apathetic, caresses and demands more attention.

By the beginning of the second month, the mammary glands enlarge and rapid weight gain occurs. In the ninth week, the stomach drops, colostrum and vaginal discharge appear in the chest. Milk for German bitches who have given birth comes a week before giving birth, for first-time mothers - just before whelping.

Pregnancy by day

A German Shepherd's pregnancy lasts only 59-65 days, but while she is carrying her puppies, many changes occur:

1-2Mating of German bitches, ovulation
3Control mating, movement of sperm through the fallopian tubes
4-5Fertilization, zygote formation
5-11Division of zygotes, formation of embryos, their movement through the fallopian tubes to the uterus
12-14Introduction of embryos into the uterus, growth of the placenta
15-16The embryos are 1 mm in size and internal organs begin to form.
17-18Formation of the head, neural tube, spine
18-20Germ size – 4 mm
21-22The heart begins to form, the size of the fruit is 5 mm
23-25Embryos are up to 1.5 cm long, ears, noses, mouths, eyes appear
26-30Bones of the skull and skeleton grow
30-31Mustaches grow on faces
32The weight of the fetuses is 20% of the weight of newborn puppies
33-35Increased growth of limbs, size – up to 3.8 cm
36-40Hair begins to grow, primary sexual characteristics are formed
44-47The German Shepherd has a clearly visible belly and hair falls out near the nipples
48-50The dog constantly licks the nipples, the size of the fetuses is 75% of the size of newborns
53-58Colostrum is released from the nipples. Puppies up to 16 cm long

Pregnancy by week

The gestation period for German bitches is the same as for other dogs. From month to month, while they are walking, their character, behavior, and physical condition change:

FirstLethargy in the morning, possible pink discharge on the labia. It is impossible to worm a German Shepherd
SecondThe dog must be protected from contact with stray animals, at this point it is susceptible to infectious diseases
ThirdThe bitch needs vitamins with calcium and phosphorus, she is fed vegetables high in folic acid, and increases the amount of cottage cheese, fish, meat and eggs.
FourthThe belly and mammary glands are growing. The German Shepherd is not physically stressed
FifthThe female quickly gains weight, the number of feedings per day is increased to three
SixthAppetite grows, feed as much as the dog wants, walk at will
SeventhThe shepherd is preparing for childbirth - making a “nest”. Add more foods high in calcium to your diet
Eighth-ninthThe dog sleeps a lot, colostrum is secreted from the mammary glands, the puppies are already moving. Childbirth is coming

Pregnancy by month

The entire pregnancy is conventionally divided into several periods:

FirstEmbryonicFertilization, embryo formation
PrenatalEmbryo growth from 0.5 cm to 2 cm, skull formation
SecondFetalThe dog’s weight is growing, the organs and systems of the fetus are being formed, the bitch is preparing for childbirth

The most important thing you need to know about pregnancy

  • Pregnancy and childbirth are a huge burden on the animal’s body and during this period many chronic diseases can worsen, especially if the bitch is not young (5-6 years old) and is mated for the first time. So the concept of “tying for health” is nothing more than stupidity.
  • Admission to breeding in the FCI system for dogs of the German Shepherd breed is from 18 months. In breed clubs in Germany, females are allowed to breed from 20 months, males - from 24 months. By this age, animals reach both physical and physiological maturity.
  • The duration of pregnancy depends on many factors (breed, number of fetuses, age of the bitch, feeding and maintenance conditions, duration of the period from mating to ovulation, etc.) and ranges from 57 to 72 days.
  • Puppies born before day 57 are usually not viable. If the bitch is over-pacing, this is a reason to contact a veterinarian, since delaying birth until 70-72 days threatens the death of the puppies in the bitch’s genital tract.
  • During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur throughout the bitch's body, the need for energy increases approximately fourfold, and the calcium balance changes. The amount of calcium in the mother's blood decreases significantly; first it accumulates in the placenta and in the organs of the embryo, and then goes in large quantities to build fetuses.
  • During the first month of pregnancy, fetuses grow very slowly. It is difficult to determine pregnancy at this time. Active growth begins when the formation of all organ systems has occurred and the embryo is already a miniature model of the future adult organism; it is now called a fetus. From this moment active growth begins.
  • After seven weeks, the fruits can be gently felt, and from the eighth week, their heartbeat can be heard. A few days before giving birth, you can feel the fetus moving if you place your palm on the bitch's belly. The movement can even be seen when the dog is lying on its side.
  • During pregnancy, the dog is given only high-quality homemade or commercially prepared food.
  • The need for food in a bitch in the first half of pregnancy is the same as in a non-pregnant one, and in the second half it increases by 25-50%.
  • It is advisable to give a pregnant bitch vitamin and mineral supplements, brewer's yeast, vegetables, fruits, and, in limited quantities, chicken eggs and liver.

Signs that indicate a false pregnancy

False pregnancy in a German Shepherd is a pathological consequence of a psychophysiological abnormality or the result of an unsuccessful mating. The body of a non-whelping dog produces hormones that should only be produced during actual pregnancy.

The main symptoms of deceit include:

  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • the appearance of colostrum in the breast, and later milk;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • toxicosis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • slight increase in abdominal volume;
  • pseudo-contractions.

Treatment involves taking homeopathic remedies aimed at normalizing hormonal levels, restoring the cycle and neutralizing pathological symptoms.

Practical advice

To get started, we recommend you watch an excellent educational video from National Geographics about pregnancy in dogs, genes, different breeds and much more. Excellent translation, useful information and many clear examples!

Now let's move on to our tips.

Feeding a pregnant dog

We have mentioned the need for a properly balanced diet more than once. If your pet is accustomed to ready-made food, the veterinarian will tell you when to switch to a line for pregnant women and help you choose the right brand.

If the expectant mother prefers natural food, then the menu for the puppy is compiled individually. But it must contain the following products:

  • homemade yoghurts with natural pharmaceutical starters (bifidumbacterin, narine);
  • meat products rich in collagen and minerals (cartilage, tendons, sea fish);
  • ready-made fermented milk products (kefir, acidophilus, cottage cheese);
  • fresh vegetables and herbs (nettle leaf, raspberry);
  • sources of animal protein (beef liver and chicken eggs);
  • In the second half of pregnancy, it is advisable to introduce vitamin and mineral supplements.

Help with toxicosis

The nature of the occurrence of toxicosis in dogs is almost not studied. A bitch's refusal to eat due to nausea can cause irreparable harm to the health of future puppies. To avoid this, use our tips:

  • long slow walks help build up an appetite;
  • It is better to feed the bitch a little at a time, as often as possible;
  • in especially severe cases, dry food is soaked in water, rolled into balls and given in tiny portions, like medicine, to the root of the tongue;
  • Dried apricots help relieve nausea, but it is important not to overdo it, this dried fruit is very weak;
  • Along with vitamin and mineral complexes, it produces energy paste for pregnant dogs. It will not allow the body to starve until the symptoms of toxicosis subside;
  • After mandatory consultation with a specialist, you can start taking veterinary prebiotics for pregnant bitches (for example, Eniferm).

Keeping a pregnant dog

While the German Shepherd is pregnant, she is provided with careful care and maintenance. In the first month, food and physical activity are not limited. Make sure that the dog does not come into contact with stray animals, does not lie on a cold floor or wet grass, since during this period it is vulnerable and susceptible to infectious diseases. They regularly carry out hygiene procedures, care for the coat, walk, bathe and feed.


The puppy's diet is changed after 35 days. If she was given industrial food, select special food for pregnant women, lactating women or for puppies. If the food consisted of natural products, their volume is increased by half and the bitch is transferred to three feedings a day. Add cottage cheese, kefir, carrots, apples, veal, buckwheat, rice and quail eggs to the diet. Your veterinarian will be able to select the required vitamin supplement. It should include calcium, phosphorus and vitamins C, D, E.

Walking outside

Despite the fact that the bitch is bearing offspring, active training with her must be continued until the third week of pregnancy. Even if the female is stubborn and capricious due to hormonal imbalances, the load is not reduced. From the fourth week, they walk the dog after each feeding. Walks last 30-50 minutes, with a gradual decrease in the intensity of exercise.


Hygiene procedures for a German Shepherd should be carried out in the usual manner for it. Swimming is acceptable in the second half of pregnancy, but with precautions. Use warm water and dry the hair thoroughly after the procedure. Immediately before giving birth, hairs near the nipples and vagina are cut off in long-haired species.

How newborn shepherd dogs behave in the first two weeks

You will need to carefully observe the behavior of newborns, weigh them daily and record the results in a special journal. At the same time, you will be able to identify the most promising babies from the litter.

In the first week, babies suckle their mother about twelve times a day, later - about eight, and at the final stage - four times. At first, the mother stimulates their physiological functions by licking the babies and eating excrement. Then the pets begin to eat solid food little by little, and the mother stops doing this - keep in mind that from now on you will have to take care of the cleanliness of the maternity box where the bitch and her offspring live.

If you see that the mother does not particularly care for the babies, you will need to massage their bellies - a cotton swab dipped in sunflower oil is suitable for this.

When the offspring are five days old, the owners should start changing the litter in the box every day - it is important to control its quality attachment to the corners. This is necessary so that the fabric does not bunch up - this can lead to the fact that the babies will not be able to breathe and they will suffocate.

On the seventh day, trim the little claws on the front paws - they can scratch their mother with overgrown claws while eating. If she still has wounds, lubricate them with synthomycin liniment.

The mother's nipples may suffer from intensive feeding - they become covered with cracks. In this case, wash them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, rosehip or sea buckthorn oil - while making sure that she does not lick it off herself.

What are the signs that indicate an impending birth?

By watching your German Shepherd as a puppy, you can notice the signs of labor in time and prepare for them. Among the main symptoms:

  • sagging abdomen;
  • stopping the puppies from moving;
  • change in nipple color and swelling;
  • colostrum secretion;
  • drop in body temperature;
  • vomiting or diarrhea;
  • increased heart rate;
  • removal of the plug;
  • first, not very frequent contractions in the form of uterine contractions;
  • discharge of amniotic fluid.

Possible difficulties

The birth process can cause a bitch to go into shock; firstborns are especially prone to it. The animal is noticeably nervous and moves around the room chaotically and senselessly. The dog's body and limbs are cramped. She is shaking as if from cold. Saliva begins to drip from the mouth, and breathing quickens.

These signs are characteristic of titania - postpartum shock. In this state, the shepherd does not control its behavior and is capable of harming the cubs, even biting and eating them.

The owners should not lose sight of the woman in labor; it is necessary to closely monitor her during the first 24 hours. If dangerous symptoms appear, the new mother is isolated from the offspring. They try to calm and warm the dog. If the animal cannot be brought back to normal, it should be shown to a veterinarian.

Preparing a place for a dog to give birth

To give birth at home, you need to carefully prepare. For obstetrics you will need:

  • sterile napkins, diapers and oilcloth;
  • tweezers, scissors;
  • thread for tying the umbilical cord and colored thread to mark the puppies;
  • thermometer;
  • syringes, cotton wool, disinfectants;
  • puppy box;
  • warmer;
  • notepad and pen.

The room where the bitch will give birth should be warm (+28 ⁰C), without drafts. The dog is comfortable in a large box or playpen. The floor is covered with diapers, which will be changed periodically. A separate box is prepared for puppies, the bottom is covered with sterile bedding.

False pupishness

It happens that in the fifth week after estrus, a dog’s behavior changes. This can happen in two months. If there was no mating, it means there is a hormonal imbalance.

If mating was carried out, then the reason for this behavior may be the death of the fetuses for up to 4 weeks.

Some females have a predisposition to the occurrence of this condition, and they are able to feed other people's cubs.

How do Germans give birth?

Childbirth begins with contractions, during which the cervix dilates. A pregnant dog begins to strain, causing the fetus to move down the birth canal. Each puppy takes between 2 and 10 minutes to be born. By breaking the bubble and licking the baby, the mother stimulates breathing and blood circulation. Between the appearance of puppies it can take from 5 minutes to an hour and a half. The duration of labor depends on the number of babies. On average, they end in 6-12 hours. In experienced females the process goes quickly, young ones require observation and help.

Some intimate details

While a male dog is ready to make puppies all year round, things are different for a female dog. She will agree to a fruitful date only during a certain period of estrus, which is called estus (hunting) and lasts on average a week. During heat, the female is ready to conceive, and ovulation (the release of eggs from the ovaries into the oviducts) occurs every few hours. Mating is considered successful if it ends in gluing (a lock caused by a spasm of the vaginal muscles). It is in the castle that the likelihood of conception is highest. At the end of the process, it is better to lay the bitch on her side or let her stand on her front legs, slightly raising her hind legs (10-15 minutes). The next day the knitting can be repeated.

Useful tips from a dog handler

  • Contrary to popular belief, preparing your pet for a future pregnancy should begin in advance . It is important to take care not only of choosing a suitable gentleman, but also of improving the physical fitness of the bitch. A month to a month and a half before the onset of estrus, increase the load and duration of walks. Then this will help the tailed mother avoid obesity and make childbirth easier.
  • A week before mating, the four-legged lady is transferred to a light diet rich in vitamins (grated carrots, egg yolk, seaweed, vegetable fats).
  • Even if you are confident in the health of the dog, 14 days before the planned meeting with the groom, you need to carry out antiparasitic treatment.
  • You cannot bathe a shaggy girl before mating ; you will have to limit yourself to dry cleaning. Be patient, when the last mating is over, you will take your soul away.

Help for newborn puppies

German Shepherds are large dogs, so birth complications are rare for them. It happens that the fetus does not pass. It is necessary to grasp the puppy with a sterile napkin and gently sip in the rhythm of contractions.

Sometimes the mother does not free the puppies from the bubbles, then the owner does it himself, then cuts the umbilical cord at a distance of 2 cm from the stomach. It is worth shaking the baby and rubbing it lightly if he does not show signs of life.

The dog may behave restlessly after giving birth, constantly jumps up, walks, leaves the puppies alone, has rapid breathing, profuse drooling, and paw cramps. You need to seek help from a veterinarian. Valocordin and a warm heating pad can help.

Germinal period

If your German Shepherd is in the fetal stage of pregnancy, it can be very difficult to understand. The dog behaves almost the same as always. This period includes the first and second weeks of pregnancy.

First week

In the first week after conception, the sperm of a male dog still retains its activity and tries to enter the egg in order to fertilize it. After successful fertilization, embryonic rudiments are formed.

Second week

At this time, the embryos begin to attach to the walls of the uterus. However, in size they are very small and almost undeveloped.

Possible complications during and after childbirth

With a weakened immune system and an unstable psycho-emotional state, a German Shepherd may develop pathologies at different stages of pregnancy and after birth:

  1. Stopping the development of embryos in the third or fourth week due to stress or trauma.
  2. Miscarriage due to brucellosis.
  3. Frozen pregnancy due to poisoning or poor-quality food.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy as a result of hormonal imbalances, disorders of the reproductive and endocrine systems.
  5. Mastitis is inflammation of the mammary glands.
  6. Rupture of the loop, formation of microcracks, their suppuration after mating, if the male was significantly larger than the female.
  7. Sexual infections as a result of uncontrolled mating.

Childbirth for the first time

Primiparous females may be frightened by contractions and, due to confusion and painful shock, not be interested in newborns. In this case, the owner will need to receive the newborn and independently free the puppy from the membrane, vigorously wipe it with clean gauze, simulating the licking process, and free the respiratory openings from amniotic fluid by slightly shaking the baby.

Then cut the umbilical cord and place the newborn's muzzle on the nipple.

In particularly serious situations, due to birth stress, the dog may lack maternal instinct, and it is released carelessly from the umbilical cord and may try to eat the puppy or crush it. In this case, it is necessary to immediately separate the newborns from the bitch, feed them with goat’s milk from a pipette, and if the mother in labor does not show interest in them after a few hours, find a litter nurse, and show the mother in labor to a veterinarian to determine the cause of behavioral abnormalities.

Also, during the first birth, young females may experience difficulty passing the fetus through the birth canal. The reason is most often weak labor attempts or the baby being too large during a low pregnancy. In this case, the owner needs to carefully hold the fetus in the birth canal, treat the space around with sterile Vaseline and, with subsequent contraction of the peritoneum, carefully pull out the newborn.

Caring for a shepherd dog and puppies after birth

A caring mother will do everything to ensure that her offspring grow up healthy, and the owner is required to create conditions that can ensure the full growth and development of puppies. To do this you need:

  1. Change the litter regularly.
  2. Ensure a comfortable temperature in the area where the dog and puppies are located.
  3. Transfer babies who do not have enough breast milk to artificial feeding.
  4. Trim the nails regularly to avoid injuring the abdomen.
  5. Eliminate all sources of injury around the nest.
  6. Start complementary feeding at two weeks.

Important care points

  • Even after reducing activity, the dog should not be allowed to lie dormant. Let your walks become shorter but more frequent.
  • For voyages, choose quiet, calm places.
  • Provide the necessary hygienic care : sometimes, due to the increase in the volume of the abdomen, the bitch cannot lick the loop and crotch area, so they need to be treated with a clean, damp towel and gently wiped dry.
  • It is not recommended to bathe a dog after 4 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Do not use any medications! The decision about the need for drug treatment should be made by a veterinarian!
  • After 7 weeks, the bitch may refuse to go far from home. Listen to her!
  • lift a puppy dog ​​only under the chest and pelvis, and lower it to the ground carefully, on all four paws at once.

We hope our tips will be useful and will help you get through this important period of your dog’s pregnancy with minimal losses.

How long do pregnant animals walk?

In different species of mammals, the duration of pregnancy can vary from several days to several years. For example, pregnancy in elephants lasts about two years, and in long-nosed bandicoots and the common opossum - 12-13 days.

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