How to make an enclosure for a husky: requirements and dimensions + step-by-step construction instructions

Huskies have a friendly, but willful and stubborn character.

These are large animals, reaching 60 cm at the withers.

Often, a separate room is required to keep them, because when living together next to people, they become cramped.

In addition, owners of large dogs notice the appearance of an unpleasant odor in their pet.

As a result, many Husky owners decide to build an enclosure for their pet.

Dogs tolerate cold well due to their short, thick coat, so they can freely live outside all year round.

Can it be kept outside in winter?

Huskies, compared to other dog breeds, are most adapted to life in cold climates . Thanks to their thick and dense undercoat, they can withstand up to -60°C both in clear weather and in snowstorms.

Siberian Huskies have adapted to Arctic weather, so they can be kept in an outdoor enclosure even in winter in the northern regions of Russia.

At the same time, pregnant and lactating females must be kept warm . If the enclosure is additionally insulated or has an insulated booth, then the winter climate will not threaten the health of the animals.

Pros and cons of an aviary

The aviary has the following advantages:

  • large breeds need their own territory;
  • a dog can guard the house without harming people entering;
  • for pregnant women or females with puppies, the enclosure will become a place for a nest where the dog can feel safe and feed its offspring;
  • the animal does not cause inconvenience to the owners: there is no unpleasant odor in the house, the dog does not chew furniture, does not mark the territory, and can go to the toilet on its own;
  • no need to walk the husky;
  • During the shedding season, there are no accumulations of wool in the house.

At the same time, the enclosure has a number of disadvantages.

In order for an animal to feel comfortable in a new place, it needs to adapt to the fenced area.

Large breeds are active and, if the enclosure is not sufficiently strengthened, they can eventually break the structure. In addition, the room must be cleaned regularly.

Not a luxury, but a necessity

When getting a Husky, people think that the pet will live in an apartment and will always be nearby. But an aviary is preferable for this breed. There are several reasons why it is better than apartment living:

  1. Not everyone can stay with a pet all day long. And in the absence of the owner, the husky splashes out its energy, destroying everything around. Furniture especially suffers from them.
  2. There may not be any particular difficulties with the puppy. But when it grows to a height of 60 cm, care becomes problematic.
  3. If you need to leave home, for example, to go on a visit, then it is advisable to isolate your pet. This is difficult to do in an apartment.
  4. There is no need to put your pet on a leash in the enclosure. Therefore, the husky will feel comfortable in it.

You can go the simple route and buy a ready-made enclosure for your husky. But if you make it yourself, you can take into account all the features of your friend. Of course, you will have to spend more effort and time.

How to choose the right place?

In the enclosure, the dog should not be disturbed by loud noise.

It should be placed away from sources of odors, roads, toilets and agricultural buildings . The pet's house must be built on dry, level ground so that moisture does not accumulate under it during rain.

It is recommended to place part of the enclosure in the shade so that the dog can sunbathe and cool off his body in the shade in the summer.

Each husky needs its own enclosure, especially if the animals are of different sexes . In this case, the dogs must see each other. If animals live together, they may fight over territory or have unwanted offspring.

Requirements and conditions

To maintain the health of your husky, you must follow several rules.:

  • clean the enclosure of excrement, dust and food debris daily;
  • carry out wet cleaning of the premises and equipment once a week;
  • carry out disinfection monthly;
  • place the feeder at a height of 30 cm from the floor;
  • In winter, insulate the enclosure.

Keeping your pet's house clean will help prevent the development of infectious diseases in your dog..

Dimensions and height

There is no need to build a spacious enclosure, because a large empty room will not retain heat in the cold season.

At the withers, huskies reach 56-60 cm, so it is enough for them to create a room with an area of ​​8 m2. If the enclosure is being built for a small female, which does not exceed 50 cm at the withers, then it is necessary to reduce the area to 6 m2.

The height of the enclosure is determined by the height of the dog standing on its hind legs. It should not touch the roof.

If several animals will live in the enclosure, the area of ​​the building will need to be increased by 1.5 times.

Pet measurement

In order to know what size to build or buy a booth, it is recommended to take the following measurements:

  • Body length . To do this, measure the distance from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail. To prevent the husky from feeling too cramped in the kennel, it is recommended to add 5 cm to this measurement to determine the optimal length of the kennel.
  • Overall growth . This measurement, which should not be confused with the height at the withers, is measured from the top of the skull to the floor. You will also need to add 5 cm to this measurement - this will be the best height of the booth.
  • Height at withers . This measurement, necessary to determine the height of the manhole, is measured from the top point of the pet’s withers to the floor.
  • Chest width . The measurement is necessary to determine the width of the booth and manhole. In order to remove it, you need to measure the distance between the humerus-scapular joints of the husky.

The width of the booth should be equal to the width of the chest multiplied by three, and the height of the manhole should be equal to the width of the chest + 5 cm.

Types and how to choose the right one

Depending on the material of manufacture, wooden, metal and combined buildings are distinguished.

According to the design, there are 3 types of enclosures:

  1. Open. The walls are replaced by bars and there is no roof.
  2. Half open. 2 walls are made of lattice, the rest are made of dense material. The enclosure has a roof.
  3. Closed. The building is entirely made of dense material. Such enclosures are created in rare cases when a dog requires temporary shelter. For example, for lactating females while raising offspring or while renovating a house.


The choice of design will depend on the climatic conditions of the region and the duration of the pet’s stay in the enclosure.

In case of frequent rains, a semi-open combined house for the animal should be built. For dry climates with minimal precipitation, it is recommended to build an open wooden enclosure.

Natural material does not heat up in the sun, absorbs moisture, due to which it will keep the dog cool.

What material is best to make it from?

It is recommended to build an enclosure from wood and metal . The latter will act as a supporting structure. Thanks to the durable material, the building will last a long time without requiring renovation.

The floor, walls, doghouse and winter house for the husky should be made of wood.

Different types of enclosures have their pros and cons:

  1. Wood . The cheapest construction option. An active dog can break or chew such an enclosure. Wood easily absorbs moisture, so it quickly becomes unusable: mold may appear on it, the material becomes rotten.
  2. Metal . Expensive but reliable place for a pet. There are 2 types of buildings: prefabricated and permanent. The first ones can be put away for the winter; they are easy to transport.

Photo gallery

Do you need to build a home for your pet? Look at the photos, maybe they will help you choose which booth you want to buy or build with your own hands.

What materials are needed for construction?

To build an enclosure you will need the following materials:

  • metal grill;
  • profile pipes and frames;
  • cement mixture, if it was decided to fill the floor with concrete;
  • boards, beams;
  • roofing material, gravel;
  • channels;
  • corrugated sheeting, slate, metal tiles to create a roof;
  • insulation for winter: felt, polystyrene foam, mineral wool;
  • Self-tapping screws are required to secure the structure.

DIY foundation

To build an enclosure, a foundation is required. Thanks to it, the building will not deteriorate from moisture accumulation, sag and will last longer.

The depth of the foundation is 1-1.5 meters, the area is 6-8 m2 depending on the size of the husky . The bottom of the pit should be lined with a layer of stones and secured with concrete.

To create the latter, mix cement, water, sand, crushed stone in a ratio of 1:1:2:3 and fill the bottom of the pit with the resulting mass.

The cement mortar will dry in about 72 hours. If the ground is soft or clayey, you should strengthen the edges of the hole with boards.

After creating the cushion, it is necessary to fill the foundation with cement mortar so that it rises 10 cm from the ground level . To protect against moisture, it is recommended to waterproof with roofing felt.


A waterproofing layer consisting of bitumen mastic or roofing material is laid on the surface of the foundation.

Cover it with a screed and lay out a partition half a brick thick of the required length. In free space, starting from the vertices.

The procedure may be slightly different: at the stage of making a gravel cushion, embedded parts from a metal profile - pipes, corners or channels - are laid around the perimeter of the future enclosure.

The frame is welded at the tops, vertical brackets are attached to it - cuttings of rods 30–40 cm long.

They should rise above the foundation: in the future, the brackets will be used to fix the fence posts. Once installation is complete, concrete is poured.

The cage is welded with vertically arranged pipes with a pitch of 100 mm.

The process involves installing support posts on which the door will be hung: its approximate width is from 0.7 m to 1.0 m.

The most convenient way to fasten metal parts of a fence is by welding, but this requires equipment and skills.

You can also connect elements with screws: to do this, drill a hole in the fixed rack, the diameter of which is 0.8 mm less than the diameter of the screw; then use a tap to cut the desired thread.

Holes of larger diameter are made in the attached part. The finished elements are screwed together.

How to build?

After the foundation is completely dry, you can begin building the enclosure . Males and females require different types of enclosures.

Females need a maternity chamber and vestibule, which should be well protected from the weather. Puppies are quite active, so they won't just sit in a kennel.

The cubs can move freely throughout the entire area of ​​the enclosure.

For the male, it is necessary to make a dense room with strong walls and a door . It should be remembered that the male is larger and stronger than the female. He can knock down the wall or door of the enclosure.

Base for the aviary

Required Tools:

  • channels;
  • boards;
  • gravel;
  • roofing felt;
  • cement mortar.

It is not recommended to leave an earthen floor in the building, because the dog can dig under and run away . A strong concrete base should be created on which the wooden floor will be located.

To do this, you need to weld 4 channels around the perimeter of the foundation so that they form a rectangle.

After this, it is necessary to place a board on the base of the channel, which should be treated in advance with an antiseptic or anti-mold spray.

Roofing felt is placed on top of the board for insulation, which is sprinkled with gravel on top . After completing the manipulations, you can fill it with cement and level it.

As soon as the solution begins to compact, wooden beams for the floor joists should be placed in it across the structure every 50 cm.

A wooden shield or ordinary boards are placed on top of them, which must be treated with an antiseptic. The covering is fastened with self-tapping screws .

Wall installation

The walls protect the dog from the wind and provide support for the roof. Therefore, the enclosure must be closed on 2 or 3 sides .

To build walls, you need strong material: brick, wood, slate, corrugated board. Brickwork requires a concrete foundation.

For sheet materials, you will need to install pillars, which must be connected from above with transverse slats.

Experts recommend creating walls on a metal frame with wood cladding . First you need to install a perimeter from a profile pipe, which should be welded to the channel at the corners of the future enclosure. If there is no welding, tight bolts will do.

After this, a metal frame must be stretched between the pipes that act as a supporting structure. It needs to be leveled using a level. In this case, you need to leave room for doors and windows.

It is recommended to construct the frame of the enclosure from reinforcement with a horizontal pitch of 10 cm . Metal rods will help strengthen the structure. After making the frame, it is necessary to make the outer lining of the enclosure from wood.

It should protect the dog from the wind.

After creating the cladding on the outside, the selected insulation should be laid, after which you can begin constructing the internal cladding of the building . Then the door and windows are installed.

Construction of walls

For the summer option, a design based on a frame made of metal and mesh is considered optimal. Since the enclosure is being built for a large dog, it must be really strong, and the use of mesh will not work in this case.

First of all, the main perimeter is installed, consisting of a profile pipe. It is located in the corners of the structure. It is attached to the channel by welding or bolts. Then, along the angular load-bearing sides, the skeleton is stretched - a metal frame under the structure. Don't forget that the enclosure should have doors, a large window and an open part for the summer period. Therefore, when planning your structure, carefully consider all these elements.

A metal rod is stretched along the entire perimeter with a horizontal step of 10 cm. For example, reinforcement is used. It will serve as a reinforcement of the structure, allow partial removal of the skin during hot periods, and will not allow the dog to go beyond its boundaries.

Insulation of buildings

In winter, the enclosure should be insulated so that the dog does not freeze and feels comfortable.

To do this you need to follow several recommendations:

  • insulate the walls of the building with polystyrene foam, felt, penoplex or mineral wool;
  • distribute straw or sawdust on the floor;
  • sawdust must be hammered into the space between the walls;
  • it is necessary to choose odorless insulation - if the enclosure smells different, the husky may refuse to enter it;
  • the insulation should be isolated from the dog, because the animal can chew through the material.

Felt is considered the safest insulation material . In addition to high thermal insulation, the natural material will not harm the health of the pet. If felt is not suitable, you can use mineral wool.

How to arrange it?

It is necessary to install a booth in the enclosure as a sleeping place..

The Husky should fit comfortably in it with its paws outstretched. In addition to the sleeping area, bowls with food and water will need to be installed in the enclosure. They must be changed daily to eliminate the risk of illness in the animal.

You can secure the bowls to the frame of the structure at a height of 20 to 30 cm from the floor so that the animal cannot turn them over or accidentally mark them.

There should be a toilet in the open part of the enclosure. You can install a metal shield with crushed stone or a section of lawn grass for it.

In the first case, you need to decide in advance on the type of filler that can be easily removed . If a toilet is not provided, it is necessary to let the dog out for a walk at least 2 times a day.

Drawings for the booth

There are a huge number of options for drawings of a booth for Khasenysh. You can find a design of any complexity - from the simplest to a real house with several rooms. It should be remembered that the comfort and convenience of the home should remain in the first place. One of the best options is a rectangular booth with a hole located on the side. To make cleaning simple and quick, the roof is made removable, or, if there is no construction experience, it is pitched. It is easier to implement than a gable one, and the Hasyats really like to relax on such a structure.

How to train a dog?

The most tolerant method of training is with treats. You will need to throw food at the entrance to the enclosure. It is necessary to repeat the manipulations regularly, each time throwing food further and further from the door of the building.

When your pet becomes more confident, you can sometimes make deceptive hand gestures.

The pet must come up and take the food on its own. If the animal does not want to come inside, you should not be violent or yell at the dog.

After some time, the animal will take the treat and begin to explore the new territory . When the husky adapts a little to the enclosure, you should start placing a bowl of water and food inside the building. Each time they need to be moved away from the entrance.

If the animal calmly stands in the enclosure for 1-2 hours, you can give it a bone or a toy.

It is recommended to develop a conditioned reflex in the dog: when the animal goes to the enclosure, you need to say some command.

If the husky does everything correctly, you should reward him with a treat. Thanks to the sound signal, the pet can quickly get used to entering a new place of residence.

At the initial stage of training, the dog will want to leave the enclosure as quickly as possible. Doors can only be closed when the animal has been there for 30 seconds. If your husky is showing anxiety, you should open the door slightly and give him a treat.

At the same time, there is no need to immediately release the dog - the pet must gradually get used to the fact that the owner will not always be near his enclosure . Crate training will require patience and time.

Structure care

The enclosure should be cleaned at least once a week. During cleaning, you will need to carefully check the building for mold and insects.

If necessary, you need to replace the material or carry out disinfestation . In the spring, you should spray an anti-tick agent in the enclosure. There should be no rust on metal structures.


It is recommended to update your pet's toys every 3-4 months or disinfect them once every 30 days.

When cleaning the floor, you should check the condition of the screws. If they come loose, the dog may injure his paws. A similar situation occurs when knots form or a wooden floor breaks.

Before laying out the hay, it should be boiled or treated with a chemical that is safe for the dog..


If the booth does not become a “platform,” then it needs to be built. Place it in the shadow part. It is often made in the form of a simple wide bench on which the dog can perch and rest. Sometimes, old sofas or beds can be used as a platform (the main thing is to check them for the presence of insects, such as sofa bugs).

But some do it a little differently: the front and side parts of the structure are made solid, and the role of the back and other side walls is played by the walls of the enclosure. The upper part is mounted on hinges and folded down, creating something like a small “chest” in which you can store various pet things.

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