New rules for assigning titles to dogs at shows in the RKF system


Options for obtaining a title (all JCAC
must be obtained from different judges):

Number of JCACsAdditional condition
3No conditions.
Note: at exhibitions of the CACIB rank “Eurasia”, “RKF Cup”, “RKF President’s Cup”, “Russia”, “Memorial A.P. Mazower" JCAC=2xJCAC, R.JCAC=JCAC.
1For dogs not registered in the RKF, if they have a JUNIOR CHAMPION
from the country of residence - a member of the FCI, AKC (USA), KS (UK) or SKS.


Title options (all CACs must
be obtained from different judges):

Number of CACsAdditional condition
4At least 1 year must pass between the first and last CAC.
Note: at exhibitions of the CACIB rank “Eurasia”, “RKF Cup”, “RKF President’s Cup”, “Russia”, “Memorial A.P. Mazower" CAC=2xCAC, R.CAC=CAC.
2Both CACs must be obtained at any of the following CACIB rank shows: “Eurasia”, “RKF Cup”, “RKF President’s Cup”, “Russia”, “Memorial A.P. Mazower."
1Availability of a “Winner of Eurasia” or “Winner of Russia” certificate.
1For dogs not registered in the RKF, if they have a CHAMPION
from the country of residence - a member of the FCI, AKC (USA), KC (UK) or SKS, if the country of residence issues titles to Champions of Russia for one CAC.
2For dogs not registered in the RKF, if they have a CHAMPION
from the country of residence - a member of the FCI, AKC (USA), KC (UK) or SKS, if the country of residence does not issue titles to Champions of Russia for one CAC.

Titles and assignment rules

Depending on the rank of the exhibition, various certificates and titles are awarded. The main titles that dogs can receive in Russia are: junior champion of Russia, champion of Russia, international champion, as well as junior club champion and club champion.

These titles are assigned to dogs depending on age and rank of exhibitions. Depending on the age of your pet, he can become either a young champion or an adult. Juniors vying for the title of young champions of Russia or a club are dogs aged 9-18 months. Those who are older should already be fighting for adult titles.

It must be taken into account that a dog can close its title both in one exhibition and by collecting a certain number of certificates. So what does this mean? If you are the owner of a very beautiful dog that has practically no flaws, behaves well in the ring, is perfectly prepared for exhibitions, and you know for sure that the judge who will come to judge the national dog will like it, then you can try to close the title of junior or adult club champion with one stroke. To do this, you just need to win such an exhibition. The dog must become Best Junior Male/Junior Female or simply Best Male if it is over 18 months old. But only a few are capable of this, truly magnificent dogs who were also lucky on this particular day. The rest will have to be patient and complete their titles by collecting certificates and, accordingly, visiting exhibitions.

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and CAC at a certified exhibition in this country are required. Read more about the peculiarities of assigning the title of champion of other countries in our forum.

However, in some countries: 1) this rule does not apply (you need to close the champion title according to the rules of that country, gaining the required number of certificates; 2) there is a requirement that CAC must be obtained only at a CACIB rank show; 3) CAC is received not by the class winner, but by the Best Man and Best Man.


All-breed titles:

WINNER OF “EURASIAN” [indicating the year] (P “Eurasian”) /EURASIAN WINNER (Eurasian W)

To obtain the title “Winner of Eurasia” you must have:

  • certificate “Winner of “Eurasia””, received at the exhibition “Eurasia”. This certificate is received by the best male and best female in the breed.

YOUNG WINNER OF “EURASIAN” [indicating the year] (UP “Eurasia”) /EURASIAN JUNIOR WINNER (Eurasian JW)

  • certificate “Young winner of “Eurasia””, received at the exhibition “Eurasia”. This certificate is awarded to the best junior male and the best junior female in the breed.

VETERAN WINNER “EURASIAN” [indicating the year] (VP “Eurasia”) /EURASIAN VETERAN WINNER (Eurasian VW)

  • certificate “Veteran-winner of “Eurasia””, received at the exhibition “Eurasia”. This certificate is awarded to the best veteran male and the best veteran female in the breed.

WINNER OF “RUSSIA” [indicating the year] (P “Russia”) / RUSSIAN WINNER (RW)

  • certificate “Winner of “Russia””, received at the exhibition “Russia”. This certificate is awarded to the best male and best female in the breed.

YOUNG WINNER OF “RUSSIA” [indicating the year] (UP “Russia”) / RUSSIAN JUNIOR WINNER (RJW)

  • certificate “Young winner of “Russia””, received at the exhibition “Russia”. This certificate is awarded to the best junior male and the best junior female in the breed.


  • certificate “Veteran-winner of “Russia””, received at the exhibition “Russia”. This certificate is awarded to the best veteran male and the best veteran female in the breed.

Diplomas according to these rules are issued from 01/01/2019.

Specialized titles for breeds with NCP:

WINNER of the National Club Club [indicating the year] (P National Club Club) /NATIONAL BREED CLUB WINNER (RUS CW)

  • diploma “Best male” or “Best female” of the breed, received at the annual national exhibition of the National Club (rank “Winner of the National Club”).


  • diploma “Best Junior Male” or “Best Junior Female” of the breed, received at the annual national exhibition of the National Club Club (rank “Winner of the National Club Club”).

VETERAN-WINNER of the National Club [indicating the year] (VP National Club) /NATIONAL BREED CLUB VETERAN WINNER (RUS CVW)

  • diploma “Best veteran male” or “Best veteran female” of the breed, received at the annual national exhibition of the National Club (rank “Winner of the National Club”).

Diplomas according to these rules are issued from 01/01/2020.

Specialized titles for breeds that do not have NKP:

BREED WINNER [indicating the year] (PP) / BREED WINNER [of the year] (RUS BW)

  • diploma “Best Male” or “Best Female” of the breed, received at the annual national breed exhibition (rank “Breed Winner”).


  • diploma “Best Junior Male” or “Best Junior Female” of the breed, received at the annual national exhibition of the breed (rank “Breed Winner”).


According to a certificate issued at exhibitions of the CACIB rank in Russia or the ChRKF1 certificate of the YuChRKF1 certificate of the ChRKF
According to certificates issued at exhibitions held under the auspices of one of the Federations: RFLS, RFSS, OANKOO, RFOS FEDERATION CHAMPION
certificates , obtained under two different judges, from any two different Federations
certificates , obtained at least under two different judges, from any three different Federations

Note: The assignment of the titles VETERAN-CHAMPION OF RUSSIA (VChR)
is completely similar to the procedure for assigning the titles of
The following is the procedure for NKP titles, which comes into force on 01/01/2020. See below for the current procedure in 2022.

Exhibition ranks

Exhibitions have a certain hierarchy. These are events of the CAC rank, based on the RKF calendar, all breeds of dogs can participate in them. Events of the CACIB rank are also all-breed exhibitions, but international, they are organized based on the FCI calendar. There are also monobreeds, in which representatives of the same breed (for example, collie) compete. Such events are held by the National Club, they are also divided according to the titles assigned - the rank of candidates for club champions (CCC) and the rank of club champions (CC). Once a year, a national exhibition of the breed club, the so-called “national”, is held.


Options for obtaining a title (all JCC
must be obtained from different judges):

Number of JCCsAdditional condition
3At least 1 JCCC must be obtained at a special breed show.
Note: at the national NKP show: JKCHK = 2xJKCHK, YUSS = JUKCHK.
1For dogs not registered in the RKF, if they have a JUNIOR CHAMPION of the NKP
of the country of residence - a member of the FCI, AKC (USA), KS (Great Britain) or SKS, if the NKP in the country of residence issues titles to the Junior Champions of the NKP of Russia for one JCAC club .

If you are planning to show your dog and this is your first time bringing him to a show, then you may be interested in knowing what the abbreviation of show titles means. This is not just a set of letters, but very specific international names for certain titles awarded at dog shows all over the World. Let's see what's hidden behind all these CACs, BISs, CACIBs. EXHIBITION TITLE ABBREVIATION: WW – World Winner – World Champion INT.CH – International Beauty Champion MULTI CH – National Champion of five or more countries CH – National Champion CH.SN – National Champion of 2 countries CH.INT.CH – International Champion, Champion of one country CH.CH.INT.CH - Interchampion, Champion of 2 countries J.CH - Junior Champion (official title of some countries) CACIB - Certifikat d`Aptitude au Champional International de Beaute - Candidate for International Beauty Champions R.CACIB — Reserve Candidate for International Beauty Champions CAC — Certifikat d`Aptitude au Championatl — Candidate for National Champions R.CAC — Reserve Candidate for National Champions BIS — Best in Show — Best Dog of Show R.BIS — Reserve Best Dog of Show BIS (III- IV) - Best In Show Winners BISp/j/v - Best Puppy/Junior/Veteran of the Show BIG - Best in Group - Winner of the BIG Group (II-V) - Prize-winner of the BOB Group - Best of Breed BOS - Best of the Opposite Sex (loser in comparison) BESTp/j/v — Best Puppy/Junior/Veteran of Breed BJG — best junior in the FCI group Best Junior (BJ) — best junior Best Dog (BP) — best puppy of the Czech Republic (CH Rus) — Russian Champion CW — Class Winner — Winner Class (intermediate, open, champions) R.CW - Reserve Class Winner CWp/j/v - Puppy/Junior/Veteran Class Winner Ch. RKF - Champion of the Russian Canine Federation CH - Champion of the National Breed Club CCC - Candidate for Champion of the National Breed Club СС - Certificate of Conformity CWC - Certifikat wystawowego championa - certificate of champion of exhibitions in Poland CACA - certificate of candidate champion of Austria ES - Europa Sieger - European Winner BS - Bundessieger - Winner of the Union CC (SQ) - certificate of conformity RKF REGULATIONS ON THE ASSIGNMENT OF TITLES BASIC PROVISIONS Dog Shows in the RKF system are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the FCI and these Regulations. Certificate exhibitions are held: 1. CACIB rank - international in accordance with the FCI calendar; 2. CAC rank - All-Russian and regional all-breed in accordance with the RKF calendar plan; 3. ChK and KCC ranks - National and regional special breeds at the request of National Breed Clubs (NCB) in accordance with the RKF calendar plan. Dogs of breeds recognized by the FCI, RKF, having documents recognized by the FCI and RKF, as well as an identification mark and/or microchip (the scanner is provided by the owner) are allowed to participate in exhibitions. 1. Rules for submitting applications Cynological organizations applying to hold a certificate exhibition submit applications: - CACIB rank - to the exhibition commission of the RKF before February 1 of the current year two years in advance; - CAC rank - in the RKF Federation according to affiliation: ROLS, RFSS, RFOS, ANKOR - until February 1 of the current year for the next year; - rank of Cheka, KChK - in the NKP until February 1 of the current year for the next year; RKF Federations and National Clubs submit a consolidated application to the RKF before March 1 of the current year for the next year. Applications must contain: — exhibition date; — name and address of the canine organization; - FULL NAME. chairman of the exhibition committee; - Contact phone numbers; EXHIBITION CLASSES: 1. Baby class from 4 to 6 months; 2. Puppy class from 6 to 9 months; 3. Junior class from 9 to 18 months; 4. Intermediate class (intermedia) from 15 to 24 months; 5. The class is open from 15 months; 6. Working class (for service and hunting breeds) from 15 months; 7. Champion class from 15 months; 8. Veteran class from 8 years old; TITLES AND AWARDING RULES 1. In the ring, at the discretion of the expert, the following titles may be awarded and included in diplomas: CAC, R.CAC - candidate and reserve candidate for national beauty champions - at all-breed shows. CACIB, R.CACIB - candidate and reserve candidate for international beauty champions - at international exhibitions. All "reserve" titles can only be awarded if the main ones are awarded. Thus, R.CAC cannot be awarded unless CAC is awarded. at special breed exhibitions: KCHK (candidate for National Club Champion), CHK (National Club Champion), CC (certificate of conformity). At all shows: CW, R.CW - class winner and reserve class winner - respectively the first and second dogs in the class to receive the “excellent” rating. Best Male - selected by comparing males of the CAC intermediate, open, working and CW champion classes; BOS - Best female - selected by comparing CAC of intermediate, open, working and CW class champions; BOB - The Best Representative of the Breed is selected by comparing the Best Male and the Best Bitch. Best puppy (junior, veteran) of the breed is selected by comparing the male and female winners of the puppy class (junior, veteran). Titles are awarded in all breeds up to the standard differences in height, coat type and each color, if the examination is carried out separately by color. 2. In competitions and groups, the lineup includes 3 participants, and the first to be awarded the following titles: Best Producer of the Exhibition, Best Nursery of the Exhibition - according to the regulations on the competitions. The best puppy (junior, veteran) of the show is selected by comparing the Best puppies (junior, veteran) breeds. If the exhibition is held for several days, then the Best Puppy (junior, veteran) of each day is selected. BIG - Best in FCI Group - in each FCI group, among the best representatives of the breeds, the expert determines the 3 best dogs, the first of which receives BIG. BIS -Best Dog in Show - when comparing the winners of the FCI-BIG groups, the expert determines the 3 best dogs, the first of which receives BIS. At all exhibitions in the RKF - FCI system, the assignment of titles is the prerogative of the expert. Protests to the examination are not accepted, the expert’s opinion is final and cannot be appealed. EXAMINATION IN THE RING 1. At exhibitions, an individual examination is carried out during which the expert examines each dog, makes its description and awards a rating. At the end of the individual examination of each dog, the owners are awarded ribbons of different colors depending on the ratings received: red - for an “excellent” rating; blue - when rated “very good”; green - when rated “good”. Then all the dogs that received the “excellent” rating remain in the ring, the expert places the 4 (four) best dogs from 4th to 1st place, regardless of whether he awards them titles. 2. Test rings must be of sufficient size with a non-slip surface to allow the dog’s movements to be assessed. For breeds for which the standard stipulates growth limits, the rings must be equipped with a stadiometer, and for breeds for which the standard stipulates weight - with scales. To examine small and toy breeds, there must be an additional table in the ring. 3. All documentation necessary for the work must be prepared in advance and kept by one of the members of the ring crew. 4. The ring crew, which the exhibition organizer is obliged to provide to the expert, must include a ring manager, a secretary and, if necessary, an interpreter. The ring crew works on the instructions of the expert and must ensure: - calling participants; — checking the mark; — checking absences in each class; — information about an incorrectly registered dog or a change of handler; — description of dogs dictated by the judge; - organizing and performing all necessary office work. 5. At exhibitions of any rank it is prohibited to exhibit dogs in strict collars and harnesses. 6. Participants who are late to the ring are not allowed to take part in the examination. 7. For cruel treatment of dogs, unethical behavior at an exhibition, provoked dog fights, at the request of an expert, ring crew or members of the show committee, the RKF exhibition commission may disqualify the owner and dog for a period of 1 to 3 years from all RKF - FCI shows. RULES FOR CONTESTS Only dogs that are included in the catalog, pre-registered for the competition, exhibited at an exhibition and received a rating of at least “very good” can participate in all competitions. Kennel competition - 4 dogs of the same breed, born in the same kennel, having the same prefix, participate. Competition for sires - 4 offspring of one dog, male or female, originating from at least two litters from 2 two males for a female, from 2 different females for a male. A manufacturer can participate in the competition without being registered for the exhibition. Pairs competition - 2 dogs of the same breed, a male and a female, belonging to the same owner. If more than one pair of dogs is declared in a breed, then a preliminary examination to identify the best one is carried out by an expert in the ring of this breed. If the exhibition is held over several days, then the best pair (kennel, sire) of each day is determined. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS TITLES AND RULES FOR THEIR AWARD During the examination in the ring, at the discretion of the expert, the following titles may be awarded and included in diplomas: CAC - to dogs that received the title CW in the intermediate, open and working classes; R.CAC - dogs that have received the title R.CW in intermediate, open and working classes; CACIB - the best male and female, selected by comparing dogs that received CAC in the intermediate, open and working classes and CW in the champion class. R.CACIB - the best male and female from among those left for comparison (i.e. the first dogs from all classes, except the one where CACIB was awarded, and the second dog from the class where CACIB was awarded if she has the title R.CAC or R .CW). CONFIRMATION AND EXCHANGE OF CERTIFICATES The CACIB certificate received at the exhibition is confirmed by the FCI. The RKF receives all confirmations from the FCI headquarters. If a dog entered at CACIB already has the title of International Champion, then the FCI will count the CACIB to the dog that received the CACIB marked “Redeemed” and the dog that received the R.CACIB, that is, two dogs receive confirmation of the certificate. To obtain the title of International Beauty Champion, 4 CACIB certificates are sufficient, which were obtained in three countries and from three different experts in no less than one year and one day; however, one CACIB must be obtained in the owner's country of residence or in the country of origin of the breed. To obtain the title of International Champion for breeds with working tests (except for the Airedale Terrier and Fox Terrier, for which the title of International Champion is confirmed by 4 CACIBs), you must have 2 CACIB certificates obtained from 2 different experts in 2 countries for at least one year and one day, and the corresponding international test certificate. For dogs whose owners live in Russia, to receive the title of International Champion, 12 regions of the RKF are equated to countries. CAC certificates at international exhibitions are awarded in the same way as at All-Russian exhibitions. The application for awarding the dog the title of International Champion is sent to the FCI by the RKF secretariat at the request of the owner. The application must list all CACIBs received by the dog, date, location and assessor, along with copies of all CACIB confirmations and a copy of the working certificate (if required). TITLES AND AWARDING RULES During the examination in the ring, at the discretion of the expert, the following titles can be awarded and included in the diplomas: CW, R.CW - assigned respectively to the first and second dog in the class that received an excellent rating. CAC - at all-Russian exhibitions - for dogs that received the title of CW in the intermediate, open and working classes; - at regional CAC shows - for a male and female, selected when comparing CW intermediate, open and working classes. R.CAC - at all-Russian exhibitions - for dogs that received the title R.CW in the intermediate, open and working classes; - at regional CAC shows - male and female, determined by comparing CW who did not receive CAC, and R.CW from the class in which the dog received CAC. BOS, BOS -Best Male and Best Bitch - at all-Russian exhibitions - are selected by comparing CAC intermediate, open, working and CW class champions; - at regional CAC shows - when comparing a dog that received CAC and CW champion class. Titles are awarded in all breeds up to the standard differences in height, coat type and each color, if the examination is carried out separately by color. NATIONAL AND REGIONAL SPECIALTY EXHIBITIONS By decision of the National Club of Clubs, at singlebreed shows it is possible to judge and award titles separately by color after approval by the exhibition commission and the RKF. In the Junior, Intermediate, Open, Working, Winners, Champions and Veterans classes the following marks are awarded: Excellent - red ribbon, can be awarded to a dog that is very close to the ideal of the breed standard, which is presented in excellent condition, demonstrates a harmonious, balanced temperament, a dog of high class and excellent training. Its excellent characteristics corresponding to the breed allow for minor flaws that can be ignored, but at the same time it must have a pronounced sexual type. Very good - a blue ribbon can be awarded to a dog that has the typical characteristics of the breed, well-balanced proportions and is presented in correct condition. A few small imperfections that do not affect the morphology are acceptable. Good (good) - green ribbon, awarded to a dog that has the main characteristics of its breed, but has obvious disadvantages. Satisfactory - yellow ribbon, should be awarded to a dog that corresponds to its breed and has defects in build. Disqualification (disqualification) - a white ribbon must be given to a dog if it is built in a type that does not meet the standard, exhibits unusual or aggressive behavior, is a cryptorchid, has dental defects or defects in the structure of the jaws, has a non-standard coat or color, including signs albinism, is not free from defects that threaten health, has disqualifying defects. Cannot be judged/without evaluation This qualification is given to any dog. Which constantly jumps or rushes out of the ring, making it impossible to evaluate its movements and gait, or if the dog does not allow the judge to feel it, does not allow the teeth and bite, anatomy and structure, tail or testes to be examined, or if traces of surgery or treatment are visible. The same applies to the case when surgical and medicinal interventions are aimed at masking errors punishable by the standard. In accordance with the requirements of the NCP, dogs that have not passed testing or tests of working qualities may be left without evaluation. Regulations for behavior testing and testing of a specific breed are developed by the NCP and approved by the RKF. The following grades are awarded in the puppy class: Very promising - red ribbon. Promising - blue ribbon. Not promising - green ribbon In the ring, at the discretion of the judge, the following titles and certificates may be awarded: CW - class winner, awarded to the first dog in the class to receive the highest score. The winner of the class automatically receives the title of CCC or JKCHK at exhibitions of the rank of CHK, PC, and at the exhibition of the rank of CCC participates in comparison at the CCC. СС - certificate of conformity YUSS - certificate of conformity in the junior class Yu.KChK - candidate for young champion of the National Club Club KChK - candidate for champion of the National Club Yu.PK - young winner of the National Club PC - winner of the National Club Yu.ChK - young champion of the National Club ChK - champion of the National Club LK - The best male of the breed is selected by comparing the winners of the intermediate, open, working classes, winners, champions, and national club champions. BOS – the best female of the breed is selected, similar to the choice of BOS. BOB - the best representative of the breed is chosen by comparing the best male of the breed, the best female of the breed, the best junior of the breed and the best veteran of the breed. BEST BABY – the best baby of the breed is selected by comparing the male and female winners of the baby class. BEST PUPPY – the best puppy of the breed is selected by comparing the male and female winners of the puppy class. BEST JUNIOR – the best junior of the breed is selected by comparing the male and female winners of the JCC Junior Class. BEST VETERAN – the best veteran of the breed is selected by comparing the male and female winners of the veteran class. RULES FOR THE AWARD OF TITLES AND CERTIFICATES CC KChKJ-Yu, KCHK, PC, CHK At all RKF and FCI exhibitions, the awarding of titles and certificates is the prerogative of the judge. During judging, at the discretion of the judge, the following certificates and titles may be awarded: СС - dogs that receive an excellent rating and participate in the ranking of 1-4 places in each class (intermediate, open, working, winners and champions) may receive JCC - dogs that receive excellent score and participating in the placement 1-4 place in the junior class of the CC - awarded to males and females who received CW (class winner) in the intermediate, open, working, winners and champion classes (at shows of the rank of CHK and PC) At shows of the rank of CC, certificates The CC is awarded to the Best Male and the Best Female. JCC - awarded to dogs (male and female) who received CW (class winner) in the junior class. PC - awarded to the Best Male and Best Bitch at a PC rank show. J.PK - awarded to the Best male and female in the junior class at an exhibition of the PK rank. CHK - awarded to the Best Male and Best Bitch at an exhibition of the CHK rank. J.ChK - awarded to the Best male and female in the junior class at an exhibition of the CHK rank. (Note for breeds with mandatory testing of working qualities or testing of behavior of the rules for awarding titles adopted in the NPC are developed by the NPC and approved by the RKF) Confirmation and exchange of certificates Organizers receive CC, CC and CC certificates from the NPC. Certificates are issued at the exhibition indicating the name of the dog and the seal of the National Club. The registration of certificates is maintained by the NCP. 2 CC certificates obtained from 2 different experts are equal to one CCC. RKF REGULATIONS ON THE ASSIGNMENT OF TITLES: All titles are assigned to dogs that have pedigrees recognized by the RKF. CHAMPION OF RUSSIA (CR) To obtain the title “CHAMPION OF RUSSIA” you need: Option 1: 6 CAC - obtained from 6 different judges, at National, All-Russian “Federation Champion” or National, regional “Candidate for Federation Champion” exhibitions Option 2: 4 CAC - obtained from 4 different judges, if one CAC was received at the International Exhibition “CACIB” or at the National, All-Russian Exhibition “RKF Champion” Option 3: 3 CAC – obtained from 3 different judges and the diploma “Young Champion of Russia” Option 4: 2 CAC - received from 2 different judges, within one year at the Eurasia exhibition Option 5: 1 CAS - received at the international exhibition “Russia” (the best male and the best bitch received CACIB and certificate “RKF Champion”). For foreign dogs not registered in the RKF: the option of 6: 1 CAS received at the international exhibition “SASIB” either at the National, All -Russian exhibition “Champion RKF” and a certificate or a diploma “Champion of the country of residence of a member of the FCI or AKC, KC, CKC option 7: 2 CAs received at exhibitions National, All-Russian “Champion of the Federation” or national, regional “candidate in the champions of the Federation” for foreign dogs without a title (champion of the country) are options for 1-5. The young champion of Russia (SECR) is necessary for obtaining the title “Young Champion of Russia”: Option 1: 4 Jun.cac received from 4 different judges, the national, all -Russian “champion of the Federation” or the national, regional “candidate for the champions of the federation” at exhibitions. Option 2: 3Jun.cac received from 3 different judges if one Jun.Sas was received at the international exhibition “SASIB” either at the National, All -Russian exhibition “Champion of the RKF”. Option 3: 2 Jun.cac received from 2 different judges, within one year at the Eurasia exhibition. Option 4: 1 Jun.cac at the international exhibition “Russia” the best Kobel Junior and the best bitch Junior. For foreign dogs not registered in the RKF, option 5: 1 Jun.cac received at the international exhibition “SASIB” either at the National, All -Russian exhibition “Champion RKF” and a certificate or diploma “Young champion of the country of a member of the FCI or AKC, KC, CKC . Option 6: 2JUNCAC, National, All-Russian Champion of the Federation or National, regional “Candidate of the Federation Champions” for foreign dogs without the title (champion of the country), options 1-4 are valid at exhibitions. Commentary on the rules. In order to avoid improper interpretation of the conditions for assigning the title of the Czech Republic, we consider it not necessary to explain: the dog registered in the RKF is a dog born in Russia or brought from abroad registered in the RKF with the RKF number. A foreign dog is a dog born outside of Russia, not registered in the RKF living abroad, registered in the country of residence, or a dog born in Russia and registered in the country of residence of the country of residence. Grand Champion of Russia (Gchri) to receive the title “Grand Champion of Russia” is necessary: ​​the diploma “Champion of Russia” and the diploma “NKP-RKF Champion”, and for breeds having a working class, an international certificate on working qualities is required. The titles “Champion of Russia”, “Young Champion of Russia”, and “Grand Champion of Russia” are assigned once. The RKF champion for obtaining the RKF Champion is necessary: ​​Option-1: 1 CRCF certificate received at the international exhibition “SASIB” either at the National, All-Russian exhibition “Champion of the RKF. Option-2: 3 diplomas (certificates) “Champion of the Federation” of 3 different federations (federation-RFLS, RFSS, OANKOO, RFOS). The champion of the Federation (Black Sea Fleet) is necessary for obtaining the title “Champion of the Federation”: Option-1: 4 CPF certificates-candidate for the federation champions (all 4 CFF certificates should be one federation). Option-2: 1 certificate (diploma) “Champion of the Federation” received at the All-Russian exhibition. Eurasia champion for obtaining the Champion of Eurasia is necessary: ​​the Eurasia champion certificate received at the Eurasia exhibition this certificate receives the best male and the best bitch in the breed “Champion of the Breed of the Year” to receive the title “The Best Kobel” diploma And the “best bitch” of the breed of the Golden Collar received only on the champions of the Champions. The title of “breed of the year” is automatically entered into the RKF database and the genealogy puppies born of these to receive the “dog of the year” title: the certificate of the winner of the “Best In show” show Champions of the Golden Colilnik Champions. The title “Dog of the Year” is automatically entered into the RKF database and the pedigrees of puppies born from this manufacturer. The requirements necessary for obtaining the “International Beauty Champion” title of FCI on the assignment of the SASB title title Cacib (Kandadat in international champions) are assigned to dogs - the best representatives of the breed (bitch and male) only at international exhibitions. The CACIB certificate received at the exhibition confirms FCI, and the RKF receives all confirmations from the FCI headquarters. If the dog presented at Sacib already has the title of an international champion, then the FCI counts Cacib to the dog that received R.CAB, both dogs receive confirmation of the certificate. For breeds that require a working certificate to obtain a title, different rules apply: 2 CACIB titles obtained from 2 different judges, one of whom is a foreigner, in 2 different countries or regions with an interval of at least 366 days + international performance certificate. The title CACIB can be awarded to the best female and the best male of the breed (or color, if specified in the standard) in classes starting from intermediate. If the CACIB title is awarded to a dog that has only a domestic pedigree, the owner of the dog must exchange the pedigree for an export pedigree within 10 days after the end of the show. Otherwise, the CACIB title will not be confirmed. Applications for the title of International Beauty Champion are accepted at the RKF. The final decision to assign the title remains for FCI, where applications are sent. * Breeds that do not require working tests - 4 Cacib certificates - 4 different regions (or 3 different countries) - 3 different experts - 3 experts should be foreigners - 1 year and 1 day should pass from the receipt of the first and last CACIB certificate, these regions, which go to the test according to the titles (2 titles in one region, do not fit if you close in Russia) * Barnaul- Siberian * Vladivostok- Far Eastern * Volgograd- Volzhsky * Voronezh- Central Black Earth Region * Yekaterinburg- Ural * Irkutsk- Baikalsky * Kaliningrad- north- West * Kemerovo-Siberian * Komsomolsk on the Amur-Far Eastern * Krasnodar-North Caucasian * Moscow-Central * Nizhny Novgorod-Volzhsky * Novgorod the Great-North-West * Novorossiysk-North-Caucasian * Omsk-Siberian * Pskov-North-West * Rostov on the Don-North Caucasus * Samara-Volzhsky * St. Petersburg-North-West * Saratov-Volzhsky * Smolensk-Central * Sochi-North Caucasian * Tyumen-Ural * Ulan-Ude-Baikalsky * Khabarovsk-Far Eastern * Chelyabinsk-Chelyabinsk- The Ural Champion of the National Club of the breed title “Champion of the National Club of the Breed is assigned: Option 1: 4 of the CCC certificate. obtained from four different judges. Option 2: 2 of the certificate winner of the NKP. (The winner of the NKP is assigned at the PC rank exhibition, where the KCK is awarded in each class, and the best male and bitch are received by the winner of the NKP.) Received from two different judges. Option 3: 1 Certificate Winner of the NKP+ 2 Certificate of KCK. Obtained from three different judges. Option 4: The NKP champion receives the best male and the best bitch at the CHC rank exhibition. Option 5: Diploma Young Champion of the NKP + 2 certificates of KCK. obtained from different judges. Option 6: Diploma Young Champion of the NKP + 1 Certificate Winner of the NKP. 3xss = 1 KCK (exchange is possible only 1 time.) All certificates must be obtained from different judges. The SS can only be received at the discretion of the judge, only dogs who have fallen into the arrangement with the highest rating from 1-4 place in the classroom. Confirmation of the title and the issuance of a diploma is carried out in the NKP. The young champion of the National Club of the Breed title “The Young Champion of the National Club of the Breed is assigned: Option 1: 3 of the Certificate of the YUKChK. obtained from three different judges. Option 2: 2 of the certificate young winner of the NKP. (The young winner of the NKP is assigned at the exhibition of the PC rank to the best male junior and the best bitch to the junior). obtained from two different judges. Option 3: 1 Certificate of the YUKChK and 1 Certificate Young winner of the NKP received from two different judges. Option 4: Yu. Champion NKP receive the best Kobel Junior and the best bitch Junior at the NKP national exhibition. 3hyuss = 1 Yukchk (exchange is possible only 1 time.) All certificates must be obtained from different judges. At the discretion of the judge, only dogs who have fallen into the arrangement with the highest rating from 1-4 place in the junior class can receive. Confirmation of the title and the issuance of a diploma is carried out in the NKP. Explanations to the rules for awarding titles of other Estonia champion = SAS in Estonia + champion of Russia. In Estonia, SAS receives the best male and the best bitch, but if they already have the Estonian Champion title, SAS “crosses” the next dog. Lithuanian champion = SAS in Lithuania + Champion of Russia. In Lithuania, in each class, the champion of Latvia = SAS in Estonia + champion of Russia. In Latvia, SAS receives a dog that received Cacib. Finland champion = CAs in Finland + champion of Russia. Danish champion = SAS in Denmark (in an intermediate, open or working class) + Russian champion champion of Luxembourg = SAS in Luxembourg (in the champions class) + champion of Russia or 2 CAS in Luxembourg in open class. Champion of Moldova = SAS in Moldova + Champion of Russia or 2 SAS in Moldova. Georgian champion = CA in Georgia + Russian champion champion of Israel = SAS in Israel (according to the Champions class) + champion of Russia or 3 CAS in Israel in an open or intermediate class. Champion of Poland = 3 CA in Poland for a period, no shorter than 6 months. And 1 day under three different experts. One SAS should be received at the international exhibition. In Poland SAS in every class. Romanian champion = SAS in Romania + Champion of Russia. SAS in Romania in each class. Champion Belorussi = SAS in Belarus + champion of Russia. SAS in Belarus in each class. Champion of Ukraine = SAS in Ukraine + champion of Russia. SAS in Ukraine in every class. Belgium champion = 4 CA in Belgium, for a term, no shorter than 1 year and 1 month. SAS in Belgium in each class. Champion of Serbia and Montenegro = SAS in Serbia and Montenegro + Champion of Russia. CA in Serbia and Montenegro in each class. Champion of Slovenia = 4 CA in Slovenia, for a term, no shorter than 1 year and 1 month. SAS in Slovenia in each class. Croatian champion = 4 CA in Croatia. SAS in Croatia in every class. Champion of Macedonia = SAS in Macedonia + champion of Russia. SAS in Macedonia in each class. Champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina = 2Sas at a specially doubled exhibition. CA in Bosnia and Herzegovin in each class. Greece Champion = SAS in Greece + champion of Russia. SAS in Greece in every class. Bulgaria champion = CA in Bulgaria + champion of Russia. SAS in Bulgaria in every class. Champion of Slovakia = 4 SAS for a period, no shorter than 1 year and 1 day. SAS in Slovakia in each class. Champion of the Czech Republic = 4 CA for a term, no shorter than 1 year and 1 day. SAS in the Czech Republic in every class. Hungarian champion = 4 SAS for a period, no shorter than 1 year and 1 day. SAS in Hungary in every class.


Options for obtaining a title (all KCC
must be obtained from different judges):

Number of CCCAdditional condition
4At least 2 CCs must be obtained at specialty shows.
Note: at the national NKP exhibition: CCC=2xCCC, SS=CCC.
1Availability of a certificate “Winner of the National Club [of the year]”
1For dogs not registered in the RKF, if they have a CHAMPION diploma of the NKP
of the country of residence - a member of the FCI, AKC (USA), KS (Great Britain) or SKS, if the NKP in the country of residence issues titles to the Champions of the Russian NKP for one CAC club.
In breeds with working tests, in order to obtain the title of ChNKP, it is additionally necessary to have a certificate for one of the specialized types of tests.

Note: Assignment of the title VETERAN-CHAMPION OF THE NKP (VCHNKP)

completely similar to the procedure for assigning the title of

The assignment of specialized titles for breeds that do not have a breed code is carried out in a similar way. However, in this case, the title is not awarded to ChNKP (YuChNKP, VChNKP), but to Breed Champion (ChP), Junior Breed Champion (JChP), Veteran Breed Champion (VChP).

The following is the order of NKP titles in effect in 2019

Certificates Bottom line
1 1


Bottom line
2 1
2 1
1 1

Exhibition ratings

In the Junior, Intermediate, Open, Working, Champion and Veteran classes the following grades are awarded:

  • Excellent - a red ribbon may be awarded to a dog that is very close to the ideal of the breed standard, which is presented in excellent condition, demonstrates a harmonious, balanced temperament, a dog of high class and excellent training, Its excellent characteristics corresponding to the breed allow minor faults that can be ignored, but at the same time it must have a clearly defined sexual type.
  • Very good - a blue ribbon can be awarded to a dog that has the typical characteristics of the breed, well-balanced proportions and is presented in correct condition. A few small imperfections that do not affect the morphology are acceptable.
  • Good (good) - green ribbon, awarded to a dog that has the main characteristics of its breed, but has obvious disadvantages.
  • Satisfactory (satisfactory) - a yellow ribbon, should be awarded to a dog that corresponds to its breed and has defects in build.
  • Disqualification (disqualification) - a white ribbon must be given to a dog if it is built in a type that does not meet the standard, exhibits unusual or aggressive behavior, is a cryptorchid, has dental defects or defects in the structure of the jaws, has a non-standard coat or color, including signs albinism, is not free from defects that threaten health, has disqualifying defects.
  • Cannot be judged/without evaluation This qualification is given to any dog ​​that continuously jumps or rushes out of the ring, making it impossible to evaluate its movements and gait, or if the dog does not allow the judge to feel it, does not allow its teeth and bite to be examined. , anatomy and structure, tail or testes, or if signs of surgery or treatment are visible. The same applies to the case when surgical and medicinal interventions are aimed at masking errors punishable by the standard.

Read Everything you need to know about metrics for a puppy

The following grades are awarded in the puppy class:

  • Very promising - red ribbon;
  • Promising - blue ribbon;
  • Little promising - green ribbon;
  • Not promising – white ribbon.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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