West Highland White Terrier - description and characteristics of the breed

An animal with the habits of a hunter, the Highland Terrier comes from Scotland, where it was specially bred to hunt otters, badgers and foxes. Over time, the cream, red and black West Haland Wests lost popularity as a color, giving it over to a dazzling white decorative pet.

Along with the color of the West Highland White Terrier, the habits also changed. Today, the West White Terrier is a miniature snow-white animal, reminiscent of a toy, decorating the living rooms of dog handlers who are deeply versed in the intricacies of their training, education, and upbringing.


Hunting terriers began to be bred at the end of the 19th century in Scotland. Until this time, it was believed that a light-colored puppy was a breeding match. Related dog species: Dandie Dinmont, Scotch, Skye and Cairn terriers. The owners used these animals to hunt small animals living in burrows.

The first dogs were similar to Scotch and Kern. After a while, they began to take on a doll-like appearance with a rounded head.

White terriers were bred only in a few cities in Scotland. Edward Donald Malcolm from Poltalokha is considered one of the discoverers of the breed. Breeding was also carried out by Dr. Flaxman, Duke of Argyll.

In 1904, a club for fans of the breed was created, and in 1907 these dogs began to participate in exhibitions for the first time.

History of the origin and development of the breed

The exact origin of the West Highland Terrier could not be established, since this breed has been living in Scotland for a long time, and scientists began to study issues of selection only in the 19th century. There is an opinion that the first description of this breed was made back in the 12th century. However, no one managed to prove that we are talking about a white terrier. Only one thing is clear - these dogs were the result of mating a variety of terriers that lived on the islands of Great Britain.

The West Highland Terrier used to be a highland hunter

For your information! The main thing is not to confuse this breed with representatives of the Staffordshire Terrier. The closest relatives of this breed are the Black Cairn and Scotch Terriers.

Breed characteristics:

Country of originScotland
Time of birth of the breedXIX century
Weight8-10 kg
Height (height at withers)25-30 cm
Lifespan12-15 years
ICF classificationGroup 3, section 2, number 085
Wooldouble, hard


Vestik dogs are cheerful and cheerful. Mostly urban families buy puppies. When brushed regularly, coarse hair does not remain on home furnishings. This is an excellent choice for those who want to have a small pet with a unique character and habits.

Since the dogs’ homeland is high-mountainous terrain, representatives have the qualities of endurance and maneuverability.

Many people believe that decorative dogs often get sick. In fact, the Westie breed is distinguished by good health. If you follow the instructions for proper care, your pet will live for about 16 years without losing activity and cheerfulness.

Small white terriers can become good friends for children, pensioners, and people leading an active lifestyle. Despite easy learning, the mood can be unstable. Therefore, to achieve high training results, you need to find a special approach.

Behavior and skills

Experts recommend buying a dog at two months of age. By nature, white terriers are stubborn, so don't put off training your puppy. If you raise your pet properly, the animal will become a good, loyal friend.

Westies get along with other pets without any problems, but you should be prepared for the fact that conflicts may arise between them . To eliminate this risk, the dog should be immediately introduced to other residents. If the terrier is not trained, owners may be faced with its wayward character, as well as hunting instincts.

A special feature of white terriers is curiosity and activity . They are not aggressive, but can bark loudly if a stranger enters their territory. While the owner is busy, the dogs find games for themselves and do not suffer from loneliness.

Features of feeding and diet

The White Highland Terrier's menu should be varied and balanced. The basis of nutrition should be protein foods. But we should not forget about the introduction of complex carbohydrates and fats into food, which are necessary to maintain a Westie in a healthy state.

The owner must decide what type of food to use. Westie responds well to both natural food and industrial feed. The latter type can cause digestive problems, so the product should only be premium or holistic.

The advantages of high-quality industrial feeds are their complete balance. They contain vitamin and mineral complexes necessary for the proper development of the four-legged prankster. In addition, the owner does not have to spend time preparing food for the pet every day.

It is important to balance natural food. This means that more than half of the menu consists of lean meats: rabbit, chicken, beef and lamb. When adding vegetables and fruits to the menu, they must be boiled and chopped - or finely grated fresh. Among cereals, preference should be given to buckwheat, rice and oatmeal.

You cannot give news:

  • sweets;
  • flour products;
  • tubular types of bones;
  • fish with bones;
  • legumes

It is necessary to ensure that the animal has constant access to drinking water for any type of food. It is optimal to install an automatic drinker - or change the water yourself several times a day.

From 1 month, puppies begin to be given complementary foods. These can be low-fat fermented milk products, cottage cheese, boiled yolks, liquid viscous porridge. You cannot overfeed Westies or treat them with pieces from the owner's table. This can cause obesity and lead to food allergies.

Character and appearance

Don’t immediately think that this is a small, harmless decorative dog. By origin, this breed is considered a hunting breed. The animal has an individual character, vigilance, good reaction.


  • West Highland Terrier puppies are born completely white. The appearance of a pathological spot is considered a deviation from the standard;
  • dark eye color;
  • good physique;
  • developed muscles;
  • rounded skull;
  • pronounced brow ridges;
  • ears are small;
  • muscular neck;
  • deep chest with smoothed ribs on the sides;
  • short tail;
  • strong paws;
  • The fur is hard and thick, but appears soft.

Expert opinion
Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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West dogs are very smart and dexterous, often becoming prize winners in competitions or exhibitions.

Distinctive features

Despite their pretty appearance, Westies remain terriers, and it is quite difficult to make a decorative dog out of them . At exhibitions, dogs are carefully examined: the muscles must be developed, the body must be well harmonized, and the bones must be strong. This is still a working hunting breed.

West Highland Terriers are short dogs, reaching only 26-28 cm , they weigh up to 10 kg . The standard does not separate the parameters of females and males, but the former should be more feminine (soft forms).

The latest standard was published in 2010, according to it, all individuals that do not meet external and temperament standards are not allowed for further mating. But this does not prevent them from being pets.

  • The head corresponds to the size of the body. The skull is not flat, slightly convex, the frontal bone is straight. are well developed . The stop is clearly defined . The head is drawn from the neck line.
  • The muzzle is straight, narrowed towards the nose, medium length. The jaw is straight and wide, scissor bite The lips are tightly compressed, not jagged, and the pigment is black.
  • The nose is large, round, merges with the muzzle and does not protrude too much. color – black.
  • The eyes are set quite wide at the level of the stop, the depth is average. The shape is almond, round eyes are undesirable. The color of the iris is almost black.
  • The ears are set fairly high, not too close, but not far away either. Size – small. They stand strong and wary. They become sharper towards the top.
  • The body is cone-shaped (expands towards the tail). Small, strongly built, muscular. The back is straight, the loin is wide enough. The chest is wide, well descended, and deep. The neck is long, but not too wide.
  • The tail is straight, medium long (12-15 cm), held at an angle of 90°, and lowered when upset or frightened. It should not be higher than the head, twisted like a sickle or rest on the croup. The hair on the tail is smooth and short. Cupping is prohibited.
  • Limbs. The front ones are straight, short and strong; the paws look straight, the hair is hard and short. Hindquarters are short, strong, hips wide at the top. Not very wide apart, hock joints well defined. The paws are round, strong, the toes are collected (the front paws are larger than the hind paws). The claws are black . Movements are free and easy.
  • The coat consists of two layers: the outer coat is hard (its length is 5 cm) and the undercoat is soft and short fur that fits tightly.
  • Color only white.

Education and training

Due to their stubborn nature, such dogs should be trained with relative severity. From a very early age, the animal is punished for pranks. If the behavior is good, then it is necessary to praise and treat the pet with a treat.

You shouldn't let your Westhoundler Terrier do whatever he wants. Without the required training, a dog can become aggressive. Bad behavior manifests itself as follows: eating garbage, aggression towards other animals, digging the ground. A properly trained dog behaves calmly on the street, does not notice garbage or the reactions of strangers.

During the period of training and education of a West Highland dog, one should not hit him, since such human behavior only causes distrust in him. A stern voice, as well as ignoring requests, is quite enough.

If possible, it is better to conduct training together with a dog handler. One of the characteristic features of the breed is willfulness. It's hard to get attention from a dog.

If you have experience, you can do the training yourself. Similar activities are carried out from the age of six months. As a result of training, it is necessary to pay attention to commands and clarification of the rules of behavior outside the home.

Before training begins, the puppy must learn to completely trust its owner. That is, authority appears for the animal.


This breed is quite rare; most often the mating is for breeding and official purposes. Puppies reach puberty at 8-10 months: bitches begin to go into heat, and males begin mating. But you can only knit by 20 months . The most optimal time is 13-15 days from the start of the girl’s estrus.

Signs of a female's readiness:

  1. Swollen loop;
  2. Light discharge;
  3. Playful behavior.

The dogs are first introduced and walked together the day before mating. At the appointed time, the girl is brought to the dog’s territory, where the act should take place. It will last no more than 20 minutes , but pets can stay in the castle for a long time. It is important to choose a comfortable position for the animals in which they cannot be injured.

For the first time, it is customary to invite a specialist who will tell the owners what to do, guide the dogs and help them. Before mating, it is necessary to check pets for pathologies and carry out a deworming procedure.

Physical exercise

Little white Westies are restless, so it is worth taking time to train their endurance. Such exercises must begin with feeding, shrinking, and styling. First, this is done at home, and then in a deserted place in the city.

White Terriers love to run and hunt a lot, so at the beginning of training you should use a bundle or cloth. The dog must chase, grab, and fumble the toy. If your pet likes this kind of fun, you can do it as a reward after training activities.

Care and maintenance

Trimming is a mandatory process for dogs of this breed. Full hygienic cleaning of dogs should be carried out 2-3 times a year. If your pet regularly takes part in exhibitions, then this procedure is repeated much more often, every 1.5-2 months.

It is advisable for domestic dogs to sometimes have their fur trimmed in the belly and sides. With age, it reaches the floor and interferes while walking. Exhibition representatives do not do this; it is enough to simply trim the hanging areas.

The content of news in your own home should be the same as in an apartment. The pet should be with the family, as it requires constant attention and communication. Living in an enclosure is prohibited. A warm summer kitchen or home is suitable for raising and feeding puppies.

Compared to other dogs, white terriers do not freeze. Even in winter you can walk with them without special clothing.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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An important condition is that the dog must constantly move.

Outfits are usually purchased for exhibition purposes. It is necessary to choose clothes made from natural fabric that is not capable of electrifying wool.


As with any other purebred dog, proper food is the key to health, as well as success in training. Experts recommend feeding your pet after a walk. Food is better digested when the body is calm.

Small terriers are not prone to gluttony, so the portion size should match their appetite. If after eating the dog remains near the bowl and licks its lips, then the owner should think about increasing the amount of food.

Newborn puppies feed on their mother's milk for several weeks. The indicator of satiety is healthy sleep. If the baby is not full, he squeaks, shows anxiety, and crawls on his mother.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is recommended to pay attention to the following advice from veterinarians:

  • In order to prevent rickets, you need to start offering cottage cheese. Another product fortified with calcium will also work;
  • give cheese in hard form;
  • Learning to eat from a bowl is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, you need to poke the puppy’s muzzle into the plate several times;
  • after 3-4 weeks they begin to feed meat. Small portions of this product are offered after taking mother's milk.

When the puppy is weaned from the nipple and transferred to individual feeding, it is necessary to monitor development parameters. Correct actions will help prevent possible diseases at an early age.

It is important to control weight gain. During one feeding, the dog should gain weight by no more than 20 grams. After purchasing a pet, it is advisable to stick to the same diet. Even when feeding an adult, you should be careful, as there is a risk of developing food allergies.

Many owners prefer ready-made dry food for the following reasons:

  • no need to waste time preparing food for your pet;
  • the terrier receives a balanced diet;
  • There is no need to independently calculate calories, vitamins, and microelements.

Despite this, you should know that high-quality feed is not cheap.

If you want to prepare natural food for your puppy, then, in addition to calculating important indicators, you will need to choose only high-quality meat.

How to choose the right West Highland White Terrier puppy

When buying a West White dog, the main attention should be paid to the health of the puppy and its character. The White Highland West Terrier has a cheerful and active character, without excessive importunity. There is no need to give preference to dull and lethargic babies. It is important that external data indicate the good health of the animal:

  • his coat should be thick and shiny and not have bald patches;
  • ears are clean;
  • eyes are clear.

When choosing a West Highland pet, you need to keep in mind that there are no varieties within the breed. There are varieties of terriers, of which there are up to 30 species. All of them are burrowing dogs, rodent hunters (from French). They are used as:

  • fighting;
  • hunting;
  • decorative and service.

These animals have different appearance, color and size, and characteristic features of the breed. They also include West Highland Black or West Highland Wide Terrier Black (this is actually Scotch). Adult animals of the West Highland White breed are divided into certain classes.

Under the age of one year, these parameters are not officially assigned to the puppy. And it gains significant significance in the dog’s adult state. This is what representatives of the white terrier breed classes look like, photos of varieties.

Animal classCharacteristics of features
PatNo documents, deprived of breeding rights, no exhibition future
BreedAll the characteristics of the breed are present, there are no disqualifying faults, show temperament is noted
ShowPuppy of famous parents, included in the lineup at major exhibitions, constantly receives the highest rating at exhibitions

Note! Light eyes in a dog are not grounds for disqualifying an animal, but this sign is highly undesirable for the “Show” class.

The price for a puppy is determined taking into account age. The younger he is, the lower the price. You need to select a West White dog from nurseries. The cost of an animal can range from $200 to $1000 .

Diseases and treatment

The advantage of dogs is good health. If you follow the rules of keeping and feeding, your pet will live for 15 years. You can maintain a high level of immunity at any age of the dog.

Despite the endurance and resistance to temperature fluctuations, there is a risk of developing the disease.

There is a list of problems that you may encounter:

  • food allergies;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • cataract;
  • diabetes;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • hip dysplasia.

Many of these pathologies can be easily eliminated if timely diagnosis is carried out.

You should be careful when choosing a puppy. It is important that he does not have congenital defects that are difficult to treat. Acquired diseases are easier to identify.

Experts strongly recommend following these tips:

  • to prevent the development of otitis media, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the ears;
  • Timely cleaning of your teeth will help you avoid going to the dentist. It is also worth buying special toys to remove plaque;
  • To protect sensitive skin, you need to choose the right cosmetics, giving preference only to certified products. The dog should not be bathed frequently;
  • The diet must be balanced to avoid allergies. If necessary, consult a veterinarian;
  • It is recommended to walk outside for about 1.5 hours. Fresh air improves metabolic processes, blood circulation, and skin condition in your pet.

If the slightest defects are found on the body, you should immediately seek medical help. After the examination, be sure to follow the veterinarian's instructions.

What are the dangers of insect bites?

An active attack of these parasites occurs during the months: May - June, August - September. Ticks can be carriers of piroplasmosis, which is a threat to the life of the dog.

To protect your dog, it is recommended to use a special spray. Compared to drops or collars, which take 2 days to take effect, this product provides immediate protection. Another advantage is that the risk of allergies is eliminated.

Recommendations for use of the drug:

  • the spray is used once every 25 days or according to another scheme described in the instructions;
  • apply against the growth of the fur, covering the eyes;
  • distributed evenly over the body;
  • After treatment, the dog is not bathed for 2 days.

When returning from a walk, you must comb out the fur and inspect the skin. Pathological lumps or bumps may be a cause for concern. If a tick is found, carefully remove the parasite using tweezers. The bite site is treated with hydrogen peroxide.


The White Terrier is generally a strong, hardy, healthy breed. Westies live up to 12 years, and some dogs reach their 18th birthday.

However, the breed is characterized by a number of diseases. They significantly affect life expectancy. Among the possible pathologies:

  • pulmonary fibrosis due to colds, hypothermia;
  • dermatitis;
  • allergy;
  • cataract;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • ichthyosis;
  • joint dysplasia;
  • deafness;
  • meningoencephalitis;
  • cardiomyopathy;

Congenital heart defects characteristic of the breed are hypertrophy of the ventricle or interventricular septum.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before buying a puppy, it is important to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of the breed in advance.

Positive traits:

  • the dog can be kept in a house (apartment);
  • it does not cause allergies in residents, since its fur does not shed;
  • easy to learn;
  • West gets along with all family members;
  • easily adapts to the city. There is no trouble on the street.


  • a prerequisite is regular walking, active games;
  • you need to carefully monitor the condition of the coat;
  • Males are stubborn, so they need a special approach during training;
  • the breed is wayward, there must be strict upbringing;
  • Highlands have white wool, which gets dirty during walks;
  • loud frequent barking.

What makes the news white

This breed may experience some hereditary health problems. Craniomandibular osteopathy is caused by a recessive gene and leads to problems with chewing and swallowing. Some cases can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, but others are too severe and painful.

Be alert and watch for signs such as:

- Allergies and other skin problems: Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that is usually caused by allergens such as grass and mold.

— Addison's disease (hypoadrenocorticism): a hormonal disorder in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough cortisol and aldosterone.

— Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease: spontaneous degeneration of the upper part of the femur in the dog's hind leg.

List of suitable nicknames

Choosing a name for white terrier puppies should be done carefully. Each of them must mean something.

For girls:

  • Addi – decoration;
  • Daisy – daisy;
  • Eve – alive;
  • Lorna – found;
  • Lyme - happiness;
  • Bonita – kind;
  • Amanda – worthy of love;
  • Hilda – warlike;
  • Unita – submissive;
  • Felisa is happy.

Nicknames for boys:

  • Harold is the ruler;
  • Hayk – brave;
  • Noah – calm;
  • Quint – fifth;
  • Reynold – reasonable;
  • Hard – strict;
  • Oscar - accurate;
  • Orestes - mountain;
  • Sheriff is fair;
  • Kin is a warrior.

How to name a dog, popular nicknames

The most popular West Highland nicknames are:

  • For boys: Abo, Abur, Aston, Barry, Best, Willie, Windy, Guy, Gray, Grem, Dani, Jaco, Idefix (as from the movie “Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra”), Candy, Krosh, Loy, Larry , Nur. Nemo, Oji, Oras, Punch, Push, Rumbik, Stem, Tim, Ursik, Frank, Frel, Chessie, Chukki, Andy, Eron, Yuji, Yushan, Yarosh, Janson, Iago.
  • For girls: Ada, Asta, Bina, Bonya, Vesta, Gabi, Jackie, Jeri, Ketty, Carrie, Leda, Miki, Nolly, Oda, Oksa, Peggy, Ricky, Sendy, Tora, Terry, Fanny, Frieza, Frezi, Holly , Tserry, Cesi, Shammi, Shimmy, Etna, Eteri, Esta, Yuda, Yusi, Yaza.

Rules for choosing a puppy

Depending on the purpose of purchasing a small white message, the criteria for determining the appropriate option may differ.

Despite this, there are general recommendations from experts that should not be neglected:

  1. The White Terrier is an unpopular breed. As a rule, puppies are sold with documents. The exception is cases where the breeder did not want to register a “defective” baby.
  2. You need to be prepared that the seller will ask a lot of questions and determine whether a particular family is a good fit for the dog.
  3. It is worth buying a dog with pigment included in the breed standard. A weak indicator may indicate a further decrease in immunity, as well as the occurrence of problems with the nervous system.
  4. If, at first glance, the puppy's mother behaves hysterically or cowardly, you should refuse the purchase. This behavior is often passed down through families. Inadequacy interferes with the educational process.

Before the arrival of a new family member, you need to prepare the house. Bottlenecks and cracks must be closed. You should also hide wires and shoes.

After consulting with a veterinarian, you can begin preventive vaccinations.

Relationships with others and children

The West Highland White Terrier dog breed has a soft and gentle character. This is a reliable, playful, courageous dog. She loves the company of people. With the owner he is not afraid even of a large number of people. Loves their attention.

Leaving a dog with small children is highly undesirable, since the actions of children at that age are not always meaningful. An animal can injure a child by fighting back. Families with small children are better off not purchasing it. For teenage children, the dog will be a faithful and reliable friend and protector.

The West Highland White Terrier dog, which is a hunting breed, will never get along with cats, hamsters and rats. It makes no sense to accustom a dog to relationships with small domestic animals, since the hunter will defeat the friend. The dog behaves warily with strangers if it senses aggression in their behavior. In such situations, he may even bite the visitor.

Puppy cost

The average cost of a message is 300-1000 dollars. USA. The price of puppies depends on the nursery and location. For example, the most expensive dogs are sold in well-known establishments in the capital. It is unlikely that you will find a purebred breed on the regular market sold in rubles.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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White Terriers are bred by Schnauzers or Terriers.

Interesting facts about the breed

Puppies do not have the same quantity and quality of fur as adults. The coat is fully formed by the third year of life. The condition directly depends on proper combing and care.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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We must not forget that this breed is a type of nosy dog. A pet will always dig in the ground. If you have your own garden, he will dig it up completely.

West Highland White Terrier breed standard

The miniature West Highland White dog breed has hunting instincts and habits inherent to its nature. They are the main ones for this breed. The West Highland White is a tireless animal that stalks its prey for a long time until it catches it.

The West Highland White Terrier is endowed with unique characteristics and a keen sense of smell, for which rescuers use its services in emergency situations to search for victims under rubble. Thanks to his height and agility, he penetrates crevices, detects people and delivers water and medicine to them.

White Terrier description of breed standards:

  1. Animals of the West White breed have developed, lean muscles, a strong but small body, resembling a square.
  2. The standard-sized animal has a short, straight back.
  3. The dog is endowed with developed, compressed pads and claws on straight, long paws. When she takes a stance, her paws are parallel to each other.
  4. A dense, short neck with lean muscles has a slight forward bend.
  5. The head of a West White Heilen dog is round and larger than its body, which makes its resemblance to a children's toy especially obvious.
  6. White terriers are a breed of animal distinguished by a high, convex, round forehead.
  7. The nose of an adult animal is short and black. The bridge of the nose is not very long. Straight, large lobe with wide nostrils.
  8. The West Highland White dog has not too far apart brown or black eyes, triangular in shape.
  9. She has thin lips that fit tightly to her teeth.
  10. The West White Terrier dog is endowed with a strong, well-developed grip. Sharp large teeth with a scissor-like, correct bite.
  11. The West Highland White Terrier dog breed has tiny, high-set ears that resemble a triangle.
  12. The tails of West Highland White Terriers are thick, short (13-15 cm), shaped like a saber, tapering from the base upward. They don't curl into a ring. On the contrary, with a hunting stance - in a raised, straightened state.

Weight and size

West Highland White Terriers are small, robust animals. Standard average sizes are shown in the table:

FloorHeight at withers (unit of measurement – ​​cm)Weight (unit – kg)Life expectancy (unit of measurement – ​​year)

An adult West White dog has a note when describing the breed. It notes that the hunting characteristic of the breed marks its strong immunity. They do not suffer from viral infections, but cannot avoid genetic predisposition. After reaching a year, she is characterized by some diseases.

  • pulmonary fibrosis, as a result of drafts and sleeping on cold ground;
  • diabetes;
  • conjunctevitis;
  • deafness associated with childhood with white color;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • deafness due to white color;
  • osteopathy;
  • hip joint disease;
  • atopy;
  • dermatitis.

Considering the tendency of the West White Terrier breed to various diseases, you need to treat animals with special care, inviting a veterinarian if there are symptoms of any of these ailments. Every year, West White animals are vaccinated against hepatitis, parainfluenza, adenovirus, enteritis, and distemper. A set of vaccinations against rabies is also carried out.

Important! The age to which a dog lives depends on the attitude towards it, the conditions of feeding and maintenance.

Color and coat type

In color it can only be white; all other animals with a different color are discarded. Animal fur also corresponds to certain breed parameters:

  • long, hard, with a spine;
  • short on back and tail.
  • with curls on the paws and muzzle;
  • falling from the abdomen;
  • thick on the beard and eyebrows;
  • on the undercoat – soft.


Sergey: “We bought a news story three years ago for home use. A very funny and friendly dog. Prefers meat and dry food. Always accompanies us. Although this is not a watchdog, it barks loudly.”

Anastasia: “Our Laima is already 5 years old. Repeatedly participated in competitions. We started training at the age of two months. Of course, it was hard, I couldn’t concentrate, so I had to turn to a specialist. Now we are reaping the fruits of our hard work.”

Alexandra: “Oscar has been living in our family for 7 years. We have never regretted buying this funny, loyal dog. Despite the large amount of wool, no one had allergies. The only inconvenience is the risk of tick bites. The parasite was removed several times, the main thing was to detect it in time.”

Photo and video review

To clearly familiarize yourself with the breed, you need to weigh the pros and cons. It is also worth watching photos and videos on caring for the breed.

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