Key points to consider when caring for a pug

A cute face and folds not only evoke affection, but also a reason to pay special attention to this area. After all, the folds themselves do not dry properly if they get wet. And there a favorable place is formed for the development of bacteria and diaper rash. Regularly (but not every day) wipe the folds with napkins and towels. First, soak in lotion without alcohol (Miramistin can be used) or just water, and then wipe dry. These procedures must be done quickly so that the pet does not get tired and begin to resist. And in general, so that there are no unpleasant associations with hygiene procedures.

Host Responsibilities

Procedures that a pug owner should carry out daily:

  • examine the eyes;
  • control the purity of the water in the bowl;
  • walk the animal twice a day;
  • Brush his fur regularly.

Expert opinion
Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Also, the owner should wipe the folds of the animal’s muzzle, brush its teeth and ears every day. Bathe him monthly and trim his nails. Once a season, carry out antiparasitic therapy and take him for examination to a veterinarian.

brief information

The homeland of these four-legged animals is China. The head is round, relative to the body it can be called large. The muzzle is flattened and has symmetrical wrinkles.

Pugs' eyes are large, slightly convex, and dark in color.

The ears are set high and fit tightly to the head, there are two types:

  • Rose – in this case they are small in size and fit tightly to the head, with an open inside.
  • Buttons are laid forward, their edges are pressed tightly to the head, the hole is closed.

The dog's body is short, stocky, with well-developed muscles.

The coat of pugs is short, silky, and comes in both dark and light colors (black fawn, silver, apricot-deer).

The character of the pets is cheerful, balanced, the dog is devoted to the owner and the whole family.

Read more about what a pug looks like here.

Dietary rules and prohibited foods

The diet should be appropriate for the age of the dog. For the first 3 months of their life, pug puppies are in a stage of accelerated growth. It is at this time that the foundation for the health of a mature dog is laid. Meals during this period should be frequent and plentiful.

This is interesting: 10 foods that should not be given to a pug

A newborn puppy is fed by its mother. If this is not possible, then for his survival, you should purchase a veterinary formula and feed him according to the doctor's recommendations. To do this you will need a special nipple and a small bottle. An alternative could be regular baby formula. Conventional cow or goat milk has too low a fat content.

Small puppies from 2 months should be fed 4 times a day. Food should be rich in calcium. For breakfast, the pug should be given kefir and low-fat cottage cheese.

The dog has stewed vegetables for lunch. Porridge can also be a source of carbohydrates. Grind buckwheat, pearl barley, rolled oats or rice in a coffee grinder, boil and add salt. You can add boiled yolk to vegetables or porridge. Older puppies should be given a small piece of rye bread with butter or one dried fruit as a supplement.

For dinner, small pugs should be fed finely chopped meat (lamb or beef). There should be no fat in it, so minced meat is not suitable for feeding puppies. If the baby is already 2 months old, you can boil porridge for him in meat broth.

This is interesting: Where to buy a pug puppy

After three months, puppies should increase their food intake. From this point on, you can introduce more meat and cereals into your diet, and gradually add raw vegetables and fruits. When feeding, it is important to adhere to the principle: give light foods in the first half of the day, and lean meat in the second. Gradually, the number of feedings can be reduced to three, provided that the dog is not hungry.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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During the period from 7 to 12 months, the puppy should be gradually prepared for the transition to adult food. Food is served 2 times. In the morning: cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. In the evening: meat, bones and fish.

Your dog should always have clean, fresh water in his bowl.

After the puppy turns one year old, you can continue the same diet based on homemade food or switch to dog food.

Advantages of each power system:

Natural foodReady-made feed
Homemade food is healthier and more nutritious. It contains no preservatives or flavorings There is no need to think through a balanced diet. The amount of nutrients and trace elements per serving complies with veterinary standards. Special formulations have been developed for dogs with allergies, which eliminate the need to purchase additional vitamins. Such food is convenient to take on the road.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Dryers for animals are divided into three classes: economy, premium and superpremium. The first category is characterized by the use of low quality raw materials. This includes the cheapest food from supermarkets.

Premium is a product in the mid-price category. This food can be found in supermarkets and veterinary stores.

Super premium is sold exclusively in pet stores. They are developed in scientific laboratories taking into account the breed, its lifestyle, and the presence or absence of diseases.

Adult pugs are unpretentious in terms of nutrition and can eat almost any food that a person eats. However, feeding them table scraps is prohibited. This breed has a sensitive gastrointestinal tract, and such food can cause illness or death for it.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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A weak gastrointestinal tract often manifests itself as heartburn. In order to soften it, it is necessary to give the dog milk of medium fat content - up to 2.5%.

Pugs love sweets, but eating them is dangerous to their health. High sugar levels can lead to the death of the animal. Baked goods, sausages, fatty and fried foods are prohibited.


You should wash your pug once a month. For water treatments you need dog shampoo. More frequent washing can damage the animal's hair, as natural lubrication protects it from dry skin and irritation. After walks, just wipe the paws, and if the fur gets dirty, rinse it with water without shampoo.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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You should not bathe your pug often in an attempt to get rid of the specific animal odor. Frequent washing stimulates the dog's sebaceous glands and the smell can only intensify.


Cold, heat, and sudden temperature changes have a bad effect on the animal’s well-being. Therefore, this breed tolerates being kept in any apartment well and does not require long walks.

This is interesting: 10 dogs that will not cause inconvenience in the apartment

A pug can be walked from three months of age. By this point, the puppy has already received all the necessary vaccinations and easily adapts to the environment. Young dogs are active and inquisitive, and too much stress can harm their cardiovascular system. Therefore, before your pet turns 1 year old, you should take him on short (up to 15 minutes) gentle walks 3-4 times a day.

Adult pugs are not litter trained well and require walking 2-3 times a day. Optimal duration: 30-40 minutes. Sometimes active games on the court are acceptable.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Rare and short-term exercise can lead to obesity and muscle atrophy in the dog. Long and tiring ones harm her heart and respiratory system.

In cold, windy, rainy weather, it is recommended to wear an insulated waterproof suit on your pet. For walks, a harness is preferable to a collar - it minimizes the load on the spine.

Swimming in nature

If your pet is not afraid of open water, allow him to swim: the main thing is that the natural body of water is clean. As soon as you see your pug getting into the water, remove his collar. This measure will protect it from accidentally clinging to a snag or other submerged object.

After water treatments in the fresh air, the dog does not need a towel: it knows how to get rid of excess moisture. If the swim took place in insufficiently hot weather, prohibit the pug from immediately lying down on the ground. Make him run around a bit to let his fur dry.

In winter, an excellent way to harden a dog is to “dry” bathe it in the snow. Old compacted snow is not suitable for this; you need recently fallen snow, soft and clean.

Rolling in the snow has a wonderful effect on a dog's health, cleansing the coat of dirt/parasites and increasing the body's defenses.

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Features of care

In good health, Pugs can live 15 years. But, like many artificially bred breeds, they are prone to disease. Therefore, the owner has a great responsibility, since regular care of the pet at home is the key to its good health.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is more difficult to care for a pug boy, as their sebaceous glands work more actively. As a result, the fur and folds of the muzzle become dirty faster.

Behind the wool

It is necessary to comb your pug daily, as the breed is characterized by constant shedding. Dogs lose especially a lot of hair in spring and autumn. The brush should have frequent metal teeth. You need to comb the animal in the direction of hair growth. Individual loose areas can be trimmed with scissors.

This is important to know: Problems that a pug owner may encounter

Furminators are used to remove undercoat. This procedure reduces shedding several times. But experienced breeders recommend using this tool with great caution, as it injures the structure of the guard hair. The fur may stop growing or begin to grow in any direction (waves, zigzags).

Behind the ears

Once a week you need to inspect and, if necessary, clean your dog’s ears. In order to remove wax, a dry cotton swab and gentle movements are enough. You can use special lotions purchased at a pet store, but they can cause allergies.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Pugs are prone to otitis media. If discharge is visible in the ears or swelling appears in this area, it is advisable to immediately contact a veterinarian.

Behind the eyes

The eyes are the weak point of pugs. Due to the structure of the muzzle, secretions accumulate in this area, which must be removed every day. Otherwise, an exacerbation of infection occurs (including conjunctivitis). Therefore, it is recommended to check the corners of the dog’s eyes daily for the presence of mucus; if there is any, remove it with a damp cloth.

Purulent discharge on any external organs indicates a pet illness. Greenish is a sign of infection. Transparent - a consequence of allergies.

Processing folds

It is necessary to care for your pug every day, since due to their physiology, such dogs are prone to illness. One of the most important procedures for the health of an animal is cleaning the folds on the face. Sebum, dust, water, and food debris accumulate in this area. If you do not clean them out in time, an infection or fungus may develop in the discharge.

For the procedure you will need sticks, wet wipes (for children, for intimate hygiene or for those with allergies). You can use cotton pads moistened with clean water. It is necessary to lift the folds of the pug, treat the area above the nose, near the eyes. You need to repeat until the next napkin or cotton pad comes clean. Wipe folds only if there is discharge on them.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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You cannot treat a dog’s face with chlorhexidine, peroxide or miramistin - this will weaken its own beneficial microflora.

Trimming claws

How often your dog's nails need to be trimmed depends on the dog's lifestyle. Active animals walking along asphalt sidewalks wear them down as they walk. If your pet often touches objects with them or is damaged, the length of the growths should be removed.

This procedure can be carried out at home, but it is better to go to a veterinary clinic, since at the base of the claw there is a vascular network that is prohibited from touching with an instrument. This inexpensive manipulation can be performed in almost every veterinary hospital.

You can trim your claws at home using special nail clippers purchased at a pet store. Below, watch the video tutorial, which will tell you the angle and direction of movement that is safe for blood vessels.

Where is the private space in the house?

As already mentioned, the place is selected before purchasing the puppy. It should not be in a draft and be completely isolated.

It is advisable to prepare a lounger from a thick mattress measuring 40 x 60-70 cm . The cover should be hypoallergenic and easy to wash.

Many dog ​​breeders prefer to purchase mini-houses for pugs, where there is a place not only for sleeping, but also for feeding.


An unvaccinated dog is susceptible to many diseases. Also, without vaccination marks, it cannot be taken on trips. The first vaccination is given to a pug at the age of two months. Before this, you need to ensure that your pet is quarantined - not to allow contact with other animals.

This will be interesting: What name should you not call a pug?

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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2 weeks before vaccination, the puppy must be given anti-worm medications.

The first vaccination is carried out against plague, enteritis, hepatitis, parainfluenza and a number of other diseases. A second injection is given after 2 weeks. The second course is done at the age of six months, if by this time the puppy’s teeth have completely changed. During this period, the puppy is injected with rabies vaccines and repeated vaccinations against distemper and hepatitis.

Antihelminthic prophylaxis is required every 4 months. After the first vaccination, the veterinary hospital issues a veterinary passport for the animal with notes on the injections given. There they also give you a reminder calendar with a schedule.

Girls of this breed are less hardy and more susceptible to disease.

How to keep your dog safe: vaccination

Vaccination strengthens the immunity of dogs
Vaccination is a procedure that helps maintain the health of a domestic dog. Dogs need to be vaccinated at an early age. In some cases, they have to be vaccinated after they grow up.

The first vaccination is given when the dog is two months old. The next one is in three and a half weeks. A veterinarian should vaccinate dogs.

Pugs are small and unusual dogs with a flattened nose that are especially popular among dog breeders. Every person who is going to have such a pet should figure out what you need to know about pugs, as well as familiarize yourself with the main pros and cons of this breed.

Necessary purchases

To care for a pug puppy you need the following equipment:

  • bed and warm cape;
  • warmer;
  • two bowls;
  • disposable diapers;
  • litter tray;
  • special toys for dogs;
  • collar or harness, leash;
  • muzzle (for an adult);
  • shampoo;
  • nail clipper;
  • comb for wool;
  • drops for eyes and ears;
  • Toothbrush;
  • cotton swabs, wet and dry wipes.

Hair cutting

In general, the dog does not need a haircut too much. But sometimes owners resort to a similar procedure during pug shedding.

Beige and fawn colored individuals are especially susceptible to frequent and heavy molting..

This haircut is called artificial shedding; in scientific publications it is called grooming or trimming.

The haircut is carried out using a clipper with a special attachment, leaving short hair measuring 3 mm.

It is necessary to trim the entire body and paws of the dog..

Useful tips

  1. It is advisable to feed your dog at the same time every day. This has a positive effect on both discipline and the functioning of its gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Don't throw food on the floor. The pet may develop a reflex, and when walking it will pick up various objects from the ground.
  3. It is important to monitor the dog’s physique - excess weight in the abdominal area can cause spinal deformation.
  4. To give your pug's coat a well-groomed, sleek look, after bathing it is recommended to rinse it with a weak vinegar solution: 1 tbsp per liter of clean water. l. vinegar.
  5. It is not recommended to bathe puppies, pregnant or very old pugs. Their immunity is weakened and they catch colds easily. If bathing is necessary, then after the procedure the pet should be wiped dry with a towel and placed in a warm place.

Pugs are active and cheerful dogs. The health problems that representatives of this breed may encounter are a consequence of their unusual structure. If owners pay enough attention to hygiene issues in relation to their animals, then they live long and remain healthy until old age.

Bathing an adult pug

Do I need to remind you that to wash your pug you should buy special, good quality detergents? If the animal gets dirty and the dog shampoo has run out, use a gentle baby shampoo or your own shampoo designed for dry skin.

The bath procedure looks something like this:

  1. Cover the bottom of the tub with an anti-slip mat, which will protect the enamel from claws while giving your dog stability.
  2. Pour slightly warmed water (not higher than 36°C) so that it covers the pug's paws.
  3. Mix the shampoo in a small amount of water, lather and then apply with massage movements, distributing over the entire body.
  4. Do not forget about the dirtiest areas, then carefully rinse the solution with a shower: water should not flow into your eyes and ears.
  5. Wipe your pug's face clean with a soft, damp cloth when finished.

Important! If the pug is actively shedding, do not rub the fur after bathing so as not to speed up the process of shedding. After the water has drained, the remaining drops are blotted with a towel, as if lightly squeezing the fur.

It is allowed to dry the dog with warm (not hot!) air from a hair dryer . Until the dog is completely dry, do not allow him to lie down on a cold floor or stand in a draft.

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Using a furminator

Furminator will help solve the problem of shedding in pugs, when dead fur sticks to furniture, clothes and other household items.

This tool, which looks like a small rake and, in fact, is an improved version of a comb for dogs, will help get rid of dead, but lingering undercoat in the fur, without affecting or damaging the coat.

For pugs, small furminators are suitable, designed for short-haired medium-sized dogs, with a working surface length of approximately 4-5 cm and fairly short teeth.

When choosing a furminator for a pug, you should give preference to products from well-known companies rather than their cheaper and, often, lower quality analogues.

You need to use the furminator in the same way as a regular comb: calmly and slowly, without pressure or jerky movements, comb your pug with it, which it is advisable to wash and dry before using this tool, and clean and disassemble all places with tangled or matted hair by hand or with using a regular comb.

It is unacceptable to pull the furminator or try to comb matted fur with it: this not only causes discomfort to the pet, but can also lead to damage and breakage of the tool.

When can you bathe a puppy?

When a dog breeder acquires a dog and brings it into his home and family, it is necessary to learn how to properly care for it. Many questions about care immediately arise. One of the first is: “At what age can you bathe a puppy? How to wash your pet correctly? After all, hygiene is an integral part of keeping a dog. This task should be approached responsibly, because puppies are just beginning to explore this world, and their immunity is still weakened. Therefore, let's look point by point at how and at what months you can wash a small puppy.


Hello! Dogs should not be bathed; this is a necessary hygienic procedure. Bathing is different from cleaning or washing - the latter procedure is performed using detergents.

  • For the first time, the puppy is rinsed after the first two vaccinations;
  • while the baby is 1.5 months old, try to avoid aqua procedures;
  • It is advisable to postpone the first wash for 2-2.5 months;
  • The first procedure takes place in clean water without special means.

Without bathing, your pet will become covered in dirt and bacteria, which penetrates the animal's interior and affects its health. If you are concerned about your pet's health, please note: you must bathe your dog according to the rules.

When discussing how often to give your puppy water treatments, most veterinarians agree:

  1. Bathing is done often or as needed (the pet should not have a strong odor);
  2. The process involves swimming the animal in water and cleaning out the folds of the skin. Do not use additional items to clean the skin - only water and a towel;
  3. The pug is washed annually – once every 3 months;
  4. Washing involves the use of detergents.

Important! Male pugs smell stronger the more often they are washed. It is better to clean only the paws and wipe the skin with a damp cloth. To prevent your dog from catching a cold, it is not advisable to wash animals in winter; try to avoid even simple rinsing. When carrying out water procedures, owners recommend plugging the babies' ears with cotton wool and dripping oil-based moisturizing drops or vegetable oil into the eyes. Actions are not necessary, just try to keep water out of the dog's eyes and ears.

When bathing a pug, you should not use soap, shampoo, or shower gel intended for people. Special substances are produced for animals to clean their coats. Dog shampoos can be found in veterinary pharmacies. It is better to opt for premium products.

Description of the breed

Pugs are very sociable creatures.
They need love, affection, and sometimes they are even too intrusive. Do not get this breed if you don’t have enough time for communication - dogs cannot stand loneliness. That is why it is not recommended to arrange a place for them to rest in a secluded place. But keep in mind that short-nosed dogs snore heavily and pugs are no exception.

Despite the apparent clumsiness, this is an active, inquisitive dog. She quickly remembers her name. He will be equally happy to lie on the couch with you, fool around with younger family members, or accompany you on a walk.

The main characteristics of these dogs are:

  • short – up to 33 cm height;
  • large head with a short square muzzle, thick neck;
  • round, bulging eyes;
  • stocky, muscular body;
  • wide chest;
  • strong short legs;
  • high-set tail in a ring;
  • short, smooth coat with soft undercoat;
  • The weight of an adult dog is from 6 to 8 kg.

The color ranges from light silver to black. Dogs with light, beige fur have black spots on their faces that look like a mask.

This breed is good for single or elderly people, as well as for families with children, since pugs are not aggressive, allow you to take care of themselves, and tolerate children's pranks in a friendly manner. They get along well with other dog breeds and other types of pets. The dogs are smart, quick-witted, and easy to train to the litter box. Keeping a pug does not present any difficulties, however, some structural features of the animal’s face require daily attention.

How to wash a puppy

To protect the animal's fur from various pests, nature has awarded it with a special lubricant, which is secreted by the sebaceous glands. If you wash only with clean water without soap, the natural lubricant is not washed out. But when using soap solutions, all protection is lost. Therefore, it is necessary to choose special shampoos that are designed specifically for animal fur.

Without water procedures

In addition to bathing, dogs need daily grooming. This includes simple combing. It must be done to get rid of dust, dirt, tangled dry grass, as well as old peeling skin. During the period of seasonal molting, namely autumn and spring, there is no way to do without combing the fur. This is especially true for long-haired breeds. Large dogs, for example, a German shepherd, are best brushed outside, so as not to have to clean up the apartment with fur scattered all over the place.

In summer, in dry weather, a dusty body can be wiped with wet wipes. Or you can wet a washcloth and perform a massage, which is also beneficial for your pet’s skin. After this, wipe the fur dry with a towel. Then you can start combing. It is better to choose a metal comb with bent teeth.

What you will need

You need to stock up on these items for bath days in advance:

  1. For small breeds, a sink or basin is suitable. It is better to teach large breeds to take a bath straight away.
  2. A favorite treat to calm your dog down at the right time.
  3. Special shampoo for dogs, selected by age.
  4. Watering ladle.
  5. Several clean towels that you will only use to dry your dog. Afterwards, a person cannot use them, even if they are washed thoroughly.
  6. Brushes and combs for combing out dried wool; wet fur should not be combed.

Choosing a Shampoo

Specialized shampoos for animals are usually very different from human ones. They do not contain various flavored dyes, unknown substances that impart a strong specific odor, alkalis and other unnecessary additives. Dog detergents are made specifically for fur, not hair.

Good quality shampoos are certainly not cheap, but they last a long time, since dogs often do not wash themselves, unlike humans. Here are a few manufacturers that have proven themselves well: Hartz, Doctor Vic, 8in1, Tropiclean.

When looking for a shampoo, you need to take into account the dog's age, breed, coat type, as well as the purpose, for example, for fleas. Shampoo instructions and recommendations will help you make the right choice. Conditioners are usually purchased from the same brand and from the same line of detergent.

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