West Highland White Terrier: description, care and maintenance, training

The West Highland White Terrier is an endlessly cheerful, kind and sociable dog originally from Scotland. This breed is especially popular in Europe and the USA. An outstanding appearance, a sharp mind, combined with a brave and decisive character, distinguish these dogs. An inquisitive and playful dog, like most terriers, he is quite stubborn, but he is much more flexible than other representatives of the group. Let's figure out who this breed is suitable for.

History of the breed

This small but strong and muscular dog attracts attention with its snow-white coat.
A large head in relation to the body with high-set erect small ears, an intelligent and penetrating look - all this is the West Highland White Terrier - one of the most popular pets in the world. A miniature dog from the terrier family, it was bred in Scotland and was used for hunting in the mountainous areas. Local breeders used Westies to search for game underground, where they had to make decisions on their own, without relying on the commands and tips of the owner. The burrows of animals such as the fox and badger, where they were mainly trained, were located among sharp stones, in complete darkness. Therefore, for a successful hunt, a small dog was needed, bold and courageous, capable of climbing rocks and narrow crevices. For these purposes, individuals with a flat chest and thick hair were kept in breeding, which served as additional protection from bites of wild animals. Interesting fact: Westies were originally of different colors - red, gray, spotted. White puppies were considered a waste and such puppies were disposed of at birth. However, after numerous cases of dogs dying during hunting, when hunters confused them with game and killed them, breeders recognized the advantages of a light color. Snow-white dogs stood out against the background of stones and were visible in the dark and during fights with wild animals.

Colonel Malcolm made a huge contribution to the selection of the breed. We owe the current appearance and working qualities of the West Highland White Terrier to him. At the end of the 19th century, the results of his nursery were shown at an exhibition for the first time. Small, strong, handsome, real terriers—fearless and unpretentious—immediately won the love of the audience.

Births of the West Highland White Terrier

Giving birth to a West Highland White Terrier

  • Discuss with your veterinarian the possibility of him coming if necessary, especially if the dog is giving birth for the first time.
  • Set up a special place where the female will feel comfortable staying and giving birth.
  • A special box must be prepared for newborn puppies.
  • The room should have normal heating for mother and babies (optimal temperature ranges from +20˚ to +28˚).

Remember that small breeds like West Highland White Terriers have a little more difficulty giving birth than larger dogs. Therefore, it is very important to prepare well.


We all know that the breed standard is a document that involves dry official formulations, but the West Highland White Terrier is described in it quite elegantly. For example, representatives of the breed must be agile, fearless, playful, and carry themselves with dignity.

Particularly appreciated is careful behavior towards strangers and friendly and devoted behavior towards members of one's family. Aggression or excessive fearfulness and timidity is considered a fault, and such dogs are not allowed for breeding. Males are larger and stronger than females. A dog of any gender should be proportionally built.

How to properly wash West Highland White Terriers

It is recommended to bathe the dog once every 30-40 days, using a special shampoo that is suitable for long-haired breeds. The choice of shampoo must be approached especially carefully, since Westie skin is prone to allergies and dermatitis.

Recommendations that may help you:

  1. If there is a draft in the house, it must be eliminated. Wet dogs get cold easily.
  2. Liquid detergents are diluted with water, then the wool is lathered with this solution. This way the shampoo cleanses and foams better.
  3. You need to apply the product, starting from dirty areas to cleaner ones: paws → tummy → back → tail → head.
  4. You can’t dry a wet dog, just pat it dry with a towel.
  5. When using a hairdryer for drying, you need to select a low-intensity mode.
  6. Wavy fur can be corrected by blow-drying it.

But the most important thing is to remember that every bath is a lot of stress for your pet. Therefore, try to talk to him and calm him down throughout the procedure.

Walking a West Highland White Terrier

Walking a West Highland White Terrier

The most suitable walking system for Westies is two walks every day for 40-60 minutes each. This time will be enough for your pet to spend all its accumulated energy and get a good workout. A large amount of stress is harmful for this breed, as dysplasia may appear.

Try to accustom your dog to a leash and collar from childhood. They can easily run after a cat or some kind of rodent, which is why a leash is necessary.

Main physical characteristics of the breed:

  • dog height – up to 28 centimeters;

  • weight – 6-10 kg;
  • life span – about 15 years;
  • the coat is white, thick up to 5 cm long, straight, with a soft undercoat;
  • the head is rounded, covered with thick hair;
  • nose – black, relatively large;
  • eyes – black, medium size with a piercing gaze, covered with fur,
  • the neck is muscular, rather long;
  • jaws – strong with correct bite of large teeth;
  • the body is compact, the back is flat;
  • the physique is strong;
  • tail set high, not docked;
  • paws are short and muscular;
  • physically resilient.

Description of the West Highland White Terrier breed

Description of the West Highland White Terrier

The West Highland White Terrier is a snow-white little miracle, with a slightly shaggy coat, but a reasonable and serious look. Thanks to her small build, she is perfect for the role of a decorative apartment dweller. It reaches 28 cm, with a corresponding weight of 10 kg.

  • Head. Representatives of this breed have a wide and slightly convex skull, with prominent brow ridges.
  • Jaws and bite. Although the West Highland White Terrier is a fairly miniature dog, it has powerful jaws. If we talk about the bite, it is of a scissor type.
  • Eyes. Wide almond-shaped and set deep. They have a dark iris color.
  • Nose. West Highland White Terriers have a large nose and a black nose.
  • Ears. Pointed small ears are not too wide and stand straight. The outer side of the ear is covered with velvety fur, which is never cut.
  • Frame. The body of representatives of this breed is compact, with a straight back and a strong lumbar region.
  • Tail. The Westie has a straight tail up to 15 cm long, which it carries almost vertically.
  • Wool. The West Highland White Terrier's coat consists of a dense furry undercoat and coarse outer coat, the length of which can reach 5 cm.
  • Color. The West Highland White Terrier is one of those few breeds, modern representatives of which exist in one single color - white. An important point: the color of the wool is extremely unstable and very dependent on external factors, so among animals there are often individuals whose “fur coats” have a yellowish tint.

Care and maintenance

An important point in keeping West Highland White Terriers is regular coat care. They do not shed, which sets them apart from most representatives of the canine family; on the other hand, the fur requires careful trimming. It is extremely important to begin this procedure as early as puppyhood, from 3 to 6 months. During this period, hard guard hair begins to form under the layer of puppy fluff. It can be seen by parting the thick fur at the withers. Initially it will be short and may be slightly different in color from the outer down. The presence of the guard layer indicates the puppy’s readiness for the first grooming.

  • Timely trimming lays the foundation for the formation of the correct structure of the baby’s coat, as well as his further attitude to various beauty procedures. Rare Westies will unquestioningly part with their fur, so the groomer must behave confidently enough, but not harshly, so as not to scare the puppy. If the very first haircut becomes painful and unpleasant for the dog, then in the future the cute fluffy dog ​​may turn into a terrible monster who will not let any master near his precious body.
  • Dogs of the West Highland White Terrier breed need regular physical activity, so walks in the fresh air and outdoor games at home and outside are a must.
  • For dogs of this breed, a standard diet is used - twice a day. Overfeeding has a negative impact on the health of the animal.
  • Find out how much a puppy costs

Nutrition of the West Highland White Terrier

Feeding the West Highland White Terrier

Diet for puppies

Until they are three months old, puppies are fed 3 times a day, after which they need to switch to two meals a day. It is strictly forbidden to feed your pet from the table. Firstly, you must wean the animal from begging. Secondly, it should be remembered that what is beneficial for a person may be harmful for a dog. The main growth process of a puppy occurs for the first six months of life.

The diet should contain a large amount of proteins and fats, but there should be little starch so that the pet does not suffer from diarrhea. It is also necessary to add mineral and vitamin supplements, they will have a beneficial effect on the proper formation of the skeleton

Diet for an adult dog

Many people mistakenly believe that an adult dog can be fed in the same way as a puppy, but this is a mistaken opinion. Puppy food should be filled with a lot of protein, fat and calcium - this is not suitable for an adult dog. The diet should not contain more than 16% fat. The feed must contain sufficient fiber to prevent excessive fermentation.

General characteristics of temperament and behavior:

  • inquisitive;
  • love active recreation;
  • love walks;
  • they love affection and are considered the most affectionate of all terriers;
  • playful;
  • love to serve the owner;
  • are patient with other dogs, but can sometimes enter into conflicts;
  • calmly accept strangers;
  • love children;
  • smart, quick-witted;
  • cheerful;
  • self-confident;
  • decisive;
  • love independence;
  • do not tolerate physical influence from small children;
  • love to dig holes.

Comparative table of positive and negative traits of the West Highland White Terrier

Positive traits Minuses
the dog will be comfortable living even in an apartmentIt is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the coat
it does not cause allergies in residents, since its fur does not shed;Males are stubborn, so they need a special approach during training.
the learning process will not cause difficultiesthe breed is wayward, there must be strict upbringing;
Highlanders are devoted to their familyBecause the wool is white, it often gets dirty
easily adapts to the city. There is no trouble on the street. loud frequent barking
considered the most affectionate of all terriers

Education and training

The West Highland White Terrier needs training from the first days of its arrival in a new home. Only a fully vaccinated puppy can walk outside and after passing quarantine, that is, after 3 months. Accordingly, if your baby has not reached this age, then he will have to temporarily organize a toilet in the apartment for a diaper.

We first accustom the puppy to a collar, clothes and a leash in the apartment. This is done so that when the dog goes outside for the first time, he can calmly get acquainted with his surroundings, and not try to throw off unfamiliar objects. The first walks, as a rule, are a lot of stress for all puppies - the hum of cars, a large number of people, an unfamiliar environment - all this together can frighten the baby. Therefore, the owner needs to be attentive on the street and, if possible, minimize unpleasant moments - for example, walk in a quiet park away from crowds of people and cars.

The next difficult part will be explaining to your pet the rules of behavior in your home:

  • You can only use special toys for play, not the owner’s things.
  • It is forbidden to chew or damage furniture and other things
  • When staying at home unattended and alone, you cannot break the previous rules, or howl or bark

We must remember that frequent punishments have a very negative impact on the puppy’s psyche and can provoke the development of undesirable character traits - cowardice, aggressiveness. For proper development, the baby must grow up in a calm and friendly environment.

When learning commands, preference should also be given to rewarding correct execution by giving a treat.

Closer to 4 months, we begin active socialization of the puppy. We no longer walk in deserted places, we gradually get acquainted with noisy streets, and get used to communicating with unfamiliar people and animals.

With the development of new places, new rules are introduced:

  • The toilet is only outside, at home we are slowly getting rid of diapers
  • Not all people or dogs walking by want to communicate, so you don’t need to run up to everyone to introduce yourself.
  • Do not pick up food on the street; this can only be done from the hands of the owner

By this age, the West Highland White Terrier puppy gets used to the house and feels calm on the street, he no longer needs your protection and patronage. Therefore, he may, while running with other dogs, not respond to your call, ignore your commands, be stubborn and not obey.

This suggests that it is time to engage in full training. Now the period has come when you can demand and insist. However, do not overdo it, the main thing is that the classes bring pleasure to the owner and the pet, and then the result will not be long in coming.

By the age of 5 months, we teach the West Highland White Terrier puppy the following skills:

  • Slowly moving next to the owner with and without a leash
  • Command "come to me"
  • Indifference to food lying on the street
  • “sit”, “lie down”, “stand” on command by voice and gestures

When and how to punish

If the command is not executed, immediately let Vesti know that you are unhappy. If your pet has done something wrong, let’s say at home, the punishment should not be too severe. Never hit a dog with your hand, neither on the butt, nor especially on the face. Subsequently, the dog will be afraid of your hand, especially when you try to pet it.

In such cases, resort to a rolled up roll of regular newspaper. But the roll should not be too dense and heavy. A curled newspaper is not so much painful as it is very annoying and makes a lot of noise from the paper. On the street, you can pull the leash and call the dog loudly, this will immediately attract its attention and let it know that you are unhappy.

Punishment must be applied without fail at the moment your Vestik commits an offense, but not after.

If you come home and, say, find tattered wallpaper, take Westie to the wallpaper, you can scold him, get offended, and leave him alone in another room. But under no circumstances hit the dog, otherwise it will never understand that you were scolded specifically for the wallpaper. It’s also not worth punishing a Westie for a long time; 10 minutes is enough for them to realize that you are unhappy. The best way is to ignore it. Don’t react to the dog in any way, walk by and don’t pet it when the Westie brings you a toy, just ignore it. Believe me, this is the biggest punishment for Wests - not communicating with you.

Health and illness

The West Highland White Terrier is a generally healthy breed, but there is a condition that they are most susceptible to.

Food allergies. It can manifest itself in the form of redness of the skin, itching, peeling, and lacrimation. If such symptoms appear, you need to change the food and also pay attention to the cosmetics you use. Incorrectly selected shampoo, soap and other cleaning products can also cause excessive dryness of the skin and an allergic reaction.

With proper balanced feeding, the West Highland White Terrier should not have any health problems. However, you should always monitor your pet: lethargy, refusal to eat, vomiting, and diarrhea may indicate a serious illness. In these cases, seek advice from your breeder and, if he cannot help, then consult a veterinarian.

Personality of West Highland White Terriers

Character of the West Highland White Terrier

Representatives of this breed have an inquisitive mind. These are sociable, affectionate dogs that love to always be close to people. But it will be very difficult for them to build friendly relationships with other animals. If you already have a West Highland White Terrier and are planning to purchase a new pet, it is worth considering this nuance. Moreover, they are jealous of their owners.

Like all terriers, West Highland White Terriers love to bark and dig, and sometimes both at the same time, demonstrating their independence and tenacity. And also a little stubbornness.

With such pets you need to frequently play active games and take time for long walks, as they have a very large supply of energy.

Westies have good manners, which is why they are considered intellectuals. Although they are more of a calm dog, they, like everyone else, love to have fun and play.

West Highland White Terriers can get along well with older children. But if there is a small child in your home, then keep in mind that representatives of this breed will not tolerate rudeness from children.

How to choose a puppy

Puppies can be given into the wrong hands no earlier than at the age of eight weeks. By this time, he had received his first vaccination and measures were taken to protect him from worms. He already feeds on his own and is in the so-called formation stage, which allows him to easily adapt to new conditions and get used to new people.

Arrange a meeting with several dog handlers, without making a promise to buy a puppy. You will very quickly see where the dogs have a really good bond with their owner, where the puppies are sociable and friendly towards people. Be patient and don’t get excited when you see the first funny puppy you see. Think critically about your future purchase and make sure you make the right choice before making it. If you make a rash purchase, you will have to regret your haste throughout the dog’s life.

Train yourself or hire a dog handler?

Another, no less important, question in education remains the question of whether it is worth raising, and in particular training a dog, yourself or giving it to a dog handler. Of course, you will be attracted by the impeccable execution of commands and the dog’s every second response at work. And that’s why many people prefer to give their dogs to professional dog handlers, instructors, trainers, etc., in the hope that they will give you a ready-made, obedient Westie.

But don’t forget that raising a dog means close personal contact with it. This is communication, these are emotions, so don’t be surprised when, watching the instructor’s work, you see the impeccability and obedience of your Westie, and when they give him to you, the dog will absolutely not listen to you. The dog handler knows his job, and he will teach the dog commands, but whether the dog will obey you is not a fact!

Engage, educate, and most importantly, communicate with your Westie. After all, this is the only way you will find that very harmony in your relationship with your dog, which is so beautifully shown in films. Training is a serious activity, so you either do it or you don’t. This is painstaking work that requires patience and love for your pet. Don't forget, you should be primarily interested in raising your Westie. Raise your Westie so that both you and the Westie receive only positive emotions from communication, and so that your dog does not associate your commands with something unpleasant.

How much does it cost

The cost of puppies from different breeders can vary significantly. This is due to the unequal costs of maintaining puppies and mothers; the price of puppies also includes the costs of breeding, childbirth and much more. On average, the price for a West Highland White Terrier puppy in Moscow starts from 20,000 rubles. Puppies with show prospects are sold at much higher prices.

Video about the characteristics of the West Highland White Terrier breed:

The miniature size of West Highland White Terriers makes them very easy to keep pets. Even in a small apartment, these dogs will feel quite comfortable, provided that the owner pays them enough attention.

West Highland White Terrier breeding

Mating of West Highland White Terriers

The West Highland White Terrier can be classified as a rare species of animal, and therefore mating can be breeding and official. Puberty in puppies occurs at 8-10 months. But to ensure that animals do not develop any pathologies, they need to be bred only after 20 months. The recommended time is 13-15 days from the start of the girl’s estrus.

First of all, the dogs need to be introduced to each other. They are walked together the day before mating. At the appointed time, the female is brought to the male’s territory, where the act should take place. It will last no more than 20 minutes, but pets can stay in the castle for a long time.

Feeding dry food

Properly selected food for a Westie is a guarantee of his well-being, health and maximum life expectancy. Only hypoallergenic dry food based on beef, lamb, duck or fish with the addition of rice is suitable for them.

You need to know and follow several rules when purchasing industrial feed:

  • You should not buy dry granules by weight, but only in original packaging.
  • You should not purchase food in markets where shelf life and sales conditions are often not respected. It is preferable to choose pet stores attached to veterinary clinics. When shopping there, you can get advice from a veterinarian along the way.
  • When purchasing food, you must carefully check the integrity of the packaging and its appearance. It is recommended to pay attention to compliance with implementation deadlines.

Suitable brands of dry food

Premium and super premium food are more expensive, but have undeniable advantages. They are better absorbed and have fewer preservatives and foreign additives.

Cheap food is most often made from chicken meat. With their constant use, an allergic reaction may appear after some time, after harmful substances accumulate in the body.

The deterioration of the animal's internal condition immediately affects its appearance. Problems with fur and skin appear, and there is discharge from the nose and eyes.

Westies should not be fed dry cat food, as they have a high fat content.

Veterinarians and breeders recommend choosing the following brands of food for Westies:

  • Purina One;
  • Royal Canin Mini Adult;
  • Savarra Adult Dog Small Breed;
  • Kennels' Favorite Petite Adult;
  • Favorite Petite Adult.
  • ARDEN GRANGE (GB) Puppy/Junior (includes a puppy in the menu).

When switching from one food to another, you must be careful. This is done gradually, over five days, observing the reaction of the animal’s body. It is recommended to choose a new food according to the age of the dog.

Photo gallery

Perhaps this is a real find for everyone who comes to the nursery in search of a brave and loyal friend who will cheer and console, help catch game or take part in active games. We invite you to look at our small photo selection of these small but brave animals.

How to name a dog: popular nicknames

It is recommended that the whole family choose a pet name so that everyone likes it. To please your four-legged friend, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • The nickname should be short. Long names are not easy to pronounce regularly;
  • It’s better to choose a well-known word that will be easy to remember. These can be heroes of films, cartoons or simple fairy tales;
  • The nickname should consist of no more than two syllables. This way it will be easier for the animal to remember it;
  • it must begin with a consonant. According to experts, pets remember such nicknames better. However, today there are a lot of names that begin with a consonant and sound very beautiful;
  • the name must be unique. This will help avoid confusion when walking in the park where other pets are walking.

Nicknames that are now popular for boys are: Archie, Cupid, Ax, Bucks, Baron, Butch, Jack, Dick, Zhorik, Nike, Peach, etc.

Girls can be called Terry, Julia, Greta, Silva, Valencia, Gerda, Juliana, Kira, Zhuzha, Cleopatra, Coco, Leila.

Buying "from hand"

The advantage of this method of purchasing an animal is that it costs relatively little. At the market there are resellers called “breeders”; some sellers bring dogs whose breed and health they know nothing about. Although the price tags are lower than in dog breeding organizations, there is a risk of loss in purchasing a non-purebred or sick animal, which can be adopted for free.

To avoid becoming a victim of deception, you need to have a good understanding of the exterior of purebred animals and be able to visually recognize signs of disease. Try to find out the seller's address so you can contact him if any misunderstandings arise.

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