Vaccination with the Vakderm dog vaccine as a way to protect against shingles - does it work?

Ringworm in dogs is a dangerous skin disease. It quickly spreads throughout the body, is difficult and takes a long time to treat, is quickly transmitted to other animals and people, and fungal spores persist indoors and on clothing from several months to a couple of years. Therefore, the chance of re-infestation is high.

For the treatment and prevention of lichen, the Vakderm vaccine was developed. Manufacturers claim that just 2-3 injections will relieve the dog of the disease and form a strong immunity to fungal infections.

In this review, we’ll look at: does Vakderm for dogs help get rid of lichen and prevent infection with it, how it is used, what possible side effects, and whether there are better analogues . At the end of the article you will find answers to your questions, reviews from the owners and find out my opinion about vaccinations against fungal pathologies.

Release form and composition

The Vakderm vaccine is produced by Moscow in two forms:

  • dry – porous suspension of light brown color;
  • liquid - a homogeneous solution of yellowish tints.

Regardless of the type, each 1 ml ampoule contains 30-50 million/cm3 of fungal elements. It is made from 3 cultures of dermatophytes:

  • Microsporum canis;
  • Microsporum gypseum;
  • Trichophyton mentagrophytes.

A bottle (one immunizing dose) costs from 100 to 120 rubles. Add a surcharge for veterinary services: the exact price varies by region.

Methods of personal protection when treating an animal

Dermatophytosis is an anthropozoonosis. That is, to diseases to which people and animals are susceptible. A person can become infected from an animal and another person. The infection destroys the hair and surface of the skin. Caused by microsporum and trichophyton fungi. When infected from a person, trichophytosis spores are transmitted; when infected from an animal, microsporia spores are transmitted.

The disease resulting from infection from a cat or dog lasts longer, is more difficult to cure and is more severe than that transmitted from person to person. Children and adults with weakened immune systems are at risk. Direct or indirect contact is the main route of infection.

When examining an infected cat or dog, caution must be exercised when vaccinating a healthy animal. The veterinarian carries out all manipulations in special clothing and medical gloves and a gauze mask, that is, he adheres to the usual safety measures.

How it works

Vakderm develops immunity against dermatophytoses for 12 months. To do this, the vaccine is administered twice with an interval of 10-14 days.

Vaccination during the incubation period (when infection has already occurred, but there are no clinical signs yet) accelerates the course of the disease: mycotic foci appear on the animal’s body. In this case, vaccinations are given 3-4 times with a break of 1.5-2 weeks.

Sick pets begin to recover 15-20 days after double vaccination. Their itching goes away, wounds heal, scabs fall off and new hair grows on the affected areas.


There are many fungal pathogenic microorganisms - more than 30 species. Dogs are more often infected with a fungus of the Microsporum canis species. Ringworm is dangerous because it is transmitted to humans. A pet can become infected with it:

  • on a walk;
  • when in contact with a sick animal, including when using common care items.

The causative agents of lichen are very tenacious; they can remain active for up to 1.5 years. In addition, animals can transmit disease without being sick themselves. In this case, one can imagine the scale of the pathology if animals are not vaccinated.

Important! The Vakderm vaccine will help identify the disease if it is at the incubation stage: after the injection, small mycotic foci appear on the animal’s body, which begin to peel off a little later.

Animals with low immunity are primarily susceptible to microsporia. Therefore, the following are at risk:

  • puppies;
  • young dogs;
  • elderly animals;
  • pets weakened by illness.

In shelters and nurseries, the disease can reach epidemic proportions. To avoid it, animals need to be vaccinated.

The fungus loves dampness; it multiplies quickly in damp and unventilated areas; for the same reason, outbreaks of infection are mostly recorded in spring and autumn. At this time of year, air humidity is high, and ultraviolet radiation, which has a detrimental effect on fungal spores, is insufficient.

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The incubation period of the disease is 2-3 weeks. It is more difficult to notice the first signs of the disease if your pet has thick, long hair. However, the fungus, penetrating through the layers of the epidermis into the hair follicle, causes inflammation. On the skin it manifests itself as redness and itching. Based on your pet's restlessness, you can suspect the presence of a fungus.

The further development of trichophytosis proceeds as follows:

  • redness and swelling in the form of tubercles appear on the skin;
  • due to severe itching, the animal scratches the affected areas, opening access to secondary infections;
  • the fungus quickly spreads over the skin, forming visually noticeable round-shaped lesions;
  • the skin dries and becomes covered with crusts and scabs;
  • patches of baldness appear.

Important! Dermatophytes primarily affect the animal's face and neck, then the croup, abdomen and limbs.

Ringworm is also dangerous because pathogenic bacteria and viruses enter the body through damaged skin. Then the following general ones are added to the skin manifestations of the disease:

  • depressed state;
  • decreased appetite or refusal to eat;
  • increased body temperature;
  • possible sepsis.

Important! Lichen and other types of dermatophytosis cannot be treated. However, the disease can be prevented if you regularly use Vakderm for vaccination.

Instructions for use and dosage

Vakderm is placed from 2 months of age. The injections are given twice, with a break of 10-14 days. The first injection is administered into the left or right thigh, the second into the opposite limb. Before use, the area is treated with alcohol, and the serum is warmed in the hand to room temperature.

Dosages depend on weight:

  • for dogs up to 5 kg – 0.5 ml;
  • for dogs weighing more than 5 kg – 1 ml.

Before administration, check the serum: it is important that the ampoule is not damaged, and that the solution is free of sediment and not cloudy. Store the drug in the refrigerator. After opening the bottle, use the medication within half an hour.

Storage conditions

Storage rules comply with the federal law on the circulation of medicines. Vakderm can be stored in cabinets, on racks, shelves, and in refrigerators. Unpacked vials and ampoules should not be exposed to light.

Storage conditions and periods are indicated in the instructions accompanying the medicine. Typically, the temperature should not be lower than 2 °C, higher than 10 °C. The vaccine cannot be stored for longer than a year. Drugs that have expired or were stored in inappropriate conditions are destroyed.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of the Vakderm vaccine is safe and does not cause serious negative effects. But, like any serum, it cannot be administered to animals:

  • with elevated temperature;
  • suffering from infectious diseases;
  • those recovering, after surgery or with serious pathologies;
  • taking medications that suppress the immune system.

Complications are also possible:

  • painful swelling or abscess at the injection site: usually occurs when cold serum is injected or unsterile needles are used;
  • allergies.

Pets that have side effects are freed from exercise for 3-5 days. In case of an allergic reaction, symptomatic treatment is necessary. If a seal forms, cold or alcohol lotions are applied, and the abscess is lubricated with a 5% iodine solution.

Composition and action

The vaccine allows you to protect your pet’s body from infection by spores of pathogenic fungi. Spores can remain in a viable state for a long time on open surfaces, plants, soil, manure, etc. A dog can become infected with lichen and other types of dermatophytes without having direct contact with a sick animal, so only prevention and vaccination will provide reliable protection against the disease.

The vaccine contains spores of several types of pathogenic microorganisms, including trichophytosis and microsporia, grown artificially in a nutrient medium favorable for development. The vaccine is produced in two forms:

  • ready solution;
  • dry powder that needs to be diluted before use.

In a veterinary pharmacy, the medicine is sold packaged in 1 dose, which makes the use of the drug convenient. The dry powder should be diluted with water for injection or saline immediately before use.

After the injection, 23-30 days later, the dog develops a strong immunity against fungal microorganisms. It is valid for a year, and with regular annual vaccination it will reliably protect your pet from the following diseases:

  • ringworm;
  • trichophytosis;
  • microsporia.

Analogues of the drug

Vakderm has 3 analogue vaccines: they are similar in action, method of application and price. The drugs differ in composition and frequency of side effects.

AnalogueDifferencesPrice per ampoule
Polivak-TMContains 8 species of fungi of the genus Trichophyton and Microsporum. There is a vaccine adapted specifically for dogs. It causes almost no side effects: only occasionally a slight swelling is possible at the injection site, which goes away on its own after 3-4 days. 73 rub.
MicrodermIt works better and is easier for animals to tolerate. As with Vakderm vaccination, a tumor may appear at the injection site: it will go away on its own within 3-5 days. 95 rub.
Vaccine Biocan MContains only one mushroom culture: Microsporum canis. Allergic reactions and swelling at the injection site are possible. 145 rub.



Inga, spaniel owner, Vladivostok:

“My dog ​​participates in exhibitions every year, in order to avoid the development of dangerous diseases, we always vaccinate. At the next appointment, the pet was diagnosed with ringworm. It’s good that the disease was in the incubation period. We were also treated with Vakderm, only the injection was given 4 times, everything went quickly.

Ekaterina, owner of a German shepherd, Kaliningrad:

“A few months ago our dog gave birth, all but one puppy were taken away. They decided to keep the last one for themselves. At 2 months we went to get vaccinated, and a day later a large lump appeared. We contacted the veterinarian again, he said to treat with an iodine solution. Everything disappeared only after 5 days.”


Denis Igorevich, veterinarian, Astrakhan:

“Vaccination against fungal diseases is considered one of the most important in the calendar; it must be given annually. Most often I use Vakderm - the drug does not cause side effects. Rarely does a lump appear; if it causes discomfort to the dog and its owners, it can be treated with iodine or alcohol.”

Andrey Alexandrovich, veterinarian, Krasnodar:

“Vacderm is becoming less and less common in pharmacies. And I don’t recommend getting such a vaccine, since immunity to only two types of fungi is developed. It is better to carry out prevention with Polivac - it is cheaper and contains 8 types of spores.”

Owner reviews

Olga: “After the second Vakderm vaccination, the dachshund lost his back leg. When introduced, the dog screamed and cried. Afterwards she limped all day, and the next day she became lethargic, only getting up to eat and go to the toilet. It does not rest on its paw, it hangs on its weight. But what’s most worrying is the huge lump that came out at the injection site.”

Yaroslava: “We learned about this vaccine when Margo (a cross between a mongrel and a Rottweiler) developed bald spots. The doctor said it was dermatophytosis and prescribed Vakderm. 2 weeks after the first injection the itching went away, and after the second the bald areas began to heal. Since then we have been using serum every year. Our beauty tolerates injections easily, but a huge lump always forms on her thigh: we don’t treat it with anything, and after a month it resolves on its own.”

Taya: “Our puppy Dzhulka got sick at the same time as the cats. We went to the clinic: all three of them were given Vakderm. The cats tolerated the injections well, but Dzhula immediately became ill. From the next day she stopped eating and playing. The doctor did not answer anything intelligibly, attributed it to worms, and did not prescribe treatment. And 5 days later the dog died.”

Dmitry: “My Gordey managed to catch dermatophytosis. After recovery, the doctor advised to vaccinate with Vakderm annually. The first time the serum was administered by a veterinarian, and then I got the hang of it myself. The vaccine worked for us: there were no side effects, and the dog never got shingles again.”

Analogues and prices

Vakderm is an inexpensive but effective remedy against ringworm, the average cost is 120-134 rubles . You can purchase the vaccine yourself at an online pharmacy or get immunized at a veterinary clinic.

If the dog does not tolerate the drug Vakderm, it can be replaced with other medications. Analogues include :

  1. Polivac. Produced by a domestic company. Consists of 8 types of fungal spores. After the injection, antibodies are produced, the body is resistant to the development of mycotic lesions of the skin.
  2. Microderm . Used for the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases. To achieve lasting immunity, you need to give 2 injections.

The average price of analogues ranges from 50-120 rubles .

To prevent the development of ringworm, it is recommended to vaccinate with Vakderm. In most cases, the drug is well tolerated; injections are given to both puppies and adult dogs. You can administer the medicine yourself, but it is better to trust experienced veterinarians .


I do not recommend using Vakderm and other vaccinations against lichen: neither for treatment nor for prevention.

Vaccinations are useless for treatment: lichen appears when the immune system is weakened, and “dropping” it even more with a vaccine is stupid. When infected, classical therapy is better: external and internal antifungal drugs. Repeated treatment of the room and things is also required: disinfection with vinegar, chlorhexidine, iodine, washing textiles at maximum temperatures and ironing.

Prevention with Vakderm is also questionable. If the dog has good immunity, it will not become infected. In addition, even vaccinated pets often developed dermatophytosis.

Add to this that the drug is painful; after administration, almost all dogs become lethargic for several days and abscesses often appear. The latter do not always go away on their own; they often have to be operated on. And vaccinated pets become carriers of fungal spores for a long period: they can infect people with weakened immune systems, children and the elderly.

The only time when the use of serums against lichen is justified: vaccination of show dogs. Owners of unvaccinated animals are required to provide a certificate of examination for microsporia before each canine event. This is troublesome and expensive: in this case, it is easier to administer Vakderm or a similar drug once a year.

Can it be used for treatment?

The medication belongs to the group of effective drugs against dermatophytoses , which are caused by microsporia or trichophytosis.
Used as a preventive measure in puppies and adult dogs. It is used for treatment only if the disease is at the incubation stage . External manifestations of fungal infection are usually not observed at first, but after the vaccine is administered, mycotic foci form and peel off. After repeated administration of the medication, the skin and coat are restored.

Immunity after an injection is formed in 25-30 days and lasts for a year. If you do not follow the regimen, the effectiveness of the drug decreases .

Vaccine Vakderm against dermatophytoses (1 dose) 1 ml bottle


Vacderm is a liquid for injection against dermatophytoses in dogs, cats, fur-bearing animals and rabbits. In appearance, the vaccine is a homogeneous suspension of yellowish-brown color.


The vaccine is made from cells of dermatophyte cultures Microsporum canis, Microsporum gypseum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes grown on selective nutrient media with the addition of 0.3% formalin as an inactivator (stabilizer).


The vaccine causes the formation of immunity in cats, dogs, fur-bearing animals, and rabbits to dermatophytosis 25-30 days after double administration with an interval of 10-14 days.

The intensity of post-vaccination immunity persists for at least 12 months.

In one immunizing dose of the vaccine, the concentration of fungal elements is 30-50 million/cm3.

The vaccine is harmless, areactogenic, and has preventive and therapeutic properties.


The vaccine is intended for immunization for the prevention and treatment of microsporia and trichophytosis of cats, dogs, fur-bearing animals and rabbits.

The Vakderm vaccine is administered intramuscularly twice.

Injections are carried out in the opposite limbs in the thigh area with an interval of 10-14 days in the following doses: cats aged 1-3 months, 0.5 cm3; cats over 3 months old - 1.0 cm3 for each injection; dogs from 2 months of age weighing less than 5 kg, 0.5 cm3; for dogs weighing more than 5 kg, 1.0 cm3; rabbits 50 days old, 0.5 cm3; rabbits over 50 days of age, 1.0 cm3; for fur-bearing animals from 30 to 50 days of age, 0.5 cm3; for fur-bearing animals over 50 days of age, 1.0 cm3.

Subsequent preventive revaccination of animals is carried out annually, twice, with an interval of 10-14 days, in the doses indicated above.


10 days before vaccination it is necessary to deworm the animal.

When carrying out vaccination, the general rules of asepsis and antisepsis are observed. Needles and syringes are sterilized by boiling, or sterile disposable syringes are used; a separate needle is used for each animal. The injection site is treated with 70% alcohol. Before use, the ampoule or vial with the vaccine is warmed to body temperature.

In case of an overdose of the vaccine in animals after immunization, individual sensitivity may be observed in the form of the formation of compactions and abscessed areas at the injection site. Cats may become drowsy. When a post-vaccination reaction occurs, the animal must be kept at rest, and if a local reaction occurs, the vaccine injection site is treated with 5% tincture of iodine and sealed as a normal inflammation.

Immunization of animals in the incubation period of the disease with dermatophytosis can provoke an accelerated manifestation of clinical signs of mycosis in the places where the pathogen is localized (single or multiple mycotic foci appear on the animal’s skin). After 10-14 days, such animals must be repeated twice with the vaccine in the same doses and at the same interval.

In some animals (mainly dogs), after immunization, a local reaction may occur in the form of the formation of a painful lump at the injection site. Such a reaction can occur if a cold vaccine is used or if unsterile syringes and needles are used for vaccination. After immunization, cats may experience individual sensitivity in the form of mild drowsiness, which spontaneously disappears after two to three days. Animals that exhibit a post-vaccination reaction are released from exercise for 3-5 days.

Violations of the vaccination schedule should be avoided, as this may lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy for dermatophytoses. If you miss the next dose of the vaccine, it is necessary to carry out immunization as soon as possible.


It is prohibited to vaccinate animals with elevated body temperature, in the second half of pregnancy, as well as patients with infectious and non-infectious diseases. Weakened and sick animals are pre-treated for the existing disease, and after recovery they are immunized against dermatophytoses.


When using the vaccine in accordance with these instructions, side effects and complications, as a rule, are not observed.


The shelf life of the vaccine is 18 months from the date of release, subject to storage and transportation conditions.

After the expiration date, the vaccine is not suitable for use.

The vaccine is stored and transported in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 2 to 10°C and out of reach of children.


The vaccine is packaged in 1.0 ml vaccination doses in vials of appropriate capacity, hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers, reinforced with aluminum caps, or ampoules, hermetically sealed. Vials (ampoules) with the vaccine are packed in boxes. Each box of vaccine is supplied with instructions for use. Boxes of vaccine are packaged in boxes (or other secondary packaging).

Vaccination ban and side effects

In general, Vakderm is well tolerated by dogs, both adults and puppies. However, there are still limitations:

  • the pet is weakened after a recent illness;
  • the animal has a fever;
  • the dog bears offspring (at any stage);
  • the dog has a chronic disease in the acute stage at the time of vaccination;
  • The puppy has not reached 10 weeks of age.

Sometimes the puncture site may become slightly firm and swollen. This happens in two cases:

  1. The injection fluid was cold.
  2. The pet tensed his muscles.

Everything goes away on its own within a few days. If your pet is lethargic and drowsy during this period, then do not be alarmed - this is a normal condition after the vaccine (this does not happen in all animals).

The effectiveness of vaccinating dogs against lichen

The incidence rate among dogs is about 60%, and about 30% of cases are due to trichophyton (ringworm). According to statistics, terriers are more prone to the disease. Favorable conditions for the development of dermatomycosis are a number of factors, the main one of which is weakened immunity. A dog is given a shingles vaccine to protect it from the threat of infection.

If the vaccination is not done on time and the animal gets sick, you can inject the drug for medicinal purposes: it is only important to comply with the necessary conditions to avoid complications. Vaccines against lichen have proven themselves to be an effective means of combating fungal microflora, but it is better to prevent the disease in a timely manner.

In European countries, pets are not vaccinated against ringworm, but sick animals are treated with proven methods. This is due to insufficient evidence of the positive effects of vaccination. The causative agent is a genus of viral fungi, which means that the spore cells are constantly mutating. This causes the absence of a lasting effect in some cases.

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