Dimensions of an adult Beagle dog: basic indicators and animal standard

  • Dogs
Data from users of the site pets-mf.ru
Age (months)123456789101112
Weight, kg)8713
Height (cm)283531

The Beagle is a well-known and very popular dog breed in many countries, which has a strong external resemblance to the Foxhound, but is distinguished by its smaller size, rather short legs and long ears. The breed belongs to a common group of hound dogs.

The Beagle is one of the very ancient, truly English breeds, the origin of which is currently not known for certain. Today, there are several versions regarding the origin, but all of them do not have convincing documentary evidence. The earliest surviving information about the use of the beagle in hunting belongs to the little-known Greek dictionary Onomasticon, compiled by Julius Pollux. The document dates from the second century AD.

Dental care

Milk teeth appear in beagles by 1 month, and at the age of 3-4 months they begin to be replaced by molars. This process lasts up to six months, sometimes longer.

During this period, the dog needs toys that it can chew on, as well as various hard treats.

The change of teeth should be monitored and if abnormal growth of molars, wounds or swelling in the pet’s mouth is detected, it is necessary to show it to a veterinarian.

To avoid problems with teeth and gums, you need to brush your dog's teeth weekly with a special soft toothbrush and toothpaste. To brush a beagle's teeth, you need to open its mouth slightly with one hand and brush from the base of the tooth to the edge.

Height and weight by month

Many dog ​​lovers are interested in how big a beagle grows. There is a specific schedule for the growth and weight of the beagle by month. Deviation from it is not a warning sign. The puppy's maturation may vary slightly depending on its diet and activity level, and living conditions. However, if you follow the advice on education and care, it will correspond to the accepted schedule. With its help, you can find out how much a beagle weighs at 2 months, at 3, 4, etc., how tall it should be at the withers and understand how the puppy’s maturation corresponds to the norm.

1-3 months

At birth, the beagle weighs only 250-450 grams. In the first month it already reaches 2 kilograms. The difference between girls and boys appears only at one and a half to two months. Before this, they differ little from each other and are easy to confuse.

  • Photo from Instagram account n101517

At two months, the puppy already looks like a smaller copy of an adult dog. At three, he reaches 30 centimeters at the withers and weighs about 6 kilograms. Girls are slightly smaller than boys.

The height of a beagle in the first month is 18-20 centimeters, weight is 1.5-2 kilograms. In the second - 22-25 centimeters and 3-4 kilograms. In the third - 28-30 centimeters and 5-6 kilograms.

3-6 months

The period from three to six months is the main period of growth and development of the trunk and limbs. The size of a beagle almost doubles by six months. He already weighs 12-13 kilograms, but his growth is already slowing down - it’s 35-37 centimeters. Girls are gradually starting to give way to boys in size.

  • Photo from Instagram account marywifecake

By four months, puppies grow to 30-32 centimeters and weigh 7-8 kilograms.

By five – 32-34 centimeters and 8-10 kilograms.

By six – 33-35 centimeters and 9-12 kilograms.

6-12 months

The size of a beagle dog reaches the size of an adult in the period of up to one year. Growth can reach a maximum of 40 centimeters. By twelve months, dogs must meet the parameters established by the standard. Girls are smaller than boys, but this gap is insignificant.

  • In the seventh month, the dog grows to 35-37 centimeters and weighs 10-13 kilograms.
  • On the eighth - 35.4-37.3 centimeters and 10-14 kilograms.
  • On the ninth - 35.6-37.5 centimeters and 10.8-15 kilograms.
  • On the tenth - 36-38 centimeters and 11-16 kilograms.
  • On the eleventh - 37-39 centimeters and 12-17 kilograms.
  • The height and weight of an adult beagle dog is from 33 to 40 centimeters and about 13 to 18 kilograms.

If a beagle does not fully meet the maturation schedule or standard, this is not a reason to worry. Every dog ​​is special. It is only important that she grows up healthy psychologically and physiologically. To do this, it is worth starting early socialization, being trained in basic commands, choosing the right diet and going for regular checkups with a veterinarian.

Briefly: The characteristics of the Beagle breed are set out in Russian and international standards. They contain requirements for the weight of an adult Beagle dog, for height, for the shape of paws, head, body, for coat and its color, etc. Any deviations from the norm are considered a defect or defect - they will not allow the dog to participate in exhibitions and formally will not be allowed for breeding. However, what makes a devoted friend is not the extra centimeters at the withers, but psychological health. The main thing is to raise the dog in love.

Accustoming to neatness

From the very first days of his life, the Biglik should have his own corner in your home.

Important! Forcing a child to take a place that he does not like is like breaking his psyche. Do not do that! If possible, let the puppy choose his own corner for the bedroom, and you move his bed there.

At the end of the vaccination quarantine, the puppy can be taken outside. However, do not think that he will immediately understand that walks are a reason to send his needs.

As soon as the baby has performed a “miracle,” immediately praise him loudly and give him something tasty.

If a Biglik, like a shorthaired pointer puppy , is given regular walks at the same time, then by 4-5 months he will completely stop misbehaving at home.

A beagle puppy, like any child, should have favorite toys.

As for bathing procedures, ear cleaning and nail trimming, everything is simple here too.

This article will tell you how to properly clean dogs' ears.

If this is done carefully, without frightening the dog or causing him pain, then the biglik will not resist.

Hygiene procedures

One of the advantages of beagles over other dog breeds is that they are very playful and active. However, it must be taken into account that such animals need regular care for their eyes, ears, claws, paws and, of course, fur.

You should always pay attention to the condition of the animal’s eyes, since they are one of the indicators of the dog’s health. Lumps of discharge may form in the corners, but they are small. They need to be removed with cotton pads, soaked in tea leaves, clean, slightly warm water or chamomile decoction.

You should always look at the condition of your ears. They need to be kept clean, and to do this, use special products for the ears. Cotton swabs are used for cleaning.

It is very important to monitor the condition of your pet's paws. If the dog usually walks on soft surfaces, then the claws, of course, will grow quickly. Because of this, they cause a lot of discomfort to the dog. To prevent this problem, you should purchase a special device in the form of nippers to trim the claws. Paw pads should always be washed with water after going outside, especially after winter walks, as the paths may be sprinkled with chemicals. If cracks appear, creams must be used. You rarely need to wash your dog - only before competitions or if he is very dirty. This is approximately 4 times a year.

What to do if it lags behind the norm

The correct conditions of intrauterine life and the first six months ensure the good development of the newborn beagle. First of all, this is timely feeding with balanced food.

In the first month, when the pups are fed with mother's milk, underweight puppies should be applied to the rear, fuller nipples.

If you left more than six individuals in the litter, you should take care of artificial feeding.

Infant formulas are prohibited for feeding due to the sugar in their composition. You must adhere to the diet prepared by your veterinarian.

After weaning from the mother, you can feed both natural food (the diet is prepared by a specialist) and factory-made balanced premium food..

To do this, buy food marked “For puppies.” This food is preferable, since it contains all the necessary micro- and macroelements and is not contaminated with helminths.

Those who have chosen natural feeding need to remember the freshness and quality of the products and the presence of vegetables and fruits with coarse fiber in the diet, and also adhere to the norm of vitamins and mineral salts.

For one kilogram of puppy weight it is required:

  • 9 g protein;
  • 2.5 g fat;
  • 14 g sugar and starch;
  • 1.5 g fiber;
  • 500 mg calcium;
  • vitamins A, D and E.

With any choice of food, the dog must be provided with a sufficient amount of fresh water. Otherwise, the digestive process will be disrupted, difficulties with bowel movements will arise, and growth and weight gain will slow down.

For proper weight gain by a puppy, the following frequency should be observed::

  • 2-3 months feed six times a day;
  • 4 month - four times;
  • 5 month - three times;
  • 6 month - morning and evening.

If puppies grow rapidly according to norms, this indicates proper bone growth. That is, no mistakes are made when feeding.


It must be remembered that excess weight is also harmful for young animals, since it is an extra load on the fragile skeletal system.

Therefore, it is imperative to adhere to the norm.

Arrangement of a place for a dog

First of all, you need to think about arranging a separate place for the dog. At first, the puppies ask to go to the bed with their owners, but they should not be allowed to do this, since it will be difficult for the matured animal to return to its place. It will simply ignore the bedding and will always climb onto the sofa or bed.

A corner in the room is perfect for creating a special place for your pet. It is best to choose a light area. This place should be protected from drafts. Also, the sunbed will need to be located away from heating devices. It is advisable to purchase a special small mattress for your dog. It should have a removable cover for convenience (it will need to be washed periodically). A small house in the form of a booth is also suitable.

Adult beagle sizes for boys and girls

For the Beagle breed, the dimensions must comply with generally accepted FCI and RKF standards:

Height at withers36-41 cm33-38 cm
Body length45-47 cm41-43 cm
Sternum girth62 cm60 cm

Selection work led to the emergence of two independent subspecies of hounds: American and European.
In the first case, the animal has a large body weight (up to 18 kg), height up to 43 cm, body up to 50 cm. The European variety is inferior in size and looks like a miniature analogue. Important! How many years do purebred beagles live? Maximum from 13 to 15 years. The indicator depends on the nuances of the content and the absence of hereditary pathologies.

A little history...

Aristocratic England is considered the real homeland of these dogs, although a description of very similar dogs chasing a hare with a loud bark was found in the works of the ancient Greek author Xenophon. It is believed that beagles were brought to the British Isles by the Romans , and British dog breeders, crossing them with local animals, developed the modern breed standard.

Gradually, two main variants of the breed emerged in England: the southern hound and the northern beagle. They were used mainly for hunting rabbits or hare. When the fashion for fox hunting came to the British Isles, the classic-sized beagle found itself in danger of extinction. The breed was revived by Parson Honeywood . It was the pack he collected that became the ancestor of modern beagles, and every known kennel has descendants of Honeywood dogs.

First vaccinations

Newborn puppies are protected by immunity received from their mother. This protection operates during the feeding period, but at the end of lactation it gradually weakens, replaced by the puppies’ own immunity.

To form an active immune system and protect against infections and viral diseases, vaccination is required in accordance with the basic rules:

The vaccination schedule includes vaccinations against:

The drug is chosen by the dog owner. Vaccines of the Eurikan or Nobivak brands have proven themselves well.

There are several vaccination schedules:

After the last vaccination, you must undergo a two-week quarantine; only after this the puppy can be taken outside.

In the future, vaccination should be carried out annually. In the case of using schemes 1 and 2, with the drug Nobivak DHPPI+LR, with scheme 3 - Eurikan DHPPI2+LR.

How to choose?

It is worth taking into account the external characteristics of the breed, the nobility of origin and the health of the puppy. Initially, you need to decide on the purpose for which you are purchasing a dog, and also understand what gender you want.

After meeting the customer, carefully inspect the entire litter and read the information about the conditions of detention. It is necessary to observe the puppy's parents, since many behavioral characteristics are transmitted genetically. The relationship between the dog and the bitch, the parents, should not be close. Particular attention should be paid to the titles of the parents .


If we talk about army conditions, then a male usually walks like a guard dog, thanks to his endurance and fearlessness. There are situations when a beagle boy does thoughtless things, for example, falling under the wheels of a bicycle due to the dog’s curiosity. A similar case was officially registered. The dog owner must declare that he is the owner and commander in order to avoid tragic situations.

Males have a richer coat and a selfless character.


Caution and attentiveness are characteristic of bitches. But such a dog is not suitable for military operations, since during pregnancy and breastfeeding a more important fate falls on its shoulders. Here another goal comes into force - reproduction. Quite often, dog breeders pursue this meaning by buying a female beagle, who in turn is able to show affection towards family members, especially children.

At what age is it better to adopt a pet?

It is recommended to adopt a pet at an early age in order to teach it commands and instill the right habits. According to the recommendations of a specialist, the most suitable age to adopt a pet is 3-3.5 months.

Exercise stress

In general, beagles are physically strong and energetic dogs. They will never have enough active walks.

However, when it comes to puppies, the owners' observation is important.

Excessive physical activity such as agility will negatively affect the baby’s health and can damage his fragile ligaments. The dog should return home tired, nothing more.

A vaccinated puppy can be walked in any weather, it is advisable to use an anti-tick collar .

But we need to focus on the baby’s age: the younger he is, the shorter the duration of going outside should be when it’s cold.

There are no clear standards on this issue; each animal is individual. The attentiveness of the owners is above all.

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What is the price?

The cost of this dog is not cheap, but may vary depending on the pet’s pedigree and documents.

  1. Females usually cost more.
  2. Also, the price depends on the age of the dog; a large dog costs less than a small puppy.
  3. The title status of the parents also plays an important role; here the price automatically increases.
  4. A cross breed is cheaper than a purebred dog.
  5. A passport, pedigree and veterinary card will increase the price of the dog.
  6. You can buy a puppy cheaper on the outskirts than in the city.

Price in rubles:

  • Approximately, a pet-class beagle costs about 5,000 rubles.
  • You can get it for 10,000 rubles.
  • If you want a show-class dog, the cost starts from 20,000 rubles.

Cost with pedigree

Depending on the region, the cost may vary . Let's say:

  1. In the Kaliningrad region, the cost of beagle puppies with titled champion parents will be 25,000 rubles.
  2. In Moscow, using the same parameters, you can find a price for a puppy of 30,000 rubles. Show class – 40,000 – 50,000 rubles.

Without document

The cost of a Beagle without a pedigree may vary. If you do a good search on the Internet for such puppies, you can buy them from 1,000 to 20,000 rubles.

But quite often they write in social groups that they do not recommend purchasing a dog based on a photograph without the appropriate documents and pedigree, and also at a very low cost. Such a puppy will not be able to participate in exhibitions.

Feeding rules

Beagles are prone to overeating and obesity, so portion sizes and diet must be controlled.

The number of feedings depends on the age of the dog:

Upon reaching 1 year of age, the pet must be switched to two feedings a day.

In case of feeding with ready-made food, preference should be given to such manufacturers as:

They must be marked “Junior” - such food is suitable for puppies up to 1 year old. In the future, the food should also be appropriate for the pet’s age.

A natural menu involves preserving foods consumed up to 3 months in the diet; after 4 months, offal should be given to the pet (udder, kidneys, liver, lung, spleen).

Boiled sea fish without bones can be given a maximum of 2 times a week.

You should also give your dog cartilage, moss, carrots and crackers twice a week - this helps clean the teeth and gums.


Beagle puppies (photo below) are small, brave and inquisitive explorers. With a bright temperament and good health, a true beagle should not be cowardly, angry or lethargic.
Beagle puppies captivate with their charming appearance and endless love for the world around them. They love children, toys and outdoor games. They are distinguished by their intelligence, know how to be cunning and attract attention.

By nature, little beagles are real optimists and fidgets who will not let you get bored. The Beagle is curious, playful and persistent. He can tirelessly run after the ball, poke his nose into everything, jump and gallop, while bursting into loud barks.

The beagle puppy radiates happiness and positivity; despondency and boredom are unknown to him. He will become a companion for active people with a sense of humor, but he will quickly tire of homebodies and childish individuals.

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