West Highland White Terrier dog. Description, character and care of the West Highland White Terrier

The health, well-being and behavior of any puppy directly depend on feeding. Therefore, before getting a pet, you should study in detail the rules of its nutrition: frequency, volume, menu and other nuances.

It is recommended that owners of incredibly friendly, playful and sociable dogs of the West Highland White Terrier breed pay special attention to this issue. A properly selected diet and feeding regime will guarantee your pet’s excellent mood and life expectancy (on average up to 15 years).

Origin and character of the breed

Dogs of the West Highland White Terrier breed, originally from Scotland, were bred specifically for hunting small animals. They easily penetrate holes and take out foxes, ferrets and other living creatures.

By the way, you can get dogs out of holes using their tail, which over time has acquired all the necessary characteristics for this. The white color is clearly visible in the forest and it is difficult to confuse your pet with any other living creature.

The West Highland was originally bred not only as a hunter, but also as a close and reliable friend of a person who is always nearby. Despite their “toy” and cute appearance, dogs of this breed have a very firm and even slightly stubborn character, they have their own opinions and the ability to make decisions.

The West Highland White Terrier is a great friend for the whole family. He is cheerful, brave and very kind, as a terrier should be. Its size is ideal for living in a city apartment, although frolicking on the street is a real pleasure for such dogs.

Dogs of this breed get along well with children, not only living in the family of its owners, but also with everyone around them. Such a dog can safely be called the “star of the yard”, because he will definitely not be left without the attention of his neighbors. But make sure that they do not feed your pet.

He won’t be able to refuse, but he won’t be able to gain weight! And, as you know, obesity is harmful to any dog, especially one so nimble and active. For Westies, obesity threatens future diseases of the paw bones, but every owner does not want this to happen to his beloved creature.


The Westie is a real terrier, full of ebullient energy.

Like all terriers, the Westie is prone to dominance and requires serious training and socialization.

It is not recommended to take terriers for a child under 10-12 years old. Firstly, Westies are not very loyal to small children.

Secondly, the child is unlikely to be able to become a real authority for the West: the dog needs a firmer hand.

This is due to the fact that Westies, for all their cute white fluffiness, have remarkable will, stubbornness, ingenuity and a penchant for adventurous pranks.

It's amazing how cunning the intellect of this tireless adventurer can be.

Highland White Terrier is very active and energetic

Westies are incredibly loyal to their owners and at the same time terribly jealous.

If you decide to pet another dog or even a cat in his presence, your pet may be terribly offended and rush to punish his competitor.

If you want to have another animal in your house that is larger than a snail, keep this in mind.

Like most terriers, Westies love to start a fight, and with equal fury the terrier is capable of rushing at both a tiny toy terrier and a huge bullmastiff , one head of which weighs more than the entire Westie.

Choosing a puppy

West Highland White Terrier puppies are born in their respective nurseries, and only a few breed such dogs at home.

Most of these nurseries are located in the capital and nearby regions, but in the Siberian, Far Eastern and other remote districts of our country such nurseries can be counted on one hand.

In such regions, choosing a puppy must be approached with special care. It’s easier for those who already have owners of this breed among their friends; they will recommend the kennel and tell you the conditions for keeping the dog in the house.

But if you don’t have such acquaintances, various forums on the Internet will come to the rescue, where experienced dog breeders will be happy to share contacts. When choosing a puppy yourself, you need to remember a few points:

- if a puppy is declared as a purebred, it must have a pedigree with a number and recording of its breeding name and the names of its parents;

— before purchase, the kennel registers the puppy with the RKF and puts a mark on its body. If there is none, the nursery is not officially registered, and this is already a reason to think about it. True, if you are buying a puppy for your home, and not for exhibitions, then you will never need any branding.

— the breeder must provide all vaccinations required by age. Usually, puppies are given to new owners at the age of 2 months and by that time they have already received their first vaccinations, entering information about them in the animal’s veterinary book, which is transferred to the new owner.

- receipt. A slightly unpleasant topic that more than one Vestik owner has had to deal with. The fact is that from birth in males of this breed the testes are located inside the body and over time they must descend and form into the scrotum.

Unfortunately, this does not happen in all male representatives of the breed, and without them there can be no question of procreation. The testes must descend within 6-9 months, without them the dog will not be registered with any community, and without this it is impossible to participate in exhibitions and breed the breed.

By the way, the dog must be registered with the society before it turns 1 year old. Cryptorchidism (unilateral or bilateral) is a frequent companion of Vestik, which means you need to be on the safe side in advance.

If the breeder claims that the testes will drop, the puppy is purebred and there have been no such cases in the litters of his “father” before, he will easily write a receipt promising to return part of the money if the situation develops negatively. After all, Westie puppies, unsuitable for offspring, cost much less than their fertile counterparts.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to its appearance, activity, contact with other dogs and people. Find out which veterinarian should be examined and what food the dog should eat. Also, rely on your intuition, because first of all you choose a friend.


Young dogs rarely get sick. There is almost no need to spend money on treatment if the animal is vaccinated. To understand approximately the costs of veterinary services, you need to find out their price:

  • Preventive examination - 300 rubles;
  • Sterilization - 1500 rubles (one-time).

The monthly budget for treatment cannot be calculated universally. But it is better to allocate at least $100 in advance for unplanned situations when emergency veterinary care is needed. But personal transport will solve the problem faster.

Often the package consists of the following types of services:

  • Prevention;
  • Elimination of parasites;
  • Removal of fleas and ticks;
  • Routine vaccinations;
  • Revaccinations;
  • Free appointments, examinations, consultations;
  • Discounts for calling a veterinary care team.

Chronic diseases in a pet are a reason to see a veterinarian. Healthy dogs with strong immunity do not need a subscription; they can undergo a preventive examination and vaccination once a year. A service subscription can be recommended for nursery breeders who have at least 5 animals in their care.

Dog food

There are as many opinions as there are owners, but basically everyone adheres to one of two things:

- “human” food, namely porridge, chicken, vegetables, some fruits, etc. Please note that the food must be fresh, unsalted and cooked specifically for your dog.

- dry and/or canned food from different manufacturers. Each Westie, like a person, will suit a certain brand of food. You can understand this only by your own example.

Yes, many owners of this breed agree on one company, but no less prefer another. Not only your pet’s well-being, activity and mobility, but also the color and pigmentation of its coat depends on food.


Characteristic diseases

Although West Highlands have a long lifespan, they are prone to certain health conditions.

Predisposition to some of them is transmitted genetically.

West Highlands suffer from:

  • food allergies;
  • atopic and yeast dermatitis;
  • cataracts;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • joint diseases;
  • meningoencephalitis.

Some dogs are born deaf.

This is what a healthy West Highland Terrier puppy looks like


Vaccination follows the general rules: the first vaccination is carried out by the breeder at the age of 4 weeks, against plague and parvovirus.

10 days before vaccination, children should be given an anthelmintic.

The second vaccination occurs at 8-9 weeks - plague, hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis.

After 2-3 weeks you need to get a third vaccination with the same vaccine + rabies vaccine.

Thereafter, vaccinations are given annually.

Adult Westies are vaccinated once a year.

The first days of life with a dog

Be prepared for the fact that you have not a puppy, but practically a child. In a Westie's new home, everything will be interesting, new and scary at the same time. Don't be surprised if he whines during the first nights when he can't find his mom.

The right decision would be to acquire an enclosure measuring at least 1.5 * 1.5 meters, which will be an excellent area for the puppy’s new home. There you can put a bed, feeding bowls, place toys, and most importantly, cover the entire area with oilcloths and diapers, because your new friend does not yet know that you need to go to the toilet outside.

When preparing to move your puppy, you need to think through every little detail:

— the bed should be large enough and comfortable so that not only a puppy, but also a growing dog can stretch out there to its full height. Remember, a dog bed is not purchased for one day, and the dog completely grows in about the first year of life.

— There should be two feeding bowls, separately for food and water. Breeders recommend buying bowls on a special stand so that you can raise them as the puppy grows (you probably know that dogs should eat without bending their necks).

Water should always be clean and in sufficient quantity, and food should be served only after a walk, because running with a full belly is extremely difficult for an animal. In the first days, try to feed little by little and be sure to observe the puppy’s reaction.

— walks should begin only after all the necessary vaccinations. Initially, it is worth taking the puppy outside 5-6 times a day, gradually reducing the number of exits and increasing their duration until the dog gets used to going to the toilet only outside.

Buy a short leash for the first time and a long tape measure for the future. It is better not to let the puppy off the leash until you understand that he hears and obeys you very well.

- a medallion or capsule with the name and phone number of the owner is a necessary thing in our time. How often does it happen that a dog breaks off its leash or runs away after a street cat... A good-natured, decent person, seeing a neat dog, will decide that he needs to return it to its owner and then the medallion will come to the rescue. It's best to hope that this doesn't happen to your dog, but it still doesn't cost anything to take care of such an acquisition.

— transportation is necessary to deliver the pet to a new place of residence. Today there is a wide variety of large and small, hard and soft, frame and light transportation.

Remember that it is better not to feed the dog before the road, because later he may vomit. But don’t be alarmed, vomiting usually occurs from motion sickness and can occur not only on the first trip, but also on subsequent trips.

Over time, this syndrome goes away. In the end, try carrying the puppy in your arms, let him look out the window behind which objects change, and not at one point in the carriage.

Don’t be alarmed if during the first days and nights in a new place the Westie looks for his mother and other puppies; grab something from the breeder with a smell familiar to the baby and gradually accustom him to yours. Sometimes even a hand placed in the enclosure next to the bed helps the dog calm down and fall asleep.

Diet features

Food for West Terriers can be dry or natural. Premium food is a balanced, vitamin-rich diet. But whether an owner who prefers natural food can balance the dog’s diet on his own is a big question. The table will give basic clues.

Much attention is paid to feeding the dog. Difficulties related to health occur due to improper or poor-quality feeding

Try not to violate the principles of the procedure and monitor the dog’s diet.

Feeding begins after a walk. The dog tends to digest food while at rest.

They talk about different indicators of feeding rates. Often learned by experimental methods. It is necessary that the dog eats the food with great appetite, licks its lips, and easily moves away from the bowl. The above applies to feeding puppies. When the puppy does not leave the dog's bowl, the situation indicates that the portion provided is insufficient.

If a dog or puppy is not full, they will spin around the bowl. The portion should be increased within reasonable limits.

After birth, White Terrier puppies feed on their mother's milk for the first couple of weeks. Eating occurs up to twelve times a day. The main sign of a puppy being full is healthy sleep. If the puppy remains hungry, he will begin to show anxiety, crawl, and whine.

The puppies are first fed cottage cheese. To prevent rickets from occurring, cottage cheese with a high calcium content is introduced into the diet. The cottage cheese served must be warm.

You are supposed to pour it into a small saucer and carefully poke the puppy’s muzzle into it. A couple of times is enough for the puppy to learn to eat cottage cheese.

  1. Starting from the third week, the puppy is fed meat, giving it in equal portions after mother's milk.
  2. After 4 weeks, feeding becomes combined, when meat, porridge, and cottage cheese are combined.

When puppies are switched to individual feeding, do not forget to monitor their development to prevent possible illnesses. Feeding can be controlled based on weight gain of up to 20 grams. When ready to feed, puppies should be fed the breeder's food. As you age, remain careful, food allergies will cause great trouble for the dog and difficulties for the owner.

Table - Basics of natural feeding

ProductsPresence in the diet
Meat- Lamb; - veal; - beef; - other types (without fat)1/3 of total food
Cereals- Rice; - buckwheat; - oatmeal (if the dog is not prone to allergies)
Fish— Sea; - low-fat varieties2 times per week
Cartilage- Chicken; - beef2 times per week
Dairy products- Cottage cheese; - sour cream1/4 of the total volume
Vegetables and fruits- Pear; - apple; - raw potato; - zucchini; - pumpkin

Feeding dogs nuts is prohibited. For any dog, a nut is identical to poison. You should avoid raw meat. The product should be given only after long digestion.

Raising, training and playing with a dog

As in the previous paragraph, each owner himself chooses a strategy of behavior, the moments that he allows his dog, and which he categorically prohibits. It is worth repeating that the West is a very smart and quick-witted breed; he will easily accept your conditions, but it will be much more difficult to re-educate him.

It is better to start training your dog from an early age. 5-6 months is a great time to start teaching your pet basic commands; they will be useful to you both in life and at shows. You can train yourself, using tips from special books and articles on the Internet, or by placing the cheek in the hands of an experienced professional.

Raising a dog must be done every day, regardless of the presence or absence of training practice. The dog must know what it can do in this house and what it absolutely cannot.

After all, if today you allow him to sleep next to you, and tomorrow you kick him off the couch, the dog will be very surprised and will not be able to understand what behavior he should adhere to. He must know whether it is possible to “beg” from the table, where to go to the toilet and what will happen to him for a chewed slipper.

Westies love to steal things that are not in good condition, chew wires and children's toys. That is why they must know exactly the consequences of their actions. And that is why he should have enough of his own entertainment.

These can be different toys, balls, rings, but his and only his. The dog must understand what belongs to it and what belongs to its owner. By the way, Westies love a variety of toys. They enjoy running after a ball, pulling a rope from their hands, or gnawing on something squeaky.

It is better to choose toys made of dense material, because otherwise, while you are not at home, the dog may tear the shell and eat the contents, and this will not have the best effect on his well-being.


The West Highland can still go hunting with you.

You can read about other hunting breeds here:

Sensitive hearing and a ringing voice make the West an excellent watchman - he will immediately inform you of any incident with a loud bark.

With Westies you can engage in active types of dog sports, keep him just “for fun” and for long walks in good company.

Westies make good hunters

Dog care

Westies require, albeit minor, careful care. At home, you need to regularly brush your teeth and ears, comb out your hair, and trim your nails. However, if you are not ready to pick up scissors, a pet salon will come to your aid.

There you can also get a hygienic haircut (paws, area under the tail) and a full haircut with a clipper or trimming. Trimming - hair plucking is suitable for those representatives of the breed who will subsequently participate in exhibitions.

Grooming with a clipper is a less painful procedure for the animal and less expensive for the owner, but remember that after it the hair becomes softer and begins to curl.

To summarize, we can once again note that the West Highland White Terrier breed is one of the friendliest, active, and inquisitive dog breeds. They get along well with children and other dogs, and are unpretentious in food and life.

Westies resemble a soft toy that can be squeezed all day long, but they consider themselves adult and formidable dogs who have the right to make their own decisions. Vestik is a great friend who will faithfully wait for you when you return from work. And how nice it is to come home and see these eyes filled with love!

Appearance of a West Highland White Terrier

The West Highland White Terrier is 28 cm tall at the withers and weighs 7-9 kg. The body is compact, with a moderately deep chest. The White Terrier has a medium sized head with a slightly convex forehead. The nose is quite large and black. The teeth are straight, large, with a scissor bite. The eyes are black, medium in size, widely spaced from each other. The ears are erect, small, triangular in shape. The tail of this small domestic animal is set high and slightly bent forward. The coat is of medium length, with a pronounced undercoat. The outer coat is elastic and relatively hard, while the undercoat is soft and short. The West Highland White Terrier is pure white.

Feeding dry food

Properly selected food for a Westie is a guarantee of his well-being, health and maximum life expectancy. Only hypoallergenic dry food based on beef, lamb, duck or fish with the addition of rice is suitable for them.

You need to know and follow several rules when purchasing industrial feed:

  • You should not buy dry granules by weight, but only in original packaging.
  • You should not purchase food in markets where shelf life and sales conditions are often not respected. It is preferable to choose pet stores attached to veterinary clinics. When shopping there, you can get advice from a veterinarian along the way.
  • When purchasing food, you must carefully check the integrity of the packaging and its appearance. It is recommended to pay attention to compliance with implementation deadlines.
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