Black and tan coonhound (raccoon dog): appearance, character, maintenance, health (+ photo)

The Black and Tan Coonhound is one of a very narrow variety of hunting dogs. These four-legged animals are unique in many characteristics, but the most interesting skill is the ability to catch up and drive a raccoon up a tree.

This is interesting! According to statistics cited by American cynologists, the title “raccoon dog” is awarded to only 1% of Black and Tan Coonhounds; the remaining four-legged dogs are used in driving larger animals or guarding.

Care and maintenance

  1. Constant cleaning of the coat with a hard special brush is necessary.
  2. You need to bathe your dog only when necessary; you cannot let a dog out while it is still wet and not completely dry.
  3. Ears should be cleaned thoroughly and inspected after each walk to prevent ticks and other parasites from getting into them.
  4. It is advisable not to keep such a dog in an apartment; it will be cramped in it. After all, freedom and vast territories are in her blood. A dog can direct its unused energy in the wrong direction: chew shoes, dig a hole in the laminate flooring, etc.
  5. Swimming and running are very good for your dog's health.
  6. Coonhounds do not like to be alone, so they need to be given as much time as possible, exercised, and trained.

Care and maintenance

The English hound does not like cramped spaces, so keeping it in a city apartment is not recommended.
She will feel uncomfortable and will begin to damage furniture and other items. Suitable for active people and nature lovers. The pet needs long walks with active games and exercise. Short hair must be cleaned with a special brush or stiff comb. The dog doesn't need a haircut. Bath only when absolutely necessary. You should brush your teeth regularly with an edible toothpaste for dogs to prevent the formation of tartar. After long walks, the paws are checked for cuts. If any appear, disinfect them and lubricate them with special wound-healing agents.

The breed is prone to ear infections and may become infected with parasites. The ears are checked and external dirt is removed with a cotton swab. Periodically clean the inside. To do this, a drop of a special product is dripped into the ear canal and massaged. When the dog is released, it vigorously shakes its head, thus getting rid of dirt and sulfur mass. The ears should be clean, without redness, damage or unpleasant odor. The eyes are washed with strong tea leaves or chamomile decoction. Once every 2 weeks, trim your pet’s nails with a nail clipper.

The breed is characterized by profuse salivation. It is necessary to wipe the dog's face, otherwise irritation and infectious diseases may occur.


Feed the dog dry food or natural food at the same time. Food should not be hot or cold, but warm. When feeding, it is necessary to take into account the age, activity and gender of the dog. Puppies up to 3 months are fed 6 times a day, an adult dog - twice a day. The main diet is meat, offal and fish. If the dog is sick, weakened or has undergone surgery, it must be given heat-treated liver. Beef bones are a must. Minced meat is not very well absorbed by the body, so it is better to avoid it. Fish is not given together with meat, but separately, replacing it. Sea fish can be given raw and boiled, after removing all the bones; river fish - only in boiled form.

In addition, it is recommended to give fermented milk products and porridge cooked with milk. An egg is given once a week. It is good for wool. It is recommended to grate fruits and vegetables on a coarse grater, and chop greens. Additionally, fish oil, vegetable oil, vitamins and minerals are added. Prohibited foods include pickles and marinades, spices, sweets, baked goods, raw protein, and legumes. If the choice falls on dry food, then it is recommended to purchase premium or super premium products.

How to properly care for a Red Coonhound

The dog's fur is short, so there are no difficulties in grooming. It is enough to brush short hair 1-2 times a week to comb out loose hairs. During the molting period, your pet should be combed as needed, but at least 3-4 times a week. The animal should be bathed infrequently and only with the use of special shampoos. Frequent bathing washes off the dog's protective layer of fat.

Red Coonhound

Redbone Coonhound/Redbone Coonhound (dog breed HD slide show)!

Coonhound for wild boar. Amur and Kazbek. 9.5 month.

It is recommended to feed your pet only natural products. Be sure to include meat, porridge, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese and vegetables in your diet. Cooked food should not contain salt, sugar, be spicy or fatty. Also, you should not give your animal sweets or food from your table, as it contains a lot of spices. You need to take your coonhound to the vet 1-2 times every 6 months.

Walker Coonhound Care

Dogs of this breed are easy to care for. They can be safely kept in a city apartment, provided they get enough physical activity. And the health of these animals is quite strong, which also simplifies care. However, there are still a number of rules that owners of this breed must follow:

  • You should walk your coonhound every day, morning and evening. And walks should be long enough so that the dog can warm up properly. 30-40 minutes in the morning and evening will be enough.
  • You need to feed your dog only high-quality food. There is no need to give her food in large portions; it is better to simply divide the daily feeding into several parts. These dogs are prone to volvulus, so they are not fed at all before intense physical activity. This applies, in particular, to hunting trips.
  • The raccoon hound has short, moisture-impervious fur and does not require special care. But still, the coat should be brushed 1-2 times a week. And once every two months you should bathe your pet.

Pros and cons of the breed

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed:

Great hunterStubborn and independent
FriendlyNot suitable for living in a city apartment
Easy careBarks a lot and loudly
Loves childrenLong walks required

The dog is definitely not suitable for passive and calm people.

Where to buy and price

It is better to buy a pet from a nursery. and not by hand. In this case, you can obtain all the necessary documents and meet the puppy’s parents. There is a BLACK & BRIGHT nursery in Ukraine. There are no officially registered ones in Russia. Before purchasing, you need to decide on the subspecies of the breed.

The baby should be active, bark loudly, clean, and moderately well-fed. The price is individual, depending on performance, gender, exterior and other indicators. A puppy can cost from 19,000 to 30,000 rubles. The English hound is distributed mainly in America. Six types of Coonhounds have been bred from this breed. In addition to hunting, dogs take part in show programs and competitions.

Great Blue Gascony Hound: Description. Appearance and character.

Large Gascony Blue Hound in the field
The most striking feature of the appearance of all Blue Gascons is their special coat color, from which they get their name. Almost the body is covered with thick black and white hair, the combination of which creates the blue effect.

The Great Blue Gascony Hound was created by a tireless hunter and this greatly influenced its temperament. As a rule, she will be devoted to her family, but at the same time quite reserved in expressing her feelings. Because these dogs are kept on farms primarily for hunting, not enough data has been collected regarding this dog's relationship with children. However, hunting breeds are considered to be good with children. This dog gets along well with strangers and is generally friendly towards them. The Great Blue Gascony Hound loves to bark and has a tendency to howl. Since this breed was bred to work in a pack, it gets along well with its relatives. Purchasing a Big Blue Gascony dog ​​would be a bad decision if you already own another animal (not a dog). This breed has deep-rooted hunting instincts, and displaying them could spell a death sentence for your indoor cat. Naturally, if a dog and a cat were raised together, most likely the dog will accept it as part of the family.

Representatives of this breed are not the fastest, but they have an excellent sense of smell, and they stubbornly follow the scent of the game. She is heavy and slow, but can move in one rhythm for a long time. Gascon hounds are friendly, affectionate and very attached to their owner, but training them, like many hounds, is very difficult. Poorly adapted to urban conditions. It is best to keep this hound in a kennel in a rural area and provide it with adequate exercise and plenty of exercise. The dog needs to have its fur brushed and its ears examined quite often.

Characteristics of the Coon Hound

Attachment levelHigh
For childrenHigh
Accommodation with other animalsAverage
Exercise needsHigh
Energy levelHigh
Learning abilityAverage
Tendency to barkHigh
Shedding amountLow

Caring for a Large Blue Gascony Hound

  • The coat
    of hounds is short and dense, so they practically do not get dirty, except in emergency cases when your dog has rolled around in something smelly. Then, to remove the “wonderful” smell, you need to resort to the help of baking soda and vinegar, which are used in combination with shampoo. Dogs are combed using special brushes or rubber gloves; they remove dead hair well. The regularity of the procedure is once a week, and when the dog sheds, every other day.
  • Nails
    need to be trimmed as they grow. For this you need nail clippers or nail file.
  • Ears
    that have a drooping shape - clean systematically. Poor ventilation contributes to an excess amount of sulfur mass, which leads to various diseases.
  • The eyes
    should be examined after hunting, as there may be injuries and damage, as well as dust and dirt. Foreign particles are washed with soothing agents towards the inner corner. If something more complex arises, it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian.
  • the teeth
    of Gascony dogs every week, just like other dogs, as small plaque accumulates on them at first and gradually turns into stones. The smell from the mouth of such pets is simply “divine”! But when the mouth stinks, that’s half the trouble. Tartar leads to the proliferation of bacteria in the animal’s cavity, resulting in periodontal disease and caries. If the stones are not removed in time, the gums begin to bleed, and the teeth deteriorate and fall out.
  • Feeding
    your Gascony Pointer should be as close to natural as possible. In nature, no one cooks porridge. The most important point is that dogs are predators. Their stomach is designed in such a way that the food that goes there is not defermented, that is, the fiber is not broken down into its components. In nature, when a predator kills game, it first of all eats the contents of the intestines and stomach, because they contain enzymes that canines do not have. When you boil, steam, crumble, pour, add something to your dog’s food, you still won’t cook it like in a professional food factory. Many people are very distrustful of such products. Each breed and age needs its own specific food. Puppies grow better on premium and super-premium dry food than on natural food. Porridge is carbohydrates that are practically not absorbed by the dog’s body. Accordingly, it is necessary to add a sufficient amount of meat and more. Minerals and vitamins must be balanced. To do this, you need to clearly know what your dog’s body needs so that it absorbs everything in the right quantities. And dry concentrates were developed by specialists who know everything about the physiology of canines.
  • walks
    should be active. A pet living outside the city must have a fenced area for free access. If your dog lives in an apartment, you should regularly run with him, ride a bike, or go to the park where he can “relax his soul.” Try to go out into the countryside with your pet. Walk your four-legged friend every day two or three times, for at least thirty minutes.

How much does an Estonian hound cost?

If you are purchasing an Estonian hound as a pet and do not intend to make full use of its hunting qualities, you can respond to advertisements on the Internet and purchase a dog for 5,000 rubles. However, ask the seller to give you the opportunity to find out what the puppy's mother looks like. Please also note that in this case you will most likely have to do the vaccination of the animal yourself.

An Estonian hound puppy from a kennel, whose parents were famous hunters, will cost up to 30,000 rubles.

When compiling this article, materials from the following sites were used:


Description of the Coonhound breed (standard requirements)

The height of purebred representatives of the raccoon hound breeds is approximately 60 cm (although in some cases such animals are larger), and the athletic, muscular body with powerful bones reaches a weight of about 30 kg.

Coonhounds (the photo demonstrates this well) have a large head and a slightly elongated muzzle. The rough skin of such dogs, covered with short hair, hangs freely.

Some of the breeds are distinguished by folds on the neck and webbed feet, which allow excellent swimming. The head of the Coonhound is decorated with large floppy ears, and the body ends with a straight and long tail. Purebred dogs are extremely beautiful with an athletic, harmonious and proportional physique.

The described group includes seven breeds. But only one of them received international recognition - the black and tan coonhound, which appeared at the beginning of the 18th century. This is a working tracking dog.

These dogs are incredibly resilient. Once in nature, they easily endure any weather conditions, moving through difficult terrain with great ease.

They are hardworking, loyal and smart. Many experts believe that of all the dogs existing in the world, such dogs have the most acute sense of smell. The breed, as can be concluded from the name, is distinguished by its black and tan color.

Although the fur of newly born puppies is completely dark in color, after some time, tan marks appear on the face, chest and paws.

In America, six breeds from this group are widespread. Their representatives, according to established standards, should have approximately the same size, possessing external similarity and differing only in color. Their glossy coat can have black, yellow, and red shades, playing and shimmering in the sun. There are also blue coonhounds.

Pictured is an English Coonhound

The requirements for the American English Coonhound, unlike its counterparts from this group, allow for a variety of colors. These are elegant and graceful dogs.

Purebred dogs can be tri-colored with tan spots and markings, which allowed breeders to focus on other valuable qualities of the breed, such as intelligence and hunting skills.

Curious specimens are red-speckled coonhounds, the colors of which are more than original: thick specks and red-red spots are scattered across a white background.

Pictured is a mottled blue coonhound.

Among the group there are varieties known, individuals of which have simply stunning appearance, resulting from the crossing of many beautiful breeds. These are the red coonhounds. The coat of such dogs, which has a velvety structure, in addition to the main background mentioned in the name, may also have white spots according to the standard.

Rare representatives of the group include the leopard hound. This breed appeared quite recently, and its homeland is Carolina. And although there is no exact information about the ancestors of these dogs, many dog ​​experts point out their closeness to British and French hounds.


A beautiful and graceful dog, which easily acquires many skills for rutting, completely obeys its owner. Ready to get along calmly with the family, and also lends itself well to training. Not at all aggressive towards people, but not averse to running after miniature animals. He loves children and games very much, and therefore tolerates boyish pranks at any cost.

Interesting fact

The species appeared in America; there are legends that the quadruped was introduced along with the first colonizers.

Interesting fact

Sometimes called the four-legged raccoon dog due to the fact that the hound is capable of chasing down a raccoon or other small mammal while hunting.

Interesting fact

Of all the coonhounds, only the black and tan was accepted by the International Canine Organization. The rest are recognized by the American Kennel Club.

Breed Features

This breed is famous for its acute sense of smell, almost the most outstanding in the world. It is interesting that the reason for such a sense of smell is not the nose, but the large hanging ears, which, like brooms, “sweep” odors towards the nostrils.

Hounds choose only one owner, but are devoted to each family member. It is difficult to get along with other pets as adults, so it is advisable to raise them together from an early age. But it gets along well with any dogs, as it has an innate instinct to work in a pack.

They will not vote without a reason, only in emergency situations. But they have strong “vocal abilities”, so the neighbors will not be delighted with her loud barking.

Main features:

  • the hair is not afraid of various natural precipitations;
  • slender square body;
  • attentive sweet look.

Distinctive features


The forehead is large, rounded with a noticeable transition to the front part. But the outline of the head retains its grace. The length of the bridge of the nose is equal to the width of the skull.


Scissor bite, teeth are at the same level. Developed, large.


Round, small, planted at an average distance. The look is wary, but not angry. A yellow iris is considered a defect.


Square in shape, the cervical region is muscular and has no folds. The back is straight and pumped. Massive chest, the depth of which reaches to the elbows.


Strong, with muscle relief. The hind legs are muscular and larger than the front legs. The fingers are gathered into a ball with a small bend.


Since the animal must be able to work in any weather conditions, the fur is very dense. Does not allow rain, snow, or wild wind to pass through. Has water-repellent qualities.

From the name of the breed it is easy to understand what color it is. The main color is charcoal black. There is tan on the eyebrows, chest, paws, belly and under the tail. White spots are not acceptable.


The hound has a calm temperament and does not become annoying with its presence.

Appreciates people's attention, is reserved in society, and treats strangers coldly

It is undesirable to leave a cop alone for a long time, otherwise it may begin to howl and whine loudly. The American woman loves to play with children, but due to his impressive build, it is imperative to observe this process so that no misfortune occurs.

In critical situations, the hound is capable of making decisions. She loves sports and is able to make high jumps and move with powerful jerks. During a walk, you need to keep your pupil on a leash at all times, because the hunting instincts are very strong.

Description of the Coonhound breed (standard requirements)

The height of purebred representatives of the raccoon hound breeds is approximately 60 cm (although in some cases such animals are larger), and the athletic, muscular body with powerful bones reaches a weight of about 30 kg.

Coonhounds (the photo demonstrates this well) have a large head and a slightly elongated muzzle. The rough skin of such dogs, covered with short hair, hangs freely.

Some of the breeds are distinguished by folds on the neck and webbed feet, which allow excellent swimming. The head of the Coonhound is decorated with large floppy ears, and the body ends with a straight and long tail. Purebred dogs are extremely beautiful with an athletic, harmonious and proportional physique.

The described group includes seven breeds. But only one of them received international recognition - the black and tan coonhound, which appeared at the beginning of the 18th century. This is a working tracking dog.

These dogs are incredibly resilient. Once in nature, they easily endure any weather conditions, moving through difficult terrain with great ease.

They are hardworking, loyal and smart. Many experts believe that of all the dogs existing in the world, such dogs have the most acute sense of smell. The breed, as can be concluded from the name, is distinguished by its black and tan color.

Although the fur of newly born puppies is completely dark in color, after some time, tan marks appear on the face, chest and paws.

In America, six breeds from this group are widespread. Their representatives, according to established standards, should have approximately the same size, possessing external similarity and differing only in color. Their glossy coat can have black, yellow, and red shades, playing and shimmering in the sun. There are also blue coonhounds.

Pictured is an English Coonhound

The requirements for the American English Coonhound, unlike its counterparts from this group, allow for a variety of colors. These are elegant and graceful dogs.

Purebred dogs can be tri-colored with tan spots and markings, which allowed breeders to focus on other valuable qualities of the breed, such as intelligence and hunting skills.

Curious specimens are red-speckled coonhounds, the colors of which are more than original: thick specks and red-red spots are scattered across a white background.

Pictured is a mottled blue coonhound.

Among the group there are varieties known, individuals of which have simply stunning appearance, resulting from the crossing of many beautiful breeds. These are the red coonhounds. The coat of such dogs, which has a velvety structure, in addition to the main background mentioned in the name, may also have white spots according to the standard.

Rare representatives of the group include the leopard hound. This breed appeared quite recently, and its homeland is Carolina. And although there is no exact information about the ancestors of these dogs, many dog ​​experts point out their closeness to British and French hounds.

Large types of hounds

Representatives of this species have substantial dimensions, which, as a rule, do not allow them to be kept in apartment conditions. They also need good physical activity; a regular walk in the park will not suit them. Often intolerant of other animals.

English Foxhound

This is a classic and the standard of a hunting dog. Brought out in the 16th century in Britain for noble people to hunt foxes on horseback; in other countries it was sometimes used for wild boars and deer. They usually work in a large pack, reaching speeds on rough terrain of up to 25 km/h.

Height at withers – 58-64 cm, body weight – 27-34 kg. This is an elegant dog with clear body lines. The skull is wide, square, with an elongated muzzle, ears are of medium length, drooping. The paws are high, the tail is raised up. The length of the coat is short, it is hard, of various colors, usually the white tone occupies up to 1/4 of the body.

The character is balanced, generally friendly, but wary of strangers. He is good with children and other animals, has intelligence and obedience. Suitable for a show career.

Bloodhound (Saint Hubert's dog)

A well-known breed of hound, many other varieties have evolved from it. The first mention of it dates back to the 10th century; for a long time, clergymen were engaged in selection.

This dog was used in hunting large game by the royal nobility, as well as for official and investigative work. It has an excellent sense of smell and can track prey following a trail five days old.

The dogs have a recognizable appearance - something between a mastiff and a basset hound, with a characteristic, slightly elongated body, a powerful head with folds on the muzzle, long ears and a bored look. Height at withers is 62-68 cm (adjusted in both directions by 4 cm), weight is 40-54 kg. The coat is short, smooth, often red in color, sometimes with tan.

The character is extremely balanced, absolutely non-aggressive. This is a majestic, slow, somewhat stubborn dog.

Russian hound

Originally Russian, an ancient breed, not yet recognized by the FCI. Mentioned as early as the 11th century, although the standard was adopted at the end of the 18th. It is used for hunting hare, fox, wolf, and less often wild boar and bear. Usually used in a pack, can follow a blood trail.

Height at withers – 56-68 cm, weight about 30 kg. The physique is strong, muscular, somewhat reminiscent of a wolf. The head is oblong, wedge-shaped, ears are “envelope”. The coat with undercoat is short, with a transition on the body to a longer one, a “mane” is characteristic. The color is black-backed, without clear boundaries, purple or grayish, with white markings on the paws and chest.

The character is flexible, non-aggressive, but shows a tendency to dominate. She is calm towards dogs, does not like other animals.

Black and tan coonhound

Another name is the American Coon Hound. The only Coonhound recognized by the FCI. The breed was bred to hunt raccoons, as well as large game (deer, puma, bear). As a rule, they work in packs in difficult conditions (swamps, rivers, thickets of forest).

Height at the withers is 58-65.5 cm, weight – 32-40 kg. These are tall-legged, graceful dogs with an elongated head and a muzzle with developed wings. The ears are long and folded. The coat is short, smooth and shiny, black and tan.

The Coonhound is a dog with an independent character, somewhat stubborn, distrustful of strangers, and can be a watchman. Able to tolerate other dogs, but will hunt other animals.


A French hound bred in the 18th century to hunt wolves and roe deer. It is distinguished by its endurance, capable of working continuously for up to 20 hours. Suitable for hunting by blood trail. He has high speed qualities and fearlessness.

Height at the withers is 60-72 cm, weight is 27-33 kg. This is an elegant dog with high paws, a graceful athletic body and an elongated head. The ears are long, but shorter than those of other French hounds. The coat is short, black-white-red in color, sometimes there is no black in the color.

There are a large number of hound breeds, which allows you to choose the one that suits your appearance, character or “working animal”. When choosing a pet, you should take into account that animals of this group are hunters; they need an active life, with high physical and mental stress.


Raccoon dogs are large dogs with a square body and strong muscles. The height at the withers for males is 60 - 68 cm , for females 58 -65 cm , weight is 34-40 kg and 32 -37 kg .

These dogs have an elongated head with a clear transition from the forehead to the muzzle, despite this, the outlines of the head are very graceful. The nose is large, dark brown or black. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by highly developed jowls. The eyes are round and dark in color. The ears, located at eye level, are long and drooping in folds.

The neck is of medium length, smoothly turning into a straight, strong back, the chest is quite deep with convex ribs. The fore and hind limbs are strong and sinewy, parallel to each other. The paws are compact, rounded with strong black claws. The tail is long and thick, the dog holds it vertically or down.

Coonhounds are short-haired dogs, the coat is smooth, shiny and very thick. The color is only black with tan above the eyes; there may be stripes on the sides of the muzzle, on the chest, and on the paws.

Where are dogs of this breed used?

The direct purpose of raccoon hounds is to hunt raccoons, wild boars, and possums. They also go hunting for deer and bear. In their work, dogs use their lower sense, that is, for surveillance they need a hot scent.

Dogs with a similar scent are highly appreciated in search and rescue activities and operational investigative work. They are able to assimilate the necessary program, but their characteristics must be taken into account during training.

Coonhounds are great for service. But they also make excellent companions, however, only if the owner has a strong character, self-confidence and has free time to spend time with his four-legged friend.

Hunt Edit

English Coonhounds are often kept as hunting dogs, used to track and bait animals, primarily raccoons. They also participate in the so-called “evening” hunt, a popular show with competitions and water competitions.

Dog breeds
Australian Short-tailed Cattle Dog • Australian Shepherd • Australian Heeler • Australian Cattle Dog • Australian Kettle • Australian Terrier • Azawakh • Aidi • Alabai • Alano • Alpine Dachshund • American Water Spaniel • English Bulldog • English Coonhound • English Springer Spaniel • Appenzeller Mountain Dog • Affenpinscher • Greater Swiss Mountain Dog • White Swiss Shepherd • Barbet • Bergamasco Shepherd • Bichon Frize • Beauceron • Catahoula Bulldog • Buryat Mongolian Wolfhound • Welsh Corgi • West Highland White Terrier • East European Shepherd • Havanese Bichon • Gampr • Dutch Smoushond • Blue Gascony Basset • Dalmatian • Dandie Dinmont Terrier • Doberman Pinscher • Longhaired Collie • Drathaar • Eurasier • Wire Fox Terrier • Golden Retriever • Irish Water Spaniel • Yorkshire Terrier • Cane Corso • Kerry Blue Terrier • Cairn Terrier • Cromforlander • King Charles Spaniel • Shorthaired Collie • Komondor • Kuvasz • Kurzhaar • Labrador Retriever • Langhaar • Lhasa Apso • Mallorcan Shepherd • Maltese • Miniature Schnauzer • Pug • Moscow Watchdog • German Boxer • Auvergne Pointer • Otterhound • Puggle • Pekingese • Pyrenean Shepherd • Poodle • Puli • Pumi • Samoyed • Saint-Germain Braque • Slovakian Dude • Dachshund • Husky • Hovawart • Croatian Shepherd • Miniature Schnauzer • Chinook • Chihuahua • Swedish Lapphund • Shih Tzu • Sheltie • Sholoitzcuintle • Entlebucher Mountain Dog • Estrela Shepherd • Jagdterrier • Japanese Chin

Choosing a puppy and where to buy?

Unfortunately, in Russia, raccoon hounds are quite rare. Therefore, it is difficult to buy a puppy of this breed; you may need to reserve a puppy in advance. You should approach the choice of a puppy from a professional point of view, since the raccoon hound is a working dog, and certain abilities are required from it.

If you need a dog for exhibitions, the external appearance of the puppy is assessed to a greater extent, and maximum compliance with the standard. A puppy for hunting should be taken from working parents who have succeeded in this field. Their offspring will have more pronounced hunting instincts.

The price of puppies of this breed varies from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles, depending on various factors - origin, physical characteristics, etc.

The Coonhound is a dog that belongs to the group of hounds and has a lot of natural abilities. This is an excellent hunter, fast, hardy, active. And for the family - a helper, faithful and devoted. But you should buy a puppy of this breed only if its qualities can be put to good use, and the owner can provide suitable conditions for its maintenance.

Coonhound diseases

Coonhounds are strong, tough and healthy breeds that have not been inbred and bred from equally strong hunting breeds. The lifespan of a family dog ​​is rarely less than 14 years; hunting dogs live 10–12 years. The breed has few diseases, but there are some predispositions.


Many hunting breeds are susceptible to it because they need movement. If it is not enough, the dog naturally gains weight.

How to recognize obesity:

  • inability to feel the ribs and spine through the layer of fat;
  • it is difficult for the dog to walk, shortness of breath appears after minor exertion;
  • problems with the heart and joints begin;
  • The dog is rapidly gaining weight and eating more and more.

Coonhounds are prone to obesity

To prevent obesity you need to:

  1. Buy a scale for your dog and closely monitor weight changes. This will allow you to quickly adjust your diet.
  2. Watch your diet, do not feed more than normal.
  3. Do not feed the dog uncontrollably, do not give it treats outside of feeding and training.
  4. Treats are included in the daily diet and, if they are not fruits or vegetables, are deducted from the daily diet.
  5. Lead an active lifestyle with your dog.

Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian. It consists of diet, exercise regimen and, in some cases, hormonal medications.

Ear infections

All dogs with floppy ears are susceptible to them, as infections thrive in enclosed, warm, humid areas. Main symptoms:

  • severe scabies;
  • the appearance of scratches and crusts;
  • increased temperature of the ears;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • purulent discharge;
  • negative reaction when touched;
  • bending and shaking your head in a certain direction becomes especially noticeable while running.

Ear hygiene is the best prevention of ear infections

Prevention - ear hygiene, taking antiparasitic drugs. Treatment is medicinal, prescribed by a veterinarian depending on the infection.


The term “dysplasia” refers to any deviation from the norm in the condition of a joint: destruction of cartilage or bone, cracks, defects, etc. Large breed dogs and dogs with a genetic predisposition are susceptible to dysplasia. Main symptoms:

  • lameness or change in gait;
  • decreased activity;
  • swelling of the paw;
  • stiffness in movements;
  • inability to lean on the paw.

Treatment of dysplasia depends on the degree of neglect. Mild forms are treatable with physical therapy and medications. Severe forms can only be cured by surgery or hip replacement.

To prevent joint injuries in puppies, you need to dose the loads


The Red Coonhound has an excellent sense of smell. Also, he is absolutely fearless. He, as a scout, can find anything. This breed is very talkative, roughly speaking, it loves to bark loudly, so you should devote enough time to raising the dog. This animal is accustomed to being a leader, and shows these qualities in communication with other animals.

This dog gets along well with children. A good nanny who will look after you and protect you from danger. Children can knead the dog, cuddle it, play with it, and it will reciprocate their feelings. Therefore, if there are children in the family, then you can calmly, without a second thought, adopt this dog.

This breed of dog does not get along with cats. For her, a cat is prey. There are cases when a dog and a cat become friends, but this only happens when a puppy and a kitten are brought into a family together and they grow up side by side.

Also, the dog will not get along in the same apartment with other small animals, such as hamsters and turtles. In her eyes they look like prey, game. He gets along well with other dogs, but tries to show leadership qualities.

This dog is not intended to sit on a chain and guard the house. She needs a lot of physical activity. The advantage of this breed is that it adapts very easily to its environment. A true hunter.

Trainable very well. But you should not shout at him or raise your tone during the teachings, otherwise the teacher will simply be ignored by his student. She must be praised after each task completed correctly. Classes should be regular, preferably without long breaks.

Key facts

Every hunter dreams of having a tireless, fast and smart dog. This perfectly coincides with the characteristics of the Estonian hound breed, which is not inferior in work to greyhounds and piebald representatives. And thanks to its small size and weight, sometimes it has no equal in overcoming all kinds of obstacles. This beautiful, mischievous dog is popular not only among hunters. Often representatives of the breed live at home, turning into family members.

Ready to do anything for its owner, the affectionate, friendly Estonian Hound makes an excellent friend. For all her playfulness and mobility, she cannot be called annoying. At home, the pet understands well the boundaries of behavior, coexisting peacefully next to other animals. The dog is very tolerant of children and poses no danger to them.

History of the breed

It is believed that the first hunting dogs came to the American continent along with the first colonialists. The ancestors of the Coonhound were most likely:

  • English Foxhounds.
  • French hounds.
  • Bloodhounds.
  • Talbot's hound.
  • Irish Kerry Beagles.

There is a legend that Foxhounds and French hounds were given to George Washington by the Marquis de Lafayette.

The greatest contribution to breeding the breed was made by dog ​​breeders from the states of Tennessee, Georgia, Kentucky, and Virginia. The dog trainers' efforts were recognized in 1945 with the recognition of the Black and Tan Coonhound by the American Kennel Club.

Who are black and tan coonhounds suitable for?

Obviously, this dog breed is best suited for people who are interested in hunting. After all, the Black and Tan Coonhound was bred precisely for these purposes. You could say that this is his purpose.

If hunting is not part of your plans, then it is better to own this breed for those who are willing to devote a lot of time and effort to the dog. It is suitable for an adult, consistent and balanced person who understands training and will not take out his anger on an animal.

If you do not have time for long walks, trips out of town and visits to the dog handler, then it is better to choose another puppy. A black and tan coonhound may not be the best option if you have cats or other animals in your home. Most likely, the hunter's instinct will sooner or later take over, even if the dog is trained.

Those who want to get a puppy of this breed should also remember that this dog has a very loud and sonorous bark. This is another disadvantage for those who live in a multi-storey building. In addition, an apartment will not be the best option for maintenance. For such a large dog, a private house with a large fenced area is suitable, where the dog can splash out his energy.

Despite their short coat, black and tan coonhounds tolerate cold and heat well. Therefore, the dog will be happy in an enclosure and a wooden booth.


The Swiss Hound is a robust, medium-sized dog with an expressive muzzle and long, floppy ears. Strong and resilient. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced.

  • Height at the withers of males - 49-59 cm;
  • Height at withers of females - 47-57 cm.

The skull is elongated, dry, rather rounded. The frontal groove and folds on the skull are absent. The stop is noticeable. The muzzle is narrow, with a straight or slightly convex nose. The lobe is black with wide open nostrils. The jaws are strong. Scissor bite. The eyes are oval, medium size, dark. The edges of the eyelids are pigmented and fit tightly. The ears are hanging, set below eye level, long, reaching at least the tip of the nose. The neck is long with loose skin on the throat.

The body is strong, its length to height is 1.15/1. The back is straight. The lower back is flexible. The croup is long, slightly sloping. Maclucks are invisible. The chest is deep, reaching to the elbows. The abdomen is moderately tucked. The tail is of medium length, tapering to the tip, saber-shaped. The limbs are muscular, dry, with medium bones. The paws are round in shape, the toes are arched. The pads are dense and hard.

The skin is elastic and thin. The coat is short and lies close to the body. On the ears and head it is thinner and shorter.

Intrabreed types of Swiss hounds:

Depending on the color, there are four types of dogs in the breed, which are named according to their cantons of origin:

  • The Bernese Hound is tri-colored. On a white background there are black spots and bright red tan. Black specks are allowed.
  • Jurassic Hound (Bruno) - black with bright red tan or saddleback. Small white spots, black or gray specks are allowed.
  • Lucerne Hound - Silver-blue with black spots or a black mantle and bright red tan markings. The color is formed by a combination of gray and white hairs.
  • Schwyz Hound - orange spots scattered on the main white background. Orange specks are allowed on white. Solid red color available.

Features of training

Coonhounds are flexible and obedient, but their innate hunting instinct can serve them poorly in everyday life. Walking sedately down the street, a dog can transform in the blink of an eye when it sees suitable game. Unfortunately, dogs of this breed get lost and injured quite often.

It will not be possible to completely eradicate this addiction, so the owner must constantly lead the dog on a leash; you don’t even have to think about independent walks

In addition, it is important to teach him the “rules of good manners.” To do this, the dog must undergo a general training course. But hounds are also trained in specific skills that they require for work.

But hounds are also trained in specific skills that they require for work.

You need to start training a puppy from the very first days of his appearance in the house, and, first of all, the pet must learn to come to the owner at the first call. For these purposes, it is necessary to use a horn; they blow it, calling the baby to the bowl, and do not give him food until he appears.

Another important skill in hunting is that the dog must be able to find its owner. During the rut, the dog can run quite far, so it should be taught to navigate the area and find the hunter using scent or trail. Initially, such situations are simulated in training conditions and repeated many times until the dog understands what is required of it.

Training also includes mastering movement along one track. When a dog is just learning to follow a scent, having chosen one of them, the pet should not switch to others along the way. To do this, the owner uses prohibiting commands.

For hunting, the four-legged hunter needs to be able to notify the owner by barking when he has taken a new trail. The fact is that among hounds “silence” is a vice, and this quality can be inherited. Such dogs are rejected and not allowed for breeding. If the dog has everything in order with this property, then no effort is required - the dog will react correctly on an intuitive level.

People who know a lot about hunting with dogs are sure that the more time and effort the owner spends on training, the easier it will be for him to communicate with his pet while hunting.

Health of Black and Tan Coonhounds

On average, the Black and Tan Coonhound lives between 10 and 12 years. In general, these dogs are in good health. But there are some nuances. If you want to purchase a puppy of this breed, then contact experienced and trusted breeders or well-known nurseries. Black and Tan Coonhounds have hereditary diseases that are quite severe:

  • Hip dysplasia. This defect can be either congenital or age-related. Because of it, the joints take on an irregular shape and function poorly. It is believed that this disease is inherited. If the parents have not been diagnosed with dysplasia, then everything will be fine with the puppy. Today, there are a number of examinations that can reveal a dog’s predisposition to this defect even in puppyhood. Therefore, many progressive breeders provide buyers with the appropriate documents.
  • Heart disease. This diagnosis has a collective concept. It means that there is a congenital or acquired defect in the heart muscle. In the first case, it will be noticeable already at birth. In the second, it may appear after the dog has suffered from an illness, excessive stress, stress, or unsatisfactory living conditions.
  • Hemophilia B. This is a hereditary disease that disrupts the composition of an animal's blood. Receiving even a minor wound, it can die from blood loss, since it does not clot and does not stop.

The Black and Tan Coonhound has a special build of the body and skull, so another “weak” area can be considered the eye area, or more precisely, the eyelids. They can be folded in or out. This problem may be congenital or may manifest itself during the puppy’s growth period. The good news is that this defect can be easily corrected with simple surgery. If you leave everything to chance, then with age the dog may develop progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). The animal will begin to rapidly lose visual acuity and may become completely blind.

Long ears are prone to infections and ear infections. With proper care there will be no problems. But advanced cases develop into chronic ones and torment the dog constantly.

Like all dogs, the Black and Tan Coonhound must be vaccinated according to its vaccination schedule. This is very important, since the dog comes into contact with wild animals during the hunt.

Mating for females is recommended from 20 months, and for males - from 18. Mating is possible after 3-4 cycles. Bitches come into heat every 7-8 months. Fertilization is possible on days 10-14 of the cycle. It is on these dates that the first mating is carried out, and a control mating is scheduled a day or two later. Pregnancy in the Black and Tan Coonhound lasts 56-72 days. About 7 puppies are born in a litter.


  • Like all dogs, Coonhounds are recommended to eat meat and meat products.
  • Fish is also very good for them. You shouldn’t give river fish, it contains a large number of parasites, but you can safely feed sea fish. But for safety, it is recommended to remove large and sharp bones from the fish, which could cause a dog to choke.
  • Fermented milk products are also very healthy; they contain a sufficient amount of calcium, which is necessary for bones and teeth.
  • Eggs can also be given to your dog; they are also very healthy, but you should not overfeed them. Boiled eggs are heavy food for the digestive system.
  • Porridge.
  • Fresh and clean water must be present in the diet. It should be constantly changed.
  • Chocolate, sweets, and various pastries should not be given.

Also, instead of natural food, you can feed your coonhound with specialized dry food. It is a balanced source of energy.

Training and education

The breed is easy to train. However, it is necessary to adhere to the study schedule, show rigor and patience. First of all, the dog is taught its name. You need to be fair with your pet and not use physical punishment or harsh methods. Rewards in the form of treats work much better. The dog can be stubborn. This needs to be overcome: calmly and persistently demand that he follow commands. Problems may arise due to the fact that the pet is easily carried away by foreign odors and is distracted from activities. From the age of two months, you need to ensure that your pet does not chase other pets and birds.


Like all Coonhounds, dogs of this breed are generally good-natured and very sociable. Their fearfulness or aggression is considered a cull in the breed according to the UKC standard. They have a strong will, almost to the point of stubbornness, and you need to have more patience in training with these dogs than with other breeds. Juveniles are often extremely active and playful, craving human attention in addition to plenty of other exercise. The English Coonhound will not settle down indoors and should be avoided by people who do not want the dog on their sofa or bed. This breed makes excellent family pets and, although bred for hunting, can get along well within a group. English Coonhounds are also adequate as guard dogs, their bark is characterized by melodiousness with long-lasting or short-explosive sounds.

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