Dog food "Organix": composition, photos, reviews from customers and veterinarians

Every owner who cares about the health of his four-legged friend has at least once wondered what food will be the healthiest. Some people are of the opinion that food should be exclusively natural. Others, on the contrary, buy ready-made dry food or canned food. Of course, everyone has the right to their opinion. Today we’ll look at the pros and cons of Organics dog food.


The supplier to the market is the Russian representative “Pet-Product”. Their specialty was the production of good quality pet products. The products produced are classified as premium dry food. According to the manufacturer, the following points are excluded during production:

  • Use of food waste.
  • Adding dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives to the composition, which can have a detrimental effect on the health of your pet.
  • Organix dog food does not contain GMOs or other harmful elements.

Too good to be true? But the manufacturer assures that the production of the food is controlled by nutritionists, veterinarians and even scientists. That is why the certified product has been sold in European countries for the past 10 years. Organics dog food can be found in specialty stores on premium shelves.

Negative reviews


Trying Organics food for the first time. Disappointed. The croquettes are very dry (but I expected this, because I read about it) and brittle. I opened the bag and it felt like I had bought some kind of waste. Half of the croquettes in the bag are broken. I tasted it. Yes, there is a taste of offal, but it is rather weak; apparently there are few meat ingredients in the food. My dogs eat everything, they don’t really choose, but one clearly eats this food without much joy. I'll eat a bag, but I'm unlikely to order it again.

The photograph is not a direct representation of the reviews presented in the review.

Onatsky Anton

Siberian Husky breed. About a month after we switched to this food, the allergy appeared again and the hair began to fall out. It may not suit the breed, or it may not suit the individual.

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We would love to hear feedback from veterinarians and customers about Organix food. When we receive product reviews, we will definitely post them in this section.


For all types of products without exception, ingredients are selected taking into account the following factors:

  • The age of your pet.
  • Lifestyle - how active he is during the day or, conversely, passive.
  • Dog's taste preferences.

There is a whole line of food on store shelves, each of which is suitable for your pet. Please consult your veterinarian before making your final choice.

It is noteworthy that the composition of Organix dog food differs from many analogues on the market. The manufacturer has excluded ingredients that are considered necessary for pets. Whether this is correct or not, and whether the food is suitable for your dog, is a reason to talk to your veterinarian. The modernization is explained by the fact that the excluded ingredients are strong allergens and can negatively affect the dog’s health. This applies to:

  • Dairy products - all, without exception.
  • Wheat.
  • Soy meat.
  • Offal.
  • Beef and pork.

The last point can be questioned, because it is most often recommended to feed beef to pets. The manufacturer responds to this that there are many other sources of protein that are better absorbed by the dog’s body. The origin of the meat is indicated on the packaging.

Main product classes

Regardless of whether the products are for small or large breeds, they are divided into the following categories:

  1. Economy class. Can't boast of quality. It's inexpensive. Second-class ingredients are used in production. Meat is replaced with meat and bone meal. High content of corn, soy and animal fat. Flavorings, preservatives and artificial additives are used. It is consumed in large quantities, since the energy value is minimal. The products can be found in any supermarket. There are advertisements on every corner. The average price is minimal due to the use of cheap components. Animals quickly consume it, as the taste is enhanced by calcium and sodium salts, as well as phosphorus.
  2. Premium class. High quality products are used for manufacturing. The list of ingredients includes poultry and fish. A large amount of rice and natural plant ingredients (potatoes, beets, carrots). Flavoring additives, dyes and vegetable proteins are present, but in small quantities. Consumption is economical. Digestibility is 75 percent. The energy value indicator is above 350 kcal/100 g.
  3. Super premium class (holistic). The quality of the products is excellent. Products are produced with lamb, duck, salmon, poultry and beef. In production, oat, barley and flax grains are used. Vitamin E is present as a stabilizer. The use of dyes is not provided. The percentage of digestibility is 83, which significantly reduces the volume of product consumption. Energy value is 450 kcal/100 g.
  4. Dietary. They differ in composition depending on the disease the dogs have. A set of microelements and nutrients is required. Veterinarians are also involved in the development of feed. Before hitting store shelves, products are tested for compliance. It is worth noting that dietary foods do not belong to the category of medicinal foods. They are not able to eliminate the disease. No medications are used. The combination of available ingredients allows you to reduce the load on the diseased organ, which promotes rapid recovery. This food is purchased only as prescribed by a veterinarian. It is not recommended to use this food on your own for your pet.

Which product is better to buy depends on many factors, including the financial condition of the owner. You should avoid selling feed in bulk. It is better to buy a large bag or control the pouring from it into the bag. However, it is worth considering that if the bag is opened, the food may become moldy, become damp and become unusable. Consumption of such a product will lead to upset of the animal’s digestive system and allergic reactions. If you don't want to spend money on a veterinarian, don't skimp on food.

Read the label carefully. There is a list of ingredients used. The one with the most content comes first. The sign "chicken and rice" doesn't mean anything. These components may not be present or may be present in minimal quantities. Read the composition. The next step is to find the barcode and determine the country of origin.

Decide on meat. There are several main options: beef, turkey, chicken. For an animal suffering from allergies, it is worth taking a closer look at products with lamb, salmon or bison meat. If you see the sign “offal”, don’t rush to admire the low price. Inside there may be heads, claws, feathers and paws of unknown birds.

Main ingredients:

  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • cereals;
  • corn gluten;
  • corn;
  • other components (egg or egg powder, herbs, vegetables, fruits, algae, yeast, chondroitin, glucosamine, probiotics, vitamins, minerals);
  • antioxidants and preservatives (herbal extracts, oils, vitamins C and E).

It is prohibited to purchase food in the production of which the following was used:

  • chocolate;
  • raisin:
  • grape;
  • corn cobs;
  • onion.

Independent assessment of product composition

Experts’ statements and their reviews will help us with this. Dog food "Organix", according to the breeders of the terrier and pug nursery "Little Prince", can be called balanced and complete, since it allows you to satisfy all the needs of the animal.

The mixture contains amino acids that are very necessary and important for the pet. In addition, the food includes flaxseed, which is necessary for a beautiful, shiny coat. In addition, the composition may contain beets and chicken liver. But most importantly, Organix dry dog ​​food is a source of high-quality protein and fatty acids.

Rating of high-quality premium grain-free dog food

Farmina N&D, grain-free, for sensitive digestion, lamb, with quinoa

These products fall into the category of popular lines designed for sensitive dogs. The composition contains only useful and well-tolerated components that cannot cause an allergic reaction in animals. Lamb food is one of the few products that dogs readily switch to. The composition is selected in such a way that it does not cause discomfort in the stomach area and can be used on a daily basis. It should also be noted that there are a number of auxiliary components that make the food as healthy and balanced as possible. Lamb meat and pea starch are a key source of protein. Helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The average price of a new product is 8,650 rubles.

Farmina N&D, grain-free, for sensitive digestion, lamb, with quinoa


  • balance;
  • the animal becomes cheerful and active;
  • joint protection;
  • absence of components that can cause allergies;
  • numerous positive reviews;
  • can be used on a regular basis.


  • high price, although justified.

Bosch Soft, buffalo with sweet potato

This food is intended for sensitive breeds. The product belongs to the semi-moist category, but bears little resemblance to ordinary canned food. It comes in the form of dry granules that are incredibly soft. The food has a rich taste due to the use of a rich formula. An excellent solution for the most picky pets. The texture of the treat is pleasant and soft, making the food easy to chew. The smell is pleasant, but not intrusive. Suitable for all breeds, without exception. Designed for both everyday use and training. Soft and tasty croquettes are suitable for animals suffering from sensitive digestion and problems associated with the oral cavity. It is digested faster than its analogues, and no strong fangs are required for gnawing.

How much does a large package cost? The purchase will cost 8566 rubles.

Bosch Soft, buffalo with sweet potato


  • humidity coefficient is 19%;
  • speed of absorption;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • soft and juicy croquettes;
  • suitable for sensitive digestive systems;
  • can be used for training.


  • The food turned out to be too tasty, which is fraught with rapid weight gain.

Nutram T26 lamb

This product is produced in Canada, which indicates high quality. Belongs to the natural category. It does not contain chicken or other allergens. This grain-free product is designed specifically for animals with sensitive digestive systems. Also, the manufacturer does not use additives or second-rate products that could cause an increase in acidity or slow down the digestive system. It contains a huge amount of pumpkin, apples, legumes, quinoa and lamb meat. A number of prebiotics are also used, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of housing and communal services and help remove toxins from the body.

A large package can be purchased at a price of RUB 8,276.

Nutram T26 lamb


  • hypoallergenic;
  • universal size granules;
  • quality holistic;
  • A complex approach;
  • value for money;
  • use of natural ingredients.


  • Not a wide selection of packaging.

Primordial for puppies chicken and fish

This holistic food is considered one of the most balanced foods on the market. Designed for small puppies. It is characterized by the presence of a significant amount of fish and meat in the composition. It comes in the form of granules that can be easily chewed with small sharp teeth. For one kilogram you will have to pay about 500 rubles. The price is affordable compared to the previously described analogues. Designed specifically for puppies, taking into account all the characteristics of a growing body. Can be used on a daily basis. The light pulp is responsible for improved digestion, which will appeal to the furry picky dog. The risk of diabetes is minimized, as is the appearance of excessive weight.

Average price – 7238 rub.

Primordial for puppies chicken and fish


  • low glycemic index;
  • pleasant taste and aroma;
  • 70% ingredients of animal origin are used;
  • intended for puppies;
  • natural composition;
  • soft pieces of the same size;
  • Excellent value for money and quality.


  • the packaging is not suitable for subsequent storage;
  • You can come across fakes on the shelves.

Feed line

Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to find the product in stores in our country, so most dog breeders cannot say anything about it. You have to rely only on the reviews of the owners of large nurseries who tried it on their charges:

  • For small breed dogs with chicken. There can be a lot of debate about the fact that this meat is a strong allergen, but if your pet digests it normally, then chicken in your case will be an excellent source of protein. The packages are different, the largest is 12 kg.
  • Diet for dogs of all breeds. Packed in 2.5 and 12 kg.
  • For large breed puppies. Packaging up to 18 kg.
  • For adult animals with chicken and rice or with rice and salmon.
  • There is a product for animals with sensitive digestion - Organix dog food with lamb or turkey meat.

Since many people are prejudiced against chicken (although not all animals suffer from poultry allergies), the lamb option is especially popular.

Conclusions about Organix food

Reviews of Organix dog food are mostly left by satisfied customers who are satisfied not only with the low price, but also with the good quality of the product. The cost of food is really low - many super-premium brands with a similar composition (and even worse) cost the same.

Organix Dutch food is the best option for dog breeders who do not want to poison their pets with low-quality food, but also do not have the opportunity to buy expensive food. The average price of a small 2-kilogram bag ranges from 490 to 700 rubles, and a large 18-kilogram bag ranges from 2,600 to 3,200 rubles.

Wet canned food

As for canned products, there is plenty to go around here. It has a pronounced taste of the meat that was used in it. This line has the following features:

  • The composition of Organics dog food undergoes the most stringent tests. For this purpose, the staff includes specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and nutrition. On the packaging, the buyer can find comprehensive information about what is inside, the amount of vitamins, minerals and other additives.
  • Canned food for puppies is presented in a wide range: beef, poultry, lamb, heart. Additionally there is cold cuts.
  • Mixes of beef with liver, tripe, lamb, heart, quail egg.

Of course, their prices are steep, but occasionally it’s quite possible to pamper your furry friend.

For anyone and everyone

A rich assortment allows you to choose food for any pet. True, the line does not contain specialized products for veterinary diets and there is no division into breeds, but this is rather a wish for manufacturers for the future, and not a negative. It remains to analyze in detail the composition and amount of nutrients stated on the packaging. To do this, take food made from lamb meat.

Studying the packaging

Experienced dog breeders know well that their pets should eat meat. If on the package you see wheat or soy in the first place, then it is best to refuse the purchase. Reviews of Organix dog food are mostly positive, which gives us hope. So, what can the composition tell us:

  • Dehydrated lamb is a good sign; the food is indeed a source of quality protein.
  • Whole rice. Provides the dog's body with carbohydrates and charges it with energy.
  • Barley kernels.
  • Bone flour.

After the main component there are auxiliary and essential nutrients: flax seed, chicken fat, liver, yeast, hydrolyzed cartilage. The impressive list is completed by crustacean hydrolysate, L-carnitine, lecithin, FOS and, finally, taurine. In addition to meat and healthy supplements, your pet will receive a fairly powerful stimulant and an amino acid that is used in sports nutrition.

Reviews from dog breeders about Organix food

Natalia. My dog, a rare breed of Hungarian Vizsla, has been suffering from atopic dermatitis for several years. Since during this time we tried a bunch of different foods, from the most expensive to the cheapest, I realized that for a normal life for an atopic dog, she needs food with a low protein content.

Dogs happily eat both Organix dry food and canned food.

For us this figure is no more than 22%. Otherwise, we become covered in blisters, which we begin to actively scratch. After a while, I came across reviews on the Internet about Organix food, which gave me hope. I bought a 2-kilogram pack of this food to try and did not regret it. Its price is affordable, the composition is very good. The dog ate with great appetite, there were no negative reactions to the food. We have been eating a diet with turkey for a month now: the coat is in good condition, the dog is gaining weight as needed, the output is small and well-formed, the eyes are not running, there is no terrible smell from the mouth. And most importantly, there are no blisters and the dog does not itch. We'll finish this bag and will definitely order more.

Catherine. When I saw Organix canned food on store shelves, I immediately fell in love with its packaging. These white and green tones look very natural and inspire confidence. After reading the composition, I was satisfied. My American Cocker Spaniel dog devoured canned food with such pleasure. The aroma and consistency of the food are very attractive; after eating, the dog licked the entire bowl until it was shiny. There were no digestive disorders, the pet was absolutely healthy. We have already tried so many flavors, but we prefer higher-fat canned veal or beef. These canned foods are quite inexpensive; one 400 gram can costs about 64 rubles. I advise everyone.

Doctors' opinion

First of all, we are interested in reviews from veterinarians. Organics dog food is presented as one of the best. But, judging by the composition, it does not reach either the holistic class or the super-premium class. There is one more drawback - the manufacturer does not indicate the percentage of components. You can only guess about the proportions.

The manufacturer describes the substance content as follows:

  • Protein - 23%.
  • Fats - 10%
  • Fiber, phosphorus, calcium - approximately 2% each.
  • Humidity - 10%.

Do you agree that the numbers are not very impressive? Even with a big stretch, this dog food cannot be classified as elite, since these indicators are the lower limit of the norm for a dog’s nutrition. That is why the fact that the pet does not eat enough often appears in reviews. Dry dog ​​food "Organix" cannot be called bad, but still a regular portion will not cover the energy expenditure of an active animal.


Veterinarians and specialists in the field of healthy dog ​​nutrition evaluate food based on the content of three necessary components:

  • Lamb meat and fish meal are indicated as protein sources. Liver hydrolysate has been added, but it is almost at the end of the list, which means that the amount of it in the composition is most likely small. Dry lamb meat is easily digestible, it is hypoallergenic, so the component becomes desirable in any dry food. Fishmeal is valued for its fatty acids.
  • The source of lipids is chicken fat. This is an excellent product that is absorbed almost completely. In addition, it has a pleasant smell, so the manufacturer does not need to add flavorings.
  • Carbohydrates. Despite the fact that their percentage in the composition is not indicated, you can calculate it yourself. Based on their stated figures, it turns out to be at least 45%. Sources are rice and barley. That's a lot. They are practically not absorbed in the animal's body. Moreover, in large quantities they can cause digestive upset. They are considered to be a cheap filler, which is needed primarily to increase the weight of feed.

Pros and cons of Organix food

Benefits of Organix nutrition include:

  • presence of real meat;
  • absence of all kinds of synthetic additives: preservatives, flavor enhancers, flavors and GMOs;
  • abundance of vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements;
  • the presence in the food line of both dry food and canned food;
  • relatively low cost compared to similar super-premium brands.

The disadvantages of the food include:

  • the food is not widely available, but can always be purchased through the online store;
  • The percentage of ingredients is not indicated.

Additional components

Beet pulp, flaxseed, chicken liver, L-carnitine, prebiotics, taurine - there is nothing outright harmful or dangerous to the life or health of your pet. But on the other hand, the food contains no fruits, vegetables and herbs, the meat content is low, and there are too many grains. Reviews of Organix dry dog ​​food are either positive or neutral. Many note that they tried to introduce it into the diet as an alternative to an expensive product, but the dog simply did not get enough of it, they had to supplement the pet, and this is harmful.

Owners have several options: purchase more expensive and nutritious food or give the pet a larger portion. There are a small number of negative reviews, but they are most likely associated with individual intolerance to the components. Otherwise, the food can be called quite good and worthy of attention.

Where to buy, price overview

"Dilly" food for dogs and puppies: composition of dry diet

Most reviews of pet products are positive, with many buyers noting their affordable prices. You can purchase the product from local or online pet stores. One of the most popular is Ozon. Prices for Organix food:

  • dry food (2.5 kg) - 480-600 rubles;
  • dry food (12 kg) - 1930-2300 rubles;
  • dry food (18 kg) - 2560-3120 rubles;
  • canned food (100 g) - 35 rubles;
  • canned food (410 g) - 75 rubles;
  • canned food (850 g) - 135 rub.

Important! The final cost depends on the store, type of product and package size.

Buying High Quality Pet Products

Organix is ​​a healthy and nutritious product for dogs. It is recommended to use it as an additional food to the main diet. The composition includes substances and a vitamin-mineral complex that strengthen the protective functions of the animal’s body. Pets are happy to consume Organix, which is not cheap, but tasty. Before switching from one food to another, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

*Prices in the article are for February 2022.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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