Grooming a Spaniel (Russian, American, Cocker)

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The first spaniels began to appear in Russia from the end of the 19th century, and the Russian variety of the spaniel developed by the middle of the 20th century. Thus, the spaniel is one of the youngest breeds of Russian dogs. The breed gained great popularity in the 90s; the rise in popularity of the Russian Spaniel was caused by the start of the annual Moscow Dog Show. Initially, the spaniel was a hunting dog, its task was mainly to find and bring prey, however, it can also successfully act as a pointer.

General requirements for cutting spaniels

Grooming is a must to maintain your dog's appearance and comfort. Here we are not even talking about participation in competitions or exhibitions, but even about maintaining good health and well-being of the dog.

Grooming a spaniel on a professional groomer table

There are special options for each breed. Even the haircut of a Russian spaniel may differ from that of a cocker spaniel, not to mention fashion trends.

For your information! You can perform cosmetic procedures in a special salon or limit yourself to minimal care at home.

The main thing is to remember a few rules on how to trim a cocker spaniel at home:

  • The fur on the face, head and neck should be kept short;
  • on the shoulders and back the hair is left almost the entire length, only light trimming is acceptable;
  • the longest hair should be on the ears, belly and paws;
  • excess curl should be removed, but beautiful curls will always remain on the ears, like the calling card of the breed.

Nature dictates that this breed grows fur in a terrible condition. It is very thick, but shiny. You definitely need to take proper care of it and try to add shine and maintain perfect shape. In this case, the dog will look great. This is why many owners are wondering how to cut a spaniel's hair at home.

General rules

To make clipping your spaniel less difficult, it’s a good idea to learn a few simple tips:

  • Provide a table or other support for the dog during the procedure - the master should not bend over it, otherwise his back will soon hurt.
  • Carry out the procedure at least 3 times a year - otherwise the dog will become overgrown unnecessarily.
  • Before grooming, the dog must be washed with a special shampoo and then dried - the coat will become softer and more manageable, and it will be easier to get rid of tangles.

Keeping this simple scheme in mind, you can easily achieve ideal coat condition.

The dog hasn't visited the salon for a long time

Types of spaniels and their distinctive features

Pekingese haircut: how to cut it at home

Depending on the dog's breed, groomers recommend different approaches. In particular, the haircut of an American Cocker Spaniel will always be different from that of a Russian.

Features of a haircut for a particular breed:

  • The English Cocker is a breed with strict standards. In this case, it is unacceptable to cut the spaniel with a clipper; you must definitely get into the hands of a talented groomer;
  • The Springer is a graceful, large dog. She has short hair almost everywhere, with only curls left on her ears. Specialists can show their imagination here;
  • The American breed is distinguished by the thickest and most beautiful coat. It practically does not curl along the body, falling down;
  • Many people wonder how to cut a Russian spaniel. Animals can vary greatly within the breed, so you can safely focus on your taste;
  • The Cavalier King Charles has an almost straight, slightly wavy and thick coat. The dogs are left fluffy, but their fur is tidied up.

Grooming a Cocker Spaniel

There are many other varieties, but these are the most popular.

Note! Spaniel grooming is considered one of the most difficult precisely because each breed has its own strict standards.

Vaccination schedule

AgeNobivak vaccineEurikan vaccine
7 weeksDeworming
8-9 weeks (vaccination against plague, viral hepatitis, adenoviral infections, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis)DHPPiLDHPPI2+L
11 weeksDeworming according to indications
12 weeks (vaccination against plague, viral hepatitis, adenoviral infections, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis + rabies vaccination)DHPPiL+RDHPPI2+RL
Vaccinations are then repeated annually at the same time.

Types of haircuts and their features

It is impossible to definitively answer the question of how to cut a spaniel's hair. These dogs can be very different, with different standards. In addition, many people are allowed to show their imagination, and there is a wide range of haircut models.

Original Cocker Spaniel hairstyles

Yorkie boy and girl haircut: how to cut it

For exhibitions there is a single procedure that is universal for each breed. Stages of its creation:

  1. Brush your pet with a stiff brush.
  2. Comb the body with a fine comb.
  3. Use a sparse comb to go through the long, wavy coat.
  4. Use a trimmer to trim the back and sides.
  5. Using a clipper, trim the ears on all sides to the desired length.
  6. Remove hair between toes and in the groin area.
  7. Bathe the dog and dry it.

Important! If you need to show your pet at competitions, then you need to contact a professional master who knows all the nuances of working with wool.

For American Spaniel

This dog is distinguished by its appearance. The head is cut very short with a clipper. The fur on the back and sides is not touched; it should lie tightly. The hair on the paws and lower sides is simply arranged so that it forms a kind of skirt.

The coat of this breed is very thick and the length cannot be removed. An obligatory part of the groomer's work is thinning. It allows you to style your hair better in the future.

American Spaniel Grooming and Styling

English and King Charles Spaniel Grooming

This dog always has a triangle of long hair on its chest, so it can be easily recognized by it. The head is also cut short. The top of the back should be plucked so that the hair lies well.

Note! Only the front legs are clipped, and the hind legs are left long, only shortened to the joint. The result is a very sweet, truly royal look.

Grooming a Russian Cocker Spaniel

The main purpose of this dog is hunting. It was bred by chance through random selection. At the moment you can meet very different representatives of this breed. Scissors are practically not used in grooming.

The dog should look very natural. They usually cut the hair in advance so that there are no tool marks. It all involves thinning in the form of plucking, as well as thinning. The main task is to lightly lay the hairs, the appearance should be neat.

What to feed for the first 3 months?

For at least 2-3 weeks, and preferably 30-40 days, the main food for puppies should be mother's milk.

The exception is when this is impossible for some reason, then the breeder needs to feed the entire litter himself, using unsweetened and lactose-free infant formula or, better yet, special bitch milk substitutes, for example, Royal Canin Babydog Milk.

After the main lactation period, i.e. about a month after the puppies are born, they need to start giving complementary foods in the form of ground vegetables, fermented milk products or soaked dry food.

At 2 months, the puppy should be familiar with most of the foods allowed for spaniels in order to be as prepared as possible for moving to a new home.

New products must be introduced into the menu gradually, observing how the puppies’ bodies react to them and whether there are any negative reactions.

Cut it yourself or leave it to a professional

Haircut for a Maltese (Maltese) like a puppy

There are several factors that are necessary for a successful haircut. Every professional groomer takes them into account.

Spaniel after a hygienic haircut

The owner must evaluate his capabilities before starting work with his own hands:

  • hygiene and sanitation must be carefully observed;
  • you need professional equipment: from simple tools, scissors and combs to clippers and trimmers;
  • it is necessary to ensure calm behavior of the animal;
  • You will need to find a huge amount of time for each haircut.

Important! Some owners prefer to cut their hair themselves, but it is very important to prepare properly. The workplace must be properly decorated.


With good heredity and compliance with maintenance rules, spaniels have almost no health problems. The Russian spaniel lives for about 10-12 years, and can live up to 15.

Possible diseases

Dogs of the Russian Spaniel breed are susceptible to otitis media, like all representatives with floppy ears. Characteristics of the breed given by owners regarding predisposition to certain diseases suggest the possibility of obesity due to the spaniels' love of overeating.

In addition, a number of other diseases can threaten your health. For example:

  • food allergies;
  • leptospirosis (timeliness of vaccinations will prevent the disease);
  • ringworm;
  • piroplasmosis – from tick bites;
  • Bitches often experience blockage of the paraanal glands.


A Russian Spaniel, especially if it is a working dog, must be vaccinated in a timely manner. Wild animals often carry various diseases. An adult pet must be vaccinated annually with a comprehensive vaccination against a number of infectious diseases, rabies and leptospirosis.

10 days before vaccination, the Russian hunting spaniel must be dewormed and treated against blood-sucking insects - fleas and ticks. All procedures performed are recorded in the veterinary passport signed and stamped by the clinic doctor.

How to cut a spaniel's hair at home with scissors

The haircut tutorial is very simple. It is important to prepare well, collect a set of necessary tools and equipment, and undergo the necessary training.

King Charles on a walk after getting a haircut

Important! If this is a show dog, then it is best to leave it in the hands of a professional. You can practice grooming with your pet, because in this case you won’t have to pay for a mistake.

How to trim an English Cocker Spaniel at home

First of all, you need to bathe the dog, and then begin to comb it thoroughly.

Note! Long hair remains at the bottom. That is why it is important to comb everything thoroughly there and sort out the tangles. You can reduce the length of your hair with scissors.

The muzzle is cut with a clipper very carefully with short movements. Then you definitely need to treat each leg and ears, shortening the hairs. Finally, trimming of the croup and body is carried out at the end. All that remains is to dry and lay the dog down.

Grooming an American Cocker Spaniel at home

Grooming an American Cocker's hair is not easy. This is one of the funniest dogs.

Note! The breed is very curly and attractive, but it is important to pay attention to every hair.

Almost only the muzzle is trimmed here, as well as the front legs a little. All other hair is carefully thinned and styled. Some skills are required, but in general the mistakes are not fatal.

How to trim a Russian spaniel at home

Many people decide not to cut their Russian Spaniel's hair at all. Often this is the right decision. For a pet, hygienic care is sufficient.

It is important to always trim the hair in the groin, as well as care for the paws and ears.

If you decide to get a haircut, you need to arm yourself with trimming, as well as thinning scissors and simply thin out the wool.

How to trim a King Charles Spaniel at home

These are incredibly cute and beautiful dogs of the royal breed. They are considered favorites in the palace in England. The problem here is not so much the haircut as the styling. The muzzle, groin and ears are trimmed a little. The rest of the coat will need to be brushed regularly.

Note! The wool can be easily thinned out and milled to make it easier to care for.

Creative haircut and styling of a black spaniel

The spaniel's haircut can be different. These are cute dogs that will look wonderful in any outfit. You can put them in order yourself or turn to a professional; each owner must decide for himself. However, the advantage of the masters is that they can give the dog an unusual show look and individuality, strictly following the grooming rules for this breed.

When is a puppy separated from its mother?

Newborn puppies depend on their mother to not only feed them, but also to keep them warm and lick them, stimulating defecation and urination..

Over time, the connection between the puppies and the bitch weakens - already about 14 days after birth, the babies’ eyes and auditory canals open and they begin to explore the world more independently.

Until about 30-40 days, the only food for puppies is bitch's milk, but already at the age of one month it is necessary to begin gradually introducing complementary foods gradually.

This means that small spaniels finally cease to depend on their mother and become completely independent.

Once the puppies reach 8 weeks of age, they are ready to go.

At 8-12 weeks they are independent, do not depend on their mother, but they have not yet developed behavioral habits, and their psyche, character and behavior are quite flexible, so babies adapt as easily as possible to a new home, easily remember the rules of behavior and are amenable to training.


Larisa: “Positive, kind, balanced dog. Calm and gentle, I don’t have to worry if my daughters play with her alone. Thanks to the Russian spaniel, we began to go out for walks together more often, and take family trips outside the city into nature. What pleases me most is that, in principle, he is short-haired, and there are no clumps of fur scattered around the house. We don’t use Jack as a hunter, but his qualities are already noticeable, at home his prey is balls and toys.”

Natalya: “My son bought himself a puppy of this breed, not taking into account the fact that he is very active. Unfortunately, due to work, my son cannot walk the dog, as a result of which the little one has already scratched the wallpaper, chewed the furniture, and ruined the flooring in the hallway. My advice is that before buying a dog of this breed, you should think about whether you will be able to devote as much time to it as you need.”

Sergey: “I took this particular breed specifically. I sometimes hunt, mainly partridges and pheasants, so I chose the Russian spaniel as one of my gun dogs. I have never had such a great helper, I regret that I didn’t get a dog earlier. It didn’t take long to teach the necessary commands; while hunting he acts clearly, competently, and calmly. Quickly and effortlessly finds a shot pheasant in the bush. Once we were hunting a bird with Chara, she dived so quickly and caught a wounded duck from a pond that I stood rooted to the spot and couldn’t stop admiring my girl.”


The Russian spaniel chooses one person as its owner and obeys only him in everything. These dogs are compact in size, affectionate and gentle towards the owner and his family. And in their work they are brave and risky, fearlessly going into the thicket for prey.

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