How to choose a Labrador puppy? What you should pay attention to? Recommendations and useful tips

The Labrador Retriever is a dog breed that is becoming more and more popular every year. Such a dog can become a loyal and devoted friend and an excellent helper. If you are planning to get this magnificent four-legged companion, it is important to know how to choose a healthy Labrador puppy who will grow up to be a real handsome and smart one.

Having chosen the Labrador Retriever breed, you should have a basic understanding of it. Prospective owners need to know that Labrador puppies are not for everyone. You will need a lot of patience, time and love to develop your Labrador puppy into an intelligent and well behaved dog.

Shedding fur, the desire to constantly chew on something, difficult accustoming to outdoor behavior - these are just some of the aspects that need to be paid attention to. For people who want to have a dog, but cannot devote enough time to raising a puppy, dog experts recommend purchasing an adult Labrador. We will tell you what to look for and how to choose a Labrador puppy in this article.

Choosing a nursery and a conscientious breeder

Puppies of this breed can also be sold in markets, however, if you want to buy a healthy animal, it is important that comfortable conditions are created for the kids. That is why it is necessary to choose well-established nurseries:

  • "Rus Yuklas" (Moscow, Akademika Anokhin St., 26, building 3);
  • “Amar Vasant” (Moscow, Teply Stan, 3, building 2);
  • “Nevsky Favorite” (St. Petersburg, Kobrino, 14).

Today, almost all cities have Labrador kennels. We will tell you below how to choose the right Labrador puppy.

It is equally important not to make mistakes in choosing a breeder. Often, a good and responsible specialist can be identified from the first meeting - he loves his animals, so he is happy to introduce potential owners to his pets, their pedigrees, and talk about the intricacies of education.

Coat type

As already mentioned, this breed has short hair with a dense undercoat . It should be hard to the touch, dense and without bald spots. There should be no fringes or curls on it.


The undercoat has water-repellent properties.

The undercoat is never the same color as the center coat . Its peculiarity is fat, which should be noticeable if you run your fingers over it.

External features

An experienced dog breeder who knows how to choose a Labrador puppy first of all pays attention to the following indicators:

  • Coat. According to the breed standard, the topcoat should be coarse and harsh, and the undercoat should be silky and smooth. Too long coat and sparse undercoat are disqualifying factors.
  • Animal tail. Look at the photos of dogs presented in this material. Labrador puppies have a tail that looks like an otter's tail. It is this that allows the animal to swim perfectly. The tail is short and thick at the base and slightly narrowed downwards. When moving, it is usually lowered and does not rise above the level of the back. Typically, such a tail is formed in animals with a short back, so you should pay special attention to this. A tail that is too thin or long is unlikely to be appreciated by experts at the exhibition.
  • A Labrador Retriever puppy should look as friendly as possible. How to choose a baby so as not to miss any disease? Pay attention to the animal's eyes and ears. They play an important role in the process of choosing a four-legged friend. Both eyes and ears should be in perfect condition - clean, without signs of accumulated mucus or plaque. Sour eyes or dirty ears indicate the presence of an infection or poor care of the animal.
  • Torso. People who know how to choose a Labrador puppy always pay attention to this indicator. The baby should have a wide and deep chest, a fairly long neck and a large head that is proportional to the body.

The health and character of an animal largely depend on the conditions in which it grew up. Therefore, you need to make sure that your future pet is kept clean. The room in which the puppies are kept must be dry, clean, and without pronounced unpleasant odors. Stale air, dirt on the floor and walls are grounds for refusing a purchase and sale transaction.

What colors are there?

There are three main colors considered normal for this breed:

  • Black - this used to be the main standard; they are distinguished by their chic shiny wool. Puppies' fur is not as bright as that of an adult dog, but this goes away with age.
  • Fawn or yellow - this category includes all light shades - from almost white to red. The color is slightly uneven - the ears and back are usually darker than the rest of the body. As the dog gets older, the color may either lighten or darken.
  • Chocolate (brown or liver) - acceptable colors range from reddish brown to dark chocolate. In this case, the presence of a white spot on the chest is allowed. In summer, dogs of this color are prone to fading in the sun - the color fades greatly.

Which color to choose is up to you. The main thing is to inspect the puppy before purchasing, and do not rely only on the photo. The photograph does not always accurately convey the color of the coat. It is advisable to purchase a puppy from a two-color litter (black and fawn; black and brown). Usually, quality breeders do not agree to breed to produce tricolor litters - this can lead to deterioration of pigmentation in fawn puppies.

Animal health

It is no secret that every future owner who is interested in how to choose the right Labrador puppy dreams of purchasing a healthy and strong dog. Like most large breeds, Labradors are susceptible to some hereditary diseases. One of them is hip dysplasia, as well as eye pathologies. The breeder's task is to control the genetic factors that are responsible for the development of these diseases.

Of great importance in this matter is the health status of the baby’s parents, which must be taken into account when assessing the requirements of the standard. Answering the question: “How to choose a Labrador puppy?”, dog experts and veterinarians recommend buying a baby only if there are x-rays of the hips - these animals can be used for breeding. It should be understood that this method has some limitations, but if your goal is to acquire a healthy baby, you must request all documents from the breeder.

What is the breed standard

A dog breed standard, including a Labrador, is a set of characteristics and physical attitudes for an animal that must be preserved for the purity of the breed and the health of the breed.

The standard was approved in 1987 for two varieties of breeds - American and English Labrador . The standard includes not only the exterior, but also the characteristics of the dog’s temperament.

In dog breeding, it is customary to focus on the English standard of the Labrador breed, because it was adopted somewhat earlier than the American one.

The American breed standard is not much different from the English, this mainly concerns the temperament of dogs - “Americans” are more active than “English”.

Puppy behavior

The Labrador is a large dog and it is very important that this wonderful dog becomes a full member of your family. This largely depends on the nature of the animal. To decide whether to buy a baby, pay attention to his behavior - he is normally friendly and active. The puppy should not act aggressively or be afraid if you pick it up.

Carry out a simple test - slam a newspaper on your palm over the puppy's head and watch his reaction - if he is very scared, you should not adopt such a puppy.

Before purchasing

First, you need to decide what tasks the dog will perform and whether all family members will be happy with the dog.
If it is assumed that the pet will participate in exhibitions and win medals, then it is imperative to check in advance that he has all the necessary official documents: birth certificate, pedigree, veterinary passport. Certificates for a puppy are usually issued no earlier than on the 45th day of birth. Since during this period a mark is placed on his groin and right ear, the number of which is then transferred to all his documents. The metric must indicate the gender of the puppy, its breed, name, color and date of birth. The document is usually issued by the Russian Canine Federation. The dog's real pedigree is a laminated document issued by the Russian Canine Federation. It must have a hologram and an emblem in the form of a dog’s head with a circular inscription - RKF. It contains all the information about the puppy’s breeder and all known representatives of his ancestors.

In addition to the birth certificate and pedigree, the puppy must have an international veterinary passport, which, in addition to all the data contained in the birth certificate, contains information about all vaccinations given to it against diseases. The passport is filled out by a veterinarian. In the future, information about deworming, reproduction, microchipping and ectoparasite treatments will be entered into it.

Black, gold or brown?

This is exactly the color that purebred representatives of the breed have. Sometimes breeders claim that there are no golden labradors, only golden retrievers. But the differences between these dogs are so insignificant that they do not allow dog handlers to officially divide these dogs into separate breeds.

Beginning dog breeders are often interested in: “Does a dog’s color affect the animal’s intelligence and learning ability?” The specialists' answer is negative. This indicator has no effect on the dog's characteristics, so choose the color that you like best.

Many breeders prefer black Labradors. Most likely this is due to the fact that this very first color has proven itself well over many years. However, golden Labradors are also very popular today. Chocolate color has gained popularity relatively recently. As was the case with the early yellow flowers, the brown animals initially had breed physical defects. But thanks to the efforts of breeders, the chocolate Labrador is rapidly gaining popularity in all areas: hunting, show, obedience.

What does a dog look like according to the RKF?

  1. Torso . The Labrador's back line should be straight, the croup should be short and strong. There should be no hunchbacks. Labradors have a wide chest, barrel-shaped ribs, well-defined withers, and a medium-length tail, wide at the base and tapering towards the end. It’s hard to imagine Labradors without such an otter-like tail. It should be located horizontally to the lower back. In the active state, it can be slightly raised, but a crescent shape or bend behind the back is not allowed.
  2. Head and muzzle . Labradors have a large and massive skull, which stands out a little from the whole image. The cheeks are dry, not fleshy. The muzzle is slightly wide, not too long. Narrow or short is not allowed. The nose is large, with wide nostrils. Labradors' ears are in a hanging position and slightly behind the head. Should not be too long or heavy. The eyes have a friendly and intelligent appearance; only dark shades and medium-sized irises are allowed. The bite is scissor-shaped and the upper jaw completely covers the lower jaw. The neck is dry, long and without folds.
  3. Fore and hind limbs . The general appearance of the limbs is strong and muscular, located parallel to each other. The length of the forelimbs is equal to half the length of the animal at the withers. The pasterns are in the same plane as the forearm, the hock joints are clearly visible.
  4. Wool. Labradors have short hair, often short. It is hard to the touch, with a dense and dense undercoat underneath. The main feature is water resistance.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“I think the main feature is the tail. This is what they look at, this is due to its specific shape. Another distinctive feature is the ears. They are located as if behind the head. It is also easy to check how purebred a Labrador is by looking at its undercoat. It is especially thick in this breed and also performs water-repellent functions. Well, basically Labradors look like strong and muscular dogs, their movements are smooth, cutting through the air.”

Boy or girl – who to choose?

This question also worries future owners. How to choose a Labrador puppy based on gender characteristics and do they matter? In fact, the difference is not significant, although you need to be aware of some nuances.

The owner of a girl may face one problem - estrus. Damaged furniture and unwanted pregnancy can be its consequences. But since Labradors are very clean animals, problems with dirty furniture are extremely rare. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, you should closely monitor the dog during heat and drive away the yard “suitors.” Dog handlers believe that girls have a softer character and are easier to train.

Boys are much larger. They are much more difficult to train. When meeting a female dog in heat, they are difficult to control. There is one thing that makes you happy when choosing a male dog: he definitely won’t bring you puppies in the hem.

Conservatism won

The British were the first to recognize the Labrador Retriever breed. They also defined the first standard, which was refined several times. Today the description made in 1988 by the English Kennel Club is relevant. Six years after this, American dog breeders also set their standards. Later descriptions of breed qualities partially absorbed earlier ones.

In fact, evolution happens all the time with all standards. Indeed, in the process of development, a dog of any species acquires some new qualities or may lose those that become unnecessary. Accordingly, previously recognized standards are changing.

Continuing the comparison, you can notice that in all descriptions the dog has a wide skull, powerful loin and croup. However, Americans emphasize unwanted fleshiness on the scalp, considering it a drawback.

Until 1993, according to their standard, it was considered acceptable for a Labrador to have a level bite. This is currently unacceptable. The bite should only be scissor-shaped, that is, the upper incisors must tightly overlap the lower ones. It turns out that the conservative English view still prevailed.

Purchase rules

Before choosing a puppy, you should decide why you need a dog. If you plan to represent your friend at shows, then you need a dog with ideal characteristics. And if you just need a smart, loyal four-legged friend, you don’t have to buy a puppy from champion parents.

Nobody buys or sells newborn puppies. The optimal age for an animal to find new owners is 3-6 months. At this age it is already possible to at least approximately determine what the dog will be like when it grows up. If you decide to purchase a Labrador, try not to save money, since the risk of buying a sick puppy at a low price is very high. The nursery should give you a veterinary passport and a kennel club card. In addition, the breeder provides all the necessary recommendations for caring for the animal (choice of food, antihistamine treatment, vaccinations). A responsible breeder advises that if any problems arise, you should contact him.

approximate cost

How much does a Labrador puppy cost? The cost of these babies can be very different: they are sold at both quite reasonable and exorbitant prices. You can buy a baby without vaccinations, certificates and a veterinary passport for 5–15 thousand rubles. If the puppy has a passport, you can purchase it for 20–35 thousand rubles. Although with such dogs you are unlikely to win at the show.

If you purchase a Labrador for the purpose of participating in exhibitions, purchasing such a dog will cost you 40–60 thousand rubles. Such a dog, as a rule, has excellent characteristics and all the necessary documents.

Related article: Can a Labrador live in an outdoor enclosure in winter?

Can a dog change as it ages?

Like any other creature, your Labrador's behavior and appearance can change with age.

This is most evident in changes in character traits.

Aging Labradors now perceive separation differently; they become susceptible to separation from their owner and react to it especially acutely . When meeting, they can be violent, rejoicing at the return.

They also become less receptive to commands, and their activity decreases.

You can also notice changes in appearance - they look haggard, move slower than usual, the coat becomes more faded.

Accustoming to neatness

The main thing to remember is that the older the dog gets, the more difficult it is to toilet train him. Therefore, training should begin as soon as the puppy appears in the house.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

You should always praise your pet after defecation in the designated area. Thus, the puppy forms positive associations. If suddenly the dog begins to shit, then you are only allowed to scold him in a stern tone, but not to beat him. You should respond to such calls immediately so that the reflex quickly becomes established in your pet.

Labrador nutrition

First, the puppy is fed the food he was fed by the breeder. Then, they gradually move on to constant food. The baby should have two containers: for food and water.

It is also recommended to adhere to the following conditions: the bowl should be on a high stand so that the pet can comfortably eat from it.

The number of meals per day is calculated by month:

  • 1-2 months – 6 times;
  • 2-4 – 5;
  • 4-6 – 4;
  • 7-12 – 3;
  • 1 year – 1.

You should only use ready-made dry food that contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

Prohibited products:

  • potato;
  • sweets;
  • bones;
  • pork;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausages;
  • peas, beans.

Labrador retrievers are ready to eat constantly, but feeding them is prohibited.

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