Aviary for a dog: which is better, how to build, dimensions, diagrams, manufacturing

A dog feeder is simply necessary in cases where the owners go on vacation for a long time, and it is not possible to feed the pet every day. This feeder can be installed in an apartment or in the courtyard of a private house.
There are plastic dog feeders on sale. As a rule, they are vertical and horizontal containers, which are connected to each other by a plastic tube.

The cost of a factory feeder is not justifiably high, so many summer residents make their own dog feeders from cheaper materials. The operating principle of such feeders is simple.

Operating principle of the feeder

A bag of dry food is placed on top of the hole in the horizontal container. The feed fills the hopper and then pours into the lower vertical container through holes in the pipe. The dog gradually eats the food until the entire bag is empty.

A bag of feed weighing 20 kg is enough for about two weeks. After which it will be necessary to replace it.

The amount of food consumed depends on the breed and age of the dog. Monitor your pet and calculate the required amount of food during your absence.

You can make such a feeder yourself. During production, they do not use the sides and barriers that are found in factory feeders, since dogs do not scoop out food with their paws like other animals.

If desired, you can install a valve with a timer in the feeder so that the dog consumes food strictly at a certain time. This will help you maintain your eating schedule.

In addition, an electronic timer will save feed. It can be set for a specific period of time. Let's say in 30 seconds. The feeder will be filled with a single portion of food.

Smart automatic pet feeder based on Arduino – STEP 1

In this series of articles I will talk about my experience in assembling a “smart” automatic system for feeding a pet, in my case a cat.
I would like to immediately note that in the first step we will only talk about the “automatic” feeder, and it will become “smart” in the following stages (if you’re lucky, everything goes according to plan).

So, let's start with the concept and goals:

  1. Make a system that will free me from the obligation to feed the cat dry food (step 1)
  2. Equip the system with a weight sensor under the bowl and feed according to the scale readings: if the bowl is empty, add more, otherwise wait until the bowl is empty (step 2)
  3. Add a Wi-Fi module and a video camera to the system to transfer photos with your favorite cat, and also provide control of feeding remotely. In addition, collect data on how much the cat ate and build analytics (step 3)

The first step does not require a large number of sensors and manipulators, one servo motor is enough (for example, Micro Servo Towerpro SG90 9 g), so all control occurs from the ArdruinoUno board, which is ideal for tasks of this kind.

Feeding systems one way or another contain a container containing dry food and a rotating mechanism that dispenses its quantity. Having studied the experience of other “inventors”, I would highlight three main mechanisms:

    The container and system itself are used from a muesli dispenser (probably seen in hotels). A rod with blades is installed at the bottom of the container neck. The axis of the rod lies along the plane of the neck. A motor is attached to it, which rotates the blade by one division once in a given period of time.

This mechanism looks quite neat, it is easy to assemble (in fact, almost nothing needs to be assembled), but, alas, it is very expensive.
But here it comes down to taste and color. Another option is, on the contrary, the structure is made by hand from acrylic, and the rotating dispenser is made from CDs. It’s quite clear how to make such a feeder in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_ezRywtVg4&t=20s. If you have acrylic on hand, a cutter for it, and, in principle, have some experience in assembling this kind of thing, then this is a fairly budget option. But not for people like me - designing everything yourself, cutting it out and connecting it smoothly requires a different level of accuracy.

  • For the third option you will need: an ordinary jar that will play the role of a container, something from which you can cut a small sector (for example, the lid of some plastic IKEA box will do), and a couple of magnets for fastening the structure. We will analyze this option in more detail; it does not require an engineering education and a large amount of investment, in general, just what is needed.
  • All the materials I needed to assemble the feeder at the first stage:

  • Glass jar
  • ArduinoUno
  • MicroServo (I have an allowed rotation angle of 180, but this is not important)
  • piece of plastic
  • magnets
  • pins for connecting the board to the servo motor
  • USB charging at 5V

The logic of the mechanism is simple: a sector-type hole is made in the lid of the jar (the center of the lid is not cut out), the same sector is cut out of plastic. A servomotor is attached inside the lid, for example, with tape. First, a cover is placed on the engine axis, and a cut sector is placed on the outside. Thus, when the servomotor axis is rotated, the cut sector moves relative to the hole in the lid of the can.

You also need to remember to make a hole for the servo motor wire to come out to connect to the board. At step 1, feeding occurs according to a timer, my cat is not a glutton, so the opening of the sector occurs once a day for a short time, below is the code for Arduino:

To attach the can to the wall, I used these magnets, each 4 kg (I think it’s better to use more powerful ones). The magnets are simply attached to the can with glue, and to the wall with screws.

The board is attached to the can using Velcro; it is easy to remove and reattach. This kind of Velcro is sold in any hardware store and is used for fastening pictures.

Making a feeder

To make an automatic dog feeder you will need:

  • two water tanks with a volume of 20 l;
  • plastic pipe for sewerage with a diameter of 110 mm;
  • electronic timer and partition.

The bottom of one of the bottles is completely cut out. The second container is cut in half. The neck of both tanks is cut off. In a vertical container, in place of the neck, make a hole with a diameter of 100 mm so that the plastic pipe fits tightly to it.

A hole with a diameter of 110 mm is made in the second bottle and put on the pipe. Then a slot is made in the horizontal bottle so that the dog can stick its head into the feeder.

At this point, the manufacture of the feeder is completed, but you can still embed an electronic timer with a valve into the pipe.

Progress does not stand still and every day more and more accessories for animals appear on the market. The automatic feeder deserves special attention. In this article we will tell you what this device is and how to make it yourself.

Typical mistakes when building dog enclosures

The mistakes made when building dog enclosures with your own hands are almost always the same:

  1. The walls are strengthened with jibs, slats and other “frivolous” materials. As a result, even a medium-sized dog breaks through such a “fortification” with a running start.
  2. Designer “delicacies” with which dog breeders strive to decorate the enclosure for their pet. But you should remember that decor that a person likes will most likely only bother the dog. In addition, decorative elements (especially forged parts) can injure the animal - the dog can get its paw or head stuck in the iron “curls.”
  3. The enclosure is placed in such a way that the dog has no view. But these animals are extroverts by nature, and it is important for them to control the territory. But human concepts of comfort are completely alien to them.
  4. The location of the enclosure next to a flower bed, flower bed, or alpine hill. To a dog's nose, the floral scent is an unbearable stench. And ethylene and aldehydes released by flowering plants can seriously disrupt a dog’s “professional” sense of smell.


What are automatic feeders?

An automatic feeder is a structure that includes several containers and a mechanism that allows you to dispense food to the animal in portions.

Depending on the type of feeder, it contains containers of different sizes. Some of them are designed specifically for dry food, while others look like a bowl with a lid.

The power source for such devices is batteries. The cost of feeders depends on the degree of complexity of the program, the presence of a display and the pricing policy of the product manufacturer.

Features of the automatic drinker

Another important issue concerns drinking. In rotating bowls, this issue is resolved by installing another bowl, which should be deeper in size, since the volume of liquid consumed may vary depending on weather conditions, characteristics of the breed, activity of the animal and feeding habits. For example, a medium breed dog eating dry food can drink up to two liters of liquid per day.

By analogy with automatic feeders, there are the following devices for supplying animals with drink.

Mounted drinkers. Some of them are suitable for different types of polyethylene bottles, which has a number of practical properties. This preserves the purity of the water and the ability to select the desired container volume. They have cage mounts. This type of automatic drinker eliminates splashing of liquid on the sides, so the enclosure will be dry and clean.

Drinking from the automatic drinker does not evaporate over time. Insects and animal hair do not get into it.

This type of drinker is often used for keeping rodents. The only difference is the thicker nipple, which has a built-in ball valve of a correspondingly larger diameter. By licking it, the animal receives the required amount of liquid.

Drinking fountains. They were invented for animals that do not like to drink standing water. In this drinker, thanks to a small pump, the liquid constantly circulates, passing through a coarse filter, which traps food particles that fall into it, wool, dust and insects (relevant in the summer). These models have other nice features offered by various representatives. For example, a built-in carbon filter that maintains the freshness, quality and taste of your drink.

It has been noticed that with such drinking bowls animals consume a sufficient amount of liquid. Which, of course, has a beneficial effect on the dog’s health. Especially if the animal is fed industrially produced food.

Feeders for dogs in an enclosure can be different in shape, material and fastening. One example of a feeder is shown in the video below.

When deciding to build an enclosure for a dog, you should decide on a number of related issues. For example, it is important to find out what size the structure will be, what materials are more suitable for its construction, and whether to make a home or outdoor playpen.

It is necessary to properly design the enclosure, and also take into account the recommendations of experienced dog breeders. You need to find out the instructions for constructing the structure, as well as the method of self-assembly. Dog enclosures must be designed to meet a variety of requirements regarding location and design.

When may it be required

An automatic feeder is a unique find for owners, since with its help you don’t have to worry that your pet will remain hungry.

It will come in handy in the following cases:

  • you need to leave for a few days;
  • you may forget to feed your pet;
  • if necessary, give food to the dog in fractions, by the hour;
  • if the dog needs dosed medication over time.


There is no need to lay a permanent foundation for a dog enclosure. This is expensive and pointless, since the dog doesn’t care much about the fact that the floor underneath him is blown. And dogs are insensitive to ground movements. Most often, ready-made enclosures are installed on bricks or concrete blocks, or even lowered directly to the ground. But if the dog is large and strong, the supporting pillars of the structure are better to be buried and concreted.

Principle of operation

Most store-bought models have a special sensor, which is necessary to monitor the amount of food in the bowl. But with this mechanism, the container will be constantly replenished, and the animal may overeat.

This can be dangerous, especially if your pet has a big appetite and finds it difficult to stop. Therefore, automatic feeders with a built-in timer are more popular . Usually it is activated only a few times a day and gives the pet the necessary dose of food.

Automatic feeder with a built-in timer The owner can adjust the volume himself, since the amount of food depends on the size of the pet and the breed.

The main feature of this design is that the food will not spoil. All dog owners know that even dry food should not be stored outside the packaging, as it can dry out quickly. If you use automatic feeders, the food will remain fresh.

Operating rules

The automatic feeder is equipped with a food dispenser for adult dogs; in most cases, the device contains sensors that regulate the volume of food in the container. However, remember that the use of such a device is fraught with overeating: the animal does not know how to limit itself in food, so as soon as the bowl is replenished with food, it will again begin the next meal. This is why it is important that the device operates on a timer so that food is served at regular intervals. All you need to do is pour the dog food into the container and set the feeding frequency.

Which one to choose: popular models

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the models that are most popular among dog owners.

Tags: dog feeder, dog bowl, animal food place, pet feeder

Comments 48

I’m going to do everything to my German too, but I just can’t get around to it

Yes, my relatives got it, they say buy it or make it. So I did it in May. Although the operating time is 4-5 hours. Well, painting takes a day.

I did the same myself)) But according to your remark there is... The bowls are very far from each other. I also boiled it far at first, then redid it)

There is such a thing. But so far it’s stable. If necessary, I will make an option with the bowls placed close together.

and when she doesn’t eat bowls on the ground?

This is so that the dog has correct posture, + it’s more comfortable for him)

Very true, why pay more! I

So, of course. In our country, industrial production costs 1000 rubles, but here the material costs 80 rubles and two bowls cost 110 rubles, a total of 300 rubles - all the fun. )))

In general, I make a lot of dog equipment myself.

This is correct.

So, of course. In our country, industrial production costs 1000 rubles, but here the material costs 80 rubles and two bowls cost 110 rubles, a total of 300 rubles - all the fun. )))

Yes, the drive is no longer the same (((

Sorry if I asked something wrong. What is it for? I'm not a dog breeder, I don't have any animals at all, sometimes only cockroaches come in. What's wrong with putting a bowl on the floor?

The height of the food. It is more difficult to eat and drink from below.

How do large animals cope with this in nature? Or is it for the sick?

I think it's a matter of convenience. People will also be able to eat lying on the ground, but they prefer to eat at the table

Many Asian peoples eat on the floor, squatting, sometimes lying down, I think it’s a matter of habit. There is a practice of “breakfast in bed”. A person can express his thoughts about certain preferences, but a dog cannot. Those. It’s one thing if a dog has been eating off the counter all her life and then it’s taken away from her - but it’s not convenient, but it’s another thing if she’s been doing without any equipment all her life, the question arises: why does a goat need an accordion? If a dog gets used to eating from a bowl on the floor, then it will be so comfortable for the rest of its life. Just like a person who is used to eating while lying down. Let me note: I was not the first to draw an analogy between a man and a dog, I just continued the train of thought. Perhaps the anatomy of domestic dogs is such that they need bowls on stands? This is what I’m trying to find out, and the question of convenience turns into a question of habit.

You simply have no one to philosophize with... I was just making a guess about convenience. But a habit is a habit, so what’s there to argue about? I’m used to driving a manual, but it gives me the convenience of standing in a traffic jam with an automatic.

I'm trying to find an answer to a question. By the way, it’s not convenient for me to stand in a traffic jam with an automatic transmission or a manual one, traffic jams are not convenient for me at all.

  • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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How to make an automatic feeder with your own hands

The design of an automatic feeder is not that complicated, and if desired, you can make it yourself.

So, if you decide to make this device yourself, you will need:

  • 2 plastic containers with internal dividers and lids;
  • loop for a hinged lid;
  • thick film or transparent plastic for curtains;
  • distance sensor housing;
  • screws;
  • bolts;
  • handle from a 6-liter plastic bottle;
  • hot glue;
  • wires;
  • self-tapping screws;

Video: review of the automatic feeder with your own hands

  • Light-emitting diode;
  • servo;
  • limiting resistor;
  • orduin board;
  • straps for fastening.
  • element from a children's iron construction set.

We bring to your attention step-by-step instructions for making an automatic feeder.

  1. Cut a hole measuring 60 by 45 mm in a plastic container.
  2. Attach the cover using a loop and screws.
  3. From transparent plastic (film), cut out a rectangle slightly larger than the hole and attach it to the inside.
  4. Using an element from a children's iron construction set and screws, we attach the servo drive to the container.
  5. We make a lever from the handle of a six-liter plastic bottle and attach it to the hinged lid.
  6. Inside the container, we install a plastic plate at an angle of 45 degrees (the food will fall on it).
  7. Using the Orduin program, we create firmware for the board, enter settings (the desired feeding interval), and upload the program to the board.
  8. We attach the board to the case.
  9. We connect the LED using a wire (cathode to ground terminal, anode to pin 2).
  10. We install a limiting resistor on the LED.
  11. We connect the servo drive to the board: brown wire to ground, red to pin 5V and orange to pin D7.
  12. We make holes in the back wall of the container and thread straps through them, with which you can attach the feeder to the leg of a table or chair.

This completes the assembly of the automatic feeder.

Video: how to make an automatic dog feeder with your own hands

An automatic dog feeder is a very convenient design that owners who are often on the go should have. Thanks to it, your pet will always be fed and you won’t have to worry about its health.

When the dog is left alone at home, you should take care of its timely feeding. Modern accessories for pets are becoming more convenient and practical. An automatic dog feeder ensures constant feeding of the animal during the owner's absence for a long time.

Pet lovers constantly want to make their lives more comfortable. Pet accessory companies offer many options for feeding devices. As such a design, you can consider an automatic dog feeder. It is used according to a simple principle. Feed is poured into it only once every few days. This is quite convenient when a person is away from home for a long time.

Materials and construction

The best material for a dog enclosure is structural steel. An enclosure for a shepherd can be partially made of wood (see below), but it is highly advisable to make enclosures for such smart dogs as huskies, huskies, and fox terriers completely metal - wood can be chewed.

Stages of building a wooden enclosure for a dog

However, wood is more affordable than metal and easier to work with. This is especially true if it is not possible to connect welding or power tools at any time. How to build a wooden enclosure is simple, inexpensive and suitable for almost any dog, shown in Fig. higher:

  • Wood materials are impregnated twice with a water-polymer emulsion or once with silicone anti-rot impregnation.
  • The ends of the support pillars made of 150x150 timber that go into the ground are additionally impregnated with bitumen mastic.
  • The support pillars are concreted, pos. 1 in Fig., aligning vertically along a plumb line. The pillars need to be prepared with a margin of 10-15 cm in height, or more if the site is noticeably uneven. Installation pitch up to 1.5 m.
  • After the concrete has hardened, the upper ends of the pillars are cut horizontally to the required height, using a cord and a level. Don’t rush to throw the scraps into the stove, they will come in handy.
  • Pairs of pillars are connected by pairs of boards from 100x25, pos. 2.
  • The floor is laid over the resulting box beams, pos. 3 (tongue and groove boards from 150x30); see also below.
  • The bottom trim made of 100x100 timber, pos. 4 and 5. It is better to attach the lower harness from underneath.
  • Blind holes are drilled in the bottom trim beam for the grille bars. For a German Shepherd, the rods must be no less than 10x10 or a diameter of 12 mm from ordinary steel or from 8 mm if the rods are reinforced.
  • Place the bars of the grille, leaving an opening for the door, pos. 6. Installation step is 10 cm for large dogs and 5-7 cm for small ones.
  • The bars of the lattice are temporarily tied with soft wire to prevent them from becoming loose.
  • Prepare the bars for the top trim by drilling holes into them for the bars of the grill.
  • Mount the top trim. Its beams are attached to the supporting steel corners or plywood gussets.
  • Sheathing blank walls.
  • They put a partition inside and arrange a winter road, if necessary.
  • They make the roof (item 7) and carry out the remaining work, see below for more details.

Note: oil impregnations for wood, incl. waste motor oil can be used if the enclosure will be populated in a year. Then they build it in the spring - over the summer the light fractions of the impregnation will evaporate, and over the winter the heavy fractions will bituminize and lose their smell (they will fizzle out).

A steel enclosure is built in a similar way:

  1. Drawings of wall panels for a steel dog enclosure

    Instead of wooden pillars, corrugated pipes from 40x40x2.5 are concreted;

  2. A horizontal frame for the floor is welded from a corner of 40x40x2 at a height of 15-25 cm from the ground level;
  3. The floor is laid from boards the same as in the previous one. case. The boards are attached to the frame with metal screws. It is highly advisable to recess the heads of the screws and putty them;
  4. Beds are welded between the steel supports - panels covered with boards or lattice in frames made from 40x40 angles. For drawings of beds for a dog enclosure, see Fig. on right.
  5. The remaining work is being carried out, see below.

Floor or soil?

Purchased enclosures are often simply placed on the ground; The dog relieves its physiological needs on it. The floor of the enclosure needs to be cleaned of traces of its vital activity, but the dog is able to dig a hole in the ground and leave the enclosure. How can we be here?

Firstly, northern dogs dig the ground in exceptional cases. Their digging reflex is very weak, because... They have permafrost in their homeland. If a husky, husky or labrador is regularly walked or let out on patrol, you don’t have to be afraid of undermining from them. Secondly, at one time J. Darrell came up with a way to develop toilet skills in almost any mammal, even a wild African pig:

  • Prepare a small enamel vessel of suitable size for the dog’s latrine: a basin, a foot bath with a sealed drain, a large bowl.
  • When building an enclosure, away from the booth and feeder (see below), a cutout is made in the floor for installing a toilet bowl.
  • The cutout for the toilet is temporarily sewn up with plywood.
  • During the period of training to the enclosure, the dog is given the opportunity to relieve itself wherever it wants.
  • When it gets used to it, a pile of fresher droppings is taken for temporary storage.
  • The enclosure is being thoroughly cleaned.
  • They remove the plywood, put the toilet in place and fill it halfway with sand.
  • They put the saved lump of droppings in the toilet and let the dog into the enclosure.

This method works flawlessly: after all, animals mark their territory with urine and excrement. Now the dog will only go to the toilet in a big way. The sand in it is needed to satisfy the instinct to bury waste; it needs to be changed from time to time.

Note: kennel for burrowing dogs, e.g. fox terrier must have a floor.


Making a dog feeder in the enclosure rotating at floor level (on the left in the figure) in order to demonstrate your mechanical skills is a serious mistake. A funny thing provokes the animal to play with it, which is dangerous for the dog. The feeder should be made folding with the bottom edge approximately at the height of the lower edge of the dog’s chest, as on the right in Fig.

Feeders in dog enclosures


The roof of the dog enclosure must have a gap for ventilation. Walk in on a hot summer day with a gentle breeze from the yard onto the veranda. Is it stuffy there? Now imagine that you are covered in fur from head to toe. Let us repeat once again: heat and stuffiness are much more harmful for a dog than bitter cold.

As for what to lay the roof of the enclosure from, here is the basic rule: the roofing material should not resonate in the rain or wind. A dog's hearing is as sensitive as its sense of smell; Frequently repeated sharp sounds can damage it. The best materials for the roof of an enclosure are sound-absorbing: roofing felt, soft tiles. It’s easier to lay them on the sheathing.

Note: the scraps of timber from the construction of the wooden enclosure came in handy - they were used to create a ventilation gap under the roof. The sheathing is of the usual type, but it won’t hurt to insulate it. Not for the winter, but for the summer, so that the roof, heated by the sun, does not radiate heat downwards as much.


Cross members from the same rod must be welded to the grid of the enclosure made of rods with a vertical pitch of 1-1.3 m. Usually one cross member is placed at half the height of the rods. In an enclosure for a shepherd dog, it is better to install two crossbars, respectively. by reducing the installation step. The German Shepherd is not the champion of strength among its relatives; the Caucasian and Central Asian are stronger. But an adult male German Shepherd pushes apart 10x10 bars 1.5 m long.

Types of feeding products

Today, manufacturers of feeding devices produce many types of devices:

  • single elements - such bowls have a simple design;
  • double accessories – less popular, but more practical;
  • sippy cups - original devices that allow you to store water in a bowl;
  • travel bowls – easy to use on long trips;
  • automatic feeders.

The most popular devices are single containers. These dishes are very easy to wash and are quite cheap. Another advantage of such products is ease of use. Feeding itself is characterized by convenience for humans and comfort for dogs. Such dishes are often installed in an enclosure.

Double bowl

Compared to the previous product, double bowls are less popular. However, such designs are quite convenient for feeding pets. These dishes provide cost savings for the dog owner. In this case, you do not have to wash 2 devices. After finishing feeding your pet, you only need to wash one dish.

However, such designs are less comfortable for the animal. During feeding, a situation may arise that some of the food from one cup ends up in another. The result of such an incident may be a change in the taste of food. It is better to use such dishes in cases where the owner has several dogs at home. The structures are often installed in an enclosure.

Smart and independent dog feeders: the possibilities of new products

An automatic dog feeder is another indispensable accessory of the modern lifestyle, with its constant busyness, frantic pace, lack of free time or a reliable person who can be trusted to feed the pet. Feeding your beloved pet should be done on time; a hungry animal experiences stress, feels loneliness more acutely, and from here it is not far from illness. Even if advanced new products do not quite fit into financial calculations, a good owner can always make a simple device with his own hands.

Sloppy pets

If your dog is messy when eating food, or is large in size, it is better to choose a sippy cup. In such a container, water will be retained even if it is accidentally touched. Water enters the dishes from a large container through a membrane.

The sippy cup is used even when the animal has long ears or a beard. Such dishes have one important advantage - they can be used during a road trip.

Special travel bowls have a special design. Outwardly they look like a bottle. They have a special device through which the animal drinks water. On long trips, such a capacity comes in handy.

How to achieve optimal height?

As mentioned above, improvised means are often used to lift the bowl off the floor: feed buckets, stacks of old books, small chairs. All this does not solve one problem - pushing and knocking over bowls by active dogs. The best option is a special tripod with rings for metal bowls. He:

  • has the necessary stability,
  • prevents the bowl from being knocked over
  • allows precise height adjustment,
  • can be used from a very early age,
  • allows you to install two bowls at once: for food and water.

Automatic feeders

Automatic feeders vary in how they are used. Each of these devices has certain pros and cons. These should be taken into account when using feeders. There are several types of devices:

  • Among the most popular types of feeders is the bowl. A special container is attached to it in which the food is stored. When space is freed, food is added to the bowl automatically. The faster the animal eats the food, the sooner a new portion will fill the free space.
  • Such products do not cost much, and their design is simple. The disadvantage of a bowl is that the dog can eat everything very quickly. As a result, the food left at home will not be enough for the entire period the owner is away. In addition, the dog’s well-being will noticeably worsen. Therefore, it is worth monitoring how much food your pet eats.

  • Automatic feeders with a bowl can be equipped with 2 containers. One of them contains dry food. Canned food is in the second. An excellent option is to choose a feeder with a timer. The operation of such a product involves pouring food into a bowl after a certain time. Such designs are quite convenient. They are usually equipped with a display that displays all the necessary information. Using the display, you should set the most convenient food serving mode.
  • Some feeders are quite easy to use. They are usually equipped with many additional features. For example, the device may beep or make another sound while dispensing the next portion. When using the device, the dog will be able to independently approach the bowl at the right time.

If your pet is large, you should buy a dog feeder on a stand. This option is great for large breed dogs. Thanks to this, while eating, their neck does not get tired from constant tension. Modern products with an automation system are equipped with many functions. However, the dog owner should understand that with the increase in additions, the cost of the product also increases.

Feeders with an automatic system can have completely different feed container volumes. For large dogs, purchase a design with a food container capacity of up to 10 liters. Small animals can also feed from a feeder with a 1-2 liter container. Some products can dispense food not only at a specific time, but also according to the dosage. Such models are more expensive. They can be installed both at home and in an enclosure.

Aviary dimensions

The minimum required area of ​​the enclosure, as is known, depends on the height of the dog at the withers: up to 50 cm - 6 square meters. m; up to 60 cm – 8 sq. m; over 60 cm – from 10 sq. m. The remaining dimensions of the enclosure are also tied to the dimensions of the animal’s body:

  • Width - not less than 1.5 body length without tail, but not less than 1.5 m.
  • Length – calculated by width and area.
  • Height: Lift your dog up by his front paws until he is stretched out and have someone else measure the distance from the ground to the ends of his front paws. Add 0.5 m, this will be the minimum possible height of the enclosure, except for especially jumping dogs, see below.


The main thing in choosing a place for an enclosure is to provide the dog with the best possible view of the controlled area. Imagine a professional taxi driver plodding along a bumpy country road in a broken-down jalopy. A guard dog will feel approximately the same way, not being able to survey its area of ​​​​responsibility. Only he can’t tell the owner, he doesn’t know how.

The second factor is that the enclosure should be located away from sources of strong odors. The dog will still get used to the amber of a poultry house or barnyard; its ancestors smelled the same thing in nature, but the ammonia vapor weakens the dog’s sense of smell. There are also odors that are unbearable and harmful for dogs, see at the end.

Orientation to cardinal directions and winds, contrary to popular belief, does not play a special role. The facade of an enclosure with a dog of northern origin (reindeer husky, husky) in the southern regions is best oriented to the north, and with a southern dog (Caucasian or Central Asian shepherd dog, for example) north of Moscow - to the south. In other cases, the ideal orientation would be the façade facing east and the blank walls facing the direction of the prevailing winds.


Also, you should not consider recommendations to lay a capital foundation for an enclosure as relevant: it will cost you extra expenses and work, and the dog will only be better off if the underground floor is ventilated. The dimensions and design of dog enclosures are such that they are insensitive to ground movements; ready-made enclosures are simply placed on the ground, bricks or concrete foundation blocks 400x400x200 at angles and vertical supports. It is better to concrete the support pillars of an enclosure for a large and strong dog, see below.

Principle of operation

Automatic feeders are devices that can make a person's life much easier. They are able to feed the animal on time during the absence of the owner.

Modern manufacturers have also taken care to equip their models of automatic feeders with compartments for medicines and water. This allows such devices to perform several functions at once. You don't have to worry about your pet during your departure. Feeders are often equipped with a special sensor. It allows you to control the amount of food in the bowl.


One of the initial stages of building a dog enclosure is planning it. To do this, you need to make a plan for the enclosure, where you determine all the elements of the enclosure and their sizes, as well as prepare a place on the site for construction and support. You can attach it to the shed or build it as a separate structure.

It is better to plan the location of the building in the southeast direction. There is no need to turn the enclosure to the north side, otherwise in winter the enclosure will be constantly filled with snow, and also to the south, because in the summer the dog will be very hot. Moreover, such an arrangement should harmoniously fit into the design of your personal plot and not violate its integrity and harmony.

It should be noted that if you build a wooden enclosure, you need to leave a gap of about 15 cm between its bottom and the ground in order to protect the wooden elements from rotting. The construction site must be leveled and covered with crushed stone. The supports can be made from concrete pillars, bricks or cement blocks.

Making a feeder

A dog feeder in an enclosure is one of its main components, since without a feeder the enclosure does not look like a full-fledged home for your pet.

To set up such a feeder, just choose a place for it in the enclosure (preferably close to the entrance), and place containers there for the dog to eat and drink.

The best option for a feeder in a dog enclosure is a feeder from which you can feed the dog without entering the enclosure, that is, a food container attached to the wall of the enclosure at a height of 20-30 cm from the floor in normal reach for both your pet and the owner .

This type of feeder is ideal when the owner is in a hurry and there is no time to enter the enclosure, or when the dog is being fed by a person whom the dog does not know well and may harm him.

We recommend reading about building a country shed with your own hands.

How to save on construction? A pallet shed is the optimal solution.

Selection rules

One of the important criteria when choosing a pet feeder is the price of the product. First, the dog owner should decide how much money he is willing to spend on such a device. When the amount has already been calculated, you can select the dimensions of the automatic structure. This indicator should be correlated with the size of the pet. For large dogs, bowls on a tripod are suitable.

In the case of a small animal, an incomplete set may be purchased. A food dispenser is simply installed in a regular bowl. A dog with such a device will be able to receive food whenever it wants. Unlike large dogs, small dogs are not very gluttonous. They do not eat until they feel very hungry.

Any automatic type feeders can be purchased at a special pet store. Today the price of such products is quite high. The presence of additional options only increases the cost of such products. Therefore, many car owners decide to create a car feeder themselves. This design can take into account the conditions of keeping the dog - at home or in an enclosure.

Tips for choosing a feeder for a dog enclosure

Organizing food for dogs in an enclosure is one of the important aspects for the life and health of pets. Dog owners are faced with the problem of not only adequately feeding and watering them, but also ensuring the convenience and safety of this process for all family members and the animals themselves. Let's consider what options are available for choosing feeders and drinkers in the enclosure.

How to train a dog

Owners who already use automatic feeders assure that there are no difficulties in constructing such a structure. The animal can quickly get used to such a novelty. This is because the dog gets tasty food.

If the bowl is equipped with a food alarm system, the dog can get used to it after a certain time. Once she begins to understand that the signal is a reason to eat, she will quickly get used to the new device. A conditioned reflex will force her to act. Training puppies is quite simple.

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