Doberman tail and ear docking: unjustified cruelty or disease prevention?

One of the distinguishing features of the magnificent and graceful Doberman is its “candle” ears (cropped and set high above the head). A Doberman with undocked ears, according to many, loses all the breed's charm and menacing appearance. According to the standard, Doberman puppies have their tail docked on the second or third day of life, and after two to three months, their ears are docked. This breed was created by Friedrich Doberman to protect animals from broken tails and torn ears in a fight if the dog had to protect the owner and property.

Several years ago, European animal rights activists raised a difficult topic, in particular, prohibiting docking of tails and ears in many breeds: boxers, Great Danes, Staffordshire terriers, miniature pinschers, Dobermans . In many countries, docked dogs are not allowed at exhibitions; in Russia there is no such practice yet. In the text we will talk about why some parts of a dog’s body are prohibited from docking, consider the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure, cover the process of docking a Doberman’s tail and ears, and the most effective and popular schemes for setting up ears after surgery.

Doberman with undocked ears: pros and cons

Why is cupping performed?

Beginning dog breeders and simply curious people often wonder why dogs have their tails cut and their ears trimmed. Since ancient times, representatives of fighting, herding and hunting breeds have been subjected to a similar procedure. The purpose of docking is to minimize the risk of injury during a hunt or fight.

Today, after most breeds are practically not used for their intended purpose, many breeders still continue to produce puppies in the form familiar to everyone. And the point is not only that animals with long tails and ears hanging on cartilage stand out from the usual image of their appearance. It is believed that docking is a unique method of protecting dogs from the same injuries during battles and wounds. Doberman Pinschers with ears installed after trimming are much less susceptible to the occurrence of various neoplasms, the development of tissue necrosis and ulcers.

Interesting! Representatives of the World Society for the Protection of Animals decided to deviate from the usual standards of appearance, recognizing docking as inhumane. In countries including Germany, England, Austria, Holland and Scandinavia, docking is prohibited.


The younger the Doberman is, the cheaper docking costs. Puppies up to a month old can have drooping ears installed for 500-1000 rubles. The price of the operation for puppies up to six months is 2000-3000 rubles.

The veterinarian can come to your home with tools and medications. In this case, the cost of trimming the skin increases by 1000 rubles. The final amount is also influenced by the dosage of anesthesia, the qualifications of the doctor and the prestige of the clinic.

In our country, the Dobermann, which has an undocked tail, differs in appearance from its brothers in the brood. Why is this part of the dog’s body cut off? When an adult animal wobbles, it can injure itself on bushes, trees, or furniture. The likelihood of other dogs biting this protruding area increases. The price of such cupping is 3000-5000 rubles.

At what age

Most breeders do not recommend delaying the operation. The animal will best tolerate such an intervention at the age of 2-3 months. Ponytails can be trimmed much earlier - in the period from 3 to 10 days after birth, with ears it is a little more difficult.

Why you shouldn’t postpone manipulation until later is because the older the dog, the faster its blood circulation. In older puppies, the wounds take much longer to heal than in those whose ears were cut at 2-2.5 months.

Important! The operation should be abandoned if the puppy is changing teeth, is sick, or has just had a vaccination.

When do your ears stand up?

The process is completely individual and depends on many factors. Normally, a puppy’s ears stand up from one to 6 months.

When should you sound the alarm?

If after six months the ears remain droopy, you should show your pet to a specialist or carry out the correction yourself. After 7 months, it will be difficult and almost impossible to lift them.

However, experienced German Shepherd breeders claim that action should begin as early as 4 months. If, upon reaching this age, the puppy has any problems with the ears, he needs help.

To choose a healthy shepherd from a breeder, inspect your pet's ears:

  1. If they are too thin, they are less likely to stand up on their own.
  2. Small ears are more likely to stand up without your help.
  3. Closely spaced ears are more likely to rise.

Post-procedure care

A docked tail requires virtually no maintenance, especially if the operation was performed on a puppy. It is enough to treat the stump with an antiseptic and antibiotic solution and apply a sterile bandage. After 5-10 days, the stitches will tighten and the tail will heal.

After ear cropping, it is important to follow all your veterinarian's instructions. If restless behavior is noticed, a painkiller is injected.

Before healing, it is better to put an Elizabethan collar on the Doberman. The seams are treated daily with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green or streptocide. You should also remove scabs on the edge of the ear: soak them in peroxide and clean them off with a cotton pad.

After 10-14 days, the sutures will be removed, then you can begin to install the ears (3-4 days after removal). To speed up healing (improve blood flow), massage the shell with your thumb and forefinger along the edge from bottom to top.

Shaping the ears

From birth, the ears of a dog of this breed are of medium length and drooping. A Doberman puppy can easily be called “lop-eared.”

It is logical that after the cropping procedure the ears will not immediately “stand up” - since the cartilage has an inclined shape, it needs to be fixed in the postoperative period to give it a permanent shape.

To create perfect ears, use a special crown frame , which you can purchase or make yourself from wire. The pet's ears are sealed with a plaster to the top of the crown; the dog will wear this design for about two weeks with a break of an hour or two.

Next, the cropped ears are glued without a frame with a “tube”, and the pet walks with the resulting “horns” for another 3-4 days.

How to prepare

The most important thing in ear cropping is choosing a competent veterinarian. If the breeder himself is engaged in trimming the tails of Doberman puppies (he is looking for someone who will do this), then their new owners have to deal with the issue of bringing the ears into proper shape.

The veterinarian whom you entrust to trim and set your puppy’s ears must be competent, experienced and careful. The staging process is practically a piece of jewelry, the results of which will determine the dog’s future appearance.

Important! The puppy should be dewormed a few days before the visit to the clinic. Before the manipulation itself, you should not feed him. Two hours before anesthesia, the baby Doberman is also not given water.

Possible complications

Sometimes it happens that owners miss this period for some reason. How many months are Doberman ears cropped in this case? Experts do not recommend this operation for puppies from twelve weeks until the complete change of teeth. This ban is explained by the fact that ear placement during the period of teeth change, growth and bone formation is very difficult, since during this period the supply of mineral substances in the animal’s body is not stable and minimal.

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By the age of three months, the puppy's permanent teeth begin to form. For their strength and proper growth, almost pure calcium is needed in greater quantities than is necessary to strengthen the ear cartilage. Moreover, at an earlier age, wounds bleed significantly less and heal much faster. If you crop a Doberman's ears and tail at an early age, the animal will more easily endure the operation.

Some veterinarians believe that this procedure should not be delayed until one and a half months and recommend it be carried out three to ten days from the moment of birth. In newborn puppies, blood circulation is much slower and the healing process is faster. Nevertheless, the overwhelming number of veterinarians prefer an age of one and a half to two months. True, at this age the operation is already performed under anesthesia.

Dog experts say that all veterinarians can crop Doberman ears. However, only specialists of the highest level can carry out the operation competently, in compliance with all sanitary standards. It’s quite strange to hear the question: “Is it possible to crop a Doberman’s ears yourself?” In some publications you can even find “instructions” for such an operation. The answer to such a question can be only - in no case.

Before deciding on such a procedure, study the reviews and recommendations of Doberman owners, if possible, contact them and find a doctor to whom you will entrust your baby. Quite often such information is given in breed clubs, although they are not available in all cities.

Many people are interested in where to crop Doberman ears. It seems to us that based on all of the above, the answer is obvious - in a well-established clinic, where experienced professionals work. Unfortunately, it is quite common to encounter stately, beautiful Dobermans with ugly ears. Lack of professionalism or a mistake by a veterinarian can disfigure the appearance of an animal.

The dog should not be fed on the day of surgery. Two hours before the procedure, do not let the puppy drink.

The animal is given anesthesia at the age of one and a half to two months. When it begins to act, the operation begins. Veterinarians adhere to the rule - to crop a Doberman's ears no more than 2/5 of the auricle. If this rule is neglected, then there is a chance that after the operation the dog’s head will look disproportionate.

Clips are installed along the cutting line, as well as to fix the desired shape on the baby’s ears. They can be straight, curved, zigzag. Using a medical scalpel, the doctor cuts off the hanging part of the ear, and then uses scissors to form a lobe. A suture is placed on the wound. It is very important, and experienced specialists know this, not to catch the cartilage: otherwise the healed ear will be disfigured. The same manipulations are carried out on the second ear.

Puppy owners are interested in how long it takes to crop a Doberman's ears. The operation can last no more than half an hour, but in some cases, which are extremely rare among experienced veterinarians, the operation can last up to one and a half hours. Most good clinics do not require the dog's owner to be present during the operation.

Upon completion, in order to stop capillary bleeding, a “pillow” of cotton wool and gauze is placed on the back of the dog’s head, on which the ears are placed in a straightened form. They are covered with a sterile gauze cloth on top and secured with a bandage. The bandage can be removed after three to four hours. A Doberman with cropped ears (you can see the photo below) can go home with the owner.

An operation such as ear cropping can lead to unpleasant complications. They happen infrequently, but animal owners need to be aware of them. Bleeding is possible, which is easier to avoid during operations performed on one-week-old puppies. The older the animal, the higher the risk of such a complication.

It happens that thickening and scars occur at the surgical sites. To prevent this, you should regularly visit the clinic for examinations by a veterinarian, do not delay the removal of sutures (if recommended by the doctor), monitor possible changes in the animal’s health, and contact the clinic if there is the slightest problem.

There is a possibility of developing an inflammatory process, which happens after an operation performed without observing sanitary standards. Therefore, it is very important to avoid carrying out such a procedure at home or with a specialist who does not inspire confidence.


The appearance greatly depends on his head, and that, in turn, on the correct positioning and ears. Here are some rules that should be followed for ear staging from the moment of cropping by a veterinarian-cosmetologist.

To set the ears, and mainly to give them shape, purchase a special crown frame. This design, put on, is made of metal wire. After cupping, which is the cutting of the ear, a suture is formed. This suture tightens the edge as it heals, deforming the ear and preventing it from standing.

Setting up the ears using the “crown” The crown is a lightweight but quite strong structure made of metal wire. First, try it on and adjust it to the size of your Doberman's head. At the same time, if necessary, straighten or bend the part of the crown worn on the head.

To prevent scalp injuries, wrap the metal base with an elastic or regular bandage with cotton wool. At the same time, if necessary, adjust the crown to the size of the Doberman's head.

To hold the crown, make a strap-tie from just a bandage, using an elastic band or ribbon secured on both sides. Then place this design on the Doberman's head. Next, effortlessly pull one ear towards the top bar of the crown. After this, glue one part of the strip of plaster to the inside of the ear.

Attach the second part to the outside of the ear, after threading the strip through the top bar. Press the patch so that it is secured along its entire length. Do the same with the second ear. In this case, the crown must be installed correctly, and the tips of the ears must be at the same level.

When the stitches are removed and the edges of the ears are completely healed, finally remove the crown and start gluing the ears.

Video on the topic


  • Doberman ear placement

Ear and tail docking is a cosmetic surgery performed on certain breeds of dogs. The shape of the ear is determined by the standard established for each breed. Docking is usually carried out by veterinarians in veterinary hospitals.

You will need

  • Special protective collar, brilliant green, patch


If you do not have a special veterinary education, then first of all find a good specialist in this field who will dock your pet’s ears and tail. If you take a dog from a breeder, then agree on docking with him. Many breeders have veterinary skills and docking themselves. Or they can recommend an experienced and trusted veterinarian.

Typically puppies are between 3 and 10 days old, when sensitivity is minimal and tissue healing occurs very quickly. As a rule, breeders do this. It is possible at an older age. But this is done under anesthesia and with sutures. Therefore, take care of tail docking in advance.

With ears the situation is more serious. It is difficult to trim the ears of puppies during their life, since it is difficult to predict the relationship of body proportions in the future. Therefore, ears are cropped in 2 -, usually 14 days after the first. Find an experienced veterinarian and arrange with him to perform the operation. Do not feed your dog for 8 hours before docking.

Select the ear shape using a special stencil. The doctor will administer general anesthesia and trim the edge of the ear using the selected stencil. After this, he will put stitches and wrap it with a bandage to prevent bleeding. After surgery, put on a special protective collar for your dog to prevent him from scratching his ears and causing damage to them.

It can be made from cardboard. The animal will have 7-10 days before the stitches are removed. Treat the edges of your pet's ear with brilliant green. If necessary, start reshaping your dog's ears on the second day after surgery. Pull out your ear and wrap it with a bandage. Before removing the stitches, lightly massage and stretch the edge of the ear to avoid wrinkles. If difficulties arise, it is better to contact your veterinarian for advice.

Video on the topic


If you crop a dog's ears after three months, a scar may form and the edge of the ear will be uneven. Therefore, the operation must be done earlier.

Helpful advice

In the first days after docking, the dog may experience pain. Therefore, sensitive dogs are sometimes prescribed painkillers.

Doberman Pinscher is one of the most elegant dog breeds. Long paws, a toned body, sharp ears and a completely fearless look - all these features do not leave anyone indifferent who has ever seen him. A distinctive feature of the Doberman throughout almost the entire existence of the breed is the docked tail and ears. However, recently this procedure has caused a huge amount of controversy, both among experts and among the breeders themselves.

All novice dog breeders are interested in the age at which Doberman Pinscher ears are cropped so that the dog can endure this procedure painlessly. at six to seven weeks of age (by this age they should weigh 4-5.5 kg). At this age, they tolerate surgery more easily than at nine to twelve weeks. As soon as they come out of anesthesia, they are immediately ready to frolic, play and eat, and their ears heal much faster at this age.

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Sometimes Doberman ear cropping is performed at twelve weeks of age, before the teeth change. Most veterinarians are willing to do this on eight-week-old puppies. Regardless of the age when the Doberman's ears are cropped, the puppy must be in excellent condition and free of worms; it is better to administer a small amount of anti-plague serum a few days before the operation.

Preparing for surgery

Before surgery, it is necessary to take a blood and urine test, undergo an x-ray and an ultrasound. The veterinarian will prescribe anthelmintic drugs, if necessary, 2 weeks before the procedure. The day before surgery, the dog should not be fed or given anything to drink as before. The amputated area is marked in advance and the hair is shaved off.

Cat with big ears: examples of breeds

It is mandatory to measure the temperature every half hour or hour. It should not exceed 39 degrees.

Note! Only a completely healthy animal can be docked.

How it goes

A puppy brought by its owner for ear trimming is given anesthesia. Clamps are installed on the cutting line. After this, the doctor uses a special device to remove 2/5 of the ear tissue.

Important! Proportions must be strictly observed, otherwise in the future the dog will look ridiculous with a disproportionate head.

Sutures are placed on the resulting wound without touching the cartilage. If you accidentally touch the cartilage with a needle, the ear will be disfigured. The second ear is also treated using the same proportions.

Is it necessary to dock the tail?

The tail is an important organ of the dog, which is involved in coordination of movements and body control.

With the help of the movements of this limb, the Doberman expresses its feelings and mood. Sweeping movements indicate that the dog is in a friendly mood and ready to play, or, conversely, expresses dissatisfaction. If the tail is tucked, the pet experiences discomfort and even fear.

Several centuries ago, Dobermans had their tails docked as protective dogs, because... this part of the body was subject to constant trauma. Over time, the procedure began to be carried out purely for cosmetic purposes, to maintain the appearance of the breed.


Under new European standards, tail docking is considered human cruelty and an inhumane procedure. Therefore, many owners began to refuse surgery so as not to expose the animal to stress.

Gradually, all countries are introducing a ban on participation in competitions and exhibitions of tailless individuals. This was another reason why owners stopped thinking about docking their pet.

Reasons for improper landing

The reasons why a shepherd dog's ears do not go up can be congenital: not purebred, similar problems in the parents, too heavy a bone structure or a loose physique of the puppy.

The age at which a German Shepherd's ears stand up largely depends on its diet and living conditions. Thus, acquired causes include unbalanced nutrition (in particular, lack of phosphorus or calcium) or overeating, injuries or ear diseases suffered by the puppy, as well as diseases in general that inhibit development. Sometimes the problem may lie in the temperature being too low: often babies’ ears do not stand up if they live in an outdoor enclosure during the cool season. The ears may not rise due to a sedentary lifestyle or fear.

If an adult Shepherd's ear falls off, it may be due to a cold or physical injury. In this case, you should immediately see a veterinarian.

What to do next

Proper care of a cropped ear is the key to a healthy and attractive Doberman. The first thing to do after surgical manipulation is to put the remaining part into the desired shape. Gluing is done using adhesive tape. To do this, cut two strips of 10 cm and four of 30 cm in length. A cotton swab is inserted into the cleaned ear and “horns” are formed with adhesive tape.

Important! You can remove the plaster structure no earlier than after 2 weeks. If during this time it leans or falls apart, the performance must be done again.


  1. Mukhina S. A., Tarnovskaya I. I. Practical guide to the subject “Fundamentals of Nursing”: textbook. - M.: Rodnik, 2005.
  2. World Health Organization Publications WHO WHO/GSBI: Injection Safety and Related Procedures Toolkit.
  3. Savelyev N. “Injections, IVs, dressings and other medical procedures and manipulations”: - M.: AST, 2022.
  4. Bikkulova D.Sh. Venous access protocols are a comprehensive solution to CVC problems. //Journal Polyclinic 1(2)/2014
  5. Briko N.I., Bikkulova D.Sh., Brusina E.B., et al., Prevention of catheter-associated bloodstream infections and care of the central venous catheter (CVC). //Clinical recommendations. — M.: “Remedium Privolzhye”, 2022.

Origin story

The Doberman is a relatively young breed; it was registered only in 1880. It appeared thanks to the efforts of Friedrich Dobermann, a policeman from a small German town.

Friedrich Louis Doberman was born in 1834 in the city of Apold. He was a rent and tax collector. The man's occupation forced him to always have a reliable four-legged companion nearby. Disillusioned with many breeds, Doberman decided to breed “his own.” Friedrig dreamed of creating an ideal assistant - a dog with medium height, smooth hair and quick reaction, a sharp mind and adequate anger.

Selection work began by 1860. Unfortunately, no records have survived. Many experts considered the Doberman a arrogant amateur, but his works in the form of large, smooth-haired dogs with docked ears and tails quickly gained popularity. Presumably, many other breeds participated in the creation of the Doberman, including the Bosseron, the Old German Pinscher, the Rottweiler and some hunting dogs.

It is interesting that at first Dobermans were called Thuringian Pinschers, and only after the death of Friedrich Dobermann the breed was given a name after the name of the founder. As an independent breed, Dobermans first appeared at an exhibition in 1863 in Hamburg, Germany. In 1876 a stud book was opened for them. In 1894, the breed was renamed from the Thuringian Pinscher to the Doberman Pinscher. And since 1949, the dog has become simply a Doberman.

Video review about the Doberman dog breed:


The Doberman has a very unique character; it is not like many other breeds. He will protect the owner at the cost of his life, but at the same time he can be sentimental, he is aggressive, always vigilant and ready for a fight at any moment, but at the same time he can selflessly fool around in the clearing with the neighbor's puppy. This is a reliable, intelligent guard and a completely devoted friend and companion to the owner.

Anyone who enters a house in the absence of the owners is considered a potential enemy. Dobermans are hot and impatient, they are always ready for a swift attack, but at the same time they are aware of their strength and have a subtle mind, they know how to analyze and differentiate situations. Dobermans feel their mood very clearly and are rarely pushy. This is a fairly temperamental breed of dog, but sudden mood swings are not typical for them.

A well-bred Doberman is not a bully, he is not timid, but he will not show aggression unnecessarily.

The Doberman is a ferocious, quarrelsome and vicious dog for an ill-wisher, but in the family it is a good-natured, sweet and affectionate creature that treats children well and kindly. Of course, provided that the dog has been familiar with children since childhood and is well socialized. Dobermans become very attached to members of their “pack”, but it is important to take into account and respect his interests.

It is worth noting that Dobermans can be very different from each other. So, one dog will be attached to a specific person, and the other dog will be oriented towards the whole family. Some Dobermans, depending on their upbringing, can be more aggressive, while others are the opposite. Much depends on the conditions in which they grew up and, of course, their upbringing.

Why does a shepherd dog have such ears?

The deep and voluminous auricle of the German Shepherd is a moving locator that sensitively picks up sound at a frequency of more than 30,000 Hz and at a distance much greater than a person can hear.

Since the range of frequencies a dog can hear is much higher than that of a person, the German Shepherd determines the source of the sound and its direction and distance instantly and accurately thanks to such an auricle at a distance of 25-50 m (depending on the pitch of the sound). And a shepherd dog can detect the sound of thunder or the sound of a running chainsaw at a distance of 9-12 km!

For comparison. The lowest sound for a person is 16 Hz, the highest is 20 thousand Hz. The upper limit of frequency fluctuations perceived by a shepherd dog as sound will be 80-100 thousand Hz.

Delicate hearing is especially important for the German Shepherd, as for a dog with high service qualities and no less high requirements for its work.

Sensitive ears allow you not only to rely on the shepherd as an excellent watchman, but also to guide it from a great distance, giving commands at frequencies that are not perceived by the human ear or in a low voice.

Advantages and disadvantages of tail trimming

Possible negative consequences of tail docking include:

  • weakening of the dog's motor skills;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • the occurrence of problems in the dog’s communication with other pets and dogs;
  • manifestation of causeless aggression.


It is worth noting that the above problems do not always occur, and there is no scientific evidence of their direct connection with cupping.

The biggest disadvantages of the procedure are:

  • unpleasant sensations in the pet before and after surgery, bleeding from the wound during subsequent movements of the tail;
  • every animal at any age whines and squeals during the procedure and calms down only after a few minutes.

Among the advantages, one can only highlight the maintenance of the usual appearance of the Doberman , which meets the standards, although at present this issue is controversial.

Examples of docked and undocked dogs of different breeds

Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

An example of an undocked dog of the Central Asian Shepherd breed.

An example of a docked dog of the Central Asian Shepherd breed.


An example of an undocked Doberman dog.

An example of a docked Doberman dog.

Pit bull terrier

An example of an undocked pit bull terrier dog.

An example of a docked pit bull terrier dog.

Giant Schnauzer

An example of an undocked Giant Schnauzer dog.

An example of a docked Giant Schnauzer dog.

miniature pinscher

An example of an undocked miniature pinscher dog.

An example of a docked miniature pinscher dog.

Method for setting up Doberman ears after cropping (with video)

One of the effective ways to set the ears of a Doberman is using foam rubber.
How to install Doberman ears using this method? First of all, the ears must be clean, that is, there should be no traces of blood on them; to do this, you need to carefully rinse it off and dry the wet areas with a hairdryer so that they are completely dry.

Before placing the ears of a Doberman puppy in this way, prepare a piece of foam rubber 5 cm wide (preferably soft, which is used for upholstery), a wig ribbon 2.5 cm wide (it can be purchased at stores that sell wigs), an adhesive plaster 1 and 2.5 cm.

The foam rubber is cut in the shape of a small wedge, so that the length of the base corresponds to the distance between the inner edges of the base of the ears, and the height is slightly greater than their length (for this they should be freely raised up). The base of the wedge should not be straight, but should match the shape of the puppy's head, so it should be slightly concave. Now you need to take wig tape that is sticky on both sides and wrap it around the foam. Having done this, place the foam rubber on the puppy’s head so that it sticks, and glue the ears on the sides (with the back surface so that the inner surface faces outward). Make sure they are positioned symmetrically, pointing straight up, and the cut edges are well aligned. While you apply a centimeter-wide patch from the base of the inner surface of the ear to its apex, and from it to the top and base of the other ear, the assistant should hold them upward. Now take a 2.5 cm wide patch, place it on the inner surface of one ear, glue it to the foam rubber in front and also attach it to the second ear. The resulting bridge should be located midway between the tips of the ears and the top of the skull.

With this method of setting the Doberman's ears, the foam rubber stays well on the head until the ears are completely healed, in addition, they are well stretched and straightened. When you need to remove the foam, you can do it without difficulty.

Regardless of the method, make sure that there is no inflammation, otherwise the ears will not stand up correctly or will not stand up at all. The use of foam rubber is more acceptable for the puppy and is easier for him to tolerate.

The video “Setting the Doberman's ears” shows how to correctly perform this procedure:


Some Doberman lovers are sure that they will never be able to accept a dog with ears and a tail. Some believe that not much time has passed since the strict ban and changes will still be accepted. However, already now docked dogs are “forbidden” from entering many international exhibitions, including very prestigious ones.

Accordingly, owners who dream of a show career and realizing the breeding value of their Doberman should book a puppy with a tail in advance and not subsequently crop the ears. If a Doberman is purchased for sport or as a companion, then you can safely dock the dog and enjoy its usual elegant appearance.

You will need

  • - scissors,
  • – medical alcohol,
  • – potassium permanganate in crystals,
  • - thread,
  • - rubber,
  • – newspapers or light-colored rags


The first and most common method of tail docking is circumcision. This operation is performed when the puppies are an average of 5 days old, depending on the breed. For medium-sized breeds, such as a cocker spaniel, it is best to have their tail trimmed at 4-5 days; small breed puppies can wait a little longer - until they are 5-7 days old.

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Anesthesia or anesthesia is not required, because at the age of several days puppies are not yet very sensitive to pain. In addition, the vertebrae have a dense cartilage and cut very quickly. But if for some reason the puppy was not docked before 10 days of age, then this procedure can only be performed under anesthesia and with sutures. But you will have to wait, since the dog is allowed to be given anesthesia no earlier than 3-6 months.

It is best to call a veterinarian or an experienced breeder of this breed for circumcision. However, if you are confident in your abilities and are not afraid of the sight of blood, try it. This skill will be especially useful if you plan to breed constantly. You can contact a veterinarian for the first time, carefully see what and how he will do, and then repeat what you see yourself.

Before docking, send the mother dog for a walk or lock her in another room, because the babies will squeak, and she will worry and try to protect the offspring. Disinfect the scissors with alcohol, or you can boil them first. Be sure to soak your hands and table in alcohol too. Take one puppy at a time from the “nest” (the place where the bitch is with the puppies). You cannot cope with docking alone - you need someone to hold the puppy.

The puppy should be placed on the table with its back up, with its tail pointing towards the one who trims the tail. It should be held between the palms so that the torso and all limbs are fixed. Measure the desired length, stretch the skin to the base of the tail to the limit. Hold the tail firmly between your thumb and index finger.

If everything is in order, then you can put the baby in a separate box, lined with newspapers or light-colored rags - if bleeding begins, you will immediately notice it. If the bleeding does not stop, then you need to tightly pull the remaining part of the tail closer to the wound with a thread. In case of bandaging, do not forget to carefully cut the thread after 2-3 hours. For greater reliability, you can sew it up right away. After the operation, observe the puppies for half an hour, and then you can safely put them back to their mother.

There is also a method of cupping with an elastic band. The rubber band is wrapped around the tail in the right place. You can also wrap it around a pen cap, insert the tail into it and move the elastic band to the required distance. The puppy should walk with it for 2-3 days. The blood supply to the tail slows down and stops; after a few days, the dead tip falls off on its own. This method is good for those who are afraid of blood, and with this method there is practically no possibility of sepsis.

Before cutting, you should measure the required number of vertebrae - each breed has its own tail docking length. Although often veterinarians or inexperienced breeders leave only 1-2 vertebrae. So, spaniels or a wire-haired pointer are left with a third of the tail length, a decorative poodle or Kerry blue is left with half, and a Rottweiler and Pinscher only have 1-2 vertebrae.


  • website of the veterinary clinic “4 paws”
  • Spaniel tail docking

Tail docking is an aesthetic procedure designed to improve a dog's appearance. Despite the apparent simplicity of this procedure, it must be remembered that any surgical intervention can lead to various kinds of complications. Therefore, it is recommended to trust this operation to professional veterinarians.


Tail docking is usually done in 1-7 days. In these caudal vertebrae of babies there is a density of cartilage and, thanks to this, wound healing occurs very quickly. In addition, it is generally accepted that sensitivity at this time is still minimal and it is almost impossible to cause pain to them.

If for one reason or another it was not possible to perform cupping at this age, this procedure can be carried out at an older age. In this case, the cupping operation is performed under general anesthesia and with suturing.

Tail docking with an elastic band. This method of docking is considered the least traumatic. It is based on impaired blood circulation in the tail. Take a tight elastic band. Pull the skin as far as possible towards the root of the tail. Wrap the elastic band tightly around the desired tail vertebra. Within 2-3 days, the tip of the tail, not receiving any influx, will dry out and die.

Cupping using an emasculator. Disinfect the instrument thoroughly. Have a helper restrain the puppy. Pull the skin on the tail towards the root. Firmly clamp the intended area and cut off the tip of the tail using special scissors - an emasculator. Keep the cut area pressed for 1-2 minutes. Sprinkle the wound with antiseptic. If the blood continues to flow, apply cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide to the wound.


In order to minimize the risk of complications associated with docking, it is recommended that this operation be performed in a veterinary clinic.

Helpful advice

Before performing docking surgery, you need to make sure that your puppy is healthy. Any problems with the baby’s health are contraindications for this procedure.


  • “Friend and Joy (Dog in the House)”, V.G. Guseva, Moscow worker, 1992
  • Tail and ear docking in dogs
  • Ear and tail docking in dogs

Ear and tail docking in some dog breeds is done for different purposes. For hunting dogs, for example, a shaggy tail is a noticeable hindrance. The same applies to dogs of fighting and guard breeds, which are hampered by pain-sensitive ears and a long tail. Boxers are a guard breed and, according to the standard, their tail and ears must be docked.

Setting up Doberman ears is a rather painstaking process. Placing ears sometimes requires a lot of time and patience. Beautiful ears are the pride of the Doberman, and, of course, his owner.

The results of setting the ears of our Dobermans

It is recommended to crop Doberman ears at the age of 1.5 to 3 months. It is very important that ear cropping surgery is performed by an experienced specialist. It is so necessary that this cosmetic operation is carried out safely for the puppy, and also that you choose the shape of the ears (configuration) and the desired length that would be in harmony with the dog’s head.

A Doberman's ears can stand up as early as 3 months of age, but there are cases when they have to be glued up from time to time until 1 year. The duration of ear installation depends on: the correctness of ear cropping, the length of the cropped ear (so long ears will have to be installed longer), the puppy’s heredity, the thickness of the ear and cartilage, adequate nutrition of the puppy, and of course, on your work on ear installation. The main thing is to be patient and not give up until you achieve the desired result.

There are many ways to set ears, so each breeder has his own secrets.

We bring to your attention an article from the Doberman magazine on ear placement. This is the technique that many Doberman owners use.


True fans of this breed are confident (and, it must be said, quite rightly) that the Doberman Pinscher is the standard of beauty in the canine world. The animals have a spectacular appearance, harmonious build, a high level of intelligence and a superbly developed protective instinct.

The modern Doberman is a dog of above average height: males reach 72 cm at the withers, weighing around 45 kg, females are slightly smaller: 68 cm, weighing no more than 35 kg. The physique of these animals is dense, strong, muscular, but not as massive as, for example, a Rottweiler. Representatives of the breed are endowed with an elegant, chiseled silhouette. The coat is silky and smooth. It only emphasizes well-developed muscles. The breed standard allows for brown or black and tan coloring.


Dobermans are quite unpretentious in their diet. If you decide to give preference to natural food, then you should not forget about meat as the main source of protein. Meat products should make up half of the entire diet, and in some cases (intense physical activity, cold season, etc.) 75% of the entire menu. It is impossible to raise a healthy and active dog on cereals alone. The diet must include vegetables, fruits, herbs, dairy products, eggs and fish. Another option would be to feed a balanced dry food. Portions must be calculated based on the weight of each individual dog.


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  2. What is poor venous access?
  3. Causes of “bad” veins in the arms
  4. 5 proven ways to find a vein Physical activity
  5. Squeezing
  6. Warming
  7. Gravity
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      Tools and accessories
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  • Bibliography
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