Who is the Doberman Pinscher: man's friend or a killer dog?

The Doberman Pinscher has earned a controversial reputation - many people believe that it is an aggressive and ruthless killer. However, the person who keeps such a pet will definitely say that this is the most wonderful dog in the world. She is loyal, smart, smart and friendly. The secret lies in the owner himself - it depends only on him what kind of animal the animal will become: an aggressive beast or a faithful family friend. In order not to be captured by misconceptions, it is worth considering in more detail the characteristics of this beautiful and graceful breed.

Brief history of the breed

The breed was developed at the end of the 19th century through the efforts of Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. However, its exact origin story remains a mystery. Presumably, the breeding involved a German pinscher, a black and tan terrier, a Rottweiler and a short-haired shepherd.

The breed was named after its creator, and in 1949 the prefix “pinscher” was removed. Therefore, there are no differences between the Doberman Pinscher and the Doberman Pinscher - they are the same animal. The dogs became very popular with law enforcement officials and quickly spread throughout Europe.

On a note. The French club made a great contribution, where they actively worked to improve the stability of the breed’s character and eradicate aggression.

Origin of the Doberman

The name of the breed comes from the name of its creator. Karl Dobermann lived in a small German town and constantly changed professions. He served as both a night policeman and a tax collector. At that time, Karl thought about creating a breed that would have better performance characteristics. Dobermann believed that a dog should be of average height, smooth coat, high intelligence, alertness and endurance. Karl constantly attended animal exhibitions that were held in Apolda. From the animals presented, he selected those that had the best characteristics.

The dog has a smooth coat, high intelligence and endurance.

At the end of the 19th century, Dobermann purchased a house, where, together with his friends, he began to create a new breed. The experiments ended successfully. Numerous animal lovers bought dogs from Karl. There is no information about what breeds were crossed to produce the Doberman. The breeder did not keep any notes during his work. Some scientists believe that the ancestors of the Doberman are shepherd dogs, German pinschers, and Rottweilers. Perhaps the Blue Great Dane, Black Terrier, Pointer and Mastiff left their genetic traces.

As a result of the experiments, a dog with pronounced working characteristics was bred. In the 19th century the breed was called the Thuringian Pinscher. Another resident of Apolda, Otto Holler, was closely involved in improving its characteristics. The dog breeder was able to eliminate excessive aggression and make the animal softer. The guarding and protective qualities of the Doberman were not affected.

There have been some curious cases in the history of Doberman development. Otto Holler's neighbor was unhappy with the constant noise and barking coming from a nearby house. The dog breeder had to give away most of the animals, leaving a couple of representatives of the bred breed.

This situation contributed to the spread of Dobermans and increased their popularity.

After Dobermann's death, the breed was named in his honor. In 1897, a show took place where a new dog was presented. In 1899, the first Apolda Doberman Pinscher fan club was opened. Within a year, the whole of Germany learned about the club. The breed began to actively spread throughout Europe, then throughout the world. Dobermans were brought to our country at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1994, the Canine Federation entered the name “Doberman” into the register and indicated Germany as the place of origin.

Interesting facts about Doberman Pinschers

A few interesting facts will help you get to know this amazing breed better:

  1. The breed was bred by a person who had nothing to do with dog breeding. Karl Dauberman was a tax collector and policeman.
  2. The most famous detective dog of this breed, named Tref, served in the police of Tsarist Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. The dog confidently led law enforcement officers to lawbreakers. With its help, more than 1,500 crimes were solved.
  3. In S. Yesenin’s poem “Kachalov’s Dog” it is said about this breed: “Give me, Jim, a paw for good luck...”.

It is noteworthy that this is the only breed in the world that has the honor of bearing the name of its creator.

"Killer Dog"

Just 150 years ago, no one had heard of Dobermans. And no wonder - then this breed simply did not exist in the world. Now everyone knows Dobermans, but, frankly speaking, it’s somehow one-sided, not from the best side. The directors of classic horror films are mainly to blame for this, who artificially created the fame of the Doberman as a “devil dog”, “killer dog”. Judge for yourself! Whatever horror movie you turn on, there is always a Doberman pinscher as the guard of the main villain. We will not list such films here; you will probably remember them yourself if you wish. The main idea is that Dobermans have artificially created a reputation for being unusually vicious dogs, ready to tear anyone apart just like that, for their own pleasure. We will definitely challenge this idea, but first we will tell you about the appearance of this breed.

Breed description, standards and appearance

Representatives of the dog breed are noble, graceful and graceful. These are strong, muscular, confident animals of medium size without a hint of massiveness or heaviness.

The Doberman is a medium to medium-large breed. Ideal sizes for an adult dog:

  • height – 68–72 cm for boys, 63–68 cm for girls;
  • Doberman's weight ranges from 40 to 45 kg for males, from 32 to 35 kg for females.

If an adult dog weighs significantly more or less than the specified values, its diet must be adjusted: add additional food or increase physical activity and reduce the amount of high-calorie food. A pet that is too large will inevitably develop health problems.

Official description of the Doberman Pinscher (FCI breed standard No. 143):

  1. The head is strong and harmonious. The stop is well defined, but not too sharp.
  2. The muzzle is quite wide. Its length is approximately equal to the length of the skull. The Doberman's grin reaches his molars.
  3. Nose with wide nostrils, the color of the earlobes corresponds to the suit.
  4. The jaws are strong and set in a scissor bite.
  5. The eyes are medium, oval. Dark pigmentation of the iris is encouraged. Dogs with yellow eyes or heterochromia are disqualified.
  6. The Doberman's ears sit high and upright and can be cropped.
  7. The neck is graceful, dry, with well-developed muscles.
  8. The chest is convex, the back, loin and croup are muscular, the belly is well tucked.
  9. The tail is high, docked at the level of the second vertebra. In countries where docking is prohibited, it remains in its natural form.
  10. The limbs are straight and perpendicular to the ground.

Dogs of the Doberman breed move in a straight line, energetically and sweepingly, swinging their front limbs well and pushing off powerfully with their hind limbs. The most comfortable gait is gallop.

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About the character of Dobermans

Some dogs are known for being gentle (like collies, St. Bernards, spaniels, etc.) while others, without any objective reason or fault on their part, get a very bad reputation. The Doberman is a breed that unfortunately has just such a reputation. A lot of good and a lot of bad things are said about them; their name is surrounded by a huge number of exaggerated rumors and idle gossip. Therefore, I would like to try to describe the character of this truly wonderful breed so that those who already own Dobermans could understand them better, and those who are thinking about getting one would know what awaits them in the end.

You bring a Doberman into your home, he sleeps in his assigned place, runs around in your garden, he is a friend and protector of your children. You look and admire: how wonderful everything is! What a wonderful dog you have! But take a closer look. You will notice that the Doberman is in HIS house, driving in HIS car, frolicking in HIS garden, playing with HIS children. The Doberman demands and receives an equal, full place in your life. It cannot be put into the background, forgotten about, and when necessary, brought closer again. He is as key a member of your family as anyone else. He is always up to date! And if something goes wrong, he will still figure out how to achieve his goal. Everything around him is perceived as personal, his own. And your concern, in his understanding, is to provide him with everything he needs so that he can do his job in the family with dignity.

It is this meaningful attitude towards the environment as personal property that makes the Doberman an outstanding protector and guard. This is his personal responsibility in the house, his direct role, but at the same time he remains a gentle and loving member of the family.

Perhaps the word that can best describe the Doberman's personality is "alert." His destiny is to always be on guard, and this is not akin to caution out of fear. His vigilance is controlled by the brain, the “ability to reason” is a sign of the dog’s high intellectual qualities. No Dobermans are the same, but they are all united by such breed characteristics as thinking and character traits. They all represent a personality. It is not for nothing that the Doberman is called a dog with human thinking. He learns quickly and has difficulty forgetting. His attentiveness to his family is an almost human phenomenon. The Doberman is alert in mind, look, and action. And outwardly he looks decent; it’s not for nothing that he is compared to a thoroughbred horse. Everything is balanced: elegance, grace, beauty, dignity to the fullest, courage, strength and speed of reaction.

If you decide to get a Doberman, you must be sure that your intellectual potential is higher than his. By the way, this would be a good rule when purchasing a dog of any breed. There are no bad dogs, only bad owners. The true owner and leader of a Doberman can only be an intelligent, balanced person, with a strong-willed character and strong nerves, who is not unreasonably rude and angry. Any disorganization and instability of the owner will instantly, as in a mirror, be reflected in the appearance of his pupil. After all, it is not without reason that they say that a dog is a reflection of its owner.

The character of Dobermans was initially compared to a “loaded pistol.” But later, the painstaking work of dog handlers to improve the breed led to the removal of undesirable qualities, such as aggressiveness and ferocity, without reducing strength and courage. Most judges at dog shows and shows remember Doberman grounds in the past as being the noisiest. Now peace and tranquility reign there, malice is strictly fined. The Doberman does not bark without provocation; its barking always serves as a warning. He is not a bully, but woe to the dog who started the fight. For his owners he is a clown with a delightful sense of humor, but with strangers he is always reserved and aloof. If there are strangers in the house, the Doberman is always nearby, controlling the situation; and if he sleeps in his corner, then only with half an eye. He literally declares that no harm will come to his home and his family: he keeps everything under vigilant control. And he not only says it, he means it.

Each of us who loves and keeps Dobermans has heard that the breed is called excessively vicious, or even “the devil’s dog.” Let's find out why.

It is true that the Doberman is alert, intelligent and strong; it is true that he initially built up a good working reputation for himself by virtue of his outstanding abilities in the police and security services; It is true that he was repeatedly and successfully used as a military dog, including being the right hand of the US Marines in World War II; it is true that he is the color of "anthracite and doom" (as Dobermans were figuratively called in Life magazine); It is true that it is used by many security agencies in many countries around the world for night security and patrol; It is true that, for example, in the USA it is more often employed in police departments than other breeds. Yes, the Doberman was bred to serve humanity. And most dogs performing their breed-bred duties can be called vicious if you look at them that way. But we should not forget that they are trained to perform these duties and they are brought up to be exactly like this in character. The first principle of such training of dogs is to develop in them devotion on the one hand and suspicion on the other. For example, when Dobermans served in the ranks of the American army, when patrolling the jungle, it was extremely important to train them to be wary, suspicious, and literally hate everything that smells, looks or sounds like the enemy. The second absolute requirement for Dobermans was their unconditional devotion and obedience to those with whom they worked. Yes, a beginner encountering such a fighting dog would rightly call it vicious. But by raising a dog according to the principle of “loyalty-suspicion,” you can create an angry and aggressive dog of almost any breed, including those dogs with large, round eyes.

Dogs respond to the love we give them. If she is surrounded only by blind love, then she will greet with a gentle wag of the tail a stranger approaching your “family silver”: she knows the love of everyone she has met, and she has no reason to expect anything different from a stranger. On the contrary, if everyone a dog encounters hates it, it is bound to hate everyone in return.

Trained to perform special functions, the Doberman must unquestioningly obey and love or hate, distinguishing what is “evil” and what is “good.” Usually only 2-3 permanent people work with such a Doberman. They are the ones who play with him, feed him, take care of him. Any outsider is required to humiliate the dog, shout at it, abuse it and beat it. And so it is completely clear why Dobermans, during night patrols, voluntarily, without a second's hesitation, exposing themselves to mortal danger, rush at the command of the person they love in order to detain, stop, or, if ordered, kill the stranger they are trained to hate.

It should be noted that some private owners develop similar qualities in family Dobermans through intensive training just to see if they, the owners, are able to achieve similar results. Such selfishness in people is a shame. He destroyed the lives of a huge number of dogs who could have been incomparably happier by loving their families and letting their innate instincts, observation and intelligence tell them how to distinguish between good and evil. The secret of this dog lies in the fact that it itself is able to distinguish good from bad, and there is no need to develop selectivity in the family Doberman through terror. Remember the words of Bulgakov, which he put into the mouth of Professor Preobrazhensky: affection is the only way that is possible in dealing with a living being.

As you can see, the Doberman is alert, intelligent, strong and beautiful. In addition, it has great dignity. He is a loving companion, loyal, devoted and competent protector of the family and guardian of its property. And if you are smart enough, you can create from him absolutely everything you dreamed of and hoped to see in a dog.

Since 2022, according to the eastern calendar, is considered the year of the Dog, we will devote an article to these animals, or rather, to one of the breeds - perhaps the most mysterious, in some ways even mystical. We'll talk about Dobermans.

Breed varieties

There are no intrabreed varieties of these dogs. They differ only in color. Otherwise, the characteristics of the breed remain unchanged.

Doberman pinscher color

Representatives of the breed have hard and short hair that fits tightly to the body. Pronounced undercoat is a serious defect. Dogs with soft, wavy or long guard hairs are disqualified.

According to the FCI standard, the color of the Doberman can be black or dark brown with red or reddish tan. The American Kennel Club standard (hereinafter referred to as AKC) allows the following types of colors:

  • black or brown and tan;
  • blue;
  • isabella

The black Doberman has a particularly elegant and even royal appearance. When the black pigment in the color weakens, representatives of the breed acquire a blue color. Their coat is blue-fawn, light fawn or blue-gray.

The brown Doberman looks larger and less menacing. The gene for weakening the brown color led to the appearance of the Isabella color, which is still not recognized by the International Canine Federation (FIC).

On a note. The chocolate color sometimes fades in the sun and takes on a reddish tint.

1) Pitbull

Massive bodies with defined muscles, stockiness and incredible bite force, which reaches 126 kilograms per square centimeter - these indicators alone are enough to understand why pit bulls are such tough guys, and why in their homeland in the USA they are considered the most dangerous dogs.

Pit bulls were widely used to bait bulls and bears, as well as to participate in dog fighting along with other dog breeds. This fact, coupled with genes and body characteristics, makes pit bulls a terrifying force. An untrained pit bull is practically uncontrollable, which, given its unbridled strength, makes it a real weapon that poses a threat to people. Pit bulls must be carefully raised and trained, as well as given maximum care and attention. Only in this case the dog will be adequate and will not rush at anyone.

Character and behavior

The character of the Doberman can be described in one word - vigilant. High intelligence allows the dog to objectively assess current events and make the right decisions in any situation. The dog is moderately aggressive towards strangers, has an average threshold of excitability, and is obedient and hardworking. This is not a fighting breed, so it is not characterized by unmotivated anger.

Because of its cropped ears, the pet looks very menacing, but in reality it is friendly and loyal.
This is an almost universal animal. Due to their character traits, representatives of the breed can be companions, guards or service dogs. Expert opinion

Leonid Rodin

Experienced dog breeder

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The Doberman is a fighter. Many of his qualities do not require special training. For example, he will protect the owner even without taking a course in protective guard sciences. It is not for nothing that the Doberman Pinscher was the main working dog of the American army during the Second World War. The legendary Cappy became famous for saving the lives of 250 Marines during a Japanese attack. A vigilant four-legged watchman guarded the camp and sensed the approach of enemy troops. But trained dogs were forbidden to bark during the fighting. In case of danger, they woke up the conductor of the duty shift, and he already raised his sleeping comrades. When Cappy died, he became the first dog to be buried with full military honors. Half a century later, a war dog memorial was created on the island of Guam in honor of the 25 four-legged heroes who died in the Pacific theater of war. On its pedestal there is a life-size sculpture of a Doberman pinscher.

Attitude towards children

The breed is loyal to children, quickly becomes attached to them, and enjoys spending time playing together. At home, the Doberman always behaves calmly and friendly. But it is better not to leave the dog alone with the child: if the baby hurts her, the dog may growl and scare him.

6) Tosa Inu

Tosa Inu, also called Japanese Mastiffs, are the only Molosser breed from Japan. This is a rare breed of dog that was bred in the late 19th century for dog fighting and also to serve as bodyguards. As is the case with other representatives of this selection, this breeding feature was reflected in the genetics of Japanese mastiffs, which became more and more dangerous over time.

Now Tosa Inu are large dogs whose weight can reach up to 90 kg. They are distinguished by a sense of territoriality, fearlessness, and also aggression towards strangers and their relatives. In addition to this, these Japanese boast excellent physical characteristics and abilities. Their bite force is not weak: even Japanese mastiff puppies can bite through some hard objects without much difficulty, so there is nothing to say about adult individuals.

Dog experts say that Tosa Inu are one of the most dangerous dogs on the planet, and even experienced breeders can experience serious problems and difficulties when raising them. So if you wanted to take this Japanese into your home as a pet, think a few more times.

How to choose the right Doberman Pinscher puppy?

Before buying, you should learn everything about Dobermans to understand whether this breed is suitable for a particular person. It is advisable to consult with other owners, visit special breed exhibitions, and personally communicate with the animals.

Important. The characteristics of the Doberman Pinscher depend more on upbringing than on the innate qualities of the puppy.

Pedigree Doberman puppies purchased from a trusted nursery are distinguished by good health and balanced temperament. Therefore, there is no need to take risks and buy a baby from your own hands. Unscrupulous sellers often breed sick dogs or animals with mental disabilities.

A responsible breeder always keeps Doberman puppies in a clean enclosure. People who try to sell babies too early deserve no attention. Pets must be under the supervision of their mother for up to 2 months. If a breeder wants to sell dogs that are barely 4-5 weeks old, it is better to choose another kennel.

Healthy Doberman puppies are active, playful and curious. They have a shiny and smooth coat, clean eyes and ears, and an attentive and lively look. Dogs show sincere interest in everything that happens and are not afraid of strangers.

You should talk to the breeder:

  • find out in what conditions Doberman puppies grew up;
  • how old are their parents;
  • Do dogs have hereditary diseases?

Don't be shy about asking for documents.

To choose the right Doberman puppy, it is advisable to examine several litters and compare different babies. Dog handlers do not recommend purchasing dogs if half of them have already been sold - the best pets are usually taken first. Purebred Doberman puppies can be purchased in Moscow in the kennels GretchenDorf, Iz Zoosfery, OttoGeller.

Important. Doberman puppies must have birth certificates and a veterinary passport.

5) Brazilian Fila

Fast forward to South America, namely Brazil, where a large working dog breed called the Fila Brasileiro or Fila Brasileiro was developed. This is a molossoid breed with large bones and many folds of skin. The height of adult males at the withers reaches 75 centimeters, and these monsters weigh from 50 kilograms and more. These facts are enough to understand the danger that these Brazilians can pose to people and animals.

But that is not all. Fila Brasileiros are extremely distrustful dogs that will attack a stranger without much thought if they don’t like him. These Brazilians are very stubborn, willful and aggressive, and therefore only experienced dog walkers and dog handlers can cope with them.

This breed is so dangerous that in the UK, Israel and Norway it is illegal to own a Fila Brasileiro without special permission from the court. Also, ownership or breeding of Fila Brasileiro is restricted or prohibited in countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Cyprus. Experts note that although the Brazilian Fila is aggressive and dangerous, with proper training it is an almost ideal guard, especially for a country house. This is a real guard dog, which, if properly raised, will show not only its protective functions, but also maximum devotion and love towards the owner, his family members and his friends.


Knowledge of breed development norms will allow you to detect violations in time and take appropriate measures.

Below are the average height and weight standards for a Doberman puppy by month:

Age (months)Height boy/girl (cm)Weight boy/girl (cm)

Doberman tattoo: meaning, sketches, photos of tattoos

The content of the article

A Doberman tattoo is a beautiful body decoration and a way to demonstrate your love for your pet. Oddly enough, but it is this image that holds the palm among other images of dogs. What does this tattoo symbolize?

History of the breed

The Doberman dog breed is one of the oldest. Karl Friedrich Louis Daubermann, born at the beginning of the 19th century, was a tax and rent collector. He set himself the goal of breeding a breed of dog that would be similar to him in character and would meet all his requirements. Having considered the original breeds of hunting dogs, German Pinschers, Manchester Terriers, Shorthaired Pointers and Rottweilers, by 1870 the Dobermann was able to realize his dream. A similar population of dogs appeared, awarded the honor of being named after the creator. Slender individuals with short shiny hair, fearless and strong, loyal and vigilant friends, Dobermans have become extremely popular. In 1960, this dog breed became officially registered as German, brought from Germany.

The Doberman breed is a wonderful find for dog lovers. She has brilliant qualities both external and internal. This dog is moderate in everything: kindness and malice, excitability and temperament. The Doberman is the best friend of all time. The popularity of this breed is difficult to overestimate even now. The calling card of the singer Glukoza was this dog. It complemented her already extravagant cartoon image very stylishly. In tattoo art, Dobermans take first place among lovers of designs depicting dogs.

Who is the tattoo suitable for?

A Doberman tattoo can tell a lot about its owner. Regardless of gender, this is a noble person. Even the appearance of this tattoo speaks of the intelligence, neatness and harmony of its owner. This is a person who strives for order in everything: in clothes, in thoughts, and in actions. He is gallant and polite, often such a man is a ladies' man. A Doberman tattoo can hardly be overestimated in terms of loyalty and devotion. A person with this pattern on his body is even capable of sacrificing himself for the sake of his loved ones. He will always understand and regret, give good advice and suggest the right path. He is an excellent family man and a loyal friend.

Doberman tattoos are also suitable for moderately impulsive and emotional people. The figure of this dog will tell about the owner’s indifference to everything around him, about his desire to strive for something new, without losing sight of what he has already comprehended. Sometimes a Doberman tattoo speaks of a person’s hot, even hot-tempered character. In some cases it can be aggressive. Unstoppable in his fearlessness, a person will protect the people dear to him to the last, sometimes even going beyond what is permitted. The meaning of a Doberman tattoo is a kind of way to stop in time, which will help to avoid unnecessary movements in behavior.

Very often, Doberman owners get a tattoo with the image of their pet (see photo in the gallery). This is the need to constantly feel his presence next to you, a tribute of love and respect to your four-legged friend. Sometimes this is grief for a deceased animal, a way to forever leave a memory of it in the form of a tattoo. The figure of a slender, beautiful Doberman, stuffed on any part of the body, will very effectively emphasize the style of a man and a woman. Many people do it simply for beauty and shocking effect, without putting any specific meaning into the tattoo.

Performance technique

It is better to do a tattoo with a pet using the realism technique (see photo in the gallery). It is advisable that the sketch be in color, because the black and white version will not be able to convey the image so effectively. You can add an inscription with the name of the animal or a thematic phrase to the composition. The trash polka style is suitable for those who want to put a special symbolic meaning into a tattoo. The red and black sketch looks emotional and expressive, maximally conveying the inner feeling and mood of a person.

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Care and maintenance

Caring for a Doberman will not be difficult even for beginners. The breed practically does not shed and has no specific odor. But dogs still need some hygiene procedures.

In the warm season, representatives of the breed can stay in a spacious enclosure. With the onset of cold weather, the dog must be allowed into the house, since due to its short fur, the Doberman Pinscher is not able to live outside in winter. But the Doberman will not feel cramped in the apartment either.

However, keeping a Doberman will require some effort: an active and intelligent dog needs not only physical, but also intellectual exercise. The owner of this breed will have to set aside time every day for educational games and training.

You need to walk your Doberman at least 2 hours a day. On frosty days, it is better to wear warm overalls to prevent your pet from getting too cold. A Doberman on a leash experiences discomfort, so it is advisable to visit special areas where the dog can run free.

You need to constantly take care of your Doberman - only then will it be properly formed and enjoy good health. The period of puberty deserves special attention. At this time, male puppies try to dominate and actively flirt with individuals of the opposite sex.

In girls, the first heat occurs at 9–12 months. To avoid unscheduled matings, they must be kept under close control.

The right diet

You can feed a Doberman with both natural food and finished products.

In the second case, it is important to choose the right food:

  1. Animals weighing up to 25 kg are given food for large breeds.
  2. Dogs weighing more than 25 kg are fed dietary dry food that blocks obesity.

Dry food for Dobermans must be of high quality - at least premium. Consumption of low-quality products is fraught with problems with digestion, skin and coat.

During pregnancy and lactation, dogs are given specialized food designed for lactating females. It contains a complex of substances necessary for Doberman puppies to develop normally.

At home, you can feed your pet natural products:

  • lean meat (50%);
  • porridge – rice, buckwheat, millet (25%);
  • vegetables - carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin (20%).

The rest of the diet consists of fermented milk products. Once a week, chicken eggs are added to the food, and the meat is replaced with sea fish. Doberman puppies need more protein, so you should increase the proportion of dairy and meat products in their diet.

Feeding a Doberman follows certain rules:

  1. Food should be warm - not cold or hot.
  2. An adult pet is fed twice a day at the same time. Doberman puppies receive food more frequently depending on their age.
  3. The food is removed after 20 minutes, even if the dog has not finished eating.

If you feed a Doberman with natural food, you must include vitamin and mineral complexes in the menu. They are selected in consultation with the veterinarian. The transition from one type of nutrition to another is carried out gradually over 10–14 days.

Doberman puppies, like adult dogs, should not eat confectionery and flour products, spicy, fatty, pickled, fried and salty foods. Fish and tubular bones are prohibited - they can injure the esophagus.

On a note. If Doberman puppies refuse to eat, you should contact your veterinarian immediately. Loss of appetite is the first sign of illness.

Training and education

The Doberman Pinscher dog breed learns very quickly, but a well-mannered pet is the result of painstaking work. In order for a puppy to grow up adequate and manageable, early socialization is necessary. From childhood, he is introduced to new people, animals, sounds and smells, taught not to be afraid of crowds, city noise, or traveling in public transport.

You can learn more about how to train a Doberman from the article “Raising a puppy and an adult dog.”

In the future, it is recommended to take your dog through a general training course (GTC) to develop obedience and learn a basic set of commands. One-year-old dogs are usually sent to protective guard service courses. Working Dobermans must be trained according to a special program.

On a note. If you have problems training your puppy, you should seek help from a dog trainer.


The short coat is wiped once a week with a damp cloth and massaged with a stiff brush. Bathing procedures are carried out once every 6 months. Eyes and ears are periodically wiped, claws are trimmed as they grow. Dental health is maintained with a brush and veterinary paste.

Ear and tail docking

The modern standard recognizes dogs with undocked ears and tails as full-fledged representatives of the breed. However, most owners still agree to the operation. In their opinion, a Doberman with a tail and ears loses its natural charm.

An undocked Doberman is more vulnerable in battle, but now this problem has lost its relevance. The operation pursues decorative and hygienic purposes - to protect the dog’s ears from wounds, necrosis and neoplasms, and to protect the tail from injury.

8) Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd is one of the largest and most dangerous breeds in the world. Dog experts strongly recommend training and socializing the Caucasian Shepherd when it is still very small. It is very important to immediately show a dog of this breed that the owner is the main person in its life. It is also necessary to promptly stop even the slightest manifestation of aggression. Only in this case will the dog grow up submissive and obedient. If you don’t do this, then after two years of life the dog’s character will be almost impossible to correct. If the shepherd dog was not trained in childhood, those around him, like the owner himself, will face the full power of these beautiful but formidable natives from the Caucasus.

Also, Caucasian Shepherd dogs should not be left unattended near children, since the dog can mistake active games and children's screams for an attack and show aggression that threatens life. But if we put all these horrors aside and look at the Caucasian Shepherd, which was carefully raised, then we will see an amazing, kind and affectionate dog that not only gets along well with its owners, but is also able to protect them from inappropriate strangers at any cost.

Photo: Pixabay

Author: Vitaly Kisterny

Summary of the Pros and Cons of the Doberman Pinscher Breed

Beautiful appearanceTendency to dominate
Excellent security qualitiesFear of low temperatures
Balanced characterDislike for cats
Lack of specific careHigh activity
Good learning ability

The Doberman breed amazingly combines intelligence, devotion, fearlessness, strength and grace. This is a born guard, a loyal family friend and a first-class service dog.

Doberman Stock Photo, Picture And Royalty Free Image.

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What and when to feed the Doberman?

Dobermans should be fed twice a day, three and a half cups of dry dog ​​food per day. The amount your dog needs will depend on size, activity level, age and other factors.

Having two small meals instead of one large meal can help prevent CVD, in which gas leads to bloating. In this case, emergency medical attention is needed if the stomach twists to cut off the blood supply.

Be sure to monitor your dog's weight, as obesity can shorten your dog's lifespan and contribute to the risk of other diseases. Discuss your dog's nutritional needs with your veterinarian to get specific recommendations for your pet.

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