The Canaan Dog is an attentive guard and devoted friend.

The Canaan Dog is amazing with its history. Just think: completely domesticated, trusting people, she was forced to survive in the wild. And she survived. We will tell you how this happened in this article. This is one of the hardiest breeds. Both in ancient times and now, people use it for work: it exhibits excellent security qualities, copes with the work of a shepherd, rescuer, security guard, and policeman. Easily tolerates heat and is not subject to thermal overheating.

This is the national breed of Israel. Dog handlers joke that this is the only breed that obeys commands only in Hebrew. Whether this is innate stubbornness or a myth, you can only be convinced by personally meeting this amazing four-legged beast and, of course, reading our article.

Description of the Canaan dog breed

Popularity 83rd among 263 dog breeds


12-15 years


52-62 cm

Country of origin:


Average price:

60-70 thousand rubles


males: up to 26 kg, females: up to 22 kg
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In general, the vaccination schedule is similar to that applicable to other breeds:

  1. For rabies, the first injection is given at 12 weeks, then repeated a year, carried out annually.
  2. They are vaccinated against plague at 8 weeks, revaccinated every year, and repeated every year.
  3. For parainfluenza, an injection is given at 8 weeks, then repeated a year, like every subsequent year of the dog.
  4. Protect against enteritis at 10 weeks, re-introduce a year, repeat annually.
  5. Protect against leptospirosis at 10 weeks, repeat at 12 months, then annually.
  6. The microsporia vaccination is given at 28 weeks, then repeated annually and annually.
  7. The vaccine against trichophytosis is given at 28 weeks, a year and annually.

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Advantages and disadvantages

  • Pros:
  • excellent watchmen;
  • very smart and resourceful;
  • easy to educate and train;
  • energetic, strong and resilient;
  • love small children.
  • Minuses:
  • dogs are quite stubborn and have an independent disposition;
  • do not get along well with other dogs, show anger and aggression;
  • cannot tolerate prolonged loneliness;
  • bark loudly, require frequent and regular walking with physical activity;
  • are prone to genetic diseases.

Key facts

Canaan dogs are amazing and unusual creatures. They can easily tolerate heat and are able to work under the sun for a long time. There is an opinion in the animal kingdom that these are the only dogs that carry out commands in Hebrew - of course, this is just a joke.

Canaan dogs are incredibly loyal and selfless. According to ancient legend, animals were the favorites of Queen Jezebel, they accompanied her everywhere and guarded her near the throne.

During wars, Canaan dogs were used as assistants, messengers, and in detecting mines. These days, dogs serve in rescue and security organizations and become favorites and companions for many families.

Description of the Canaan dog breed combines:

  • flexible and peaceful disposition;
  • good mental abilities;
  • strength, strength, endurance;
  • cheerfulness, playfulness;
  • developed guard instinct;
  • excellent training abilities.

Experienced owners do not recommend having Canaan dogs for constantly busy or weak-willed people. Animals require a special approach and are ready to submit only to the leading breeder. Canaanites do not tolerate prolonged loneliness well; moreover, due to their activity and energy, they need long walks with increased physical activity.

The Canaanites treat small children with special care, consider them their “wards”, and protect them with affection and love. But at the same time, the child must treat the dog with respect - it is unacceptable to hurt him, pull his ears and tail, or take away his favorite toys and food.

The Bedouin Shepherd gets along easily with cats, but shows aggression towards other dogs. There are problems if there are ferrets, rabbits, hamsters and other small animals in the house - the dog’s hunting instinct is highly likely to be triggered.

Characteristics of the Canaan dog breed include many interesting facts:

  1. The breed was obtained in Israel by crossing stray semi-wild dogs of the Middle East and North Africa.
  2. The dogs are devoted to the breeder, gentle and caring with small children, not cowardly, vigilant, and are wonderful watchdogs. They easily get used to new living conditions and are easy to train.
  3. With proper maintenance and proper nutrition, the life expectancy of Canaan dogs is 12-15 years, but their health must be carefully monitored.
  4. Minimal grooming is required, since Canaanians are very clean; they only need regular combing of their fur during the molting period.

Good physical shape can be maintained through increased physical activity and active games that require endurance and dexterity - both from the dog itself and from its owner. Canaan dogs require systematic training, but they do not like repeated repetitions of the same exercises and may refuse to do them.

Pungsan mating

In principle, the female is ready to meet a male and for her first heat, but you can’t breed so early! The ideal days for mating are considered to be from 11 to 15 from the start of estrus.

It is best to breed a female by the age of 2, just like males. Under no circumstances should males be bred before two years of age. Early sexual activity will not improve the health of either the dog or the offspring.

  • Before mating, animals need to be given a good walk, but should not be fed. It is better to introduce dogs on neutral territory so that they can get to know each other and run around, and then lead them to the male dog’s territory.
  • Matings should always be carried out only in the territory of the dog. Actually, an act of love can also happen during dating, so don’t interfere with the process.

So, you're in male territory. Most likely, no intervention will be required, and the bitch, having played enough with the male, will allow a persistent suitor to mount.

If one of the partners for mating is small in relation to the other, then you can place a pillow under the hind legs or, if the bitch is shorter, place her belly on a bent knee. This advice is more relevant for small breeds. Just don’t try to bend the bitch’s paws so that the dog can reach her.

After ejaculation, mating occurs. The male can be on the bitch or stand with his back to her. The animals will figure it out on their own. However, if the lady tries to break free or lie down, do not allow her, hold her back a little. Also try not to scare the dogs.

It happens that after mating, mating does not occur and the male immediately loses interest in the female.

Be sure to carry out a control mating after 24-48 hours.

History of the origin of the Canaan dog

The breed appeared about 2 thousand years ago in Israel. Written evidence has been preserved that dogs guarded the court of Queen Jezebel, the wife of Ahab. The queen had a tough and very bad temper, however, animals constantly sat at the throne and accompanied the queen on walks. Which, by the way, indicates that Bedouin shepherd dogs easily become attached to their owner and love him not for his personal qualities.

At that distant time, these were free dogs that helped shepherds herd livestock and guard their houses. For humans, it was a profitable and productive tandem.

During the war with the Romans, many animals died. But the breed was not completely exterminated, as Palestinian shepherd dogs fled to the Negev Desert, where they adapted to harsh living conditions and survived as best they could. The young animals were completely wild and did not know the person, which subsequently created some difficulties.

In the first half of the 20th century, the famous Israeli dog breeders Rudolf Mendel and his wife were tasked by the government with the task of breeding a hardy and intelligent dog to guard distant settlements. This is where the Bedouin Shepherd with its remarkable health and ability to adapt to the most difficult environmental conditions came in handy.

The Mendels domesticated adults and selected puppies. The result of fruitful work was the emergence of a multifunctional breed, which was used as a shepherd, guard, sentry, messenger and companion.

During the war, the animals searched for mines and rescued wounded soldiers. Afterwards they were used as guides for visually impaired people. Today, the Palestinian Shepherd takes part in rescue and search operations, and works in police stations.

Owner reviews

The owners rate this dog positively . The external beauty of the animal is noted. I like their deep and kind look. Indeed, the dog is very hardy, active, healthy. This is a clean beast. One of the main advantages of the Canaan dog is its loyalty. This is a great friend and companion. Unpretentious in maintenance, he is ready to give his life for the owner and his family. Almost an ideal family dog. He loves children and all family members madly.

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Appearance of a Canaan dog

General impression

As you can see in the photo, the Canaan dog is similar in appearance to a large Spitz. The beauty of the animals is laconic and simple, everything in their appearance is carefully thought out and organic - a practical fur coat and a classic silhouette, reminiscent of the fact that the ancestors of the animals were wolves.


Strong, well-proportioned, with a flat forehead, the size of the Canaan dog is medium. The transition to the muzzle is smooth and not clearly expressed. The muzzle itself is quite wide, the jaws are well developed, the teeth are white, dense and not large, forming a correct bite.

The nose is mobile and black. The eyes are almond-shaped, with an intelligent and expressive look. The iris is dark brown or brown in color. The ears are raised, set wide apart, tapering from the base to a rounded tip.


Muscular, straight, medium in length. Its power and muscle strength can be easily felt with fingers through thin skin.


Knocked down, muscular, body – square format. The chest is deep, clearly defined, and medium in width. The line of the back is straight, shortened, the loin is convex. The groin is tightened.

Front and hind limbs

Elongated, oval, medium in thickness. The hind legs, with well-developed muscles, are set wider than the front legs. The hock joints are flexible and set high. The hands are round, the fingers are strong and grouped, the claws are dark and strong.


Not thick, with abundant furring. When moving, it is located above the back.


Harmoniously built, the dog runs gracefully and easily, without haste or fussiness.


The Palestinian Shepherd has a double coat; despite this, the dog easily tolerates high humidity and heat. The guard hair is hard and long, and comes in different lengths. Dogs with semi-long hair have contrasts in the length of the guard hairs in the head, limbs, and body.

The neck of purebred animals is decorated with a “collar”. In short-haired dogs, it is formed on the chest by elongated hair. The density of the undercoat is determined by the dog's climatic conditions.

Canaan dog colors

The color of the Bedouin Shepherd includes white, black, brick-brown, sand, cream, gold, and red. White markings are allowed. Tricolor, grey, dark tan or brindle coat colors are excluded.


The height of the Canaan dog at the withers is 52-62 centimeters, while males are slightly larger than females. The weight of the Canaan dog reaches 22 kg in adulthood for females and 26 kilograms for males.

Popular colors of Bully Cutts

The colors of the breed are not strictly regulated, but a certain set of colors has developed historically and is most common. It should be noted that, regardless of color, Pakistani Mastiffs should have dark eyes and a black nose at the darkened end of the muzzle.

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The variety of colors is not very wide; dog skins can be:

  • Solid colors (usual colors: black, white, fawn, brown), with colored individuals usually having white paws and often a white chest and belly. On a white background, speckling is possible;
  • Brindle: black stripes on a fawn or brown background. The ratio of colors and the width of the stripes can vary and the color changes accordingly from reddish with sparse thin shading to almost black with rare stripes of red color;
  • Bicolor, combining a white background with large spots of black or fawn;
  • Harlequin - small dark spots on a light background, often combined with bicolor colors.

It is unknown what the ancient, original phenotype was that existed before colonization by the British. Many sources indicate that it was pure white, sometimes with colored (black, fawn) spots on the back (bicolor) or with gray speckling on the muzzle and groin. However, the Sindhi variety, which is considered to be very ancient, is fawn in color with a white chest and spotted feet.

White dogs are indeed very popular in Pakistan, and they are often pure white and even without markings. But the reason may be that white color is considered very beautiful and noble among Muslims; the selection of white individuals may simply be a tribute to this belief.

Character of the Canaan dog

Due to the fact that the Canaanites initially lived among people, and then for a long time in the desert, there are some peculiarities in their character. Although the animals are attached to their breeder, they do not show open affection.

These are pack dogs for whom hierarchy is important. In other words, the family in the process of evolution was replaced by a pack, so the Bedouin Shepherd always “competes” with humans. The breeder needs to be firm and persistent, which will allow him to avoid problems in the pet’s behavior.

Dogs surround small children with affection and care, but they will not tolerate intrusiveness and cruelty towards them. They are wary of strangers, and in order to earn the dog’s favor, you will have to try.

Socialization of a shepherd dog should begin at an early age to prepare it for the “fear phase” at 10-12 months of age. At this time, the dog behaves very strangely: it is very frightened of new sounds, people, objects, which is associated with the genetics of its ancestors.

Long years of survival in the desert did not pass without a trace for the breed. The puppies were initially fed and raised by their mother dog, but by adolescence they began to fend for themselves. Only the strongest individuals survived in harsh natural conditions. Natural selection occurred when only the most cautious, vigilant, strong and healthy dogs remained, able to protect themselves from the deadly bites of snakes, scorpions and larger males protecting females and their territory. This is how the so-called “fear phase” was born.

The Canaan dog goes away on its own by the age of 13-14 months, and at this time understanding and care from people and the creation of a favorable environment in the home are required.

Aggression towards other dogs in the Bedouin Shepherd persists throughout its life. Pets are selective friends with cats, but large and small rodents are considered “food”.

The character of the Canaan dog is quite complex due to evolution; this must be taken into account before buying a puppy. It will take a lot of strength and patience to raise a dog as a devoted and obedient pet, ready to always come to the rescue and protect loving people.

Nicknames for Shih Tzu

When choosing a nickname for a pet, you can take into account its noble origin (after all, the ancestors of the mini Shih Tzu lived in imperial palaces and delighted the eyes of the top officials of the Celestial Empire).
Or you can focus on the baby’s cute appearance and positive character. Therefore, names for Shih Tzu boys can be proud, for example, Archibald, Dominic, Caruso, Truffle, Churchill. Or infinitely cute: Bonnie, Georges, Leaf, Mickey, Sunny, Tim. If you want to name your pet in the Russian style, the names Venya, Raisin, Krosha, Kuzya, Styopa, Tema, Funtik, Yasha are suitable.

Names for Shih Tzu girls can also be stylish: Vanessa, Gabby, Bianca, Juliet, Jasmine, Lady, Matilda, Olivia - the names of both fairy-tale princesses and popular actresses are suitable for them. By the way, there will also be touching nicknames: Didi, Klepa, Lyalya, Mika, Simka, Fairy. And among the Russian “names” the nicknames Asya, Businka, Vanilka, Zhuzha, Munya, Sonya, Tykovka, Yusechka go well with the breed.

Education and training

The Palestinian dog is easy to train. A few repetitions of the exercises - and the command is learned for life. Animals are very smart and intelligent, but incredibly stubborn and independent in behavior. When they decide that the task is not worth completing, no amount of persuasion from the owner will help.

Canaan dogs are capable of sabotaging classes if the trainer has not become an authority for them. They will never allow them to be suppressed by force - in this case, the shepherd will defend itself or run away. When training, it is important to motivate the dog, then you will be able to get an easy-going, well-mannered and obedient student.

Animals require frequent, regular and long walks outside. Due to the activity, high physical demands are required. If this is not done, the animals will become aggressive, nervous and mischievous, and will bark loudly and shrilly for no reason. Such behavior is an alarm signal for the owner and an indicator that proper efforts have not been made to raise the pet. It is better not to get a breed for older and passive people.

These dogs are incredibly curious: they explore the territory entrusted to them far and wide, and also love to run, dig in the ground and in nooks and crannies. Without supervision, dogs are capable of making a lot of digs, holes, holes or passages in the garden plot.

In raising and training a Canaan dog, consistency and constancy should be observed, never demanding more than it can fulfill. Activities should be varied, otherwise the dog will lose interest in them and refuse to carry out repeated commands.

Who should start

Connoisseurs of the breed categorically do not recommend it to beginners: the stubborn nature of this dog can infuriate even a saint, and in addition, you need to find an approach to it. To do this, you will have to be a firm and understanding owner at the same time. You need to devote a lot of time to this dog, work with it, give it work.

They treat children as their wards, protecting them with all love. And yet, a dog remains an animal with deep instincts, so teach your child how to behave with a pet: the child should not distract the dog while eating, unexpectedly pull its tail or ears, or try to cause pain.

Canaanians live well with cats, but they show aggression with dogs of the same sex. You should not get this breed if you have rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, etc.

Health and Diseases of the Canaan Dog

With proper nutrition, care and maintenance, Bedouin Shepherds can live up to 16 years. Their health should be given increased attention.

Possible diseases

At the age of 3-4 years, animals often develop epilepsy. Lymphosarcoma, a malignant tumor, is also found in Canaan dogs.

Problems with large joints are rarely diagnosed; the breed mainly suffers from the following diseases:

  • allergies – accompanied by severe itching of the skin, the development of bacterial infections;
  • hypothyroidism – decreased thyroid hormone;
  • retinal degeneration;
  • prolapse of the kneecap upon impact or fall from a great height;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • obesity - with an unbalanced diet.

Most of the above diseases appear in Canaan dogs due to external factors: improper feeding, care and maintenance. Diseases can also be caused by viruses and bacteria, so vaccination is important, which is performed in a veterinary clinic according to a clearly developed schedule.

Reproductive health

Puberty of females occurs at the age of 7-12 months (estrus appears), males - by 16 months. The optimal time for mating is 1.6-2 years. It is not recommended to mate more than once a year, as this has a negative impact on the health of the puppies.

Before mating, animals must be vaccinated and parasite prevention performed. It is better to take a bitch to a dog, and not vice versa. To consolidate the result, a repeat visit is needed on 2-3 days.

Pregnancy lasts about 60 days, but deviations of 3-7 days are possible. It happens that the first mating does not result in fertilization, which leads to a false pregnancy.

If everything went well, then the female’s stomach gradually drops, the labia swell, and the nipples swell. The place for childbirth should be prepared in advance; it should be soft, clean and closed.

Childbirth among Canaanites lasts about 2-3 hours. A puppy is born in an average of 16 minutes. When babies are born quickly, the mother dog does not have time to gnaw the umbilical cord - this will require the help of a person who cuts the umbilical cord with scissors and cauterizes the navel with iodine. Puppies must be given to the mother for licking, after which they are placed to the nipples.

Cubs are born blind; they gain sight only after 9-11 days. Feeding of babies begins from the 12th day of life. Weaning from the mother is carried out no earlier than 1 month after birth and only if the puppies gain normal body weight and do not have any pathologies.

If breeding offspring is not planned, it is appropriate to castrate or sterilize the pet. Animals lose their ability to reproduce, become calm, and their character changes in a positive direction.

Basic moments

  • The South Russian Shepherd is a rare, almost exclusive breed, the development of which has been negatively affected by commercial breeding observed in recent years.
  • Yuzhaka wool produces excellent yarn, from which you can knit or felt beautiful things that have a healing effect.
  • In the case of JRO, differentiation on the breeding line is almost never practiced, so the choice of a future service dog and a companion dog has to be done within the same litter.
  • One of the favorite pastimes of South Russian Shepherd dogs is digging holes, which, given the size of the breed, are more reminiscent of construction pits.
  • Yuzhaks are not recommended for keeping as a first dog, or for people who do not have experience in training working shepherd dogs.
  • You will have to take a lot of care for the fur of a show-class pet, and not without the help of groomers. Keep in mind that the fluffy “fur coats” of Yuro quickly fall off, attract small debris and easily change color depending on the diet.
  • Paradoxically, although they are not essentially bullies, South Russian Shepherds do not establish contacts well with other dogs and are able to make friends with few of their fellow tribesmen.

The South Russian Shepherd Dog is a shaggy heroine who has established herself as a professional guardian of the owner's peace and well-being. Possessing a serious character and innate suspicion of violators of territorial borders, the Southerners never stir up conflicts from scratch. The only thing you have to take into account when having a South Russian Shepherd at home is the breed’s tendency to be proactive and think for the owner in critical situations.

Features of feeding and diet

Natural products must be present in the daily diet of a Palestinian dog:

  1. Raw meat.
  2. Chicken eggs - no more than 2 times every 7 days.
  3. Ryazhenka, kefir and yogurt - every 5 days.
  4. Cereal porridges made from rice, buckwheat, corn, oatmeal.
  5. Boiled or raw vegetables that can be mixed with meat.
  6. Vegetable oil, add 2-3 tablespoons to any food.

Spicy, smoked, salty foods, beans, potatoes, sweets and flour products are completely excluded from the dog’s diet. They provoke indigestion or allergies.

If you prefer dry food, it should be premium with natural meat. Portions should be rationed according to the daily allowance for the specific age and weight of the pet.

It is important to ensure your dog has constant access to fresh water. After eating, she needs to be given some time to rest so that the food is well absorbed.

Care and maintenance

You can have a Bedouin Shepherd in an apartment. But this is not the best option - due to their energy, mobility and playfulness, animals are better off living in a fenced area. You should not put a chain on your dog or keep it in an enclosure; the best solution is to freely walk around the yard.

In general, the care and maintenance of the Canaan dog is similar to the care and maintenance of other guard breeds. It doesn’t matter in what conditions the dog is kept - he needs regular and long walks with high physical activity. The ideal time for this is morning and evening, the minimum walking time is 60 minutes. Due to their lack of harmony with other dogs, Canaanites (especially males) are best walked on a leash and muzzle.

The coat of pets is thick and dense, it saves them from the heat and warms them in the cold season. During periods of seasonal shedding, a lot of hair falls out, and then frequent brushing with a stiff brush is required.

The ears, eyes, and mouth of the animal are regularly examined - dirt, sulfur and foreign deposits are cleaned with a cotton pad soaked in the appropriate lotion, paw pads are lubricated with cream or disinfectant if microcracks, rashes or redness are detected.

No less attention is paid to the health of the teeth: they should be cleaned every 4-5 days with a special paste and a soft brush; if a stone is detected, you should contact a veterinarian.

A dog's claws get worn down while walking on the asphalt. Otherwise, they are cut with nail clippers once every 14-20 days.

Tips for choosing a puppy

You can buy a baby Canaan dog in the breed’s homeland – Israel or Poland. There are no official nurseries in the Russian Federation. When examining a puppy, it is recommended to pay attention to:

  1. Reaction to a stranger

    – the baby should be friendly, wag his tail when meeting, and show curiosity and interest in what is happening.

  2. Behavior

    – playfulness, cheerfulness and mobility are important. Lethargy, fatigue, laziness are the first signs of sickness in the brood.

  3. Appearance

    – ears, eyes, area under the tail must be clean. The coat is soft and shiny, the teeth are straight and white, the body is moderately well-fed, the appetite is healthy.

  4. Parents' pedigree

    – purity of blood, character traits, awards at competitions, exhibitions, etc.

In addition, it is important that the Canaan dog puppy you like has had all the basic vaccinations (shown in the veterinary passport) and has the documents necessary for transportation to the country. The official breeder provides them all, no problems arise.

If you buy a puppy secondhand, be prepared for the fact that there are no documents, and in the future you may face a lot of health problems due to some genetic abnormality or with raising the dog.


* We invite you to watch a video about the Bully Cutta breed. In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can select and watch any of 20 videos about a given dog breed by simply clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, the material contains quite a lot of photos. By looking at them you can find out what Bulli kutta looks like.

The Bully Cutta is an exceptionally large and strong dog, very similar in appearance to a Great Dane or Mastiff. This is an ancient indigenous breed of India and Pakistan, bred to guard property, protect the owner and bait large animals. In the modern world, it has become a popular fighting breed in countries where this brutal entertainment has been preserved. Quite rare outside the homeland, not officially registered and recognized only by its fans.

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