Husky breed standard - characteristics, dimensions and parameters, disqualifying faults

Like children, all puppies are cute and adorable, but Siberian Husky puppies have a special place in the human soul. Their piercing blue eyes and bright facial expressions will not allow even the most demanding person to resist. Buying a husky puppy is not difficult, but it is worth remembering some features related to this breed. In this material we will talk about how to choose a husky puppy, what you should know and what to pay attention to, so that your entire subsequent life with this sociable dog will bring only pleasure, and every day will be rich in wonderful discoveries.

How much does a Laika dog cost?

Russian-European Laika

with developed fishing qualities from the parents, but without a pedigree, you can buy it for 2000-10000 rubles.
With documents, a pet will cost many times more - from 10,000 to 40,000 rubles. The East Siberian Laika costs
4000-5000 without documents and from 10,000 to 20,000 with them.

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Main characteristics of the breed

The name husky combines several breeds of sled dogs. The Eskimos developed this breed to transport light loads in northern latitudes. There are also harness racing competitions.

Unfortunately, huskies trust people too much, so they are not suitable for the role of guards of houses and plots. Rather, such dogs are excellent friends and family members. They are easy to train and listen carefully to their owner. But you need to take them for walks often, as huskies have a lot of energy that needs to be released.

With proper nutrition, dogs are not overweight and have developed muscles.

Husky varieties

  • Siberian - a classic breed for sports and exhibitions.

  • Alaskan - a more resilient and fast dog.

  • Sakhalin - a rare breed.

  • Japanese (Akita Inu) - bred in Japan, intended for protection and friendship.

  • Klee Kai - mini-husky, decorative dog, more suitable for home.

What does the RKF standard look like?

The dog is medium in size, with a compact but not coarse build.

The body is rectangular, tending towards a square format, that is, the height at the withers should be only slightly less than the length of the body:

  1. The head is proportional, with a moderately defined transition to a muzzle slightly tapering towards the nose.
  2. The ears are erect, triangle-shaped with slightly rounded ends, medium in size, turned forward when interested.
  3. The eyes are slightly slanted and almond-shaped. Both dark and bluish-blue colors of the iris are acceptable, and the standard does not prohibit heterochromia.
  4. The nose is medium in size, with well-opened nostrils. Depending on the color, it can be black, or light or dark brown.
  5. The neck is medium in length, moderately arched, and raised when standing.
  6. The shoulder blades are located at an angle of 45 degrees, while straight or too loose shoulders are a serious drawback.
  7. The chest is strong, powerful and quite deep, but not too voluminous.
  8. The forelimbs are parallel and level, moderately wide apart, with the elbows fitting tightly to the body.
  9. The hind legs are parallel, also moderately wide apart, with well-muscled thighs and well-defined angulations of the hock joints.
  10. The tail is medium in length, resembling a fox's in appearance, carried either lowered or in the shape of a sickle. Twisted into a ring, thrown over the back or tucked between the hind legs is considered unacceptable.

For huskies, the so-called “snow” pigmentation of the nose is also considered acceptable, when there are light veins on a dark background.

Choosing a Husky puppy – what to look for

Only after all the issues mentioned above have been resolved, will it make sense to directly see the puppies themselves. You should start with a group view first. You should not buy a dog that the breeder imposes on you, especially if you are not purchasing the most expensive puppy. Understanding the limited funds, the breeder will strive to get rid of those dogs that sell poorly.

When observing puppies frolicking in the enclosure, you should pay attention to the following conditions:

  1. Excessive timidity in a puppy is a bad sign, even if several puppies show this trait, which may indicate that there are dogs from the same litter. This means that after some time, as the dog grows older, it may become overly timid, which is not a good thing for a husky.
  2. Normal puppies should be friendly and trusting even to strangers. They should greet the stranger by jumping, licking and trying to chew on the trouser leg or laces. Many people become worried about this behavior because they fear that in the future the dogs will become disobedient or overly hyperactive. But in the case of huskies, the concept of disobedience and hyperactivity are quite normal, and even if they worry their owners, then all the other positive qualities of the breed will more than cover such negativity.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that some husky puppies may seem too selfish and bossy. Yes, this phenomenon occurs and it is extremely difficult, almost impossible, to fight it as the dog gets older. Therefore, it is better to abandon such a puppy immediately. We really hope that the material in the article will help our readers choose the right husky puppy - a dog that will become a faithful companion and good friend for at least the next 10 years.

Weight and height at the withers of an adult husky

The gender of dogs does not greatly affect their size. The weight should be proportional to the height at the withers so that the dog looks harmonious. The maximum height during the period of full growth and maturation most often does not exceed 610 mm for males and 560 mm for females. The spread in indicators differs due to the individual characteristics of the animals. Excessive deviations from the Husky standard shown in the table are not acceptable.

Adult Huskies (1.5 years)Height at withers (in mm)Average weight (in kg)Neck circumference (in mm)

External differences

Externally, the dogs are similar, but they can be distinguished by several criteria:

  1. Size . Huskies, according to the standard, reach 55-60 cm at the withers and weigh up to 28 kg. Since there are several Laeks, it is impossible to talk about their size. The largest is the East Siberian - 64-66 cm at the withers; small – Karelo-Finnish – 42-50 cm.
  2. Format and body. Almost all Laikas are of a square format - the length of the body is equal to the height of the withers. Huskies are rectangular.
  3. Tail. A characteristic feature of the Laika is its curled tail, thrown over its back. For the second breed, a straight long tail is prescribed, hanging down in a calm state and reaching the hock joint.
  4. Coat, colors. The standard prescribes for the Husky straight, fluffy, hard coat with a dense undercoat and a standard black-gray or black-and-white color. They often have glasses on their face - circles around the eyes. The coat type and color of Laikas depends on the specific breed. They come in red, brown, gray, black, and white. Often, dogs have medium, hard hair with noticeable thickening around the neck (collar) and on the head.
  5. Paws. Huskies have more powerful limbs, which is associated with their direct functionality, the metacarpus is wider, and the fingers are stronger.

Mixes with large and medium dogs

Among the hybrids where huskies were crossed with large dogs, the following should be highlighted.

Shepherd and Husky

A dog from such large parents will inherit its size; in addition, the pet will be a short-haired animal, which greatly simplifies its maintenance in the home. The puppies will inherit an active and playful disposition from their northern ancestor, so you will need to take the mixed breed for regular walks in the fresh air. As for the German Shepherd, it will transfer its strength and developed intelligence to the hybrid, which will be an undeniable advantage when training a pet.

In terms of appearance, it will be difficult to predict which features will be dominant, but in most cases the dogs will have blue eyes and a color reminiscent of the “German”.

Golden Retriever and Husky Mix

As a rule, the Siberian subspecies is crossed, and the cross-bred animals are called rehaskis. Animals will have a balanced disposition; pets are very obedient. The result of crossing in terms of exterior will be a dog with a predominant external resemblance to a retriever, so the color of the pet will be in light colors.

A crossed dog will not need long and overly active walks.

Akita inu with husky

In animals, in terms of exterior, the genes of the first breed of dogs will dominate. In terms of character, pets are characterized as purposeful, in some cases even stubborn, four-legged friends of humans, which will not always be beneficial. A mixed breed can inherit certain facial features from a husky. Also, from the northern ancestor, the hybrid will receive pronounced nanny instincts.

Labrador and husky

Outwardly, an adult pet will strongly resemble its wild ancestor - the wolf, except for the exterior; the similarity can also be seen in the character of the animals obtained by crossing these two breeds of dogs. It will be extremely important for your pet to occupy a leading position; any attempts to show disrespect can cause aggression on his part. Such a mestizo will require mandatory training, however, in terms of training and education, a strict owner must demonstrate goodwill. Dogs require active and long walks and games.

Shar Pei and Husky mix

Metis stands out for its unusual exterior with a predominance of Chinese genes. The hybrid is also notable for its quality that it will be almost impossible to predict the dog’s color in advance. Pets stand out for their high intellectual qualities and are friendly towards humans, younger family members and other pets. From the husky, the hybrid inherited the need for long walks and getting new experiences.

Husky and chow chow

In appearance, the mestizo resembles its Chinese parent, this also applies to the color of the coat and voluminous coat. The dog's muzzle resembles a forest animal. From a husky, animals will take light eye color, height that exceeds the established standards for a bear dog, as well as the outline of spots on the fur coat. The animals are quite friendly in nature and get along well with children. However, hybrids require professional training.

Traits and behavior

If you had to summarize the temperament of the Siberian Husky breed in 5 words, it would be: loyal, friendly, happy, mischievous and active .

Intelligent but somewhat independent, the husky can sometimes be mischievous and even stubborn. This is why dog ​​training is a must for a happy husky and a happy owner.

Husky is a wonderful family dog

Knowing this, it is fair to say that the Siberian Husky is well known for its friendly nature and is also a wonderful family dog ​​as it interacts very well with children.

Huskies love being part of a family as they absolutely love human company. But keep in mind that if the dog is used with packs, this means that he needs a firm but gentle leader to behave correctly.

They love to run. Not really. They love to run! And sometimes their love for running can even temporarily exceed their willingness to listen to your orders. - stubborn little fur balls.

From husky and samoyed

Huskies, Malamutes, Laikas and Samoyeds - what is the difference between these dogs and how to distinguish them is quite easy to understand if you look at these photos:

How to quickly understand the difference between huskies and huskies: 12 photo comparisons

First a little history lesson

In Siberia, the husky's ancestors were first used for hunting until other uses developed, such as pulling sleighs loaded with goods over long distances.

Each tribe in Siberia bred its own type of dog. These dogs eventually evolved into the various breeds we know and love today: the Alaskan Malamute, the Eskimo dog, and the Samoyed are just a few. The Chukchi tribe counts towards a breed that we love very much, and today we recognized it as the Siberian Husky.

© shutterstock

The Husky became a sled dog mainly because the tribe lived in the outback, but they caught their main food in the sea. Therefore, food had to somehow come from the sea to the tribe. This is where the Siberian Husky breed, a sled dog, appeared. Smart and reliable, yet durable enough to carry weight over long distances.

Please note that the Siberian Husky is not the only purebred dog that originates from Siberia.


Externally, the puppies are similar in all respects, except for color - fluffy little balls with a perky character. It is difficult to recognize a mestizo among a group of kids. Therefore, you need to buy a pet only from an official nursery or club. The average cost of a Husky is 30-60 thousand rubles, and a Laika is 10-40 thousand rubles.

Photos of Husky puppies

Photos of Laika puppies

Not every experienced dog breeder can raise Laika, because her character is more difficult to break. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to consider the option of purchasing both breeds and choose the appropriate one.

In all other respects (care, nutrition, training) the animals are similar. Both breeds require competent socialization and constant education. The owner needs to prove his leadership. Breeders really don't like it when dogs are confused. This also insults the feelings of the owners. Despite the opinion that Husky is a descendant of Laika, both species are included in the book of standards and are described by different criteria.

4.3 / 5 ( 22 voices)

Why do people choose mixed race?

Husky mixes are the result of their crossing with different breeds (large, small and medium). Hybrids are not purebreds, they are not allowed to participate in exhibitions, however, many choose them as pets. The reasons for this decision are:

  • low cost;
  • the expectation that hybrids are easier to care for;
  • the desire to have a dog with an original exterior;
  • more complete compliance with the tasks that the owner assigns to the pet;
  • less sensitivity to genetic pathologies.


There are strong external similarities between these northern breeds, which makes it difficult for many to identify its representative. Huskies and huskies are approximately the same size, have similar coloring, head and body structure. The eyes of both animals are almond-shaped and slanted.

Due to their high activity levels, both dogs require long walks and intense exercise every day. Spending a lot of time with people, huskies and huskies became dependent on the communication and attention of their owner. Such pets are painfully susceptible to loneliness, so neither breed is suitable for a passive lifestyle.

Disqualifying faults in huskies

Deviation from the standard parameters of the RKF is considered a disadvantage. The seriousness of the defect and the possibility of disqualification depend on the degree of its severity. The main defects include:

  1. Heavy and rough appearance of the head.
  2. A short or too long muzzle.
  3. Closely spaced or excessively slanted eyes.
  4. Large, widely spaced ears.
  5. Short, thick neck.
  6. Heavily furred tail in the form of a ring.
  7. Loose shoulder blades.
  8. Barrel chest with weak ribs.
  9. Clubfoot, thick fingers.
  10. Long, shaggy, coarse fur.
  11. Height is above 60 cm (for males) and 56 cm (for females).
  12. Overweight.

Who is better to choose

The retriever group is known for being obedient, but they need to be fed a lot. Huskies are active and restless lovers of play. Labskis combine these characteristics, but it is difficult to judge from a puppy how he will grow up. When choosing a purebred dog, it is easier to navigate its characteristics and, accordingly, there will be less chance of error.

Each person must independently assess their strength and willingness to work on themselves and their pet.

Labski is an interesting experiment of breeders, and such dogs will be excellent companions and comrades. Heredity plays a big role, but more than 70% of a dog’s character should be developed by a loving and wise owner in the first months of his pet’s life.

Huskies, originally bred and used for a long time as sled dogs, have now become popular as pets and as participants in various dog shows.

However, the fashion for representatives of this breed has led to the appearance of many puppies that do not meet the breed standard. There are also more and more cases when outbred mestizos are sold under the guise of huskies.

Every future owner of a Siberian Husky needs to carefully study the breed standard before going for a pet.

Photo and video review

In the selected photographs and videos you can see representatives of different types of huskies and huskies, which will help to carefully study these dogs and not confuse them anymore.

Huskies and huskies are the northern descendants of wolves, which for many years served people in transportation and hunting. Despite some similar external features, they are unrelated breeds and can be easily distinguished upon closer inspection. These dogs have different histories, purposes and personalities. After carefully studying huskies and huskies, it will be difficult to confuse them.

Labski: Husky and Labrador Retriever mix

To begin with, it is worth examining the issue of motivation of breeders. As a rule, Labradors are crossed with sled dogs to achieve the following goals:

  • Beautiful appearance. Unfortunately, in the modern world, the demand for puppies that are attractive in appearance is much higher than for puppies in good health. Inexperienced owners are not always ready to delve into all the intricacies of the acquisition, and are ready to choose a pet based on its beautiful eyes.
  • Character. A cross between a Labrador and a Husky allows you to get calm puppies with a balanced psyche, inherited from the Labrador parent. At the same time, the mestizo gets an active character and attractive appearance from its husky parent.

How to distinguish a husky from a crossbreed?

Huskies are stockier dogs, unlike the husky, with which it is often confused. Huskies have shorter legs, and the tail does not fold into a ring on the back. For example, when a husky hunts, it will take its prey to its owner, but a husky hunts only for food and will not share its prey.

Eskimos keep warm on cold nights using husky fur. They sleep with several dogs (usually about 3).

When buying a puppy, first of all, you should pay attention to the cost of the dog. Hybrids and mixed breeds will be cheaper compared to purebred haxies. Without a pedigree, it is extremely difficult to determine the breed of an animal. If possible, you need to meet the puppy's parents. In other cases, only genetic testing will help.

Facts on how to tell if your dog is a husky

  1. Great runs and great escapes are sometimes daily shows. The Husky's love for running, as well as digging and jumping over fences, is very high.
  2. This furniture looks chewy . When huskies are sad they can often find something to do, often this includes pieces of furniture or perhaps a garden. So play with him. An obedient husky is an exhausted husky - sometimes they'll do it anyway. Be the Alpha and teach him to play with toys instead of that furniture.
  3. If your yard looks like a war zone and your husky is in a hole looking at you with those cute blue and innocent eyes as if enemy fire is coming in, you may have a husky.

Signs of the Husky breed

  • These dogs not only resemble wolves in appearance, but also in their voice. Unlike other breeds, Huskies prefer to howl rather than bark in all situations.

  • Only purebred huskies are inclined to take care of children in the family.
  • If your Husky has a tendency to guard territory, it's likely a mix.
  • Husky fur does not smell because it is self-cleaning.
  • The paws and especially the limbs are very strong. Their walk is light and graceful.
  • Huskies have two types of eye colors, most often mirror blue, but sometimes brown.
  • The color of the coat may be different, but there should be a characteristic mask on the face.

Each breed has its own standard. Even purebred parents can produce puppies that do not meet the breed requirements. Only after three months do signs of the breed begin to appear.

Brief characteristics of the Husky breed: medium and compact build, thick hair, triangular ears, a fox-like tail and a kind character.

The dog is active in everyday life and is adapted to high stress, so it is better not to leave it at home unattended. There have been cases when huskies overturned all the things in the home, tore out the upholstery of the sofa and caused other chaos.

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