Estrus in a Toy Terrier, as well as mating, pregnancy and childbirth

The Toy Terrier is a dog for those who value a petite build, compact size and lively character in their pet.

This is a truly harmonious and graceful animal, a wonderful companion and loyal friend for its owner.

The dog has large almond-shaped eyes, thin large ears of an unusual shape, and a proportional build.

This dog is very loyal to its owner, playful and friendly.

Stages of puberty of the toy terrier

Experts consider four phases:

  1. Primary or proestrus - recorded when discharge appears from the vulva. Lasts 10 days, characterized by dark bloody secretion and swelling of the loop. The stage is associated with the constant attempts of girls to attract the attention of boys with the help of urine containing specific pheromones. The animal actively marks its territory, leaving drops or puddles. In this phase, the dog is not ready for mating.
  2. The second or estrus - the active attraction of males intensifies; when accidentally touching the rear part of the body, the pet raises the pelvis and moves the tail to the side. During this period, mating is carried out.
  3. The third or metestrus - the process of restoration of the uterus occurs. The phase lasts up to 3 months, its duration depends on the animal’s body. Bitches begin to drive away males.
  4. The fourth or anestrus - lasts up to 5 months, there are no special signs of maturation.

Toy Terrier

How long does a toy terrier's estrus last: the standard duration is 21 days.


On average, estrus lasts 21 days. A healthy Toy Terrier should not have more than two heats per year. The interval between them is usually 6 months. Sometimes this period increases to 8 months or decreases to 5. Each female is individual, so minor fluctuations in the cycle should not disturb the owners. However, it is better to be overly vigilant than to miss a symptom of a dangerous disease.

Reasons for delay:

  1. Long resting phase. Periods of sexual activity vary in duration, which may depend on the time of year. The long phase most often occurs in late autumn, winter and the first spring months.
  2. Advanced age. Over the years, the dog's reproductive system switches to a new regime: estrus becomes rare, but does not stop at all. Canines do not experience menopause, so if an old toy terrier has a period of calm, he should be urgently shown to a veterinarian.
  3. Stress. If the animal suffered a serious shock shortly before the date of the expected estrus, then the cycle will most likely shift.
  4. Excessive physical activity. Exhaustive walks often lead to loss of strength and provoke problems with the reproductive system.
  5. Wrong time to breed. The body analyzes the situation and can slow down ovulation.
  6. Diseases of the reproductive system.

Small dog breeds often lick off secretions before the owner notices. In this case, only a veterinarian can determine the fact of the onset of estrus.

Features and time of the first estrus

Yorkies in heat, mating and childbirth at home

Primary regula in small dogs occurs after the completion of the replacement of baby teeth in a period of up to 12 months. During this period, matings are not carried out - the body is just beginning to prepare for future pregnancy and childbirth. The pet becomes sexually mature only after the end of the third ovulation.

Important! Premature mating can cause serious injury to the reproductive organs.

Physiological changes

General information

A special period in the life of a pet is manifested by the appearance of a positive reaction to male dogs and the beginning of sexual heat. The time of onset depends on several indicators: breed, diet and living conditions. The average duration of estrus is 3 weeks.

The manifestations of the first heat are less pronounced, the symptoms are more blurred. The second heat in dogs occurs with more obvious signs. Well, all subsequent ones proceed in approximately the same way against the background of the established cycle.

Rules of care

Dog handlers recommend caring for your dog according to generally accepted requirements. Breaking the rules could have a negative impact on her health.

Is it possible to bathe a dog during heat?

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Changes in hormonal balance lead to the appearance of a strong and unpleasant odor and heavy discharge. The animal empties its bladder more often, and its condition requires frequent hygiene procedures.

Washing a Toy Terrier when in heat is mandatory, but should be done taking into account the nuances. During this period, the immune system works unstable and pathogenic microflora can get into a loosely closed loop. Its penetration is fraught with inflammatory processes.

When washing, the following rules are observed:

  • Hygiene procedures are carried out twice a day, in the morning and evening, after walking.
  • Water is taken at a temperature slightly above room temperature.
  • Use gentle detergents.
  • After bathing, the animal is carefully dried with a soft towel.

Important! Under regulations, it is prohibited to bathe your pet in river or sea water or in ponds. Open water contains many pathogenic bacteria, the penetration of which into the body will provoke diseases. One of the consequences of such bathing is considered to be hypothermia followed by a cold.

Estrus leads to increased bladder emptying. In any case, you should expect marks throughout the house. To solve the problem, experienced owners use special dog diapers. They will help avoid stains on furniture and carpets, and prevent the dog from constantly licking.

Hygiene procedures

How to keep a bitch and a dog in the same room when the bitch is in heat

Keeping two animals of different sexes under regulation is a difficult task, causing a lot of trouble. For females, it is necessary to purchase a sufficient amount of underwear that can be secured to the body and prevent unscheduled mating.

Additional use of repellent sprays will increase the success of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Doctors advise using special veterinary drugs that have a sedative spectrum of action. They help animals calmly endure a difficult period for them, but are not absolutely safe for health. The choice is up to the dog owner.

Important! Dog handlers recommend not complicating your life and separating animals during the estrus phase. It is enough to place them in different rooms, which will minimize the risk of unplanned intercourse.


These babies are very active, they are constantly on the move, playing, jumping. They have a strong hunting instinct; in nature, they can even bring you a mouse or chick as prey. They are hardy, agile, very loyal and sociable. They love children and are friendly to other pets. They handle travel well and love to go everywhere with their owner - many take them with them even to a store or cafe, because small dogs are compact and fit in a bag.

The character of the pets is generally good, they are obedient and well trained, smart and cunning. They become especially cunning with age. It is important to raise and train them properly because they are very temperamental.

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If your dog is older than two years old, it will be very difficult to retrain him, so it is better to start at an early age. It is important to pay attention to him, play with him, and not leave him alone for a long time, otherwise he will become angry and nervous. If you work a lot, get a second person of the opposite sex.

How does a dog's behavior change during heat?

Husky pregnancy: how long does it last, childbirth in dogs

Experienced breeders advise paying attention to the following changes:

  • If an affectionate and calm pet begins to show aggression towards its own sex and more often than usual pays attention to representatives of the opposite sex, then we should expect the imminent arrival of the regula.
  • Active and playful behavior attracts the attention of males, who begin to hover around the baby, at the same time expressing dissatisfaction with conditional rivals: growling and attempts to fight.
  • Habitual hygiene procedures, including washing paws after walks or trimming nails, cause unusual aggression or irritation.
  • The dog's constant fatigue and refusal of favorite games indicate processes occurring in the reproductive system.

During this period, the dog needs to be kept on a leash - it may stop listening to commands and run off with any “handsome guy” it meets.

Attracting the attention of gentlemen

Possible deviations

Some individuals have their own physiological characteristics that cause problems with accurately determining readiness for mating.

The list of deviations includes:

  • pale, colorless secretion;
  • no bleeding;
  • a rigid loop that does not change its size throughout the entire estrus;
  • aggressive behavior of the bitch towards the males even during the mating period.

Important! Mating of Toy Terriers causes constant problems among breeders of miniature breeds.

Owners need to carefully study the individual characteristics of the animal’s body and promptly seek advice from a veterinarian.

Mating or sterilization

If pregnancy of a toy terrier is not included in your immediate plans, then the problem can be solved in two ways:

  • Special medications - the method is considered humane, it does not cause infertility and if you stop taking it, the dog can bear puppies.
  • Sterilization - abdominal surgery is not always easily tolerated by the pet due to its complexity. After the operation, complications may develop, and disturbed hormonal balance can cause rapid weight gain and mental inadequacy of the animal (cowardice, aggressiveness, etc.).

Mating a toy terrier and subsequent bearing of puppies places great responsibility on the owner. You will have to take intensive care of the dog, periodically visit the veterinarian and spend money on special food and multivitamin complexes.

Important! The choice between mating and sterilization remains with the animal owner.

Numerous rave reviews about the humanity and safety of the latest procedure have nothing to do with reality. Any surgical intervention affects health and does not remain without consequences.

What to do if unwanted fertilization occurs

It is not always possible to keep track of dogs; it often happens that a dog runs away during heat, and when it is caught, the mating with the male has already been successful. A responsible owner, who understands that the puppies will have to be placed somewhere, is forced to take the dog to the veterinarian in order to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. At the clinic, the doctor can offer several methods of abortion depending on the period and condition of the animal.

Types of abortion:

  • With the help of a hormonal drug.
  • Medical miscarriage.
  • Surgical abortion.

Under no circumstances should you solve this problem yourself. For example, you can find tips on douching a dog on the Internet. This is a very dangerous method that can result in health problems, the birth of sick puppies, or death.

Male toy terrier

Preparing the bitch for breeding

Primary mating requires preliminary planning - all actions must be deliberate, and the owner of the animal is fully prepared for all contingencies. Experienced breeders keep special diaries in which they describe in detail their health status, physical capabilities and preparatory activities.

All heats, regardless of plans, are recorded in as much detail as possible:

  • shade of discharge;
  • general condition of the loop;
  • reaction to members of the opposite sex;
  • changes in standard behavior.

Before mating, the pet must undergo all bacteriological tests: for staphylococcal, streptococcal and other infections. They are carried out one and a half months before the expected date. This approach will allow us to identify all hidden diseases, cure them in a timely manner and protect future offspring from direct transmission of pathogenic microflora.

Important! Veterinarians recommend resorting to natural mating, which gives more positive emotions and does not cause aggressive behavior.

Knitting features

Veterinarians advise initial breeding of animals between the ages of 1.5 and 2.5 years. For pets, the process is stressful and the owner’s task is to create the most comfortable conditions possible. A veterinarian, a professional breeder or an instructor from a breeding club is usually invited to the initial mating.

When carrying out preparatory activities, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • Appearance of pets - attempts to decorate them with fashionable clothes or accessories often leads to scaring away a potential partner. What is pleasant to the human eye may not be perceived by relatives.
  • Room - the room should not contain distracting objects, strong aromas or music. Any of these factors will cause mating problems.
  • Behavioral reactions - attempts to speed up events, influence the dogs, can lead to the exact opposite result. Animals must get used to each other - they need some period of acquaintance.

Important! Shouting, demandingness and attempts to force the pets together will lead to fear and attempts to escape.


Mating should be carried out in the territory familiar to the male, and not vice versa. When mating there is a factor of severe stress, which can be aggravated when transporting the male to someone else's house.

When to knit?

In no case should you plan mating for the first heat - this is harmful to the pet’s body and can lead to very bad consequences. It is best to mate when she is already fifteen months old.

After she reaches the age of eight, she also does not want to give birth. Try to avoid mating with yard dogs. Firstly, pregnancy must be approached responsibly, and secondly, the father of a large breed can give birth to large puppies that will be difficult for the mother to bear.

Mating is agreed upon in advance; you need to choose a male with good external characteristics, healthy and experienced. Ask the breeder if he has any hereditary diseases, what kind of genetics he has. Of course, if you have a lady who participates in exhibitions and receives awards, she needs an appropriate gentleman. Parents who are medal winners produce show-class kittens. If you have your own dog at home, then at first you should keep him in another room, and only allow him in during the second phase.

Before mating, it is advisable to give the dog an antihistamine, otherwise its offspring may become infected with worms in the womb, at the embryonic stage of development. It is best to take her on a date in the morning, without feeding her heavily beforehand. But the boy should be given a lot of meat and high protein foods the day before.

If at the first meeting the newlyweds did not like each other and do not want to communicate, it is better not to insist and bring them together the next day - perhaps then they will already get used to each other and will be more loyal.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Inexperienced owners before the initial mating are interested in the question of how long a pregnant toy terrier dog walks. Standard gestation takes 63 days.

The course of pregnancy in a healthy dog

Pregnancy in miniature dogs is a difficult period both for the animal itself and for its owner. The birth of a toy terrier often occurs with complications, so breeders have to monitor the health of the four-legged dog throughout the gestation period.

The initial 3 weeks of pregnancy are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • a complete change in behavioral reactions: the animal becomes overly aggressive or lethargic, it needs more hours to sleep;
  • increased or decreased appetite;
  • the mammary glands begin to swell and the nipples begin to darken;
  • the belly is growing gradually.

After 30 days, puppies can be palpated through the anterior abdominal wall. The procedure is carried out with the utmost care, avoiding accidental injury to the babies. How many toy terriers bear puppies: on the 40th day, the number of fetuses is determined using ultrasound. Pregnancy of a toy terrier from mating by day ranges from 60 to 64 days.


How to deliver a baby

Giving birth to a toy terrier in the comfort of your own home requires preliminary preparation. The dog must get used to a certain place in advance so that it does not start looking for another one already in the process.

The list of necessary things for obstetrics is presented:

  • a sterile towel or diaper;
  • threads - for tying the umbilical cord;
  • scissors;
  • oilcloth;
  • warm water;
  • antiseptic.

How toy terriers give birth

In most cases, the process goes without complications, but it is better to keep the veterinarian’s number available step by step. The approach of childbirth can be understood by changes in the behavior of a pregnant toy terrier:

  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • refusal to eat;
  • searching for a comfortable position or place.

How many puppies are usually born to a toy terrier: from 2 to 3, in rare cases – 4-5 individuals. The babies come out alternately, every 20-50 minutes. After they appear, mucus is removed from the mouth and nose and applied to the mother's nipples. The general period of birth is from 3 to 24 hours.

In order not to wonder how long toy terriers stay pregnant and how to help them give birth, you need to get advice from a veterinarian or breeder in advance. Proper mating and monitoring of gestation will help you get several healthy and beautiful babies.


These babies reach a size of only twenty to twenty-six centimeters.

They have high legs, thin bones, and their weight can range from one kilogram, three hundred grams to two kilograms, seven hundred grams.

Such animals live on average twelve to fifteen years. There are smooth-haired and long-haired terriers, the former resemble fawns, are very mobile and do not smell of anything, the short hair is shiny and fits tightly to the body. The latter are covered with wavy or straight five-centimeter fur, there is a fringe on the ears, and there are no visible claws on the paws behind the fur. Otherwise they are the same, and here are the main features they have:

  • angular muscles, implicit rounded knees,
  • long neck, wedge-shaped head, spherical skull, convex and wide forehead,
  • black or brown nose,
  • scissor bite,
  • the muzzle is a third of the length of the head, pointed,
  • large and high-set thin ears in the shape of a triangle,
  • the tail is usually docked from the second vertebra,
  • The eyes are dark and protruding.

The most common colors are chocolate, black and tan and red, with different tones. Less often - blue, isabella, lilac.

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