Weight and height of the Yorkshire Terrier - sizes of mini and standard Yorkies, how much a puppy and an adult Yorkie weigh

Among lovers of decorative dogs, miniature Yorkies are very popular and loved. They are cheerful and friendly, and their appearance is so pretty that the dogs can easily be confused with toys. This is also facilitated by the size of the representatives of the breed - the size and weight of Yorkshire terriers are such that they are convenient not only to keep in a city apartment, but also to take with you on trips, trips, visits and to any events. Dog owners should know what the standard is for their pets to gain weight and when they reach peak physical fitness. This will help you notice your Yorkie’s lagging behind in growth and development in time and take action if necessary.


Yorkshire Terriers have gained popularity among people all over the world, but the origin of the breed is very mysterious. Scientists agree that the ancestors of the current indoor dog were hunting terriers of a wide variety of breeds that lived in the British Isles several centuries ago. Terriers were used by poor people, particularly coal miners, to hunt small rodents.

Similar to modern representatives of the Yorkie breed, they appeared at the end of the 19th century in Yorkshire. After persistent selection work, a terrier of the desired size and weight with a long, silky coat was finally born. The dog's name was Ben, he won more than 70 prizes and left a large offspring, becoming the founder of the breed.

In 1886, Yorkies were officially recognized and entered into the stud book by the most influential kennel club in the world - the English. Since that time, the breed has become popular.

This is interesting: Life expectancy of Yorkies

Character traits

Yorkshire Terriers are companion dogs . This determines their boundless devotion and loyalty to the owner, as well as the desire to always be close to him.

The Yorkie's desire to be an integral part of the owner's life and accompany him everywhere is the reason for his absolute intolerance of loneliness.

Yorkies are cheerful, active, cheerful and energetic dogs who prefer to spend time on walks..

Despite their friendliness and lack of aggression, they have retained the courage and courage of their ancestors and, without hesitation, will defend their owner if necessary.

A distinctive feature of Yorkies is their developed intuition, bordering on empathy. They subtly feel people's emotions, capture their mood and behave accordingly.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Yorkshire Terriers, both boys and girls, are friendly and peace-loving dogs that rarely behave aggressively. Aggressive behavior is noted only if they feel that other dogs are trying to infringe on their interests, for example, taking a toy or encroaching on their territory. In addition, Yorkies have a so-called Napoleon complex - they often start fights with larger dogs. And yet, anger is not inherent in this breed, and all undesirable character traits and behavior can and should be corrected by education.


Yorkies mini and supermini are different from standard individuals in the following respects:

  1. Miniature dogs have a slightly shortened muzzle and an upturned nose. They are also called “baby faces” in another way.
  2. Dwarf Yorkshire Terriers have a balanced temperament and calm character; the dogs do not have a hunting instinct.
  3. It is dangerous for small Yorkies to run and jump: in these species the fontanelle does not heal, and their bones remain fragile even in adulthood.
  4. Dwarf Yorkies are problematic to breed. Dimensions do not allow females to bear and give birth to puppies. In order for offspring with characteristic characteristics to appear, a dwarf boy is mated with a girl weighing at least 2 kg.
  5. They cannot be exhibited at shows: experts evaluate the breed according to a general standard.
  6. The very small species is intolerant and requires constant care.

Weight and height of a Yorkie as an adult

It is quite difficult to determine exactly what the future weight of a Yorkshire Terrier will be. Immediately after birth, it is impossible to distinguish between mini and standard puppies. Before buying a Yorshik, you should check the parameters of its parents. If possible, find out what representatives of other generations were like. But this information does not guarantee that the grown Yorkie will correspond to the norm. The weight of the breed is specified in the standard; the dimensions in centimeters of an adult dog are not regulated. To be sure that the dog is developing correctly and meets generally accepted standards, they are guided by approximate data:

Dog ageMiniStandard
Weight (g)Height (cm)Weight (g)Height (cm)
1 year1820-215018,0-19,02930-315022,0-25,0
2 years1840-220018,1-19,22935-315522,2-25,2
4 years1845-221018,5-19,42930-320022,5-25,5
6 years1830-2200186-1942940-321022,8-25,6
8 years1820-211018,6-19,42940-315023,0-25,4
10 years1800-218018,5-18,92900-310022,8-25,0
12 years1810-215018,6-18,72950-305023,0-25,0

The maximum weight of a mini Yorkshire terrier is 2.2 kg, the standard reaches 3.2 kg, height at the withers is no more than 25 centimeters.

Characteristics of Yorkies

The description of the breed is determined by the International Canine Federation. According to standards, the body weight of a Yorkshire Terrier should not be more than 3.1 kg. The minimum weight and size of a dog are not regulated. Yorkie's height doesn't matter either.

Useful article: Rules for feeding Yorkies at home

The remaining characteristics of the Yorkshire Terrier are presented in the table:

Part of the bodyDescription
HeadSkull small, flat
MuzzleSmall, short
EyesDark, non-convex
JawsEven bite, the upper incisors sit tightly in front of the lower teeth
EarsWide apart, triangular
LimbsStraight, densely covered with hair
FrameCompact, short back
TailTo be docked to the middle

Good to know: 3 ways to fit the ears of a Yorkshire Terrier

Muzzle and jaw

  • Short muzzle with black nose and lips.
  • Scissor bite; when closed, there is no gap between the lower and upper jaws.

Representatives of this breed traditionally have fragile teeth.


Medium in size, set straight, gaze directed in the direction of movement. Almost round, slightly convex and close to each other. The iris of the eyes is of dark tones; light ones are not welcome.


Small, with little fur. The shape resembles an inverted "V". They are not located far from each other. The color on the ears tends to stand out.


Long, toned, with a clear contour of the scruff. Set high. Completely hidden behind fur.

If the dog's eyelids, nose and lips are a color other than black, the dog will be disqualified from the show.

To read: Mini leopard in the house: getting to know the Californian shining cat

Character and appearance of the terrier

Yorkshire terriers have preserved the features of their distant hunting ancestors. Yorkies are the same brave, curious, tireless dogs. They are characterized by sociability: Yorkshires are ready to spend 24 hours a day with their owner, become attached to him, and are able to sense a person’s psychological state and adapt. Dogs are friendly to strangers and get along with children.

Other personality traits of Yorkies are also attractive. The terrier loves to walk and will become a constant companion for the owner, who will definitely not get bored thanks to the dog’s playfulness and sociability.

Which dog to choose

Now that you know the difference between a mini Yorkie and a standard Yorkie, it will be easier for you to make a choice. Which of these two types to choose is up to you. If you are ready to devote your life to cute miniature dogs, to create for them all the conditions for a harmonious, safe and happy life, then feel free to buy micro versions of Yorkies. These kids will give you attention and love. But for safety reasons for pets, it is better that there are no small children in your home.

Fans of sports competitions, exhibitions, and those wishing to breed Yorkshire terriers should take a closer look at the standard representatives of the breed. The same recommendation is relevant for families with children. Larger, hardier terriers will become excellent companions and loyal friends for such owners.

Education and training

Yorkies are easy to train, but to develop discipline, the owner needs to know about their age characteristics. Dog trainers give recommendations for training dogs for each developmental period.

This is interesting: Basic rules for training York Terriers

One to two months

Usually at this age, breeders give puppies to families. When Yorkies are 1 month old, dogs can already understand simple commands. The sooner they begin to accustom the puppy to exemplary behavior, the more effective the educational process will be.

Raising a Yorkie depends on whether the dog can respond to its name. The puppy's name should be sonorous and should be pronounced constantly - during walks, feeding, and in any other situations.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The very first thing a Yorkie owner should do is prepare a comfortable mat or bedding for the dog and a special absorbent diaper.

Toilet training a Yorkie:

  • it is necessary to remove carpets and paths for a while so that the puppy, not accustomed to cleanliness and order, does not go to the toilet on them;
  • the diaper should be placed next to the Yorkie's rug or bedding;
  • At first, you should watch the puppy very closely. When he is ready to defecate, the dog is immediately carefully placed in the toilet seat;
  • if a puddle appears in the wrong place, it is lightly dipped in a diaper intended for use, which must be put back.

Read more about the training process here.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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To accustom the dog to a resting place, the Yorkie is placed in the designated place, given a treat, and the appropriate command is uttered. The exercise with the puppy should be methodically repeated at least three times a day.

Also, a two-month-old Yorkie is already being taught the commands “no”, “fu”, “lie down” and “sit”. They must be pronounced loudly and clearly, without diluting them with unnecessary words. The puppy is given a treat for obedience.

In addition, a Yorkshire terrier at this age can be taught the seemingly complex “come to me” command. To do this, take a bowl of food, call the pet by name and say a command in a loud voice. The puppy will immediately run to the smell of food, the owner can only praise him. This lesson is taught every time the Yorkie is fed.

Compliance with the daily routine is important for the discipline of a new family member. You should never give your Yorkie food from the table. Otherwise, the pet will steal food. It is almost impossible to wean a dog from this bad habit.

Two to three months

When the puppy grows up, he will begin to be active. Your Yorkie's behavior will not always be appropriate. It is necessary to set the limits of what is permitted for the puppy.

For example:

  1. A dog can only play with its own toys, but not with its owner’s things.
  2. Under any circumstances, a Yorkie is prohibited from biting people, chewing furniture, cords, and clothing.

During this period, you already need to purchase equipment for walking. But you need to accustom your Yorkie to a collar at home. Only when the dog gets used to the presence of a foreign object on the neck can you attach a leash of the appropriate length (7-9 m) to the collar and go for a walk.

First, you need to follow the puppy everywhere, and only gradually begin to pull on the leash while playing. This way the dog will learn to follow its owner. You also need to make sure that the Yorkie does not move further than 1.5 meters.

In an uncrowded place, in nature, you can remove the leash and let the puppy frolic. Before doing this, you should say the command “walk”.

Three to five months

At this age, it is necessary to consolidate and hone the lessons learned, and also teach the Yorkie puppy to refuse food offered by strangers.

This is done as follows. The owner must sit the terrier next to him and put a collar and leash on him. Then a helper, not a family member, will offer the Yorkie a piece of the treat.

When the puppy tries to take food, you must give a strict command “no” (“fu”) and sharply pull the leash. Then the scenario is repeated. If the Yorkie tries to eat the treat again, the owner makes a sharper jerk. After several times, the dog will remember that you cannot take food from a stranger.

Six to ten months

A puppy of this age is almost an adult; he can already be taught the more difficult commands “give” and “fetch”.

The first request is of considerable importance in everyday life. Dogs tend to put inappropriate, dirty objects in their mouths, and you need to keep this under control.

When a Yorkie grabs an object with its teeth, the command “fu” is voiced. Then, firmly, but without allowing any rude movements, they take the thing out of the mouth and again say “no!” After this, you need to properly praise the puppy and treat him with his favorite treat. The manipulation is carried out several times during one walk.

Next, you can start teaching your pet the “fetch” command. York is seated next to him and a stick is waved in front of his nose, as if teasing him. The terrier will want to grab it, and at this moment, they allow you to take away the object being fetched, and give the command “fetch”. If your grip is weak, you can pull the stick a little, and then the dog will grip it tighter.

At the end, the puppy is fed and the training continues:

  • the owner throws away the stick and again pronounces the order “fetch”;
  • then repeats the command “give.”

You need to use different items to train your Yorkie.

How to choose a puppy, price

  • A Yorkshire Terrier can be adopted at any age, starting from 2-3 months. Little puppies are very cute, but they require special care. Many experts recommend taking a “teenager” (6-7 months), when the dog already knows the place for the toilet and its nickname.
  • You can buy a Yorkie either in a nursery or from someone else. It is important to ensure that the puppy is healthy and fully complies with the standard. A good breeder will present documents for the dog and tell you about the conditions of its keeping. The correct request would be to look at the puppy’s parents.
  • The price depends on the class of the dog and the status of the kennel. Pet-class Yorkies (without pedigree) will cost 5,000-12,000 rubles, breed-class (allowed for breeding) - 15,000-30,000 rubles, and show-class (children of champions intended for exhibitions) - from 30,000 rubles.

General rules of education and training

Physical punishment of Yorkshire Terriers is prohibited. If you want to show the puppy dissatisfaction with his behavior, it is permissible to splash water on him or sharply clap your hands. In addition to these measures, it is best to scold the puppy in a stern, menacing voice.

A dog can be punished for unwanted actions only at the moment of commission. Raising a Yorkie should be based on the pet's trust in the owner and their mutual understanding, and not on cruelty.

And it’s worth training your pet only when he’s alert and well-fed:

  1. The Yorkie should not be allowed to take the leading position even for a short time. A person should always dominate.
  2. You need to praise and reward your pet with treats for success.
  3. Terrier training should be done every day if possible.
  4. It is advisable for the owner to show a sense of proportion and take care of his pet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Owners of mini Yorkshire Terrier dogs highlight the following advantages of their pets:

  • miniature;
  • intelligence;
  • goodwill;
  • cheerful character;
  • hypoallergenic wool.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • fragility;
  • sensitive digestive system;
  • constant coat care;
  • impossibility of breeding.

Dear owners of mini Yorkshire terriers, tell us about your pets. What should those who want to buy such a baby pay attention to? We are waiting for your stories, recommendations and reviews about these unique dogs.

Care and maintenance of the Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier is a decorative breed , so it is necessary to take special care of the dog and follow all the rules of keeping.


To prevent tangles from forming in your Yorkie's coat, your pet should be combed every day with a wide-tooth comb, then with a soft-bristled brush. The terrier needs to be cut every 3 months (either on your own or at a dog hairdresser).

Wash your pet once every 10-14 days using shampoo and conditioner.

Basic rules for bathing a Yorkie:

  1. Place a rubber mat in the sink or bathtub.
  2. Cotton swabs are inserted into the animal's ears.
  3. Lather the shampoo, mix with water, lather the dog’s fur and rinse, repeating the procedure 2 times. Then apply the balm.
  4. After bathing, the Yorkie is wrapped in a terry towel, dried with a hairdryer, and combed. You can lubricate the wool with cosmetic oil.

Ears and eyes

The terrier's ears should be inspected constantly, and they should be cleaned 2 times a week with a cotton swab dipped in a special solution. Eye hygiene is also carried out with lotion and wet wipes.


To avoid unpleasant consequences, Yorkies have their teeth brushed with a specialized paste 2-3 times a week. And every six months the dog is examined at a veterinary dentistry.


A Yorkie gets a manicure and pedicure twice a month using wire cutters or nail clippers. The procedure must be carried out extremely carefully.


In cold or rainy weather, your Yorkie will need special clothing - insulated overalls or a sweater. To protect your dog's paws, you can purchase boots.

Yorkie puppy size

Puppies grow a lot during their first year.

Some of them will be distributed during the first year. With others there will be an acceleration of growth... with slow changes in some months and incredibly noticeable growth in others.

Puppies should not be put on a diet or overfed. It is quite normal to have "puppy fat", it makes the appearance quite round and is expected.

At about 9 months, weight gain will slow down, but the dog will continue to grow in height and length... And this causes a slender appearance. The muscles are almost fully developed and the dog has a more slender shape.


Vaccinations for dogs are given according to the following schedule:

VaccinationAge in months
From hepatitis and enteritis1,5
From the plague2
Repeat vaccinations3
Revaccination (after changing teeth)6
For rabies8

2-3 weeks before vaccination, the puppy must be rid of worms. Adults are dewormed every six months. You also need to promptly treat your Yorkie's fur against fleas and ticks.

So that the owner knows what the normal body weight of his pet should be, veterinarians have developed a table of average weight by month.

This is interesting: 10 best holistic foods for small breed dogs

Yorkies have a very sensitive digestive system. In order for your dog to always be healthy and in a good mood, you need to choose a balanced diet for him.

Allowed products for Yorkies:

  • boiled meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef);
  • offal (udder, heart, lungs, liver, offal);
  • lean sea fish;
  • porridge (rice, buckwheat, millet);
  • dairy products;
  • boiled vegetables (carrots, cauliflower, pumpkin, broccoli, zucchini);
  • greenery;
  • eggs.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The Yorkshire Terrier's diet should consist of 50% protein foods, 25% carbohydrates and vegetables.

Prohibited foods for Yorkies:

  • sweets;
  • salt and spices;
  • bread, pasta;
  • fatty meat, fish;
  • bones;
  • onions and green onions;
  • mushrooms;
  • sausages;
  • milk.

The volume of the dog's portions should be proportional to the energy expended. You cannot make your pet become obese or overfeed your Yorkie. It is also worth paying attention to the terrier's nutritional discipline. As for food, the following brands are popular: Orijen, Purina Pro Plan, Mera Dog, Hills's, Acana, ROYAL CANIN.

Yorkie weight table by month

Age by monthWeight
0-1200-400 gr
1-2400-700 gr
3-4700-1100 gr
5-61100-1500 gr
122000-2300 gr
182800-3100 gr

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the Yorkshire Terrier:

  • Yorkies can be kept even in small apartments;
  • the breed is friendly and non-aggressive;
  • Terriers can get along with children and other pets;
  • Yorkies are smart and quick-witted;
  • dogs are characterized by cleanliness;
  • Representatives of this breed do not shed and do not cause allergies.


  • the terrier has a weak body and is prone to various diseases;
  • a female Yorkie must be sterilized or males not allowed near her;
  • Yorkshire Terriers are prone to injury;
  • Dogs need to be carefully looked after and given a lot of time;
  • This is a rather expensive breed.

Defects and defects

Any deviation from the standard is called a defect. Depending on the degree of deviation, two types are distinguished. Faults are minor defects that do not affect the general condition of the animal. The disadvantages include:

To read: Samoyed dog: description of the breed and clue to the name

  • weak dog muscles
  • rounded skull shape,
  • light eyes,
  • plaque on the teeth or the absence of several,
  • the stomach is not tucked enough,
  • not perfectly smooth coat,
  • the presence of impurities of other shades in the color,
  • and other mild errors in the structure of the dog.

Deficiencies are not a disqualifying factor.

Defects are a significant non-compliance with body proportion standards, or other aspects that call into question the purebred nature of the breed in a given representative. Summer has come, the beer is flowing like a river and you want to watch drunk porn? Well, you're definitely at the right place! Hurry up, go to pyanoe-porno.com - cool videos in excellent quality, and even with libertines who are ready to give half a bottle! . The vices include:

  • curly coat that is not pleasant to the touch,
  • completely or partially non-standard color pattern,
  • rounded ear tips
  • blue eyes or a different color for each eye,
  • missing teeth, bad bite,
  • a hump on the back, or a sagging back,
  • non-standard tail position,
  • defects in the position of the front and hind limbs when walking,

Vices leading to immediate disqualification:

  • color deviating from the standard,
  • the dog's weight exceeds 3 kg 100 g,
  • not erect ears,
  • The dog is showing excessive aggression or timidity.

Selection rules

A healthy Yorkie puppy should have:

  • dark-colored wool with a golden tint;
  • gums and tongue pale pink;
  • correct bite, straight teeth;
  • smooth abdomen, without abrasions and dermatitis;
  • breathing without wheezing or whistling;
  • paws are straight, without bulges.

If there is a lump in the terrier's abdominal area, this indicates an inguinal hernia. Bloating indicates digestive problems or the presence of worms.

Color variations

The breed standard provides only 1 color option for Yorkshire Terriers:

  • the coat from the back of the head to the base of the tail is steel-gray in color, the presence of hairs of red, bronze or any other color is not acceptable;
  • the paws from the ground to the elbows and knees and the chest are covered with bright and rich hair of a brown-golden color, darker at the roots;
  • the hair on the head is of a golden-brown hue, most saturated on the sides, near the ears and on the muzzle;
  • The ears are covered with red-yellow-brown fur.

Any other color option is considered non-standard.

The most common among them are:

  • black and gold;
  • golden blue;
  • blue and tan.

Yorkie puppies at birth have black fur with small spots of red tan; it is not known in advance what color the coat of an adult dog will be .

Cost and where to buy

Prices for puppies are determined by several factors.

Should be considered:

  1. Place of purchase. In well-known nurseries the cost will be 0 rub. From new breeders you can pick up a dog for 10,000-20,000 rubles.
  2. Floor. A female Yorkie will cost more than a male of the same breed.
  3. Number of puppies in the litter. The price of a puppy is 2-3 thousand higher than from a large lambing.

It is best to purchase a dog from nurseries with a good reputation, and not from markets where the conditions for keeping animals are far from ideal.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

The breeder must show the buyer the puppy’s parents, provide the necessary documents, answer all questions, and give advice on the care, maintenance, feeding and education of the Yorkie.


An adult dog's diet should include 25% fruits and vegetables, 25% cereal and 50% meat. It is necessary to feed only fresh food of good quality. It is not recommended to give ready-made dog food and homemade food at the same time; the interval between such feedings should be at least 3 hours.

Food products:

  • beef;
  • chicken egg omelette;
  • cottage cheese, kefir;
  • liver;
  • fish (once every 7 days);
  • cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat);
  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • banana;
  • apple.

Important! Make sure that your pet does not overeat and does not consume unhealthy foods or sweets.

Interesting facts about mini Yorkies

  1. Yorkshire terriers, according to statistics from the kennel club, are among the top three most popular breeds.
  1. The famous actress Audrey Hepburn introduced the Yorkshire people into the starry world. Her dog, Mr. Famous, was co-starred in the film Funny Face.
  1. Lucy became the smallest service dog in the world. Her height is only 14.5 cm, and her weight is just over 1 kg. The task of a “civil servant” is to lift the spirits of the elderly and disabled.
  1. Yorkies also proved themselves during the war. Smokey the dog came to the rescue in hospitals, entertaining the wounded. There was even a monument to the dog in the USA.
  1. Yorkshire terrier Terry has become the mascot of the Great Britain rugby team.

How old do Yorkies grow?

The period of active growth of Yorkshire Terrier puppies continues until the onset of puberty.

This means that by 8-9 months the dog reaches its maximum height and length, but continues to gain weight, although not as intensely, and to take shape - the chest area becomes a little wider, and muscle mass is gained.

It is important to understand that the age range of development is an approximate guideline.

The growth and development of the Yorkshire Terrier depends on a number of factors:

  • genetics;
  • health conditions;
  • balanced diet;
  • conditions of detention, etc.

Owner reviews

Our Yorkie is a source of good mood. The dog loves all members of the household, but especially me as the owner. Jack is very affectionate and lively.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a sweet and easy to train breed. Doesn't shed at all. And these dogs can have absolutely any hairstyle. I have three Yorkies living with me, they are always together, like a friendly team.

I have dreamed of a Yorkshire terrier since childhood. And now the dream has come true. Caring for Katie is a real pleasure. The dog is friendly, loves to play, and it doesn’t matter even with whom, even with a turtle. I advise everyone to get pets like Yorkies.

Features of caring for Mini Yorkies

When getting a Mini Yorkie, you should remember that the smaller the dog, the more difficult it is to care for and train it. You should always be close to such pets. The owner must protect pets from falling from heights and protect them from injury. With inadequate attention from their owners, small dogs often injure their limbs.

Mini size bitches are not capable of bearing healthy offspring and are not suitable for breeding. Dogs cannot bear and give birth to puppies on their own; animals require obstetrics in the form of a caesarean section.

The intelligence of reduced-size Yorkshire terriers is inferior to that of standard-sized dogs. Therefore, training and training mini-pets will require great strength and patience from the owners.

Photo and video review

To make a decision about buying a Yorkie, you should look at photos and videos of these cutest creatures.

Common diseases

Teeth are one of the Yorkies' weaknesses..

They often have irregular teeth and a tendency to form plaque and tartar, which leads to periodontal disease and tooth loss.


There are frequent cases of conjunctivitis due to a narrow tear duct and hair getting into the eyes.

Another pathology characteristic of these dogs is distichiasis . This disease is characterized by the growth of another row of eyelashes, as a result of which the eyelashes grow inward, injuring the cornea.

If we talk about diseases of the musculoskeletal system, then most often Yorkies are diagnosed with Perthes' disease, in which the head of the femur is destroyed, which leads to lameness.

The first manifestations of the disease are observed at the age of three months.


The compactly built body of the Yorkshire Terrier has slightly rounded ribs, which makes the chest appear oval. The straight line of the back should be short and well developed.

The animal's tail is almost always docked - in dogs of this breed, half of the entire length is usually removed.

In the UK, Yorkshire terriers with uncut tails have recently been allowed to participate in exhibitions. But the FCI standard has not yet made changes in this regard. Therefore, the position and length of the animal's intact tail are still unknown.

Male Yorkshire Terriers should have well-developed testes that are completely contained in the scrotum.

General form

The intelligent and active Yorkshire Terrier has a compact and harmonious body and long coat. The straight coat falls to the ground and has an equal parting on the back that runs from the neck to the base of the tail.

The muscular and proportional body of a dog of this breed, as well as straight and strong paws, allow it to maintain an elegant and proud posture.

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