The ancestor of the Molosser is the Tibetan Mastiff dog: characteristics of the breed, photos, sizes and what they feed

Tibetan Mastiffs are highly valued in China. According to the ancient legends of the Celestial Empire, such famous people as Buddha, Genghis Khan and Queen Victoria had such dogs. They are one of the oldest dog breeds; these animals guarded Tibetan monasteries and helped nomads move and live in the Himalayas. Over the past years, the price for such pets has been growing steadily and by March-April 2011 it had risen to $1.48 million in the Asian region.

In addition, the color red in China symbolizes happiness, and red mastiffs in general in this country are sacred creatures that bestow happiness, prosperity and security on their owners. Old sages living in Tibet believe that these dogs are the embodiment of the souls of monks who lead an insufficiently righteous lifestyle.

Hong Dong is a red Tibetan mastiff.

What you need to know about the breed

The largest dog in the world is the Tibetan Mastiff, which is also one of the oldest breeds. The first mentions of it can be found in the sources of Ancient China. The dogs are also called Tibetan Great Danes and Tibetan Shepherds.

Mastiff breed dog

The closest relatives of giants are pinschers and schnauzers. It is generally accepted that Molossians originate from mastiffs. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their courageous disposition. It is known that they without fear entered into battle with snow leopards superior in strength.

Breed Features:

  • Average life expectancy is 15 years.
  • Bitches are only capable of producing one litter per year.
  • They bark a little.
  • Smart, well trained.
  • They need plenty of feeding.
  • The coat is short, fawn, fawn or brindle in color. There are also white dogs.
  • Due to its short legs and heavy weight, the mastiff cannot run long distances.

Note! The breed is not recommended for beginners; working with giant mastiffs requires experience.

In our country, interest in dogs of this breed first appeared only a couple of years ago.

although these animals had already visited our homeland in 1998. Then they were brought from Europe - from France, Holland and Finland. However, if you believe the statements of representatives of the Tibetan Mastiff club, dogs of this breed have become increasingly popular lately, especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg. However, there are no dogs of a bright reddish hue in the capital, which indicates the ability of Chinese breeders to keep their professional secrets. By and large, the color of a pet is perhaps not the most important thing, because what is much more important is that the living conditions for all pets in the capital are not lacking in comfort.

Thanks to their long and thick coat, these dogs successfully withstand any cold weather, and in summer, in conditions of extreme heat, the coat also protects their skin. Still, in order to avoid overheating or heatstroke, it is better to douse the animal with cold water a couple of times every day and give it more water to drink than usual. Russian breeders don’t even dream of setting a record for selling the most expensive dog in the world. The problem is that in our country the canine culture is at a fairly low level, so it is still impossible to breed unique individuals.

And in general, the very concept of a “valuable breed” is absent as such, and instead it is rather the external exclusivity of the dog that is assessed. And you can buy a show-quality puppy, regardless of what breed it is, for only 1-2 thousand euros.

Therefore, our export of animals with really good genes is quite small, but imports, on the contrary, are high. The highest recorded sale price for a dog in Russia (a poodle named Martin) is 35 thousand euros. And yet, he is very far from the hero of our article.



The diet of the Tibetan Mastiff can be divided into two types: natural food and combined dry food.

Natural nutrition

Natural nutrition should be balanced, include all the necessary substances for building the body, normal metabolism, and obtaining energy. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and macroelements, water - all these substances must enter the body in the required quantities. And you need to make sure that, in addition to these substances, you do not introduce various toxins, bacterial and viral pathogens, or even parasites.

From two months of age, the dog must be fed six times a day using the following foods:

  • Dietary meat, an example of which is beef.
  • Kefir.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Various cereals, the best choice is buckwheat or rice.
  • Eggs.
  • Vegetables (boiled).
  • Fruits (fresh).
  • Olive oil.
  • Green herbs - parsley or dill.

A veterinarian will help you choose the right diet for your dog, and he will also help you choose a special vitamin supplement.

By the sixth month of a puppy’s life, you need to switch to five meals a day. In addition to the above products, you can add boneless fish. An adult dog is fed two to three times a day.

The amount of food per day must be calculated based on the dog’s weight. A mastiff should eat exactly three percent of its own weight per day.

Dry food

Dry food is also a great solution. It is balanced in micro and macroelements; no special vitamin supplement is required. A wide range from which you can choose the ideal option for each individual based on the age, gender, physiological state and financial situation of the owner.

What should you pay attention to?

  • Color. High-quality food is dark brown in color and does not contain dyes or flavor enhancers.
  • Meat. A high-quality food should contain at least 50% meat, since a dog is still a predator, and this type of nutrition is provided for by evolution. As a rule, this is beef or turkey, but chicken or fish are found in cheap feeds.
  • Vegetables. They are considered in the composition together with cereals. A good food should contain less than 50%.
  • By-products Conscientious producers indicate which by-products are used in the production of feed. The food may contain lungs, kidneys and liver. Otherwise, hooves and skins can be used.
  • Dyes

Food is divided into several types - economy, elite and premium, but this does not mean that economy-class food is necessarily bad. It’s just that their energy value is much lower.

When feeding dry concentrated food, the dog must have free access to water.

Vitamins and supplements

Due to the genetic predisposition of Tibetan mastiffs to joint diseases, it is necessary to add so-called chondroprotectors to their food - supplements aimed at protecting the cartilage formations of the body. Mixtures with calcium and phosphorus are often used.

Maintenance and care

For obvious reasons, none of the buyers were ever identified by name in the press. Journalists were only given their occupation and pseudonym. But it is clear that these people have the opportunity to keep a dog in a country house, since they are absolutely not apartment dwellers. This breed requires space and some freedom, so an expensive home with a large yard is best for them.

The dog can be fed steamed veal or lamb , as well as vegetables and oils, carefully balanced in the diet. But most dog owners outside the Middle Kingdom feed their Tibetan mastiffs with high-quality premium dry food. The dog should always have plenty of fresh water. a canopy in the yard so that the dog can hide from the sun in the shade, as they are sensitive to heat.

Special care is required for the coat , which must be combed very carefully with different types of brushes. Washing is required once every 6 weeks. You also need to wipe the folds on the face with wet wipes every day.

A bored mastiff can chew and break things, dig a hole in the yard, howl and bark loudly. If offended by the owner, it can run away.

This breed lives for about 14 years and matures relatively late. They reach full bloom at the age of 6-7 years .

History and interesting facts about the mastiff

Alabai Bulldozer: the largest Central Asian Shepherd in the world

The age of the breed is more than 5000 years. Over this long period, the animals remained virtually unchanged. Therefore, the first standard, adopted in 1122 BC. e. is still relevant today. A detailed description of the representatives of the breed was given by Aristotle, who believed that the formidable dog was a cross between a dog and a tiger. The philosopher noted the amazing size and special, deep, muffled bark. Marco Polo, who met a mastiff while traveling in China, was also impressed by the size of the animal.

The original purpose of the stern giant dogs was to protect the property of Tibetan temples. Gradually, the animals began to be considered elite; only wealthy people could have such a pet. Representatives of the breed not only had an impressive appearance, but also remarkable protective qualities, intelligence, and the ability to make decisions. However, the ferocity of the dogs is by no means a legend. Some mastiffs were indeed so formidable that their owners were forced to keep them locked up, letting them out for walks only at night.

Charming face

Tibet was closed to the rest of the world for a long time, which allowed the purity of the breed to be preserved. Animals were not able to interbreed with other breeds. Very rarely they left their homeland, for example, as a valuable gift to the ruler. The acquaintance with the Tibetans took place in the mid-19th century after a huge puppy was presented as a gift to the British Queen Victoria. They named him Siring.

Note! Mastiffs often worked in teams with Tibetan spaniels. The small dogs, sensing a stranger, began to bark loudly, calling for help from their huge partner.

Gradually we managed to get to know the breed better. In 1931, the Association of Tibetan Breeds appeared and standards were determined. However, the years of World War II almost caused the extinction of the breed. Mastiffs were saved, but they are still considered one of the rarest dogs in the world.

Historical reference

By the most conservative standards, the age of the breed group reaches 4.5 thousand years. Dogs similar to Tibetan Mastiffs are mentioned in one of the five Chinese scriptures. The first authoritative mentions of giant dogs, and very flattering ones at that, were left by Aristotle

The Italian traveler Marco Polo also gave generous attention to the breed, who described the Tibetan mastiffs in his work “The Book of the Diversity of the World”

The remoteness of the region meant that Europeans did not see Tibetan Mastiffs until the 18th century. Exaggerations in the records of historians have led to the breed becoming something of a mythical creature. There were legends about the four-legged creatures, like Bigfoot and dragons.

More recent historical information notes that a dog of the Tibetan Mastiff breed was in the personal kennel of the ruler of Great Britain, Maria Alexandrina Victoria (1847). Edward VII, who ruled England (since 1901), also acquired giants, although he had to buy dogs, and Victoria was given a puppy. It is interesting that such a huge period of time did not affect the description of the breed... although, if you dig deeper and think logically, everything is obvious.

Tibet is a territory surrounded by mountains - forests, plains, unearthly beauty...snow, wild cold, thin air and unpredictable climate. Few people will willingly agree to live in such extreme conditions. Everyone knows that Tibet has its own population, religion, values, and the whole region is, as it were, cut off from the world.

Not only were mastiffs unknown to the world on a territorial basis, but the Tibetans were not particularly famous for their hospitality. The breed remained concentrated in one area and remained “invisible,” which preserved its purity. By comparison, quadrupeds living closer to sea level were seen by nomads and traders. Naturally, exports and interbreed matings “overtook” the more affordable dogs.

The modern dog breed Tibetan Mastiff is considered as a guard dog. If we return to the records of Marco Polo, one can doubt the purpose of dogs. The naturalist wrote that dogs helped hunt lions and giant wild bulls. Since there are no lions in Tibet, we can assume that they were talking about tigers. Wild bulls are most likely buffaloes, which were protected by dogs from the same tigers. As a result, the Tibetan Mastiff could be used as a guard and herding dog, but not as a hunting dog.

It's time to debunk the myths that abound in the history of the breed, at least some of them:

The Tibetan Mastiff is not the progenitor of all Molossians existing today. The viability of this statement is not excluded, but it has no evidence.

A cruel temper is the result of upbringing, and not a breed trait. The first representatives of the clan were described as strong in spirit and body, but not cruel or bloodthirsty.

Dogs are not inclined to kill people, although this is exactly the tactic they were trained to guard monasteries in Tibet. Any impudent person who desecrated the secrets of the monks, a thief or a “curious barbarian” was punished by death.

Mastiffs are slow - in fact, the speed and agility of these dogs can be envied. Four-legged animals are incapable of a long, exhausting chase, but again, if the dog decides to catch up with the runaway, it will do it.

Tibetan Mastiff in the modern world

Unfortunately, the majestic breed is in critical condition. After the economic collapse of Tibet, all dogs were destroyed or died of starvation. The king of Nepal became the saving straw, taking the four-legged animals under his wing. The country developed a program to save the breed; in addition, the Tibetan Mastiff was actively advertised to Europeans.

The engine of progress was an American, Anna Roar. The breeder brought dogs from Nepal, began breeding them, and initiated the founding of a breed club in the USA. Following the Americans, breeding of Tibetan mastiffs began in England, Germany and France. By the way, the largest population is registered (almost 200 dogs as of 2015) in France.

There can be no talk of free or mass sale of puppies. The dogs that survived in Tibet did not receive enough attention (to the purity of blood) and were raised for generations as tough, ferocious guards. Purebred livestock, gradually increasing in England, France, Germany and Russia, have a more stable psyche, but are sold strictly for breeding.

Myths and legends about the largest Tibetan mastiffs

The smallest shepherd in the world: description of the breed

Representatives of the breed are surrounded by a huge number of myths and legends. In ancient times, it was believed that the massifs were the descendants of predators: wolves, even jaguars. Science has proven that there is not a word of truth in this legend.

Man's best friend

Another popular myth is that mastiffs have a telepathic connection with their owner. It is difficult to judge telepathy, but these dogs really subtly sense the mood of their owner and try not to bother him.

The Romans and Greeks used dogs in the arena, and the animals became participants in gladiatorial fights. However, in fact, the mastiff's character is very good-natured. This is an affectionate and gentle giant dog who adores his owner.

When hunting, one mastiff can replace a whole row of 20 greyhounds, since it is distinguished by remarkable physical strength and endurance.

Current state of affairs

Unsuspecting of their legendary fame and popularity, large and reliable guards of the territories continue to carry out their honorable mission. They sleep nicely during the day at the feet of their owner and stand guard at night.

During their existence, fur dogs have repeatedly found friends from other canine groups, which inevitably led to some loss of purity of the breed. Real Tibetan beauties, who have all the necessary documents confirming their belonging to the mastiff elite, cost a lot of money.

When choosing a baby from a nursery, future owners need to carefully examine it. Even a mastiff puppy should have a wide and large head, somewhat disproportionate to the rest of the body.

“Oriental” cut of expressive brown eyes, wide nose with large nostrils, large lower lip, thick hanging ears, velvet-covered fur. Straight posture, strong neck with thick fur, strong paws, tail set high.

All these are signs of a typical portrait of a Tibetan mastiff, your future guard and friend. Time will pass and a fierce, huge comrade will decorate any photo with a person.

But it was not external attractiveness that made this breed so rare, expensive and desirable.

Mastiffs are smart, in the process of evolution they have learned to be independent and endlessly loyal to their chosen ruler.

Next to such a friend, you and your children will feel calm, your little world will now always be under an invisible, but merciless “lock” for enemies.

Give your pet your love, attention and care, and he will return it to you a hundredfold, giving his entire huge canine heart to his family and protected area.


For the Tibetan Mastiff, the quality of the hairs is more important than their quantity. Bitches have fewer of them than males. The outer coat of medium length consists of an undercoat (dense, rather thick) and guard hairs (thin, sticking out, hard to the touch). The coat should not have any waves or curls. Also, it cannot be silky and soft to the touch.

A luxurious mane, similar to a lion's, abundantly covers the neck and shoulders of the Tibetan Mastiff. The animal's tail is well furred. The upper part of the hind legs is covered with a kind of “pants”.

Standard sizes

Mastiff (dog): what types of breed are there?

Mastiff is a large dog, height at the withers is from 66 cm (males) and from 61 cm (females). Male weight is 45-74 kg, female – 35-55 kg. The maximum weight of representatives of the breed is 115-130 kg, while the dogs are not fat; their impressive muscle mass gives them impressive weight.

Note! If you plan to participate in exhibitions, you need to watch your diet. The dog has a predisposition to rapid weight gain.

Reliable security guard

Newfoundland (diver)

The Newfoundland ranks seventh among the largest dogs. Initially, this popular breed today was used only in Canada as a labor force.

Newfoundlands may have light spots on their paws and chest. In post-Soviet territory, these dogs are called divers.

Did you know? Newfoundland dogs have webbed feet.

The standard weight for males is 70 kg with a height of 74 cm.

The Newfoundland is a very affectionate dog whose kindness can be compared to a Labrador. Representatives of this breed are friendly and treat all family members with warmth. Moreover, the Newfoundland is friendly not only to children, but also to strangers.

The character of these dogs fully corresponds to their purpose -
saving people . They love water very much and tolerate any temperature well.

Sizes of puppies compared to humans

Height and weight of small representatives of the breed by month:

  • Newborn – 500 g and 10 cm.
  • 1 month – 3 kg and 24-28 cm.
  • 2 month – 10-11 kg, 30-33 cm.
  • 3 months – 15-25 kg, 40-45 cm.
  • 4 months – 20-30 kg, 44-47 cm.
  • 5 months – 28-40 kg, 52-60 cm.
  • 6 months – 30-47 kg, 55-65 cm.
  • 7-8 months – 34-50 kg, 60-67 cm.
  • 9-11 months – 46-56 kg, 62-69 cm.
  • 12 months – 53-60 kg, 70-75 cm.

Height at the withers does not change much as the dog ages. Puppies, like adult dogs, are significantly shorter than humans, but due to their lush fur and muscular build, mastiffs give the impression of huge animals.

At the moment, the height of 11-month-old Hong Dong is 1 meter at the withers,

and the weight is as much as 80 kg . Adults can weigh up to 130 kg, the same weight as the average professional rugby player. Breeder Lu Liang, who raised the dog from birth, said that “Big Splash” has excellent genes and will be a good successor to his family. Their ancestor is considered to be the common wolf, and the age of the breed is about 58,000 years. The breeder also told the owner that the miracle puppy should be fed the best food.

For example, before moving to a new home, he ate only the best beef and chicken, and also did not disdain local delicacies - sea cucumber and abalone. In addition to these dishes, such a dog’s diet should contain butter, liver, rumen, boiled fish heads, butter, eggshells and raw bones for cleaning teeth.

The average age of such animals is 14 years, and they may not develop any health problems during their lives. These dogs are very clean and tidy and are easy to train, but their training should begin at an early age. Their character is similar to that of German shepherds - they are calm and kind by nature, but they have teeth and grip like a real hunter. They like to sleep a lot during the day, and at night they walk around the territory and make sure that their owner’s sleep is restful. It is also characteristic that these dogs come into heat only once a year, so offspring from them can be obtained no more than once a year.

Before Hong Dong, the most expensive dog was another representative of this breed named Yangtze.

Its owner was Mrs. Wang, who paid 4 million yuan ( $585,000 ) for the dog. At the same time, as the millionaire stated, this is not her first dog of this breed and he was purchased as a pair to her favorite of the same breed. Upon arriving home in Xi'an, Ms. Wang and the Yangtze dog were greeted at the airport by 30 Mercedes cars and a large number of security guards.

The largest representatives of the breed

Even among large dogs, mastiffs, there are those that amaze the imagination with their enormous size.

Dog Chief

This representative of the breed became famous in 2012, when it was sold for 1.2 million dollars. The body length of the two-year-old animal was 1.5 meters, height – 80 cm. Due to such impressive dimensions, the mastiff resembled a medium-sized bear. The owner of Chief shared that his pet is very smart and masterfully copes with any lock. One day, while still a resident of the kennel, Chief released all the dogs from their cages. The staff had to spend almost a day catching them.

Lio Chang

This is the largest mastiff in the world, weighing 120 kg. Now Lio Chang has already died, very few facts about him have been preserved, because at the beginning of the 20th century photography and videography were not yet popular.

Great friends

Hong Dong

The name of this animal translates as Big Splash. And it is really very big! The Tibetan at 11 months reached 130 kg, while his growth and development were not completed. This dog became an absolute record holder for the price - Hong Dong was sold for $1.5 million. Such an impressive amount is associated not only with its large size, but also with the rare shade of wool - red. According to the wisdom of the East, it is this shade that can bring happiness and success to the owner.

Mating this male costs more than $15,000.

Hercules - god of canine Olympus

Hercules, also known as Hercules, weighed 127 kg at age 3. His owner, Mr. Flynn, notes that he did not try to increase the weight of his pet by any clever means, he simply fed him regular dog food.

Mastiff or Bulldozer

The pride of Russian dog breeding, the massive Alabai Bulldozer is capable of becoming a worthy competitor to the mastiff. Now Alabai is 9 years old, his main task is to entertain the children of his owner Alexander Khudyakov. The parameters of the animal are impressive:

  • Weight – 125-130 kg.
  • Height (standing on hind legs) – 2 meters.

Bulldozer received his first championship title at the age of 3.

Zeus - god of canine Olympus

In 2013, another fact was added to the Guinness Book of Records - the Great Dane Zeus was noted as the tallest dog that ever lived.

The height of the largest dog in the world is 111.8 cm, it weighs more than 70 kg, it was born in the USA in the state of Michigan, the town of Otego.

Next to this simply incredible size dog, the owners seem like teenage children.

According to them, you need to be very careful so that Zeus does not accidentally step on your foot, otherwise there will be a bruise.

And if the dog suddenly wants to stand on its hind legs, its height, to the envy of basketball coaches, will be 2.24 meters.

So it was impossible for Zeus to hide the goodies on the top shelves of the cabinets.

The giant Great Dane's daily diet consisted of 14 kilograms of dog food.

Moreover, if the owners wanted to go on a picnic with their pet, a simple passenger car was not suitable for this.

A truck was purchased specifically to make transporting Zeus possible.

A “little” dog who eats in a day as much as some people eat in a week

The huge Great Dane evoked mixed feelings among passers-by. The owner, Denis Dorlag, shares that she sometimes heard questions like: “Is this a dog or a horse?”

And there is nothing to be offended by here, because the dog really could easily compete with a pony in size.

Those who were especially brave asked to take a photo with this dog, who, however, didn’t mind.


First, let's make a small rating of the most expensive dogs of this breed. More precisely, let there be only three places in this nomination.

So, in third place is a dog bought in 2009 by a certain rich Chinese woman for $607,000. The price is significant, but not the highest.

In second place is an 11-month-old puppy, who in 2011 was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive dog - he cost his owner $1,500,000. A Chinese oligarch from the industrial coal mining sector purchased a red puppy for himself. The name of the buyer and the animal were not released to the general public. If there are people willing to send their bitch on a “date” with this guy, they will have to pay at least 15 thousand dollars for the meeting. And how much a puppy from such a dad would cost... it’s scary to even imagine.

However, the 2022 fair made changes to the Book of Records - it was then that the most expensive Tibetan mastiff was sold. The one-year-old teenager has already cost the owner $2 million. This dog was purchased by a 59-year-old breeder from China. So we can expect even more expensive puppies to appear soon.

Anonymous Chinese buyer.

The owner of the dog, with a record value of 1.5 million (10 million yuan or £945,000), was a multimillionaire industrialist involved in coal mining in southern China. The transaction was recorded on March 12, 2011 in the city of Qingdao.

The name of the new owner is kept secret for security reasons, since he will be an excellent target for both journalists and criminals. Hong Dong (this is the dog's Chinese name) went to his new home, accompanied by several guards, but his owner was very pleased with his pet. Not surprising, because one mating of any female with a Big Splash will cost her owners $15,000 . And the amount of income from this dog’s puppies is generally difficult to predict, but some people are already ready to pay at least $100,000 for a puppy from this dog...

Competitors of Tibetan Mastiffs

Despite the fact that the largest dogs in the world are Tibetan mastiffs, they have worthy competitors, who, of course, lag behind in height and weight, but only slightly. Main large breeds:

  • Irish Wolfhound. The height of the animal is from 77 cm, the average weight is 56-59 kg. Used to bait wolves, it has unique intelligence and is easy to train.
  • English Mastiff. Externally, he resembles a Tibetan, his homeland is England. Belongs to the service group and can perform the functions of a security guard. Height – 74-90 cm. Weight – up to 112 kg, although a giant representative of the breed is also known with a body weight of 148 kg.
  • Dogue de Bordeaux. A noble giant used for dog fighting. It is distinguished by a strong muscular physique and developed protective instincts. The dimensions are amazing: weight 60 kg, height – 61-70 cm.
  • Saint Bernard A charming dog in a smart white and red fur coat. Weight - up to 86 kg, height - 66-85 cm. Benedict - the largest representative of the breed weighed more than 165 kg.
  • Boerboel. The African breed of hunting dogs, despite its menacing appearance and gigantic format, is a surprisingly good-natured pet. Height 68-70 cm, weight up to 90 kg.
  • Spanish Mastiff. This is another giant of the canine world, bred to protect farm animals from wolves and larger predators. Weight 80-120 kg, height – 79-89 cm.

Tibetan mastiff puppy

Parade of Giants

The expression “the largest dog breed” can be understood in two ways. Some are guided by such a criterion as height at the withers.

And in this sense, Great Danes are leaders today. Others pay attention to build and weight, and here the Great Dane is not the most massive dog.

Irish Wolfhounds belong to that category of pets, before getting which you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

These are quite tall dogs; the height at the withers for males starts from 79 cm.

An Irishman named Broad Bridge weighs 108 kg and is 100.3 cm high at the withers.

Thus, along with Great Danes, Irish Wolfhounds are recognized as the tallest dogs in the world.

Irish Wolfhound - sheep at home, lion on the hunt

The Leonberger dog can also claim to be the tallest, because the height of a male dog at the withers can reach 80 cm or more.

Large dimensions, thick, mostly red, shaggy hair, balanced character and noble manners - this dog very much resembles a lion, being the living embodiment of the coat of arms of the German city of Leonberg, where the breed was bred.

The Leonberger is a strong, furry dog ​​with a brave heart.

Leonbergers are not only excellent watchdogs, they are used to work as water rescuers.

They didn’t win any world prizes for their appearance, but how many people are grateful to them for saving their lives!

The title of “largest dog in the world” was held by the Neapolitan mastiff Hercules from Great Britain. His weight was 128 kg.

Moreover, the owner did not have the goal of feeding the dog; according to him, the dog’s nutrition was correct, but he grew and grew.

Before Hercules, this title was held by the English mastiff Zorba.

Having a height at the withers of 94 cm, he weighed 156 kg, and in length from the nose to the end of the tail he was 2.5 meters!

Hercules loved to eat a kilo steak for dinner

Mastiffs are descendants of Great Dane dogs, whose ancestor was the Tibetan Mastiff .

A long time ago, Celtic tribes came to Great Britain from Asia Minor, and with them the predecessors of the English mastiffs.

Record holder for weight mastiff Zorgo

Mastiffs were used to process gems, which were mixed with meat and given to the dog to eat.

After such “treatment” the stone acquired a special shine.

And in order for the pebble to be removed from the litter in time, a person, a “henchman”, was assigned to the dog, whose duties included finding and removing jewelry.

The Tibetan Mastiff is often called a bear, the reason for this is the truly impressive size of the dog.

A representative of this ancient breed is 70 cm tall at the withers and weighs up to 82 kg. And thanks to his thick long hair, this dog looks simply huge.

Moreover, a distinctive feature of Tibetans is their almost cat-like cleanliness.

Tibetan Mastiff Hong Dong is the most expensive dog in the world

An interesting fact in the history of the breed is that its representative, named Hong Dong, became the most expensive dog in the world, which a wealthy Chinese coal magnate bought for one and a half million euros.

A huge dog also lives in the Stavropol region, which has the title of the largest dog in Russia.

His rather characteristic nickname - Bulldozer - suits him very well.

Moreover, this nickname was given to the wolfhound for a reason. The owner, Alexander Khudyakov, said that as a small puppy this dog loved to shovel snow like a tractor.

Being the largest dog in the CIS for several years, Bulldozer won a lot of diplomas and titles. The dog's working weight reached 113 kg.

The bulldozer is a real four-legged athlete

Saint Bernards have an average height at the withers of about 70 cm.

However, among them there are genetic “shots”, when a cute bear cub grows into a dog of incredibly huge sizes, sharply dominating against the background of the dimensions of its fellow tribesmen.

Such “gigantism” is already visible in Serbernard puppies , which are distinguished by a stronger physique.

If every such case was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, St. Bernards could well argue with who is the largest dog in the world.

For example, in 1987, they “noticed” St. Bernard Benedict, who weighed as much as 140.6 kg.

But this is not the limit, before him “baby” Haydan Dark Blue, 94 cm tall at the withers, weighed 138.23 kg.

Saint Bernard is a loyal and very obedient dog.

If in one article we try to talk about all the breeds that claim to be the “biggest dog in the world,” then we will have to write a lot.

One can only guess what else the breeders working to improve the genetics of man's best friend will offer!

The Newfoundland is a large dog that tends to make decisions independently in a variety of situations.

The largest dog in the world: Zeus and his “colleagues”

Next to this incredibly sized dog, the owners seem like teenage children. You need to be very careful so that the largest dog in the world, named Zeus, does not accidentally step on your foot, otherwise there will be a bruise.

Saint Bernard

The Saint Bernard is the heaviest among the largest and most powerful dog breeds. The usual weight of these giants is 75-90 kg. However, you can meet a St. Bernard weighing 120 kg.

Did you know? In 1978, a representative of this breed became a real record holder, moving a load of three tons to a distance of 4.5 meters. It took him 1.5 minutes to do this.

Distinctive features of St. Bernard representatives:

  • wise eyes;
  • friendliness;
  • stability of character;
  • playfulness.

Saint Bernards love winter very much - not a single dog misses the opportunity to play in the snow.

At a young age, St. Bernards are stubborn and refuse to follow commands or requests, which causes inconvenience to their owners. In such cases, you should communicate more with your pet and give him time for quality rest, and spend more time with him outside.

If you and your family are discreet about snoring, drooling and fur, then such a dog will become your best and most loyal friend.

Important! They begin to train the St. Bernard from the time he appears in the house.

Pet character

Hong Dong has a strong psyche and a sociable character.

Already at the age of 11 months, the pet showed itself as a wonderful working mastiff . He is easy to train, has a quick reaction, and tries to avoid conflict situations with other animals.

Hong Dong, like other representatives of this breed, has a patient and loyal character. The dog is a fearless protector and an excellent guard.

The animal is very loyal and loves to spend time with its owner, but the dog is not always ready to obey, especially if it is firmly convinced that it is right.

The dog is independent and stubborn, has a strong sense of self-esteem, and therefore accepts being treated only as an equal, and not as a pet.

The dog is very sociable, so it cannot be left alone for a long time . That is why Hong Dong is walked daily by specially trained people.

The Tibetan Mastiff needs different walking routes, since it can perceive the usual road as its own territory, showing aggression towards passers-by.

How to choose the largest Tibetan mastiff

When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to its external characteristics. It is best to buy a representative of the giant breed from an official nursery; fortunately, they have already appeared in Russia. Selection tips:

  • The first puppies in the litter are considered the healthiest and largest.
  • The optimal age for purchase is 30-45 days, when the baby is already able to feed himself.
  • Before purchasing, it is necessary to check the birth certificate (it must bear the seal of the nursery), inspection and mating certificates, veterinary passport, and pedigree. The breeder is obliged to present these documents upon request of the potential owner.
  • Even a one and a half month old puppy has an impressive weight - up to 9 kg. Therefore, you need to think about transportation in advance.

Note! The breed's disease is articular dysplasia. It is important to make sure that the parents of the chosen baby have passed the test for its absence.

The Tibetan Mastiff is the largest dog in the world, a reliable and loyal friend, and an excellent watchman. The dog is smart, intelligent, and with the right approach to education will never show excessive aggression. She gets along well with children and other pets, treating them with protective care.

Origin story

Hong Dong was born in the nursery of breeder Lu Liang. Little is known about his parents, but according to the dog’s former owner, Hong Dong’s father is a Tibetan mastiff named Champion.

If we consider the general history of the appearance of the breed, then the giant Molossian dogs living in Asia have been known since ancient times.

In the Middle Ages, the famous traveler Marco Polo mentioned in his notes about lion-like dogs that lived in Tibetan monasteries.

Residents of Europe were able to see giant dogs live only in the 19th century, when the Berlin Zoo acquired several individuals of Tibetan mastiffs.

In China, this breed of dog is considered a sacred animal.

Dog's voice

Left outside overnight, the Tibetan Mastiff will make its presence known with an unusually loud and echoing bark that has the sound of a “good brass gong.” This sound can stop snow leopards and other predators, so burglars will think twice before they decide to look at the source of this bark, but you may have serious problems with your neighbors. If the aliens provoke him or tease him, he becomes scary. The hair on the back of his neck stands on end, he doubles in size, bares his teeth, and his eyes begin to glow red - a formidable opponent that not everyone wants to mess with.

What can these dogs get sick with?

As has been said more than once above, Tibetan mastiffs have excellent health . Puppies up to one year old can suffer from the same diseases as other dogs (distemper, enteritis, etc.). To do this, it is necessary to vaccinate according to age. As an adult, this breed practically does not get sick with anything. Sometimes such a nuisance as turning of the eyelids can happen. However, this problem is easily eliminated through surgical correction. Like any large dog, the Mastiff can be diagnosed with hip dysplasia. But if you purchased a puppy from healthy parents, then the risk of developing this disease is minimal.

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