Dachshund mix - with terrier, pug, shepherd, pinscher and other species

Dachshund and mongrel mix

A mongrel is perhaps the most unpredictable partner for a dachshund . When it comes to representatives of specific breeds, you can always count on certain points of their standard. Of course, the puppy will inherit some things, but not others. It is hardly possible to say with certainty that this particular trait will be inherent in him. However, there is still some basic set of characteristics from both parents. This allows us to at least create a little image of the future offspring.

Mongrels are mysterious in this regard. What will be the proportions of the puppies, their colors, character? Complete, it would seem, uncertainty. But it is not so.

Some moments can still be predicted. For example, color. According to my observations, in most cases such puppies turn out gray or black-gray. It is often multi-colored. However, monochromatic non-gray puppies from such crossings are rarely obtained.

IMPORTANT: The advantage will be in the direction of the mongrel, since the genes of mongrel dogs are stronger.

In particular, I recommend focusing on the growth of the mongrel. If it is large, then the size of the puppy will be clearly larger than that of the dachshund parent. But at the same time, it is hardly the same as that of the mongrel parent. That is, it will be an average. I note that, according to observations, the approximate height at the withers of such puppies is 21-30 cm, and their weight ranges from 8 to 16 kg.

In most cases, the body shape will be the same as that of a dachshund. That is, elongated.

The character of such puppies will be quite interesting. As you know, mongrels perfectly adapt to the conditions of the environment in which they live. That is, the dog will clearly not grow up to be a sissy - it will be a strong-willed individual. But, unfortunately, she is often disobedient and stubborn. However, a competent trainer will be able to find a common language with her.

Required air temperature

Newborn dachshund puppies lack self-regulation of body temperature. Therefore, you need to make sure that it is at least 24 degrees Celsius where the dogs are. The first week of a dachshund's life is filled with sleeping and sucking milk. Left alone, the cub easily freezes.

Interesting article: Rules for caring for a dachshund

The normal temperature of small puppies is 35-37 degrees. After 2-3 weeks it reaches 36-37.5. In another 10-14 days it will be like that of an adult dog - 37-38.5.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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To measure the body temperature of puppies, use a regular rectal thermometer.

Dachshund and pinscher

In my opinion, this is just a godsend for couch potato owners! The fact is that the descendant of a dachshund and a pinscher does not need too much activity and going through a whole obstacle course. A walk once a day will be enough for him. The dog will still have good health and excellent mood even after such a short promenade. Isn't this a dream dog?

As you can see from the photo, such a dog is small in size even as an adult. This is not at all surprising, because who should he be a giant? Both the Pinscher and the Dachshund are quite miniature.

IMPORTANT: Despite such external fragility, this mestizo is distinguished by good health. Few diseases threaten him.

Externally, such a dog will be very similar to a pinscher. Especially as an adult. But her body will be elongated like a dachshund’s, and her ears will also droop. But you shouldn’t expect any particularly long ears.

The fur is pleasant to the touch, reminiscent of velvet when touched. The colors are predominantly dark. Shades vary, as a rule, from dark chocolate to black.

Factors influencing growth

The development of dogs is influenced by a complex of factors:

  1. Genetic predisposition, quality of pedigree.
  2. Keeping a mother dog during pregnancy.
  3. Quality of mother's milk, duration of feeding.
  4. Phys. activity. A developing body needs to spend at least 3 hours a day outside. The first walk is a week after the 2nd vaccination. First, the puppy is carried out in warm weather, and over time is taught to walk on a leash or harness.
  5. Environment. Constant stress, noise, screams, and an alarming environment are extremely negative factors for a puppy. Their consequences range from aggressive behavior to developmental inhibition.

Dachshund and Spitz

Quite a cute dog. Such a mestizo is always very fluffy - in this regard, he is completely like his Spitz parent. The thing is that the fluffy coat of a Spitz owes its appearance to a dominant gene. And it will certainly be passed on to the next generation. The color should be expected to be light – most often light beige. Although there are also deep red puppies. In any case, the dog will not be black.

As for body proportions, the puppy will clearly resemble the dachshund parent. The long body and short legs will not allow you to doubt this. The muzzle will be elongated, which will also add resemblance to a rabbit dog. But most often, according to my observations, the tail of such individuals curls into a ring. Just like a Spitz.

IMPORTANT: As a rule, these mestizos are large. They can grow up to 25 cm and weigh up to 9 kg.

The character of such a pet will be contradictory. You will have to put up with his stubbornness and even cockiness towards other animals. And also with barking for any reason. The dog will be very extroverted.

On the other hand, the animal will be distinguished by devotion. Despite his stubbornness, the owner means a lot to him, and the dog will fulfill his requests. Even if not right away. Such a mestizo, perhaps, can be called affectionate. Spending time with the owner is a real joy for him! The dog is definitely not short on activity, which makes him an excellent companion in games.

However, in my opinion, it is better not to have such a dog in families with small children. She is fragile, so babies may well cause her discomfort. Even if unknowingly.

Dachshund and spaniel

As a rule, such a puppy takes qualities equally from both parents. However, most of all it resembles a spaniel. Hanging ears, wavy long fur and a fairly strong build create the feeling that the viewer is looking at a spaniel. At the withers, the dog reaches 25 or even 35 cm. Weight is in the range of 10-18 kg. Quite a large version of the mestizo.

However, the long body is reminiscent of a dachshund. Just like short legs. The most common color of these dogs, as I noticed, is caramel. Although it is not uncommon to see pale brown and cream colored individuals. There are even black mestizos. Sometimes there are spots of a light shade.

IMPORTANT: Unfortunately, these mestizos often suffer from eye ailments. Therefore, the owner must show them to the veterinarian more often.

The temperament of such offspring will be explosive. An active dog will be wildly delighted at any prospect of a walk or game. It’s definitely not possible to sit at home. Otherwise the dog will start to feel sad.

The huge advantage is that this pet will easily make contact with everyone. Household members and their friends will be greeted with delight by the animal. And even better if they want to play with it! But the dog will react negatively and also emotionally to unfamiliar strangers.

Dachshund and Corgi

This breed, which is a symbiosis of two other fairly popular breeds, appeared during the reign of Elizabeth II. Moreover, it was the queen who brought her out! The cute dogs immediately gained a lot of fans. And not only because of the royal patroness, but also because of her cute appearance.

This dog is longer than it is tall. His legs are short - in this he is also similar to other mestizos. That is, it has the features of a dachshund. Height ranges from 22-30 cm, weight reaches 12 kg.

But the ears of such a dog are like those of a corgi - erect, large. The muzzle, in my opinion, is also similar to a corgi - narrow, but not as long as that of a dachshund. The puppy will also take the backbone from such a parent - powerful. The fur is quite dense, it cannot be called long and soft. The color palette is wide – from grayish to black. You can hope for both light puppies and completely dark ones. Specks are acceptable.

IMPORTANT: But unlike the corgi parent, such offspring will have better health.

These dogs are extremely friendly. They need to spend as much time with them as possible. The loneliness of such pets is very painful. They simply love to watch what their household and even other animals are doing.

A great find for active people! This dog will enthusiastically take part in long walks and exciting games. Including with children. I would advise you to walk such a pet at least twice a day for at least half an hour.

However, despite their great affection for everyone, dogs are independent. If they don't feel like doing something, they won't do it. Especially if they are shouted at.

I should note that such animals have superbly developed hunting instincts. They are distinguished by increased sensitivity to everything that, in their opinion, may resemble game. Which sometimes results in barking for no reason. They like to make such animals participants in agility competitions, and also use them as assistants in reindeer husbandry.

Connecting with a poodle

The breed is more reminiscent of a poodle, but in smaller sizes with notes of a taxi dog in the form of fur, legs and a special color. The dog turns out to be impulsive, but he knows how to obey.

The pet will constantly bark, driving away all people with its ringing voice. A cross between a dachshund and a doberman and a mongrel is also practiced.

In fact, there are many mixtures and variations of dachshund. The main thing is to look for a breed that will satisfy not only its appearance, but also its character. If you are an active person, then choose the same pet. When you buy a dog, you get your best friend!

Is it worth getting a Chihuahua-Toy Terrier mix? Many will say no, since it is impossible to guess either the size, appearance, or character of a mestizo. There is some truth in this, especially when puppies are sold for substantial money. Let's figure out why mestizos have become so “fashionable” and what lies behind the beautiful screen of epithets.

Dachshund and Rottweiler

Externally - a copy of a Rottweiler. Powerful bones, fairly wide chest. The color is dark, like brown or black, with tan marks.

However, of course, a mixed breed is much smaller than a Rottweiler of pure blood. The size of this dog is somewhere in the middle between a dachshund and a Rottweiler. The height is approximately 35 to 45 cm. The weight can reach 20 or even 28 kilograms.

IMPORTANT: If you raise a mestizo incorrectly, he may develop a tendency toward aggression as a result.

If upbringing is correct from puppyhood, the mixed breed will turn out to be calm. That is, you need to not give him any concessions in matters of principle, strictly and quickly suppress incorrect behavior, and teach him basic commands.

In this case, the dog will always be calm . He will not, like a dachshund, be overly cunning or active. The result will be a balanced companion who will be able to adequately control himself under any circumstances.

Dachshund and pug

This mestizo inherited, it seems to me, the most striking external features of his parents. Even without being an experienced dog breeder, you can immediately determine who his parents are. Pugs, for example, are distinguished by their well-built body, which is quite compact. This confusion was passed on to the mestizo. In addition, they inherited folds on the skin, a rounded large head and a flattened muzzle, huge eyes, and a curled tail.

At the same time, the mestizo has, as you might guess, an oblong body. It fully reveals the dachshund blood in the dog. The body rests on small paws, which are also characteristic of dachshunds. Height can reach 28 cm, weight – 10 kg. The color is various variations of fawn.

IMPORTANT: It is noteworthy that the fur of such dogs does not cause allergies.

As you know, a pug can cause allergies. Therefore, I advise dog lovers suffering from this illness and dreaming of a pug to pay close attention to such a mixed breed.

Moreover, not only his wonderful coat, inherited from the dachshund, is noteworthy. A crossbreed between a pug and a dachshund is a real good-natured guy. This is not a dog that will choose only one authority. She is able to find a common language with absolutely any member of the household.

The dog is very calm. He will not spin like a top at his feet every minute, feverishly hunt for everything that moves, and show nervousness. All this is not for him - he will prefer quiet games only when the owner himself wants to take part in them. That is, such a mestizo is moderately active. With age he will even become lazy.

Dachshund and pitbull

This mestizo appeared as a result of an experiment carried out for a very specific practical purpose. The goal was to tame the pit bull's notorious temperament. The dachshund also does not have the most humble character, of course. However, in my opinion, he was not even close to the pit bull.

As a result, a more balanced dog was born. He, just like his pit bull relative, is suitable for protection. But at the same time protect wisely. Even when defending someone or something, you need to show balance, cutting off unnecessary aggression. This is precisely the quality that mestizo is awarded with.

IMPORTANT: True, he is quite stubborn.

However, with persistent training from puppyhood this feature can be combated. The main thing is to take on raising a dog with intelligence and perseverance.

As for appearance, the best definition is a dachshund with the head of a pit bull . The body of a mestizo is indeed long, resting on short legs. But the head is 100% inherited from the pit bull.

How to keep

A cross between a dachshund and a mongrel or any other mestizo needs the same maintenance as all purebred purebred pets. A puppy needs to be taught commands from childhood. At the same time, you should be persistent. Genes take their toll and most puppies have a stubborn and independent character.

Every year, pets need to be vaccinated against rabies and a number of other diseases. It is better to check with your veterinarian which specific vaccinations are needed.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. It is not advisable to overfeed your four-legged friend. Dachshunds are prone to obesity and joint problems due to excess weight. The same applies to mestizos. Nutrition should be balanced. If it is dry food, you need to feed it based on the weight of the animal. Typically the serving size is indicated on the package. You can also give fruits and vegetables. For example, cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, sweet bell peppers, apples, pears.

What not to give to dogs:

In addition, it is not advisable to feed adult dogs milk.

Dachshund mix is ​​a very sweet dog

Dachshund and chihuahua

A godsend for fans of pocket dogs. They turn out especially small if you cross a Chihuahua with a dwarf dachshund. On average, the height of such a mestizo - "Chihuahuax", as it is also called - is from 15 to 25 cm. Weight ranges from 4 to 7 kg.

The Chihuahuax's body looks just like a dachshund's - that is, elongated. The paws are correspondingly small. But the ears must look like those of a Chihuahua - this is a dominant feature. That is, large and standing. As a result, the mestizo is somewhat reminiscent of a fennec - a fox with a narrow muzzle and large ears.

IMPORTANT: Perhaps, such a mestizo can safely be called a sociable animal.

The Chihuahuax is an unusually sociable dog. She tolerates loneliness quite hard. Therefore, one of the household members must be nearby. Mestizos love everyone they see. And including children. The main thing for them is that someone communicates and plays with them. And they become quite attached to their owners.

The advantage of such kids is that they are easy to train. I assure you that you will not see inappropriate behavior from your baby if you are involved in her upbringing. It is, of course, advisable to start training from puppyhood.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Do not try to choose a puppy of a rare color or extremely small. The best choice would be a healthy, medium-sized baby.

It is better to buy a puppy from a trusted nursery, whose owner monitors its reputation. Study several nurseries, talk to breeders, look at the breeding fund.

You should not buy a puppy without documents, flattered by the low price. The documents must be RKF or, in extreme cases, SKOR. If you are offered to pay extra for a pedigree, then it is guaranteed to be fake! A purebred puppy automatically receives a puppy card, which is exchanged for a pedigree within six months. The cost of such a dog does not change regardless of whether you draw up documents for it or not.

You should not pick up a puppy before two, or better yet, three months, especially without documents. Due to the popularity of the breed, unscrupulous breeders can pass off any mestizos and mongrels as Chihuahuas. Be sure to weigh your puppy: a three-month-old kitten weighs about half its future adult weight.

The Chihuahua puppies themselves should be vigorous, cheerful and moderately well-fed, with shiny fur, clean eyes and ears. The choice of gender is yours, but girls are more cunning and pretentious, and boys are more cocky.

Dachshund and Labrador

In fact, this is a smaller copy of the Labrador. The same wide muzzle, the same dark eyes, the same shaped ears.

Only all this rises above the short legs. And the body, as you might guess, is quite long. This is what confuses those who seem to see a Labrador in front of them. This mixed breed grows up to 30-37 cm from toes to withers. Weight can range from 10 to 18 kg.

IMPORTANT: This mestizo has excellent hunter qualities.

He is unusually obedient. Dog breeders who breed him unanimously claim that such a dog speaks the same language as its owner. Therefore, training him will be easy. Literally from the very first lessons the results become noticeable.

But to achieve such a unity of thoughts, you need to establish contact with the dog. And from his first days in the house. This dog needs regular communication. He especially loves children, which, I must admit, is mutual.

I can’t help but note a certain amount of cunning in such dogs. But, however, it is not excessive and does not interfere with training in any way.

Safety regulations

The body type of the dachshund dictates particularly careful handling of the puppy.

You can’t drag him towards you by his front legs or pick him up unless absolutely necessary.

You should also not allow your dachshund to stand on its hind legs or jump off the sofa and armchairs: all this is fraught with deformation of the spine and the development of incorrect positioning of the limbs.

It is best to avoid going down stairs on your own for up to 9 months. Slippery floors in the house are another risk factor and should be covered with mats or rugs.

The Dachshund puppy is a family dog ​​that loves companionship, walks and games.

Dachshund and Jack Russell Terrier

Externally, this dog, in my opinion, is equally similar to both a dachshund and a terrier. Light color, sprinkled with specks of red or some other light color, is more characteristic of the Russell. But the muzzle is as elongated as that of a dachshund.

As for the parameters, the height of the mestizo is 22-33 cm. Weight ranges from 7 to 12 kg. The body, of course, is elongated. The bone is wide - wider than the Russell. It is noteworthy that the paws of a mestizo are shorter than those of a terrier, but higher than those of a dachshund. Which is rare among mestizos.

IMPORTANT: The dog is prone to depression. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to leave her alone for a long time.

As you can understand, the mestizo is extremely sociable. He is active, so no matter how much you offer him games, it will never be enough. It is highly advisable to walk a lot with your pet. He will be happy to play any outdoor games and will be happy to keep his owner company in sports. For example, he will accompany you during your morning runs.

Extremely loyal. There is no doubt that this dog will listen to every word of its owner. And also faithfully protect family and property. It is believed that such mestizos also make excellent hunters.

Dachshund and Pekingese

This is a contradictory dog. The fact is that the Dachshund and the Pekingese are very different from each other. Neither in appearance nor in character. This same mestizo was miraculously able to combine everything in himself.

He has an elongated body just like a dachshund, but at the same time a flattened muzzle like a Pekingese. Metis has short legs like a dachshund, but a curled tail similar to the Pekingese. Height reaches 15-25 cm, and weight is 4-8 kg.

As for the coat, according to my observations, it varies. Some puppies inherit a long, thick coat from their Pekingese parent. The latter are born smooth-haired like the dachshund parent. The colors are also different: red, dark fawn, black and white. There is also a black color with red tan markings - this is a reference to the dachshund.

IMPORTANT: Unfortunately, the dog will be very jealous.

A mature mestizo will have difficulty accepting new neighbors at home. If the owner decides to take another pet, the dog is unlikely to approve. This is an egoist of the highest order, which is similar to a dachshund.

However, it is very convenient for maintenance. Such mestizos are moderately mobile. It's great to frolic with them, but at the same time they will not require frequent and long walks. A real find for busy people!

The dog has no sense of self-esteem. In this he is very similar to the Pekingese. Embodied majesty, although it looks miniature.

First vaccinations

From birth, puppies receive the necessary antibodies against infections through their mother's milk. Dachshunds have a strong innate immune system, but at the age of two months they need to be vaccinated against common infections. Diseases that dogs are susceptible to:

  • plague;
  • hepatitis;
  • jaundice;
  • enteritis;
  • adenovirus;
  • rabies.

The vaccination is done at a veterinary clinic or a doctor is called to your home. Before this, deworming must be carried out (1.5-2 weeks before). If the animal has worms, the vaccination may not work. Before vaccination, make sure that the dog is completely healthy, there is no fever or other contraindications.

Injection scheme:

  • at 2 months – from plague, adenovirosis, hepatitis, enteritis;
  • after 2 weeks - repeated vaccinations;
  • in six months – from the same diseases and from leptospirosis;
  • at 1 year – from the listed infections and rabies.

Domestic and imported drugs are on sale. They can be from a single disease or complex.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

Vaccination and deworming are well tolerated by dogs. Vaccinations require sterile conditions, which are found in veterinary clinics. Missed injections put your dog's health at risk.

Dachshund and Shepherd

This cross is perfect for keeping both in the apartment and in the yard. He's an amazing watchman! Despite its miniature size, the pet will cope with the mission entrusted to it with dignity. I can confidently recommend this mixed breed to those people who have long dreamed of a guard dog, but did not want to adopt a large animal. After all, it is more difficult to keep a large dog - not all people have housing large enough for it.

In addition, the intelligent mestizo is very trainable! In this regard, he is completely a shepherd - he understands commands literally at a glance.

IMPORTANT: Metis is moderately active, which is very convenient given our hectic pace of life.

The dog grows up to 25-35 cm. It can weigh from 10 to 17 kg. His body proportions are exactly like those of a dachshund. But the legs are longer than those of rabbit dogs. And, of course, it is shorter than that of purebred shepherd dogs.

Otherwise, the mestizo is very similar to the shepherd. His muzzle is 100% similar to hers. Color, by the way, is also often inherited from a shepherd dog. That is, black and tan, also called “zonal”. Although sometimes there are other options when the gene of the dachshund parent is stronger.

Features of the first days of life

Dachshund puppies receive maximum care and attention from their mother from birth. The dog diligently licks, pushes, and turns them over. Its task is to activate intestinal and lung functions in children. Puppies are born blind and deaf, but they feel cold, pain, and touch. All they need in the first days is milk and warmth. Having eaten, a healthy baby quickly falls asleep.

The sucking instinct of newborn dachshund puppies is highly developed, so it is difficult to tear them away from their mother’s breast.

It is important for the owner of this breed of dog to ensure that all puppies receive enough food. Various noises and chewing of the nipple mean that there is no milk in it and the dog needs to be helped to find another one. The fullest nipples in bitches are the rear ones. Weak babies should be supported with your hand when feeding. 2-3 days after birth they begin to crawl and control their balance.

Dachshund and bulldog

French bulldogs are champions in various types of crossbreeding. For some reason, dog breeders love to pair them with other breeds. They are also crossed with dachshunds, resulting in funny mixed breeds.

A muscular, well-built body was passed on to this mestizo from a bulldog. Just like a round head. The dog also inherited its folds from the bulldog.

From a dachshund, the puppy will inherit an elongated body shape. Which will be quite funny combined with muscularity. It is worth noting that the muzzle, although slightly shortened, will still be mostly long. That is, the dachshund’s imprint on the face will be noticeable. The tail is long, without the break characteristic of bulldogs.

The color is predominantly brindle. But white marks can often be found in it. And in large quantities.

IMPORTANT: The ears will be either erect or drooping with equal probability.

The animal is friendly to people and sociable. Loves to take part in various active games. He also has a fair amount of curiosity. This, of course, can be touching. However, during walks you will need to carefully monitor the dog, as its investigative nature will not give it peace.

With a high degree of probability, the dog will inherit hunting instincts. On the one hand, this is convenient for hunter owners. On the other hand, owners of small pets like hamsters will not like it. Even a good dog will start hunting a hamster simply because it sees him as game.

Dachshund and Husky

This cute animal will also have an elongated body and short legs. In this regard, he will inherit the genes of his dachshund parent. It will grow from 20 to 30 cm. It will weigh from 10 to 27 kg.

But for the most part, a mestizo will still be similar to a husky. The first thing that catches your eye in terms of similarity is the muzzle. She is completely similar to a husky - the same outline. The ears are also inherited from northern dogs.

The tail is fluffy - just like its northern counterparts, who are used to using it to protect themselves from the cold while resting. The fur is thick and dense. There is, as I noticed, an excellent undercoat. This mestizo will definitely not be cold in winter - an excellent combination of endurance and compactness.

IMPORTANT: The mestizo must be closely monitored, as he is prone to escape.

This trait is quite typical for huskies. Even if they are treated well and not offended, the craving for distant travels still outweighs attachment to home from time to time.

Just like the urge to dig holes. Having made a dig, the dog can easily get out of the enclosure and overcome the obstacle in the form of a fence. If the animal lives in an apartment, the tendency to dig holes can cause a lot of problems. Few owners want their pet to practice destroying floor coverings.

But all this is more than made up for by the dog’s extraordinary friendliness. It is known that huskies are very fond of children, and northern peoples often used them as nannies. Metis also inherited this quality, so you can leave your kids with him without fear. He also loves adults, and is always happy to take part in active fun.

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