Bloodhound (photo): a loyal and devoted friend with noble manners

The Bloodhound is a hunting dog. He has a very sensitive sense of smell and hard work. Due to this, it is often used in search operations and by the police. These dogs have an unusual, recognizable appearance: long ears, as if rolled into a tube, and deep folds on the muzzle, “flowing” down. And because of their calm, good-natured nature, these dogs are popular. But before you get a bloodhound, you need to study the description of the breed and learn about the pros and cons of keeping it. It is useful to get acquainted with the reviews of the owners.
  • History of the origin of the Bloodhound
  • Appearance Standards
  • Frame
  • Limbs
  • Coat and color
  • Character of the Bloodhound breed
      Education and training
  • Content Features
  • Health
  • How to buy a bloodhound puppy
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • Breed characteristics

    Short description
    Conditions of detention:In a spacious apartment, in a large country house
    Purpose:Companion dog, herding dog, rescue dog, caregiver dog
    Color:Red, reddish-brown, fawn, black and tan, black
    Wool length:Short, smooth
    Adult dog size:The height of females is 58-64 cm, the height of males is 62-69 cm, the weight of males is approximately 40-52 kg, and that of females is 35-45 kg
    Average life expectancy:10-12 years
    Walk:Mandatory (2 walks per day, 45 minutes each)
    Physical activity needs:High physical demands
    Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 6: hounds and related breeds; Section 1: hounds, subsection: large hounds
    Puppy price:An ordinary puppy – from 60,000 rubles, from champion parents – 80,000 rubles


    • Bloodhound has been confirmed as non-binary and using they/them pronouns by Respawn Community Manager Jay Frechette, Bloodhound's voice actress Allegra Clark, and Narrative Director Mohammad Alavi.
    • Bloodhound is often seen with a raven named Artur, likely a reference to Huginn and Muninn, ravens from Norse mythology that travel the world and give the information they find to Odin. It is named after Bloodhound's uncle. He appears to share his namesake's disdain for technology, as he often attacks Pathfinder
      The official Twitter account once incorrectly tweeted out that the raven's name is “Arthur”. However, an in-game Rare charm of the bird confirms it is spelled “Artur”. Interestingly, the same spelling error was made again in the original official subtitles of “The Old Ways” short, though for Bloodhound's uncle and not the raven, and was corrected to “Artur” a few days after release.


    • Bloodhound regularly references Old Norse language and mythology with the words they use and their accent. Examples of these are: Saying “slátra” (“Slaughter” in Old Norse) in their trailer and voice quips, calling enemies “andskoti” (“devil”) and referring to their raven/teammates as “Félagi Fighter(s)” ( Old Norse: "Félagi", meaning companion or partner)
    • Making numerous references to the Allfather, a commonly used kenning for the Norse god Odin.
  • Bloodhound was originally intended to appear in the Titanfall series and can be found in The Art of Titan Fall 2 by Andy McVittie
  • History of the origin of the species

    Dogs of the Bloodhound breed have a very rich and interesting history, and this breed began to be bred in the Belgian open spaces by monks. At the beginning of the 10th century, dogs were transported to England. This was facilitated by the actions of William the Conqueror.

    The dogs' ability to hunt was immediately received very cordially, and their amazing sense of smell was useful for performing all kinds of search operations . This ability was first tried in America. Bloodhounds could track a person with incredible ease even in the most seemingly advanced cases, and their incredible endurance helped them make their way through dense forests.

    Also, dogs of this breed were used in catching criminals, as they were very good at finding the real criminal by smell from the crime scene.

    While working with this breed, it was noticed that the dogs did not show aggression at all and all sorts of attempts in the future to somehow develop it in animals were not successful.

    Dogs were brought to Russia only in the 16th century. However, after the death of Peter the Great, interest in the breed became less and less, and later the dogs completely disappeared from our country.

    Interest in the breed was revived again closer to the middle of the 20th century. We can say that today these animals are not particularly popular, but there are still a small handful of hobbyists who breed these animals.

    Cosmetic Items


    Main article:

    Finishers FinisherDefault Kill 1,200 Honor 1,200

    Heirloom Set

    Main article:

    Bloodhound Heirloom Set
    The set contains:

    • A Melee Weapon Skin: Raven's Bite.
    • A Banner Pose: Glory Hound.
    • An Intro Quip: "I honor those who've risen, not those who've fallen."

    Main article:

    Music Packs

    Bloodhound Music PackLevel 65

    Distinctive features

    The main traits of Bloodhounds are:

    • head is a massive skull with a square shape. In the frontal region and near the cheeks there are certain folds on the skin that sag when the head is tilted. This is especially noticeable in males.
    • The nose is massive black or brown with rather wide nostrils. The lips are large and soft, the upper lip covering the lower lip.
    • The bite is usually scissor-shaped, but according to the standard it can also be straight. The jaw is large with white teeth.
    • Eyes , as a rule, have a brown or hazel color, less often amber, and are of medium shape. Due to a sagging lower eyelid, redness in the corners of the eyes is allowed.
    • The ears of animals are quite soft and pleasant to the touch, thin, and set low.
    • neck is long and with pronounced muscles. This allows dogs to sniff the ground and identify all kinds of tracks.
    • back , with a strong loin and a broad chest. The tail is soft, saber-shaped.
    • The legs are strong and muscular.
    • The skin is soft and elastic.


    The lifespan of Bloodhounds is determined by heredity. Healthy dogs that do not have congenital diseases live about 12 years.


    The Bloodhound dog breed is prone to eye diseases. Animals often experience:

    • macroblepharia;
    • turning of the eyelids;
    • "cherry eye"

    Like all large dogs, Bloodhounds suffer from joint problems. The Saint-Hubert Hound breed is also susceptible to the following diseases:

    • epilepsy;
    • dermatitis;
    • intestinal volvulus;
    • eosinophilic gastritis;
    • food allergy.

    In general, the animals are in good health. With proper care, Bloodhounds rarely have problems. If your pet is feeling unwell, you should show it to a doctor.


    The initial vaccination of Bloodhound puppies is carried out by the breeder. Babies are vaccinated at 2 months of age from:

    • plague;
    • parvovirus enteritis;
    • infectious hepatitis;
    • parainfluenza;
    • leptospirosis;
    • coronavirus;
    • trichophytosis.

    Every 3 weeks, Saint-Hubert dogs are given a second vaccination. At 6 months, Bloodhounds are given an anti-rabies injection. Adult pets are revaccinated annually and treated for parasites every 3 months.

    Photo of an adult dog

    German Shorthaired Pointer

    German Shorthaired Pointer

    The German Shorthaired Pointer or Kurzhaar is one of the best dog breeds for the police. The breed was developed in the 19th century and has a spotted coat, small size, short smooth coat, and an energetic and friendly personality. In addition to the fact that this breed is excellent for police service, it is also an excellent hunter.

    Photos of puppies

    English hound

    English hound

    The English hound has long, large ears; this feature makes the breed original in appearance. This is an excellent breed for police service as it is a disciplined, muscular and strong dog. This is almost the only breed that stands still and waits for the owner’s command to complete the task. The English hound was bred as a hunting dog, which, unlike the shorthaired pointer, hunted larger game than birds, for example, deer.

    Features of character and behavior

    These dogs are very aristocratic and can have great love for their household, especially children. Dogs allow them to do whatever they want with them. Parents even sometimes have to protect their pet from restlessness. Here you should explain to your children that there is no need to cause pain and suffering to an animal, and especially not to take away its personal belongings and toys.

    Among the variety of pets, shy and timid specimens are often found, but they are by no means devoid of stubbornness. Thanks to this trait, parenting should be special, combining care and confidence at the same time.


    1. Bloodhounds get along very well with other pets and rarely conflict . They are usually always friendly and hospitable.
    2. The pets' unique sense of smell helps them follow a scent that was left more than 4 days ago and search for a target, avoiding any obstacles in their path.
    3. This is a unique breed of dog whose skills are used in searching for missing children lost in the forest, as well as in finding people from under the rubble of a collapsed building.
    4. The dog also amazes with its exceptional cleanliness and kindness, especially in relationships with children . He is a little distrustful of unknown people, but does not show aggressiveness. It takes a certain amount of time to completely trust a stranger.


    • When walking, it is best to keep animals on a leash, as the restless scent of pets can make them run far from their owners and get lost.
    • Dogs are famous for their special smell, which not all people like , and they also often howl and bark, which is also not to everyone’s liking. Please note that these pets often drool.
    • Bloodhounds love food very much, and if the circumstances are favorable, they can eat too much to their detriment . You should always monitor your pet's diet very carefully.

    The Ultimate Pathfinders

    Blood was developed as an ideal sniffer. He really has no equal.

    Everything about this dog is literally designed to take the scent. The capabilities of her sense of smell are simply amazing. By the way, even the characteristic folds on the face and ears serve this purpose: they “sweep” air towards the nose. And the brow ridges and folds above the eyes create a kind of “blinders”. When a dog follows a scent with its head down, at that moment it literally does not see anything around it and can focus solely on the smell.

    But advantage can sometimes turn into a disadvantage - especially if we are not talking about a “working” police or search dog, but about a pet kept in an apartment. If the dog “took the scent”, it will not care at all what the owner commands and where he was going to go. As well as the fact that the owner does not need this trace. For this reason, he is not suitable, say, as a guide dog or companion for an elderly person.

    Blood was bred as an ideal “sniffer”

    Care and maintenance

    Dogs are not particularly picky eaters. They have thick, short hair that can be easily brushed with a special brush several times a week.

    • It is also not recommended to wash your pet very often unless it is very dirty. After you have washed your dog, dry it with a towel, but do not blow dry it. This will be enough for the dog’s coat to acquire a healthy shine and look flawless.
    • ears need to be cleaned a couple of times a month using wet wipes or swabs.
    • Due to sagging eyelids, eyes are a rather vulnerable place for various types of infections. They need to be periodically checked and processed, washing the clogged areas. This can be done with regular tea leaves.
    • If the dog lives in a city apartment, then the owner needs to purchase a nail clipper for systematic trimming of the nails.
    • Physical activity should be present daily in the life of a pet . The main thing is to play with the dog on a regular basis and not let him go into his favorite pastime - sniffing the smells on the ground and looking for tracks. It is best to walk the animal for 1-1.5 hours.
    • The dog's skin also needs to be constantly monitored because it tends to fold and smudge . Moreover, Bloodhounds' eyelids can turn out, so they need to be examined quite often. If a disease is detected, it is recommended to immediately visit a veterinary clinic, because this disease does not go away on its own.

    Often, Bloodhound problems also lie in the skeleton and muscles. This is mainly due to unbalanced nutrition during the pet’s formation.


    The main thing in the nutrition of these animals is to prevent changes to the usual menu, because this is fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. And that is why future owners need to ask previous owners about the puppy’s diet.

    • The amount of food per day is usually one fifth of the dog's weight. A prerequisite is the presence of a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins. All this is done under the strict guidance of a veterinarian.
    • The dog's diet must include dairy products, cereals, and a variety of vegetables (except potatoes).
    • It is very important to feed your pet meat. It should be present in 2/3 of the animal’s diet. Fish dishes are also welcome. The fish must be boiled. Turkey and chicken meat must also be boiled before serving, after removing the bones.
    • It is not recommended to feed your animal exclusively dry food. It is better to use them as an additional source of nutrients.
    • Not far from the food, the dog must have a bowl of clean water. If we are talking about a country house, then water can be kept at the exit from the house.

    And the main thing is to prevent the animal from overeating. If he has eaten a lot, he must burn the calories he receives.

    As your pet gets older, the number of feeding times decreases.

    If the puppy is 1 month old , then feeding is done up to 6 times every 3 hours . Upon reaching the age of 4 months , the puppy begins to be fed 4 times a day every 3 hours . If the puppy is already 6 months old , then feed him 3-4 times every 4 hours . Ultimately, they switch to standard two meals a day.


    This dog breed is quite strong in structure . The main disease that accompanies the animal is bloating, which can be avoided by placing the pet's bowl at an angle.


    1. The very first vaccination is given to puppies at 9 weeks of age and, as a rule, it is done by breeders. The procedure is repeated only after 3-4 weeks .
    2. An adult dog is vaccinated every year and before the operation itself, the animal is first dewormed.
    3. After the procedure, the dog is not taken outside and is not washed . Adaptation to the vaccine will occur over the course of 12 days Owners should monitor the puppy very closely during this period, as this is the most vulnerable time for him. Often, after 1 vaccination, puppies may have a fever, apathy and drowsiness.
    4. After 3 weeks, the second vaccine is given. During this period, the dog also does not need to be taken for walks and protected from other animals.
    5. At the age of six months, puppies are vaccinated against rabies. However, if during this period the dog’s teeth are developing, it is worth waiting.
    6. At one year old, the puppy already receives a comprehensive vaccination, which is done every subsequent year.


    Among the main diseases in Bloodhounds are::

    • bloating or volvulus;
    • epilepsy;
    • skin problems (dermatitis);
    • entropy;
    • cherry eye;
    • hip dysplasia.


    It is best for pets to be kept in a large country house. The Bloodhound has extraordinary endurance, so if the dog often runs outdoors, then for this you need to purchase a special collar against fleas and ticks.

    It is very important to help dogs get out their energy, but not to overwhelm the puppies with a lot of physical activity.

    The best thing is to walk your pet 2 times a day for 50 minutes. And it’s best to combine walks with games.


    1. Bloodhounds have a short coat, but due to their activity they often get dirty. This applies to the ears in particular, because when eating food they often end up in the bowl.
    2. It is necessary to wash your pet with special shampoos with PH balance . The shampoo is made like this: dilute the concentrated mixture in water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Be sure to rinse it well from the animal’s fur. Human shampoos are not suitable for Bloodhound coats.
    3. The animal should dry out in a warm room without drafts . And only after the animal is completely dry can it be walked. The wool is combed using special rubber brushes. When shedding occurs, dogs need to be brushed daily. It is best to carry out the procedure outdoors to avoid getting hair on the carpet and furniture.

    Who should start

    This is a companion dog for a large family, because the Bloodhound loves children , he is happy to be part of the busy life and a participant in the fun. This is one of those breeds that not only get along with dogs and cats , but are even happy to have a new friend.

    Some people get not one, but two bloodhounds, then they can cope with loneliness more easily. If there is often no one in the house, then this dog will not suit you. She can be extremely destructive when left alone for a long time, and given her size, this can end in disaster for the home.

    The bloodhound's hunting instinct has become somewhat dulled, so you don't have to be a hunter to own this breed. It is often used as a service dog. But it’s difficult to make a watchman out of a Bloodhound: he loves people too much.

    The Bloodhound is not suitable for a couch potato, as this breed needs a lot of exercise, walks and energetic activity.


    • The animal begins to mature much earlier than the ability to bear fruit appears.
    • It is very important to wait until the pet has matured emotionally and only then start breeding. It is then that the female will be able to bear healthy offspring.
    • The very first estrus begins in the female at 12 months, but mating does not take place at such an early age.
    • Mating takes place no earlier than the pet’s 2nd year of development. Pets usually go into heat in spring and autumn.

    During mating, the bitch is brought to the male's territory. It is imperative that the environment is calm and good. The best time is considered to be the morning after a walk.


    The color of the coat of the Bloodhound breed is not very diverse and includes three shades in total:

    • black;
    • brown;
    • ginger.

    However, the degree and combination of colors has its own variations. The saddle color is more common, when dark wool is placed like a blanket on the back. Tan marks and contrasting combinations are also common. White spots on the chest, paws and tail are also officially allowed.

    Key points in training

    • In order for the animal to follow all commands and obey, it is important to put in a lot of effort. He has natural stubbornness and willfulness and therefore cannot be treated cruelly with pets.
    • When training, it is important to be kind, patient and moderately strict . Males have a more stubborn disposition. It is necessary to work with them gradually so that the character becomes calmer.
    • Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”


    For centuries, animals worked in fields and forests, so dogs need to be accustomed to life in the city. After the baby gets used to his new family, he is taken outside. The pet is introduced to other people, smells, and introduced into the society of its relatives. Without proper socialization, your pet will grow up fearful and uncontrollable.

    Chien de Saint-Hubert enjoys spending time with children. The animal especially likes outdoor games - here the dog can throw out the energy seething in him. But you should not leave a large pet alone with a baby - the hound can accidentally injure him. Also, a Bloodhound dog will not babysit children. She perceives a person as a partner and demands an appropriate attitude towards herself.

    The Bloodhound rarely conflicts with its relatives - the hound is full of self-esteem and does not consider it necessary to pay attention to other dogs. The animals also get along easily with other pets. A warm friendship often develops between a cop and a cat.

    How to choose a puppy

    If future owners have a desire to purchase dogs with such a stubborn character, then they need to contact the breeders and carefully choose a puppy. Only after communicating with the breeders will it be possible to fully understand whether the future owner will be able to cope with such a stubborn dog.

    The specialist will explain all the nuances of the breed, its character and behavioral characteristics. When choosing a nursery, be guided by real reviews from people and be careful .

    • You can pick up your baby from the nursery at the age of 8 weeks.
    • A puppy's appearance can say a lot about its health. Ideally , this is a well-fed, cheerful animal with great activity and a thirst for adventure .
    • The coat should be shiny and the nose should be wet. During walks, your pet should expend as much energy as possible. But the owner must understand that it is impossible to overexert the puppies, because in the future this can negatively affect their joints.
    • A mark is usually placed inside the ear or groin , which must be the same as the number in the pet’s passport, where all vaccinations must also be recorded.

    It is worth remembering that such animals are only suitable for people who lead an active lifestyle and also have good experience in keeping dogs. This breed makes you fall in love once and for all.

    5 / 5 ( 1 voice )

    Bloodhound kennels

    Blood is not the cheapest breed. It is not worth purchasing such a pet “from hand” - the purity of the breed will be in great doubt, which means that its qualities may ultimately turn out to be unpredictable (character, sense of smell, etc.).

    On a note! It should be noted that in the few specialized nurseries, puppies are often scheduled for several litters in advance.

    The table shows several bloodhound kennels:

    Nursery nameCityWebsite
    Nadezhda KseniaMoscow
    Hubert's LegendLithuania – Kelme
    Sherwood surpriseMoscow

    Purebred bloodhound puppy

    Breeders urge you to be careful when choosing a nursery. For example, on specialized forums about bloodhounds you can find warnings regarding an unscrupulous breeder, whose kennel, nevertheless, is thriving. Back in 2013, by decision of a special breeding commission, Olga Tereshko was banned for life from breeding activities due to numerous violations of the rules, unauthorized use of titles and even falsifications. However, after this, the breeder simply re-registered her dogs to her husband and continued her activities under a new name. Now her nursery is called “From the House of Leshy”.

    Bloodhound. FCI standard

    But the Moscow nursery “Nadezhda Ksenia” enjoys well-deserved authority among specialists.



    Rottweilers are known for their aggressive behavior and energetic nature. While not the biggest dog on this list, he is without a doubt the bravest attack dog that will make the ground burn under the feet of a criminal. He can easily bite off your finger. A criminal will think twice about his actions when meeting a Rottweiler. Taking into account the fighting and aggressive qualities of the dog, which he shows even in puppyhood, during training and training, emphasis is placed on discipline. You must be extremely strict and careful with this dog.

    Search service

    One of the most complex and time-consuming types of use of service dogs has become the search service.
    Guard activity requires the dog to have a certain anger, distrust of strangers, and determination; these qualities are mastered within two to three weeks. To gain the skills of search activities, a much longer period of training and acquisition of knowledge by the dog will be required. In addition, the dog's handler must undergo a special training course in this area in order to properly handle the trained animal and obtain more effective interaction.

    To prepare for investigative work, young pets with developed senses are best suited. Their disposition should be quite vicious and courageous. The psyche of a search dog must have stability and balance, and the nervous system must be strong.

    A search dog knows how to find the trail of a criminal, choose him among others, and work with objects left behind by a particular person.

    Giant Schnauzer

    Giant Schnauzer

    A large dog already benefits due to its size and can easily detain a criminal. Few people would be afraid of a small decorative dog, but a giant schnauzer by its very appearance evokes fear and respect. The Schnauzer has long hair on its face and looks like a retired general with many years of service and a long track record behind him. The dog is ideal for police service due to its height, body length, sharp teeth, powerful jaw, courage and loyalty. In addition, the dog is highly trainable.

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